What in the hell is bipartisan

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What in the hell is bipartisan? The term bipartisan: as stated in the dictionary is defined as relating to or involving members of two parties marked by or involving cooperation, agreement, and compromise on a major political issue, in our case it is the democrats and the republican support for the bill to maximize any default in our lending and the ability to stabilized our government. As the 2012 election is drawing near why those in power no matter which side they are on are so underhandedly being so steadfast as not to come to a compromise to eliminate a detrimental disaster. At this stage of the negotiations I can only blame the republicans as being so elevated in their minds to a level just for the rich as if they would be the driving force to reach a monumental base to stabilize the economy as if they would be the forces of creating jobs when we know it isn't true as taxes from them would help as they are the standards of creating loopholes in our revenue. as this has never happen in my mind as a voter and assessing the overall structure of the country which I never encountered before in my life is the major force in making sure we don't bring problems to us in some way, as we will be dragging our tails between our legs looking for some sort of out to bring us back to the number one position we held as a country.

NON-ACTIVATED VERSION www.avs4you.com So as we adjust our lives on other things that has no important to what is going on in this country, we will need to take a close look at the future ramifications of just allowing this problem to continue, as if there is a magical law that will arrest the issue at hand in a supernatural process and everyone can go to bed feeling safe again.

Do we as American believe in magic not me? So will they allow the country to go into default because they are looking at the presidency in 2012 and not the citizens of the united state? So as Mad magazine was right "What, me worry?" but we should worry because we have no idea as to the scope of the problems, it will cause. And in the final analysis we will be slinging the mud in every direction as we shift the responsibility to each other in 2012.

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