Foreword CANCUN WEDDING CENTERTM distinctive brandmark is a vital element of the institution‘s name recognition and visibility. This manual outlines the official CWCTM brandmark variations and their proper usage. This guide attempts to address the most common situations and questions of CWCTM brandmark users. For more information, please contact the CWCTM office at Telephone: +52 998-883-3824 FAX: 1-800-517-2805 or E-mail:
Plaza Caracol Local 114, Ground Floor, Hotel Zone, Cancun, CP 77500 Q.Roo, Mexico
The Logo It is the primary element of the Cancun Wedding Center visual identity system and must appear on all ofďŹ cial communications. It may not be modified in any way.
Brandmark Variations
70% 100%
The CWCTM visual identity system includes a few brandmark versions. The primary brandmark is made up of a solid color with CANCUN WEDDING CENTERTM in color
The Golden Rule
lettering. This is the brandmark that will be used in most circumstances. It appears on stationery in the upper lefthand corner. This version of the brandmark is for use on bright white or on other light grey (20% tint of black) backgrounds.
The Logo and logotype must perfectly fit inside a 100%
rectangle of width: 10 / height: 7 The brandmark must not be re-created; use only the original files provided. Pantone 207 C When employing freelance designers, printing vendors, and personalized merchandise manufacturers, please give them a copy of this guide and ask them to contact the office with any questions about the correct use of brandmarks, type layouts and appropriate Pantone 207 Cfonts.
Telephone: +52 998-883-3824 FAX: 1-800-517-2805
The CWC brandmark should appear on the front of all printed materials, if possible. If it is not possible to place it on the front, the words ”CANCUN WEDING CENTERTM“ should appear prominently in type. The brandmark may then appear on the back cover, along with contact information, return address, etc. The brandmark should also appear on all correspondence. Retain the required surrounding white space, the given proportions, and do not overprint busy backgrounds with the brandmark.
The Color The four-color process (CMYK) green equivalent is C0%, M100%, Y43%, K19% On the Web, the closest equivalent is #C60651, R198, G6, B81. The reverse brandmark is designed to be used on a solid field of color, usually the ruby, Pantone 207C (Coated). Spot Color: Pantone 207 C Process Color: CMYK 0 100 43 19 Web Color:
The Font The Font used as the logotype is Arial Regular (Sans Serif), Vertical Scale 90% and tracking of 30.
Arial (Adobe) Vertcal Scale: 90% / Kerning / Track: 0 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz / 1234567890!”#$&%()+/?@ In texts or emails the fonts used could be either lucida sans or century gothic used: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz / 1234567890!”#$&%()+/?@ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz / 1234567890!”#$&%()+/?@
Incorrect Usage Only the provided versions of the brandmark should be used. Altering the brandmark will detract from its effectiveness as a readily identified symbol. The brandmark should not be used as a design element. The brandmark should not be altered or redrawn in any way, such as outlining, adding shadows, changing its borders or proportions, rotating it, using parts of it, or cropping it. Other art or type should not be added to it and it should not be combined nor appear on the same page with any other logo. No element of the brandmark should be removed. The logo should not be overprinted on a background! To solve the separation issues the designer should rather apply an overprint stroke of max 0.25pt. If this rule is ignore the logo color will be altered (darkened) by the background color.
Plaza Caracol Local 114, Ground Floor, Hotel Zone, Cancun, CP 77500, Q.Roo, Mexico
Telephone: +52 998-883-3824 FAX: 1-800-517-2805
The Stationery The stationery standards provided in the following pages are an essential part of the visual identity system.
Artwork Digital fles with .eps extensions should be used for printed materials. Those with .jpg extensions should be used primarily for on-screen viewing. Application Sizes The minimum application size for the CWC logo is 1.0 inch or 2.54 centimeters.
Standard communication Every day, CWC stationery makes an impression on thousands of customers, prospects, suppliers, emails, enveloppes and other important publics. These impressions must always be positive. All CWC business stationery must be clear and professional. The pieces should “family� with one another, including stationery created for corporate and division use. The following pages show examples of corporate stationery.
10% tint
15% tint
1CM Plaza Caracol Local 114, Ground Floor, Hotel Zone, Cancun, CP 77500, Q.Roo, Mexico
Plaza Caracol Local 114, Ground Floor, Hotel Zone, Cancun, CP 77500, Q.Roo, Mexico
10% tint
10% tint
Telephone: +52 998-883-3824 FAX: 1-800-517-2805
Plaza Caracol Local 114, Ground Floor, Hotel Zone, Cancun, CP 77500, Q.Roo, Mexico
Plaza Caracol Local 114, Ground Floor, Hotel Zone, Cancun, CP 77500, Q.Roo, Mexico
Telephone: +52 998-883-3824 FAX: 1-800-517-2805
Telephone: +52 998-883-3824 FAX: 1-800-517-2805
Telephone: +52 998-883-3824 FAX: 1-800-517-2805
Plaza Caracol Local 114, Ground Floor, Hotel Zone, Cancun, CP 77500, Q.Roo, Mexico
Telephone: +52 998-883-3824 FAX: 1-800-517-2805
Plaza Caracol Local 114, Ground Floor, Hotel Zone, Cancun, CP 77500, Q.Roo, Mexico
Plaza Caracol Local 114, Ground Floor, Hotel Zone, Cancun, CP 77500, Q.Roo, Mexico
Telephone: +52 998-883-3824 FAX: 1-800-517-2805
10% tint
Sample Business Cards
Sample Letterhead
Telephone: +52 998-883-3824 FAX: 1-800-517-2805
15% tint
2.5CM indent
Ms. Jane A. Doe Organization Street Address City Name, State 00000-0000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Sincerely, Joy Fittipaldi
Plaza Caracol Local 114, Ground Floor, Hotel Zone, Cancun, CP 77500, Q.Roo, Mexico
Sample Letter + letterhead / Sample Email Template
Telephone: +52 998-883-3824 FAX: 1-800-517-2805
Sample Publication / Flyer
Plaza Caracol Local 114, Ground Floor, Hotel Zone, Cancun, CP 77500 Q.Roo, Mexico For more information, please contact the CWCTM office at Telephone: +52 998-883-3824 FAX: 1-800-517-2805 or E-mail: