The anger of god

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The anger of god It's July 5, 2011, and the verdict is in on the Casey Anthony trial did this anger god? And I said to myself that this is another missed decision made by the so called normal individuals, who were chosen, to assessed and viewed the evidence and should have came to a conclusion reasonable. But as we look at the trial and attempt to determine just what went wrong, apparently the prosecution didn't make its case believable to the jury, or the jury just didn't care. So will we have crying and showing our rebellion in the streets as we did in the OJ Simpson trial? Probably not as this were a different time and a different era in history, folks have become self-satisfied, our justice is being overburden, we have those who have no idea to what is right or wrong, our lives are being letdown. Even if we all are in agreement now that he was guilty, but it took years for some to come to this conclusion, and now it's a big joke to the comedians as a daily pastime, even to the animated cartoons.

NON-ACTIVATED VERSION But the overall concept was to bring him down no matter the cause, I'm not being judgmental. But we must look at each case and try to determine, if all of the evidence was examined closely to come to such a decision. In the Casey Anthony's case we have those who felt it was appropriate to come to this decision of not guilty. And the lies about the little child Caylee Anthony made by her mother was and the time factor, all of this will fade in the night. So what led up to this lopsided verdict the opinions that came about with numerous accounting of the crime that was dissected in the media and so called attorneys? Was it the day we observed the prosecution, with his hand over his mouth as he laughed at the defense attorney as he gave his final analogy of the case. To me this was the turning point of the case, why should the jury, be subjected to such actions by the prosecution, but who I'm I to even judge his actions. But we must look at the case itself, a child was murdered and someone was in control of the situation, and her whereabouts. I don't know that much about law but we have numerous inmates in our jails, who are locked up for 23 hours a day in their cells in an attempts to drive them crazy, which is now home and the law calls in most cases a conspiracy law theory, which

only apply to the selling of drug, attempted murder etc. So the conspiracies laws defraud the United States, conspiracies to impede or injure an officer, and conspiracies to commit violent crimes. However, conspiracy is prohibited in several other federal statutes. It is important to note that an actual crime is not necessary to prosecute a conspiracy case only the stated intent to break the law. This means that even if the ultimate crime was not committed, the conspirators can be prosecuted under federal law. Conspiracy charges can be pressed if no actions were taken to actually carry out the conspiracy. This prevents people from effectively being prosecuted for having thoughts of breaking the law. While this warning does prevent some conspiracy cases from going to court, it does not reduce the severity of a conspiracy claim. In many cases, conspiracy to commit a crime such as murder is regarded as a crime as severe as murder itself. So I can content that a conspiracy was established in which a child was murdered. So I can contest that the prosecution, limited his self and to allow the defense to step over him. So the theory of reasonable doubt wasn't a mandate to secure, enough evidence to sustain a final, overwhelming decision in this case.


I can see it now, movies and interviews being broadcast over numerous networks in numerous languages as we move on and the life of that little kid is no longer a part of our makeup. I feel so sad, even if I'm against capital punishment, but a lengthy prison time would have been appropriate, we will have those coming from the woodworks saying god will judge her final day before she is put to the throne to amend her action on earth, so be it, and will the wrath be imposed on her as she migrate around on earth in her freedom. I’m so angry at the moment that this may not make head or tails to the reader.

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