Why Do A First Aid Course?

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Why Do A First Aid Course? Have you ever been the first person at the scene of a bad accident? I have - a cyclist took a corner too fast and too sharp. He came off his bike and was knocked unconscious. I went over, but I had no concept what to do. I felt sorry for him because I could not help and I felt embarrassed for myself and still do, ten years later. This is why everybody ought to know the fundamentals of First Aid. Everybody should know how to make an accident victim comfortable and how to resuscitate him or her if necessary until medical professionals arrive. Everyone ought to know what to do in the case of accidents that cause such common events as choking, drowning, fractured limbs, heart attacks, burns, scalding and electric shock. Everyday accidents that not everybody sees every day luckily. A basic First Aid course will teach the 'Four P's', although they may call it by another name. The Four P's are Preservation of life; Prevention of further injury; Promotion of recovery and the Protection of yourself. This is gained by the application of 'ABC', which stands for 'Airways, Breathing and Circulation', which means that first you should check the nose, mouth and throat for blockages, then check for breathing and resuscitate if necessary, then stem any bleeding with bandages and tourniquets, if you have to. Knowledge of CPR or artificial resuscitation is also desirable and it is also a major component of any First Aid course. Artificial resuscitation ought to be applied if the patient has stopped breathing or the heart has stopped beating. Some basic training is better before applying CPR, because it can harm a patient that does not require it. Besides simply wanting to become a good citizen, there are a number of other reasons why you may like to take a First Aid course. Some jobs need that those who carry them out have been on a First Aid course. Professions that may need knowledge of First Aid include: supervisors of children like play school leaders, teachers, scout masters and youth club leaders. Some occupations will more than likely supply their own First Aid course. This would probably be the case in the police force and in factories where specific industrial accidents may happen such as chemical burns. If your First Aid is a bit rusty, you should think about taking a refresher First Aid course. You will find numerous First Aid courses once you begin looking. Your local community centre might arrange a First Aid course from time to time, so might your local hospital, police force, ambulance and fire services. If not, you will invariably find a First Aid course on line. If you take a First Aid course on line, you will almost certainly have to go to an actual test of your information if you require a certificate, although all the study can be done at home, which will save time.

Before you go, here is another mnemonic to help you remember: 'BBB', breathing before bleeding, bleeding before bones' or should that be the '6 B's'? Owen Jones, the author of this article, writes on many subjects, but is currently involved with First Aid trainer courses. If you have an interest in First Aid too go over to our website now at First Aid Courses Online.

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