Getting The Most From A Free Ebook Advertising Campaign All the best Net marketers use ebooks as part of their major marketing campaigns. The reason for this is that many people like to read free ebooks on topics that interest them in their undying search for more information. A lot of people would rather surf the Internet now than read a book. I do both, but I can fully comprehend people who prefer to surf and increase their level of knowledge than read some writer's fantasies that ultimately they will forget. If you would like to run a successful ebook marketing campaign, it is these individuals that you want to target, because numerous surfers for information also pass interesting pieces and ebooks on to friends that will appreciate them. Therefore, the first thing that you need is an interesting issue.. Select a issue that interests lots of people, but be wary of going for a colossal issue that everyone writes on, because of the competition, unless you have a unique context. Examples of saturated markets are: 'How To lose Weight Quickly' and 'How To Get My Boyfriend Back'. So, once you have a popular issue in a non-saturated market, you need a catchy title. The title should be intriguing - it needs to make the reader want to know more: 'How to...' and 'The Best Way To...', so is '7 Ways to...'. Write down twelve titles and read them out loud. Test them on your family. If you have two good titles, use one as the leaing title and one as a sub-title. Once you have your title, you have to tailor decent quality content around it. Make sure that you remain focused on the title for an article. If you are composing an ebook, how long is it going to get? Think of chapter titles on the book title. Allow 500-1,000 words per chapter, so if you want a book of 20,000 words, you will require about 2535 chapters. Keep each chapter's content targeted on the chapter's title. When you have composed your ebook, write a list of contents and a list of pertinent links (back to your web site(s)) and place an ad for your product on the same page as the table of contents. Place it in the footer of every page if you like and get a decent, relevant image for the book cover. Once your book is at this stage, you have to wrap it up. By this I mean format it. The two main formats are EXE and PDF. EXE files are actually programs, so this ebook would become a self-extricating ebook for MS operating systems only. It is a handy format if you would like to allow others (affiliates) the right to rebrand it. PDF format can be read by any other computer, so you will not be excluding potential clients and it can be rebranded, but not so easily. It is the best format if you are giving your book away, but EXE may be better if you want affiliates to help you sell it. Compression is important to people who do not have a fast Internet connection, but use a common compression system that comes with free with most computers like WinZip or individuals will become confused. Endeavour to keep everything
automatic; offer your book in both formats and compressed and uncompressed if you are in doubt. Send your ebook to ebook libraries for free distribution. Offer owners of large newsletters the chance of a free advert in your book, if they will put a link to it in their next newsletter. Make certain you select a newsletter on a related topic for increased success. Owen Jones, the author of this piece, writes on a variety of subjects, but is now involved with handheld book readers. If you want to know more, please go to our website at Kindle vs Book