OUTLOOK – March 2024

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“Camp ministry is a combination of both teaching and discipling campers, and also teaching and discipling staff.” —p. 11
MAGAZINE MARCH 2024 PERSPECTIVES FEATURES NEWS THE VALUES OF ADVENTIST EDUCATION AN OUTSIDER’S PERSPECTIVE SUMMER CAMP A PLACE TO GROW EMBRACING THE UNSEEN A JOURNEY OF FAITH AND FELLOWSHIP CENTRAL STATES DAKOTA IOWA-MISSOURI KANSAS-NEBRASKA MINNESOTA ROCKY MOUNTAIN UNION COLLEGE ADVENTHEALTH FAREWELL INFOMARKET SOME ARE CALLED TO TEACH. ARE YOU? —James C. Davis, Jr. KIDS COLUMN THE FLOATING AXE HEAD 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 29 OUTLOOK (ISSN 0887-977X) March 2024, Volume 45, Number 3. OUTLOOK is published monthly (10 months per year) by the Mid-America Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 8307 Pine Lake Road, Lincoln, NE 68516. Printed at Pacific Press Publishing Association, Periodical postage paid at Lincoln, NE and additional offices. USPS number 006-245. Postmaster: Send all UAA to CFS. Free for Mid-America church members and $12 per year for subscribers. ©2024 Mid-America Union Conference of Seventhday Adventists. Unless otherwise credited, all images are iStock. Adventist® and Seventh-day Adventist® are registered trademarks of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. CONTACT us by email: info@maucsda.org or phone: 402.484.3000 17 26 19





Going to summer camp changed my life. It opened my little world to all kinds of new paradigms. Over 40 years later I still remember that one week, and the oversized, positive impact it had on me as I entered my teenage years.

In this issue you will read about the thriving ministry of summer camps in Mid-America territory.

Statistically, summer camp ministry is the “feeder” for denominational employees throughout the NAD. And now with the pressing need for pastors, teachers, healthcare professionals and other workers, summer camp is crucial.




Gary Thurber


Hubert J. Morel Jr.


David VandeVere

Church Ministries

Tyrone Douglas


Brenda Dickerson


LouAnn Howard

Hispanic Ministries

Roberto Correa

Human Resources

Raylene Jones


Craig Carr

Religious Liberty

Darrel Huenergardt

Women’s Ministries

Nancy Buxton




Brenda Dickerson

Managing Editor: Barb Engquist

Digital Media Manager: Hugh Davis outlookmag.org



2024 International Camporee Has Sold Out Tickets; Now What Do I Do?

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Summer camp ministry is also full-on evangelism (see p. 8). Research shows that camp is the number one place where kids choose to give their lives to Jesus. We pray you will choose to support Adventist camping ministries this summer— whether by attending, sponsoring, donating or praying for those involved.


Anilah Brooks and Christina Bohlman tube on Lake Metigoshe during Junior Camp at Northern Lights Camp in Bottineau, North Dakota.

More on p. 8

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Central States

Cryston Josiah josiah.c@central-states.org 913.371.1071 central-states.org


Jodi Dossenko communication@ dakotasda.org

701.751.6177 dakotaadventist.org


Caleb Durant communication@imsda.org 515.223.1197 imsda.org


Saul Dominguez sdominguez@ks-ne.org 785.478.4726 ks-ne.org


Savannah Carlson scarlson@mnsda.com 763.424.8923 mnsda.com

Rocky Mountain

Rajmund Dabrowski rayd@rmcsda.org

303.733.3771 rmcsda.org


Ryan Teller ryteller@ucollege.edu

402.486.2538 ucollege.edu

It So Hard to Make Healthy Changes in Your
Diet? bit.ly/diet-addictions
BRENDA DICKERSON editor Photo by Jahsoulay Walton


Leadership Series

Last month I shared with you the first tenant of practicing authentic leadership I learned from Dr. Prestol: “knowing one’s self.” The second tenant to this theory of leadership is to be genuine, transparent leaders.

Have you ever had an experience with a salesperson calling you on the phone and selling you something and lo and behold, when all was said and done, you bought into much more than you bargained for because the salesperson simply did not tell you the whole story?

This recently happened to me when I was asking my phone carrier (who will remain nameless) if there was a newer, more economical plan we could be on than the one we have had for the past eight years. The salesman looked up our account and sure enough, he was able to offer a new plan with the same benefits that would save us about $10 a month. It sounded like the way to go so I said, “Yes, sign me up.” Later, when I had a chance to review the new plan in greater detail, I realized the salesman had found a plan that would actually save me $35 a month but added an insurance policy for all of my household electronics for $25 a month. When I asked him about that, he said, “Oh, yes, I thought you would want this so I added it to your new agreement.” He then said I could “opt out” after three months if I wanted to. I was not feeling like I had just done business with a transparent, genuine salesperson.

Pillar #2

Have you ever worked for a boss where you couldn’t determine if they were being fully genuine and transparent with you? Maybe your employer was not honest with you about the workload, the reimbursement, the scope of responsibility or even the health of the company. I had a friend who started working for a firm and about the third month his paycheck bounced! Needless to say, the boss was not transparent about the health of the firm and my friend lost confidence in his leadership and found other work.

It is hard to overstate the importance of being a genuine, transparent leader. Transparency is truly an important step in building trust with anyone. Authors Bruce Avolio and Tara Wernsing describe this pillar of authentic leadership as “sharing relevant information, being open to giving and receiving feedback, being forthright regarding motives and the reasoning behind decision, and displaying alignment between words and actions.”* As you might imagine, I am not so sure I want to use the same salesperson the next time I negotiate with my phone company!

I know I am writing to a large number of leaders. If you received a call from your nominating committee at church and you said “Yes,” then chances are you are a leader. You may be leading a team in the junior department or directing a choir. You might be the head deacon or deaconess and you organize people for service. To be effective and appreciated by those you lead, you must be transparent and genuine. Otherwise, distrust and discouragement will set in.

Living transparently

Being open and transparent about our motives and having “alignment” between our words and actions is simply a must. This is true for any leader at any position. This tenant can only work if you truly know yourself and are honest with yourself. It also requires you to be in alignment with the core values you live by.

Of all the leaders in the world, truly our mission and values as a church call for Christlike, authentic leaders. Being genuine and transparent will be central to trusting one another as we lock arms to serve our Maker.

Next time, we will talk about the third pillar of authentic leadership: building healthy processes for carrying out our leadership responsibilities.

*Avolio, B. J., & Wernsing, T. S. (2008). Practicing Authentic Leadership. Positive Psychology: Exploring the Best in People, 4, 147-165. GARY THURBER is president of the Mid-America Union.

Some Are Called to Teach. Are You?

To teach in Adventist education is a calling to a great and sacred career deeply rooted in the mission to enlighten the mind, body and spirit. It’s not merely about imparting academic knowledge; it’s an all-encompassing endeavor that involves nurturing the entire being of each student in a Christ-centered environment. This calling beckons individuals passionate about shaping young lives as educators, spiritual mentors and moral guides.

In Adventist schools, teachers have the unique opportunity to integrate faith with learning, to inspire a love for truth and a commitment to service. It is a role that transcends the conventional boundaries of teaching, blending the pursuit of intellectual excellence with the development of Christian character. Those who respond to this call join a community dedicated to preparing students for success in the world and a life of spiritual fulfillment and eternal significance.

Teaching in an Adventist school is more than a career; it’s a calling. It’s about imparting knowledge while also shaping character. Teachers in our schools are mentors, role models and spiritual guides. They play a critical role in developing the next generation of church and community leaders.

The benefits of this calling are manifold. Teachers experience the joy and satisfaction of making a real difference in the lives of their students. They witness firsthand the growth and transformation of young minds. Looking to the future, the impact of a teacher extends far beyond the classroom. The values and lessons imparted last a lifetime, influencing not just the students but the communities they will eventually serve.

Courtesy Minnesota Conference

Currently, our schools face a significant challenge: a shortage of teachers. This shortage isn’t just a logistical issue; it’s a spiritual one. We need motivated, called teachers to step forward. Your contribution can make a vital difference in continuing the legacy of Adventist education. Each teacher who answers this call is an answer to prayer, a beacon of hope in our mission to educate and empower the next generation.

Routes to the classroom

Becoming a teacher in our Adventist schools is an accessible journey with multiple pathways. The traditional route involves obtaining a degree in education, which provides a solid foundation in teaching methodologies, curriculum development, classroom management and student assessment.

However, there are alternate routes for those who feel called to teach but have taken a different professional path. For individuals with degrees in other fields, it’s possible to move into the classroom while completing the coursework required for certification. This allows a person to bring their unique skills and perspectives to the classroom while gaining the necessary knowledge through practical and academic experience. This relevant coursework is designed to equip you with the essential tools and knowledge to become an effective educator within our system.

If you feel the stirring of this calling in your heart, or if you know someone who could be called to the teaching ministry, we encourage you to take the next step. Reach out to your local Adventist school or the education department of your local conference. Inquire about opportunities to observe, volunteer or even teach. Engage with current educators to understand their experiences and insights.

For those ready to pursue this path, consider beginning with the educational prerequisites. Explore the various traditional and alternative programs and find the one that aligns with your journey. Learn more at www.midamericaadventist. org/joineduteam.

To each of you reading this, the call is clear. If you feel the tug in your heart to teach, mentor and make a difference in the lives of our youth, respond to that call. Teaching in an Adventist school is shaping the future, one student at a time. Let’s come together to fill our schools with passionate, dedicated teachers who are committed to educating and nurturing our young people in the love and knowledge of Christ.

Don’t wait—the time to act is now. Be the change you wish to see in our schools. We are excited to welcome you into our family of educators and look forward to supporting you on this rewarding journey.

James C. Davis, Jr. is education superintendent for the Minnesota Conference.



A An outsider’s perspective ADVENTIST EDUCATION

dventist education is something that has significantly impacted my spiritual life, even though I’m not Adventist. I am Messianic. For those who do not know what Messianic Judaism is, we are Jews and Gentiles that believe in Yeshua (Hebrew for Jesus), while also keeping the Jewish faith (e.g. kosher laws, Sabbath, feasts).

When I first came to Midland Adventist Academy, I can honestly say my faith was not as strong as it is now. As a result of just coming out of quarantine, I genuinely believed that my family was the only Messianics out there. I believed I belonged to the one family in the entire world who kept the Sabbath, while believing Jesus died, and was the perfect atonement. That is, until I came to Midland Adventist Academy.

Little did I know that this “religious education” I was going to receive would impact me dramatically.

I had just come from sixth grade in public school, a place where if teachers referenced the Bible, they had to be obscure about it due to possibilities of offending non-Christians. Consequently, when my sister and I went down the halls of Midland for the first time, it was quite a change from Jesus being taboo. With a picture of Jesus on almost every corner, I was honestly confused.

Class soon started, and it was time for worship. Worship? In school!? I was astounded. Here I was in a new school, a school with a religion I had only heard of as a reference. Nevertheless, we were listening to Christ-centered music and talking about the Bible. It was amazing!

Undoubtedly, the Adventists around me truly cared about my personal walk with God. Before my experiences with Midland, I only did as I was told, not truly understanding why my family believed what we believed. However, due to such a strong passion for learning about the Father, my faith grew more and more. Even though I did not convert to Adventism, my Messianic faith became strengthened.

I could actually talk to people about what I believed instead of saying,“Well, I think we celebrate the feasts, but I don’t know.” Now, I can answer questions like that

with confidence.

And yet, I wasn’t shunned or even treated as a stranger. On the contrary, I was welcomed and treated like a brother. I gave my testimony, and they gave me theirs. The people at the Adventist school I go to have become family to me. In public schools, there would be very few people you could say that about. My whole class in the Adventist school welcomed me, a completely opposite reaction to experiences as a new student in public school.

Another thing I have realized through Adventist education is that we all worship the same God. As Mishneh Torah, Positive Mitzvot (a rabbinic commentary on the Torah) notes, “To love every member of our people, as [Leviticus 19:18] states: ‘And you shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Moreover, we’re all in God’s family, let alone neighbors. Through Adventist education, I’ve been able to grasp that concept. The concept of love throughout the Christian faith, despite differences.

In conclusion, despite my difference in religion, Adventist education has become a very important thing to me, as it helped shape my faith and understanding of my religion and of the religion of my family in Christ. Proverbs 27:17 states, “Just as iron sharpens iron, a person sharpens the character of his friend.”

Undoubtedly, the Adventist education I’ve been blessed with is proof of that. My friends ask me questions about my beliefs, and I ask them the same. This generation needs foundation. Nonetheless, Adventist and other faith-based education are the best options, as they help create a realization of a foundation that never shifts. The unshakeable foundation of Yeshua.

Camron Miranda is a student at Midland Adventist Academy in Shawnee, Kansas. This essay won second place in the 2023 high school student writing contest.

the other essays at outlookmag. org/essays-2023

The Floating Axe Head Kids Column

Let’s read

2 Kings 6:1-7.

(How do we find this in the Bible?

Start at the beginning: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, bingo! Now find chapter 6. That’s the big number 6 and we’re going to read verses 1-7, which are the small numbers mixed into the sentences.)

I love this story so much! Before we dive in, let’s set the scene. The Prophet Elisha has a small school where he teaches other people about God and how to work for God. Think about Sabbath school where you read stories about God, talk about how you can show others God’s love, or plan community outreach like collecting food for people in need. That’s what Elisha is doing and he was a great teacher full of God’s Spirit with so many students that they needed a bigger school.

Elisha’s students convince him that they should build a larger school down by the Jordan River. Elisha agrees, so they pick up their tools and head to the river where there are plenty of trees to chop down and use for building. They get right to work. Swing, chop, swing, chop! The wood chips fly as the axe cuts deeper and deeper into the tree. One final chop and the tree will fall... But on the final swing, the iron axe head flies off the handle, soars through the air, and as if it were slow motion, people’s heads pivot to watch as it lands in the river water and sinks to the muddy bottom. Glub, glub, glub.

“Oh no!” One of the students cries out to Elisha and explains that he had borrowed that axe. Have you ever lost or broken something that didn’t belong to you? Did you have to

explain and apologize for what happened? Maybe pay for a replacement? It’s not fun, is it? You probably understand how this student felt watching the axe head sink.

Now look in your Bible at verse 6. No one goes splashing into the river to get the axe head; they don’t try to swim down deep and find it in the mud. Elisha steps in to help. Up until this point in the story, Elisha is called Elisha. But in verse 6, what is Elisha called? A man of God. God’s loving power is about to enter this story! Elisha cuts off a stick, throws it into the water, and the heavy metal iron axe head floats to the surface. What?! Can you picture it in your mind? Up out of the muddy and gunky Jordan River floats an axe head. And the story ends happily ever after.

God’s Victory

Seven simple Bible verses, but a beautiful story of a God who sees and cares about the little things. A God who uses people, animals and even inanimate objects in amazing ways to bring honor and glory to His name.

Fast forward a few thousand years and Jesus gets baptized in the same Jordan River. Like that axe head, Jesus goes under the water, into the gunk and rises up out of it demonstrating God’s victory over the gunk of this world.

Did you know that Jesus’ life has something else in common with the miracle of the floating axe head? Once the axe head floated, Elisha told the student to pick it up, so the student reached out and took the floating axe head. This student got to participate in the miracle! When you and I say yes to Jesus, we participate in the miracle of His life, death and resurrection (Rom. 6:1-7). Jesus wants us to be a part of His story. He loves us too much to leave us in the gunk. I don’t know about you, but that’s good news worth sharing!

KELLI WASEMILLER is elementary education superintendent for the Dakota Conference.



Luke 2:52 holds a special place in my heart.

It is the first Bible verse I committed to memory during my time as a Pathfinder. This verse beautifully captures the developmental journey of Jesus from childhood to manhood, emphasizing His growth in wisdom, stature and favor with God and man.

As I matured, the significance of this scripture became increasingly apparent, highlighting the holistic and balanced development of all aspects of Jesus’ life. It serves as a timeless reminder for today’s parents and youth leaders to be intentional about fostering such well-rounded growth in our children.

In the Adventist church, we are blessed to have ministries that contribute to the multi-dimensional growth and development of our youth and young adults. Notably, our summer camp ministry stands out as one of the most impactful ministries we offer. There are 67 Seventh-day Adventist camps and conference centers in North America. Most of the camps are situated in the rustic setting

of the outdoors, and about 59 provide the unique opportunity in this fast-paced technology-driven lifestyle for our youth to spend one or two weeks of digital detox in the midst of nature. Through joyful learning, play and outdoor activities, the educational experience at camp becomes engaging, fostering a lasting love for learning beyond the camp environment.

The Seventh-day Adventist camp ministry traces its roots back to 1927 in Michigan. The first summer camp was held at Townline Lake, Michigan, and lasted 10 days with 18 boys in attendance. The event was so successful and a blessing for the boys who participated that summer camp for girls was organized the following summer in 1928.

Mid-America camps

Of the 67 Seventh-day Adventist camps and conference centers in the North American Division, nine are located in the Mid-America Union. Seven of the nine camps run active summer camp programs contributing to the spiritual and personal development of campers.

The seven camps conducting programs are: Broken Arrow Ranch in Kansas-Nebraska Conference, Camp Heritage in Iowa-Missouri Conference, Camp North Star in Minnesota Conference, Camp Northern Lights and Flag Mountain in Dakota Conference, and Glacier View Ranch and Mills Spring Ranch in Rocky Mountain Conference.

These summer camps cater to various age groups, offering diverse experiences. Cub camp is designed for campers as young as seven years old who may be spending time away from home and their parents for the first time. Family Camp allows families to enjoy activities together creating lasting memories for a lifetime and is open to all ages.

Some camps offer specialty experiences, such as extreme camp for teens at North Star, teen river camp at Heritage, camp for single moms at Broken Arrow Ranch, and blind camp, outpost camp and horse camp at Glacier View Ranch.

While diverse in their offerings, all these camps have common goals. They offer attendees the opportunity to grow socially while building friendships with peers from diverse backgrounds. The engagement in group activities and team sports at camp promotes teamwork and collaboration, teaching kids to communicate effectively. In addition, exposure to a variety of activities can help some kids discover and develop new interests, talents and hobbies which will contribute to their overall personal growth.

In 2023 alone, 1,643 kids attended summer camp programs in Mid-America Union, and 301 individuals attended family camp. Of these, 1,184 filled out decision cards for spiritual followup after camp, with 73 campers choosing baptism at camp while others elected to be baptized in their home churches.

Spiritual leadership journeys

From its inception 97 years ago, summer camp ministry has maintained another primary goal and objective—to help youth and young adults who serve as camp counselors develop a closer walk with Jesus. Every summer camp in Mid-America Union strives to provide an environment conducive to spiritual growth.

Brandon Westgate, youth director for the Rocky Mountain Conference, states, “Spirituality is everything at our camp. All of the activities at camp, whether we are riding horses, paddling a canoe or shooting arrows, are for us opportunities to build a relationship with a camper so we can challenge them to take the next step in their faith journey.”

Nick Snell, youth director for the KansasNebraska Conference, adds, “Spirituality is ultimately why we do camp. Hopefully and prayerfully the fun, food and friendships as well as the challenging opportunities of a new environment outside the normal comfort zone all expand our view of spirituality. We want the campers and staff to meet Jesus through it all.”

With such intentionality from leaders, summer camp becomes the perfect environment for youth to grow in wisdom, in stature, in favor with God and man, mirroring the transformative journey of Jesus when He encamped with us on earth.

Tyrone Douglas is church ministries director for the MidAmerica Union Conference.

Summer camp incorporates regular times for worship and devotion. Engaging in collective worship experiences can create a powerful and uplifting atmosphere that strengthens the camper’s connection to their faith. The emphasis on character development encourages campers to embody Christian virtues such as love, kindness and compassion as revealed in the life and ministry of Jesus.

Photos Courtesy Dakota Conference



s the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isa. 55:8-9).

In the brisk, rejuvenating air of Minnesota’s spring, a season of both personal and professional transformation unfolded for me. As the youth director of North Star Camp, the onset of our staffing season coincided with a pivotal moment in my life—the birth of our daughter, Davina. This beautiful personal milestone, however, brought an unforeseen challenge: I was on maternity leave during the critical period of hiring staff for the camp.

With only three of the necessary 37 staff positions filled, I remember feeling a mix of vulnerability and trust. It was a test of faith, releasing control and entrusting the camp’s future into God’s hands. Little did I know, this act of faith would unfold into a series of events that perfectly embodied Isaiah’s words above.

God’s mysterious ways began to reveal themselves through unexpected connections. Karter, a previous staff member, had become an ambassador of North Star’s spirit in Puerto Rico. His experience at camp ignited a passion so intense that it led him to invite five friends to join our mission. This diverse group brought a fresh perspective and new energy to the camp. Abdiel and Nelson were amazing counselors who connected so well with their cabins. Suleny’s creativity in the art department sparked imagination and joy. Paola, our skillful boat driver, navigated not just the waters but also meaningful conversations with campers. And Laura, with her adaptability, was a beacon of support in various activities.

Another serendipitous story unfolded with Sarah from Minnesota, who discovered North Star Camp through a newfound friend, Lola, at a conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Sarah’s arrival at the camp brought a new dimension to our horse program. Her innate ability to connect with both horses and campers encouraged many to overcome their fears and experience the joy of horseback riding. Her gentle guidance and patience exemplified the spirit of care and nurturing that we aspire to instill in all our activities.

Moises’ journey to North Star was a testament to the power of community and generosity. His desire to serve was hindered by financial constraints, but a compassionate gesture from a church member ensured his participation—not as a staff member, but as a fully-funded volunteer serving in the role of mentoring the various class directors. This act of kindness not only allowed Moises to join us but also reinforced the community’s collective commitment to nurturing young leaders.

These stories weren’t mere coincidences; they were divine orchestrations. Each individual’s journey to North Star Camp was a thread in a larger tapestry, woven by a higher power. As the camp season progressed, the evidence of God’s handiwork was undeniable. Our campers arrived, each carrying their unique stories and struggles. The camp became a melting pot of experiences, backgrounds and perspectives, united by a shared quest for spiritual growth and connection. Our diverse staff was able to meet the needs of our campers in new and interesting ways, using their own backstories for those experiences.

The camp’s activities, from canoeing on the serene lake to exploring creativity in the art department, were avenues for both fun and profound life lessons. The laughter and chatter that filled the dining hall, the reflective silences during worship sessions and the bonds formed over campfires under the starlit sky—each moment was imbued with a sense of purpose and divinity.

God meets each person on their journey

One Sabbath afternoon, during a question and answer period, a camper who had been struggling with feelings of self doubt and unworthiness had an epiphany. In a crystalizing moment, as staffer David shared that God meets each person on their individual journeys, and how the Bible tells the story

of a loving God, this camper began weeping. He realized that God loved him, no matter his story, and he would always have a place in God’s kingdom and heart. He chose to give his life to Jesus and shared his testimony with the other campers.

God built the staff for moments like this. As I witnessed the many interactions throughout the summer, it was clear that God doesn’t need us, but He chooses each one of us to serve Him. I’m so excited to be a part of this ministry and mission where God is changing lives.

This past summer, God moved in a mighty way, with 132 campers at North Star starting a relationship with Jesus, 111 recommitting to Jesus, 99 requesting prayers and Bible studies and 102 requesting baptism. With a total of 392 campers, it’s amazing to see how God impacted each life in such a profound way.

Reflecting on this journey, I am reminded of the beauty and mystery of God’s plans. As we prepare for another season at North Star Camp, we do so with hearts full of anticipation and eyes open to the wonders that await. The experiences of the past year have taught us to embrace the unexpected and to find joy in the journey of faith.

Camp ministry is a combination of both teaching and discipling campers, and also teaching and discipling staff. I know that I learned so much this summer about God’s grace and faithfulness, and every summer staff experience some of their most significant life changes from serving in camp ministries. As we began the search for the 2024 camp season, almost half of our staff from last summer planned to return to North Star this year. This is despite graduations, applying for internships and “real careers.” We are thrilled to see how God is using camp ministry to grow everyone involved in the ministry.

God’s ways—indeed higher than ours—are manifested in the smiles of our campers, the dedication of our staff and the community that we build together. As we look to the future, we hold onto the promise that in every challenge, every uncertainty and every new beginning, God is there guiding us, surprising us and blessing us in ways we could never imagine.

If you or someone you know is interested in working or attending summer camp, please refer them to northstarcamp. org or to any of the camps listed on page 9.

Shelina Bonjour is youth director for the Minnesota Conference and director of North Star Camp in Brainerd, Minnesota. Photos Courtesy Minnesota Conference

Legacy of Our Pioneers

Is it dead or alive?

This article was originally published in the Lake Union Herald. Used with permission: www.lakeunionherald.org/ archive/articles/legacy-of-ourpioneers-is-it-dead-or-alive.

As the territory where the Adventist church was organized, the Lake Union has a unique and distinctive legacy as the resident voice of our pioneers. Our pioneers represent courageous voices who boldly proclaimed and personified the gospel.

When we consider the contributions of our pioneers, we realize there’s a difference between the past and present application of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty ministry.

Consider the actions and strong statements from our pioneers on this issue of slavery. Guided by the Holy Spirit, they spoke truth to power through words and deeds (1 John 3:16-18) in upholding the gospel of Jesus Christ and the three angels’ messages.

Check out these insightful facts about and quotes from our pioneers:

• John Byington, first General Conference president, was an abolitionist.

• Uriah Smith condemned “white-washed villainy” emanating from the pulpits (Adventist Review and Sabbath Herald, June 17, 1862).

• In Present Truth, James White labeled those who did not endorse freeing slaves as laggards.

• Ellen White once wrote, “Are we not under even greater obligation to labor for the colored [Black] community than for those who have been highly favored? Who is it that held these people in servitude? Who kept them in ignorance, and pursued a course to debase and brutalize them? ... Is there not much due to them from the white people? ... Sin rests upon us as a church because we have not made greater effort ... Every effort should be made to wipe out the terrible wrong which has been done to them” (MS 6, 1891).

• Joseph Bates described America as, “This land of

liberty, this heaven-daring, soul-destroying, slave-holding, neighbor-murdering country” (SDA Encyclopedia, p. 170).

It’s clear our pioneers, like Issachar in 1 Chron.12:32, understood the times and knew what the church should do. Nevertheless, over the decades, the church has shifted in speaking truth to power in words and deeds and was largely silent during segregation, Nazi Germany, women’s suffrage, apartheid in South Africa, the Civil Rights Movement, and the aftermath of the death of George Floyd. It seemed the church followed society instead of being the light for society to follow.

Although the church has shifted, you can’t ignore the countless numbers of individuals known and unknown who continue to raise their voices in the spirit of our pioneers. For example, during a Lake Region camp meeting, Don Livesay, former Lake Union Conference president, offered a formal apology for past racial discrimination by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Andrea Luxton, former Andrews University president, also issued an apology listing racial atrocities carried out on the university’s campus decades ago. Former Pioneer Memorial Church Pastor Dwight Nelson joined a student-led march in support of the message that Black lives matter, too. In Wisconsin,

Pastor Stephen Hall proclaimed that Black lives matter, too, using the Reedsburg church signage. Nicholas Miller, former Lake Union PARL director, routinely acknowledged the existence of white privilege. Kevin Burton, Center for Adventist Research director, reminded us that our pioneers were vocal against slavery and racial discrimination. With all this, let’s remember that PARL is not just about race. It’s about inequality in housing, healthcare, misogyny, education, food insecurity, lack of access to clean water, poverty and so much more.

It’s important we don’t change the narrative or engage in revisionist history or disparage Public Affairs and Religious Liberty ministry. It’s only fitting that the namesake of Andrews University, J.N. Andrews, speaks to this issue of not equating PARL to politics. “The sin [of slavery] is snugly stowed away in a certain package which is labeled ‘politics.’ They deny the right of their fellow men to condemn any of the favorite sins which they placed in this bundle; and they evidently expect that any parcel bearing this label will pass the …judgment of the great day—without being examined. Should the All-seeing Judge, however, inquire into their connection with this great iniquity, they suppose the following answer will be entirely satisfactory to Him. ‘I am not all the censurable for anything said or done

Courtesy Lake Union Herald

by me on behalf of slavery; for O Lord, Thou knowest, it was a part of my politics!’ (“Slavery,” Review and Herald, Oct. 25, 1864, p. 172, J. N. Andrews)

Nevertheless, there are some who recommend to minorities who visit a state church that they would be more comfortable in a regional church. In addition, some also believe we have regional conferences because of the drums and appear to believe that heaven will be segregated. We also have some viewing all white people as the same, refusing to forgive, and not willing to participate in sincere attempts at reconciliation.

Revered more in death than in life, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. penned this sentiment in his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”: “Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.”

In conclusion, it’s time for the Lake Union to embrace and represent our early pioneers in the application of the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty ministry, as this will determine whether we are alive or dead to the legacy of our pioneers.

Edward Woods III is the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty director for the Lake Region, as well as the Conference and the Conscience & Justice Council chairperson.

Northside Member Uses Grant to Bolster Community Services

Two years ago, we developed a program at the Northside Adventist Church in St. Louis called Jam Jar that focuses on both inreach and outreach for our youth. Most recently, a few of our college members agreed that growing spiritually could take place even through “biblical basketball.” Points count only if you can answer biblical questions and share the meaning of the scripture and application so the scripture becomes of value.

While preparing, we knew we’d need a location, and the Northside AY Department partnered with Jam Jar and then the church board approved this idea. During the preparation of biblical basketball, we found out about a rather unique member of Northside who not only assisted us in the area

of food being provided but is helping her family, church and community greatly on a daily basis. God is using her to impact many, as Dorcas did in the Bible.

Mother, daughter, servant, giver, friend

Rochelle Gilliam first took the position as Community Service director at Northside in March of 2022. She applied for a grant through the North American Division in August of 2022 for the sum of $10,000 and received it. The grant provided two new refrigerators, a new freezer, racks to house the food supply, an ice maker, computer, printer, television, chair and carts for carrying the food and a monitor for online classes.

The community service center provides Bible study classes weekly on Wednesdays. She hosts Narcotics Anonymous meetings every Thursday, as well as running a food pantry  every Wednesday from 10 am-12 pm that serves 70-100 people each week. She also participates in the homeless ministry through the Pathfinder club.

Gilliam’s mother says, “I believe this caring and helping spirit evolved when she and her siblings were younger, because instead of bringing pets home asking if they can keep them, they would bring their friends, meet people who were displaced or didn’t have any place to stay to our house,

and we would let them stay until they could either go back home or find other housing.”

Rochelle Gilliam has impacted the lives of many, and is not seeking self glory. I can recall calling her and her praying for me, my family and their needs—not rushing. She hit home when praying, genuinely concerned and even affirming who I am in the eyes of Christ, the labor we are doing not being in vain.

1 Thess. 5:12-13 says we should acknowledge those who work hard and care for us in the Lord. This servant is working hard and serving!

Gilliam doesn’t sew as Dorcas did—mending different pieces together—but instead is mending many broken hearts through the gift of the Holy Spirit, a smile, humor, helping hand and kind word, just as Jesus did while He traveled our earth.

He met the need, then He taught—yea, God! Heaven is cheering for you, Rochelle!

Tina Lyles is from the Lighthouse Adventist Church in St. Louis.

Sydney Lyles, Jonathan Gibson, Teondra Lyles and Elder Stewart are facilitators of Jam Jar.

Courtesy Central States Conference
Learn more at happychoicesforkids@gmail.com or call 314.517.1938.


Prayers Bring Camp Ranger

ord, we really need a camp ranger for Flag Mountain.” I had begun saying this prayer daily since the moment I had finished thoroughly evaluating the mounting facility projects at our South Dakota camp. I wondered how we could complete the necessary work without a summer ranger.

At the office one day, I told my wife, Lynnette, how I wished we could have placed an ad in OUTLOOK Magazine for a camp ranger. However, we knew the ad deadline had already passed, we didn’t have an ad budget, and the next ads wouldn’t run for nearly three months—too late for us. We sadly realized we’d probably have to wait until next summer to get a ranger.

Suddenly, Jodi Dossenko,

our conference communication director, called to say she had an unusual question to ask: OUTLOOK needed to fill last-minute ad space within the next couple of hours before it went to print, and did I possibly have anything I could advertise? Yes, yes I did! We said a thank-you prayer, quickly composed an ad and asked God to bless.

A month later, we were at Andrews University recruiting summer staff when a tall gentleman approached us to ask if we still needed a camp ranger. He had seen the ad, had previously worked at Flag Mountain Camp, and had always wanted to be a ranger there. He needed to check with his boss to get time off, but he would love for it to

work out.

Praise the Lord, it did! God blessed and multiplied our ranger’s efforts. All summer, ranger Nathan Roe tackled a variety of projects, so our facility could continue to be a place of ministry for many years to come, and in his “spare time,” Roe taught campers blacksmithing. Amazing!

When it comes to camp ministry, God works daily miracles to provide for His kids. Our ranger was prayed for, and God answered through a post-deadline ad. We serve an awesome God!

Ted and Lynnette Struntz serve as youth, camp and club ministries directors for the Dakota Conference.

Ted Struntz
Camp director Pastor Ted Struntz (left) and camp ranger Nathan Roe enjoy serving at Flag Mountain Camp in South Dakota.


at Prairie Voyager School Students Embark on Voyage of Discovery

the Lewis and Clark Expedition

“Students, please open your social studies textbook to pages 47 and 48 to read about the ‘Voyage of Discovery.’”

Within the confines of those concise pages, the lower-grade social studies class at Prairie Voyager Adventist Elementary School encountered the sole information provided about the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Only two pages for an epic voyage that was pivotal in the growth of this nation! The students were left wanting more.

With the dedicated assistance of a parent volunteer, the teacher, Mrs. Leanne Erickson, invested an extended evening in decorating the classroom, transforming it into an engaging series of stations that would mirror the historic voyage.

Station 1: The expedition commences in the classroom with a letter from President Jefferson, elucidating the purpose and goals of the journey. The students are then handed a list of essential items for their voyage. The shopping experience involves a classroom-wide scavenger hunt for hidden objects. Once their imaginary boat is packed, the expedition proceeds to Station 2.

Station 2: Picture the Great Plains—a vast, green grassland adorned with images of American bison and prairie dogs. Here, the students engage in a unique activity: capturing a prairie dog to send back alive to President Jefferson. This aligns with the directive of the voyage, which aimed to identify new species

of animals.

Station 3: Enter Sacajawea and Pomp. They become companions to the travelers, staying with them at Fort Mandan (crafted by the students from Lincoln Logs) and accompanying them for the remainder of the imaginative journey.

Station 4: The first significant hurdle arises at the Great Falls in Montana. Unable to navigate their large boats over the falls, the voyagers creatively portage around them. Once on the other side, the journey continues with dugout canoes.

Station 5: Fortune smiles upon the voyagers. At the base of the Bitterroot Mountains, they encounter a band of natives eager to trade for

horses. Initial reluctance turns to approval when Sacajawea recognizes Chief Cameahwait as her brother. Now equipped with horses, the expedition triumphantly traverses the Bitterroot Mountains.

Station 6: The grand finale—the ocean at last! The expedition reaches the Pacific Ocean in time for winter. Fort Clatsop is constructed, and the beach is explored. Shells and a deceased whale are discovered. Echoing the historic moment when Lewis carved his name on a tree, the students inscribe their names on a tree ring to honor their own “Voyager of Discovery.” This immersive learning experience allowed students to engage deeply with interactive

stations, reliving pivotal moments from Lewis and Clark’s cross-country journey. Leaving their mark at the symbolic Pacific Ocean, they not only mirrored the historical significance of the original expedition but also embarked on their own unforgettable educational expedition.

Information provided by Leanne Erickson, grades 1-8 teacher at Prairie Voyager Adventist Elementary School in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

(l-r, top) Station 1: A letter from President Jefferson; station 2: Picture the Great Plains; station 3: Enter Sacajawea and Pomp (l-r, bottom) Station 4: The Great Falls; Station 5: Bitterroot Mountains; Station 6: The Pacific Ocean at last! Photos: Leanne Erickson



Iowa-Missouri Conference President Announces Retirement

On Jan. 28, 2024, Elder Dean Coridan, president of the Iowa-Missouri Conference, announced his intention to retire as of June 30, 2024.

For almost 38 years, Elder Coridan has dedicated his life to ministry as a pastor and leader within the Seventhday Adventist Church in Iowa and Missouri, with 18 of those as the president of the conference.

His letter to the members of the conference is below:

Dear Iowa-Missouri Conference Family,

With a peaceful and grateful heart, I announced to our Conference Executive Committee on Jan. 28 that I will be retiring from the conference presidency, effective

June 30, 2024. Thank you for allowing me to serve you as president since 2006.

As some may recall, Gail and I first moved to this conference with our three daughters, Mary, Elisabeth and Charity, in September 1986 to commence pastoral ministry. Every decade since has brought new mercies and miracles of divine grace: new members to our personal and conference families, new ministries within the conference, and new missionary endeavors beyond it.

Receiving the call to come across the Mississippi River to join the work in IowaMissouri has surely brought constant rejoicing to our lives. Thank You, Jesus, for the wisdom You gave us in Prov. 3:5-6 and Zech. 4:6.

Thank you so much for opening your hearts and lives, your homes, churches and schools, to our efforts to serve you in our ministry journey. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matt. 5:9). We will appreciate your continuing, fervent prayers so much.

—In brotherly love,

Pray for God’s blessing

The Iowa-Missouri Conference team expresses their gratitude to Dean and his wife, Gail, his partner in ministry. We wish you to join us as we pray for God’s blessing on the Coridan family.

The Mid-American Union Conference president Gary Thurber will lead the Iowa-Missouri Conference

in electing the next president. Please keep this process in your prayers.

Children: A Welcome Addition at Kimberling City

Children are a welcome addition at Kimberling City!

Last November the Kimberling City, Missouri, church held an unheard-of (for them) party—a baby

shower! A family from the Los Angeles area moved to Branson last summer and their daughter, Alice, has been attending the primary Sabbath school class. The shower was for her baby sister, Hazel,

who arrived safely on Dec. 19. Although the number of active members at Kimberling City is very small, there were 20 who attended the shower, including friends of the “mother-to-be” who came from the Branson area.

Also, last summer, the Kimberling City Church warmly welcomed their new pastor, Robert LaCelle, and his family. Pastor Robert and Esther have two young sons, Philip (almost 4) and Jared (1-1/2).

The church has been praying for the Holy Spirit to help their church grow, however He sees fit. Not only

did God send four children to them (they had none), but He also sent two very capable, child-nurturing ladies to lead out in the children’s Sabbath school classes. The Kimberling City Church currently has three kindergarten students and one lovely primary student.

The “Little Church with a Big Heart” always welcomes young and old alike to worship with them.

Carolyn Sowards is communication leader for the Adventist Church in Kimberling City, Missouri.

Judy Garcia Courtesy Coridan Family Executive Committee Caleb Durant is communication director for the Iowa-Missouri Conference.



Youth Rally Brings “Oxygen”

The Oxygen Youth Rally was a breath of fresh air for the teens, pastors and volunteers who attended last fall at Broken Arrow Ranch in Kansas. We were touched by messages from local ministers in our general sessions including Smerdis Fuentes from Piedmont Park, Tori Henton from College View Academy, Payton Arnett, a theology major at Union College, and Jefferson Gibson from Omaha Memorial. Most of the music was led by the very talented UCrew, a group of students who spend many weekends on tour ministering to teens and representing Union College.

There were fun games and connecting activities including an extreme egg toss, a polar plunge, a night hike and a nighttime kayaking adventure. These were facilitated by Mic Henton, Keith Acker and myself. Frank Kean led a memorable Sabbath school talking about oxygen and fire as it relates to the Holy Spirit with some very hands-on examples. The kitchen crew, led by pastor Edwin Bravatti and his wife Nelly, was on point. There was never an excuse to be hungry. The students had great things to say about the weekend:

• “It helped me come out of my shell and be around other Christian teens because it’s not something I get to do often and it showed me that God does have a plan for my life.”

• “It was fun getting to know more people. It helped me get closer to God because of the sermons. It reminded me of how God is always going to be with us. No matter how deep in sin I am I can always go to God.”

• “Every time I’m at Broken Arrow Ranch I feel like my connection with Jesus

Teens from around the conference gathered at Broken Arrow Ranch for activities, music and spiritual encouragement.

grows stronger. Just being around other youth who love Jesus makes everything so much better.”

• “Oxygen was definitely a wake-up call for me. It gave me a desire to be connected with the Lord as much as I stay connected to oxygen.” “Going to Oxygen was an awesome experience and I would definitely go there next year.”

I want to say a big thank you to all the leaders and volunteers around the conference who helped make this weekend all that it was. Thank you to everyone who sent their teens. Let’s keep serving our youth and showing them the kind of love Jesus has for them by our example, support and how

we engage them in church and service.

Over the last few months we have made some great connections with the youth and young adults at our conference events, and we hope to build our communication with them in ways that work best for them.

Nick Snell is the youth and young adult director for the Kansas-Nebraska Conference.

If you would like to be on the forthcoming email list for youth and/or young adults, email nsnell@ks-ne.org.

Photos Courtesy Kansas-Nebraska Conference

Dodge Center Involves Children in Revelation Seminar

If one could describe the biggest focus for the Dodge Center Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Dodge Center, Minnesota, it would be evangelism and outreach. Last fall, the church prayerfully prepared its congregation to host a 21-session Bible prophecy seminar entitled “Revelation of Love,” presented by Pastor David Machado and Revelation of Love Ministries.

While the series was targeted at adults desiring to learn more about the book of Revelation and prophecy, it also included a special Bible seminar aimed at children ages 4-11. After much prayer, Lydia Fleming (Union College ’19, LLU ’23), answered the call to lead out in this children’s portion of the Revelation of Love series. Concerned about finding volunteers to preach a sermon each night, Fleming prayed hard about whom to ask. “I prayed and prayed and made a few phone calls, and God answered that prayer right in front of my eyes,” Fleming stated.

One of those phone calls was to the teachers at Maranatha Adventist Christian School and Ascent Adventist Academy. Fleming, Andrea Vassel of Maranatha and Josh Ahn of AAA, started talking and realized that there were exactly 21 students between grades 3 and 10—just the right number of “preachers” to present sermons each night for the children’s program.

The children in both schools worked hard with their teachers to prepare 30-45-minute sermons which included a Bible story, a central lesson or biblical concept and a memory verse. The series’ primary goal was to teach the kids about the Bible and Jesus’ love for them, but it also focused on concepts such as the Sabbath, salvation, heaven, healthy lifestyles, baptism and what happens after death.

Attendance for each meeting ranged from 19 to 30 children and, along with the sermon, the program also consisted of songs, a craft and a science video.

Each meeting offered the opportunity for children to memorize a verse that correlated with the featured sermon. The children received prizes if they learned the memory verse. Fleming said that kids started begging their parents to come each night just so they wouldn’t miss a meeting. “I had one parent tell me that their kids were sick one night and the kids sat home crying, saying ‘I can’t miss a night, just take us!’” Fleming reported.

At the end of the meetings, kids who attended more than 15 sessions received a Bible as a final gift. More than 20 Bibles were given that night, with many students gathering around their new Bibles after the meetings were over. One child said, “I wish this could go on for a whole year!”

For Fleming and many in the Dodge Center church family, the most beautiful aspect of the seminar was having the children who attend Maranatha and Ascent Academy present to peers of their own age. Not only were the children in attendance

more engaged seeing their friends present, but the students who participated in sharing about Christ were actively witnessing to their friends. The Dodge Center Church is thankful and blessed to have teachers who are committed to spreading the Word of God and teaching their students how essential it is to their personal walk with Christ.

This focus on children both sharing and receiving the message of Christ’s love has had a profound impact on the young and old of the Dodge Center Church.  Having gained 25 requests for baptisms or requests for preparation toward baptism, the Dodge Center Church has felt the immense outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the past few months in their small town.

The world is hungry for the Word of God, and the members pray that, as they continue to minister to others around them, they will be able to reach all people who have a passion to learn about God.

“If I could share one message with other churches considering hosting a seminar for their community,” said head elder Tyler Coleman, “it would be to not forget the children and youth in the planning process. It is incredible how God led in this aspect of our Revelation of Love series.”

Information provided by Lydia Fleming and Malachi McNeilus.

Photos Courtesy Minnesota Conference

Adventist Community Services Thrift Store Shows Jesus to Community

For over seven decades, the Adventist Community Services Thrift Store has stood as a beacon of hope and support in the Detroit Lakes area. Founded in 1949, this thrift store, located on the grounds of the Detroit Lakes Adventist Church, has played a vital role in supporting the community through various initiatives and aid programs. Currently under the dedicated stewardship of Dan Daniels, who has diligently overseen operations for the past three years, the store operates primarily through the selfless dedication of volunteers.

Apart from director Daniels, the team consists of volunteers who devote their time and efforts to ensure the store’s success. The group of eight active volunteers manages the store’s operations. Volunteers contribute their skills to various tasks, including treasurer duties, paperwork, sorting, pricing, managing the register and maintaining the store’s cleanliness. The store

also engages with community programs such as Day Star, a work release initiative for local jail inmates.

One of the cornerstones of the thrift store’s work is its commitment to collecting and distributing donations of food and clothing. This dedication extends beyond just offering affordable goods to locals. In recent times, the store, which is open three days a week, has generously given away 36 totes and 121 bags of clothing to the Pine Point Indian Reservation, responding to specific requests from the reservation’s chief. Moreover, collaborations with various organizations like the Disabled American Veterans, Becker County, First Lutheran Church, and Lakes Crisis Center have resulted in significant aid. This includes providing 482 bags of clothes to DAV, handling 41 referrals, and aiding 65 individuals by offering 463 clothing items and 20 boxes of kitchen items.

In addition to providing material support, the Adventist

Community Services Thrift Store actively participates in outreach programs. They distribute religious material like Amazing Facts and offer free Bible studies. Notably, their efforts led to the recent baptism of an individual who attended a seminar.

Voted best nonprofit

The store’s outreach extends to collaborating with the White Earth rehab center, providing assistance and resources. They also act as a food pantry, distributing 150 pounds of food to those in need of it. Additionally, they assist the homeless, coordinating accommodations through arranging and funding hotel stays, partly facilitated by the ministerial committee.

Furthermore, the store donates clothing and items to a bus service that travels to the Indian reservation, spearheaded by church members Mike and Shari Williams This bi-weekly service involves providing free Bible studies, clothes and health information.

In addition, their altruism extends to other areas of need. After a tornado struck the area last year, the store initiated fundraising efforts to reroof two local houses. Recently, they insulated and wrapped a trailer home for a young family in need.

The thrift store’s profits are channeled toward supporting various causes monthly, with $750 donated to organizations like Lakes Crisis Center, Hospice, and Health Resources Center. Their efforts

were recognized last year when they were voted the best nonprofit in the area, receiving a $5,000 grant from KLN Family Brands. Moreover, their commitment to volunteerism extends to being recognized by the AmeriCorps Point of Light program, with Daniels submitting applications for presidential awards based on the volunteers’ collective hours of service, with each volunteer receiving a medal, certificate and a letter from the president.

Shaping the next generation

Dan Daniels’ commitment to service doesn’t end with the thrift store. He also volunteers as a character development instructor at the Civil Air Patrol in Crookston, Minnesota, contributing to shaping the next generation.

The Adventist Community Services Thrift Store has been an indispensable force for good in Detroit Lakes for many years. Its unwavering commitment to serving the community, aiding the needy and fostering volunteerism exemplifies the very essence of compassionate and selfless service. Under the guidance of dedicated individuals like Daniels and the team of devoted volunteers, the store continues to make a profound impact, enriching lives and shining a light in the local community.

Amy Bacon is associate communication director for the Minnesota Conference. Dan Daniels contributed to this article.


RMC Hires New Youth Leaders, Supports Multiple Events

As we move forward into 2024, the Rocky Mountain Conference youth department is reflecting on where we have been, where we are, and gearing up for where we will be in the coming year.

2023 brought several changes to our department personnel. Dan and Julia Hansen, who served faithfully at Glacier View Ranch for 10 years, moved on to new employment elsewhere. Sam and Kirstin Hasty also transitioned out of our department to start their own business. We are thankful for their ministry contributions through the years and pray the Lord’s richest blessings on them.

With the losses of these quality people, we prayed fervently for the Lord to provide other people who would be able to contribute their talents and influence in service to God. The Lord did not disappoint!

We were pleased to welcome Adam Smith into the role of assistant director of camp ministries at GVR in October. Smith has already been a great asset at GVR in winterizing the camp, assessing the property and its many structures and performing routine maintenance.

Our most recent addition is Jonathan Carlson, who began serving as director of camp ministries at GVR on November 15. Carlson, his wife Kelli, and their three children Grace, Jase and

Larke are getting settled in and acclimated to the 8,760foot elevation at GVR.

Prior to joining us, Carlson was running a successful foundation business in southern Colorado, but felt compelled to work more directly in the service of the Lord. We are thankful that the Lord made it clear to him that ministry in the RMC would satisfy that calling in his heart. He and his family are eager to serve.

2024 brings more exciting opportunities

2024 brings a lot of new opportunities for our department and the conference at large. The first major youth event on the calendar was our teen prayer retreat and winter activities weekend called Greater Summit at GVR in January. This was a great weekend for teens to make new friends and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate after snow tubing.

If that made you chilly, it may warm you up to know that our 2024 summer camp registration is now open! If you plan to go or send a camper to camp this year, I recommend signing up now to secure your spot. New at the GVR camp this year is a whole week set aside for our blind and visually impaired campers. And for our horse lovers, there is a specialty horse camp week.

Our Adventurer and Pathfinder groups have been busy this year and will be

even more involved in 2024. The national level of the Pathfinder Bible Experience (which was held in Tampa, Florida, in 2023) will be held in Greeley, Colorado, in 2024. Our Pathfinders are already gearing up for PBE and we hope to see many of our RMC Pathfinders showcasing their Bible knowledge on the national stage in Greeley on April 19-20.

It is a tremendous thing to host an event at the national level, but what is even bigger is hosting an international event! In August 2024, there will be 55,000 Pathfinders coming to Gillette, Wyoming. The International Pathfinder Camporee “Believe the Promise” will highlight the life of Moses, and it promises to be an amazing event. There will be so many points of engagement and countless opportunities for our young people to minister to others

and receive a blessing from this experience.

Throughout the year, our youth department team strives to engage and equip local churches to foster the talents of our young people and make it easy for kids to know God. We lead out in weeks of prayer, present worship talks, present sermons in local churches and so much more.

It takes a village to raise our children, and your RMC youth department appreciates the opportunity to be part of the village for your child in offering many events. We are grateful for your faithful giving this past year and your continued generosity in 2024.

Brandon Westgate is youth department director for the Rocky Mountain Conference. Glacier View Ranch welcomes the new director of camp ministries, Jonathan Carlson, and his family (left) and the new assistant director of camp ministries, Adam Smith (right). Photos Courtesy Rocky Mountain Conference

2024 International Pathfinder Camporee Sold Out

RMCNews has confirmed that the tickets to the 2024 International Pathfinder Camporee in Gillette, Wyoming, Aug. 5-11, are sold out.

The Rocky Mountain Conference will be represented by more than 800 participants from Pathfinder clubs at 30 churches within the conference. They will be joining the expected 55,000 total participants from around the world.

Sue Nelson, RMC club ministries executive coordinator, explains, “Those in the RMC who still need tickets should contact me so I can put their name on a list in case someone has some to sell. This is the best way, as we can keep our square footage intact at the site and they can camp with other RMC conference participants. There is no transfer of space otherwise.” If someone from Rocky Mountain Conference buys tickets from another conference they will have to camp with that conference.

Camporee returns to RMC

Pathfinder Camporee began in 1985 and was first held within the RMC at Camp Hale in Eagle County, Colorado. RMC has hosted the camporee twice before, but it has been almost two decades since it last convened in RMC territory.

The town of Gillette has been an exceedingly helpful and gracious partner in preparations for camporee, even constructing facilities to be used at the event. Cathy Kissner, RMC Community Services and Disaster Relief coordinator, recently met with Wyoming state officials. She says they are taking security for this event very seriously to ensure the safety of participants during their stay.

Brandon Westgate, RMC youth director, commented on some of the activities set to occur at the camporee: “Aside from the more than 200 Pathfinder honors that will be taught, there will be attempts made all week at

setting several world records.

“Pathfinders who are fortunate enough to attend the International Camporee,” he continued, “will be able to trade pins, earn honors, experience a deeply spiritual awakening and make connections with other Pathfinders from the world over. We are more than thrilled that the RMC is the host conference for what promises to be a record-breaking camporee for our young people!”

There are a few new conference honors that are intended for submission to the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Honors Committee. Some of these new honors range from medical and homeless ministry to heroes of the Reformation to the Ten Commandments. Others include the natural sciences of agricultural technology, animal rescue, magnetics and deep-sea oceanography. There are even new honors in the arts including musical notation, needle felting and stained glass.

With only a little over 200 days left before the camporee, it is recommended that groups focus on their pre-planning now.

If you need to buy or sell already purchased camporee tickets within the RMC, contact Sue Nelson, RMC club ministries executive coordinator, at sue@rmcap.org or 970.227.0962.

RMCNews (left) A mural in downtown Gillette, Wyoming (top right) The currently empty indoor facility on the site where the camporee will be held (bottom right) The main activities field where most of the events will be held Photos: Rajmund Dabrowski

In It for the Long Run

Union alumnus who loves to run supports new indoor track on campus

On Dec. 27, 2018, Craig Carr, who graduated from Union in 1991, went for a run. There was nothing remarkable about that. He’s always enjoyed physical activity and felt the need to exercise after all the excess calories of Christmas. The odd thing was that he got up and ran the next day despite the Seattle rain, and the day after that, and kept going.

“By mid-January, I realized I’d run 20 days in a row,” Carr says. “I wondered if I could make it 30. Then 50. Then I thought, Wouldn’t it be cool if I could run for 100 days in a row?

“The thing about a running streak is the longer you keep going, the more you think it’s going to take something drastic—like a surgery—to make you miss a day,” Carr continues. “The streak is its own reason and motivation. For the last few years, the question has never been if I’ll run, just when.”

Just over five years and more than 9,600 miles later, he’s still going. Every single day he runs at least a mile regardless of the weather, his health or his location.

What does a running streak look like?

In 2022, Carr left the Washington Conference where he worked when his running streak began and came home to Lincoln to serve as ministerial director for the Mid-America Union. Now he has to contend with more ice and snow than in Seattle. His answer? “Run slower,” Carr laughs. “It’s a combination of running and ice dancing. Some mornings it’s more about staying upright and not letting gravity win. I don’t worry about my time; I just enjoy the fresh air.

“A streak is an interesting twist on running,” Carr continues. “If you’re training for a marathon, you’ll take days off to let your body recover and rest. I don’t do that. My days off are just going easy ... a rest day run is just a little faster

than a walk. You focus on not pushing it.”

There are rules to his running streak, though self-imposed. One is that the run must be at least one mile in order to count. “One day my wife, Carissa, and I were in the Seattle airport,”

Union alumnus Craig Carr has run every day for the past five years—rain, shine, ice—it doesn't matter. Now he is giving to the AdventHealth Complex project at Union College so students can run on an indoor track even when it is cold and slick outside.

Learn more about the Wall of Champions and contribute to the completion of the AdventHealth Complex at ucollege.edu/ champions.

Carr recounts. “By the time we’d have our layover, fly to Omaha and drive to Lincoln, we weren’t going to get home until after 10 pm. I realized I might not have time to get my run in. So to save the running streak, I ran a mile inside the Seattle airport.”

Though a mile is the minimum, he has averaged a little over five miles a day. His weekday runs are four miles, but longer distances on the weekends pull up the mean.

Do treadmills count? “Yes, but I’m just not a treadmill person,” Carr says. “All of my running is outdoors, which in Lincoln can be a challenge.” The secret is gearing up for the right weather. “I’ll wear three

Photos Courtesy Craig Carr


or four layers. I know if my first mile is a little chilly, I’ll be fine because I’ll get warmer as I run.”

Why stay active?

According to Carr, the discipline of physical activity is as much for a healthy mind and spirit as it is for a healthy body. “The daily run has become part of my daily devotional,” he says. “I get up, drink my 20 ounces of water to start hydrating, have my devotional time then go for my run.

“I think if I had to give it up, the biggest part I would miss is the emotional and spiritual exercise of the run,” he continues. “That’s a great deal of the reason why I’ve held onto it. I take the same route every morning, so I don’t have to think about where I’m going, I can just reflect and talk to God.”

Though he just moved back a year ago, Carr is no stranger to running in Lincoln. In 1983, his mother, Marilyn Carr, accepted the position of dean of women, and his family moved into Rees Hall. “My mom worked at Union for 22 years,” Carr says. “No matter where I’ve gone, Union College is always home.”

Invested in the new Reiner Wellness Center at Union

Many of his memories from that first year in Lincoln are of a brand-new Larson Lifestyle Center. “The pool had just been built, and everyone was excitedly talking about phase two. Phase two! We’ll have a new gym and indoor running track!” Carr laughs. “I’m so pleased to finally see phase two all these years later.”

Carr has contributed to the construction of the AdventHealth Complex, and is excited to have his donation commemorated on the Wall of Champions with a running shoe plaque. “I wanted to be part of this project, even in the small way I can afford,” he says. “I’ve wanted it finished since I was a teenager.

“Exercising every day has been such an incredible blessing physically, emotionally and spiritually, and I want Union’s students to have that same opportunity,” he continues. “I was one of the first people to benefit from the Larson pool, and I know it has been a gift for students and a gateway to the Lincoln community for 40 years now. This addition will be more functional all through the year. When the worst weather

hits, you’ll definitely see me on that new running track!”

Working for the church, Carr’s travels take him to a wide variety of Adventist facilities. He says he’s glad Union College’s leadership have been proactive in not just fundraising for the new fieldhouse, but also repairing and updating the existing pool and roof. “The buildings at our academies and universities

Union’s new Reiner Wellness Center in the AdventHealth Complex will allow students to more easily keep up their fitness streaks when the weather turns cold. Learn more at ucollege.edu/fit.

are a bit like our own health,” he explains. “As we age—and as buildings age—if we aren’t maintaining or improving, we can reach a moment of crisis. We can’t rewind the clock to do things differently. We need to be proactive today. It will save us a lot of pain and money in the long run.”

Scott Cushman is the director of digital communication at Union College.

Courtesy Union College

AdventHealth Takes a Bite out of Food Insecurity

This month marks the 51st anniversary of National Nutrition Month, a campaign that began in 1973 by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. In celebration of this health awareness month, AdventHealth continues to expand its efforts to deliver whole-person care as a way to impact the future well-being of the communities it serves.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, chronic diseases account for 70 percent of all deaths in the U.S., many of which are attributed to poor diet and its chronic aftereffects such as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity.

AdventHealth’s Community Benefit team has developed strategies

in response to the 2022 White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health, the first time that conference had been held in 50 years. Key focus areas include elevating the work being done to refer those who are food-insecure to appropriate services, and exploring additional partnerships around food access and nutrition.

“AdventHealth Ottawa has identified nutrition and healthy eating as one of its top priorities,” said Sheila Robertson, community benefit contractor at AdventHealth Ottawa in Kansas. “We have recently increased our efforts to provide healthy food at community programs, and we have started bringing in the Hope Bus to supplement other food pantry services in

Franklin County.”

AdventHealth has also embarked on year three of supporting—financially and otherwise—the Renewed Hope Food Bus, a converted city bus that is often seen at neighborhood events in the Kansas City metro area, such as one that engages refugee children from five African and Asian countries who live nearby. It was part of a week-long camp focusing on the eight wellness principles of CREATION Life, with a strong emphasis on healthy eating and particularly fresh produce.

“We often join the bus at some of their stops to add screenings and promote nutrition education programs,” said Jeanette Metzler, manager of community benefit for AdventHealth in Kansas.

In 2023, the Hope Bus made three visits to the AdventHealth Ottawa community in Franklin County, which provided healthy food to over 100 households serving more than 400 people.

“Our staff contributed more than 30 hours serving at the Hope Bus distributions, where they offered prayer,

distributed water and recipes and assisted individuals to gather, pack and load food items to take home,” said Robertson. AdventHealth Ottawa is currently scheduling Hope Bus visits to occur at least quarterly in 2024.

In addition to the many healthy food-focused initiatives that take place in the communities where AdventHealth Shawnee Mission is present is an afterschool Healthy Nutrition Club started at a middle school in Lenexa, Kansas. The program is the result of a request from the school’s principal to provide afterschool activities for at-risk students, with support from the AdventHealth Whole Health Institute culinary director and Kansas State Research and Extension.

“Also, while we have a Healthy Heart Ambassador program focused on blood pressure, we are also working on plans to support other evidence-based programs for diabetes and other chronic diseases,” said Metzler.

Learn more about AdventHealth’s work in Kansas to fight food insecurity at AdventHealthKC.

com or AdventHealthOttawa.com.

Photos: Madeline Jones Derek Chappell, member of AdventHealth Ottawa board of directors, and Stacy Steiner, chief nursing officer at AdventHealth Ottawa

Nurse Honors Late Father

Thanks to support from AdventHealth Littleton Foundation

omeone get an AED!” Those are the words AdventHealth Littleton RN Kara Baker can still remember shouting on Sept. 8, 2018.

She was with her parents, watching her daughter play soccer on the fields outside a Colorado elementary school when she saw her father collapse. He was in the middle of sudden cardiac arrest. Baker started CPR, but her cries for an AED—automated external defibrillator—were in vain. There was an AED inside the school, but because it was a Saturday the building was locked.

“A brick wall stood between my dad and a potentially life-saving device,” said Baker. “The irony is my dad spent a large chunk of his life dedicated to placing AEDs inside of elementary schools. It was his passion to have these life-saving devices available to

the public.”

Baker’s father was taken to AdventHealth Littleton, where the staff, including Baker’s own coworkers in the Cardiac Catheterization Lab, worked tirelessly on him. Despite everyone’s best efforts, Ed Walsh passed away later that day.

“My father’s greatest fear was that he would pass away at my workplace,” said Baker. “Since his death, I knew I had to show my dad I was going to be okay, that this tragedy was not going to define me, but instead teach me how to take a difficult situation and turn it into an opportunity to carry on his legacy.”

From that moment on, Baker made it her mission to bring 24/7 accessible outdoor AEDs to the community. When she presented her idea to the AdventHealth Littleton Foundation, they knew they

wanted to support Baker’s life-saving work. They generously donated nearly $54,000 to fund nine SaveStations outside of Littleton Public Schools. On Dec. 18, 2023, surrounded by her family, friends and colleagues, Baker cut the ribbon on the first of these devices at Euclid Middle School.

“My hope is that we will have the resources available in our community to prevent what happened to my dad from happening to someone else,” said Baker. “Whether it be a student at recess playing basketball, a community member using the track or someone walking their dog around the block, they will all have a chance of survival in the event of a cardiac emergency.”

The technology built into the SaveStations allows for 24/7 monitoring, including taking a photograph when the cabinet is opened. The stations are also climate-controlled, keeping the AED warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The SaveStations light up at night and are clearly marked for public use. When the AED is activated, the only thing that someone has to do is follow the voice instructions to

potentially save a life.

“Cardiac arrest can happen to anyone at any time, no matter their age,” said Baker. “Be prepared. Be educated. You never know whose life you might be saving.”

For Baker, this is just the beginning of her work. She is working to get even more SaveStations outside public parks and more schools, including the elementary school where her father collapsed.

“Honor those who have passed with how you move forward. I’ve lived by this saying to get me through the grief.”

Robbin Clutters is manager of communications and public relations at AdventHealth in the Rocky Mountain Region. Ed Walsh and Kara Baker (left) On Friday, Dec. 18, 2023, surrounded by her family, friends and colleagues, Kara Baker cut the ribbon on the first AED device at Euclid Middle School. (middle) Front of the SaveStation at Euclid Middle School (right) Back of the SaveStation Photos Courtesy AdventHealth Rocky Mountain


Correction: Andersen, Gary, b. Oct. 20, 1938 in Glendale, CA. d. Sept. 21, 2023 in Durango, CO. Member of Durango Church. Preceded in death by 1 brother. Survivors include wife Shirley; sons Mike and Mark; 1 brother; 4 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren.

Belmont, Elizabeth “Betty” (Schrenk), b. Sept. 8, 1930 in Bismarck, ND. d. Dec. 22, 2023 in Valley City, ND. Member of Mandan (ND) Church. Preceded in death by husband Robert “Bob”; 3 sisters; 2 brothers. Survivors include nieces and nephews.

Berlin, Jeanette , b. June 19, 1929 in Kansas City, MO. d. Aug. 30, 2023 in Windom, MN. Member of Windom Church. Preceded in death by husband Luther; 1 sister. Survivors include daughter Sandra; sons Lawrence, Daniel, and David; 9 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren.

Boyko, Shirley (Melby), b. March 7, 1947 in Lewiston, ID. d. Dec. 21, 2023 in Bismarck, ND. Preceded in death by son Shawn. Survivors include daughter Shona Seiler; son Chad; 2 sisters.

Geery, Ramona (Snyder), b. Sept. 30, 1941 in Macon County, MO. d. Dec. 15, 2023 in Albuquerque, NM. Member of Sunnydale (MO) Church. Preceded in death by husband Clayton; 1 sister; 2 brothers. Survivors include sons Wayne and Brian; 1 brother; 5 grandchildren.

Gregerson, Robert E., b. May 31, 1938 in Ute, IA. d. Aug. 10, 2023 in Greeley, CO. Member of Lincoln College View (NE) Church. Preceded in death by 1 sister; 2 brothers. Survivors include wife Sarah; daughters Lori McMurren and Kelly Watts; son Greg; 5 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren.

Moochi, George Nyakundi, d. Feb. 2, 2023 in Edina, MN.

Member of The Mountain Experience (MN) Church. Preceded in death by 2 sisters. Survivors include 7 siblings; many cousins, nieces and nephews.

Nash, John “Alan,” b. Aug. 23, 1938 in Manchester South, England. d. Dec. 31, 2023 in Laramie, WY. Member of Beulah (ND) Church. Survivors include wife Lorinda; daughters Raydene Ecles and Angela Nash; sons Nathan, Marco, and Kendell; 8 grandchildren.

Oswald, Annie (Kleinsasser), b. Feb. 1, 1926 in Onida, SD. d. May 8, 2023 in Huron, SD. Member of Huron Church. Preceded in death by 1 sister; 5 brothers. Survivors include husband Robert; daughter Judy Wipf; son Danny; 6 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren.

Oswald, Robert T., b. July 30, 1929 in Menno, SD. d. July 28, 2023 in Huron, SD. Member of Huron Church. Preceded in death by wife Annie; 2 sisters; 1 brother. Survivors include daughter Judy Wipf; son Danny; 6 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren.

Ratzel, Kay, b. Aug. 5, 1935 in West Gardener, ME. d. Nov. 28, 2023 in Manly, IA. Member of Mason City (IA) Church. Survivors include daughter Barb Figgins; son Robert Ratzel; 4 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren.

Rexin, Fonda (Hecox), b. Jan. 9, 1950 in Colorado. d. Dec. 23, 2023 in Carrington, ND. Member of Sykeston New Home (ND) Church. Preceded in death by 2 sisters; 1 brother. Survivors include husband Russell; daughters Carma Carpenter and Brenda Klein; sons Chad and Michael; 1 sister; 1 brother; 13 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren.

Richardson, Angelika, b. Feb. 23, 1950. d. Nov. 5, 2023. Member of Newton (IA) Church. Survivors include

husband Virgil; 1 daughter.

Sandal, Glenn Roy, b. July 16, 1932 in South Dakota. d. Jan. 4, 2024 in Pierre, SD. Member of Pierre Church. Preceded in death by wife Sharon; 2 sisters. Survivors include sons Todd, Craig, and Darren; 4 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren. Served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War (1953-1957).

Schnell, Barbara “Barb” Jean, b. Aug. 27, 1937 in Madison, TN. d. July 30, 2022 in Columbia, MO. Member of Sunnydale (MO) Church. Preceded in death by husband Joe; 2 brothers. Survivors include daughters Cindi Kelly and Jolene Johnston; sons David, Larry, and Dennis; 1 brother; 13 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren.

Sjostrom, Donald F., b. March 20, 1933 in Chicago, IL. d. Dec. 14, 2022 in Hay Springs, NE. Member of Alliance (NE) Church. Pre-

March 2024

ceded in death by 2 brothers. Survivors include wife Paulla; children Jack, Anthony, and Katherine; 10 grandchildren; many great-grandchildren. Served in the U.S. Army.

Sjostrom, Paulla J., b. Feb. 4, 1944 in Hemingford, NE. d. June 1, 2023. Member of Alliance (NE) Church. Preceded in death by husband Donald; 1 sister; 1 brother. Survivors include sons Jack and Anthony; 3 grandchildren.

Smith, Onitta, b. June 25, 1930. d. Oct. 30, 2023. Member of Lincoln Capitol View (NE) Church. Preceded in death by husband Alfred.

Wiley, Addam Mitchell

“Mitch,” b. Aug. 6, 1997. d. Dec. 17, 2023. Member of Hemingford (NE) Church. Survivors include parents Bryan S. and Rita L.; grandmother Merilyn Rainbolt; sister Micaela L.; brother Stephen M.; many aunts, uncles and cousins.

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