Son of an ancestral slave One would assume by looking at me, and knowing that I was born in the United State than I must have family who were the descendents of slaves. I would wholeheartedly agree with that determination. But as a descendent of slaves does not gave anyone the right to place a permanent stigma on me. That has remained for years with the purpose and intentions of never removing that stigma. It is a red flag that hangs on every African American, throughout history. Most could not explain anyone’s audacity to allow such practice to continue when they are fully aware that consequences would be acutely devastated mentally and physically and as most will stand back in disagreement but who are adamant in the secrecy of their home when no one can hear the insulting remarks being made. I wonder it an individual is in such an area of hate would they or do they interject their inner feelings in defend of that descendent of slavery. Well that is a complicated situation to explain to anyone without foresight or insight in the detrimental effects of slavery, as to its full effect on an individual who just happen to be born of a slave.
This isn’t an overtop analogy of what I may see, hear, or feel within my heart. But an overall synopsis in an ordinary individual voice who has felt the wrath of past intentions of those who were mainly in control of our existence as kids we viewed documentaries depicting the scope of the African American race, and the abusiveness that was imposed on us. I wonder if as group ponders over some of the advancements we have been able to add to our repertoire of political progress. And as I have mention this shouldn’t be a stopping point. As to my observations of the bigotry of some who are so into still wanting to hold us back as if we had progressed enough. So if those of power had not seen the effects of force slavery than why wouldn’t anyone or group seating on the supreme court come to our aid by establishment of imposing desegregation, voting rights, housing bills, affirmative action, as the past has shown us to be. As I see it we had to be as a fly buzzing around being forceful in our quest to better our race. As in pass cases because of the holdback of the race that of the African American we had no other choice but to be steered to the next level of assistance that was available at the time and even today for some who are and does need help, but the ones who are abusing it is detrimental focus us the entire race of African Americans as a whole. So welfare was some of few who directed themselves that way, because their were those who felt
it was a program the owned us something because of previous abusive action brought on by the few racist individuals in governmental control. Which I can attest was an initial plan to boost the monetary level of the depraved. But in turn I caused a uplifting be a reversed downfall in numerous cases. Hence that at the time may have become lazy sluggish and lethargic when they knew that all they had to do was to following certain rules of law. Were put in our plan from the beginning of slavery and some are trying same tactic even today. I see an attempt take us back in time, to an era of uncertainty. For if those of the past from the 1600’s to the end of the Civil war had held to their unsavory beliefs we would still be in a complete downfall. But complacency but those who stood up for self accomplished goals that was in the full picture of those who were mostly the one observing our all out attempts to forge ahead of the impeding wall that stood in our path. I can say for myself that I have confronted with the offspring of slavery. In a subliminal presentation, it may come in a short few words. Like haven’t you been incarcerated, did you finish High school.
Once would assume they had some information the led to that interjection out of the blue. Both of these remarks came from one of my places of employment. Was I that stupid in their eyes to warrant such a remark? No it wasn’t it was approach of the individuals involved. Or could I say the bringing up of the individuals. Even if they were supposedly liberal as they wanted others and me to believe they were. As if liberalism was a canopy that covered those who did believe in equality for all and especially the African American. So it’s no framing of yourself if you have certain credentials maybe holding a civil service position, or coming out of the air force, holding one of the top position in the #5 accounting firm in NYC, or moving up in rank on numerous position in a local city municipality, even showing a resume that shake a head in disbelief. But who it have notice is when someone else is present they will take that persons word or advice before your or if they take you response to a particular project all eyes are open to see if you have failing capabilities. So we as an African American will mostly detect that uncertainty about your abilities. This was the only time I was confronted with such out blatant interjection from someone that
appears to be repeated on various occasions and the person who are submitting such remarks I believe has no idea as to the full affect this may have an individual especially those of an African heritage. Or sometime they may feel that they are so in with you that they are privilege to assess other African Americans, when they know outright that any mention of your race will have some sort effect on your relationship with them and when they realize this they become sad, and withdrawn, in this way they are attempting to decrease the interjection of their thoughts. Which has already elevated the situation beyond any repairs not matter how much glue was placed on the broken pottery. So the bigotry can come from any angle of life from of cause some that’s difference than you. Another aspirating remark as rumor has it can come from a conversation over slavery itself, as if their utterance of just how they may view slavery and it affect on the ordinary African American on the streets. Some will say that we need to get over the continuous complaints that we were done wrong during segregation, which we were and only time will reverse that overage of pain and agony that so many endured over time.
It is the opposition of individual who are not in step with today’s quest of the African American who want the same thing that others have that they may have been born into. There is an unequal assessment if we really examine the gain by some, and being held back overtime and we see not progress amounting in the gains column of accomplishments. So I as an individual, had to overcome the adversities of life in ways that most folk would just leave as a blank page in their life of not persuading themselves that they could undergo a changes in their life that of education. So to the history teacher I once had who would shame her student because of the lack of knowledge they may have had at the time. In boarding their horizons when it was obvious that they did meet the scope of their limitations. This was a time of uncertainty as the student struggled to move forward in making a change by modifying the little education that was given at the time. So the scrutiny and dismay of educators who, feel they have the right to criticize those who aren’t at the head of the class is a barefaced personal observation of their particular upbringing. So the teacher I may have encountered over the years should have never been permitted to teach, they were only the destructors of modern day educational system. But I can say that in my high school, there numerous mixtures of races that stuck together as unit
and not at an individual separation of the race game. I’m aware that this was a time of segregation in the south but in the north if there were any segregated groups I wasn’t that aware of it. The issue of slavery that was introduced to the student of my time we felt this was something out of the past and didn’t relate to us personally. So as a chapter was read it wasn’t a time of holding our head low in shame. It was just history being told to the masses. So the peripheral vision of other wasn’t an option everyone never really gave an opinion or attempted to broaden the spectrum of that assignment as presented. So as I can determine it was a group decision of who the master were and who the slaves were. Maybe we were just merely naive in our assessment and lack of evaluating the times, as standard procedures of passing that course and to move on to difference aspect of education life. So some would assume that if we were not accepted that we would assume now in a more modern time that belief that someone is more educated that someone who was a direct result so an predated ancestral slavery mentality that now they should have overtone change in their life that of holding in the bigotry and racist tactics once used.
Because it was an era of believing they were right even as stated through their religious beliefs.
Means of acceptance
Inner turmoil
Trying to raise one’s self esteem
Wanting monetary materialistic things
Being held back educationally and physically
The peripheral vision of others
An African American in charge
A Caucasian in charge north vs. south
Suicidal implication
Language vs. slang
Universal structuring
Imposed infrastructure as it relates to keep a African American in check
Wear and tear of our physical abilities as it relates to our immediate downfall