1 minute read
Lexi’s favorite tea was Throat Coat, an organic blend of licorice root, marshmallow root, wild cherry bark, fennel, cinnamon, and orange. Most herbal teas provide immune support. Before I became allergic to ca eine I drank black tea. When Nixon opened up trade with China I was living in New York and able to buy some of the rst Chinese teas imported to the US, I would drink Lapsang Souchong in the morning and Oolong in the afternoon, with just a splash of milk. Hmmm… It was about this time I had begun a morning meditation session and yoga. I joined a group that met on the upper

east side sitting in a dark very crowded room with the heat turned up. Niland, a student of Gurdjie would come and play the piano using chords that were intended to raise consciousness, what we know as binaural beats. Since then, I’ve met with several meditation tradi tions, most Buddhist, that work with being more aware of being aware, what we call the ‘nature of mind.’ This is so helpful since most of the di culties we experience are due to ‘unawareness,’ not recognizing our part in what we’re experiencing.