Encouraging A Hobby That Will Supply Earnings We all understand that money is in short supply in this, the second decade of the 21st Century, but maybe it always has been. Whoever says that they have sufficient and who is to say that there will not be a further financial crisis a few years after we emerge from this one? Whenever that occurs. We also all know that careers are no longer for life. It used to be that you could leave college with a couple of qualifications to say that you could do something quite well, find a career, especially with the government, and you were made for life. Maybe not well off, but employed for life. There are no careers like that any more, unless you own the firm and even then it is dodgy. So why not give a child the present of an extra income for life in his or her own business? If the child is clever at it, the hobby could get to be a home business otherwise the hobby might merely provide an extra $100 a week, but hey, that is $5,000 a year and a very decent free holiday. There are almost certainly many ways of doing this, but I am going to advocate making web sites. If you want to provide a means for your child to make money from websites for the remainder of its life, all you have to provide is an HTML editor in order to facilitate creating websites and a book on HTML to clear up any queries that the child may have concerning the finer points of programming in HTML. In fact, if you use an HTML editor, you will not actually be programming, you will be pointing and clicking and the HTML editor will do the programming for you. This is great for those who are not technically minded, but the true programmer can discard the editor later when his or her abilities have increased. So, what do you make web sites around? Well, there is no end of small businesses that would like a website and numerous organizations want a blog, which is only an active web site, that might have more than one person who may post to it. However, a child might find it hard to convince businesses that he or she is reliable, so why not make web sites for oneself? Unlimited hosting these day is as cheap as $2 a month. That means that you can store as many web sites as you want for $2 a month. So, the child could make a web site a month or a week on favourite topics. Anything. Favourite toys, favourite clothes, favourite music, favourite hobbies. Anything. Literally anything, because there are so many individuals on line, that no matter how small your niche topic, there will be thousands or tens or thousands of people looking for knowledge on that subject.
All you need to do then is monetize the website with affiliate links, Amazon links and Google's Adsense. If the kid begins at twelve years of age and does one web site a month, that is 100 web sites by his or her twentieth birthday. Earning what? That is not possible to predict, but 25c a web site a day? $1 a web site a day? $5 a website a day? $1,000 - $15,000 a month? No one knows, but there is more opportunity of making money doing this than learning origami or playing video games. Owen Jones, the writer of this piece, writes on a number of topics, but is now involved with the Nerf n-Strike Stampede Blaster. If you would like to know more, please visit our website at Smart Toys for Kids.