Motley Fool The Motley Fool is the title of a financial website that started in 1993, although it is now much more. From its early origin as the idea of two brothers in Virginia, the Motley Fool has turned into a multimedia financial services concern which gets its message out by means of its web sites in the USA, the UK and Australia; books, newspaper columns, TV appearances and newsletters. The publicity on their website says that the firm got its name from Shakespeare, who said that the king's fools were allowed to tell him anything without being scared of of being beheaded, so long as it was in an entertaining manner. The Motley Fool may have lost its head. For although their personal financial advice is as useful as anything else you will probably read anywhere, the comedy can be a bit thin. However, the advice is sound and the structure of the web site with its discussion boards leads to numerous exciting, current debates by well-informed (and a lot less knowledgeable) investors all anxious to put in their two penn'orth. There is information on most aspects of personal finance on the site, ranging from loans to investments like stocks, shares, bonds and mutual funds. The web site is full of with hints and pointers on how to make and invest money. You will find suggestions on things like finance software, dividends, stocks, and how much you ought to become investing from your monthly earnings. There are regular pieces on other aspects as well like which is the best electric or gas company, getting out of debt and credit repair. Another feature is their interest in stocks, shares and mutual funds. The panel at Motley Fool are managing a 'million dollar portfolio' of their own real money on line and members of the web site are permitted to watch, discuss and duplicate each transaction. Only a limited number of individuals are allowed in at any one time, so you may find this feature closed to you, but you can put your name down to be told when a space comes up. In the meanwhile, you could join one of the CAPS Contests which simulate gambling on the stock exchange with pretend money in mock portfolios. That is, you play with make-believe money, but the awards are real enough. These contests are immense fun and the best way of being able to learn about the stock exchange and market movements without it bankrupting you. All in all, it worth adding the Motley Fool to your list of Financial Favourites because there is such a wealth of free financial knowledge there which seems to come from the heart of the managing, owner brothers and their colleagues. Sure, they receive
commissions on everything and try to sell a pro version of the site, but there is still a lot of free info there too. One word of warning though: while the financial guidance and suggested links are fairly good, do not go there expecting to have a belly laugh, because the humour wears rather thin after around five minutes. Owen Jones, the author of this piece, writes on a number of subjects, but is now involved with the Motley Fool. If you would like to know more, please go to our web site at Mutual Funds.