Superfoods For Age-Defying Beauty Everyone wants to live a longer healthier life. One of the biggest insults is being called 'an old' something or other. In the West old people are not only not respected, but are really mocked for being, sick, wrinkly and forgetful. This level of disrespect is quite appalling and very shortsighted seeing as everybody wants to live a long life too. It is not the same story all around the world. In Asia, elderly people are given respect only because they are old and have to do something to lose the automatic respect of strangers. It is no wonder that people would like to remain looking young, although young people have much to answer for for developing this situation. Not that it is anything new, calling someone old was an insult whilst I was young as well. This state of affairs has led to people grasping at straws to retain their youth well after it is a lost cause. There are plenty of fad and unusual diets on the market and there is always a new fantastic diet or fruit to take the place of the one going out of fashion because it did not work/ In this article, we will take a look at some of the most well-known fabulous fad diets, without really passing judgment on whether they are any good or not, because there are specialists who will recommend them and experts who will condemn them and I do not know enough to get off the fence. One of the latest ones was Goji berries. Goji berries ostensibly originated in Tibet, where a man is reported to have lived to the age of 262 after eating the berries every day. He died in 1930 and had married 14 times, leaving 11 generations behind him. These berries are said to hold 21 minerals, 18 amino acids, Omega fatty acids and 500 times more vitamin C than oranges. Nowadays Goji berries grow outside Tibet too and can even be discovered growing wild in British hedgerows. Aloe vera is another cure-all. I have seen raw aloe vera leaf cure skin issues, but I do not know whether creams have the same impact. In Asia, aloe vera grows wild and everybody has it in the backyard..In Thailand, for instance, the temperature is almost always around 35c, but if you snap a leaf in half, the gel inside is always cool. It is said to contain about 200 active ingredients, with 75 nutrients, 20 minerals, 18 amino acids and 12 vitamins. It is most well known for its benefits to the skin, but it is also said to have benefits when taken internally. The gel is beneficial for numerous items and the inside of the skin is a laxative. You can purchase dried aloe vera in the form of a tea. Grapefruit diets keep cropping up. I have known of grapefruit diets for losing weight for fifty years, but I do not know anyone who has lost weight by just eating grapefruits. This is probably one of the more dangerous ways of attempting to remain young. Honey and royal jelly are said to be helpful to health. Honey is the best preservative known to man. Honey is the sole food that never, ever goes off and royal jelly is what
bees feed their young. Honey should be eaten and rubbed on the hair and skin, possibly diluted with olive oil. Owen Jones, the author of this piece, writes on many subjects, but is at present concerned with hair tonic for hair growth. If you have an interest in hair loss, please go over to our web site now at What is the Best Hair Regrowth Product?