The computer vs. the human brain

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The computer vs. the brain Each day we ponder the thought can I out maneuver god's creations! We have the ability to do surgeries beyond any complicating process of what god had created, but through his creation and knowledge we are able to do what we do. But we as human beings fall short in our quest to go beyond that creation. Man is able to repair limbs, implant eyes to the blind, reconnect a hand or arm severed by an accident, the implant of hair to better our life, replace the heart to the suffering individual who would not see tomorrow, replace used organs with those removed from a living person to those of a cadaver and given to the diseased person, lift up the energies to those incapable of performing sexual act with their partner, we medicate, those unable to progress beyond any human beings endurance, medical foundations are established to meet the funds needed to study the possibility of advancing, beyond the knowledge of god. So we think and regress to out of limits, to create something beyond gods thoughts, contemplating just how can I move beyond anything that was created before me.

NON-ACTIVATED VERSION It is a normal, movement in the mind to move further than, the guy on the job, and the individual across the street. All of this is in our daily conversations, as we attempt to critique those with the lesser knowledge of what we are as specie, was it built in us to be confronting on every matter that comes in our path with an answer to grab a hold of the melting process of the brain.

We wonder and ponder am I moving into an area beyond what god wants me to be, that of a hypocritical creation of our higher power. If we really examine the computer, it moves in way most of us don't really understand, because we are technologically unable to move away from the supernatural creations and the ability to move in a way of total recall, we are so unconcern with.

As the computer moves in a more aggressive mode, because it was created by man

and if we examine the human brain at times we are confused because we are able to grasp the information in an instant, but if we continue search the inner mind we can retrieve the information and we speculate that something is wrong, to me this is a normal process of the human retrieval development so the human brain is always in a delay mode. So as I move in various area of life, I know that I and you are creating differently from the computer which is so different that the multiple wiring of the brain. To me we surpass the computer ability to request information in a microsecond because you are the controller the scripter of all that is being composed so we are creating beyond anything mankind has placed on the smorgasbord of the ability to create a Frankenstein super human person. So all I feel and see is letting me know that god has fashioned me to be far advance of any computer no matter what its capability has, we are superior in all areas of human abilities.

NON-ACTIVATED VERSION So I will not be a fragment of mankind imagination but the imagination of my

I will bring to my mind that I can do anything because I was casted from the mind of the most high out of the ingredient of the earth and in the image of my creator. higher power. So you can slice away my brain in small pieces to study but you will never reach the apex creating that of what god has created in our mind. So the computer is no match to the human mind, if we utilize it in a proper manner which it was created for. So the majority of individuals who wishes to compare as I do the structural makeup of the human being brain to that of the computer and the computer of god's creation. If it was a Litmus-test (test determined by my personal facts it would be a test in which a single factor determines the total outcome of a transposing situation the brain vs. the development of the computer). So as we master a charted graph of factors on our PowerPoint presentation, we would be amazed by the outcome, it is no way in my mind that the computer will ever be at the level or match the human brain. As the computer is moving in the direction of advancement and the technology is

superseding most human brain in a speed processing mode. But if you are anyway like me, I have noted the lack of retrievable ability of the computer hence we become outraged, and irritated as our tolerant for speed can overtake us at times. So we will hear “what in the hell is wrong with this computer� not like the human brain when it goes astray from its normal processing abilities, but is quickly able to return to its normal searching process. Therefore we reach for a reason to acquire someone with the education to assess the individual who is not under mental stress. So medications will be quickly specified to rearrange those neurotransmitters to its correct alignment. Once done the firing is compatible to most human they are associated with. The brain doesn't need a technician to inject various discs' to arrest the problems of the programs at hand. As the technician can manipulate various circuitries bypassing pertinent, areas of the computer so we the consumer becomes satisfied with its outcome so we hand over monetary equivalent that in most cases are too high. This explanation can be equivalents of gods healing those with mental disabilities and a normal state of mind. As his technology processing system is faster and present, it as a wonderful mass-marketing tool with our inner magical supernatural gadgets moving about at microsecond speed, and you want to compare the computer to the human brain.

NON-ACTIVATED VERSION And if we were comparing the workings of the computer vs. the human brain so the adult human brain weighs about 3 pounds (1,300-1,400 g). The adult human brain is about 2% of the total body weight of an individual. So why is it that we have the ability and in some cases inability to maintain information beyond any other creature on earth in the mammal species.

If we compare our notes on the weight of an elephant, anywhere from 6,000 to 16,000 pounds, its brain is relatively small, weighing about 11 to 12 pounds. However, the elephant' and if we look at the weight of a human being to that of an elephant both being mammals, we start to think, that with all of its strength, massive brain, that it would be teaching us about life not vise-versa, mankind being the most aggressive in the overall picture at least when it comes to outthinking their prey, we are able to maneuver in an instead with our various weaponries and the prey is taken down in a moments time.

It's our ability to utilize our (GPS) our surrounding most of the time, it can take us hundreds of mile away from our environment and we can pinpoint our location by

thought and the ability to move about through our built-in (GPS) system, which is the Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system made up of a network of 24 satellites placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense. GPS was originally intended for military applications, but in the 1980s, the government made the system available for civilian use. GPS works in any weather conditions, anywhere in the world we are obligated to contribute a small fees at the purchased of the gadget for setup charges to use GPS systems. So we can't even perceive this technological system being a part of our makeup every day of our life. So the continuous misuse of our brains in daily activities such as drinking, smoking, drugs street level or from the doctors we will wipe away some of our abilities GPS Global Positioning System, will become short-lived, and ephemeral use process of our lives. So it is the implementation by god vs. mankind development that of the human brain, the access of the computer can be construed, a monetary gain of opulence towards the most famous individuals creator of site availability in which pocket are being filled by the billions of dollars.


In an massive sometime unscrupulous groups of people in our country and beyond who see the connection of brain matter being disported as just those being in a stock-market field study group the global marketing share or the entrepreneurs of perceiving and insight of the future. So we will cadence ourselves in the direction of our local electric establishment emptying our pocket of monies, credit card gone array, as are displaying our needs for more brain power receivable or payable as we dispatching scripted text mobile, that of cellular phone, all visible, and listening options which initially derived from some mind in a communicational chip, which came from fragmental of the tiniest portion of someone's mind. So the knowledge being gain on the cliff hanging episode can be disfigured in the view of the beholder. But do we admit to those around us the knowledge of our creation from that of a minuscule ameba, microbiology rampage across the nation and the creation isn't given to our gods or our higher power, as being the original creator of the computer. So our craving for more space on our computer cannot compared the increasing

space available in the human being, as each day we are gaining and increasing our brain structure because we are learning each and every day and I believe no one can dispute that analogy. So when someone asks you about your laptop, or desk top computer just say that you are looking at it right now through my person. So if you desire more space for music, and videos of someone performing so great works of the human being, being more advance in his or her ability and creation beyond god. Than I can say outright that as I commence my synopsis here with, that I will automatically transform in a six foot four individual with a full head of hair, able to speak six languages, and with an honorary degree from numerous colleges and the most outstanding citizen of the United State, it will not happen. So the final foot note should read:


If we who are so adamant in assessing our place on earth as a detrimental prospect of the future and the past as being somewhat constructive in the survival of a nation of people who have been through the grinding mode of life. Manifestation, of their race and obstacles they had to endure, for over years of castigation and letdowns than we need to assess all of the future premonitions we may have and the future of a race of people who have contributed to all we see and hear. It is those who will delete from their brain the “computer� to a time when they were asking for help, no matter the situation that came about. We program ourselves to retain information that is contrary to our innersole, and we assume life must move on. It is the element of our makeup structure that determines the demeanor in which we transpose ourselves in a magnetic overlay of our life. We voluntarily moved to the delete software of our minds. It is those who have come to their aide and we are so quick to forget what they have contributed to our existence. Do you have in your mind, what others have done for you to be able to function in society as a whole? We will automatically delete the ones who have assisted us in numerous life problems, because we feel all has been accomplished and combating those goals and why even address the past in any formatted situation. If I gave you money, or if I gave you advice, or if I gave you a job, or if I gave you a dream that helped you in some way that you should have taken as fact then I have contributed my computerized synopsis of being a person with an aim to make sure you are able to reach the apex of your goals. I don't ask for reimbursement from that person in anyway but to know they are accepting my thoughts in a ways that was implanted from my higher power.

So if you are ignoring someone for any reason, because you think you have moved above the planned godly inception, of which we should all be so thankful for, who has assisted you in many ways, or came to your aid in making sure you aren't being place in the downtrodden way of life, than I have done my duty. But if you have deleted me from your life so be it. So as the voice speaks to you over your shoulder, don't ignore it is a part of your makeup to recall the past to remember it in the software you have installed over time in your computerized program on life and what you should do with it. So all you do is to download what you see and hear as fact so we should all extract the pertinent information for retrieval and delete the negative elements that may cause our human computer to crash. So I witness a friend who did a presentation on her mother which was the most beautiful celebration I had ever seen for her passing on to god. She instilled her feelings for her mother in the most unbelievable way humanly possible. And I said to myself I wonder if anyone would do that for me. No way in hell, but maybe like I have told one of my grandkids don't cry for me and speaks good words for me say it now, for than I will not hear it. We can imagine what some will say in as they gather afterward and discuss our life hopefully it would be words of appreciation, which would contribute to their way of life as they lived it. For this young lady it was the utmost respect of her mother that I ever heard and I became so obsess with how it was done, that it took me from one level to another wondering if we all should have established a life that juxtapose to her life.


But we are all about fun and games, so as far as I can determine, we should immediately start to look at those who have done something in our life, and prepare writings to express those feelings in some way, because someday you may be ask to contribute to their departure from this life. So a story can be told, of a father who would take his son to the babysitter each morning and drop him off to be care for. After he dropped his son off to the babysitter, the father would park his car around the corner from the babysitter, in a parking lot. He had to do that because there weren't any parking spots to be had in the neighborhood accept this particular fenced in area run by a gentlemen in his fifties. The father would park his car in the rear of the parking lot since all available spots had been taken. The father would than walk to the nearby subway station and board the train on his way to work. On this day which did seem any different than any other day, it was just an ordinary day but it was on a Friday. And he and his son was looking forward to spending time together that next day Saturday, maybe so he would ride his bicycle, which he had just learn to ride. The father did his eight hours at work, and was returning to the babysitter to pick up his son, most of the I would say all of the times he returned to the babysitter to pickup his son the trains would be delayed, and the parking lot attendant would have other folks retrieving their car at the same time he was getting his car out.

But this particular day was so different and most unusual as the train that the father would ride would always make local stops once he had transferred for one line to another. But this day the train turned express and bypassed all of the local stops, as he headed to the babysitter, and to retrieve his car. When the father left the subway station, he walked to the corner parking lot to get his car, for some reason the gentleman had his car out front in the street at the corner with the key in his hand. The father looked and to himself this is unusual to say the least. The gentleman said I knew you would want to get home since it's a Friday. I thanked him and got into my car and headed to the babysitter, eager to see my son. I parked the car and started up the front stairway leading to the babysitter's front door. But as the father entered the building which was a five story building and the babysitter lived on the first floor, from a distant the father saw his son with the babysitter, and his son appeared to be having some sort of breathing problem. The father screamed out what's wrong with him, what's wrong with him, as his son was leading over lifeless. The babysitter said she didn't know, at that moment the father grabbed his son trying to determine the problem. The father notice that his son was turning a pale color as he was lifeless hanging in his father's arms.


The father realized his son wasn't breathing so, he looked into his throat, and notice an object enlarged inside his son's throat. The father couldn't reach the object with his finger, so he leaned his son over the pit of his right arm and striking his son numerous times on his back, at this time the enlarged item came out from within his son's throat, so fast that it struck the wall on the opposite side of the hallway. And his son started to breathe again. The father was so happy that he kissed his son numerous times, and thanking god for saving his son. The father felt obligated to praise god for what had happen, because god had programmed the train to be on the express track, and for the gentleman to have the father's car waiting in front of the parking lot for him with the key already in the car ignition. This was god's way in which he had set in motion his software to combat the software of human being computerized system that normally would have had the train stall on the track, or the parking lot would have the father blocked by another car. He remembered this for years the father, because what would he have done over the next forty years without his son at his side. To see all of his grandchildren born from him, to see the his son and daughter “n� law show their love for each other, as the grandfather would always know that without for god's help this day would never been. So to me this all was computerized from the desk top of god's computer he has more megabyte than any other computer on earth, which will never crash under pressure. The father life was extended because of the day for the son was his friend and companion over time doing things together and enriching the life of the father, I was that father.

So some will say and some will want to say oh this was just an coincident, I will

accept that from and unbeliever by I will not accept form the believer, but to me they are mostly beyond the scope and limits of society, as everything was created and everything was created differently among man, animals, insects, creatures of the sea, the earth rotation in prefect order, movements of the clouds, each day never to repeat itself, snowflakes each created in an nonreflecting of self as that of a rain drop, and the development of plant life. So the magnitude is so enormous beyond any human beings capability that it can take ones breath away, knowing that all we see hear, and touch is from god who had more insight of the world that no inventor can ever match. So is god persistently working at his laptop moving the world in a predisposed, influence which is susceptible to all of his commands? And we are only here to observe it for a moment. So if all of the worldly scientist gather up all of their knowledge and combine in a computer ready to equate after preparing their notes as the links start up the attempt to master by computer the theory of the worlds creation. They will think they are reaching the pinnacle of god’s master plan this mission his aquatically equation, that life would not exist without the flow of water that sustains life and its entire elements of body of mankind.

NON-ACTIVATED VERSION We believe and the smartest, of scientist will muster up the notion that man will someday defy by way of some time travel entity, anxiety as we become, just

why are we setting the stage to go back to some period in time by bending point A to point B, setting motion an undeniable, irrefutable change in the structure of the universe. So the largest of all the computers as I abovementioned would not justify that we all are living at this moment and the retraction to a previous day is not in the criteria of the human existence. We assume that somewhere in the universe there are those who have mastered the quest to time travel, I can dispute such outburst of the brains power that of theories. So our minds and the mega-force of manmade, the synthetic replica the supernatural powers of the universal forces is so complicated and complex that we would be computerize these equation for years to come without an answer being brought to the table to explain all that we see before us. So I will conclude my synopsis, any attempt to abridgment mankind’s theory to that of our higher power which is so futurist placement of the mind and so

overwhelming to asset of life can never be exposed in such a way as we the layperson will every understand not if we build the largest computer in the world the results will always be insignificant to the creation of all we see.


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