In today’s music, when you listen to the radio, you are more likely to hear something that is current and in the charts as it is what the listeners want, which means that it is unlikely for you to hear something that is older from around the 1980’s. this music is now classed as ‘out of date’ according to some.5 a good example of comparing an older pop song to a new one would be Video killed the radio star by The Buggles compared to the Chainsmokers Closer. These songs both fit the pop genre however they are two completely different songs. Video killed the radio star was released in 1979, whereas closer was released in 2016. This is the main difference because if closer was released in 1979, it would have been a completely different song due to the fact that there was not as much technology back then as there is now. Both songs managed to reach number one in the charts in Europe. Video killed the radio star reached number one in 11 countries whereas closer reached number one in 25 countries. This shows with the introduction of new technology in today’s pop music, it can help songs reach higher in the charts. The video itself of video killed the radio star mainly consists of darker colours as the start is mainly in black. Also the video seems to lack a clear and constant flow because the video is old and not as good quality as todays videos. If we compare this to the video of closer by the Chainsmokers, we can see that there are shorter clips put together in slow motion which tends to occur through most current music videos.