Table of Contents Mid-America Union April 2010 Editorials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Find individual conference reports on the following pages....
Minnesota Conference 20 Dakota Conference 14
“Man with a Mission”. . . . . . . . 6 Creative Community Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Central States News. . . . . . . . 12 Dakota News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Rocky Mountain Conference 22 Central States 12 Conference Note: Central States is an ethnically diverse regional conference encompassing the entire Mid-America Union territory.
Iowa-Missouri 16 Conference
Union College 24 Kansas-Nebraska 18 Conference
Iowa-Missouri News. . . . . . . 16 Kansas-Nebraska News. . . . . 18 Minnesota News. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Rocky Mountain News. . . . . . . 22 Union College News. . . . . . . 24 Adventist Health System. . 26 Sunset Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Farewell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 On the Cover: Adventist students on public campuses may be far from their spiritual support base. Are churches nearby willing to provide opportunities for fellowship? OUTLOOK, (ISSN 0887-977X) April 2010, Volume 31, Number 4. Outlook is published monthly by the Mid-America Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 8307 Pine Lake Road, Lincoln, NE 68516; Telephone: 402.484.3000; Fax: 402.483.4453; E-mail: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Outlook, PO Box 6128, Lincoln, NE 68506. E-mail: When possible clip name and address from a previous issue. Printed at Pacific Press Publishing Association, Standard postage paid at Nampa, ID. Free for Mid-America church members and $10 per year for non-Mid-America subscribers. © 2010 MidAmerica Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. All Rights Reserved. Adventist® and Seventh-day Adventist® are the registered trademarks of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Unless otherwise noted, all photos are stock photography.
April 2010
Mid-America Outlook
In This Issue... I’ve enjoyed many Sabbaths of fellowship here in Mid-America, none more than one day spent with Dan and Carol Turk and their public campus ministry team at Colorado State University. The Turks facilitate Adventist students and their guests in having a worship service on campus one Sabbath each month. (The other Sabbaths, students are encouraged to attend local Adventist churches.) After worship, the Turks invite everybody over to their home for fellowship and food. How delightful to see precious young adults relaxing and enjoying the Sabbath together in the refuge of a loving Christian home. Conversations are informal yet substantive. Students share their lives with each other and with the Turks, discussing challenges and opportunities regarding their faith and witness. I could picture Jesus in the Turks’ family room; in fact I sensed His presence there, in the fellowship of His Spirit. Carol and Dan Turk are among my greatest heroes in the Mid-America Union, along with others also involved in public campus ministry. You’ll read about some of them in this month’s Outlook.
Outlook Staff Editor: Martin Weber Managing Editor: Amy Prindle Layout Designer: Chris McConnell Classifieds/Subscriptions: Chris Smith Copy Editor: Chris Smith News Editors Central States: Roger Bernard Dakota: Jacquie Biloff Iowa-Missouri: Michelle Miracle Kansas-Nebraska: John Treolo Minnesota: Jeff Wines Rocky Mountain: Karen Cress Union College: Ryan Teller
Mid-America Union Conference President: Roscoe J. Howard III VP for Administration: Thomas L. Lemon VP for Finance: Elaine Hagele Associate VP for Finance: Walt Sparks
Local Conferences CENTRAL STATES: 3301 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66104; 913.371.1071; DAKOTA: P.O. Box 520, 217 North Grand Ave., Pierre, SD 57501; 605.224.8868; IOWA-MISSOURI: P.O. Box 65665, 1005 Grand Ave., West Des Moines, IA 50265; 515.223.1197; KANSAS-NEBRASKA: 3440 Urish Road, Topeka, KS 66614-4601; 785.478.4726; MINNESOTA: 7384 Kirkwood Court, Maple Grove, MN 55369; 763.424.8923;
Martin Weber, editor
ROCKY MOUNTAIN: 2520 S Downing St., Denver, CO 80210; 303.733.3771;
d 7;
Editorial Awakening to Public Campus Ministry by Martin Weber, DMin
wish ever y Adventist young adult in Mid-America would receive the quality Christian education offered at Union College, but whether by choice or by circumstance, most end up studying on public campuses. And in many secular classrooms, their faith and values are challenged all week long. Things can get worse on weekends, when peers may invite them to par ties for hooking up. Tragically but predictably, most Adventist students do not sur vive college years on public campuses with their faith and church commitment intact. Like sheep without a shepherd, they are scattered from the flock of God. Many never come back. It doesn’t have to be that way. Not if Adventist congregations near public campuses have Christ’s hear t of compassion and are willing to extend themselves in ministr y to their younger brothers and sisters who come to their city for an education. After all, these students are Adventist church members just as much as those who attend a Christian college. And with lots of tender loving care from a local congregation near their campus, many will flourish in their faith despite all the dangers and challenges. Indeed, this is happening here and there throughout Mid-America as church members facilitate fellowship and worship for Adventist students on public campuses. Our theme this month highlights what they are doing . Several years ago, the Nor th American Division (NAD) awakened to the impor tance of ministering to Adventist students on public campuses. (New resources are available, which you’ll see adver tised on the next few pages.) One NAD initiative, in par tnership with several other wor ld divisions, is the 180° Symposium, a study group comprised of those who have researched attrition of Adventist young adults as well as those who minister to them on both Adventist and public campuses. Several Mid-Americans are privileged to be involved with the 180° Symposium. In fact, Chris Blake led discussion for the latest meeting at Andrews University. Our group also compiled a new book just published by AdventSource: Reach Your Campus, Reach the Wor ld (see ad p.5). You’ll find chapters by Kirk King and myself. (Disclosure: neither of us is ear ning royalty or otherwise profiting materially.) A key theme throughout the book is facilitating the involvement of our young adults in church life—not just as attendees or even mere par ticipants but as fully empowered planners. It is of paramount impor tance for church leaders at all levels to solicit not only the suppor t but the ideas and strategies of younger Adventists. Elder Jan Paulsen, wor ld leader of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is leading the way with dialogue and promotion about young adult leadership. Mid-America Union president Roscoe J. Howard is doing the same in our region. I saw this happening a few days ago during an hour-long visit in his office with Chris and Candice McConnell, two of my best friends (even though I’m older than both of them put together). The excitement of the McConnells’ young adulthood is tempered with insight and maturity beyond their years. Some of the most exciting and productive things I’m involved in have been joint ministr y ventures with them. “What great new ministr y idea might Chris and Candice have this time?” Elder Howard wondered as we filed into his office and sat around the conference table. It was a plan to win the financial par ticipation of Adventist youth and young adults in the mission of the church. Elder Howard listened attentively and asked perceptive questions. Then he leaned back and smiled. “You’ve really got something great here.” And he proceeded to make recommendations—and phone calls on the spot—to people in high places who could help make things happen. This was church at its best—the wisdom and influence of veteran leadership suppor ting and empowering the insight and energ y of young adult visionaries. What I saw with Elder Howard and the McConnells went far beyond merely keeping young adults connected with the church. I witnessed a strategic par tnership in ministr y—exactly the type of thing that can and must be happening throughout Mid-America in local churches and on public campuses.
Mar tin Weber is assistant to the president in the Mid-America Union, communication director and editor of Outlook.
Editorial Public campus ministry—an opportunity by Hubert Cisneros
grew up in the shadow of the University of Colorado in Boulder. More than 30,000 students from all over the wor ld came to our town to receive an education at the foot of the majestic Rockies. This being the Sixties, our parents and pastors cautioned us to stay away from “The Hill” near center campus. Sex, dr ugs, rock and roll, and 3.2 beer clubs spelled spiritual danger. Obviously the risks of such a situation merited caution and protection, but we Adventists took separation from the wor ld to the extreme of isolationism. I can’t remember our church, on the other side of town from UCB, focusing any ministr y on that campus. It was as though the university and all its students didn’t even exist! When the church is viewed primarily a for tress to keep the devil out, it’s hard for us to fulfill the gospel commission. Four decades later, I’m writing this from Columbus, Ohio—home to Ohio State University and its 65,000 Buckeyes (and me for the past 11 years). Last month I found myself sitting next to a young man in a restaurant. He was a political science major at OSU from his home countr y of Somalia. He was in America to prepare himself for becoming the future president of his countr y (quite an ambitious fellow, obviously). As we discussed religion, I sensed both openness and mistr ust of Christianity—even though he had a tr ue respect for Jesus Christ. I told him that I was a Seventh-day Adventist, and that we share many similar ways of life and views of the end time. He seemed intrigued that I was a vegetarian and didn’t drink alcohol. I felt accepted by him as an Adventist—but not as a Christian. Driving home, I reflected on the fact that we as Americans don’t have to go around the wor ld to be missionaries—the wor ld is coming to us. I was also impressed that as Adventists we have an inside advantage among other Christians for spreading the good news to our Muslim friends. The challenge: what is the most effective way to share Jesus Christ with those who are sincere yet resistant to Christian faith? I’ve got that on my mind as I now move to Lincoln, Nebraska, home of Union College and the University of Nebraska. Mid-America ter ritor y hosts scores of public colleges and universities with hundreds of thousands of students from around the wor ld. The Seventh-day Adventist message and lifestyle offers the best oppor tunity to overcome the mistr ust that many young adults have regarding organized religion. Do we appreciate the fact that Adventists have common ground not only with fellow Christians but also with Jewish people and with Muslims? We can uniquely share Jesus with any seeker in a way that is disar ming and compelling. The key to reaching God’s scattered remnant is the tr uth of His love in the context of the Great Controversy stor y. Christ’s sheep will hear His voice as our message resonates in their souls, and they will respond. I see an example of this in the experience of my daughter, a PhD candidate in clinical psycholog y. To qualify for that program, she took a sociolog y class at the University of Dayton in Ohio—a Catholic school. The 30 students in her class, from many religious backgrounds, had to give an oral repor t about any culture group in America. My daughter shared the cultural nor ms that Adventists share with people of goodwill in secular society, and then the unique beliefs that make Adventists a Christian group: salvation, grace and Jesus. Next she described the values we share with the Jewish faith: obedience, the Ten Commandments and the Sabbath. F inally she explained the points of faith in which Muslims identify with us: submission, the sanctuar y and last day events. Her classmates responded with positive interest about Seventh-day Adventism and how inclusive it is of others. She was pleased and proud with the interest and openness of her peers. She left the class feeling hopeful. Does her experience also sound hopeful to you? If so, please join me for a “webinar”—an online conversation about public campus ministr y that I will host the evening of April 8. Par ticipation is free! Details are in the infor mation box on page 11.
Huber t Cisneros is youth and church ministries director of the Mid-America Union.
Guest Editorial An Obligation and an Opportunity By Ed Dickerson
eventy percent of all Adventist young adults attend secular colleges and universities. Ministr y to them on public campuses presents the church with a great oppor tunity but also poses challenges. Students have few resources, including money and time, to devote to a church family. When they graduate, they often relocate far away. Thus congregations and local conferences often see little potential in bearing the expense and effor t required to connect with them. Such thinking is selfish and shor tsighted. Adventist students on public campuses are souls for whom Christ died; we have a sacred obligation to incorporate them into our church families. Moreover, these young adults also represent a pool of talent that we simply cannot afford to lose. They can help revitalize many a failing congregation with their talent, and the church needs their future tithes and offerings. Plus, their children would help keep schools open. Despite all that, many local churches near secular colleges and universities exhibit discomfor t or even hostility towards those institutions. Even when not openly hostile, Adventist congregations closest to these public campuses are often incompatible with the outlook and culture of the students.
Ed Dickerson leads a church plant targeting young adults.
Young adults long for and respond positively to an Adventism that welcomes questions, fosters spiritual growth and speaks their language. Far from “watering down the faith of the pioneers,” this openness and adaptability is a retur n to the faith of those who believed in “present tr uth”—tr uth that speaks to the questions of today, not the concer ns of yester year. To summarize: W ith our young adults on public campuses, Adventists have a talented population whose skills, children and income potential will be needed by the larger church. Yet local churches and conferences often have little interest or incentive to pursue that potential. Resolving this situation must become a top priority for the Adventist Church in Mid-America. Ed Dickerson leads The HomePage, which is a church plant whose target audience is young adults, and which extends campus ministry to Coe College, Mt. Mercy College and Kirkwood Community College, all in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He also specializes in making the gospel accessible to contemporary audiences, especially young adults. His latest book, Torn: Jacob’s Story, is available from Pacific Press.
Campus Ministry Feature
Giving Away the Kingdom on Campus by Pastor Kirk King
Kirk King, regional Adventist Christian Fellowship representative
Diane, Jesse, Mark, Amery, Faith, Lily and dozens of other former students of the University of Colorado at Boulder all have something in common. They testify that their current faith in God and continued involvement in a local Adventist congregation are largely due to the public campus ministry of Boulder Seventh-day Adventist Church. Beyond merely attending Sabbath services, most of these young adults are involved in congregational leadership. Lily had never heard of Jesus before moving to Boulder from China. She was baptized before leaving Boulder and continues to serve Him today. Mark left Boulder to teach statistics in a Middle Eastern country so he could share Jesus with Muslims. Jesse, Diane and Amery have each found a church home and a leadership role in congregations where their employment took them. Faith remains an active member of Boulder Church. The experience of these
April 2010
Mid-America Outlook
six students is repeated whenever a local congregation takes the time to invest in the lives of students. The Seventh-day Adventist Church believes in ministry for the younger generations. From Pathfinders and Sabbath school to a comprehensive education system, the church presents an image of truly caring for the next generation. However, when young people find themselves outside the bubble of institutional church life, support usually disappears. Most young people educated outside the Adventist system find themselves on their own. Some are even criticized for choosing a “secular” path. Stripped of their spiritual support system, faith is too often placed on the shelf with other childhood memories or drowned out by the ever-present voice of skepticism. The overlooked reality is that these students offer the church incredible opportunity. It has been demonstrated in Boulder and in dozens of other locations that when the church invests in students, these students will invest in their church after graduation. Ministry to college students, whether they attend a church-sponsored school or not, can help reverse the trend of declining tithe and aging constituencies. The church—and that includes every level of denominational governance, every local congregation and every member who occupies a pew—can make a difference in the life of a student. However, for the church to accomplish this vital task, it will be necessary to go outside the safety of the church halls and walk with the students into the world and onto the secular campuses. Studies show that at least 70 percent of Adventist college students attend non-Adventist colleges and universities. In the Mid-America Union Conference (MAUC), this translates into an estimate of more than 2,000 students. 1 They choose these schools because of the degrees they offer, their proximity to home or because they are affordable. These Seventh-day Adventist students need to know that their church cares. They need encouragement, support and training. If local church leadership will open the doors of participation, these young people will transform the church and lead it into a vibrant future. Ministry for college students is not just about retention, however. These students interact with the thought leaders of tomorrow’s world. They walk the
campus with thousands of students searching for meaning in life that only Christ can provide. Though it will take a paradigm shift, the church’s young people, who are being educated outside the Adventist bubble, can become effective disciples for the Gospel. There are more than two million college students in the MAUC territory this year. 2 That is nearly the same as the combined population of Denver, Kansas City, Omaha and Minneapolis. What resources would the church invest in any one of those cities if they were without an Adventist presence? What will the church invest in the 2,000 to reach the two million? The good news is that there are successful models to follow. There are resources and experienced campus spiritual leaders who can provide direction and ideas. Adventist Christian Fellowship (ACF) is the official umbrella organization of the North American Division (NAD) for public college ministry. Its charter is to provide resources, training, support and networking for this specialized ministry. Ron Pickell— the coordinator for ACF NAD, who has more than 26 years of full-time ministry on the public campus— encourages local student groups to register at www., network and learn from experienced
leaders across the North American Division. If your congregation is close to a college or university, and most are, you can begin with a few simple steps. First, be ready to welcome students when they arrive in your community. Find out when each semester begins and watch for visitors. Students will often check out the local church and, if they are welcomed, likely return. Second, provide relevant programming for college students. They will usually lead, but it may take a local member or a pastor to initiate and help them organize. Invite students into your homes. Provide food. Students like to eat and are always attracted to free food, especially if it is home cooked and served in an environment that reminds them of their home. Most students from Adventist backgrounds like to have time together on Sabbath, especially Friday nights. Sabbath activities are a link to their years of growing up Adventist and provide alternatives to the numerous activities that are less than conducive to Christian faith. The home church should also continue to be a source of support while students are away at college. You can help as the initial transition to college is
By Kirk King with Ron Pickell College is a time when faith is both challenged and shaped. If you would like to help students’ spiritual lives thrive, check out The Word on Campus. This book is your guide to developing an Adventist-based campus ministry chapter on a public college or university campus. Learn the steps to an active ministry from successful campus ministry chapters across the country. Includes a DVD you can share with students and church members. Catalog #623956 US$17.95
The Word on Campus Workbooks Sharing Your Faith on a Public Campus
Discover how to initiate conversations with people who do not believe in Jesus and develop creative methods to communicate Christ’s love. Catalog #623969 US$3.95
Launching Public College Ministry
This workbook provides a template for organization that will guide your team as you gather critical information and contextualize it for your campus. Catalog #623968 US$3.95
To find more campus ministry resources, visit or call 800-328-0525.
one name • one number • one source
Mid-America Outlook
April 2010
Campus Ministry Feature made by providing students with addresses and contact information for any Adventist churches close to the college. With their permission, you may even make an initial contact on their behalf so the local congregation knows they will be coming. Be interested in the student’s personal life. Find out when they will be home for break and involve them in the worship service. While students are away, keep in touch. Offer to become their Facebook friends, send them newsletters and updates on church events, and be sure to recognize special events like birthdays and graduations. Maintaining an authentic personal connection will continue to make the home church attractive. Another twist to this ministry involves commuter students. It is estimated that up to 60 percent of college students attend a community college or a full four-year college or university close to home. Most commuter students live at home or close by yet many stop attending church after high school. These students soon outgrow the youth Sabbath school, and few churches know how to engage them in age appropriate programming. For these students, the best plan is to get them involved in creating their own innovative and relevant ministries. Share a meal and pray with them—often. Invite them to participate in the church’s leadership team. College students are often best suited to design church programs attractive to the local culture. So, if a congregation can reach the students, they can reach their community. Finally, go with students and help them form an Adventist based ministry on campus. This will provide access to campus resources and help connect them with other Christian ministries. Challenge them to share the Gospel with friends on campus in words and actions. Jesus met people where they were, and He served them by listening and attending to their needs. As Ron Pickell likes to say, “Jesus came to give away the Kingdom.” What students learn and what the church will discover is that Jesus is already at work on these campuses. It is our privilege to join Him in sharing the good news of salvation and His soon return with the campus and with the world. Pastor Kirk King, veteran spiritual leader for youth and young adults, is Mid-America’s representative for Adventist Christian Fellowship. He is also president of Service Safari, a non-profit based in Colorado, dedicated to training and mentoring youth and young adult leaders for a life of service. In addition, King is associate director of the Adventist Center for College Faith.
April 2010
Mid-America Outlook
Adventist Center for College Faith is another connection resource for high school and academy seniors as well as current college students. To access this ministry, visit and click on the link to the Center, where you can find a student survey. You will also find Spiritual LIFE for College and Beyond, a downloadable presentation for academy senior Bible classes, Sabbath schools or youth gatherings. A small booklet by the same name is available through the Center or from AdventSource: 800.328.0525; According to the Adventist Center for College Faith. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics, 2008 1 2
Connecting on the Public Campus Adventist Youth Transition Network connects high school graduates and college students with ministries and churches when they leave home for college. Locate the ministry on
Resources for Public Campus Ministry Kirk King, author of the accompanying article, has partnered with Ron Pickell, a California pastor active on public campuses, to develop resources that help congregations and student groups launch and grow sustainable ministries on public campuses. Funded by the North American Division, their efforts resulted in three videos, a book (The Word on Campus: A Guide to Public College Ministry), and three workbooks. All are available through or 800.328.0525.
Update from Iowa State University By Alison Carleton, MD In October 2008, Outlook reported on the amazing resurrection of Adventist Christian Fellowship (ACF) on the campus of Iowa State University (ISU). Following is an update.
Dr. Alison Carleton
Often the outcome of an initiative is different than what was originally envisioned but is better for having made adjustments. Dr. Alison Carleton, who facilitates ACF on the ISU campus, realized recently that the Adventist students involved seemed to prefer different activities than what she had in mind. Since they are willing to take ownership of their own events, she turned the planning over to them. It’s been a good thing. The students now meet almost every Friday evening in the apartment of Emmanuel, ACF student leader, to discuss a topic of interest
to them. Occasionally they invite a guest speaker, such as a local pastor, to help guide the discussion. Often they meet Sabbath afternoons for activities. In addition, they are active leaders in the local Adventist church. More than ever, ACF is meeting the needs of Adventist students at ISU. Emmanuel is an international graduate student from Ghana, West Africa, pursuing a MFA in Graphic Design. He enjoys his studies at ISU and the lively environment of Ames—but not always the weather. “I knew it was going to be cold,” he says with a smile, “but I had no idea it was going to be this cold.” Emmanuel reports being raised by a “lovely” grandmother who is a strong Anglican and an educator. As such, she wanted the best for his education. However, their locality was not suitable for that goal. So when he was nine, she sent him to live with one of her children, a teacher at Adventist Teacher Training College. Most of the friends Emmanuel played soccer with were Adventists, and they seemed to know more than he about the Bible. His experience with the children’s church service and the Adventist Youth program superseded his early religious experience. “I found joy that was immeasurable,” he says. Since then, Emmanuel has been involved in Adventist activities, ranging from youth camps and camp meetings to singing and leadership positions. He testifies, “For me, there is no joy greater than knowing the truth, because it is the truth that will set us free. I also know Christ as my Savior and brother, as He says in John 14:6: ‘I am the way, the truth and the life…’ This is my blessed assurance, because Jesus is mine.” Emmanuel has experienced the fulfillment of God’s promise in Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.” He sees his leadership of ACF as the Lord’s doing. When Tim, ACF’s former president, was about to graduate, Emmanuel accepted that responsibility. He hopes that in the days ahead ACF will be fully organized and functional, serving the Lord in every capacity possible. He keeps that goal in mind while
Mid-America Outlook
April 2010
Campus Ministry Feature
Students enjoy a bonding experience in Adventist Christian Fellowship.
Friday evenings at Iowa State University, Adventist students enjoy informal interaction along with a discussion.
10 April 2010
Mid-America Outlook
hosting ACF at his apartment for the Friday night discussions. Dr. Carleton remains the official facilitator of ACF because she has become acquainted with the processes necessary to keep ACF an officially recognized group on the ISU campus. More importantly, she has no plans of moving away from the area. A college group needs a permanent person to anchor campus ministry, since students come and go over the years. As an interesting and exciting result of her involvement with ACF, Dr. Carleton has become a member of the Iowa State Religious Leaders Association (RLA). She attends monthly meetings and interacts with those in charge of other religious campus groups. This gives the other religious leaders an opportunity to know an Adventist and get a feel for what we are like. In addition, Dr. Carleton has gotten to know the other religious leaders and learn about other spiritual campus activities that Adventist students might enjoy doing in the future. Even now, much is happening. There are prayer walks on campus, Christmas caroling, relationship weekend retreats and homeless awareness sleepouts. ISU recently hosted its first VERITAS forum—a lecture series about the problem of pain and suffering and a rational belief in God. RLA meetings also feature guest speakers from various ISU departments or areas of student interest, so campus spiritual leaders can learn more about what is going on. Through RLA, Dr. Carleton obtains the official list of students who have declared Adventism as their church of preference when they registered at the university. As an official ISU student organization, ACF still maintains its web page at acf/, which is updated by the students. It includes links to local Adventist churches. Although ACF tried advertising in the student paper and going to the club fair at the beginning of each semester, no new members have been recruited through these efforts. It seems that students who want to find ACF will do so mainly through the website (which shows up on a Google search of ISU student organizations, “religious”), or by attending one of the local Adventist churches and being told about ACF by church members. Although some of these changes may not be what Dr. Carleton originally envisioned, she rejoices in God’s leading as ACF continues to find its place on the ISU campus.
April 8 Webinar on Public Campus Ministry Thursday evening, April 8, Mid-America’s new youth and church ministries director, Hubert Cisneros, will conduct a
“webinar”—online interactive seminar—for anyone interested in public campus ministry. The event will last just one hour,
from 7:00-8:00 p.m. CDT. You can participate free of charge from the comfort of your home via the Internet.
Cisneros envisions a conversation of ideas. Joining as a guest expert will be Monte Sahlin, director of Creative
Ministries. Sahlin will share an overview of the Adventist Fresh
Expressions event on May 8-9, which he will present with
Peter Roennfeldt in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. You will hear how Adventists all over the world are “having church” in coffee houses and house churches such as Milton Adams’s Simple
Church ( The webinar will welcome your questions and comments.
The goal of the webinar is to begin a community to encourage
and support one another in outreach for Jesus on Mid-America’s public campuses. You must reserve your webinar space in advance at:
After registering you will receive a confirmation e-mail
containing information and instructions for logging in on April 8.
Alison Carleton, MD, is a family practice physician in Nevada, Iowa, who facilitates the ministry of Adventist Christian Fellowship on the campus of Iowa State University.
Mid-America Outlook
April 2010
Mid-America Union News Central States News Kansas City Churches “Share the Hope” by Roger Bernard nine-state region of the MidAmerica Union. Pastors and their churches are being encouraged to collaborate for finishing God’s work. Divine worship ended with words of power and encouragement from Dr. Randy Stafford. After dinner, Central States officers conducted workshops that highlighted the conference’s strategic plan. Instead of a SWOT analysis, they presented the SOULS analysis model (Strengths, Opportunity, Unity, Loving Relationships and Stewardship).
Photo courtesy of Central States Conference
Divine worship was equally inspiring as the Central Area Mass Choir lifted their voices in praise to God. During this service, three new pastors were installed: Pastor Cryston Josiah was installed into Beacon Light Church, Pastor Gil Webb to Linwood Church and Pastor Ronald Williams to Bethel Church. This unique ceremony featured the outgoing pastors— Bobby Waters, Marcellus Howard and Compton Ross—both literally and figuratively passing the torch to the new pastors. Their call for unity is the focus in every area of the Central States Conference, which spans the
Photo courtesy of Central States Conference
It was a first for Kansas City congregations of the Central States Conference—the first time these church families had worshiped together outside of federation or camp meeting. The weekend was particularly special because it combined an installation convocation and officers’ training. The program started on a Friday night with the conference president, Dr. Charles Drake, exploring the theme “Share The Hope,” with its focus on evangelism, nurture and stewardship. Sabbath morning, congregants enjoyed fellowship during a thought provoking Sabbath school service led by Linwood Church.
Departing pastors (left to right) Marcellus Howard, Compton Ross and Bobby Waters
12 April 2010
Mid-America Outlook
Incoming pastors (left to right) Cryston Josiah, Ronald Williams and Gil Webb
Photo courtesy of Central States Conference
Central States News
Central States member Samuel Turner Sr. (second from right), president and CEO of Shawnee Mission Medical Center, received the Crystal Angel Award from Adventist Health System at its recent Conference on Mission 2010. The award acknowledges individuals who make significant contributions to the advancement of the Adventist healthcare mission and show outstanding leadership in specific mission-related achievements, projects and programs as well as overall spiritual leadership. Pictured above with Turner (left to right) are Rich Reiner, Donald L. Jernigan and (far right) Max Trevino.
Mid-America Outlook
April 2010
Mid-America Union News Dakota News Dakota Student from Union College Goes to Haiti by Brittany Nunez The author was among a group of students in the International Rescue and Relief (IRR) program of Union College who went on a mission to Haiti. Following is her testimony.
Photo courtesy of Dakota Conference
Upon arriving in Haiti, we did various tasks for the clinic where we stayed. We set up tents for other volunteer groups working under the supervision of ACTS World Relief, which coordinated logistics for medical volunteers.
into teams to assist physicians and nurses. Two medical teams set up day clinics in the streets of Port au Prince, treating whomever they could with available medications— mostly Tylenol, antibiotic ointment and multi-vitamins. There were more critical injuries from the earthquake at the hospital, where three IRR students assisted. Loma Linda University was in charge there, organizing volunteers and medical
Brittany (center) working in a Haitian hospital operating room
The first full day there, our group helped with body recovery from a flattened apartment building. The building’s owner, Pauli, had several family members killed in the earthquake, as well as many friends that had been her tenants. One child had been trapped in the building, along with a nine-yearold friend and her mother. The other two were killed, but this little girl was pulled from the wreckage nine hours later without a scratch. She and Pauli are now even closer than before the earthquake. The second day, half of our IRR team returned to body recovery searches. The rest of us divided
14 April 2010
Mid-America Outlook
teams. Volunteers witnessed multiple orthopedic surgeries and a c-section. The circumstances of the hospital, though fairly well equipped, were still without many necessities, forcing the doctors and nurses to be creative. Thankfully, there were still enough medications to properly deaden injuries so the patients could rest peacefully while in surgery. One of the highlights was dealing with the children. Young faces peaked out everywhere. Although their eyes were big pools of seriousness, a smile from one person was usually all that was needed to make a child beam
a smile back. One of the team members brought bubbles, stickers and balloons to help evoke giggles from the most sullen children. Our supplies and techniques were amazingly effective. Even some serious adults got in on the fun and grinned mischievously when they grabbed a bubble bottle and sneaked up on one of the unsuspecting Americans to blow bubbles in their face. Coloring books and crayons were also provided for the kids, who seemed to enjoy coloring only if someone else was there coloring with them. This proved to the students how important a little love, attention and affection is for a young person. The children had food, water, care and shelter within the hospital compound, yet they were often overlooked by busy adults. Haiti will be in the recovery stage for a long time. Although the situation is getting better, many volunteers are still needed as conditions are quite challenging. It was an amazing experience with plenty of good and bad. I am extremely thankful that I got to go and look forward to returning to Haiti during Union College’s spring break. I am especially glad to be part of IRR with the opportunity to have received so much training. I’m eagerly anticipating the semester I’ll spend next year in Central America, as that training will make me even more efficient and effective in a disaster situation because of its focus on tropical medicine, practical clinical experience and mission outposts.
Dakota News The Witness of Community Combines by Jacquie Biloff Harvest is everything on the plains—the summation of months of effort—but the wet October of 2009 delayed the Dakota soybean crop. Fortunately, November provided the warmth that October denied. Five or six Dakota farmers joined together, eyeing crops with a critical gaze, harvesting whatever field was moisture correct. They shuttled machinery back and forth among neighborhood farms, hurrying before bad weather again hindered progress. When the moment came that someone’s soybean crop was ready to harvest, neighbors who
cared drove through the door of necessity, answering a voice not even asking. It was a profound gesture of communal helpfulness. Neighbors offered not only their combines, tractors and trucks, but their own manpower to harvest the soybeans and truck them to the storage elevator in town. Meanwhile, silent and unnoticed, Adventist volunteers supplied meals for these community heroes. The cooperative mission was accomplished. Neighbors who recognized no differences in beliefs or outlooks managed to meet the necessity. They are Dakotans,
not needing any acknowledgment but their own inner sense of accomplishment. Sometimes you hear a sermon, and sometimes you see one; the Dakota volunteer farmers lived one.
Combines in action during the harvest
Acrolights’ Anti-drug Gymnastics by Kim Boyko
Photo by Kim Boyko
The Acrolights of Dakota Adventist Academy (DAA) have hit the road with their anti-drug gymnastics program. The team is comprised of 27 students from all over the world, including Korea,
Acrolights perform and testify for Jesus
Thailand and Canada. Feb. 1 was a busy day for the Acrolights. At Christ the King
Catholic School, the Acrolights went into action at 10 a.m. Their inspiring performance for the elementary students included acrosport gymnastics (where people are used instead of apparatus), plus skits and testimonials. Skits that were both educational and entertaining illustrated how drugs and drinking harm the body. Some of the testimonies from DAA students explained how drugs and alcohol had negatively affected their own lives. The obviously awed and receptive audience responded when asked what they had learned from the performance: “Don’t take drugs!” That afternoon, the Acrolights received a similarly enthusiastic
response at St. Anne’s Elementary School. On Feb. 12, the Acrolights did a show for school kids at Fort Pierre, South Dakota. They also performed before high school students in Onida, who responded with a standing ovation. The next day, a Sabbath, the Acrolights led Sabbath school and worship services at Pierre Church. The Acrolights thank Pierre Church for feeding them and the owner of the local Comfort Inn for letting the team stay free for three nights. Coached by Christopher and Kari Morrison, the Acrolights have pledged themselves to God as His team and have been blessed in all their performances. To book a tour with the Acrolights, please call Christopher at 701.258.9000.
Mid-America Outlook
April 2010
Mid-America Union News Iowa-Missouri News Kirksville Fair Booth Promotes Adventist Faith and Health Hosting a booth at the fair is a great way to spread God’s Word and introduce your local church to the community. Last summer, Kirksville Church in Missouri received much community exposure from its booth at the county fair. There was a drawing for a beautiful family Bible and an illustrated vegetarian cookbook. Church members who staffed the booth also distributed literature that shared Christ’s love and healthful living principles. Sheri Dye is the wife of Kirksville district pastor Neil Dye.
Photo courtesy of Iowa-Missouri Conference
by Sheri Dye
Adventist books and a family Bible attracted attention at the county fair in Kirksville.
COME TO CAMP HERITAGE! Have you ever felt tied down? Trapped? You want to be FREE, but don’t know how? Jesus knows how to set you free! “So if the Son sets you free, you will be FREE indeed” (John 8:36).
June 13-20 Tween Camp
June 20-27 Great Adventure
June 27 - July 4 Teen Canoe
July 4-11 Junior Camp
July 21-25 Oasis Camp
For more information and to register online, visit:
16 April 2010
Mid-America Outlook
Camp Meeting Theme: Out of the World and Into The Word June 1-5, 2010 | Sunnydale Adventist Academy | Centralia, Missouri
Featured Speakers:
Gail Coridan
Marvin Moore
Jon Paulien
Marquis Laughlin
Martin Weber
Jon Paulien, PhD, accomplished author and dean of the School of Religion at Loma Linda University, will speak on the book of Revelation, Wed.-Fri. evenings and on Sabbath. Marvin Moore, proliďŹ c author and editor of Signs of the Times, will speak on the book of Romans, Wed. - Fri. mornings, and on the Investigative Judgment, Wed. & Th. afternoons. Martin Weber, DMin, author and assistant to the president and communication director of the Mid-America Union, and editor of Outlook magazine, will teach the Sanctuary truth with illustrations from his experiences as a police chaplain, Wed. - Fri. mornings. Marquis Laughlin is an artist who performs dramatic solo Scripture presentations. He will share the book of Daniel on Friday evening and the book of Revelation on Sabbath afternoon. Gail Coridan, women’s ministries coordinator and wife of president Dean Coridan, will present A Walk Through the Old Testament, Wed. - Fri. afternoons.
Check the Conference website, for more Camp Meeting 2010 information including, housing and meal registration forms, hotel information, a complete schedule and more.
Mid-America Union News Kansas-Nebraska News Omaha Memorial Angels Earn First Place At the Mid-America Union Pathfinder Bible Bowl, the Omaha Memorial Angels received one of four first place trophies. Club members answered questions based on the books of Daniel, Hosea and Joel at the annual event, held at College View Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. Sheila Rushlau (far left), leader of the club, and Travis Sager (far right), Kansas-Nebraska Conference Pathfinder director, pose with the Angels. Other clubs receiving honors were Wichita Cornerstone Conquerors and Piedmont Park Thunderbirds (third place each) and College View Trailblazers (second place). Sixteen clubs competed in the MidAmerica Union Bible Bowl.
Photo courtesy of John Treolo
by John Treolo
Pathfinders find it rewarding to participate in the Mid-America Union Bible Bowl.
ACADEMY ALUMNI WEEKEND Enterprise Academy Great Plains Academy Enterprise, KS | April 9-10 Info:
P l a t t e Va l l e y A c a d e m y Hosted by College View Academy Lincoln, NE | April 23-24 Info:
18 April 2010
Mid-America Outlook
Kansas-Nebraska News
Midland Students Excel in Brain Games Midland Adventist Academy (MAA) made its first trip to Southwestern Adventist University’s biennial “Brain Games,” a science and math competition, and found a formula for success. This year’s competition featured the theme “Outbreak” and consisted of a simulated public health emergency about which students had to gather clues, analyze data and draw conclusions. Fourteen SDA academies from throughout the United States participated. MAA seniors Shelby Seibold, Sarah Whitson and Robby Willer learned about pathogenic outbreaks and epidemiology through lectures and on-campus interactions with college students, who played the roles of patients, nurses and lab technicians. Jason Donovan, MAA science teacher, served as sponsor for the trip and assisted the three students, who worked as public health investigators attempting to define what the germ was, where it came from, how it spread and how to stop it. When the awards were presented on the final day, three teams tied for a second-place finish. However, based
Photo courtesy of John Treolo
by Tom Seibold
Sarah Whitson, Shelby Seibold and Robby Willer take notes on the condition of a simulated public health victim during the “Outbreak” competition. on a multi-part scoring system that included extra points for writing a press release, judges cited MAA as the clearcut winner for first place. “It was a great learning experience,”
said competition participant Sarah Whitson. “I felt we were doing a good job analyzing the data, but with 14 schools in the competition, I wasn’t sure if we would win.”
Mid-America Outlook
April 2010
Mid-America Union News Minnesota News Her Sermon Changed Our Lives by Dawn Campanello really stood out, Cherish Jones said, “I learned that you can’t underestimate God, and I learned a lot about what Jesus was really saying.” I asked them what surprised them most about the book of John. Joe Nelson said, “That so many prophecies came true.” Natalie Crosby wrote, “It surprised me how much the disciples did something stupid, but Jesus forgave them and still loved them just the same.” My final question to my students was “What one thing inspired you the most from reading the book of John?” Connor Dedeker wrote, “To never give up on God. He is always there to help you when you need him most.” Samuel Bustamante said, “John had a great relationship with Jesus; I can have that relationship with Him, too.” We are now reading through the book of Revelation. All this came from a simple
challenge in a sermon by Pastor Blake, to become people of the Word. That’s what’s happening in the 7th and 8th grade classroom at Minnetonka Christian Academy. Photo courtesy of Minnesota Conference
One sermon can change lives. I know this from personal experience. Last year, one comment from Pastor Elvera Blake impacted not only my life but those of my students. She challenged us: “Let’s become people of the Word.” She urged us to spend more time reading the Bible than reading devotional books. For years I’ve been reading a devotional book every morning. Now I set my book aside and got out my Bible. I started in the book of John, and when I finished with it, I went backwards to Luke, Mark and Matthew. I love starting my day in God’s word. In planning morning worship for my students this year, I decided to have them read the book of John, slowly, verse by verse. What a blessing this has been in my classroom! Here are their testimonies about what they’ve learned. When asked what one thing
Minnetonka students reading their Bibles.
Lastine Excitement at Pipestone by Aquarius Jones
20 April 2010
Mid-America Outlook
Pastor Michael Jones was delighted, especially since this was his first baptism. “It was exciting to see these two commit their lives to Jesus at the same time,” said Pastor Jones. “But even more exciting are the things yet to take place. In March, Dr. Mike will be holding a nutrition class, and Kathleen will facilitate her second depression seminar this autumn.”
She conducted her first seminar before being baptized. Photo courtesy of Minnesota Conference
Two years ago, Dr. Mike and Kathleen Lastine committed themselves to each other in marriage, for better or worse. Already, things are better. Last December the two became one in Christ through baptism into Pipestone Church. Mike rededicated his life through rebaptism, and then Kathleen took the plunge for Christ the first time.
Dr. Mike and Kathleen Lastine embrace at their baptism.
Minnesota News Karate for Jesus at Renew Community Church by Pastor Adam Breiner our biblical community and family values,” says Breiner, a certified Black Belt karate instructor. “Rather than getting into discussion groups about what it means to be a friend or respect others, youth and children practice it on the mat, right alongside adults.” Wearing uniforms and white belts, students of all ages work together toward individualized goals. “We have had many people from the community come in to attend classes and then engage in church life,” says Breiner. “It’s
been a great way to do children’s ministry while we have growing pains, and it opens up one more door for the community to be a part of the church.” Photo courtesy of Minnesota Conference
What do you do when you have more children coming to church than you have volunteers for children’s ministry? Renew Community Church was blessed last autumn with that wonderful problem. The solution? Karate classes for both youth and adults. Every Monday night, young people invite friends from the community to attend beginner karate classes taught by Adam Breiner, Renew Church team pastor. “What we are doing is reinforcing
Karate class facilitates community.
Students Lead Maplewood Academy Week of Prayer by Brittany Lippincott Regardless of their nervousness, student speakers communicated a blessing to their peers. Junior Taylor Engel said, “I thought it was really cool how everyone shared their story; I especially enjoyed Ronald’s story about how God brought him and his family from Africa to the U.S.” On Friday evening, students participated in an agape feast, enjoying food, friends and fellowship. They reflected on the benefits received during the past week, and how they learned to focus on others rather than themselves. A Communion service that followed provided opportunity to contemplate Jesus and His sacrifice for them. Concluding the week of prayer, Kelli Vigil, campus ministries leader, challenged fellow students to “go fishing” and catch souls for
Christ. During the following week, one student responded by making a commitment to Jesus. Brittany Lippincott is a senior at Maplewood Academy. Photo courtesy of Minnesota Conference
A recent student-led week of prayer left an amazing impact on Maplewood Academy. Six days were packed with prayer, praise and life-changing testimony. Students Hiboombe Haamankuli, Jervon Niska, James Syvertson, Lizzy Romuald, Tessa Garmaker, Baron Juhl, Elissa Figgins, Sarah Ventura, Ronald O’mirera and Kelli Vigil all shared their stories with fellow classmates. Topics included counting one’s blessings, the benefits of following Christ, the perils of judging, how to hold on to Christ and how God provides. Many speakers confided that it wasn’t easy to share their testimony in front of the entire student body. When asked which was harder, shooting free throws in a basketball game or public speaking, senior Hiboombe Haamankuli replied, “Definitely public speaking!”
Students shared life-changing testimonies.
Mid-America Outlook
April 2010
Mid-America Union News Rocky Mountain News Uniting Church and Workplace for Community Needs Over the past four years, True Life Community Church has donated $15 gift certificates for disadvantaged children at Christmas to purchase shoes at Payless Shoesource. True Life member Patricia Armijo also introduced “Shoes for Children” at her workplace, as reported here in MoneyGram, her employer’s newsletter. As a child, Patricia Armijo remembers the days when she had one pair of socks and washed them by hand every night so she would have a clean set for the next day’s classes. Sometimes they were still wet, but she wore them anyway. A memory like this is all it took for Armijo, a MoneyGram senior administrative assistant in Lakewood, to organize some coworkers and purchase new shoes for underprivileged Denver-area schoolchildren who often rely on ill-fitting hand-me-downs. Armijo reports, “They’re embarrassed, can’t participate in sports and can’t even play during recess.” Shoes for Children is sponsored by True Life Community Church
in Littleton, Colorado. Under the program, individuals donate money to purchase $15 gift certificates for shoes at Payless Shoesource stores. Armijo enlisted the participation of five MoneyGram colleagues. With their help, the church raised more than $900 to buy shoes for more than 70 children at Cowell Elementary School, an inner city school with many students in poverty, ranging from ages 3 to 12. The students received the certificates Dec. 8 at the school’s pre-Christmas program. “The students, families and school community are very grateful,” said Donna Foster, school nurse. “It warms your heart to see a
child smiling ear-to-ear as they proudly show off their new shoes. I get goose bumps just from the memory.” Armijo is pleased that MoneyGram employees could partner with True Life Community Church. She is pondering the “But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men t possibility of forming a foundation to benefit many more Denver-area # 5114 Crossbridge school children. Armijo also hopes Bible Study Cards to make the Shoes for Children Price $65/1000 program a regular partner with MoneyGram.
Lifting Up Je
# 5115
Pastor Bob Reynolds of True Life Community Church in Littleton, Colorado, submitted this for publication in Outlook. Adapted from the company newsletter, MoneyGram.
Lifting Up J Bible Study Cards
Price $65/1000
# 5116
Lamb of Go Bible Study Cards
Price $65/1000
Mile High Connects with Advent Hope
Lifting Up Jesus Studies
Photo courtesy of Rocky Mountain Conference
by Sandy Hawkins, teacher at Mile High Academy
# 5120
Bible Study Lessons
Students from Denver’s Mile High Academy are collaborating with Advent Hope Ministries to help child orphans of AIDS victims in Kenya, Africa. Mile High kids collected clothing and toys to support the ministry of a retired missionary doctor and his wife, Stan and Jean Wheeler.
22 April 2010
Mid-America Outlook
1 set Price $8.95 each 10 sets Price $7.95 each 50 sets Price $6.95 each 100 sets Price $5.95 each
# 5481
Certificate Price $3/25
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Rocky Mountain News All Things Work Together for Souls by Barry Taylor 3ABN (Three Angels Broadcasting Network). The Holy Spirit was preparing her heart for the day when a student literature evangelist from Campion Academy came to Schladetsky’s door. Schladetsky then inquired where an Adventist church was located and began Bible studies. Left to right: Pat Schladetsky, Linda Webster, SiLinda Webster had been enna Turner, Stephen Clark, Pastor Barry Taylor away from the Lord many years before being drawn back Four people have united with Campion Church through the by 3ABN messages that she heard ministries and networking of in the home of an elderly woman people and organizations. Pat she was taking care of. Sienna Turner attends HMS Schladetsky moved to Colorado Elementary. The from Las Vegas, where she had Richards begun watching telecasts from influence of godly teachers,
grandparents and church family supported and encouraged her in taking her stand as a disciple of Jesus. Stephen Clark came to Christ through the ministry of the Johnstown/Milliken branch Sabbath school. His daughter shared with him DVDs from David Asscherick, which convinced him about the Seventh-day Adventist message. God works through various means to reach souls for Christ— who now are working together with their church family to impact their world for Jesus. Barry Taylor is pastor of Campion Church.
Young Adult Organizes Haiti Benefit Casper Adventist Church held a community benefit concert on Jan. 30 to support the earthquake relief efforts of ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) in Haiti. Erin Flanagan, a recent Union alumnus who teaches music in Natrona County, initiated the Saturday night event. She brought together a wide variety of Christian musicians from the community, including strings, guitars and vocals. More than 165 attendees— at least half of them community guests—donated $2,000. Weldon Treat is pastor of the church in Casper, Wyoming.
Photo courtesy of Rocky Mountain Conference
by Weldon Treat
Event organizer Erin Flanagan (left) with Tom McDonald and Rachel Green, who helped her with the benefit concert
Mid-America Outlook
April 2010
Mid-America Union News Union College Union College Students Help in Haiti Photo courtesy of Union College
by Ryan Teller, director of public relations
Joe Galan, senior IRR and nursing major, visits with a Haitian family at a mobile clinic in Port-au-Prince.
For Justin Woods, a senior in Union College’s International Rescue and Relief (IRR) Program, helping people runs in the family. His parents spent years working for relief agencies in developing nations, including a year in Haiti when Woods was a boy. “My father has worked in situations like they are facing right now in Haiti,” he explained. “When I heard about the earthquake, I was really interested in going, more so because I know the place.” With less than two-days notice, Woods, along with three other students and a staff member from the IRR program, left Nebraska bound for Haiti. The team arrived in Port-au-Prince just one week after a massive earthquake leveled much of the city, leaving an already desperately poor country in a catastrophic situation.
24 April 2010
Mid-America Outlook
Like Woods, many students in the IRR program are driven by a desire to help people. “These students have within their nature a desire to help people in difficult circumstances,” said John Thomas, the program’s administrative director. “That is what their degree is leading them to, and that is why they went to Haiti.” Union College has sent three teams from the IRR program to the decimated country, each doing a variety of tasks, from searching destroyed buildings for the living and the dead and assisting with surgeries in the Adventist hospital to operating mobile public health clinics throughout the city.
Flexibility Training Initially told they would be setting up bases for relief workers,
the first team had a change of plans even before reaching Haiti. In Miami, they were told to prepare for search and rescue. After scrambling to find ropes, pulleys and other rescue equipment, the team ended up searching with a rescue dog for just one day. Ginger Hany—a senior who, like all IRR students, has emergency medical technician training and a variety of other survival and rescue certifications—spent the rest of the time helping doctors in the understaffed hospital. “I learned a lot in a couple of days,” she said. “I did everything from searching to treating wounds to changing IVs to handing out medication.” As more medical teams arrived and the hospital returned to somewhat normal operations, subsequent IRR teams helped staff a clinic across the street from the hospital. Operated by a local doctor, the clinic dealt with the day-to-day needs of the local population so the hospital could focus on more serious injuries and illnesses. The students also went into the city slums with mobile health clinics, helping doctors and nurses dispense basic care and medicine. “It was very rudimentary care like cleaning wounds and treating minor issues,” said junior nursing/ IRR major Joe Galan. “Anything more serious we referred to the hospital.” As the crisis progressed through response stages, the IRR students quickly learned to be flexible and help wherever they were needed. “We were expecting to work in
Union College the hospital,” explained senior IRR major David Skau, part of the second relief team. “We ended up spending two days doing body recovery.” Although the team had the help of a bulldozer some of the time, “it was slow work because we were hampered by the lack of heavy equipment to move the concrete and rebar,” he said. The group searched a collapsed six-story apartment building for the bodies of family members known to be under the rubble. “Body recovery was definitely a new and unpleasant experience,” said Daniel Rogers, a senior IRR major. “But we were able to bring closure to some families.” At that point, most of the initial earthquake related injuries had been treated. But the third team, which returned to Union on February 17, found that lack of food and water remained a serious problem. “Every evening Dr. Eddy, the local doctor who ran the clinic, took a group of us out to distribute food prepared by volunteers at the hospital to the tent cities around Port-au-Prince,” explained Alicia Archer, a senior nursing major. She saw desperation as hungry people lined up for food—sometimes in an orderly fashion, but other times pushing in on the volunteers, on the verge of becoming a dangerous mob. “It’s easy to think that people have no respect,” Archer continued. “But they are just trying to survive.”
Inspired by the People Pierre Omeler, a junior IRR major, was amazed by the spirit of the Haitian people. The son of a
Haitian immigrant, Omeler grew up in Haitian communities in the U.S. and learned to speak Haitian Creole. He visited Haiti several times as a boy and has many close relatives in the country—all of whom survived the quake. “It was amazing that even though the people are in a very desperate situation, they take the time to help each other,” he said. Some Haitian translators offered him a coconut. As he drained the sweet milk from the shell, he noticed that the three Haitians shared another coconut, each taking a turn to drink. “I felt really bad,” he said. “After that I began to observe that people were sharing everything they had.” For each of the teams, possibly the hardest part of the trip was leaving the people they had grown to love and who needed so much. “I wish I could have stayed,” said Sarah Sexton, a junior IRR major. “It was hard to leave,” agreed Hany. “I would go back in a heartbeat. It was amazing to be able to help people.” But after dealing with the death and destruction, Skau questioned the usefulness of the trips. “I felt we had made precious little impact, pulling a few bodies from the rubble out of tens of thousands.” He even felt his work in the clinics made precious little difference in the sea of human suffering. But during a group Bible study back on campus, Paul’s words to the Phillipians spoke to his heart: “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus … taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and
became obedient to death—even death on a cross!” (Philippians 2:5, 7, 8). “I remembered that Christ would have died for just one,” Skau explained. “I don’t have to be saving lots of lives—if I can help even one, the service was worth it.” These trips were made possible through nearly $25,000 donated by alumni and friends of Union College. If you would like to help Union continue to send IRR students to help respond to disasters, you can made a taxdeductable donation at www. Just click on the Haiti story.
Union College Calendar April 1-4 Homecoming Weekend April 15-17 Preview Days April 17 Gymnaires Home Show April 22-24 Preview Days April 23, 8 p.m. Choral Concert Vespers April 24, 7:30 p.m. Spring Band Concert May 7-9 Graduation Weekend
Mid-America Outlook
April 2010
Adventist Healthcare
Gratitude Blooms Photo courtesy of CMBell Company
Annual gift ties a nurse and patient together through the years and 95 percent blockage in another. He was stabilized and moved to the intensive care unit to await bypass surgery. It was there that he met Ann, one of the nurses who cared for him for just a day before he was transferred to another hospital for surgery. “As patients, we can’t really judge the doctors’ and nurses’ medical expertise, but we can judge their compassion,” says Larry, now 75 and a retired senior instructor at the University of Colorado. “Ann was absolutely unique in her care and concern. She took the time to talk to me and made me feel like a person, not just another sick patient.” Ann brushes off the idea that she is somehow unique. Healthcare is filled with these stories; she just happens to be the one this time, she says. Like so many healthcare professionals, Ann—who has been a nurse for more than 35 years—feels it is an honor to care for others. “I put my faith in the Lord that I can do the right thing and say the right thing,” she says. “I always pray for two things. I pray that I will do a good job for my patients and I pray for them.” As Larry lay in the hospital bed awaiting surgery, he worried that he would never be able to fly again, one of his dearest passions. He asked Ann if she thought he’d fly again. “She said, ‘I don’t know, but if you do go flying, take me with you,’” Larry says. After surgery and nine months of rehabilitation, Larry regained his pilot’s license and invited Ann into the sky to celebrate his recovery. “He told me that I had his life in my hands and now he had mine in his hands,” says Ann as she remembers that December flight. The flowers started the following year and have continued every year since. “Nurses don’t usually get enough appreciation, so I bring her flowers,” says Larry, who is now a volunteer pilot with two organizations that transport patients. For Ann, the flowers are a symbol of Larry’s work. “It’s the idea of Larry being able to turn around his life and continue to pursue his passion for flying.”
Larry Johnston, pilot, celebrates life each day after having his saved at Avista Adventist Hospital. Because of her role in his care, Larry sends nurse Ann Kruse flowers every year on the anniversary of his heart attack.
Every Feb. 28, Ann Kruse hopes to receive flowers. These are not a belated Valentine’s gift from her husband, but rather a 16-year celebration of life. The occasion marks the day that Ann helped save the life of Larry Johnston. In gratitude, each year Larry personally delivers flowers to Ann. “Every year on the same day, Larry brings flowers to me at work,” says Ann, a registered nurse at Avista Adventist Hospital in Louisville, Colorado. “Sometimes, I don’t even see him. But when I see those flowers, I know that he’s made it another year and that makes me feel so good.” Sixteen years ago, Larry woke up in the middle of the night not feeling quite right. Although he didn’t have any of the classic signs of a heart attack, his wife, who is a nurse, convinced him to go to the hospital. Once there, the medical team discovered that Larry was in the throes of a heart attack. An angiogram revealed that he had 99 percent blockage in one artery
26 April 2010
Mid-America Outlook
This article was submitted by Stephen King, senior vice president for mission and ministry for Colorado’s Adventist hospitals, and written by CMBell Company.
Information Information
Farewell Armstrong, Francine Lynn, b. Feb. 6, 1955, d. Feb. 21, 2010, in Fort Dodge, IA. Member of Fort Dodge Church, where she was a SS teacher in the Children’s Division. Survived by daughters, Jennifer Lynn, Autumn Armstrong, Therese Armstrong and Molly Edwards; son, Garret; sisters, Carol Summers and Cheryl Gnade; brothers, Bruce, Robert and William Armstrong; mother, Mildred Samuelson Armstrong. Beck, Margery K., b. Aug. 8, 1921, in Yutan, NE, d. Jan. 31, 2010, in Lincoln, NE. Member of College View Church. Survived by daughters, Geraldine Pomrening, Muriel Cheney, and Mavis Armstrong; sons, Harley and Larry Beck, and Jack Hanan; two brothers; one sister; 19 grandchildren; and 29 grandchildren. Eckland, Rosemary Virginia, b. Sept. 8, 1918 in Omaha, NE, d. Jan. 6, 2010, in Grand Junction, CO. Member of Grand Junction Church. Preceded in death by spouse, Elvin Andrew Eckland. Survived by daughter, Donna Raye Priest; son, Richard Elvin Eckland; 10 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren; and four great-great-grandchildren. Gates, H. Gordon, b. Feb. 20, 1923, in Denver, CO, d. Dec. 20, 2009, in Denver, CO. Member of LifeSource Adventist Fellowship Church in Denver. Served in Iwo Jima during World War II. Survived by wife of 67 years, Nida; daughters, Gloria Cross and Debbie Brownfield; son, Gordon; six grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. Guy, Brady Allin, 30, of Wayzata/Waconia, d. Feb. 4, 2010. Survived by parents, Jon and Cathy Guy, and Bob and Jeanne Pierce; sisters, Joanna Pierce and Barbara Guy; brothers, Joel Pierce and Jeffrey Guy; brothers-in-law, Josh Clapp and Chris Leonard; grandparents, Herman and Jane Guy, and Allin and Shirley Karls. Hagelgantz, Evans M., b. May 14,
1930, in La Crosse, KS, d. Feb. 19, 2010, in Lincoln, NE. Member of Holland Church. Alumnus of Union College. Survived by sons, Michael and Mark; daughter, Denise Polk; sister, Althea Nazarenus; five grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Holt, Herbert, b. Nov. 8, 1924, in Archer City, TX, d. Jan. 29, 2010, in Montrose, CO. Member of Cedaredge Church. Preceded in death by spouse, Dodie. Survived by daughters, Teresa Thomason, Patti Plimpton, Cyndi Payne and Robyn Foland; sister, Leona Kemp; seven grandchildren; and six greatgrandchildren. Hornung, George Steven, b. Jan. 2, 1942, d. Jan. 18, 2010, in Lincoln, NE. Member of Northside Church, Lincoln. Survived by wife, Deloris; daughters, Sheryl LaDuke and Stacey Sadowski; grandson, Conner Sadowski; brother, Jim; and sisters, Anita Reschke and Lina Tracy. Johnson, Christopher Dale, b. Aug. 7, 1990, in Columbus, NE, d. Dec. 28, 2009. Member of Columbus Church. Survived by parents, Dale “Avery” Johnson and Christine Dauel; siblings, Nathan and Rebecca Johnson, Easton and Kaitlin Dauel; grandparents, Dale and Shirley Johnson; greatgrandfather, Earl Widhalm; aunt, Nicole Johnson-Hamling, and family. Kipp, Julia Pearl (Steiner), b. March 23, 1920, in McKenzie County, ND, d. Jan. 18, 2010, in Caldwell, ID. Member of Caldwell Church. Served as food service director for Maplewood and Spangle Academy, and Oshawa Missionary College. Survived by husband, Wallace; daughter, Helen Pyke; sons, Lyle Godfrey and David Rikustad; 10 grandchildren; and eight grandchildren. Lind, Albert Clayton, b. Dec. 3, 1916, in Lincoln County, NE, d. Feb. 15, 2010, in Gothenburg, NE. Member of Gothenburg Church. Survived by wife, Mar-
garet; sister, Ruth Callahan; sister-in-law, Mary Lou Peckham; brother-in-laws, John Peckham and Dan Peckham; and 37 nieces and nephews. Magaña Correa, Orlando Julio, b. April 15, 1952, in Belize, Central America, d. Feb. 2, 2010, in Henderson, CO. Member of Olathe Hispanic Church. His denominational service spanned 33 years as pastor, then as Hispanic and multi-cultural ministries coordinator for Belize (Central America), Illinois, Nevada/ Utah, and Rocky Mountain conferences. Survived by parents, Marcial and Rosa Magaña; sons, Orlando, Dennis and Kenneth; sister, Ruby; brothers, Romeo, Oswaldo and Ivan; and two grandchildren. Mayo, Patricia Shannon, b. May 27, 1936, d. Jan. 30, 2010, in
Davenport, IA. Member of Davenport Church. Survived by daughters, Mary Lugo, Melody Keppy and Tamara Rothschild; sons, Ross and John; brother, Dalton Ewers; 20 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren. Naustdal, Gloria (Kaminski), b. Oct. 7, in 1931, in Columbia Heights, MN, d. Jan. 17, 2010, in MN. Member of Hutchinson Church. Survived by husband, Art; son, Bruce; daughter, Barbara Christensen; brother, Don Kaminski; seven grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Northrop, Francis Merle, b. April 15, 1921, d. Feb. 8, 2010, in St. Genevieve, MO. Member of the St. Louis West County Adventist Church. Survived by son, David; five grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren.
Sunset Calendar Colorado April 2 April 9 April 16 April 23 April 30 Denver 7:25 7:32 7:39 7:46 7:53 Grand Junction 7:39 7:46 7:53 7:59 8:06 Pueblo 7:23 7:29 7:36 7:42 7:49 Iowa Davenport 7:29 7:36 7:44 7:52 7:59 Des Moines 7:41 7:49 7:56 8:04 8:11 Sioux City 7:53 8:01 8:09 8:17 8:24 Kansas Dodge City 8:04 8:10 8:17 8:23 8:30 Goodland 7:12 7:19 7:26 7:32 7:39 Topeka 7:47 7:54 8:01 8:08 8:15 Wichita 7:53 7:59 8:06 8:12 8:19 Minnesota Duluth 7:39 7:49 7:58 8:08 8:17 International Falls 7:46 7:56 8:07 8:17 8:27 Minneapolis 7:42 7:51 8:00 8:09 8:17 Missouri Columbia 7:33 7:40 7:47 7:54 8:01 Kansas City 7:43 7:50 7:56 8:03 8:10 Springfield 7:37 7:43 7:49 7:55 8:02 St. Louis 7:25 7:32 7:39 7:45 7:52 Nebraska Grand Island 7:59 8:07 8:14 8:22 8:29 Lincoln 7:53 8:00 8:07 8:15 8:22 North Platte 8:09 8:17 8:24 8:32 8:39 Scottsbluff 7:21 7:29 7:37 7:44 7:52 North Dakota Bismarck 8:14 8:23 8:33 8:42 8:52 Fargo 7:58 8:07 8:17 8:27 8:36 Williston 8:26 8:36 8:47 8:57 9:07 South Dakota Pierre 8:10 8:19 8:27 8:36 8:44 Rapid City 7:21 7:30 7:38 7:47 7:55 Sioux Falls 7:55 8:03 8:11 8:20 8:28 Wyoming Casper 7:33 7:41 7:49 7:57 8:05 Cheyenne 7:25 7:33 7:40 7:48 7:55 Sheridan 7:37 7:46 7:54 8:03 8:12
Mid-America Outlook
April 2010
Information Farewell Ruff-Langley, Barbara Louise, b. June28, 1930, in Wheatland, MO, d. Jan. 29, 2010, in Stewartsville, MO. Member of Three Angels Church in St. Joseph, MO. Survived by daughters, Sonya Jurgens and Mary Langley; sons, James and David Langley; sisters, Alice, Rose Mary and Sharon Perry; 10 grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Santee, Irene Cortez, b. Sept. 1, 1930, in Liberal, KS, d. Jan. 2, 2010, in Euless, TX. Member of Independence Church and wife of deceased pastor, Burton Santee. Survived by daughters, Theresa and Linda. Simpson, Palma “Pam” H, b. Jan. 24, 1927, in Odessa, TX, d. Sept. 14, 2009, in Grand Junction, CO. Taught for the denomination in Texas, Nebraska, and Colorado. Member of Grand Junction Church. Survived by husband, Dr. Joe Simpson; daughter, Jeanne Davidson; sons, Joe and Kelly; eight grandchildren; and
two great-grandchildren. Sims, Herschel Boville, b. Aug. 6, 1913, in OK, d. Dec. 30, 2009, in Collegedale, TN. Member of McDonald Road Church. Long-term employee at Southern Union College. Preceded in death by wife, Eloise; and son, Herschel Ray. Survived by daughter-in-law, Wynona Harrison Sims; grandsons, Tony and Christopher Sims; six greatgreat-grandchildren; and one great-great-great-grandchild. Sparks, Harriette F. (Love), b. Feb. 9, 1912, in Blessing, TX, d. Jan. 29, 2010, in Loveland, CO. Member of Twin Peaks Church. Preceded in death by husband, Vere; son, Roger. Survived by sons, Richard and Walter; daughters, Jeannine Chambers and Loa Hagelgantz; 16 grandchildren; 28 great-grandchildren; and 12 great-great-grandchildren. Sudds, Delbert R., b. Oct. 10,
1920, in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, d. Feb. 10, 2010, in Lincoln, NE. Member of College View Church. Ordained minister and retired Publishing Secretary, where he served Albert, Washington, Alaska, Mexico, and Oregon conferences. Survived by wife, Phyllis; daughter, Sharon Paul; son, Wayne; bother, Jack; five grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. Waterman, Clara Alvina (Eggeling), b. July 15,1914, in Culbertson, NE, d. Oct. 28, 2009, in McCook, NE. Member of Trenton/McCook Church, NE, for more than 63 years. Preceded in death by parents, Alvin and Emma Eggeling; husband, Roy; and brother, Alvin Eggeling, Jr. Survived by daughter, Lois; sons, Robert, Kenneth, Wilbert and James; eight grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren. Weaver, Helen, b. Dec. 4, 1918, in Springfield, MA, d. Feb. 4, 2010, in Springfield, MO. Member of
Springfield Church. Survived by sister, Florence Leeming; and nephew, Brent Temple. Welch, Catherine “Cathy,” b. March 29, 1934, in Blair, NE, d. Feb. 14, 2010, in Ft. Worth, TX. Member of College View Church. Survived by husband, Clifford; daughters, Brenda Fleming and Susan Wooledge; sister, Corinne Biffar; brothers, Sheldon and Roger Warrick; and four grandchildren. Wentland, Berneice E. (Fischer), b. Feb. 4, 1933, in Golden Valley, ND, d. Feb. 6, 2010, in Roseburg, OR. Member of Monroe Church. Survived by husband, Laverne; son, Daryl; daughters, Cynthia Wentland-Mortenson, Clarice Wentland-Ficken, and Joleen Wentland-Shepard; sisters, Ruby Tebelius and Shirley Baumgartner; brothers, Erling and Dennis Fischer; five grandchildren; one step-grandchild; and four great-grandchildren.
Classifieds Advertising Policy Submission: Classified ads must be submitted with approval from your local conference or pastor. Ads may be e-mailed, faxed or typewritten. Outlook does not accept responsibility for categorical or typographical errors. Display ad rates available at www.midamericaadventist. org or 402.484.3012. Pricing: Inside MidAmerica $25 for first 50 words, 35¢ each additional word. Pricing: Outside MidAmerica $35 for first 50 words, 80¢ each additional word. A box can be added around an ad for $5. Notices or Announcements Notices of events, alumni weekends, camp meetings, etc., can be printed at no charge if no product or service is involved and no price is listed. Placement is not guaranteed, however, unless the notice is purchased.
SERVICES Adventist Coin Dealer: Silver .900 fine American coins by the roll. Pre-1933 American gold coins. Choice coins, medals and tokens. Free appraisal of individual coin or entire
28 April 2010
Mid-America Outlook
collection. Phone, write or email. Dr. Lawrence J. Lee, World Coins & Medals. 402-488-2646, P.O. Box 6194, Lincoln, NE 68506.
principles and reinforce integrity. Great for Sabbath reading, church and home schools, and gifts!, your #1 source for seminar handbills and brochures. If you are considering a community outreach series in your area, we can help you design, print and mail your invitations. Call Color Press toll free at 1.800.222.2145 and ask for Janet or Lorraine.
Move With an Award-winning Agency. Apex Moving & Storage partners with the General Conference to provide quality moves at a discounted rate. Call us for all your relocations needs! Adventist beliefs uncompromised. Contact Marcy Dante’ at 800.766.1902 for a free estimate. Visit us at Free 14-day Trial! Join thousands of Adventist singles online. Free chat, search, profiles, match notifications! Adventist owners since 1993. Visit for the Undercover Angels series of novels for Christian teens that build on Biblical
Need help? Try Griffen Nursing & Rehabilitation Center. SDA family owned and operated, w/SDA Chaplain. Opening for male, female, or couple. Rates from $110. Skilled care facility w/95 beds. Quality 24-hour nursing care. Odor-free environment. Physical, occupational, and speech therapy. Medicare and Medicaid approved.
641.842.2187—Knoxville, Iowa. Online at: Need K-8 Church School? Muscatine SDA Christian School, in Iowa, stresses spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical development—tuition $95.00 per child. Significant scholarships available. Call Pastor Ray Kelch at 563.260.6008; 563.890.3362 or Carol Swayze at 563.260.5286. PHONECARDLAND.COM 10% DISCOUNT. Home of the pinless/ rechargeable True Minutes phonecard. True Minutes long distance service is 1.9c/minute including UK and Canada. No tax, no fees, no expiration. Visit and choose the best plan for all your phone calls around the world. User-friendly, secure. Email: Call 863.216.0160.
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Purchase online at, a secure, fully functioning online Christian bookstore available 24/7 for your convenience; providing church supplies, Bible
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Wellness Secrets in NW Arkansas, 5 Day Live-in Health Program, $495 special. A power-packed program that will change your life physically, mentally and spiritually. Also health seminars at your church. Call 479.752.8555;;
EMPLOYMENT Andrews University is seeking a qualified candidate to join the Social Work Department as a faculty member. Responsibilities will include teaching, advising, and service to University and community. Interested individuals please apply at: HR/emp_jobs_faculty.cgi. Andrews University is seeking a Psychology Professor. Preferred applicants must have an earned PhD from an APA accredited school with strong training in research methods and teaching
experience. For more information and to apply please visit: emp_jobs_faculty.cgi. The General Conference Office of General Counsel is accepting resumes for a full time lawyer position. Required: good standing as a member of a U.S. state bar, licensed to practice in the United States, and a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in regular standing. Maryland bar membership is preferred. Preference for an attorney with experience in Intellectual Property, Media law, and other transactional law. Location: Silver Spring, Maryland. A wide range of benefits is included. Submit resume to the attention of Karnik Doukmetzian, General Counsel, at San Joaquin Community Hospital seeks a full-time Employee Health Nurse (EHN). Qualifica-
Mid-America Outlook
April 2010
Information Southern Adventist University seeks Professor beginning June 1, 2010. Responsibilities include teaching with emphasis on Anatomy and Physiology and providing academic advising to all pre-Allied Health majors. DPT preferred, other degrees will consider. The successful candidate will be a member in good and regular standing of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Send CV, statement of teaching philosophy, and three references to: Keith Snyder, Biology Search Committee Chair, Southern Adventist University, Box 370, Collegedale, TN 37315; phone: 423.236.2929; fax: 423.236.1926; email:
tions and Requirements: You must be a graduate of an accredited school of nursing, and Bachelors of Science in Nursing preferred. A current California RN license is required, Education preparation in Workers’ Compensation is desired and Certification in Occupational Health Nursing is preferred. Visit our website at www.sjch. us for more information or to apply. Southern Adventist University, Department of Biology/Allied Health, Fall 2010. Prefer biology PhD with strengths in ecology and field biology. Desire scientist holding a short-term interpretation of creation and committed to involvement with undergraduate student learning and research. The successful candidate must be a member in good and regular standing of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Send CV, statement of teaching philosophy, and three
30 April 2010
Mid-America Outlook
references to: Keith Snyder, Biology Search Committee Chair, Southern Adventist University, Box 370, Collegedale, TN 37315; Phone: 423.236.2929; FAX: 423.236.1926; email: Southern Adventist University, Department of Biology/Allied Health, Fall 2010. Prefer biology PhD with strengths in the cellular and molecular areas. Desire scientist holding a short-term interpretation of creation and committed to involvement with undergraduate student learning and research. The successful candidate must be a member in good and regular standing of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Send CV, statement of teaching philosophy, and three references to: Keith Snyder, Biology Search Committee Chair, Southern Adventist University, Box 370, Collegedale, TN 37315; Phone: 423.236.2929; FAX: 423.236.1926; email: kas-
Southeastern California Conference has immediate FULL time opening for Pine Springs Ranch Food Service Director. Responsible to plan and prepare meals, order food and supplies, administrate work schedules and procedures for the department. Requires a degree in food service or equivalent experience. Required to live on-site. Housing provided. Call Human Resources at 951.509.2352.
Walla Walla General Hospital, located in southeastern Washington, is a 72-bed Adventist Health hospital with more than 100 years of service to the community. We are looking for an experienced Dietary Director with a minimum of five years experience manaing a food service department and licensed as a Registered Dietician. We offer a comprehensive benefit/ salary package, including relocation assistance. Visit our website at to learn more about us or apply on-line. Or call Human Resources at 800.784.6363, ext 1135.
Completely furnished turn-key apartments in quiet New England home on peaceful farm at edge of woods near ocean. Peaceful solitude for time to commune with God, nature and your own soul. Available for few days to few months. Elizabeth Boyd @ 207.729.3115 for brochure, rates. A Great Place to Live: Beacon Hill Adventist Academy , in DeQueen, Arkansas is a 10 grade school with certified Christian teachers. We are blessed with a high standard of education and a very low tuition. Our church supports Conference youth programs and has an active Pathfinder Club. Located in a slow paced country setting, the area is known for its natural beauty, and our Conference Youth Camp is just 90 minutes away—located deep in the Ouchita Forest. If you are looking for a simpler way of life, and quality, affordable Christian education for your children, please come visit us. You may decide to stay. Contact Pastor Dan: 870.642.5024. SDA Alaska Cruise, Sept. 5-12. Roundtrip from Seattle, on beautiful Norwegian Pearl. Ports: Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan, Victoria, B.C., Cruise Glacier Bay. Enjoy Christian fellowship. Celebrate birthdays,
Information Information 763.506.0436. E-mail: rdleach@ 17 HOSPITALS IN: CALIFORNIA HAWAII OREGON WASHINGTON
anniversaries, family reunions, etc. Foll Travel, 1739 Orangewood Pl, Avon Park, FL 33825. Ph/Fax: 863.453.7196, email: Steamboat Springs, CO: Exhilarating year-round vacation spot. World-class skiing, summer fishing, hiking, mountain biking, backpacking, rafting. Kids under 12 ski free. Large condo, sleeps 9-11. Two bedroom loft/two bath. Fully furnished, fireplace, hot tubs, pool. Call
Vacation on Kauai, Hawaii—“The Garden Island”—Kahili Mountain Park is a scenic mountain getaway located at the base of Kahili Ridge. Just minutes from popular Kauai attractions, the park has an assortment of 1-4 room cabins with sleeping for 2-6 persons. See pictures and rates at Info: or 808.742.9921. Vacations! Looking for the best value and places for your vacation? Specializing in cruises, beach vacations, wedding destinations and honeymoons. Also, knowledgeable in Europe, domestic and mission trips. Let a travel professional take the worry out of your vacation. Call Mary at 1.800.393.4040 or e mail mhedger@travelleaders. com.
FOR SALE For Sale, Near Port Townsend, WA. Continue refurbishing 2-story 1920’s home with attic and full (1,000+ sf) daylight basement. Enjoy Olympic Mountains, hiking, biking, water sports, crafts.
Convenient ferries to Seattle and Victoria. Nice SDA Church, daycare and school. Walk to beach, parks, stores, school. $275,000. Call 360.385.1394. Reinforce Scripture memorization with the A Reason For ® handwriting and spelling homeschool curricula. The verses in each handwriting lesson correlate with the theme story in each spelling lesson. Now available at your local Adventist Book Center, online at www., or by calling 1.800.765.6955.
EVENTS Broadview Academy Alumni Weekend at North Aurora Church is April 30 and May 1, 2010. Alumni are encouraged to attend. Mark your calendars. Call your classmates and plan for this weekend now. Honor Classes, ‘50, ‘60, ‘70, ‘80, ‘85, ‘90 and ‘00. For communication purposes, WE NEED YOUR EMAIL ADDRESSES. POSTAGE IS TOO EXPENSIVE. Send info to: Shona Cross: Or call Ed Gutierrez: 630.232.9034. Don’t miss it!
Jefferson Academy Alumni Weekend, April 16-18, 2010 in Jefferson, Texas. Speaker will be Pastor Kenny Micheff and musical guest, Forever His. You can contact the Academy at 903.665.3973 or Alumni President, Brenda Hiser Wilson at brendawilson61@sbcglobal. net. La Sierra Academy Alumni Weekend April 23-24, Golf Tournament April 23, Vespers, Alumni Sabbath Homecoming April 24 at LSA Gym, Potluck, Reunions, Alumni/Varsity Basketball Game, all welcome. Contact Alumni Office: 951.351.1445 X 244, or check the website: www. M.I.A. Boulder Junior Academy Alumni: Many students passed through the doors of BJA (Boulder, CO), over the years and we have lost touch with some of you. Vista Ridge Academy (formerly BJA) wants to re-connect with our history. If you attended BJA, please contact us. E-mail with your name/address and when you attended BJA. We would love to see you at the next Alumni Weekend!
PBS documentary “The Adventists” to air shortly In early April 2010, Public Broadcasting System TV (PBS) will air “The Adventists,” a documentary that favorably showcases our denomination’s heritage of faith and health. Some areas of MidAmerica will receive particularly extensive coverage. Below is the link to check local listings. Please alert fellow church members and particularly non-member friends and neighbors. “The Adventists” on DVD is available for purchase at $24.95
($19.95 plus $5 p/h) from its producer, Journey Films, on the above website. Or you may get the DVD for the same total cost from the Voice of Prophecy broadcast when making a donation of $25 or more on its website:
Mid-America Outlook
April 2010
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