Weight Loss And Back Pain Most people, specialists and non-experts alike, agree that modern society is blighted by obesity. However, getting those individuals to agree why obesity is becoming such a difficulty is not so easy. Some people say it is because food, money and calories have never been so cheap and that it is human nature to store fat in times or plenty for the difficult times that will indubitably follow. Others point to all the labour-saving goods that we have in our daily lives which means that we can get our daily chores done without having to expend as many calories as before and yet others, the conspiracy theorists, say that governments have plotted with food manufacturers to insert additives in our food to make us addicted to it. One thing is for certain, nowadays you can work for six minutes in numerous Western countries and earn enough money to buy 1,000 calories and not one of those calories will do your body any good whatsoever. A large bottle of soda - the most useless comestible item ever manufactured. Yet it flies out of supermarket doors by the trolley load each day. Obesity has been linked with a number of major lethal illnesses like diabetes and coronary heart disease and is known to be a major factor in causing atherosclerosis, high levels of cholesterol, high blood pressure and back pain. Back pain does not sound as if it is in the same league as the others in that list, but you would not question how serious it is, if you had ever experienced it. How to describe back pain to someone who has never undergone it? It is comparable to toothache, a cricked neck or a cramped calf, but worse. It is there all the time. Sufferers wake up throughout the night in pain and have to shift position because they cannot do it in their sleep like most people do. You cannot manage anything in a hurry and some days you simply cannot do anything. You cannot take part in fun activities; you cannot have fun with the kids, nor your mates or your spouse. The depression that accompanies the suspicion that the pain will never go away - that you are stuck with pain and immobility for the remainder of your existence - is worse than the pain itself. If you have never experienced a bad back, do everything within your capacity to make certain that you never do get one and strive to do the same for those who depend on you. If you are flabby, you will have a bad back one day and the fatter you are the sooner that day is coming, so begin doing something about losing weight now whilst you can still walk and the task is that bit easier. It is hard to exercise weight off, if you are laid out flat on your back for three or four days a week in agony.
Owen Jones, the author of this piece, writes on a range of topics, but is now involved with sciatica and acupuncture. If you would like to know more, please go to our web site at Sore Back Remedies