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What We Need From You
Everything we do is aimed at providing you with the best financial information as quickly as possible. We can only do this with your support - specifically this means we need three things from you:
• Response to Questions
• Access
• Following process
By doing the above, you will maximise the service we are able to deliver and therefore enhance the subsequent positive impact on your business.
Please take your time to read the following pages. as they are crucial in your understanding of what we will require from you, and when.
Getting Started
NA Deadline: 90 days
What We Need From You:
All information and access requested
Why It Is Important
Benefit from services at the earliest possible opportunity
Missed Deadline Effects
Delayed delivery of services. Persistent missed deadlines will result in a change of services
Previous Accountant
NA Deadline: ASAP
What We Need From You:
In certain instances, where your old accountant delays sending the information we need, we may need you to contact them to escalate the chase
Why It Is Important
To receive all information required to meet all relevant key deadlines
Missed Deadline Effects
Delayed delivery of current year end carried out by NA and/or unable to carry out promised services
Payroll Onboarding
NA Deadline: 28 days after signed proposal
What We Need From You:
Follow the process explained by our Payroll Manager in your training session
Why It Is Important
To ensure your payroll is set up in a timely manner and you have a clear understanding of the process you need to follow
Missed Deadline Effects
Fines from HMRC/Pension Regulator for late filings and pension uploads. Delays in processing payroll