6 minute read

Additional Revenue Streams


Revenue $treams

With the economy the way it is, everyone is looking for new lines of revenue. As I travel around the U.S. and talk to towers, they tell me new ways they generate revenue. Here are a few ideas:

1. One company got rid of his heavy duty business. This cut down on expenses, and he opened up a convenience store. 2. Another tower from Alabama also opened up a convenience store. 3. There was a tower in Shepard, Texas whose wife had a nail salon and tanning salon in the front office of their storage lot. 4. Another company did a u-haul rental from his storage lot. 5. Towing junk cars and running them across the scales. 6. RV and boat storage. 7.New car storage for car dealers. 8. Store cars for other tow companies. 9. Storage units at your storage yard. 10. Overnight parking for tractor trailers as they pass through town.

Times have changed and there are new ways for tow companies to generate new revenue. Here is an example of what a company in California is doing: They advertise their towing service in the Dallas area. When a customer Googles the closest tow truck their name will come up. The consumer will call the number and it goes to their tow company in California. They negotiate the price and collect the money. Then they start calling tow companies in Dallas to provide the service.

I developed a phone app that’s providing digital dispatching to the closest tow truck. I have a network of

tow companies all over the U.S. We are in 49 states and have customers in 56 cities and growing. I have seven customers that give me tows, and we dispatch each tow to the city and state for which our customer requests.

In the past week I had three new customers call me wanting to use my services. These customers do not own a tow truck but they are good at Search Engine Optimization. They get to the top of the Google search and the consumer calls the number they provide. That call comes to my app and I find the closest tow truck available to the consumer.

These new companies can advertise all over the U.S. and use my network for the tow. Some of these companies are big and will provide a lot of tows. These are the tows your company will be missing unless you are registered with TowTrax. Here are a few tows you might be missing:

1. Stranded motorist passing through town. 2. Trucking companies that will be using TowTrax to dispatch calls. 3. Anyone that has a fleet that wants to monitor their trucks. 4. Motor club calls.

TowTrax does not solicit companies for tows. All I provide is a large towing network that is nationwide. Tow companies register with TowTrax and their drivers can receive tows. Here is the problem for larger tow companies: They have a dispatch system and want all tows to go through dispatch. I understand that, but here are a few things I want you to think about:

1. Your company is being controlled by a $12 an hour dispatcher. 2. You trust your driver to drive a $150,000 truck, but you don’t trust him to make a decision on a simple tow. When I owned my company, I treated my drivers like gold. Remember they are the ones that make all the money for the company. 3. As I talk to larger companies they tell me all tows have to go through dispatch. I understand that, but if I could give you five calls a day at retail rates, you turn them down because it has to go through dispatch. That means you are losing revenue because my tows don’t go through your dispatch system. You are now letting your dispatch system control your business.

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If I was faced with this problem I would figure out a way to make it work so I don’t lose calls. More and more people are going to digital dispatch because with a system like TowTrax, I can provide the following:

1. E.T.A.’s less than 30 minutes. We do not allow our providers to stack calls. Again, I know why you do it because of the priority of your customers, but a consumer should not wait over one hour for help. 2. I provide bread crumbs. My customers can watch the tow take place. 3. The consumer does not have to wait a long time for service. 4. The tow companies in my network love TowTrax because it’s retail rates are paid within a few days.

The consumer is getting smarter, and so are your customers. The problem we face is the tow company has done business a certain way for so long they don’t want to change. The industry is changing, and you have to start thinking outside the box. You have companies stealing your business, and they don’t even own a tow truck. Most big companies don’t like to do motor clubs for a variety of reasons. There are 44 million motor club calls a year and that’s a market you are missing out on. I can show you how to access that market without starting a truck. You too can be making money from tow companies across the U.S.

I had the opportunity to meet a young man who just started his company. He also has a body shop so you know he will be successful. He signed up for my program because he knew he could can make money through other tow companies. The amazing thing about his business is he is only 23 years old. He is creative and thinking outside the box.

As I talk to larger tow companies, I hear all kinds of reasons why they have to control everything and not use TowTrax. There are a lot of new companies starting up that don’t have tow trucks and will use my network to steal your business.

I’m here to help you and grow your business and I can show you how it’s done.


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