Mosquitoes In The North-East USA

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Mosquitoes In The North-East USA Were you aware that Eastern Equine Encephalitis can be transmitted to humans? It is rare, but mosquitoes can give humans EEE and at least one resident of Middleborough can corroborate it. What is more EEE is worse for humans than West Nile Virus, which is spread by the same species of mosquito in the North East of the United States. Eastern Equine Encephalitis attacks the brain and the nervous system and frequently either kills of leaves its victim in significant trouble. The one man who is known to have been contaminated with EEE in NE America in August 2010, is still in an invalid chair a year afterward and there is no anticipated end to his pain. The health authorities in close by Plymouth and Bristol counties where there were also plenty of these mosquitoes (Culex pipiens) last year have advised that this could be a bad year for them too. They cautioned householders to begin on home defence by repairing broken and damaged fly screens now. They have also suggested clearing up mosquitoes' breeding grounds. This involves up-turning any bins that could hold water for them to breed in. Do not forget that a mosquito just needs a half inch of water to lay 400 eggs. Drill holes in flower pots and old tyres so that they cannot hold water any longer. Old tyres are cited as one of the main reasons for the increase of mosquitoes and the spreading of new species. The next few weeks are the linchpin of how many mosquitoes will be around later in the summer and autumn. The more you kill now, the fewer there will be to breed further generations and mosquitoes may breed a new generation roughly every month. That is 1x400x400x400 mosquitoes each quarter for every mosquito that gets away. A great-grandmother mosquito can be responsible for 64 million offspring every quarter! These mosquitoes (C. pipiens) breed in water, but hang out in damp, dark bushes, so you could spray in there as well. Some local authorities have been out spraying the parks and verges, but you can do your bit by taking care of your own microenvironment - your garden, shed and garage. EEE has not been seen this year in the North East yet, but West Nile Virus has been encountered twice already. The weather has been ideal for mosquitoes - rain followed by warm weather.

The indications of West Nile and Easter Equine resemble those of flu. The difference is that around 1% of those with WNF may die, but far more with EEE will almost certainly die. About a third will suffer permanent brain damage Individuals are worried by last year's experience. For example, the authorities in Plymouth County have already received almost 10,000 requests to spray against mosquitoes. This situation can just get worse unless residents help by inspecting their gardens and close by garbage ground for likely breeding sites and destroying them. But it is not simple, mosquitoes can breed in a waste potato chip packet, so refuse becomes a big subject too. Owen Jones, the writer of this piece writes on more than a few topics, but is currently involved with finding a stop mosquito bite itch. If you want to know more, please go to our web site at Getting Rid of Mosquito Bites.

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