Selecting A Good Topic For An Ebook There can be many reasons why you would want to publish an ebook, but the two most usual are to advertise something and to publish a novel. This article will concentrate on how to use an ebook for advertising, because even the writer of ebook novels has to advertise them because they do not have a publisher. When you are considering using Internet advertising techniques, three of the best are all related. You can write an piece for a newsletter or blog (maybe as a guest author); you can write pieces on subjects related to what you want to promote and hope that owners of newsletters and blogs copy your article into their publication or you could compose an ebook on the subject. Whichever method you decide on, you will be hoping that the reader of your piece, clicks through to your website and buys what you are promoting. They will be able to do this, because you have left a hyperlink to your web site at the end of your article or book. Which of these ways is the best may depend on your skill as a writer, on your abilities as a promoter or on the technique that best suits the product that you are attempting to advertise. Time can also become a factor. It will naturally take longer to compose a book than an piece. So, is there anything to be gained from composing an ebook instead of an article? That relies on quality and your ability to send the piece or book viral. What does viral mean? it simply means that the writing is so good, functional or funny that people will want to pass it on to their friends. You can see why this is known as viral advertising: your twenty friends forward the article to their twenty friends et cetera, et cetera. It could be read by millions in a week. If it is decent enough. An article of less quality may get read by thousands over the same timespan in low-circulation newsletters. So, let us aim for the top. How do you decide on a issue for an ebook? Well, does it have to relate to something that you are already selling or planning to sell? Is the ebook itself the item or is it a marketing tool? In viral advertising, the ebook should actually be a free signpost to your website. So, in order to find a issue, look in places like Yahoo Answers. See what surfers are having issues with. Mosquitoes in the summer; gifts for the loved one at Christmas and St. Valentine's Day, etc. etc.. Then open Google's search page (open an account if you do not have one) and switch on predictive text. Now type the phrases that you lifted from Yahoo Answers slowly and see what comes up. These are the most popular search phrases for that topic to have been used recently. Note a few of them down and enter them back into Google or whichever search engine you like.
How many other sites are using that key phrase? 500 million? Well, at least you know that individuals are interested in it, but there is loads of competition. Find a key phrase that you are pleased with, compose your ebook using that title and then you 'just' have to promote it, but at least you know that the public would like it and you know the strength of competition. Owen Jones, the writer of this piece, writes on a range of topics, but is now involved with electronic book devices. If you want to know more, please go to our website at Kindle vs Book.