How To Make use of PLR In A Business PLR stands for 'private label rights' which itself is short for private label rights articles. This still sounds like gobbledy-gook even to me and I have been aware of the term for 12 years or so. It basically refers to articles, written by another, to which you own some rights. What those rights are relies on the terms and conditions that you received or bought with the articles. Typically, you are permitted to use the articles 'as are' in your own literary work; rewrite them for use by yourself and sometimes you get 'master resell rights' as well. Master resell rights allow you to resell them as they stand and you may retain all the money. However, there are variations in this clause as well. Therefore, the best suggestion is to read the rights that you have received with your PLR very carefully before you use it Authors have learned to be very pro-active against copyright thieves and most Internet Service Providers will close down the accounts of people suspected of abusing copyright. Title to use an article is fairly easily established, so it is simply not worth cheating and hoping no one will notice. So, what can you use PLR for? Assuming that you have the right to use it as it is and to rewrite it, there are several ways to make money from your Private Label Rights pieces. Supporting An Existing Business: if you have an on (or off) line business selling, say, gardening tools, but your web site gets scarcely any traffic because it ranks so low on Google, you can use PLR to boost its position. You could publish the PLR as is into article databases and hope that they will become further distributed providing you with backlinks to your website. Backlinks are the rocket fuel that sends websites to the top of the search engines for keywords and phrases. Backlinks are in the last few lines of the piece where you write a bit about yourself and or your business and offer a URL where people can go for more information - a link back to your site. The more backlinks, in general, the higher you will rank in Google However, better than just republishing that PLR, is rewriting it and then publishing it. By rewriting it, you have created a unique piece, which Google prizes more highly. A backlink on a unique article on a site on a topic related to your site is the finest backlink of all. Supporting A New Business: Say you wished to endeavour to earn money from several web sites and you judged that ten could supply a useful extra income, you could buy ten packs of PLR and have your ten web sites on line within a month. This is a very fast method of developing an online presence.
If you purchased a pack of 15 PLR, you could have a ten page web site with five supporting pages or a five page website with ten supporting pages up on the Internet each two-three days. If you had to do all the research and writing yourself, it would take months. The trick is to buy good-quality PLR. Owen Jones, the author of this article, writes on a number of topics, and is now involved with PLR Articles for Sale. If you would like to know more, please visit our web site at PLR Articles.