The mirror of mankind

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The Mirror of Mankind This essay gave me an opportunity to reflect on the works which I have recently completed herewith. I feel it should be a part of our everyday assessment on life and possibly used by other individuals, if they feel deeded to it. It would be an enormous task to compile all known religions to compare their scriptures to come to an understanding in each case. But to study all major religions the primal religions and even the new religions are representing by their scriptures or sacred words. So the passages I have included are of basic religions that of Karma, Islamic, and the Christians' religions. The limited passages are an arrangement of comparative grouping gathering text from various topics depicting an overall acceptance of love to all. As I have observed from some books, religious programs on television there is a fairly on the whole a wide scope of interpretations that are visible. The passages are arranged comparatively by gathering them around various topics which cover all the significant issues of the religious life: God is the purpose of life, sin, salvation, faith, prayer, self-denial, providence, prophecy, etc. Poring over any of these topics, the reader is immediately acquainted with the wisdom of all religions as they each deal with these universal human concerns.


And even the followers of one example that of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, which was mostly visible in the 1970's I believe. While living in NYC, I saw his followers dressed in white jumpsuits marching in an organized gathering that touch me in some way. It was young individual of all races who were in a group with brooms sweeping the gutter on the Bronx streets, and coming to the aid of those folks were out assessing the situation. I can't remember the entire scenario on that particular day, but I felt an urgency, to request if I could join in and do my part. The youth seem so unified and willing to be a part of a constructive way that his theories was played out in an visible way to be accepted in the community and that moved me entirely to assessing the giving of the group. I may have been my early thirties I would say thirty four years old. I remember taking some literature that was being handed out among those lined up the street and who was taken in by their appearance. To those it was a universal thought being gathered and a feeling of an ability to help others. The whole scenario is so vague at the moment that if I had to testify in court I would be a bad witness no matter what side of the court I was placed, that for the defense or the prosecutor.

So this tells you just how we as human being will forget things that went on around us but we can remember every detail of what may have went on in our life that came up in our life when someone in the family did something wrong to us. Everything is remembered as a complete feature; oh he or she did this to me back in blank, blank year. This is an indication of our long memories that we hold in overtime. And we aren't willing to let go of it, we hold on as if this was something that would gain us entry into the some life in our own world which is in our heads. We see this in politics, drumming up all kinds of past of a person, and we are so fast to call ourselves Christians, from what mind does this come from? Not in any religious text that I have heard of even that of the Christians' religion, no matter where the teaching may have come from. So as far as I can attest is that most say this lightly but most religions are equipped or geared to bring mankind closer to each other at least in their written text. We cannot place in the same grouping those who have rewritten their religious text to meet a particular way of life to juxtapose that life style that maybe perverted in some way form or fashion. But to organize a willing use of prompting our youth in any sexual way than this is a perverted act at least in my appraisal of mankind, and how we as a people should live our life. But we will find those who are able to brainwash and persuade those of weak mind to listen and to come into a certain way of life. But if we are able and willing to teach our youth to look into the minds of those individual who has the means and abilities to grasp a situation. There can be numerous circumstances we can see mankind actually working to enhance the life of others. Furthermore we can look so close to those around us who are doing well in the name of god and mankind without holding on to past experiences that may have held them back in a hostile situation that may have cause hate towards someone else.


We must enter into an ultimately submerged uniformed will of making ourselves healthier at least in making ourselves hold and not worsen the surrounding setting with the continuous uneducated way of banishing their religion because they are so out of step that the observer will not concur with anything they may say because of the tone of voice that's being convey. So we must and should be open-minded in the way we express ourselves to other who are hoping for someone to be earthly in their approach to life. So to me it is the universal values that I'm looking for and when I see it I'm quick to let them know.

I have worked with numerous youth who have made a bad choice in their life. But once I see them doing better I will respond accordingly and on the positive side. Placing my hand on their shoulder and patting them on the back letting them know how proud I'm of them. I was watching American Pickers on television, it appeared that the two gentlemen who are the host of the show had purchased a circus art piece and returned to the gentlemen that they had purchased the item from. To inform him that they had auction off the cloth artwork, and that the artist was very famous for his works for over sixty five years and the art piece was sold for $10,000.00 and that they had returned to give him halve of the proceeds, and they gave him $5,000.00, the gentlemen was ecstatic, and said that they didn't have to do that. This is the way of life that each of us needs to adopt in our life me myself I will make sure that I don't hold anything against anyone friend or enemy. So it is the teaching of the faith that will guide us through our quest for life, and the grace of a divine god will legitimize our place on earth and as a humanistic entity in the world as a whole. For as I have observed the earth is too complex for anyone to really assess it nurturing to mankind and the complexities that are involved that we will never know or come to a conclusion of its direction an why it is that way and why we can't see the wind, and why we can't change the weather, and why we can't reverse the movement of the earth, and why we cannot create life from nothingness, and why we can make everyone godly, and we have no power but beyond ourselves.


So it can be deemed that there are those who will go all out to the theme of Living a life of correctness. I have examined various aspects of life to come to this conclusion, when it comes to living correctly. The final facts if I or you go through life thinking we are living correctly and following all the rules set by God, and man laws. We try our best to live accordingly; we make sure no one sees us doing anything out of the ordinary. Doing things that would hinder our so-called living a life which is directed from God and the unrestrained by ordinary rules, lay before us and to compare the laws layout by man. If no one knows or are unable to see us doing our wrong in the night and in the day than we are still considered as a person living the correct life to those who hear and see us.

But by using our commonsense and avoiding such temptations that are embarked on us. So what makes the person that lives correctly in the eyes of man? But during the night he or she lives in a difference light that which God can see, and hear. I never understood this concept but if you fall into the framework of temptation but you look at other as if you are so high up on the ladder and nothing can touch you. But when we are tempted and are unable to pull away from the temptation in life. We express an opposite reaction of what other's expecting of us than we are falling away from living correctly. And that area is considered an addiction. But if all we do are examined than we all have some sort of addiction in life. You as a person will have to examine closely your attributes that make you different in the eyes of other's. Even if you are the one who try to catch all the fish with one net spread among the needy ones who are under the spell of temptation. But you are only seeing what you want to see not what you need to see. You feel because you have elevated yourself from that of the so-called temptations of life as it exists. We need to look at ourselves first before we place ourselves on the throne for our good deeds. It must be a good feeling to see God looking down on us and see that we are doing his will. See those of us who are doing things in our life correctly and ignoring the incorrect sins of life.

NON-ACTIVATED VERSION So whoever because they are doing good deeds has not really examined the

total picture of their life. It is the utmost to avoid temptation as it hang around lifting its ugly head at will. We see the addicted among us and we say look at him or her they need God. If you see this walk over to them and say, I love you and so does God. And perhaps you are the one to spread the net to catch the downtrodden of the world and in your neighborhood. Because we all are addicted in our own rights, you have those that take drugs, and addiction, we have those that drink too much they have an addiction, we have those that eat until they become unhealthy that is an addiction, we have those who have sex with anyone that is an addiction, we have those that lie causing pain to others that is and addiction, we have those that bring you down with your family that is an addiction, we have those who will steal and cause hardship to others, and this is an addiction, we have those who cheat on love ones that is an addiction. I could go on and on but what since does it make to layout all the incorrect things of life when we have those who will continually do it over and over expecting a difference result in the end.

So before you open your mouth look at yourself before you point to anyone else saying look at him or her he or she are living an incorrect life. But bring into your life and God will accept you as living a correct life helping those in need and you won't have to scream it from the rooftop, God will scream it out for you. So the flocks present a factual mixture of characters that at times will astonish rigorous morals that seem so notable but we set our blinders to an angle of obscurity, so that all that being seen is murkiness, insignificance progress by those who aren't of our faith. We need to appreciate the collaboration of all religions. But we have set our crusade to such a level that no other religion can compete in a condition complete unity of all religions as being of God but in a difference understanding of faith itself. We have and will continue to bury all other religions because we have been taught to place our religion above all others. Because of the Christian doctrine that will continually move across the world in an alarming rate. But in the process we must understand the complexity of respecting all other beliefs and combine those beliefs in a unified way that meets all religions aim for goodness. Before and even after the attacks of the world trade building in NYC, I wondered about the division of religions and why each was trying so hard to bring down the other.

NON-ACTIVATED VERSION In some way as if they were so different, in belief as to the true feelings of a created God of world. And why some groups will stride to impose their belief

so strongly towards others. I realize that each has his or her inner feeling when it comes to religion and want to save the world somehow. But stepping on each other's foot and the conviction of what God want from us all. Do we have the cadence to distrust those who aren't marching to our beat? The teaching of the Islamic religions surely states its attitude plainly for those individuals willing to read it. I would advise those of different than Islam religions to pick up the Koran and study at least the beginning of the scripture. We who are Christians aren't that much different in our context in the Holy Bible. But it is the interpretation of the scripture and who we as individuals are able to converse that feeling toward others. I can only say what I have been educated by through the Baptist church, as I was sometimes overwhelmed by some of its teaching. And we as human being were using that teaching to isolate us from anyone else. Saying if you don't believe in the Christian way of life you are surely going to hell. And in my day that was law, don't mess with God in any way or you're heading right to hell without any detours as it was told. But in the catholic teaching we were able to bypass that option we could repent.

This was an option in the Baptist church teaching by not in the sense that I was aware of. Confession was a way of disposing of my sins. And the next day I was able to start a new life fresh of sin a new body to repeat the whole episode over again. I had heard of wars by the religious group in the name of freedom and to obtain lands. As in the Catholic Church bishops wear the garb of battle riding across the land with sword in hand chopping the heads off of their victims. No life was spared if you were in the way screaming out this isn't the way to unite mankind your head would be remove by the sword. Any normal person would think that after so many years of battle someone needs to say we need to unite our religions to work in unison. We are forgetting the rules of God no matter how we call him it are the depth of the feeling in our heart. As Ronny King said after his beating by the California police department “Can't we just get along”? That little saying should have bonded the up evil of racial disruption. But to apply it to our religion even those of bigots who head various churches in the united state it would not work because they have made themselves the consultant of God and rulers over us the so called flock. So I wanted to read three religions and compare their belief as what God was saying in each of it text the Koran, The Holy Bible, and SSRIMAD BHAGAVATAMthe sixth Canto-part one this particular book was given to me some fifteen years ago by my brother-n-law who is a Baptist preacher. So studying its contents was very difficult as I wasn't that familiar with this religion. But I took time to view its beginning to compare it belief of praising God and giving thanks to God and the way of life that those who believe in goodness and well-being to their followers.


Islamic interpretation of goodness and praise to God Allah In the Koran 55:1 The Merciful “In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, and the Merciful” It is the Merciful who has taught the Koran, He created man and taught him articulate speech. The sun and the moon pursue their ordered course. The plants and the trees bow down in adoration. He raised the heaven on high and set the balance of all things that you might not transgress it. Give just weight and full measure. He laid the earth for His creatures, with all its fruits and blossombearing palm, chaff-covered grain and scented herbs. Which of your Lord's blessing would you deny? He created man from potter's clay and the jinn from smokeless fire. Which of your Lord's blessings would you deny?

The Lord of the two easts is He, and the Lord of the two wests. Which of your Lord's blessings would you deny? Pearls and corals come from both. Which of your Lords' blessing would you deny/ his are the ships that sail like banners upon the ocean. Which of your lord's blessing would you deny? All who on earth are doomed to die? But the face of your Lord will abide forever, in all its majesty and glory. Which of your Lord's blessing would your deny? All who dwell in heaven and earth beseech Him. Each day some new task employs Him. Which of your Lord's blessings would you deny? Mankind and jinn, we shall surely find the time to judge you! Which of your Lord's blessings would you deny? Mankind and jinn, if you have power to penetrate the confines of heaven and earth then penetrate them! But this you shall not do except with our own authority. Which of you Lord's blessing would you deny? Flames of the fire shall be lashed at you, and molten brass. There shall be none to help you. Which of your Lord's blessings would you deny? When the sky splits asunder and reddens like a rose or stained leather (which of your Lord's blessings would your deny?), on that day neither man nor jinnce shall be asked about his sins. Which of your Lord's blessings would you deny? The wrongdoers shall be known by their looks; their forelocks and their feet shall seize them. Which of your Lord's blessings would you deny? That is the Hell, which the sinners deny. They shall wander between fire and water fiercely seething. Which of your Lord's blessings would you deny? That is the Hell, which the sinners deny. They shall wander between fire and water fiercely seething. Which of our Lord's blessing would you deny? But for those that fear the majesty of their Lord's there are two gardens (which of your Lord's blessings would you deny?) planted with shady trees. Which of your Lord's blessings would your deny?


Foot note: So as mentioned above it is the overall rule of Koran that we not take God blessing and deny them in anyway. So it the feeling of the people and who they are applying that good within the community. Feeding the flock and guiding them appropriately in the right direction towards a good life with God laws in mind. Christian religion interpretation of goodness and praise to God Psalms 136 Oh, Give Thanks to the Lord, for he is good his loving-kindness continues forever. Give thinks to the God of gods, for his loving-kindness continues forever. Gives thanks to the Lord of Lards, for his loving-Kindness continues forever.

Praise him who alone does mighty miracles, for his loving-kindness continues forever, praise him who made the heavens, for his loving-kindness continues forever, Praise him who planted the water within the earth, for his loving-kindness continues forever. Praise him who makes the heavenly lights, for his lovingkindness continues forever: the sun to rule the day, for his loving-kindness continues forever. Praise the God who smote the firstborn of Egypt, for his lovingkindness to Israel continues forever. He brought them out with mighty power and upraised fist to strike their enemies, for his loving-kindness. Foot note: So as we can attest religions do repeated prayers, in a repetitious manner repeating god's creations, and the fire that will follow upon our beliefs in his laws and his assessment of our life. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swani Prabbupada praise and goodness as an intellectual. States as follows “According to their Karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe.


Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, and some are going down into the lower planetary systems. Out of any millions of wandering living entities, one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity to associate with a bona fide spiritual master by the grace of krsna. By the mercy of both krsna and the spiritual master, such a person receives the seed of the creeper of devotional service.� All living entities are rotating throughout the universe, going sometime up to the higher planetary systems and sometime down in the lower planets. This is the material disease, which is known as pravrtti-marga when one becomes intelligent he takes to nivrtti-narga the path of liberation, and thus instead of rotating within this material world, he returns home, back to Godhead this is necessary. Foot note: So within our differences that of language can be the most influence aspect of our interactions with most religions, that which drift apart. But upon disasters we appear to be guided to each other in way we would not expect it to happen. But when the disaster end and all's well we regress back to a state of extreme differences. It is good in (all) religions only man can rewrite that good to fit his or her ways of life without that God will be looking with tears in his eyes knowing that you are not speaking his rules but yours.

We are the contradictors of life for God must have left you all and you are molding it to fit your laws. If all religions are implementing good and evil than why do we have so much distinction? To me God love all that he had created us mankind have differentiated those differences because of our attempts to control the followers. It's as if we have the choice when we are thirsty we know the difference between good and evil. We would drink the salty- waters to sustain life for a moment, but the fresh- water is the only fluid that can really sustain life, and anything else is a substitute and the analysis will be found out in the end and life ceases. I don't believe there is any religion that teaches goodness that deviates from God heaven when we are called to serve him in heaven. So I believe that his movement from different religions does not matter for God has it in his heart to love us all. The existence of a separable religion is only a medium of a pre-composed event by mankind to undermine us and to control the place in which we stand in our life. All religions are from the same puzzle it is up to mankind to put the puzzle together in a meaningful, useful and understandable place in the world of all religions, and not our interpretation of their religion as known to man. But the inner feelings that are transposed throughout the universe through love for all people no matter what religion that they may believe in.


So I as a little man within the universe take no credit for even attempting to show that I have ability to know anything relating to religion. I'm only placing on paper my feeling as it relates to an individuals who wants to make an attempt to impose their beliefs and viewpoint to other's or and their interpretation of the religion writings. So I leave the genius abilities to those of the intellectuals of the world but even to the fairness of the gesticulators and garrulous religion leaders of the world some who are narcissistic, and odious in their demeanor. But who I'm I to even think that way some will not even listen when those who are somewhat ken in some field all we have is debate among the few. We seat among the few letting our hearts palpitate from person and not the message to being conveyed to the few. Because we have as man standing in front of us giving out his rules. For what reason does he do so, he has the effrontery, and the boldness to break into our beliefs and change it at will. They are the paraphrases that have change religion, as we know it.

So we as followers must be steadfast in our belief and approach all those who are willing to change Gods laws. Peacefulness is the foundation of most religions. So peacefulness is written by God in (all) that believe in it. We must fight to preserve religion of each faith who believe and not to make an attempt to convert them that is not gods will I truly believe it to be. If we of different religions don't become cohesive in our love for each other than we have open the doors of “Apocalypse now�. So what I see in the viewing situation at five pm was the same at six pm? I couldn't turn the clock back so I may as well continue to move forward. Even if the results were going to change my life. Or I could have regressed back to a later date and time. When all things around me were magnificent and I showed that I was overwhelmed with joy. But to engage in such trivial pursue in life wasn't my cup of tea. My meditation on life as if I was prerequisite by my God, to explain life as if felt it and saw it. And all of those around me weren't that concern about my deep inner feelings which was so obvious. I manned my deck as if I was the captain of a large ship, with those under me jumping at my command as I approached the dock steering my ship. I had no such power at least in this life but what was beyond that which I couldn't see. But if there is another life leering in the darkness let it come forward and show its face past or present in which I could compare.


It was all that I had done in life and placed it side by side in juxtaposition to all that I had done before to be viewed, studied, and analyzed by others. Barry S Allen Sr

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