We aren’t communist

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We aren’t communist! It is a constructive concept to see the massive African Americans being abused over the United States and so many cases being televised by means of digital cameras and cell-phones recording proof of the inequality of discrimination being implemented on the side of the innocent. If you were in our shoes the African American what would you impose as being the culprit of this movement from state to state? As I have told friends and associates that this is a new movement of discrimination as the KKK is no longer prevalent as it once was. Hiding behind white sheets with cutout holes so they won’t trip over each other. Or even their counterpart the racist white supremacy groups using different names tags to hide their involvement for those against the entire African American way of life. How did this all come about? I feel it was initially brought into act after the election of president Barrack Obama, who I must say had an unlimited among of Caucasian folks who rallied for him which made it possible allowing him to win the presidency. So what is this movement being seen is it righties fueling hate because the lost of the white house, or is its some sort of conspiracy being implanted through imposed propaganda in some secret underground movement. As the uniforms once worn that of hoods and close shaven bald heads aren’t seen anymore the apparel is dark suit, white shirts, ties, clean shaven faces are the new wave of conspiracy wearing compulsory attire to hide the selective secretive groups of racism. Not like in the 1940s, it was a notion that the African Americans was implementing their owe conspiracy against the United States in a way of various African Americans moving in the direction of a communistic organization. So all civil right organizations were scrutinized over the board checking and rechecked to satisfy those of such a movement, gathering in the country. So during those days President Truman issued an Executive Order 9835, requiring government employees to take an oaths that they were not members of the communist party. The U.S attorney general’s office prepared a list of subversive organizations, including the National Negro Congress, the Civil Rights Congress, and the Negro Labor Victory committee, any affiliation to those groups, past or present would warrant an investigation. As we have heard on numerous occasions from those with this inner hate casing verbal remarks since 2008 -2012 and present as if the African American should be lynched in some way as complying to a former time in history. This was directed to president Barrack Obama at Tea Party events nationwide. So the acceptance by those who are adamant about their interaction of repealing any suggested gains of civil rights for the African American.

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And some of us are falling for this type of mandate being put into place as a futuristic move to have control over the minority. As it was in 1947 we shouldn’t be even thought of as some distant communist, we have shown our dedication on the battle field for decades and more so why are we being tagged with so much resentment and hostility across this country. I wonder is there a mindset that if some feel we are erratic and unpredictable as if we are trying to change their bloodline in some way so the composition of a scripted text that we should be exterminated by any means possible. Even if history has proven the existence of the African American race being the initiator of life or what we call as the total race of the human being on this planet and the credit will never be adhered to because of narrowed minded people. So as a people of the African American Race, if there is proposed secession that of seceding from the country with divided line of African American Race and the Caucasian Race each controlling a certain amount of territories across this nation that would be a sad situation, in our future history and those following in our footsteps just a gloomy though. As I can’t remember we have those who hated the African American because of our external appearance, the way we speak, or African ancestral line, our ability to master most sports, our wide noses, our array of skin tones, our indestructible hair, or masterful bodies, our enormous creative minds which was passed down through the ages, it must be something for those be so obsessed in bring us down as a people. So I’m in idleness within to hear from those who are interjecting their consciousness by labeling and attaching socialism to our president Barrack Obama another throwback from a long gone belief instilled in some minds that they are losing control over the African Americans by saying things to appease other who want to hear this type of talk because we are moving and doing for self and removing the invisible chains that was holding us back from gaining ground in this human race for the medal of gold. So the African American need to be award that no one is doing anything for us unless there is a payment in return. So I have seen the most intelligent African American fall prey to the suggestions of others with an agenda to bring about change in our communities. It can come in the dark of night and as we sleep. And the following day the underhandedness is visible and any obscurity of dimness is now being implemented to change our common thought. But until a waiting period has being put in place to impede the onslaught coming from those with intentions of brainwashing those capable of not being able to grasp just what’s in front of them than they are becoming childlike.

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So can I speculate and clutch onto what is needed to surgically remove the diseases that are killing us as a people. Once the wound to this disease is open we are can to remove that cancerous disease and dispose of it in a way that it will no longer be a destructive force or that disease who we have acceptable as incurable. I have notice within the confines of my little mind that we still have those with a mentality of not digging deep within to assess the destructed forces that is being us down as a collected race. What will it take to motivate circle of folks to come within and fight that force which has been our destructive bases. That of not knowing of self and our history that was in some cases being passed down throughout time. We are the gullible ones being feed stories and past events that aren’t true. We must research and find the focal point of our existence, as to why we are here and why we are being misled as a people. So as I previously mentioned that in the 1940s we were a candidate being recruited in the communist party because of radical moments in our preceding history. And as far as I have noted throughout time we have stepped away from those who have attempted to explain their views on particular subject that maybe taken as a radical approach from the norm or that maybe deviating away from the common obsession being thrown-out throughout time. As most have run away from their true religious history spanning from Africa to the United States those we will not even open a conversation with knowledgeable folks to even hear their views and to compare their findings vs. theirs. In most cases there are just adamant refusals of any conversational communications on any subject of religion and race that of being so called brainwash. Being that anything that doesn’t sound feasible is completely wrong and should be nullified immediately without credible cause. So the thought of something being fact or faction will never reach the table. Some would diagnose me as some sort of Black Nationalist, maybe I was at the age of 12 years old. I wasn’t in anyway felt that we the so called negro during that period in my life but to be a individual with autonomist views supporter of independence of the alleged group of people that I didn’t understand without being given breaded in an atmosphere of equality. As there were so many folks around giving advice on various subjects whom I can identify at this writing? But it must have been someone who instilled in me a sense of ownership of self and my people.

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But I can attest to conversations that lead to that of incarceration and the likes. But to expand beyond that concept is a fading part of my youthful life. I’m not saying that our parents weren’t scholarly in the sense of being able bodies to convey to me the obstacles of life as being a Negro of the times. As was a concern youth asking questions on topics relating to the Negro in which I didn’t understand. especially the common day movies with mesmerized me in a variety of way, as a kid would be with my siblings as we trek through the streets of Harlem with our snacks in bags it was the Allen family ready to be entertained. It was a joyful period in our lives to be gathered as a group foreseeing laughter of suspense on the screen. But what was confusing to me was the array of movies that depicted us the African American as stupid, slow talking, moving a idiotic way shiftless and lazy, or there were those so enthusiastically eager to portraying us on the screen in such a way. No, no, no it wasn’t the socalled Negro that upset me it was the way we were shown to be or to be like. But it was refusal of treat us as a wavering idiot, without knowing we were thought of as a full human being. I remember space movies in which earth was about to be destroyed by the sun moving into our atmosphere as our country were preparing to evacuate as resources were polled together building a gigantic spaceship to leave earth for a promise land on some foreign planet. But what was amazing to me as a young kid was their were never any Negros on the list to board the ship, and no other minority of people no Hispanics, no Indians, no Chinese, just white folks standing on line. At that moment I felt that this was the way of life and that we were considered as an unimportant group of people to be saved. As I look frantically back in time knowing that we were so patriotic towards our country in so many ways, that it would be ridiculous to attempt to mention. So I directed myself to another symposium as if I was surrounded by my peers while we collaborated on the existence of the African American Race, as a juxtapose situation, we would have so many ready to disentrancing themselves from pertinent issue of the day. Let me count the ways, we are so quick to place a wedge because we have this built-in way of showing our patriotic obedience to the country. If there are those, with the audacity to have a presentation on a certain topic that maybe very controversy, in that it may be a person or statement placed in hearing distant.

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So I would compare speeches given by Malcolm X vs. Min. Louis Farrakhan we have those will not set a positive boundary around Min. Louis Farrakhan because he is more outspoken and assume radical and in some cases racist. When in fact he is only transpiring in ways of educating the African American in positive ways, that of lifting up self by our boot straps, and not to depend solely on entitlements handed out so freely by governmental process, in an effort to I feel control our common thoughts. But I taken for granted this do apply to Malcolm X, but it was a time in Malcolm X lectures that he was more classically militant. But during one of his pilgrimages in Mecca, and he saw light skin Muslims he became sidetracked in them as being totally white. But a friend here in the United States confided in me by attempting to educate me on why his people who are Egyptian seems to me to describe the appearance of god. At that moment I became somewhat dumbfounded in my response. and he realize why I wasn’t responding accordingly it was because I was looking at his skin hue which look white to me. He bluntly express to me that god was black and the only reason, he was the color he was, was because of his people had undergone a process of exploitation by those with light skin the Caucasian race. After hearing that you could have blown me over with a single breathe. So this comment regenerated a thought of what Malcolm X said about seeing light skin people in Mecca. So my Malcolm X conveying this it was a degradation of the teachings of Elijah Muhammad, who said that the Islam was the religion of the Black man and woman. So if I concur by those teaching and the conversation I had with my light skinned Egyptian friend. As this was the initial reason Malcolm X seceded from the Nation of Islam, because of his reasoning on the issue of skin tone. And other issue was the stories of Elijah Muhammad having children out of wedlock. This may have been a sin but it appropriate to bring down the teach because he was following Holy Quran teaching that most saw as predated didn’t relate to our present way of thinking. With all of this we have those African Americans who gravitated to Malcolm X not because of his hidden affairs but because Malcolm X exposed a part of his teachings to lift up himself in glory. And the rest of the African American join suit moving away from anyone who they believe didn’t include the Caucasian race in the picture of America. As Marcus Garvey, was another individual who advocated a separated union from the America and it oppression on the African American by self deportation? And as I can determine he was also castigated for his attempt to demobilize our people back into Africa.

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So my assessment is that of African American who are living in a safety zone unwilling to attach their John Hancock to anyone unless the Caucasian race is included. I have noted this on numerous facebook posing as no one will challenge other by posing a controversy individual, as this may hurt their relationship with their Caucasian friends or Caucasian relatives. I have continually pondered over just why the Africa American can be despised for the period of time it has been enduring over American history. As I aforementioned the deepness of this loathing had reached a magnitude of multiple levels in society. That one wonders what it is that can drive an individual to this extreme. So does the Caucasian race hold some sort of inner workings that motivates their tremendous for the African American, which has now been offset by new hate that’s culminating to a level of extremism for the Islamic states of the world. Especially after September 11, 2001, so alone with the Africa American we are now infiltrating the Muslim community searching out those who are in line with destroying the United States. So can I understand this concept as unusual or right on the mark? So will the hate increase to the height that which has been placed on the African American for no reason. As in the Islamic states there are revenues being addressed, in the territorial, and oil gains can be the objective. As noted many years ago, there was an influx of Muslims entering the United States, which felt was overkill. As they were buying up small businesses, gas station, convenience stores, restaurants, mostly in the African American communities as the mom and pop stores faded away. so now we have this movement within our government as to, that of being too much monetary funds flowing around that maybe entering other countries for terrorist activities. Why was I the only once seeing this activity of money changing as the patriotic African American sat idle and being ignored? As folks like me and other were attempting to broaden our outlook on life by becoming entrepreneurs in our community. But folks like me ran into obstacle at every level, no matter the intensity of how we applied our knowledge with hours of research. To be turned down by procurement at military installations, whit responses like you bid was too high.

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But the foreign individual always gained the bid over me so how widespread was this relating to the tremendous amount of folks that ran into who were strongly feeling the pinch of individuals coming from aboard swallowing up all of the available contracts. But still the patriotic screenplay was still being shown as we applied out obedience to our country. So as a continuum to reach far in the distant of the existence of the African and to advocate ways of implement our knowledge of the homeland so that we aren’t becoming mystify race of people. How can we put forward pertinent facts in such a way within the arena of our children's minds, a mandate of self knowledge coming up today? Some who have this lethargic mindset as classifying themselves unfavorable? But through inner sanctuary moments we can bring about assurance of our being a feasible race of people affirming our past history of the continent of Africa and the places that mystifies our quest for answers, chaotic as it maybe, to have to reminisce from those around us and to thumb through history records, to absorb availability data, and documentations to clear up questions of our proven stride for a better generation for our off strings and now the future. So the reign of the existence of the African amercing that span for generations which has be wiped from the face of the earth for those living under past slavery and now a new era has evolved in which our records of being variable human being catering to every whelm of social comprehension is now a process of moving forward with irrelevant issues being placed on the table of debate. So it will be our past culture and the culture that follows that will instill and place in history of the African American being an anticommunist to all options being examined in the more modern day assessment. So the influx of some who are so adamant about classifying the African American as being unfaithful is a figment of someone’s in political quest of isolating the African American in a distant field of oblivion. so I wonder how far will it take or how long will it take for some to advocate the studies of the African American experience as that of the Africans in world history and as juxtapose setting as a challenge the viewing of academic strides both here and aboard. So the notion that has been passing among African Americans that the African hate us in some way.

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As this has been a voices I have heard overtime, so the understanding is that the African despise us because of our melting pot bloodline as not being recognized as a fully developed African therefore we are place on the lower shelf because of our mixture of bloods. I cannot’ attest to this imposing theory as being total fact but only from those who are insinuation certain criteria to fit the moment. To some my contribution to assessing my inner feeling has overreached some sort of oblique tilted rampage of concealed thoughts. As no one what to evolve into a prejudice individual with total unveiling of their racist elements when in fact they are fully aware of the African American enrollment into the human race. As from European times in history of the African American has been isolated in various educational periodicals prior to the baby boomer period of history. So I can bear out that I was held back from knowing of this history. As I was bombarded with history of WWII, Civil Wars, Revolutionary War, the emancipation proclamation which moved arm and arm with the love of Abe Lincoln and Franklin D Roosevelt, and our Christian religion all was a programmed event that we saw as a road to total freedom so were we under some sort of paternalism which set in motion a behavioral pattern from outside propaganda. So if it wasn’t from sources of what was going on around us, it could have been any resource to have guided our existence which would steer the African American Race in numerous other directions which could have result so differently. And we as race would have been impeded from the progress. So one would wonder what would have been different in our standard of living and education this we will never know. So if we were harmonized in a standardized structural casing of a human being without being emasculated as just ordinary Negros, instead of being weakened as a race. As now as we move forward into an era of knowing of self, we haven’t utilized the educational knowledge that has been gained thought-out history. So as we are gravitating to a level of oblivion in some minds. So all we have acquired is being extracted from within and the results are a new casing of the African American as a race. As unsettling as it maybe it’s a new breed of persons which does not care about self a matter all the history behind us. We are now creating an inferior race of what an African American can be or should be or in some cases could be.

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As today we are becoming dismay by the stupidity of some of our youth who are steadfast on bring down their race as that of the world Trade Center floor by floor. This is a progression from the youngest of all the 11-15 years old because on laws on the books that are protection them in their mayhem on the human race and especially the African Americans. As in their mind I’m too young to be jailed or held responsible for my action so what do I care about laws and regulations? so as see it we the United States Government who are obligated to follow the Constitution as written, have alleviate laws that were passed through the process of the Supreme Court who has mandated a power over ruling by lower court and laws passed by congressional process to fit the confines of the appointed individuals who hold office until death, or when they feel they have accomplish a set pace of those who are adamant about a particular arguing ruling set in place. So the constitutional initial mandates written by the founding father have imposed a remedy of loopholes that ruling can be escaped even if the laws were finalized through congressional votes. As it appears each year we have to have ratification of laws that were already set in place that of abortion, education, voting passage of the Hobby Lobby case which was entirely a conservative take on that situation, of mandating a law directed towards women. This appears to be a modifier of those who are either conservative or liberal each law is governed by these folks who feel responsible so they are unyielding in accepting anything else. And when they cross the line some sort of retribution is evolve out of it. So the pending process will never alleviate the problems that are being seen in numerous ruling if we continue to allow individuals to layout a platform that maybe unfair to a majority of the people. and as I see it, it was the African American Race, but now because of a change of protocol in that we have an upcoming group of people the Hispanic individual who are now applying their thoughts in mandate related opportunity, and immigration. A is truly believe we have those who foresee a change in the structure of the country if laws are passed to assist with the documentation of passing any immigration laws and possibility of the annulations of the white per say. As I have said some years ago that what we see on the demographic of the African American and the Caucasian individual being in combat of territorial space a new movement of Hispanics will emerging , changing the map structure of America.

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So I wonder about these individuals who are place in unison as if they will follow certain issue as that of a married couple, which in some cases they need a divorce. So no matter the consequences resulting from war within the states, it is a qualifying factor that each choose their side no matter what the topic may have been. As the case of the Negro it was an obvious compromise to be on the side of freedom at least for the American Negros, who had gone through so much hardship and brutality for many years. So the theory of freedom was evidence to m march on the side of freedom. As stories have conveyed that tell of Negros who were unyielding to move from their homes, even those freedom from slavery was in the horizon. Which should they grab on to, the love of their masters? It was those who have gone down in history as the oppressor of their existence. It is a normal ceasing to realize that they needed to come to some type of comprised to remedy the forward march to total freedom. As I can imagine the totality of what was being preventative. That of leaving ones home in disarray to unite in an obscure setting of freedom from home and family. I have tried on numerous occasions to settle this overwhelming compromise in an individual frame of thought. As it was told that some of the slaves were treated fairly but other had to endure hardship in the most outrageous setting being beaten just because of their place in the American life. No matter how deep we process that thought we will never endure the thought that a slave had to grasp within self. Don’t forget to all prays in Supreme Court rulings And in the area of family a stigma has been set in placed in the universal world that their overwhelming father running off from family as if all fathers are taking a walk to find other options in the world. So the evolving widespread efforts to lure the minds of some who are outside of the African American world in ways of setting a unstructured of what the African American really is.

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As for myself I have undergone this scrutiny, our father march off down the road as he performed a goosestep kick as cadence were being called out move on and find you true inner world which was without sons, daughters, or wife. So in some cases this detrimental move can result in various fantasies of luring other women into his world as shoulder to cry for his splitting up with significance other wife of so called girlfriend. It is so much involved in the culture understanding of the African American from afar as one wants to gather up all data and scrutinize it to the hills. So I reiterate once again on the topic of our president Barrack Obama, which has been moving throughout the conservative arena. As it is an overwhelming consensus in the totalitarian mind process that of all African Americans have some sort of lacking in the field of abilities of that of an overall level of a trailer park individual who has a mental process that limited in many ways. But in normal daily occasions we are the first to be recruited for positions to oversee the infrastructure of many agencies. As for me I was always being recruited to head something, during my tenure in numerous companies that span over 45 years. I told someone that I felt like a repair man as I move among the confines of corporate America. One particular case was when I was working for an accounting firm. My initial position prior to their merger was to run the filing and production department. Years went by and after moving to a larger housing to hold a staff of 250 accountants and partners. I was head of the production department entirely. But as time moved forward after retaining that position for 5 years seeing numerous employees come and go throughout the company. I was a dedicated individual going to work regularly, even with scraps illnesses I still maintain my appearance. So someone come to the conclusion that I would be best used in the filing department as the company wrestling match with issues of lost file, missed file documents, documents being destroyed by mistake. So there was a movement to induct me in the process of heading that company’s head supervisor. I was a bit hesitant at first but I feel an overwhelming inner consensus to take it on. I was in this position for 10 years until some shake up that resulted from downsizing their staff and I was on the chopping block. This was a move that was so far form h censuses so when the boom was dropped on me I went into shock.

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And that evening I was beside myself wondering why did they do this to me, and who was the initiator of such a secretive move on me. It was at that moment that I knew deep down inside that this was the way those of the Caucasian race acted toward an African American who was so dedicated. So during this period o my I went into deep depression over the entire way I was terminated as I thought everyone love beyond criticism in anyway. Than it came to mind that just years before my wife gave birth to a baby boy we named Omar-Talib which was a Muslim. As the kickback I received was overpowering to say the least. As folks walked by me without acknowledging me as a human being, so the conclusion was it was because I wasn’t complying with the standards of being obedience to my position of supervisor in a Jewish firm. So within my terminal exposure I walk streets in an uncontrollable sense of nothingness. Didn’t realize what a human being has to go through especially an African American.

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