Car Detailing To Preserve Your Investment And Your Life A great deal of individuals detail or wash their car for aesthetic reasons and that is fine, but there are far more important reasons for detailing one's car. Most people spend roughly the same percentage of their money on a car. I mean that as people get a better job, they tend to buy a better car. Therefore a car is a considerable investment for most drivers. It makes sense to safeguard one's investments and even if you cannot make your car grow in value, you can at least take every step in your power to reduce the speed of its depreciation. One of the foremost methods of doing this is by frequent maintenance and detailing a car should be seen as part of your regular maintenance routine. Car detailing as part of a maintenance programme also has a safety facet. You assume that if your brakes are not serviced properly that there is a greater likelihood that they might fail one day and you should expect that if you do not take proper care of your car's bodywork that it might rust and become less protective in case of a crash. So having said that here are a couple of pointers to help you safeguard your investment and perhaps even your life. Windscreen wipers should be kept clean and unworn at all times. Have you ever been in a car with bad windscreen wipers whilst it is raining? It is very frightening. If it has not rained for a while, then you might not have noticed the dust and grit building up under the windscreen wiper blades. This abrasive dirt will soon score your windscreen, particularly if someone accidentally switches them on when it is not raining. A scratched windscreen is bad enough, but if the blades are worn, they will not wipe away the rain sufficiently for you to see properly either. You should make a point or regularly lifting the blades from the windscreen and inspecting and cleaning them. You will soon see if the rubber is starting to perish or become ragged and you will also notice a line of solidified dust (or worse) on the glass. Wet both the wipers and the glass before attempting to wash them in order to soften up the dirt. Use a sponge or chamois leather on the glass, but use an old rag on the rubber blades, because they can ruin a new sponge or costly chamois leather. Use this rag for cleaning other rough parts of the car like the wheels, registration plates and bumpers. While you are cleaning the windows of your car, it is a useful idea to get into the practice of finishing the cleaning of the outside with vertical strokes and the inside with horizontal ones (or vice versa, if you want). This way you will know which side those annoying, and often distracting, smears are. While we are on the topic, it is not a clever idea to obstruct your view by having furry dice or anything else hanging from your rear-view mirror. These symbols are intended to bring good luck and safety, but they are the exact opposite. Likewise nodding dogs
and large speakers on the rear shelf are obstructive and window stickers of any kind are silly. Transparent glass is meant to be seen through not looked at. Owen Jones, the author of this article, writes on many topics, but is currently concerned with auto interior detailing. If you want aome tips on detailing cars come over to our website now at Detailing Car Interiors.