Contents Protecting the Past to Inherit the Future
Working through layers of history
Preserving identity and exalting diversity through restoration 05
RESTORATION THE VITAL LINK LINKING THE PAST TO THE FUTURE: THIS IS THE MAIN JOB OF ALL THOSE WORKING IN RESTORATION PROJECTS. THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, THESE WORKERS WORK HARD TO PROTECT HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE FROM THE RAVAGES OF TIME. Although a small country, Malta as a very high concentration of heritage sites and items. Due to its very nature, restoration work costs money, and requires highly skilled professionals. The responsibility to current and future generations is very evident. These people are involved in VOICE OF THE
prolonging the life as well as the integrity of materials, be it stone, glass, metal or wood. Workers in this sector face a variety of challenges. These include aspects of health and safety, as well as critical decisions, such as when and how to engage in an intervention. This work includes extensive research, knowledge of the latest conservation methodology, as well as examples of best practice. In Malta, this sector is growing in importance. Restoration work is very much evident in many places, such as bastion walls, on fortresses such as St. Elmo and St. Angelo, as well as on churches,
Working in Restoration
Building Trust
EDITOR’S NOTE JOSEF VELLA paintings, and sculptures. Due to these works, many people are starting to appreciate the importance of protecting our cultural, social and historical heritage. Opportunities exist for this sector to grow even further. This can be achieved in a number of ways. Education and training is probably the first among them. The more the knowledge, the higher we
“many people are starting to appreciate the importance of protecting our cultural, social and historical heritage” 1
can take our degree of excellence in this sector. This can also be supported by skills transfer with colleagues abroad. The growth of this sector is also dependent on the funding available. Here, more can be done to direct public funds, as well as tap into EU funding projects and funding from private organisations. For example, to encourage the private sec tor to
invest in cultural projects, the Italian government has launched generous tax incentives for those organisations supporting cultural heritage. It is also encouraging individuals to donate to cultural heritage, in a scheme called 5 per mille: Una firma per la Cultura. The health and safety issue is not just the prerogative of management. It is also the responsibility of each
and individual worker to be knowledgable and aware. Admittedely, much has been done over the past years in this regard. However, better safeguards and a better heath and safety culture should make restoration work pay even better, not just for the workers themselves, but also for their families and the country in general. The link from our roots to our future is indispensable.
Protecting the Past to Inherit the Future Malta has a rich variety of heritage that needs protecting from the ravages of time. It is our duty to invest in the conservation and restoration of our national heritage, if we are to be judged well by history in the future. With more access to funding and more skilled professionals to perform this work, Malta can go a long way in protecting and ultimately benefitting from its heritage, both today and in the future. VOICE OF THE
WORKING THROUGH LAYERS OF HISTORY INTERVIEW WITH PAUL MUSCAT, MANAGING DIRECTOR RECOOP THE RESTORATION AND CONSERVATION CO-OPERATIVE 1. What, in your view, are the main issues being faced by workers in the restoration sector in Malta? Professional restoration is still a relatively new concept/career option in Malta. Restoration and conservation was established in Malta as a profession in 1999 by the formation of the then Malta Centre for Restoration and the creation of a Degree Course in collaboration with the University of Malta. Prior to this degree course, restoration in Malta was carried out by either foreign individuals, or Maltese trained abroad, artists, or self-taught “restorers”. During the last 50 years or so, internationally, restoration has shifted from a “craft” to a science. The profession was further strengthened locally by the 2002 Cultural Heritage Act VOICE OF THE
which identified the role of the conservator/restorer. The act had also the obligation to issue conservators/restorers warrants to distinguish professional conservator/restorers from others. Nevertheless this was never implemented and to this very today everyone can, so to speak, be a restorer. We all recall the image of the Ecce Homo turned into a ‘hairy monkey’ by a Spanish “restorer”. This restoration which went horribly wrong is not, unfortunately, uncommon. This situation is also present in Malta resulting in objects being altered irreversibly as a result of the application of inappropriate techniques particularly in the architectural sector. Marketed materials applied to our stone have not necessarily been formulated for this use and most of these
“treatments” actually cause much more harm than good. These are issues that we, as restorers are faced with on a day to day basis. The role of the conservator should be better established. It should be en par
with that of the Architect, Art Historian and Curator with each professional working together in a Multidisciplinary Team and enabling the best decisions to be taken for the better preservation of the artifact/object/monument in question.
2. How has working in a workers’ co-operative helped in delivering a better service? Restoration and conservation as in so many other professions has various subspecialties and it is very difficult – if at all possible – to be an expert in everything though the basic principles are the same. 3
In fact, the Bachelors Degree in Conservation was divided in four sections, and a student could be trained to be a Paintings (easel paintings, mural paintings and polychrome sculpture) Conservator, Stone Conservator (Stone, glass, metal and ceramic), Textile or Paper Conservator. ReCoop - The Restoration and Conservation Coop was in fact created as a worker co-operative to offer a holistic service. As a coop conservators/restorers specialized in different fields were able to join forces and offer such a service. This setup also allowed ReCoop to expand into a more multidisciplinary team by accepting members from the art historical profession, designers and architects.
3. Judging by the size of Malta’s vast heritage, is the ‘battle’ for restoration and conservation being lost or won? We may be small in size but – as has been rightly pointed out – Malta is endowed with a wealth of heritage. Though awareness and appreciation of this cultural and artistic heritage is on the up, in the correct sociopolitical climate, there is always room for further education and growth. Large EU funded projects have been brought to completion but there is much more to be done and conservation is an ongoing process – not a singular event! I have always been a firm believer that Education is Key! If our children are not exposed to this
heritage we are missing out on the opportunity to invest in the future of this heritage. There are ongoing practices that any Professional Conservator would strongly condemn so I guess I will opt to say that the battle rages on! 4. In your opinion, what can be done to achieve better quality in this sector? Implementation of a Warrants Board to ensure that restoration interventions are led by those best trained, equipped and qualified to carry out said interventions professionally and with accountability. I also believe that government should not lower the bar when it comes to restoration projects so that more companies can qualify. Unfortunately many a times we are competing with companies that their main activities are construction and road works. It is very risky awarding to the cheapest offer, a clause in tender bids that I think should be consider for restoration projects. 5. What are the main challenges and opportunities for the future? As per any other ‘business’ – the economic climate will have repercussions on such specialized services. Despite the amount of potential work available, the market is a relatively small one.
During the last 50 years or so, internationally, restoration has shifted from a “craft” to a science.
With regards to ReCoop, this is a very important year marking the 10th anniversary since its establishment. Being a worker co-operative, we have compiled a prestigious portfolio and can confidently say that the multidisciplinarity of our approach enables us to look forward towards a bright future. 4
Preserving identity and exalting diversity through restoration Restoration is defined as the act or process of returning something to its original condition by repairing it, cleaning it, or putting it through a process that facilitates its return to the original state. Extending the term to include restitution, the definition may comprise bringing back to an unimpaired or improved condition, or even a reconstruction of the original form. Since the implication here is that restoration is linked to the past, and hence to history, we can safely say that restoration preserves history and brings to the fore identities, cultures, and diversity. This complements the values propogated by the EU which has respect for diversity as one of its founding principles.
Funding restoration projects is one of the tools implemented by the EU to preserve identities, enhance diversity, and also improve the tourism product while creating jobs.
On a larger national scale, ERDF is funding a holistic project comprising the restoration and rehabilitation of the fortifications of Valletta, Birgu, Mdina and the Citadel in Gozo.
Malta is witness to the EU’s endeavours in this field through a number of funded projects. On a localized level, we can mention Din l-Art Ħelwa’s successful Youth in Action project consisting Maltese and French youths working on the restoration of the 15th century Madonna Tal-Ħniena chapel in Qrendi.
EU funds have also been allocated to projects related to the restoration and conservation of Tarxien and Ġgantija temples, and the embellishment of Fort St. Elmo, all including tourism, leisure and educational facilities.
The restoration of the façade of the baoroque San Lawrenz parish church in Gozo is another localized project, in this case funded by the European Regional Develipment Fund (ERDF).
The projects mentioned here by no means constitute an exhaustive list of EU funded initiatives. They are samples that exemplify the EU’s commitment towards funding projects that give added value to Europe, enhance the tourism product, and exalt identity and historical diversity.
MEUSAC provides personalised assistance and support to Local Councils and NGOs in the practical aspects related to EU Funding Opportunities. Private Entities are also supported through dissemination of information.
MEUSAC 280 Republic Street, Valletta VLT 1112 Tel: +356 2200 3315 • Fax: +356 2200 3329 • Email: info.meusac@gov.mt www.meusac.gov.mt VOICE OF THE
Working in
Restoration Malta is blessed with a heritage that dates back numerous millennia. Buildings, fortifications and different forms of Art all form part of Malta’s rich cultural heritage. Fortifications constitute an integral part of the Maltese tourism product. Despite their historical and touristic significance they might have been left, unfortunately, to a poor state up to a while ago. Limitation of resources is an issue which the restoration industry is faced with namely in light of the lack of experts in the field and guidance as to career development. It is encouraging to see that the MCAST has recognised the importance of all types of restoration. Courses such as restoration of wooden artefacts
have been included in their prospectus. One only hopes that there is positive take up so that restoration skills are not lost. Figures show that even at University level the number of students who enrol themselves in restoration courses has been on the decrease in recent years. It would be ideal if students, from a young age, are invited to attend workshops on restoration. Such workshops would continue to enhance the interest in the trade. Planning is essential and continuous restoration projects are to be at the forefront of government agenda. Art treasures also need particular
attention. Art restoration is expensive and extremely time consuming but essential in enriching our cultural heritage. As years go by one realises the continuous need to ensure that landmarks are kept at a high standard and this requires continuous restoration work to be carried out. Needless to say that restoration is an expensive and time consuming trade. Malta has therefore, on numerous occasions, used up EU funding to be able to ensure that restoration works can be carried out. ERDF funding has greatly contributed in previous programming periods towards his essential element. One only hopes that EU funding can be used further towards this aim.
MCESD 280/3, Republic Street, Valletta, VLT1112 Tel: (+356) 2200 3300 www.mcesd.org.mt VOICE OF THE
Building Trust
EUROPEAN BUSINESS & BIODIVERSITY CAMPAIGN The European Business & Biodiversity Campaign was initiated by a consortium of European NGOs and companies aiming to strengthen private sector engagement in the fields of biodiversity and ecosystem services and facilitating the creation strong partnerships for biodiversity at local and European level. The campaign is supported by the Life+ Programme of the EU and coordinated by the Global Nature Fund.
Providing high-quality and up-to-date information on biodiversity and ecosystems to decision-makers is an essential part of the European Business & Biodiversity Campaign. The campaign is therefore supported by an extensive web2.0-based website including media and online tools that will facilitate the sharing of experiences on biodiversity practices and building business-NGO partnerships. Join the Campaign here: http://goo.gl/q3dg8x
A NEW GUIDE TO HELP CEMENT & AGGREGATE SECTOR TO BETTER MANAGE BIODIVERSITY In collaboration with the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) and other industry associations in the cement and aggregates sector, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), has launched a new guide to encourage companies to responsibly manage biodiversity throughout their operations. The guide is centred on the development of a policy with clear targets that should shape all company actions on biodiversity. It provides an overview of key steps for cement and aggregates companies to take. Please find the guide available here: https://portals.iucn.org/library/node/44626
BUILDING TRUST IN THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR There is a mark that allows us to achieve great things. Thanks to CE marking, you don’t need to worry about the quality and safety of materials. You can be sure that materials bearing this label comply with EU standards, you can trust them. This TRUST opens new markets, extends opportunities and simplifies procedures. http://goo.gl/x2cr6U
Trust in the worker professionalism as well as in the quality of materials used is sine qua non across the construction sector, particularly in the restoration sector. The responsibilities towards future generations necessitate a better understanding and skills transfer not just locally bit also internationally. The following information was gathered by the Brussels office of the Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori.
This Call responds to the topic for a ‘More effective ecosystem restoration in the EU’. It appears that the restoration sector has accumulated a lot of expertise but knowledge, technologies and capacity will need to grow rapidly (and be shared) if the full potential offered by restoration is to be achieved. The Call will be published in December 2014 with deadline preview for April 2015. More information are available here: http://goo.gl/qtVJve
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Operational Programme II - Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of Life Project part-financed by the European Union European Social Fund (ESF) Co-financing rate: 72.25% EU, 12.75 MT, 15% Private Funds Investing in your future VOICE OF THE