The winkled hands of a grandmother october 15, 2014

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The wrinkled hands of a grandmother I miss my grandmother who I only saw when I was two years old and the other died before I was born I only have a memory of that union that’s embedded in my mine from a photo long gone, so if you are so lucky to have a grandmother think of the life she must have lived. Some of us will take our grandmother for granted as just a piece of furniture that's lingering in the corner of some darkens room collecting dust. So walk over to the person that’s in the shadow and let them know how much you appreciate their existence in your life and their love and advice that you quest for. No matter the age of a grandmother if they are truly a desirable person in heart we will know them as they stand in front of us as in most cases as the last person to consult once you spoke with your parents who may not understand you concept of a given laws or problems that has arisen in your life. For if we really examine their life as a mother, and not a grandmother we will know the person by the wrinkles on their hand. It is those who picture them as being feebleminded, but most grandmothers are well alert with a wide spectrum of inner thoughts that juxtapose to today's lifestyle. But we will not know of their intelligence unless we utilize that information by seating down and coming to arms on various subjects of the day. And now days we have such a variety, some in the assorted ages from 90 years old and as low as 30 years old, are grandmothers due to the high rate of premarital affairs, and a great numbers of those getting married at a young age. But in our particular case that is me and my wife we became grandparent while we were in our forties. So I would gesture that we were in the area of what most individual reach grandparenthood.

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But in some cases we will find those women who are not ready to be a grandparent at least, when it comes to being addressed as grandma. To them this is a stigma of positioning themselves as being old in their eyes. So it is the wrinkled hand grandmother will come to the aid of their grandchildren, by consoling, and reassuring their grandkids in various areas of life, or if they experience confrontation with their parents. Of cause the grandmother will not always take sides in most cases, and shouldn't but she is the mediator of the dispute which in some cases isn't that detrimental as it maybe to the grandchild. But if I were to relate to this issue during my youthful days when our step grandmother would tell me, my brother, and sisters to call her Miss Marie and to never call her grandma never she repeated. Most of us who have a grandmother who is outgoing and encouraging who would make their grandkids feel like a person. In a young girl's case they will need their grandmother who has the knowledge and ability to foresee and to understand life and who is able to transfer that knowledge and motivation to their granddaughter. So we should understand the synopsis of the association of the wrinkled handed grandmother, because she was the one who raised her children and held that bond of unity in the family. So to me this gives her the overall power to bring forth that knowledge in various stages of life. So I would interject the thought that if a mother has as many wrinkles on her hand as the grandmother than maybe she has matured in such a way as it would be so beneficial to the receiving party that of the granddaughter.

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One of our granddaughter's who have been fishing with me on many occasions and me as the grandfather, and who has assisted me on numerous landscape projects, will always divert to that close relationship with her grandmother, which is numerable, which can include things like the proper clothes to wear, how to wear her hair, makeup, personal questions, physical consultations, the swapping of clothes, medical issues and if they can't answered than she will contact the grandfather as in most cases he should have knowledge that may surpass that of the grandmother. So take a good look at the hands of the grandmother they maybe wrinkled and unsightly to some observers but in it is the knowledge within those hand by expressing all kinds of universal knowledge that they have received over the years. So the experiences of the grandmother can run the gambit, performing so many things that were learned from her times as a mother. So I wonder within this knowledge of the grandmother is there a universal law that all grandmother's be respected and to have placed in their memoirs of the mind that they never want to buried their children or grandchildren, this was a wish that my mother would say to me, at the time I never paid attention to her remark on this subjects, until after her passing and then I knew just what she meant. It is an escape from reality that one can acknowledge the pain that they would have to endure that of a throbbing pain that you will have to tolerate for the rest of your life, that of a lost of a child. So it's the yearning for life to be suggestive and harboring feelings of family unity, as it is nothing like having your grandkids surrounded you with love and hugs. This was one of the most important aspect of the relationship between my mother and our sons her knowledge and her expression of love she showed them until her death.

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So if you haven't really looked at your grandmothers hands, let her expose them to you and examine them thoroughly, you will see the intricate lines and wrinkles that is an indication of her knowledge and love for you that will never end. For the hand is the tool to be utilized in the most smallest of cases as to who was the overseer the doctor, wiped the tear from her children eyes, to embrace them before leaving for school, who lifted them up as a toddler, who put food in their mouths, who taught them how to pray, gave them lessons on how to treat those in the neighborhood, who clothed them, how to tie their shoes strings, and how to comb their hair, and placed a band aid on their wounds. It is the cry of a newborn to the mother who will one day be a grandmother, and will take the fear of crying from the baby as the baby caresses the mother's breast and nutrition is given from the breast and she is now giving life from a life of goodness with godly thoughts and the crying stops and the connection of mother and child is a bonding like a drop of crazy glue place on that area connecting them together forever. And their godly built in factory of love becomes the instrument of life and should be the mandate of all life. So if you look at your grandmother's wrinkled hands they may be scarred with wounds of battle doing for your parents and now you. And your parents who were the cause of her swollen hands, swollen feet, and swollen legs after their delivery of them, who were your parents and the pain endured from birth which no one will ever know, unless she is the giver of life. And some grandmothers will when their grandchild goes off to war, as the parents are so uplifted and the grandmother is so sad. Because she has seen many days as troops march off in a cadence call of left, right, left as their chest is raised in theme of a patriotic act.

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And when families are experiencing problems between the husband and the wife, and the wrinkled hand grandmother will not take one side against the other, but who will bring a unity between them with knowledge because she had been through it all in her life. And when death is involved it is the grandmother who seems to have the strength and ability to assess the entire situation and to round out the episode so that everyone is responding appropriately, for she is the reason that we all are unified and our godly union is always a part of our life. So if her wrinkled hands tremble and shake when we are observing her, it is the skills that she accumulated over time that gives her, her strength, so we can never make fun of something we have no knowledge of. And remember the times that you were broke when you were so quick to ask for her assistance and she was always there, ready to help out. So god will be the first to reach out and grab her hands, when it's time to go home into his heaven. So when the ruggedness of life brings you close to her always, grab her hands for one day you will be that grandmother who have gone through all of life and its pain, its downfalls, its uplifting, it sadness, its happiness, and all of the attribute of being a grandmother. So we must caress her and let her know just how much we appreciate all she has done in our life and the times spend and the things she gave up to come to your aide over the years, for one day god will touch your wrinkled hands, as he touched her hands.

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