Mark Hunnisett Major Work Folio

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Student Number: 27252125

STATEMENT OF INTENT I intend to create a project that will entertain and inform viewers in relation to a range of adventurous activities around Australia’s east coast. The project will comprise a short film, a physical and digital book and a website. The three central elements of my project will comprise a website (incorporating the digital form of the book), a short film and a hard copy book. The project will showcase a range of activities such as bodyboarding, surfing, bush walking, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding and swimming. Accompanying the book, website and film will be related promotional products. These will be a DVD and case, posters, a video trailer and behind the scenes videos detailing the creation of the project. The entire project will employ identical design elements, such as logo and colour schemes. This will achieve a clean professional look. The website will form a platform in which the film and the digital book will both be embedded. It will be to industry standard and be appealing to my target audience (below). The film will be 2-3 minutes long and will use music and visual effects. The book will be 50-60 pages long and will showcase my photography in a sophisticated design with annotations located at the end of the book detailing the name and date each photo was taken. The physical book will have a hardcover and the digital book will be an interactive element embedded in the website. This project will showcase a wide range of my multimedia skills including photography, web design, photo and video editing, digital publishing and production. BACKGROUND I have chosen to embark on this kind of project because I believe I can show my extensive capability in videography, photography, creativity, graphic design and web design. I also enjoy adventurous outdoor activities and believe it will be easy to stay motivated if the project’s core is based around these. AUDIENCE The project will target 10-30 year olds who enjoy trying new physical activities or who want to experience them in the future. To ensure I meet the needs of my audience I will conduct surveys to see what the target audience would want to see in this kind of project. TIME FRAME This project is due on the 6rd of August 2015. I have approximately 8 months to complete the project. However I intend to have the project ready and functional by the 3rd of July, leaving me sufficient time to finalise and tweak aspects well before the due date. I intend to carry out the project in this order: DESIGN AND PRE PRODUCTION: This will include detailed research, sketching and idea generation, a timeline plan, selection and justification, a finance plan and work health and safety procedures. This will also include video and website storyboards. PRODUCTION AND EDITING OF THE SHORT FILM: This will include capturing video and still images of each activity session such as skateboarding, surfing, snorkeling and many more. It will also include editing the film and adding effects to it. CREATION OF BOOK: This will include designing and creating the digital and physical books as well as printing the physical book. CREATION OF PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS: This will include the design and creation of DVD case, posters, film trailer and merchandise. BUILDING OF THE WEBSITE: This will include embedding the film, digital book and implementing all the promotional products into the website. I will leave a significant amount of time to complete this website as it is in this area where I anticipate I am most likely to experience challenges. COMPLETION AND PRINTING OF THE FOLIO: This will include using digital publishing software to create a 40 page A3 folio. It will also include having the folio professionally printed.

MODIFICATION TO THE STATEMENT OF INTENT In my original statement of intent it suggested that the film was the main part of my project, with the website and book as support for the film. This needed to be altered to show that I wanted the film, website and book all to be equal and for the items to be marked as a whole. This change was made on the 22nd of February.



RESEARCH PASSING THROUGH RESEARCH SITE 1 Passing through was a surf film about an hour in length. The movie includes extensive footage of traveling and surfing. With it was a hard cover book with a built in DVD case. The book was extremely well designed, and it is easy to see that this was definitely not a second thought. It is jammed packed with over 100 large still images taken on the day of each filming session as well as background information on everyone who featured in the film. This was an excellent feature of the book. It had numerous profile shots as well as the participants’ favourite parts of the trip. This could be a great aspect to include in my book. I could have small written interviews that could feature in the hard copy but also include video interviews in the digital book.

It also has the lyrics of the songs used in the film. This was a very practical idea, as it highlighted the fact that the film and book should be enjoyed at the same time. In the same way the lyrics linked the book to the film, the film showcased locations that could then be explained and explored in greater detail in the book. I want to be able to strongly and clearly link the film to the book and visa versa.

The campaign to promote the passing through movie and book was very weak. It relied on the popularity of social media. It used photos and trailers to generate hype for the product. This seemed very unusual and it meant the product could not expand in viewership as it did not have a website or other platforms to promote the product. I plan to have a strong promotional website to get my target audience hooked on the film and book before they even see it.


Student Number: 27252125

KE11Y RESEARCH SITE 2 Ke11y was a surf documentary about the road to Kelly Slater’s 11th world title. It followed him through every world tour event and highlighted the big wins and interesting destinations.

The first thing that jumped out at me was the excellent opening film title. 2011 was displayed in big numerals across the screen. It then magnified the 20 and a text box with the words “On Tour” popped up under the 20. This was awesome and grabbed my attention straight away. It then magnified the 11 and the words “World Titles” appeared under the 11. This idea was used so well to identify the key parts of the short film. This design of titles was consistently used well to showcase the locations of each surfing event.

There were 2 problems with the use of this effect. The first was the colour of some of the location names, as they did not work with the background. This meant it was very hard to read the text because it was too similar to the scene colour. The second was that the text was not displayed long enough to completely read with some location names.

The film had the perfect balance between setting the scene and actual surfing. There was excellent filming for every location. Some shots, such as the one above, effortlessly portrayed the atmosphere of the event. This is what I want to incorporate into my film.

The campaign also included a promotional hat and T-Shirt. Some of these were given away free and others were bought by fans. This is such a simple concept but very effective. I would love to have a promotional item of clothing for this project.



RIPTIDE 200 HOURS RESEARCH SITE 3 This was a worldwide project created by the bodyboarding magazine Riptide. The plan was to document bodyboarding over a 200-hour period specifically from 4am on Saturday, April 12 to 12pm on Sunday, April 20 2014. They wanted to paint a picture of today’s bodyboarding in a period of 200 hours. They asked for photo submissions of anything to do with bodyboarding that happened within the 8 day period. They then proceeded to tell the story of this time period in their magazine with reader submissions from all over the world.

The end result was excellent. Hundreds of fantastic photos were featured from all over the world. The layout of this magazine was excellent. It perfectly captured each individual aspect of the project while still showing off the artistic power of some of the images. It did this by having double page spreads for some of the best photos in the magazine. This gave the publication a beautiful sleek edge. It also had multiple pages images set out in well in chronological order. Each photo in the magazine was accompanied by a time the shot was taken and a small caption to explain.

Some of the photos were accompanied by a hand written caption. To achieve this they must have written it and then scanned the text into digital publishing software or had hand written it using a graphics pad. This gave the magazine a great feel and really personalised some of the stories. This would be an excellent feature to include in my book and maybe the film. The magazine used minimal words throughout and still told a story extremely well. However, the use of different fonts throughout the magazine was not visually satisfying. It trivialised the project to some degree and did not achieve a consistent professional look. This is what I want to do for my hard copy book. I want to be able to tell a story with minimal words and maximum images and footage. I would like to be able to make it at least 80% visual and only 20% reading.



Student Number: 27252125

TARGET AUDIENCE-SURVEY I used a website called Survey Monkey to conduct a survey for my target audience. The website allowed me to create a short 4 question survey and distribute it to members of the target audience over Facebook and via email. The questions and responses were as follows: 1. I intend to create a short film that will entertain and inform viewers in relation to water sports and related lifestyle opportunities for an adventurous person living on Australia’s East Coast. The film will incorporate activities such as bodyboarding, surfing, skateboarding, snorkeling, bush walking and bike riding. What are some activities along these lines that you would like to be included? I received over 50 suggestions for this response which was an excellent result. Some of them were too costly and would be impractical to try to film, for example skydiving. The following responses I have considered organising and may end up in the project: Fishing, jet skiing, wakeboarding, mountain bike riding, stand up paddle boarding, kayaking, camping, spearfishing, rock climbing, abseiling 2. There is a fine line between engaging videos and boring videos. Length, content and flair all play a big role in the engagement of the viewer. How long do you think the film should be? 1-2 minutes 3-4 minutes 5-6 minutes 7-10 minutes The percentages of answers are as follows: 1-2 minutes: 7% 3-4 minutes: 58% 5-6 minutes: 32% 7-10 minutes: 3% This indicated pretty clearly that film should not be less than 3 minutes and should be no longer than 6 minutes. The time limit for videos in a HSC multimedia major work is 10 minutes. 3. Alongside the film I intend to create a hard copy and digital copy book. On top of photos from the activities this book will have back stories to the activities and interviews of the participants. What else would you like to see in either the digital or physical copy of the book? Behind the scenes images, behind the scenes video, participant profiles, facts about activities, explanations on how some of the photos were taken, hardware and gear used throughout the project, insights into the locations etc. These responses gave me an excellent insight into what the target audience would like to see in this book. I intend to use some of these ideas like background on the participants and locations, behind the scenes photos and the gear used. 4. What name do you think would be best suited to this project? Momentum Wanderlust Overflow The percentages of answers are as follows: Momentum: 74% Wanderlust: 15% Overflow: 11% I myself liked the name “Momentum” the best. I had been brainstorming names and thought momentum symbolised “always on the go” and being constantly active. This survey proved to be very effective and over 130 people from the target audience were surveyed. The results have been very helpful in designing and finalising project ideas. It also provided me with the things that the target audience want to see and expect to see in this project.

ADDITIONAL PROCESSES & TECHNOLOGIES This tutorial will allow me to create Slider Image with buttons for index page of website. This skill will be used to create my tool bar with rollover pop out graphics. As you roll your mouse over the tool bar a graphic related to the section will pop up. This tutorial will allow me to embed a flash magazine into website. It will teach me the skills needed to design and create an interactive book that can be exported as a flash file. The flash file will then be embedded into the website and have turning page graphics as well as videos. This tutorial will allow me to create typography for video titles. It will teach me the skills I need to create smooth flowing typography titles in adobe after effects. These will then be inserted into Adobe Premiere Pro and placed as a mask on top of video. This tutorial will allow me to create website pages with horizontal scrolling. This will be an excellent design feature to include. I will also be able to select what pages I want to apply it to rather than the whole website. This will also allow it to be more interactive on mobile and touch devices.



DIGITAL BOOK Issuu is an online platform that allows users to upload digital publications. It has a clean, sleek and professional look. It works well across a range of devices and there is an app for Apple and Android. It can also be embedded in websites for free. This means that I will be able to place it in my website and it will be functionally working with turning pages animations. ADVANTAGES • Accessible across many platforms - desktop, tablets, mobile phones • Free to upload a pre-made digital publication (PDF) • Easy to embed in websites • Professional sleek look • Great turning page animations to make it feel like a magazine DISADVANTAGES • It is very limited in terms of interactivity - no videos can be added at this point in time • Not a well-known interface I could also export the digital book as an SWF file and embed it in the website. This would be very easy to do and I would not have to make many alterations to the physical book to make it website ready. ADVANTAGES • Able to support video and audio files DISADVANTAGES • Does not have the professional look • No page turning animation


At this point in time does not provide video and audio support. They are in the process of making this feature available but it is not ready. However in 3-4 months time when I am ready to upload my publication it may be ready. I will make my decision on what platform to use at a later date. On the 10th of June I made the decision to go with the SWF file option and embed the digital book in the website without an external company.

PHOTO BOOK HARD COPY I intend to create a hard copy book and have it professionally printed. Snap Fish is a company that prints photobooks. This will allow me to create the book in Adobe InDesign, export it as a PDF, upload it to the website and then get it printed. This company is one of very few (in my price range) that allow you to upload a PDF instead of having to design the book in one of their templates. This will give me a great amount of freedom when creating my book as well as demonstrating my skills and not someone else’s. The size of the book when closed will be 11 inches x 8 inches and will be approximately 50-60 pages. This should cost $60.

DVD CASE I intend to create a DVD case and DVD. To do this I will need to use Adobe Photoshop to make a circular template with a hole in the middle (the size of a DVD). A DVD has a radius of 6cm. ARTISAN STATE This company allows users to upload and create their own designs for printing. They also provide custom DVD printing. The case will have a front cover with a title, a back cover with a blurb, an inside cover and the DVD slot. This is exactly what I need and I will be able to upload my own design for the case and DVD in the form of a JPEG. It will cost $25 with included shipping. On the 18th of June I made the decision to get the DVD cover and case printed myself. This cut down the cost from $25 to $10 as I only had to buy the DVD and Case and then print out inserts. This also meant I had to slightly change the design of the case to fit in a bigger cover.


I intend to make a poster to promote the film, book and website. I will be designing these in Photoshop and saving the files in high resolution. I will then be taken them to get printed in size A2 on high quality photo paper. The poster will cost $20.


Student Number: 27252125

SKETCHING & IDEA GENERATION MIND MAP This is a scanned copy of the original mind map I did for the project. I basically just put everything down that I was initially thinking of doing. Having everything down on paper was excellent to look back to and see if I wanted to add or refine anything.

FILM STORYBOARD 1 The video is not just going to be your average thrown together YouTube clip, I intend to create something quite interesting and enjoyable to watch. To do this I will be blending different clips together at various points in the film. This first storyboard shows the blending of a number of clips as well as how the transitions play out.

FILM STORYBOARD 2 The storyboards show the way the audio fades in and out. There will be 3 separate tracks used for the film, Water crashing, a song and a drone loop. At the end of the film the logo will fade in. There will also be a quick tittle come up for my student number.



BOOK STORYBOARD 1 This storyboard addresses the different types of ways the photos are being displayed. The 2 page spread is when a photo is placed across two pages and completely covers the spread. A 2 photo page means that there are 2 photos filling the whole spread in some way. Frames stand for a way that photos are arranged in different ways.

BOOK STORYBOARD 2 On page 46-49 is the appendix for all the photos used. Having an appendix will make the book look professional and sleek. It consists of the photo or set of photos in a thumbnail format and displays the name of them, the date and where they were captured. Page 1 and 50 are not the cover and back cover they are the pages that have to be singular.

WEBSITE HEADER The website header uses the same image of a bodyboarder used on the book cover, DVD case and poster. It has a loading GIF of dots going around a circle playing until the page has loaded. It has the logo placed in line with the bodyboarder and is a proportionate size. The website has a full width menu that is partially see through. It also has a click to scroll button to ensure viewers know how to use the website.


Student Number: 27252125

TRAILER & POSTERS The trailer and poster section has the background of the blurred header image. The trailer will be uploaded as an asset therefore an external host such as YouTube will not be needed. It will use a HTML 5 video player and will be about 20 seconds long. Beside the trailer will be the Momentum logo and a text ticker saying “watch the trailer”. The posters will be displayed as thumbnails and will have an interactive light box. This means that when you click on the thumbnail it will enlarge.

FILM PAGE The Film page logo will fade in once you scroll down to it. The background will be a blurred image of the horizon. The film will go for around 3 minutes and will also be displayed in a HTML 5 player. The video will fill up majority of the page.

BOOK PAGE The book page will have a blurred background of a surfer and the sky. The book will be displayed as a SWF file. This will allow for interactive page turning. An explanatory text box will be placed above the book saying “Use mouse and arrow keys to turn the pages”.



BTS PAGE The behind the scenes page will have a paddle boarding blurred image for the background. This page will have the film, book and website behind the scenes videos embedded. The videos will auto buffer to allow for fast viewing.

BUY PAGE The buy page will have a burred image of a beach as the background. It will display the mock package deals that can be bought . The 3 packages will be made in Photoshop and have a Grey background. Above the package images will be a short description and tittle. Next to the tittles will be an animated price that will deplete from $200 to $30, $35 and $50 respectively. The animation will occur once the user scrolls down.

WHERE TO NEXT PAGE The where to next page will have a blurred image of an underwater swimmer. This page will have links to various social media pages such as Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo and YouTube. Beside the title of the social media will be a circular icon created in Photoshop. The links will open in a new tab.


Student Number: 27252125


Purpose Photo organisation and editing. Options Advantages Adobe Photoshop

● ● ●

Adobe Lightroom

Selection Justification

High number of formatting and exporting options Video editing integration Powerful range of tools

Disadvantages ● ● ●


Has to be externally organised Everything has to be done separately rather than all in one place high ongoing costs under Creative Cloud subscription plan


● ● ● ● ●

Great organisation of photos ● Few export options $110 ● high ongoing costs under High resolution Creative Cloud subscription Optional file size constraints plan Great file formatting Create filters and apply to multiple photos ● Easy to use interface Adobe Lightroom I need a program where I can organise and edit on a large scale. This book will have over 100 images and I need a program that will allow me to see all my photos from each activity session in one place. Lightroom will also allow me to edit multiple photos at the same time.



Adobe Muse

$550 Create websites exactly the way you  Uses a lot of computer power want from scratch  A lot to learn to achieve what I  No limit to what you want to create want to  Powerful program  Embed videos, desktop publications etc. Free  No software needed all done online  Limited to the selected templates  Once files are uploaded they can be  Very few chances to get creative erased or moved from computer  branding across the site  Can be done on any computer with different files  Easy to use interface Adobe Muse Whilst has a large amount of advantages to do with access and ease, it lacks in output. Adobe Muse will allow me to create a professional website and incorporate my interactive digital book. I have been using Muse for a while now but there is still so much to learn in order to achieve my goals for the website. I will have to work through tutorials to do this. Overall Muse is the clear choice.

Selection Justification



Purpose Promotional product creation (posters, t-shirt graphic, book covers, DVD case graphics). Options Advantages Disadvantages


Adobe Illustrator


Adobe Photoshop

Selection Justification

Great layer system for titles, photos, ● No vector option ● high ongoing costs under graphics Creative Cloud subscription ● Great text integration plan ● Good for web design ● Good for drawing shapes and logos ● Few export options ● Option of Vector images ● Poor layer system Adobe Photoshop The layer system of Photoshop is what makes it perfect for book covers, posters and anything in between. It allows you to add and edit individual areas of the photo or graphic.




Purpose Editing of film and trailer as well as additional special effects and titles. Options Adobe Premiere Pro

Advantages ● ● ●

Final Cut Pro

Adobe After Effects

● ● ● ● ●


Can be used across pcs and macs Easy to jump between Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro Great sequence options

● ●

Organisation interface is limited high ongoing costs under Creative Cloud subscription plan


Faster and smoother to use than Premiere Big range of template options Easy to use interface Easy to jump between Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro Variety of effects can be added and created Can be used across pcs and macs

Can only be used on macs


Does not handle audio as well as premiere high ongoing costs under Creative Cloud subscription plan



Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects


I have chosen to combine the two for video editing purposes. After Effects is excellent for special effects and titles and Premiere Pro is great for timelines and audio. A main reason for this selection is I need a program that will allow me to work on both mac and pc. I am already very familiar with Adobe Premiere Pro and will have to do very few tutorials to achieve what I want to, as for after effects I have a lot to learn but I can also work through tutorials. If I had chosen final cut pro I would need to learn to work with a completely new interface.

Purpose Screen capture software to record and review work sessions. Options Advantages Debut Video Capture

Auto Screenshot Selection Justification



● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Records video and audio of screen Highlighted mouse feature Digital zoom with mouse scroll Time-lapse video recording Already installed on school computers Can be exported as many different files Takes a snapshot of screen every minute

Disadvantages ●

The amount of captured content may not be needed

Cannot be installed on school computers or DEC laptop Only takes screenshots

Debut Video Capture I basically need video recording and not photo recording. I need to be able to go back through what I have done and see what mistakes I have done. I will also be able to track how much time I have spent on my computer. Debut Video Capture is also already installed on my DEC laptop and my school computers. This is a big advantage as I will be able to track my progress at home and at school and store all my videos on google drive.

Student Number: 27252125

Price free


Purpose Physical and digital book creation as well as creation of major work A3 folio. Options Adobe InDesign

Advantages ● ● ● ● ●

● ● ●

Artisan State Book Maker

Microsoft Word

Selection Justification

● ● ●


Powerful program Offers a large range of features not available in a word processor Produces a professional result Can import a wide number of file formats Industry standard. Preferred for offset printers and online printing services Allows interactivity Can incorporate a range of files Has a range of export options including pdf and swf

● ● ●

Easy To use interface Upload and print on Free to use

● Simple to use ● Good page overview ● PDF and DOC exporting options Adobe InDesign

● ● ● ●


A very complicated program a steep learning curve high ongoing costs under Creative Cloud subscription plan Poor backward compatibility


Very limited in comparison to InDesign Can only incorporate photos and text Can only be exported as a pdf Can only incorporate photos and text limited in design capability



Adobe InDesign is an industry standard tool that can help me produce fantastic work. It will allow me to create a brilliant interactive online book, as well as a very creative physical book. The main reason for choosing InDesign is so I can incorporate video into my magazine.

Overall I have chosen to go with the Adobe for all my software (other than screen capture). This is because adobe programs work in collaboration. For example adobe after effects and adobe premiere pro work extremely well together to create video effects and then implement them in a video. I also have an adobe creative cloud monthly membership which means I have all the adobe software for $25 a month.




Purpose Camera for videography and photography. Options Advantages SPL Waterproof Housing (with Canon 650d) GoPro Hero 4

Selection Justification

Photography Tripod Selection Justification

Options Custom PC

Advantages 

     

Selection Justification






● Extremely smooth video panning ● Very heavy $450 ● Very strong and sturdy ● Takes a lengthy time to set up ● Fully angle and height customisable ● Built in spirit level ● Doubles as a monopod ● jumpy video when panning $110 ● Lightweight ● Quick to set up Fluid Head Video Tripod While the video tripod is heavier and takes longer to set up then the photo tripod it is still worth it. video head tripods offer perfect, smooth panning shots. This especially important when filming action sports which I will be doing a lot on this project.



$1300  excellent photo and video quality  Slow set up  industry standard  Hand held only  floats, highly visible  heavy $450  Quick and easy to set up  Average photo and video quality  Easy to use  Sinks, hard to see  Mountable on most objects  Micro sd card  Average photo and video quality  light SPL Waterproof Housing The Waterproof Housing will allow me to record video and photos at DSLR quality. It will also allow me to shoot the whole project on the same camera. Waterproof Housings are used by professionals all over the world and it is the industry standard for every type of water based filming.

Purpose Tripod for videography and photography. Options Advantages Fluid Head Video Tripod


Handles the Creative cloud smooth and fast Can handle up to 4 Adobe programs at a time with ease Great value for money Compatible with software and hardware Easy to repair Add extras if needed Great compatibility when designing with iPads and iPhones Built in editing software

Time consuming to shop for individual parts


  

Very expensive Expensive if repairs are needed Less compatible with software and hardware


Custom PC While the iMac offers great compatibility when designing with iPads and iPhones it is simply too expensive. It also is less compatible with a number of hardware and software needed to carry out my assignment. The PC works faster, is highly compatible and is great value for money.

Student Number: 27252125

TIMELINE PLAN This timeline shows the predicted time for each task as well as the extra time spent on each task. The light colour shows predicted and the darker colour shows extra time taken. If there is no dark bar for a task it means I keep to the timeline for that specific task.

Timeline for MOMENTUM

13-Oct 23-Oct 2-Nov 12-Nov 22-Nov 2-Dec 12-Dec 22-Dec 1-Jan 11-Jan 21-Jan 31-Jan 10-Feb 20-Feb 2-Mar 12-Mar 22-Mar 1-Apr 11-Apr 21-Apr 1-May 11-May21-May31-May 10-Jun 20-Jun 30-Jun 10-Jul 20-Jul Design and Pre Production Research Sketching and Idea Generation Selection and Justification Video Storyboards Website Storyboards Finance Plan Planning for Work, Health & Safety Production Videoing the Activities Taking Photos of the Activities Editing the Video Editing the Photos Creation of the Book Planning the Book Designing of Physical Book Printing of the Physical Book Creation of the Digital Book Creation of Promotional Products Making of video trailer Designing of DVD and Case Printing of DVD and Case Creation of Poster Printing of Poster Building of website Creating Layout Adding Content and Building Embedding Videos Website Testing and Tweaking Completion of Folio Completion of Content Creation of Folio Printing of Folio



FINANCE PLAN All costs were as predicted and therefore I was able to stay within the budget. I already owned all the necessary hardware needed to carry out my major project. Software had the running cost of $25 a month on the Adobe Creative Cloud student edition. The creation of the project itself was by far the most expensive. The hourly rate of $50 is a realistic estimation of someone just starting in the multimedia industry.

Category Hardware




1 Canon 650 DSLR





1 Wacom Graphics Tablet



1 Fluid Head Tripod BENQ Large Display 1 Monitor 1 Computer







1 Adobe Photoshop


1 Adobe Premiere Pro


1 SPL Waterproof Housing


$25 a month for the Adobe $300 Creative Cloud $300 $250 (10 months) $300

1 Adobe InDesign 1 Adobe After Affects 1 Adobe Lightroom


1 DVD and Case



1 Hard Copy Book Printing



1 T-Shirt Printing



1 Poster Printing

$20 $50




1 A3 Folio Printing Work Hours


Hourly Rate ($50) for a Beginner in the Industry



Actual Cost

Student Number: 27252125

$500 Total



W O R K H E A LT H & S A F E T Y The main OH&S risks that had to be considered throughout the production of this work were: • Correct posture and equipment when using a computer • Sufficient rest breaks • Safety when working in and near water

These photos show the suitable work environment I used. Working at a computer in awkward positions or for long periods can cause pain, discomfort and injury, which are typically sprains and strains in the neck, back, shoulders, wrists and hands. In order to minimise these risks, I made sure I had a good workstation design, layout and setup at all times. To do this I followed these steps: GOOD POSTURE • Feet flat on the floor • Thighs parallel to floor • Head slightly inclined forward and relaxed • Forearms are horizontal with the wrist straight when on the keyboard



ERGONOMICS • The Keyboard was placed 60mm from the edge of the desk and my elbows were flexed at 90º • The distance between my eyes and monitor was 550mm • The desk height was an appropriate level for my body and arms • The desk was not placed directly under a light source, but to the side • I used an LCD monitor and closed the curtains to eliminate the factor of glare • The mouse was placed next to the keyboard

I also had a variety of tasks and opportunities which necessitated me moving around throughout the day. I set up an automatic timer to notify me

to stand up and move around every half hour while stationed at the computer. I also carried out wrist, neck and back stretches to ensure I did not get swore while sitting at the computer.


To ensure a safe working environment when filming the water sports activities theses procedures will be followed: • All participants will have completed surf survival courses • Only experienced surfers will participate in dangerous conditions • When participating in boating activities all participants will wear a life jacket • During each session every participant will be assigned a buddy • An individual with first aid qualifications will be present at all time when filming


In order to perform these activities a risk assessment must be done to determine safety. To determine the risk of an activity follow these steps: 1. Determine the consequence 2. Determine the Probability 3. Asses the risk level (See next page)


Student Number: 27252125



Step 2 - Determine Probability (Likelihood) of Event Occurring ( P ) Probability (Likelihood) Table

I Consequence (Impact) Table Health & Safety

Environment & Heritage


Probability band

Fatal Incident (Class 1)

Permanent widespread ecological damage

Almost Certain (5)

Damage, which permanently alters a person’s future (e.g. quadriplegia, paraplegia, amputation of a limb).

International negative media coverage. Loss of business from key sector.

Heavy ecological damage, costly restoration

Sustained national negative media coverage. Loss of long term key client.

Lost Time Injury (Class 2)

Damage, which temporarily alters a person’s future.

Major but recoverable ecological damage

Regional/short negative media coverage. Loss of Client / project.

Minor (2

Medical Treatment (Class 2)

Damage, which temporarily inconveniences a person

Limited but medium term damage

Local negative media coverage. Site or project problem

Negligible (1)

First Aid Treatment (Class 3)

Actual injury which requires no treatment or simple first aid

Short term damage

Brief local negative media coverage.

Impact band Substantial (5)

Permanent Injury (Class 1)

Major (4)

Moderate (3)

Risk Assessmen Matrix

Description The threat can be expected to occur 75% 99% The threat will quite commonly occur 50% 75%

Common / Frequent Occurrence

More than 1 event per month

Is known to occur or “It has happened regularly"

More than 1 event per year

Possible (3)

The threat may occur occasionally 25% - 50%

Could occur or “I’ve heard of it happening”

1 event per 1 to 10 years

Unlikely (2)

The threat could infrequently occur 10% 25%

Not likely to occur very often

1 event per 10 to 100 years

Rare (1)

The threat may occur in exceptional circumstances 0% - 10%

- Conceivable but only in exceptional circumstances

Less than 1 event per 100 years

Likely (4)

Step 3 – combinin

Almos Certain (5)

Probability (Likelihood)

Step 1 – Determine Consequence (Impact)

Likely (4)

Possibl (3)

Unlikel (2) Rare (1)


Step 3 – Assess Risk Level ( R ) Determine the risk level by ermine Probability (Likelihood) Highest Level of Control curring ( P ) combining Consequence with Probability

Elimination obability (Likelihood) Table

Description PROBABILITY:

The threat may occur occasionally 25% - 50%

5=Almost Certain Common / More than Frequent 1 event 4=Probable Occurrence per month 3=Moderate Is known to More than 2=Unlikely occur or “It 1 event has happened per year 1=Rare regularly"

Probability (Likelihood)

The threat can be expected to occur 75% 99% The threat will quite commonly occur 50% 75%

1-6 Could Acceptable occur 1 event or “I’ve heard of it happening”

per 1 to 10 years

The threat could infrequently occur 10% 25%

Not likely to occur very often

1 event per 10 to 100 years

The threat may occur in exceptional circumstances 0% - 10%

- Conceivable but only in exceptional circumstances

Less than 1 event per 100 years


Break the job down into steps

Substitution Engineering Consequence (Impact) Table

Risk Assessment Matrix

Potential Safety and Environmental Hazards

Negligible (1)

Minor (2)

Moderate (3)

Major (4)

Almost Certain (5)

Low (5)

Moderate (10)

Very High (15)

Extreme (20)

Likely (4)

Low (4)

Moderate (8)

Very High (12)

Very High (16)

Possible (3)

Low (3)

Moderate (6)

High (9)

Very High (12)

Unlikely (2)

Low (2)

Low (4)

High (6)

High (8)

Very High (10)

Rare (1)

Low (1)

Low (2)

Moderate (3)

High (4)

High (5)

Risk Rating

 Drowning Filming ocean 5 2 10 activities  Physical excretion CONSEQUENCE: whilst treading  Shark attack 5=Substantial water 

Injury due to others

 


5 1 5

ol Measures or Short Duration2  Injuries from Filming bush walking

 

wildlife Trip hazards Getting lost

Extreme5=Substantial (25)

4=Major 3=Moderate Extreme (20) 2=Minor Very 1=Negligible

Control Measures

Lowest Level of Control

Administration C P R

4=Major 3=Moderate Filming river activities 2=Minor whilst on a kayak 1=Negligible

Substantial (5) CONSEQUENCE:

7-12 Acceptable with Strict ControlHigh Measures or Short Duration (15)

What can go wrong



3 6

   

Risk Rating After Controls

Person Responsible To ensure management method applied

Personal Protective Equipment C




5 Myself and others in the water



5 Myself and others in the water



2 Myself and others I tell about my location

Having a buddy system Adequate lifesaving training Knowing your limits

 Wearing PFD  Having a buddy system

13-25 Unacceptable  Being cautious

 Watching foot placement  Watching for wildlife  Telling someone where you are going




Production LOGO

I sketched a few different designs for the logo. It took me a very long time to create the look I wanted for the project. Once I had my design it was very tough for me to find suitable fonts. I eventually found two different fonts in a surfing magazine. Taking a photo and using a font analysing program I found and downloaded them. They were available for free for non-commercial use. Then I used adobe illustrator to create a vector logo. I created a number of variations to be used for different purposes. A vector logo was highly important as it needed to be used across a large amount of different sized products.






Student Number: 27252125


I made three posters in different styles to appeal to a wider range of the target audience. The posters were created in Photoshop. They all incorporate the same logo. To make the posters look professional I based it on a number of movie posters that use “steel thongs” font to show the producers, directors, editors etc. Because I cannot reveal my name to the marker I used a number of aliases on the poster. Then I used Photoshop to create two mock up ways of displaying the posters.







The Film was made using Adobe Premiere Pro and took a considerable amount of time. In the planning stage I was looking for an online storyboard template that suited my project. I needed one that supported three audio tracks, transitions and scene notes. After a while of searching I decided to design one myself. After a rough sketch on a piece of paper I designed the storyboard on Adobe Illustrator. Next I printed several copies and begun drawing my scenes. In order to achieve an original and creative feel to the film I decided to have scenes blend together in some parts of the film.

Transitions Audio 1 Audio 2 Audio 3 Notes



I changed the soundtrack a number of times but eventually ended using a song by The Dead Sea Scrolls called “Mountain Journal” released in 2010. Their music is free to use Transitions for non-commercial use. The second piece of Audio 1 audio used is the sound of waves crashing Audio 2 against rocks recorded by me on the 15th of Audio January. 3I had to boast the volume as I recorded Notesa DSLR. The third piece of audio was it using a loop of a drone sound that I created from a one second cut from “Mountain Journal”. As the song only has a length of 2 minutes and the film needed to go for 3 minutes I had to alter the song in various places. At the start of the song I made it slower which also fitted in with the slow motion scene. At the 1:30 mark of the song I cut it and faded it out leaving a 25 second pause between the parts of the song. In this pause I faded in the drone as well as added the sound of the crashing waves. The visual and audio aspects of the film are in direct link and were specifically edited to fit with each other. AUDIO TRACKS

The main transitions between video clips were dissolve and fading in and out. These transitions fit well the overall look of the blending effects. At the end of the film the logo fades in with a blurred out wave in the background. I then made the logo fade out and created a tittle in the same style VIDEO TRACKS for my student number.


Student Number: 27252125


The designing of the website was drawn and then converted into a Photoshop layout using content. The content consisted of a number of images to be used as backgrounds. In order to clearly see the logo and a number of elements I had to blur the background photos. To make the header image I copied the bottom half of the image and added it on to the bottom. I then did this a few times and blended it together using a layer style and healing brush. The header needed to stand out and then blur down the page.


Using Photoshop was a great way to clearly map out exactly what I wanted the website to look like. I used a single page website with 6 main sections as well as subsections. Photoshop was definitely the right tool for the job and handled the amount of content very smoothly. It proved very easy to map out the look as I could just copy and paste many design elements into it. On the other hand it was quite hard to show what practical and functional stuff I wanted to plan out. To overcome this I had to write and draw things to go with the Photoshop document.


Next I used Adobe muse to create a very smooth layout and began to import content. I had a number of problems adapting content for the web. I soon began to reduce the size of much of the content to speed up the load time. I also had to update all the photos and re-edit them to change them to web-safe colours. This was a very long process. I then used a number of free widgets from I used these widgets for HTML 5 video, light box display and custom loader.



I designed a menu that would stick to the top of the page and always be accessible. I had to design it to be 100% of the page width. This was a very long process and I had very little early success. I made two sub menu items which drop down when you hover the mouse over them.

(ABOVE) THE PRODUCTION OF THE MENU I used anchors and linked them to different parts of the webpage. When you click on the menu button the page glides up or down to the desired place. To achieve an interactive feel to the website I started adding in creative elements such as parallax scrolling. This was a very long process and I had to watch two tutorials to learn how to do it. Tutorial 1 Webpage Parallax Scrolling Tutorial 2 Object Parallax Scrolling I also used scroll effects on the different logos so that they fly into place when scrolling or become visible when you scroll down to them. In the future I intend to add a lot more interactivity to my website as I ran out of time to do it in the prototype.


Once I had gotten the bulk of the website done I began testing in different web browsers. The website was built using continual checking on Google Chrome. This was a significant decision as majority of desktop Internet users run Google Chrome. However it is still important to have the website running across all platforms. After a few issues with the scaling of content, I got the site up and running on Internet Explorer and then on Firefox.


The book was made using Adobe InDesign. Again I could not find a suitable page template online so I made one in Adobe Illustrator. I then started to draw the designs I wanted to incorporate and source the photos I wanted to use. Whilst in production for the prototype I used place holder text and did some mock headings and articles along the lines of topics I would want to include.



Student Number: 27252125

Then I began the task of exporting it in a way so it could be functional on a website. I tried two options. At first I tried to export it as a HTML so I could insert it into my website. I was unhappy with the overall look of the HTML and the smoothness of page transitions was not adequate. However it did handle the transparency of the first and last pages very well. I then exported it as a SWF Flash file and embedded it in the website. This way users of the website will be able to use the arrow keys, mouse or swipe with their fingers to turn the pages of the book.

I had problems with the look of the SWF file. In order to handle the page transitions it did not allow for page transparency. Therefore it had a white second half to the cover page as shown below. To overcome this I used Photoshop to replicate and blur the website background image to be used as the second half of the cover page (shown below). I then placed that in the place of the white page and re- exported. I had to realign and export a number of times to allow it to blend in well enough with the website but also not blend in to much as to still be definable as a book.

I was unhappy with the way the prototype turned out. It was a lot of testing to make sure I had the right look and functionality but in the end I did not like the overall look of the text alongside my photography. I decided to scrap the idea of articles and interviews and focus on the layout of my photography.


After finishing the layout of the photography pages I began work on the appendix. The appendix is 4 pages long and uses a sleek layout of thumbnails. Behind the thumbnails is a white background. Accompanying the photos or set of photos is the name of them, the date they were taken and the location of where they were taken.


I then sent a PDF of the book to Snapfish who printed a physical copy and sent it to my home.




I created the social media accounts and used logos and photos as the account display pictures. I then uploaded the trailer and a behind the scene video to YouTube and Vimeo. I then posted links to the video on Instagram and Facebook. I had no problems in setting up these accounts as it is fairly simple and straight forward.



For 3 months I was documenting all these activities using my Canon 650d in my SPL Waterproof Housing.



Student Number: 27252125

Modifications MODIFICATION TO THE STATEMENT OF INTENT Filming took much longer than anticipated this was due to a number of poor weather weekends as well as how busy I was with school/work. I changed the amount of activities I had chosen to document. I had originally choose to capture bodyboarding, surfing, rock climbing, abseiling, kayaking, paddle boarding, boating, skateboarding, camping, bike riding, fishing and swimming. This amount of activities was an unrealistic and unachievable goal. So I cut down on the amount of activities and decided to only capture bodyboarding, surfing, bush walking, snorkeling, swimming, kayaking and stand up paddle boarding. THE ADVANTAGES OF THIS CHANGE: • A more reasonable goal and therefore a less stressful schedule to keep • Less money spent on travel costs • A more in depth view into a smaller number of activities rather than a very brief look at a large number of activities THE DISADVANTAGES OF THIS CHANGE: • I would of loved to show the full experience of all of these activities • Less variety within the film, website and book As a result of this change I have changed the behind the scenes website features. Instead of being a behind the scenes section of the activities it is now a behind the scenes section of the creation of the project. MODIFICATION TO BOOK In my original plans for the book I stated that I would perform interviews and include small articles on some of the activities. I battled with a number of designs incorporating images and text together. After a long think I decided to scrap the idea of having articles and interviews in the book. Instead I focused heavily on the layouts of the pages. The advantages of this change: • A more clean and professional look achieved • More room to display my high resolution photography • Less time consuming THE DISADVANTAGES OF THIS CHANGE: • Lower degree of difficulty MODIFICATION TO THE WEBSITE In my original plans for the website I stated that I would use a 5 page setup. During my industry study assignment I built a one page site. This assignment caused me to re-think my major work and I decided to design a one page website for it instead of a 5 page website. THE ADVANTAGES OF THIS CHANGE: • Clean elegant look • Quicker overall load time • More consistent look • Higher degree of difficulty • More creative THE DISADVANTAGES OF THIS CHANGE: • More time consuming • Slower initial load time MODIFICATION TO THE FILM In my original plans for the film I stated that I would include titles for each activity. This idea was put aside as I had a new idea for the film which was morphing different video clips together to a slow motion effect. Because of this new idea it meant that I did not have to include separate titles for the activities as they were now going to be displayed simultaneously. THE ADVANTAGES OF THIS CHANGE: • Better flow on effect from clip • Faster transitions • Less time consuming THE DISADVANTAGES OF THIS CHANGE: • Lower degree of difficulty



Ta r g e t a u d i e n c e e v a l u a t i o n To determine whether I had achieved what I had set out to do with the project I decided to put out a user evaluation survey for those in the target audience. I published the website online as well as asking peers around to view the physical book. I then asked them to fill out a survey after viewing the project. The survey was made again using Survey Monkey and had 5 questions. 20 people completed the survey and these were the questions and the results. The first 2 questions relate to the project’s statement of intent, which states “I intend to create a project that will entertain and inform viewers in relation to a range of adventurous activities around Australia’s east coast.” QUESTION 1 Did the project as a whole entertain you? On a scale from 1 to 5, 1 being the least entertaining and 5 being the most entertaining. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

0% 0% 0% 50% 50%

The results of this question show that viewers in the target audience found the project highly entertaining. QUESTION 2 Did the project as a whole inform you on adventurous activities that can be experienced living on Australia’s East Coast? On a scale from 1 to 5, 1 being the least informative and 5 being the most informative. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

0% 0% 0% 75% 25%

The results of this question show that viewers in the target audience found the project very informative. I believe this was due to the nature of the way the activities were captured as well as the appendix in the back of the book. I believe I could have made the project more informative by adding biography’s on the activities on the website if I had more time. Questions 3-5 are personal evaluations of the specific elements of the projects. I have included a number of quotes from the results. QUESTION 3 What are your personal comments on the Film? “Loved it. The visuals were very stimulated and kept my attention the whole way through. The sounds that accompanied it were very appropriate and added to the overall feel of the impression.” “I thoroughly enjoyed the film, I particularly loved the music and the faded effects/overlay of the various clips.” QUESTION 4 What are your personal comments on the Website? “Very easy and enjoyable to use. All the features made it really fun to look through and there was no confusion about how to find anything. I especially loved the online book and the ability to flick through the pages.” “Layout is well thought through. Easy-to-use, well-planned, structure easily usable and accessible. I liked how you can turn the pages of the digital book.” “I found the website easy to use and very eye-catching. I really enjoyed the pictures in the background and the scroll function.” QUESTION 5 What are your personal comments on the Book? “Very visually stimulating. The images were all very good and having them spread across the double pages looked fantastic. Loved the mix between images of landscapes as well as people as it meant that I could appreciate the nature being displayed and the adventurous activities.” “I loved the dedication at the beginning, it was very heartwarming. I appreciated the slight differences between the book and website. I also found the back section with the photo details very informative.” Due to these quotes I am very happy with the way I have created this project and believe it is at a very high standard of work. QUESTION 6 Do you have any suggestions for improvements of the project? “I would have loved a more extensive website. It would’ve been great to have been able to explore it a bit more and look through more featured images or videos.” “I would have liked some music in the behind the scenes videos.”


Student Number: 27252125

These were the two most extensive suggestions as a number of replies stated “N/A” or “nothing to add”. As for the first Quote I would have loved to include this if I had more time to create extra features to the website. As for the second quote I consciously made the decision to not include music for the behind the scenes videos so viewers could watch them all at once. If I had included music, even if it was the same song, it would be out of sync with the other videos. Due to the overall responses from the survey I can confidently say that the target audience positively responded to the project and believed it was highly entertaining, informative and to a high standard of quality.



Self evaluation TIME MANAGEMENT

The greatest part of this project is that I achieved a great deal of complicated tasks in the time that I did. Although in my statement of intent I stated that “it will be easy to stay motivated if the project’s core is based around these activities”, this was a miss judgment. Although these activities did help it was still extremely hard to keep on task rather than just playing computer games or surfing instead of filming. I am happy to say that I completed all the challenges I intended to.


In my statement of intent I stated “I intend to create a project that will entertain and inform viewers in relation to a range of adventurous activities around Australia’s east coast”. I believe I have achieved this as reactions from my peers and family were all very positive. A majority of people were quite surprised about the quality of work I displayed. My peers and family were informed about the various activities as majority of them did not even know that surfing/bodyboarding was performed in such big conditions on Australia’s East Coast. Viewers went away learning about different activities as well as enjoying the interactive elements of the project.


I am extremely happy with the quality of the film. It was a struggle to create a film of such depth to have a duration of over 3 minutes. It uses a wide range of filming and production skills. The audio of the film is what I am most happy with. It took a very long time to create a complex soundtrack that fitted so well to the visual aspects.


Overall the book in my opinion is fantastic. The quality of both the digital book and physical book is very high. The digital book works very well on the website and the physical book was printed at a very high standard. Although I decided not to include articles and interviews I still believe I showcase a wide range of photography and design skills. The inclusion of the appendix was a very good idea and it ended up looking very good.


The website is a great piece of work that brings the whole project together. I am very happy with the final website and I think it displays the height of my design and development skills very well. The amount of interactive elements is great but could have been better if I had more time. I am unhappy with the buy, and where to next sections as there is not much to experience. The navigation system works very smoothly and this is a vital part of a professional website.


Student Number: 27252125

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