Generations eNews August 2010

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Outward Bound® Generations eNewsletter: August 2010 The summer is well and truly here and our Generations campaign is going from strength to strength. Since our last newsletter just two months ago we have heard from some very high-achieving and well-known Outward Bound alumni, including the first Briton to climb all 14 of the world’s 8,000m peaks – Alan Hinkes, whose story is included in this update, as well as from Britain’s best-known mountaineer, Sir Chris Bonington. To read why Sir Chris supports The Outward Bound Trust - simply click here.

Pass it on! If you have already shared your insights then please make sure you pass the Generations message on! If you’re still in touch with people from your course then please tell them about our quest to reconnect with the one million people who have been a part of Outward Bound since it began in 1941. If you have a friend, colleague or family member that you know took part on a course then please tell them about Generations and encourage them to post their story. It is our hope that this will raise the profile of The Outward Bound Trust in the UK, and more people than ever before will support our work. We hope you enjoy this update and look forward to being in touch with you again soon. All the best,

Even though these people are in the public eye, their experience and long lasting memory of Outward Bound is exactly the same as everyone else’s. They realised that they were capable of doing more than they ever thought possible – something that is still a focus of our work with young people today. We are also happy to announce the launch of our first podcast, which is available to listen to on our website. The podcast follows a group of students experiencing their first Outward Bound course at our Ullswater centre, and was first broadcast on the BBC's Radio 4 'You and Yours' current affairs programme, earlier this month. To listen to the podcast on our Outward Bound website - click here. If you have participated in an Outward Bound course in the past and haven’t yet shared your memories or experiences with us, then please visit our Generations website – www. and tell us your story. Alternatively, if you don’t have online access then please feel free to post your story to the address provided at the end of this newsletter.

Kristina Fitzpatrick The Generations Team

Nicole McIntyre

In this issue: If you can do the high ropes you can do anything: Anna Proctor First Briton to climb all fourteen 8,000m peaks and Outward Bounder: Alan Hinkes OBE My time at sea: Eden S. Mathews

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