Witches broom

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Riding Witches broom This is a term that most African Americans are familiar with. I believe it goes as far back as the time Africans were brought here to this the land of the American and made slaves. And a passing down of tribal stories isn't something new. We hear stories from our grandparents and elders in our community. So the story of the witches broom was one of them that I had heard about as a young adult. The piece of evidence that is mostly conveyed give merit to its truth. As I had not experience that term witches broom until I have reach adulthood. And when it did happen, I didn't associate it or relate it to the witches' broom saga. The narrative of such a story and its merit conveys the temperament of the storyteller. I treated it as a fictional false explanation of a brain activity gone awry. We have the temperament to laugh at others when stories are told, that which has been passed down throughout the African American families. Doubt is wide spread happy-go-lucky things that we just pass on as untrue. Unless this happen or you are surrounded by one who has or who had succumb to this experience. I'm not trying to make anyone fearful of the expression. But as an awareness of term and how to deal with it as it comes about, as some people are so frighten of the unknown I usually will face it directly. It has happen to me repeatedly throughout my adulthood. Reaching an older age could cause me or I have more activity going on in my mind. Or the so-called neurotransmitters are over charging and bring on this affect. All I am aware of is the state of mine it will put in and non-control you may have at if inception. It usually happens when are in a state of mind that you feel unrest or even rested. The body brain activities are always present for this occurrence. It happens mostly at about eleven o'clock at night or later at time I have never documented when it actual occurrence. I really didn't know what was happing until I discussed it and compared the facts. I hadn't taken any mind-altering drug or the intake of liquor like brandy, beer, or wine. Prior to going into the state of mind to entice the witches broom syndrome.

Page 2 All that I'm aware of is the inner feeling I felt as I went through this selfexperience. Was I sleeping very calmly as it appeared to my soul but was I asleep or was I awake a sleep but was I? At that moment I through I could move it I wish too, but I couldn’t. I open up my eyes it was a full moon the gleam of light was shining profusely through the windows that adjacent to my bed. I said to myself that if I'm awake than why I can't move. My eyes were open I through but were they really? If I'm awake than why can't I speak? Could I be actually dead I could feel an inner panic within my body. Once this had happen about the same time I mentioned and I was just lying there in the mist of irrelevancy. The panic came on I was tragically straggling to move. Within that mindset I thought if I would scream out my wife who was sleeping right next to me would come to my aide. So I built up enough energy within ready to scream out as loud as I could. I felt myself giving an ear-piercing scream but no response from her. I attempted to scream again and again still no response. I begun to get mad at her here I'm unable to move and she just laying there and not coming to my relief. Is she sleeping that hard not to hear me, in my misery. Maybe if I jump around and kick her she will help me. I decided to scream again as loud as I could. She didn't move at all, Am I dead and my brain is still alive could this really be happening to me? I decide t calm myself and just wait and see if my feelings of movement would return. At that moment I was able to move. The first thing I did was to awaken my wife and reprimand her for not coming to my aid, as she awaken I said why did you help me when I screamed out for you to help me. She looked at me with a confused look, I didn't hear you screaming. I responded I scream out for you about three times and you didn't help at all. I lay back down afraid to fall asleep again. Would this happen to me again I prayed that this would be my last experience, I did have the strength to go through this once again. Well it did occur numerous times during that week I tried to detect what was causing this to repeat itself over and over. The expression riding the witches' broom really doesn't fit the explanation. I consulted with knowledgeable friends that I felt was academically aware of this term riding the witches’ broom, so after this encounter is when I really obtained the full picture and an explanation that I really believed. Because I

remembered that during my experience I was able to see or felt the fear of someone in the room looking at me. Page 3 So it was explained that there was someone in the room looking at me. I closed my eyes and reinforced the image that I had seen while experiencing this nightmare as I called it. I could see an image without and facial details the face was blank. But the silhouette of a figure standing before me and looking in my direction as if it was leading over to get a better view. It was grayest in color with a tint of brown. Every time I experienced this body takeover I look for the figure in silhouette. The rapid heartbeat had left I was no afraid anymore I was able to withstand the whole experience as a normal human being and that I did have some type of problem. The witches broom was only my spirit that had left my body and was moving about trying to reenter my body. It seems so rational that this was the meaning of the ride the witches' broom. To know that our soul can depart and reenter the realm of a person body is proof that a higher supernatural power that does exist in this world as an entity beyond the mind frame that we understand.

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