Outwell e-cAmp magazine June 2014

Page 1

ecAmp Hidden Lincolnshire

Hearty breakfast

Keep it clean

Kathryn Whelan visits an idyllic site at Folkingham – a conservation village with a chocolate connection

A year has gone by since Josh ‘Guyrope Gourmet’ Sutton launched his book and he celebrates with Shakshuka

John Traynor with tips on staying healthy when camping and our photo guide to rolling up a SIM the easy way!

Read more on pages 4-5

Read more on page 8

Read more on page 7

ecAmp Magazine

e e-cAmp magazine JUne 2014

ecAmp magazine ecAmp Magazine OUR ONLINE COMMUNITY EVOLVES


New resources to help you enjoy camping! Page 7

ecAmp Magazine ecAmp magazine WIN

An Outwell Cazal Portable Grill – perfect for summer meals outdoors!


Supporting environmental charities

editor’s welcome

clive garreTt

Our very own Outwell camper


his is an exciting time at Outwell – and rather a sad one, too, for this is the last issue of e-cAmp magazine. Why? Well, e-cAmp was created to fill the interim until we could develop and post to our online community on our website. And the exciting news is that we have reached that moment. Over the past few years we have worked hard to develop and support an online Outwell community where like-minded campers can make friends and share the fun. And, of course, tap into the wealth of knowledge such communities nurture no matter the camping enquiry. Such self-help environments are empowering for you can often get quick replies from people with firsthand experience. While Camp magazine and, subsequently, e-cAmp have helped spread knowledge and information they do not encourage easy engagement. Our new blog will change all of this and you can find out how on page 6. Such engagement is vital to encourage and help people to learn those skills that I believe actually define a camper. And this is

something I am keen to promote amongst our young. I recently took part in an event organised by Camping Club Youth (CCY) – the special section run by the Camping and Caravanning Club to encourage good camping practice and create a strong social scene for younger campers. I found the enthusiasm of its members, leaders and youth testers invigorating and happily swapped camping tales, tips and advice well into the evening. While there the following question was raised: Sitting in the sun on a good campsite may be relaxing but does that make you a camper or someone who holidays in a tent? My thought is that it is learning camping skills and gaining experience in a wide variety of conditions is what makes a camper. It builds the confidence that helps you get the most out of your outdoor life as you realise you can cope with any problem. This is why I am pleased to help CCY provide these life skills and fully support organisations like Scouts and Duke of Edinburgh Award. And why I love to see Outwell campers helping Outwell campers. It is this desire to see campers get the most out of camping life that drove us to support Josh Sutton’s Guyrope Gourmet cookbook and we celebrate Josh’s hard work this month as the entertaining book reaches its first birthday. Many of you love the recipes we publish here but we encourage you to support Josh by buying the book, see page 8. Happy camping! Clive Garrett Editor

content 3 Meet the fans Steve Dennis tells us about his family’s camping life

3 Open Air John Traynor with rambles through an outdoor writer’s camping life

4 Site reviews Kathryn Whelan travels to rural Lincolnshire to check out one of the Editor’s favourite campsites

5 Folkingham camp Our first (unofficial) Outwell camp proved a great success

6 Community news Our community pages get new focus

7 News, tips and ideas John Traynor with news, ideas and tips to help your camping experience!

8 Cooking with Outwell Josh Sutton serves up a delicious breakfast – Shakshuka

9 Image of the month The pics are flowing thick and fast!

9 Competitions Our easy-to-enter competition could net you a Cazal Portable Grill

Editorial Issue: June 2014 Editor Clive Garrett editorial@outwell.com Publisher Lotte Simonsen los@oase-outdoors.dk Design Kaja Damgaard Please note email addresses are for editorial use only – product related emails should be sent to info@outwell.com Copyright © 2014 Oase Outdoors ApS. All Rights Reserved. Use of information, content and images only by written approval from the editor or publisher. The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of Oase Outdoors. Every care is taken to ensure that the content of this magazine is accurate, but we assume no responsibility for any affect from errors or omissions. While every care is taken with unsolicited material submitted for publication we cannot be responsible for loss or damage.

My sort of campsite this – simple, peaceful and empty. Gav Grayston of getoutwiththekids.co.uk posted this superb pic of The Buzzards, Herefordshire 2  e-cAmp magazine June 2014

meet the fans

open air

Scouts to family camps Meet Steve Dennis with wife, Louise, and children William and Caitlin – oh, not to forget Charlie the dog. This month’s Outwell fans come from Tunbridge Wells in Kent and while they were at the recent unofficial camp at Folkingham I took the opportunity to find out a little more from Steve about their camping life…


teve has been camping since childhood days in Newcastle with Cubs, Scouts and Venture Scouts, spending weekends away in the beautiful north-east countryside, summers in the Lake District in patrol tents or backpacking in all weathers including snow. He says: “Many years later we then had an invite from friends to join them for a weekend camping. Fortunately the kids loved it and all three of us managed to press-gang a reluctant Louise into a repeat trip, she was a rapid convert and we’ve not looked back since.” After a sleepless windy rainy night for Louise at Norman’s Bay they awoke to find the next door Bear Lake had not moved an inch in the heavy wind – you can guess the next bit involving much tent envy and a trip to their local Outwell stockist… The Dennis family now currently own a number of tents including a SmartAir Concorde M with Awning to give a good mix of small and large tent for weekend and longer camps, and a Fusion 400 for overnighters. Steve says: “The Concorde has to be our best buy, goes up in minutes and is rock solid in all weathers. Close seconds are our Cobb (cannot beat a full roast chicken) and our SIMs for a great night’s sleep.”

Steve says their favourite site is Wapsbourne Manor Farm (Wowo) in East Sussex. He says: “It’s a relaxed site – simple facilities, beautiful countryside, rope swings and woods for the kids and the regular sound of the steam trains at the nearby Bluebell Railway. Fires are allowed and they host a communal fire on Saturday night where everyone can drop by for a bowl of soup and a fireside singsong.” He says: “Geocaching with the kids must be our favourite activity – work up an appetite then back to the tent for good camp cooking, preferably sampling some local foods and local ale!” His advice to newbies? “Start simple with the basics, buy the best you can afford and don’t blow the budget at once – check out websites like the Caravan and Camping Club for useful kit lists and guides. Update your own kit list after each trip to help sort out what to take or leave behind on the next camp. “When you know camping is for you build up your kit each season as needs change and budgets allow. Go online to places like eBay to trade in old kit and search for bargains. And, of course, you should join the official and unofficial Outwell Facebook groups to share your tales and tips.”

The perfect tent? Steve Dennis certainly rates the Concorde M as his best buy. He finds it an ideal mix of small tent for weekends and, when coupled with an awning, for those longer family holidays. He says: “The Concorde goes up in minutes and is rock solid in all weathers, too!” Find out more here.

John Traynor with an outdoor writer’s ramble through camping life. Follow John on Twitter @jtopenair


he other day, a neighbour asked why I went camping. A simple question but it could have involved a complex answer. Deciding to let her off the hook of tedium, the complex answer was dumped in favour of telling her how much we enjoyed a succession of evenings on a simple site in Suffolk watching a barn owl quarter the neighbouring fields in its hunt for food as we scoffed ours. Far more exciting than hours in front of the television. It set off a cascade of camping memories with an avian theme. Watching soaring vultures in the Pyrenees, stumbling across a golden eagle feeding on the carcass of a sheep on Barra, being dive-bombed by a skua on the Faroes, feeding cheeky choughs in the Dolomites and loads more. Quite a variety over the years. On a two-week holiday in Cornwall, a wagtail turned up every morning for breakfast crumbs; we called it, inevitably, Willie. In fact, in one way or another nature and wildlife has paid a large part in my camping life. It led me to create one of those Top Ten lists that plague the Internet. Don’t worry, you’re safe – it’s not about to appear. However, top of the list had to be my encounter with a snake. Not a spitting cobra or 30-foot anaconda but an adder. It was not an adult on a mission but a baby exploring its new world. Adders give birth to live young rather than laying eggs so it might have been a new-born. Full of curiosity, it slithered towards my feet, bold as brass. It was tiny – and fascinating. Not daring to move, I cursed leaving my camera inside the tent but was rewarded by baby Ade moving over one of my feet and then away into the long grass. What an absolute treat!

June 2014 e-cAmp magazine 3

Site reviews: Folkingham Camp

Folkingham Above: Reception is in the listed farm house Top right: Great warm welcome from owners, Nigel and Jane Stevens Right: Rally field lies next to the long drive that leads to the main campsite

Low Farm Touring Park is a tent and family-friendly campsite set in the small historical village of Folkingham, south Lincolnshire. Kathryn Whelan finds it the perfect place to escape for peace and quiet The site ow Farm is a picturesque campsite set in an equally beautiful conservation village in Lincolnshire. And site owners, Nigel and Jane Stevens, provide a warm welcome. The site is flat and well-draining and has level pitches, including some hardstandings for caravans and seasonal pitches. There is also a rally field with hook-ups. Children are welcome and have plenty of space to run around although there is no formal play area. Not that this bothered the children in our party who simply ran around and made the most of the space and great weather, proving that there is no better playground than the one that nature provides.


Low Farm Touring Park Spring Lane Folkingham Lincolnshire NG34 0SJ Web: lowfarmpark.co.uk Tel: 01529 497322 Facilities • Washing-up facilities • Toilets and free showers 4  e-cAmp magazine June 2014

Good facilities include the usual showers, toilets and outdoor washing up area. The Old Cart Shed has kitchen facilities and tables for group meets. It also houses an extensive tourist information section if you are tempted to leave this wonderful place to explore. The area Along with a work house, coaching house and ruined Norman castle that was used as the local penitentiary, Folkingham also boasts Hansen’s Chocolate Shop where you can watch (and buy) delicious chocolate being made. There are several footpaths that lead to other lovely villages with good chance to see wildlife like buzzards, kites, deer and hares. I love the

Above: Warm, clean toilet block with washing-up area and waste disposal points • Chemical disposal point • Electric hook-ups • Coin-operated washing machine and tumble dryer • Dogs welcome • Calor Gas cylinder exchange • Room and kitchen for hire • Large car park Tourism Information southwestlincs.com visitlincolnshire.com

one that leads to The Red Lion, Newton. Here are a few more ideas: • There is fishing nearby and the quiet roads are excellent for cycling. • Peterborough, Lincoln and Nottingham are all a 40-minute drive away. • The UK’s only surviving eight-sail windmill is at nearby Heckington along with a superb microbrewery. • Grimsthorpe castle is worth a visit. • Lots of aircraft museums found locally. • A day trip to Skegness and surrounding seaside area is a great option. Eating out There is a wealth of great village pubs in the area, most serve great local produce and good real ales. There is a tea room in the village and you’ll get a wonderful warm welcome at the village pub, The New Inn, which is less than a five-minute walk from the site and serves up homely traditional pub food at good prices. Bourne has a great Chinese restaurant – the Yang Xian. Eat local Folkingham has a village shop and farm shop – both selling local produce. Visit to Four Seasons Garden Centre near Sleaford for a good selection of meat and produce. Did you know? Folkingham wood and disused WW2 airfield housed two ICBM silos. The main author of the Wynne Diaries, Elizabeth Wynne Fremantle, was born in Folkingham in 1778.

Happy memories Above: Time to relax Top right: Lunchtime venue Right: Fish and chip supper a success (Inset) Saturday walk worked up an appetite

Kathryn Whelan reports on our first ever (unofficial) camp that brought Outwell campers together for a weekend of fun in rural Lincolnshire to celebrate the start of the camping season.


ith Christmas and the New Year celebrations all done and dusted most people start to turn their thoughts to the holidays they will take later in the year. So maybe it’s not so strange that we started to think about forthcoming camping trips and when e-cAmp editor, Clive Garrett, posted the idea for an unofficial Outwell meet at the end of March on the Outwell Facebook newsfeed, it was only natural that we’d want to attend. We all cast aside distant memories of that same weekend last year when we ‘enjoyed’ sub-zero temperatures, hail, snow and frost and very quickly there were enough of us to completely book the restaurant area of the local pub (the New Inn) for the Saturday night fish and chip supper that Clive and his wife, Tricia, had organised. We arrived at Low Farm in the lovely Lincolnshire village of Folkingham at various times on the Friday and after setting up either cooked and ate dinner at the tent or went to the pub. This was purely done in the name of research to find out what we could expect the next evening, of course… Most people ended up there before the evening was out and this was a great way to break the ice and chat to friends old and new.

The next morning we all enjoyed our breakfasts while continuing the chat and laughter from the night before. And, with so many Outwell tents and products in one place, it also provided the opportunity to try other people’s kit for size. There wasn’t an Outwell chair that I didn’t sit on that morning in my quest to find my next big purchase – and it really didn’t have anything at all to do with needing to sit down due to overindulging the night before! But it wasn’t all just adults of course, although you could easily have been forgiven for forgetting the children were with us because they all made friends with each other and happily played together in the big rally field – not an Xbox or iPad in sight. They ran around making their own fun in the good old fashioned way that they rarely get the freedom to do when they’re at home. One of the families had brought along a set of walkie-talkies and these proved to be very popular indeed, although I don’t think some of the younger boys really understood the concept and stood happily side by side talking to each other through the handsets. Towards the end of the morning we all set off on a walk to the next village where we planned to have a quick drink before returning to the site. It’s important to note that when Clive tells you that the walk is just three miles there and two back, you should add an extra couple of miles onto both stretches. Still, the walk really was great, taking in some stunning views of the surrounding countryside and even the children enjoyed it. There were a couple of

geocaches along the route for those of us that enjoy that hobby. Because it was a fair bit later than we expected to arrive at the pub, we all enjoyed a light lunch there before heading back. Where the children found their energy from we’ll never know but they were still happily running around in the beer garden while the adults sat relaxing in the glorious sunshine that we had been blessed throughout the weekend. When we got back to the site we had just enough time to sit around outside the tents to mull over the day’s events and rest our weary feet before heading to the village pub for our fish and chip supper. As I already mentioned, we’d booked the whole of the restaurant area for our party and when we arrived, the children settled themselves onto tables together and we all enjoyed an evening of great food, drinks and even better company. The following morning, Clive and Tricia very kindly cooked bacon and egg butties for us – just what we needed to set ourselves up for the day. But sadly, this drew our weekend to an end and as we packed up our tents, one by one we said goodbye to our friends. Until the next time. We had an amazing weekend, glorious weather in beautiful surroundings, enjoying all that the great outdoors had to offer. If this has whet your appetite and you would like to join us on a campsite somewhere near you in the future, keep an eye on the Outwell Facebook page and maybe join one of the unofficial Facebook fan clubs such as the Outwell Camping Club. You just do not know where the next adventure might be.   June 2014 e-cAmp magazine 5

News, tips and ideas

Our new community resources now online

By Clive Garrett


his is an exciting time at Outwell for, as I write, we are just about to launch our community blog on our website. And we are really looking forward to developing an online resource that will help you help us help you create the foundation on which to build those happy memories of life outdoors with family and friends. We work hard to take the Outwell camping experience beyond the campsite by developing and supporting a community of like-minded campers who can help each other and share the fun. Over the years this saw our annual Camp magazine become increasingly popular to the point it evolved into our free monthly online magazine, e-cAmp. Both provided a valuable resource that helped our own Facebook page and those members of unofficial Facebook clubs distribute advice and reviews with loads of loads of information, pictures and news about you, the Outwell camper. However, we have always realised that this is not enough. We want to build an organic knowledge base that will grow to empower campers by tapping into the overall camping experience of its members. We aim it to be the first port of call for anyone looking for the most relevant and up-to-date information that will help them get the most out of outdoor life and family camping. Much of the content will be based on that already enjoyed in e-cAmp. There will be inspirational features to encourage you to try new things or areas. The usual site reviews and recipes will be there, as will comment from John Traynor and guest bloggers. Periodic technical features will be supplemented by new features will include Tent Life that will look at camping news and skills. And you will be able to contribute to all of these sections either by supplying copy and pics, or by commenting directly to the page to help create that expanding database of camping knowledge! Of course, there will also be a strong fun element. Competitions, Image of the month and Meet the fans will all continue to entertain and recognise your contribution to the Outwell Camping Experience. Not only will the blog be fully integrated with our website and presence on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest, but, if our monthly newsletter is not enough to keep you up to date with the regular new content we aim to post, you can make use of the RSS feed.

Above: Our new Outwell community blog goes live with regular new content providing entertainment, help and inspiration in an easy-tonavigate and search format Want more? When you enter the blog you will see a taster of the latest posted features with links that will take you to the main copy. The right hand section contains the category menu that will take you to places of specific interest and the archive. You will also find the RSS feed and overview of Facebook activity here. Click through to a main feature and you will see we have provided the ability for you to add comments. We hope that this will be used to add relevant information to any feature that might help other readers. Besides adding to the social element this will be especially important to develop technical features and keep them up-to-date with developments and ideas. Site reviews will also benefit from those who have recently visited a venue adding helpful comment and advice. Unlike helpful posts on Facebook that rapidly become hard to find, the blog will also allow you to search for specific subjects. This will make self-help or research at any time of day or night easier and quicker. Right, I’m now off to my new place on the community pages. Look forward to seeing you there!

Right: Old favourites, like site reviews, will play an important role Above: You can help develop your Outwell community by leaving advice and comment on specific subjects 6  e-cAmp magazine June 2014

Stay healthy


ygiene standards easily slip on the campsite without us even realising. The focus tends to be on keeping clean with a morning trek to the showers. Breaking the routine on a chilly morning is not likely to have drastic consequences – but food preparation standards must be maintained. Away from the domestic kitchen with its sink, hot water and fridge, you need to think harder about storing food and how you handle it. Happily, there’s no need to be obsessive if you do the simple basics for healthy living that are second nature to all of us. The key factors are to keep your hands clean, do the washing up thoroughly and not to leave food lying around in the sun for flies to feast on. Sunburn can ruin a holiday and we’re more likely to bare skin that never normally gets exposed and is thus more vulnerable. Adults are as much at risk as children so, after sorting out the kids, slap some sun

Tips by John Traynor

protection on yourself; better still, get them apply their own to raise their awareness. It’s easy for youngsters running riot all day in the sun to become dehydrated unless you keep topping them up. Supply them with a Batboy or Butterfly Girl water bottle will help to ensure they maintain liquid levels. Mixing up fruit juices and calling it special ‘jungle juice’ virtually guarantees they’ll be swigging all day. Finding out the location of the nearest A&E is rather like taking out insurance and can head off much of the feeling of helplessness, even panic, if one of you has an accident. Site Reception should have details of local health facilities. If not, ask them why not? A modest amount of organisation and discipline will soon establish a routine that will ensure a healthy time outdoors for all the family without having to fuss and worry, leaving more time to have fun.

Top tips for healthy camping • Try not to bring outdoor activity gear into the tent to avoid muck and germs. • Get the washing up done as soon as possible with plenty of hot water. A Collaps washing up bowl is handy to carry dishes to the wash area. • When you get home, give everything a thorough wash as soon as you can. It is definitely not fun to open a box on site to find mould inside. • A tent left open all day invites insects, birds and wildlife to enter and look for food. • Most sites will have sinks specifically for washing pots and crocks only. • Use the site bins and recycling points rather than let rubbish pile up at your pitch. • Washing gear kept together in a hanging wash-bag is convenient and avoids forgetting stuff. • Farm sites are fun but make sure everybody washes their hands after

feeding and petting the animals. • Gel soap that needs no water is really useful when camping; wet wipes are really useful, especially the anti-bacterial versions, for surfaces, utensils and children. • Do not assume that all tap water is fine to drink. • Wearing some sort of quick drying footwear in the washrooms and showers is a good move. As well as helping you to keep your footing on slippery floors, it cuts out the risk of picking up unwanted presents such as athlete’s foot and verrucas. • Two sets of freezer blocks mean one is freezing while the other is in use. • Work out a menu that cuts down on the need to store lots of perishable food and cook enough to eat rather than trying to keep leftovers. Airtight food containers help to keep food fresh as well as uncontaminated.

SunSmart Each year, thousands of people across the world are diagnosed with skin cancer caused by damage from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Protecting the skin from the sun can help prevent these cancers so follow these guidelines from the National Health Service (www.nhs.uk/Livewell/):

• Spend time in the shade between 11am and 3pm. • Make sure you never burn. • Aim to cover up with a T-shirt, hat and sunglasses. • Remember to take extra care with children. • Then use factor 15+ sunscreen.

How to pack your self inflating mat (SIM) Many campers struggle to pack a thick SIM but our method here makes life a doddle. Undo the valves and fold the first third, pressing out the air as you go. Repeat with the second third, using your body weight to get rid of as much air as possible before doing up the valves. Lay the mat out and start to roll up towards the valves, using your body weight to make this easier. Any trapped air will begin to collect. Open the valves when you reach this air and force it out of the SIM before closing the valves again.

Lay the mat out once more and roll up. This time there will be little, if any, air left to release from the SIM and the whole process will be much, much easier.

Success! The rolled mat will now easily slip into its carrybag with little effort involved – leaving you relaxed and happy! Storage SIMs are best stored unfolded with valves open. A good place to keep them out of the way is behind a wardrobe.

June 2014 e-cAmp magazine 7

guyrope gourmet

Hearty breakfast

Shoppin g list Sh akshuk

a Ingredie nts – S erves tw o+ ✓ 1 finely chopped onion ✓ A little olive oil ✓ 4 fine ly chop ped garli ✓ 1 tsp c cloves paprika ✓ 2 larg e eggs ✓ 1 tin o f chopp ed toma ✓ Sea s toes alt and fresh gr ound pe pper


A year ago Josh created the Monty Zoomer; a fiery snack that celebrated the iconic Montana 6 and the launch of his superb Guyrope Gourmet cookbook. Many campers have since adopted this tasty dish as their breakfast of choice. To mark the occassion Josh would like to introduce you to this perfect accompaniment …


Cookbook news

hakshuka is a hearty breakfast recipe that my younger brother passed on to me, having been taught first hand in the highlands of Scotland by a wayward Israeli hitchhiker. I have to say that when Will described the dish I wasn’t convinced, but then I actually cooked it – and here it is! This dish is popular throughout the Middle East and though more complicated variations abound, this simple version just takes around five minutes to make. Gently fry the chopped onion in the olive oil. When the onion begins to take on some colour, throw in the chopped garlic and the paprika, stir well and simmer gently for a couple of minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes and turn up the heat to reduce the liquid. When the tomato sauce has reduced by about a third, turn down the heat and crack in the eggs. Cook for a further five minutes or until the eggs have turned white. You can find more delicious recipes from Josh in the superb Guyrope Gourmet cookbook, published by Punk Publishing with our support. And you can support the author by purchasing your copy today from all good booksellers online. We would love to hear from all budding Guyrope Gourmets and share your recipes with other Outwell campers online in our website’s new community section – just send them with a few images to editorial@outwell.com

8  e-cAmp magazine June 2014

image of the month  


he recent good weather has seen many preparing for the camping season – if not out already. Karen Brown posted this great pic (1) of hubby waterproofing their tent. Of course, many have been getting that last minute purchase and I am sure Louise Dennis’s dog, Charlie, appreciates the thought (2) All that gear needs hauling around and Ged Hartshorn has expanded their trailer’s haulage capacity (3) while Thomas Bergkrantz from the Outwell Camping Club Denmark proves you can enjoy the Outwell camping experience from a cycle trailer (4). You might not fit in all this gear, though. Emma Bennett (5) camps in style… Gav Grayston’s atmospheric night time shot gets Our Image of the month.

  The e-cAmp Image of the Month

Smart Air fan Amazingly simple to pitch, very sturdy once up. Amazing tent. Outwell Hornet XL Nick Whelan via Facebook

Hot stuff Nothing beats cooking outdoors for friends and family when the weather is fine. And our Cazal Portable Grill is just the tool for the job!

give it a go!


he Cazal Portable Grill is fired by charcoal for the perfect barbecue taste and packs small for easy transportation and storage. For a chance to win one of these superb grills just visit the competition page on our website and follow the links. The winner will be notified by email as soon as possible after the close date. More information about Outwell gas cookers and grills can be found here.

June 2014 e-cAmp magazine 9



– part of our new Regency polycotton collection

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discerning campers


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Newgate 5

Newgate 5


Floating Guyline System

family camping © 05/2014 Oase Outdoors ApS.

Tinted Windows

Outwell® has used its unique Outtex® Airtech polycotton to ensure its new Regency Collection of quality, full-featured tents provides the very best in homefrom-home comfort. Chic weather-beating designs and generous space help create the perfect camping experience and plenty of happy holiday memories.

join us on Facebook

Every outwell tent model undergoes stringent rain and wind tests up to wind force gales!


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