Religion I never understood the concept about the Christian church and its beliefs. I consider myself to be a Christian but portions of its doctrinal beliefs can cause confusion. Especially those passages that man has anticipated to read if you aren't a Christian you're going straight to hell. I don't believe that God will deprive or discard his children because of differences in particular doctrinal understandings. Jesus himself studies various other religions during his lifetime on earth. Was he just studying to see their teachings or to combine those beliefs into a unified religion.
NON-ACTIVATED VERSION By doing good deeds for others reflects a true human being?
Even those groups of people who differs in the practice overall belief are over flowing with a certain fundamental belief of goodness.
Other religions shouldn't be penalized because of it, if they follow certain acknowledgements of goodness. Will these people be placed in purgatory? Just because of the difference structure put into place by man, turning god's words into a misunderstanding of his written scripture. God loves us all no matter our concept of religion it's the inner self that holds us together as a unit and a group believing in doing good things for mankind. Doing good deeds in the name of your Lord and savior! As we follow in his footsteps even if each step that you take maybe difference in size falling far short of its goal.
I would never say to a nonbeliever that God would send you to hell because you are not practicing his word in a religion that I practice. I hear this from so many Christians and some of them are hypocrites doing things against others in a hidden way an under the table approach to the true meaning of doing good deeds. Verbally saying things about each other's and displaying a falsehood of God's word. They are causing confusion in the church by saying things that can hurt others and having the nerve to look into heaven praising god. It's like praying in two difference tongues one for you and one for god. Once a woman said to me that there was no God! I ask her why she said that; she explained if God was real than why African Americans would have such a hard time in their life while repenting and answering to god giving him all the glory.
NON-ACTIVATED VERSION If he cared then why African Americans have to endured so much hardship and sicknesses throughout time.
I didn't know how to response to that question she was a Caucasian person with a good heart as far as I could tell. So I had neither excuse nor answer for such a question so I just overlooked her remark as an unbeliever trying to influence me in some way. And if I knew what to say would it change anything, or make her a believer in a higher power existing among us healing and bring others to the foundation of the goodness of god. Another time a coworker said that he was a skeptic and a non-believer that there isn't a god as if he had some insight into how god functions through the world. In his case I said I will give a scenario “if I would take a hammer and started to hit you over your head numerous times who would he call out for?�
You would call out for God, or use the name of Jesus because you knew deep down in your heart that your mother or father did not have the power to stop such an attack from a distant and that he would go beyond the present state to the supernatural state in an attempt to stop the attack. I knew that in his mind there would be no other on this earth that would come to his aid with a supernatural power to stop the attack upon his person. And God would be his only hope on being saved. Some believers will say that if you aren't a Christian than you have a demon in you and God will destroy you in hell. So in the final days the thunder will roll across the sky as if God was bowling at a local alley and had made a strike. This was something I would say as a kid and I really believed it was true hearing the thunder as if god was bowling and made a strike knocking down all of the pins.
But I did think this was a show of power God's power warning us of what he can do, even if we are aware of other powers of god which most of us overlook at times. God's salvation rolled over the earth entering the hearts on the way; we must accept it as it comes our way with a full dedication of his existence. But we glorify man not God, in ways of accepting what others may say, as they have placed themselves above all those around them. Man is of God so why do man and the preacher come first. Some years ago I attended a local church accompany by family members, until this day I don't know why I said what I said. Well, after the preacher of this particular church completed his sermon. I interjected my feelings not of what he said but the way I felt about him. For some inner feelings, or reason I felt an obligation to express my thoughts about this person the preacher that he wasn't truthful.
In what way I could never put across that feeling again. But I communicated thoughts that I had embraced a feeling of uneasiness about him. It was clear as day the thoughts that I felt towards him manifest so clearly. So without hesitating I told this family member just what I felt about the preacher. I had a deep feeling this particular representative of God was a crook; yes a criminal, a lawbreaker. The family member jumped on my case as if I had committed a crime against God himself. I didn't announce my feelings over the P.A system, radio, or television, or to others folk around me it was to them that I expressed my feelings. But I felt an imaginary slap to the face the pain was so great I was looking for blood to drip down my face from the verbal pain.
NON-ACTIVATED VERSION How dare you speak about a man of God in that way!
Scorned from the verbal abuse my soul fell to the floor as the blood drained from my body. He is a great man spreading the word of God; you should ask forgiveness for your remarks. That was true but I still felt the way I did, my body was sinking as if I was a ship being destroyed by a great sea, sinking to the bottom a deserted sinkhole of obscurity. I didn't attempt to assassinate him verbally but to express my inner feelings of him. I didn't know him at all and this was the first time I have ever seen him, so what gave me the right to abuse his being. So what made me say this about him I couldn't explain to myself or to the family member?
But it was a gut feeling I had, and I never felt that way about any other preacher, even those on Television, I didn't have a motive just my feelings. So why was I so ignorant as to put into words such a matter of my personal thoughts? About four months later, the same preacher came up in a conversation. It appeared that this same preacher was having problems in church I attended. It became evidence that he was pursued for forging a fake signature on church documents. So in the final analysis he was a crook, I now didn't feel as if I had put the mouth on manifesting his downfall. But the love for him remained in the family membership. But if it had been me that had done this crime I would have been sent to my room without dinner, and humiliated for months to come it would have been in my face on the chopping block on a daily basis.
No repentance would have helped me, by any deeds that I may have done, in my life accept from god. It would have been telecasted throughout the family I would have been considered a low down a castaway piece of trash, considered lower than dirt, or obsolete. I would have never been accepted or trusted again in life again. But he was trusted and accepted within my family and the church community. I still think about all those elderly folks that we grew up with around us. They are gone now but you still remember them as if they were still telling us stories of the twenty's. Will we meet again in that cloud in the sky in a place call heaven? We all hope and pray that will come true.
What god has made us aware of, by being involved in the teachings of the bible and the elder who has placed in us the realness of what we have learned in life was instilled in us in the beginning until the end. They will be a part of our rebirth and praise for us, we will now appreciate what they did for us as kids giving us the ability to understand life and its complexities. What I have learned is that we will all seat around having conversations about the past and what was said and what we had retained. No one will be lecturing too us because we will have been reborn, with the knowledge that was bestowed throughout our life and our religion will be our foundation. We will be praising the lord in our own way expressing not our views but that of goodness and good deeds. If we had any shame before it will be gone, for we will be clean of all dirt that was glued to our bodies, which we were unable to remove.
NON-ACTIVATED VERSION For we have entered a new way of life surrounded by warmth and good feelings. Who I'm I only, God will know us for we would have changed for what we have shown throughout our life. When we came into the world we experienced a life that of a puzzle.
You have a thousand pieces scattered about and society asks you to put them back to together in an operable condition. We will wonder when the final call will come, will we be ready to meet the maker I can attest that many will not. We are told that to be ready we must have repented our evil deeds. We must have truth in our life and walk in the steps of the righteous. Was it sickness that brought us to this change in life and turned us around? Or us it some tragedy that led you to face life and it changes which you have reflected in the present of other's.
We must do all that is requested of us if we are ready and willing able to make that change. Why must we experience something in life to reverse our lives? Because we are only human and the will must come from afar and we must accept it with open arms. I'm not a conscious reader of the bible most of the time, but I can point out various consistently throughout the Bible there is shown in differentiation between two things by identifying their contrasting qualities to God's Church, the operation of a principle of opposition, resistance, and counterfeit rules of man to all that God does. This principle, the mystery of wickedness stands at the foundation of that master who is the counterfeiter of the system, Babylon and its immorality which Satan will continue to work until an end is put to it at the second coming of Christ. Who are these one of evil who is, exalting themselves above God and being worshipped as if he was placed at the right hand of God's throne.
“How art thou fallen from heaven, 0 Lucifer, son of the morning? How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! “For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” - Isa. 14:l2-14. We wonder as our life reaches forward in years, have I confessed all my sins, and will I be forgiven for those sins. As we enter the gates of heaven those who had passed before are present. We will reach out to us into another world, a place for the repented ones. As we enter this world that we had heard of for years. A place of non-sinners where everything done before is forgiven and a new life comes into view. It become apparent that the life we once knew is no more and the memories of the ills we had done are forgiven and the sins exonerated.
I always wondered would the sins that were repented leave our person. Or will they remain into view for us to remember. If so than how will we live this new life if the ills that we knew are always there. Will we receive a new strength that we will be able to be aware of how our life were. So in the new life if we don't wash away the feelings of prior sins than how will we succeed? For years we have been surrounded by the devil dealings upon our life some many attempts to bring us down to his level. The devil wills us all means by destroying our inner fabric by dulling our knife and our arrows so that we aren't able to hunt. Bending the sharp edges of our knives and breaking the tips of our arrows.
NON-ACTIVATED VERSION So that our weapons will be un-useful because we are not able to hunt and we begin to hunger, for we are unable to hunt and gain the knowledge of God. So we must ignore those that say “How can I believe in something I can't see” some of us have a brain in our head “yes” than how do we know that because someone told us so? And that we know that we need a brain to function with so if the bible says that God exist and we can't see God before them than why do we have un-believable tendency at times? And we have evidence around us that God does exist in so many ways. We haven't received our healings, it maybe because we haven't used the power that was given to us. The power isn't released until we have confessed to the power of God; it is a force that ignites that power in us.
As a broom needs something to set it off the motion of sweeping the dirt that surrounded the area. A device to start the process a detonator or a gun will have a trigger that will set off the power and the force. Faith is having the power through confession to set off the power of God. So by saying that I'm healed, but say that I am healed in the name of God, a positive application will muster up your healings because it came directly from the heart, and within the soul of the body, the bible is God last will and testament, as that of the world as a legal adaptation identifying with laws, we leave behind our feelings toward our love ones hoping they will cherish us in some way. As did God in the writing of the bible, it is a will and a testament of his love for us to follow in our lives. Why can't those who have the power of life and death see the road through the fog?
Starting wars without cause and killing the innocent because they felt that democracy has to be put into place because we feel they aren't going in the right direction. And within this attempt all the innocents are caught up in the mayhap.