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Letter to my Future Self

Letter to my Future Self

written and illustrated by Shay Suban


Hey, I hope you’re doing well, whenever it is that you’re reading this.

This year I’m lucky to be surrounded by friends and communities that love and support me, and I hope that the same is true for you. You deserve only the best, including the best environment for love and growth.

I remember I used to wonder about my life, identity, and place in the world, and I’d feel uncertain and uneasy, but now I feel uncertain and okay with it. It’s okay to be unsure. There is no limited time frame for learning about myself and the world around me. I can take my time. You can take as much time as you need.

This journey of self-discovery, love, and acceptance doesn’t have one set destination either. There doesn’t have to come a time when you just “know” everything about yourself. And even if you do feel settled in, it’s okay to discover later that maybe you feel differently than you thought. Also, don’t feel pressured to settle in one place or another. If the words for identities don’t fit what you feel, you can make up your own words or just give it all a big shrug.

It’s okay to take things as they come. Life is not just certainty, knowing, and moving forward. Life is everything we experience. We’ve come so far, and we can keep going for as long as we want. I’m excited to see where we’ll go together in the future! Talk to you soon.

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