2 minute read
from Mum's catalogue 2023
by Outi Mum's
Outi’s interview by Olson House, USA:
Olson House interviewed Founder of Mum’s (Mum’s Good With Goods) Outi Puro.
Olson House: Tell us a little bitaboutyourself!
Outi: I’m a mum of four, living in a house made ourselves of recycled materials. It is a traditional Finnish log house rebuilt and some extra added A small village close to forest and just a bicycle trip from the sea
Olson House: Were you always a creative person? Haveyouonlyworkedwith textiles?
Outi: Have worked with other materials much more than with textiles ( smile). Most of materials have been recycled or natural, or food like dough, as one of my longest art projects was about baking buns together with people.
Creativity is in all of us and everywhere. For me creativity is my passion and inspiration. I love ideas and love to make ideas come true. I am an artist and I am priviledged my work lets me use my creativity. I think I am a little helper in between making things happen. Creativity is my good friend in thinking.
These days textiles do take a lot of my time, do not mind.
Olson House: What was yourfocusofstudyatAalto University in Helsinki and ArtsAcademyinTurku?
Just wanted to draw. So graduated as a visual artist, a Sculptor.. Then thought I really need a job too ( smile) and graduated as Master Of Arts, Arts Teacher. My focus has not to get graduations. I just love learning new. Mum’s started as part of my doctoral Thesis for Aalto University, but I never finished it as Mum’s seemed more like my thing. I loved my times at the Arts Academy especially.
Olson House: Why did yourartprojectleadyouto Africa?
Outi: It was part of my doctoral thesis in Art for Aalto University. Was to make a film, came back with so much more: a continuing collab of 15 artisan women and me.
Olson House: Was sustainability, ecoconsciousness and humanitarian values a part of your childhood? Where didyoulearnthegreatvalue of creating out of these things?

Outi: Actually yes it was. I have always preferred quality, Its perhaps from my parents. When I was young fleemarkets were not popular but I made some great finds and “interpreted” clothing with my sewing machine to something new. I used to wore all my mother’s Marimekko dresses from the 60´s. Humanitarian values are in all of us, as we all are human. It is about caring and we all want to care.
Olson House: How do you choose which designers to workwith?
Outi: I fall in love with designs. Many. I trust the feeling that the designer would add some value in our existing collection. Designers share the values of sustainability in production and understand we work bit different. These days designers contact me as they want to support our responsible practices.
Olson House: What is the mostmemorablepartofyour careersofar?
Outi: Many things but if I need to mention one, it is our collaboration with Marimekko. I baked my family-famous chocolate cake and a salty pie for Marimekko’s artistic leader and the production manager when they visited my home and I introduced Mum’s and our African team of women artisans. Im sure the cake had at least some part in starting of a good collaboration. We ended up making Marimekko collections for interior and jewelry. All handmade and surplus materials.
Mum’s has also got production in Finland. Savu / Smoke fire pot is 100% recycled material made in Finland. Design by Outi.

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Mum’s Carpet at international Carpet Design Award Final 2023
Mum’s was chosen in the final of the best carpet design award in the category of sustainability, innovation and design. Carpetrs were exhibited in Hannover in 2023.
Mum’s mattokisan finaaliin 2023
Mum’s valittiin kansainvälisen Carpet Design Awards 2023 -kilpailun finaaliin, jossa palkitaan nykyajan mattosuunnittelun parhaita innovaatioita keskittyen toteutukseen ja kestävyyteen. Mum’s kilpaili Sustainability Award - eli vastuullisuussarjassa, jonka matot on valmistettu pienellä hiilijalanjäljellä ja eettisin periaattein. Mum’silta kilpailussa on mukana Typewriter-sarjan matot, jotka on suunnitellut TomiLeppänen. Matot valmistetaan vastuullisesti ja eettisesti käsityönä pienessä kylässä Pohjois-Intiassa perinteisillä käsityötaidoilla ja Reilun kaupan periaatteita kunnioittaen.