Part 1 Main character and setting
It was dark. So dark that she thought she was walking around with her eyes closed. What if her eyes ​were closed? She raised her right hand to her eyes and stabbed them by accident. They were open after all. Her eyes started stinging from the pain and she started to laugh hysterically. What person didn't know if their eyes were open? Her laughter turned into sobs as she sat down and started crying. Travelling for six days on foot through the forest alone can do that to you. Especially if you were running away from powerful sorcerers and couldn't use your magic to help yourself.
Sybil Devi grew up in a town far away from other people. An isolated town by the name of “Deathly Hallows” which was avoided by most people for it was known to hold some of the most evil sorcerers there.. She was only 4 when her parents dropped her off at her mentor’s door. That's what happens in this town. Young sorcerers are sent to live with their mentors from a young age to hone their abilities and to grow magically. Learn the ways of the ancestors. Most importantly how to use people, especially weak mortals, to their advantage. She was learning well and was even known to be the next powerful sorceress after her mentor. Fast forward to a week ago, when Sybil had a dream. In her dream, her ancestors came to her. She couldn't remember the details, but what stuck with her after that was that they had asked her to question everything. Sybil had been known to be kind, which was saying something when you live among the wicked. This fact made the others look down at her for they think that it made her weak. The day after her dream, her master had prepared a special task for her. Unbeknown to Sybil, her master had been planning the task for a while now to test her on how far she would go to grow her powers. If she had what it took to be a great sorceress. Sybil was called out to their practice yard and was faced with an old sorcerer who ran the potions shop down the street. He was a nice enough man and Sybil always looked forward to the man’s quirky conversations whenever she would be sent to his shop. “Take his powers” her master’s voice commanded. Sybil knew that her master meant for her to kill him for it was the only way a sorcerer can obtain another’s powers. Sybil started trembling as she let out a shaky “I can't.”. She was told that she had to do it in order to advance in her lessons. The old man stared at
her, almost daring her to do it. “Do it.” her master’s voice commanded again. Sybil refused again, this time with more force. She felt a shock of electricity and saw her master’s finger pointed towards her. “DO IT.” Sybil gathered all the energy she could and it back at her master, running away. Which brings us to her sobbing on the forest ground, alone.
Part 2 Task
As Sybil cried herself to sleep, she dreamt of the faces of her parents that she had forgotten. They seemed to be talking to her but their voices sounded as if they were underwater. Her parents were then replaced by an old lady Sybil recognised as one of her ancestors, Kali. Kali spoke clearly, her words still ringing in Sybil’s ears after she had woken up. “There is a town not far from here. I will guide you. Help the people there and you will grow. Choose your own path without forgetting the paths you have taken.”
Sybil walked through the forest with determination. She didn't know where she was headed, but she trusted her instincts as she knew instincts were just your ancestors guiding you. She walked on for two days, feeling more and more like she did the right thing by running away. While walking, she began to hear screams and cries from afar. As she came to the edge of the forest, she saw a little town where the sounds came from. She ran and ran as it sounded like the people there were in great danger. As she entered the town square, she understood why so many people were screaming and running away. On top of the town bank, a huge pale dragon perched, blowing fire at anyone in close radius. A few buildings surrounding it were on fire, some already burnt black. The smell of coal, acid and fear stung Sybil’s nose as she took it all in. “Help them” the voice whispered in her head. Sybil stood her ground, her brain whirling with all the lessons she’d learnt. She yelled for everyone to move back as she approached the building of the bank slowly. She made eye contact with the now curious dragon. The townspeople gave her room and hid behind overturned and burnt carts that were strewn across the road. All watching her. First she needed to put out the fires of the burning buildings. Then, she had to figure out why this ragon was so far away from her homeland as dragons were known to stay there and rarely come out, especially to places filled with people. Usually harmless creatures, why was this one trying to set this town on fire? Sybil raised her hands and started casting a spell that made water rain down on anything that was on fire. This would usually tire out a sorcerer of her age, but she was no ordinary sorcerer. Sybil then tried to telepathically communicate with the dragon. The dragon felt her presence trying to enter its mind and shook its head
trying to get rid of it. She then tried washing the dragon over with feelings of calm. It worked and the dragon started to stop resisting Sybil from entering its mind.
Part 3 Obstacles
As Sybil was just entering the dragon’s thoughts, she heard a loud croak overhead and felt wind and a brush of feathers at the top of her head. A jet black raven appeared out of nowhere and ws flying straight at the dragon. Sybil tried to keep her focus on the dragon but the raven started pecking at its eyes, agitating it. Sybil felt the wall around the dragon’s mind grow stronger as it was trying to get rid of the raven. In its process, the dragon had managed to set more buildings on fire, eliciting screams from the people. The raven kept pecking at the dragon's eyes, head and tail. Whatever it could get its sharp beak on, like an annoying fly when there’s honey near. Somehow, Sybil recognised the bird. It was her master’s pet raven that used to trouble her and anyone that would get near it during the time in Deathly
Hallows. She knew that the presence of this ravenmeant that her master went far and had succeeded in tracking her down. She knew that using magic would make it easier to be found, but she had no choice, she had to help these people.
Part 4 Helpful factors
Sybil put out the new fires and tried to focus all her attention on the dragon. It was near impossible as it was too distracted and kept moving, while creating new fires. Sybil’s attention was torn between trying to connect with the dragon, putting out the fires and the worry and dread of the thought of her master finding her. All of a sudden, cold hands that somehow sent warmth throughout her body was felt grabbing her shoulders, her arms, her head and her legs, down to her feet. Sybil was engulfed with the feeling of warmth and light. She, along with a few of the townspeople gasped as she saw herself emitting a glow of gold and she knew. She knew that her ancestors were there to help her. The raven took one look at her and let out a high pitched corak and flew away. With the wave of her hand, water fell down on anything that was on fire. Sybil managed to gain the attention of the dragon with ease. She Found out that it
was brought here, by force. Sybil didn't have to guess who by. She knew that her master had probably planned this to lure her out of hiding and to end her. Sybil managed to send the dragon away, assuring it that it wasn't in any danger. Another wave of her hand and anything destroyed by the fire was restored. She heard the townspeople cheer for their new saviour, though hesitant to come near her as the whole world was afraid of those who had magical abilities. Sybil beamed at the relieved and joyous faces of the people.
Part 5 Turning point
The cheers of the people were drowned out by a loud echoing cackle of an approaching figure. Sybil’s master. The townspeople ran away in a mess as they recognised who it was. Everyone knew the terror of the old sorceress as she made sure to torture everyone she came across. Sybil felt the hands of her ancestors falter as her master came closer. She silently prayed for them not to leave her as she needed all the help she could get at this moment. “Well done, Sybil. I didn't know you had it in you” her master whispered as she came face to face with Sybil. “I thought you’d be too weak.” Sybill raised her
hands, ready for a match against her master. Why else would she have tracked her down? Her master raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow and sneered at Sybil. “You DARE challenge me?” she asked. Sybil let out a confident and powerful “YES” that seemed to contain all the power of her ancestors as she felt their hands once again surround her. The old sorceress faltered, seeing the power that Sybill was emitting, which only made her angry as she thought that she didn't deserve her ancestor’s powers as she had run away and turned her back against the old ways. “They come for you?” she asked Sybill, dripped with jealousy. Sybil pointed a finger at the sorceress who flew back. “Yes.” Sybil answered. This angered the old sorceress who then proceeded to shoot attack after attack on Sybil. The glow of her ancestor’s protection continued to save her. The sorceress did not stop, thinking that berating attacks on Sybil would cause her protection to falter. It didn't and the master only grew tired. Sybil took out an old scrying mirror from one of her pockents while casting a spell. She pointed it at the sorceress and watched as she was dragged into the mirror, to be stuck in there forever. Sybil felt her ancestors leave and couldn't believe what she had just accomplished. She had taken down the most powerful sorceress without using force or causing harm. She didn't think that being a sorceress would be possible without involving those two things. Sybil started crying out of relief as she finally found herself and her place in the world. Helping people and possibly showing sorcerers a different way of practicing their magic.
Part 6 Consequences of main action
A year after the events, more and more sorcerers joined Sybil on her path to practicing good, light magic. This helped bring unity among her people and mortals. Without the evil old sorceress, there was a sense of peace all throughout the land. Sybil had brought peace and happiness to all that she met.