Preparing For Home Schooling
So you have decided to home school your child(ren). What next? Here are a few questions to ask yourself before you go on. Do you have what it takes?Are you, yourself disciplined enough to be a good teacher? Can you devote the time needed to home school? Will you be able to provide the correct texts and supplies that are required? With these questions answered there are other items that need to be handled. There are some state, country, and local laws that need to be followed. Each state is different so you need to check the state that you live in. Depending on the state, you may be required to get a license or to be certified. Check to see if there are special requirements you may have to meet to be able to home school. Some states require that you purchase certain texts and equipment. This will be something that you need to check out. Somecities will allow you to come to the school and check out the texts books that they are using for the year you will be homeschooling. This is well worth checking into. It could save you a lot of money and time. Record keeping is a good idea to show what curriculums you have or are teaching your child(ren). A set schedule would be the best way to teach your child as that will give them a classroom feeling. This will allow them to play with their friends when regular school is out for the day also. A class at home normally will not take as long as one in a school as there are not as many children to teach. It is very important that you and your child(ren) are well disciplined. You need to be able to be firm to make sure that the lessons are getting done and the curriculum you are teaching is presented well so your child can learn. Your presentation needs to be enjoyable for your child. You are the one that will need to make your son/daughter want to learn and have fun doing it. Try to make your schooling as fun and pleasant as you can. Too much pressure or too many activities can overwhelm a child. This could cause some problems with future schooling. Always make sure you are teaching the grade level that is appropriate for your child(ren). Wait until they have mastered the year they are in before presenting harder activities on them. Field trips are something that is of value to a child. If you are unable to take your child(ren) on a field trip then check with the school and seeif there is a way they could go with the appropriate class. Joining a support group would be a benefit to you. This way you can discussand learn how other parents may be handling any issuesof homeschooling. If all of this sounds good and you are able to meet the requirements then you will be on your way to home school your child(ren). 1
Owen Jones,the writer of this article writes on numerous topics but is currently concerned with home school games. If you want to read more, pleasego over to our website entitled How To Stay Home From School.