Home Cures For Allergies Are you one of the substantial number of people who suffer from an allergy? Or do you think you may be? There is a higher percentage of people suffering from an allergy now than ever before and no one is quite certain why, although there are theories. Theories range from our immediate environments (our homes) being too clean to our external environment being overly polluted. Other people point to the colossal amount of additives in our food nowadays. Whatever you put your allergy down to, there is no doubting the fact that allergies are tiresome. Your GP will be able to pinpoint the cause of your distress and this is the best method of treating one allergy, but if your immune system is simply over- reactive to lots of irritants, then you will need to find a way to blanket-suppress your allergies. The GP or the pharmacy can help there too, but if you would rather check out some natural ways, read on. Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, is said to offer relief to many sufferers of allergies. The easiest method of taking vitamin B5 is in capsule or pill form, but you can eat it in foods as well. For meat-eaters, calf's liver is the best source of B5, but vegetarians may obtain plenty of B5 as well from rice and wheat, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, cheese and avocado's. Salmon and caviar are good sources of B5 too. Lime juice is said to ease allergies too. The best manner to imbibe the juice is with water. Squeeze the juice of a lime into a glass of water and drink. It is also a great method of keeping cool in the summer (when pollen is flying) and acquiring your vtamin C. Bananas are well known for treating several conditions: diarrhea and skin problems, for example. however, bananas can also be the cause of a food allergy, so you might need to proceed with caution if you do not know if you are allergic to bananas. Eat one or two a day, at breakfast is the best. A banana with cereal for breakfast will help stop you from snacking before luncheon, will provide plenty of vitamin B6, fibre, vitamin C, potassium and manganese. Antihistamines are anti-allergens too and foods that contain antihistamines include onions, garlic and most fruits. Eating onions and garlic in a fresh salad will help protect you against allergies. If you believe in immunization, you could try eating a teaspoonful of honey each day on your cereal or in your tea, because honey contains pollen. Quercetin is a flavonoid discovered in red wine which has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties, which also makes it anti-allergenic. Green tea is said to have a comparable effect but for different reasons.
Other foodstuffs that seem to help reduce the allergies of some people are Omega-3, pineapple and ginger, whether cooked in food or boiled in water to make tea, in which state it is also used to relieve flatulence. Owen Jones, the writer of this article, writes on many topics, but is currently involved with how to restore hair loss. If you have an interest in hair loss, please go over to our web site now at What is the Best Hair Regrowth Product?