Wow Small Group Next Step Guide

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Welcome to this special Small Group Sunday service. As a church, we desire to be a community of small groups in which deep, meaningful friendships form and grow as we do life together on a regular basis. In coming together as many healthy small groups, we form a strong, loving, united church! So today we celebrate the importance of small groups and what they mean to the ministry of this church! First, we’re excited to learn more about the benefits of small groups and what the Bible has to say about the importance of community. And second, we hope to help you find—and join—a small group that’s right for you. If you’re a visitor, we’re glad you’ve come to our church, and we welcome you into our community! We look forward to getting to know you better and want you to know we’re committed to equipping and supporting you as we learn how to do life together in small groups as part of Christ’s larger church. This Small Group Sunday Next Step Bulletin Guide includes a sermon-notes page, small-group or individual study questions, six daily devotionals, and a tear-off Connection Card that will help you connect to our church and take the next step in your spiritual growth. Together we are going to discover that God doesn’t want us to do life alone. We’ll see how small groups can cultivate the kinds of friendships God desires for us. We can have friends who help us carry life’s burdens, celebrate life’s joys with us, help us be accountable, and challenge us to grow in our spiritual journey. Our prayer is that this Small Group Sunday service will help you find and commit to a small group that will do life with you! So let’s get started ...


Copyright © 2012 by Outreach, Inc., Vista, CA 92081 All rights reserved. Written by Heather Schnese. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


SMall-GROup OR iNdividual STudy QuESTiONS Read the following Scripture passages, then answer the study questions. If this guide is being used in a group or with friends, discuss it with others. Pray that God would use this time to help you live life connected in a small group.

Read Luke 22:14–32. Jesus dedicated Himself to what could be considered the first small group—He and the twelve apostles. At the Last Supper this small group enjoyed a meal together and Jesus revealed to them a few key characteristics of a strong, healthy small group. First, what do verses 26 and 27 say about each member of the group?

Each member of the group is equal, but no one is perfect. What does Jesus predict in verse 21—demonstrating that a small group is where the good and the bad are shared?

Do you have friends with whom you’re willing to share your disappointments and the challenges you face? Although it may be difficult, how does it feel to share personal challenges with someone?

In verse 28, what does Jesus say the apostles did for Him? Recall a particularly difficult time in your life during which a friend or group of friends supported you. How did they help you?

Jesus recognized that life would be difficult and that Satan would tempt the apostles. What does Jesus say He did for Peter in verse 32—showing Peter and all the apostles what they should do for each other as well?

Despite Peter’s predicted sin, what does Jesus say he is to do for his brothers after he has turned back?



Can you recall a time when a friend pointed out a mistake that you made? Did you learn from your mistake and grow stronger, and if so, how can you teach others the lesson you learned?

Read Ecclesiastes 4:9–12. In the book of Ecclesiastes, the wise King Solomon considers life’s meaning and looks back on his own experiences. What do these verses suggest about doing life alone versus living in isolation?

According to verse 10, what can we do for others—and vice versa—when we come together?

Recall a time you needed a friend’s help but didn’t have it. How did it feel? Now, recall a time when a friend helped you. In what ways did they support you?

Verse 12 says that two or three are stronger than one. List a few examples that demonstrate this today (sports teams, business companies, etc.).

What could this look like and how might it work in a church? What could this look like and how might it work in your friendships?

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daily dEvOTiONalS Monday Small Groups Make One Church

The model of one large church made of many small groups dates back to the beginning of Christianity. Throughout the New Testament, Paul addresses the early Christians on numerous occasions—sometimes referring to the whole church together (1 Cor. 14:23) and at other times to smaller groups of Christians meeting in homes (Rom. 16:5, 10–11, 14–16). In small groups, authentic friendships are created and strengthened, struggles and pains are shared, confessions are made, and spiritual growth occurs. Then, together these small groups can form the larger church. Ephesians 4:16 states, “From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” In this way, the church looks a lot like the Trinity—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—come together as independent entities to comprise our one true God.

Read 1 Corinthians 12:12 and commit to joining a small group—one of many that create a church and are part of Christ’s body.

Tuesday Small Groups Support The results are in: you need people in your life! Harvard University research revealed that women suffering from breast cancer were four times as likely to die from the disease if they didn’t have close friends. What’s more, having friendships has been found to speed up recovery, combat depression, slow aging, and even promote brain health! Life can be tough, but God doesn’t expect us to do it alone. Through small groups formed within a church community, we can make friends who will be there for us when life is too hard to handle alone. Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” By meeting on a regular basis to eat, fellowship, laugh, and learn about God, we get to know each other on a deep level. We come to know each other’s struggles and burdens and also how we can help each other carry them.

Memorize 1 Thessalonians 5:11 and commit to building up or encouraging a particular friend this week (choose a person in your small group if you’re in one).



ConneCtion CaRd I Would Like More Information About:

Wednesday Small Groups Share in Joys

            

Sharing in the excitement and joys of life isn’t measured by the number of people who “like” the posted photo of your new granddaughter on Facebook or the number of comments you received for your status about landing a new job. Instead, it’s having people who know you and who have done life together with you on a deep level—and who know why a particular event or life change is so important to you—and then glorifying God together for that joy. Paul says in Colossians 3:16, “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” In small groups we have the opportunity to thank God together for life’s many and sometimes unexpected blessings! And this is much more gratifying than one hundred “likes” on Facebook!

Read aloud Psalm 100 as a prayer of thanksgiving with a friend.

Thursday Small Groups Offer Accountability

Becoming a Christian Getting Baptized Becoming a Church Member Spiritual Growth Small Groups Children’s Ministry Youth Ministry Women’s Ministry Evangelism/Outreach Ministry Places I Can Serve Baby/Child Dedication Other _____________________________ Please Have a Staff Member Contact Me.

Share a Prayer Request:

A good parent reprimands, and a good friend admonishes. In Matthew 18:15– 17, Jesus teaches: “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along. … If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church.”


His words tell us that sins can and faults should be addressed between two people or within a small group of friends—this is our responsibility to each other as Christians. Furthermore, admonishing should always be done gently (Gal. 6:1) and without any slandering or judgment (James 4:11). But pointing out faults is only half of accountability. We must confess our sins to each other and pray for each other (James 5:16). A small group of people who love, accept, and support one another creates a safe, compassionate place in which to do this!


___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _____________________________________

 My prayer request is confidential.

Share a Praise: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Are you involved in a small group or a friendship where love, acceptance, and forgiveness are freely given? If so, consider sharing a mistake or shortcoming and asking to be held accountable in the future.

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _____________________________________

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ConneCtion CaRd Please Print

Date: ________________________________ Name: ______________________________ Address: _____________________________ City, State, Zip:_________________________ Phone: (

) ______ - __________

E-mail: _______________________________  Please update my info.

Please indicate:  Regular attender  Visitor  Out-of-town visitor

daily devotionals

Friday Small Groups Grow Together Have you ever learned without a teacher? Ever been challenged about your thoughts and beliefs by yourself? Probably not. Learning never happens in a vacuum. We need each other. The wise King Solomon wrote in Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” The early Christians knew this—they met together regularly and devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching (Acts 2:42). One of the many things that small groups offer is a forum for discussion and learning where people who have unique backgrounds and varying perspectives can share their experiences and what God has taught them. In this way, we gain a much more colorful image of God. We can take a second look at Sunday’s sermon, dig deeper into a particular Scripture passage, or discuss a particularly challenging social issue from a Christian perspective. In small groups, we can learn about God’s Word and grow in our faith!

Pray, asking God to help you be open to learning more about Him and His Word from many different people and perspectives.

Saturday Small Groups Serve Others

Adults: 18–23 24–29 30–39 40–49 50–69 70+

Friends in a small group take care of each other, but they also take care of others outside the small group. In fact, Jesus commands us to do this in John 13:34–35: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Children: 0–3 yrs. 4–5 yrs. K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 College

One of the ways the early Christians modeled this was by selling their property and possessions to give to those in need (Acts 2:45). And we know that in this atmosphere of sacrificial love and giving, the Lord multiplied their numbers (Acts 2:47), growing the church.

Please circle your current age group and school grades of any children

 Male  Female  Single  Married  Single parent  Widowed

I made a decision today to:  Receive Christ as my Savior  Recommit my life to Christ

As we love others outside our small group, we learn how to be Christlike servants together, and we multiply the number of people who see and feel God’s love through our actions!

Memorize Hebrews 10:24–25 and perform an act of service for someone in need this week with a few friends or as a small group.

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