Signpost 1:
The Quest
What you believe determines where you go in life. SEEK GOD GO MY OWN WAY
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. –John 8:32
Quest: It means “to go on an adventurous journey in pursuit of something valuable.” In this life, there’s nothing more challenging, more enlightening, or more adventurous than pursuing truth. At some level, we’re all on a quest for truth and understanding; we all have a set of beliefs about God, the meaning of life, and how the universe began. Unfortunately, we also live in a busy, fast-paced world, full of responsibilities and distractions. During His ministry, Jesus told a story to illustrate how the cares of the world can draw us away from God and His Word: “The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature” (Luke 8:14). As humans, we tend to focus on everyday concerns and reach out to God only when something goes wrong or something unexpected happens in our lives. If that’s been true in your own life (even partially), then think about seeking God now—before things get off track. For the next six weeks, you’re invited to join us on a spiritual quest for a deeper understanding of something—or Someone—greater than ourselves. Together, we will explore some of the most pressing questions about God: Is there good reason to believe God exists? Can we trust the Bible? Why is there evil and suffering? Who was Jesus and is He really the only way to God? We will encounter six signposts on our spiritual journey. Signpost 1 reads, “What you believe determines where you go in life.” That’s an important concept because our beliefs affect our choices, the paths we take in life, and our ultimate destination. As you choose your path in life, you can decide either to seek God and follow after Him or set off on your own course. Are you ready for a spiritual adventure? Are you ready for a GodQuest? Let’s go!
GuideBook 15