2 Table of Contents Vision, Mission, Values and Priorities 06-07 Funding Sources 10-11 04-05 Overview, Terms and Definitions 14-17, 22-25 Asset Management, Grants Multi-Year Budgeting 08-09 Guiding Principles & Budget Breakdown 28-29 Capital Plan Project Summary 38-42 Five-Year Capital Program 43-71 Achieving Results See highlights of 2021 Capital projects on pages 12-13, 18-19, 20-21, and 26-27. Looking Forward Find features on capital projects upcoming in 2023 and beyond on pages 46-47, 52-53, and 56-57. Detail Sheets 73 Appendix A: Roads 131 Appendix B: Facilities 293 Appendix C: Parks 371 Appendix D: InvestRenew - Manage Features 2
Land Acknowledgement
The City of Owen Sound wishes to acknowledge the Territory of the Anishinabek Nation: The People of the Three Fires known as Ojibway, Odawa, and Pottawatomie Nations. And further gives thanks to the Chippewas of Saugeen, and the Chippewas of Nawash, now known as the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, as the traditional keepers of this land.
Overview and Introduction
Capital projects enhance and improve the lives of everyone in the City. Under the direction of Council, this multi-year Capital Plan includes projects that have been reviewed and evaluated to provide the most benefit to the community, making the best use of all funding sources to get the best value.
This budget book places special emphasis on asset management, highlighting how we can get the most from our current assets and infrastructure, and ensure they are able to be supported and funded over the course of their lifespan. Asset mangement is essential to prudent financial planning and building long-term sustainable service levels for future generations of citizens.
The 2023 Capital Plan has a proposed budget of $11.4 million, with 70 per cent of that amount, or $7.9 million, allocated to maintenance and renewal of exisiting assets. The five-year program includes a further $100 million in funding from 2024 to 2027.
Our Commitment
“We will be a financially stable and responsible municipality, and will manage finances in a resilient and forward-thinking manner. We will address the infrastructure deficit by focusing on critical priorities first and approaching these issues one step at a time, with a view to long-term financial sustainability and prosperity.”
The 2023 Capital Plan balances investing in our infrastructure and managing our current assets with meeting the needs of our growing community.
Terms and Definitions
Growth Assessment growth refers to property taxes from new and expanded homes and businesses to pay for the services they receive.
Federal Gas Tax
Now known as the Canada Community Building Fund, this is annual federal funding for capital improvements.
Operating Budget
The Operating Budget funds the day-to-day expenses of the municipality to provide its programs and services. Examples of operating costs include salaries and wages for city employees, utility costs, and operating supplies, such as road salt.
Debt is funding the City has borrowed to complete capital projects. It helps spread the project costs over the asset’s lifespan, or be offset by future revenues.
Existing Capital Balances
Existing Capital Balances are capital funds that Council has already approved but have not been spent. Some projects take multiple years to complete, so the funding may accumulate for future spending. It may also be referred to as ‘Carried Over’. Grants
Grants are sums of money given by a government or other organizations for a particular project.
Reserve/Reserve Funds
The City uses these funds to set aside funding now for a specific purpose in the future. The City maintains reserves for both operating purposes (e.g. rate stabilization reserve funds), capital purposes (e.g. fleet and equipment reserve funds) and as required by legislation (e.g. federal gas tax reserve fund).
Growth in terms of capital budget planning refers to the growth of the City’s residential population.
Tax Levy
The Tax Levy is the amount of funding required from property taxes. It equals all of the tax-supported gross expenditures minus all other revenues.
City Vision, Mission and Values
City Council approved Owen Sound’s Strategic Plan Refresh (2021-2023) on April 19, 2021. Built off the previous Strategic Plan, Council maintained the same vision, mission and values as they continue to resonate with the community.
We care about our community. We are a welcoming, inclusive, and age-friendly City. We strive for positive change and are committed to continue working in a collaborative fashion towards the city’s vision of being “Where You Want To Live.”
Strengthening Our Community Through Sound Leadership
The City Of Owen SoundWhere You Want To Live
We demonstrate integrity by being open, transparent and communicative. We believe that continuing to communicate in an honest and informative way with residents will lead to more fruitful two-way conversations.
We are a creative community that embraces innovation to find solutions with the greatest benefit for Owen Sound.
As a City, we are resourceful and creative in order to thrive, regardless of external pressures.
We demonstrate sustainability by acting in a financially, environmentally and socially responsible manner.
City Strategic Priorities
Corporate Priorities
Multi-Year Budget Process
The City of Owen Sound has implemented a multi-year budget process, with a 5-year outlook on Capital projects. This roadmap, built with the guidance of Council and with their Strategic Priorities in mind, provides a longer-term outlook on Capital spending.
Benefits of Multi-year budgeting include:
•Alignment of longer-term goals and objectives with funding plans.
•Greater certainty for residents about the future direction of taxes.
•Improved accountability and transparency of the long-term spending plan.
•Flexible allocation of resources over time.
•Improved resource planning for more complex, multi-year Capital projects.
•More efficient use of time and resources as the organization is not in ‘perpetual budget mode' .
• Ability to tender projects earlier and recieve more favourable pricing.
The 5 year Capital Budget Includes $44.3 Million in funded Capital Projects.
Making it Count
The 2023 Capital Plan has a proposed budget of $11.4 million, with 70 per cent of that amount, or $7.9 million, allocated to maintenance and renewal of existing assets
Capital Budget Funding Sources
Funding for the Capital Budget comes from many sources, including property taxes, grants, reserves, and user fees. The Capital Budget funds investments in infrastructure that provide a long-term benefit to the community like roads, vehicles, community centres and parks.
$2,300,000 20%
Property Taxes (Tax Levy)
Property tax bills are divided between the City of Owen Sound, the County of Grey and the local school boards. Owen Sound uses its portion of the taxes to pay for City programs and services. This includes the services Owen Sound families rely on, like fire and emergency prevention services, parks and trails, recycle collection, snow removal and capital budget assets, repairs and investments such as road repairs and building maintenance. Council has dedicated an additional 1% of the prior year levy to Capital annually.
Grants and External Funding
The City of Owen Sound will benefit from almost $2.3 million in grant and external funding for the 2023 Capital Budget. This includes donations and Development Charges that contribute to Capital projects.
The City of Owen Sound maintains Reserve Funds that are committed to funding capital projects identified in long-term capital plans. These reserves offset project costs contingent on grant funding, so tax dollars are dedicated to guaranteed capital projects.
$3,000,000 26%
11% $1,285,000
Water and Wastewater Rates
These are paid by residents and property owners for water-related services to ensure the City can provide safe drinking water, collect wastewater effectively and save for future infrastructure needs.
The City uses debt to fund specific projects. This helps spread the project’s costs over the asset’s lifespan, or be offset by future revenues generated from the project’s completion.
This is the unfunded portion of the 2023 budget.
25% $2,800,000 The total 2023 Capital Budget is $11,400,000 13% $1,500,000
$515,000 Unfunded
Achieving Results: CNR Station
The CNR Station is home to the City’s Tourism operations, and the Owen Sound Marine & Rail Museum. Water penetration of the basement has historically been an issue, and this project aimed to remove mold and ensure the basement stays dry.
Before After
All contents contaminated with mold were removed, abatement was completed, and air quality tested. Staff also snaked, cleaned and flushed the drainage pipe under the floor. The basement is now drier than it has been in the last 10 years.
Achieving Results: Kelso Washroom
The washroom at Kelso Beach at Nawash Park closest to the beach was past its life expectancy, not accessible, and not in an ideal location. Its removal creates additional beach space, and design and construction of a new washroom facility is included in the 2024-2025 capital forecast.
Before After
Poor infrastructure combined with heavy water damage made this building unsafe.
The Washroom was demolished and removed, and beach sand was hauled in as a backfill from the footprint of the building.
Asset Management
Asset management is the coordinated activity in place to manage the way the City realizes value from its assets, in order to provide services effectively and in a financially sustainable manner.
It helps to reduce risk, and allows municipalities to provide reliable and affordable services to residents of the community while ensuring the needs and expectations of current and future users are being met.
Core Assets
Roads Bridges
Stormwater Water Wastewater
15 15 As part of the Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act, 2015, the Ontario government introduced Ontario Regulation 588/17: Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure (O. Reg. 588/17). This regulation aims to regulate asset management planning for municipal infrastructure, and encourage all municipalities to begin or continue their journey towards implementing strong asset management practices. Strategic Asset Management Policy July of 2019 Asset Management Plan (AMP) for Core Assets July of 2022 Asset Management Plan for All Other Assets July of 2024 Proposed Level of Service and Financial Strategy July of 2025
Asset Management
In order to maintain the current levels of service provided, the City requires an average annual investment of $45.6 million. However, given the current capital budget, only about half (51%) of this amount is anticipated to be funded. The City has an expected infrastructure deficit of $22,346,900*.
Bridges and Culverts Bridges, trails and pedestrian bridges, culverts $27,697,414 C-
Collection Pipes, Manholes, Catch Basins, Ditch Inlets, Leads, Stormceptors, Retention Ponds, Drainage Channels, Stormwater Services $188,901,888 $2,519,184 D+
Watermains, Valves, Water Chambers, Fire Hydrants, Services, Pumping Stations, Water Treatment Plant $422,062,133 $11,407,780 D-
Collection Pipes, Manholes, Force Mains, Wastewater Services, Wastewater Treatment Plant $394,643,371 $7,902,857 D+
Total Core Assets $ 1,189,542,907 $22,346,901 C-
If more money is not put into the capital budget, the City can expect this funding shortfall to continue to grow and accumulate, putting the City at risk of not being able to provide the current levels of service, incurring greater risks, and/or having to increase revenues in other ways.
*As per the City's 2022 Asset Management Plan.
Asset Category Details Replacement Value Average Annual Deficit
Rating Roads Roads (paved and unpaved), Sidewalks, Curbs, and Guiderails $156,238,101 $390,129 B+
With the current Asset Management Plan (AMP), the City is meeting the requirement under O. Reg. 588/17 to have a plan in place for core assets by July of 2022.
Additional categories, such as recreation and administration facilities, fleet and machinery, traffic and street lighting, parks amenities, trails, paved areas, information technology, and other equipment, will continue to be added to this plan to meet the requirement to have an AMP for all assets by July 1, 2024.
Once complete, the City’s AMP will be an integral part of the City’s operations. It will feed the long-range financial plan of the City and assist Council in achieving their strategic goals. With the knowledge and support of the community, Council and staff will make decisions that ensure the long-term sustainability of the City.
The City’s Core Assets have a combined value of more than $1.1 Billion.
Achieving Results: Bayshore Upgrades
This project is to upgrade the Bayshore Community Centre’s ice making equipment, including a new compressor and condenser, and making needed upgrades to improve the building’s cooling system so that it operates with more energy efficiency.
Before In Progress
This work is expected to increase the overall energy efficiency of the plant by 10-15% even with increased capacity, and will vastly improve the quality of the ice surface.
The City recieved a grant of $400,000 from the Community Building Fund to complete this work.
Achieving Results: Shore Stabilization
High water levels and flooding had caused damage to the shoreline and adjacent infrastructure at Kelso Beach at Nawash Park. This work was done to protect the shoreline from future high water levels in Georgian Bay, and restore the area for use.
Before After
Armour stone walls were created to protect this area from future high waters and wave action. The Beach was revitalized, the trail base was re-built, and new asphalt was placed.
The water line that fed the picnic shelter was also heavily damaged and had to be replaced.
Achieving Results: Street Sweeper
Street sweeping helps keep streets clean, clear and usable. Clean streets are an important part of storm water management as debris in storm drains can cause backups and flooding. The City replaced the existing 10 year old Street Sweeper with a new model in 2022.
This new equipment has a wider cleaning path for sweeping 300 km of City streets each year.
It is also quieter to enable residential street sweeping during extended hours, and has improved cab and controls.
Achieving Results: Our City Owen Sound
In June of 2022, the City launched Our City Owen Sound, a new online engagement platform. This Interactive space invites you to get involved with your community by sharing your feedback, ideas, and questions on City projects, initiatives, and services. www.ourcity.owensound.ca
One of Council’s Strategic Priorities is Collaborative City, with the objective of maintaining and improving relationships through engagement. An action item in this priority area is to implement an engagement tool by June of 2022.
Grants Canada Community Building Fund
The Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) previously known as Gas Tax, is a permanent source of funding provided up front, twice-ayear, to provinces and territories, who in turn flow this funding to their municipalities to support local infrastructure priorities. Municipalities can pool, bank and borrow against this funding, providing significant financial flexibility. Historically, the city has committed to allocating this annual grant to the roads rehabilitaion program. These funds were also used for the 10th Street Bridge project.
Grants Canada Community Building Fund Estimated annual funding: $706,260 Proposed Projects: Projects 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Funding 10th Street Bridge $460,000 10th Street Bridge Contingency $500,000 Annual Road Rehabilitation $700,000 $700,000 $700,000 $700,000 $700,000 $700,000 Timber McCarthur Trail $100,000 Road to Pool (Harrison Park) $200,000 Total Planned Spending $1,660,000 $800,000 $900,000 $700,000 $700,000 $700,000 Surplus/Deficit -$983,166 -$93,739 -$193,739 $6,260 $6,260 $6,260 Reserves Opening Balance $1,521,643 $557,496 $470,726 $282,870 $292,667 $30,586 Annual Funding Surplus -$983,166 -$93,739 -$193,739 $6,260 $6,260 $6,260 Interest Earned 1.75% $19,020 $6,968 $5,884 $3,535 $3,658 $3,782 Closing $557,496 $470,726 $282,870 $292,667 $302,870 $312,629 23
Grants Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund
The Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) is distributed to small, rural and northern communities in Ontario to support capital projects. It is designated for core infrastructure projects (such as roads, bridges, water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure) that are part of an asset management plan, including:
Grants Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund Estimated annual funding: $ 2,180,470 Proposed Projects: 25 ClosingProjects 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 River Precinct Phase 2 $ 1,776,000 River Precinct Phase 3 $180,000 $1,800,000 River Precinct Phase 4 $200,000 $2,000,000 9th Ave E (North) $4,000,000 4th Ave West $4,500,000 Moore’s Hill $2,500,000 Total Planned Spending $1,776,000 $180,000 $2,000,000 $6,500,000 $2,500,000 $4,000,000 Less Other Funding Sources Applied to Projects Tax Levy $676,000 $550,000 $1,000,000 Water Rates $2,250,000 Surplus/Deficit $1,080,470 $2,000,470 $730,470 -$1,069,530 -$319,530 -$1,819,530 Reserves Opening $1,462,309 $2,568,369 $4,613,786 $5,424,997 $4,450,404 $4,208,756 Annual Funding Surplus $1,080,470 $2,000,470 $730,470 -$1,069,530 -$319,530 -$1,819,530 Interest Earned (1.75%) $25,590 $44,946 $80,741 $94,937 $77,882 $73,653 Closing $2,568,369 $4,613,786 $5,424,997 $4,450,404 $4,208,756 $2,462,880
Achieving Results: Waste Management Strategy
Undertaking a Waste Management Strategy was identified as part of Council’s Strategic Plan Refresh under the priority area of being a Green City. The Strategy places an emphasis on waste reduction, reuse, and recycling to be environmentally sustainable and cost-effective.
The public survey for the Waste Management Strategy is available at ourcity.owensound.ca until August 5, 2022. The Final report and recommendations will go to Council in late 2022.
Achieving Results: Roof Replacement
Replacement of the field house roof at the Owen Sound Kiwanis Soccer Complex was completed in partnership with the Owen Sound Minor Soccer organization. The Kiwanis is just one of the many important partners that work with us in providing additional recreation and leisure amenities.
Before After
The roof of the field house was replaced, and ventilation was added for increased air movement in the attic space. The project was completed $6,000 under budget.
Capital Budget Guiding Principles
Council Priorities
Council identified the priority areas of: Roads & Road Resurfacing; Improving the Downtown Core; and City Facilities.
Detail Sheet
Every Capital project has a detail sheet created by the staff lead to organize and categorize projects by Title, Capital Code & Priority Level.
Council Priorities
The priority level of each project is aligned with a score based on a scoring matrix. The same matrix is used by all staff and is reviewed by two others not directly involved in each project. The matrix rationale is based on ten scoring categories -each scored out of five, but each weighted differently to reflect Council’s identification of direct impacts. Scoring categories and relative weight out of five are outlined to the right.
Staff Time Resources
Capital budget planning not only includes projects that can be financially afforded by the City, but also considers staff time as a resource. This budget includes a plan that we believe is achievable in 2023.
If the project proceeds (or fails to proceed), what will be the impact on operational performance?
Health & Safety What is the risk to the health and safety of the public or Staff if the project does not proceed?
Financing Can the cost of investment be leveraged or are there partnership funds available?
Environment Does the project address needs impacted by climate change?
Legislation Is the project required for legislative or regulatory compliance?
People How many people will be directly impacted by the project?
Asset Management Is the project a high priority for replacement in the asset management plan?
SocioEconomic To what degree does the project support diversity and inclusion initiatives?
Public Input Has the project been identified through public engagement?
Strategic Plan Does the project help meet a key result in the Strategic Plan?
To what degree is the aesthetic value of the asset improved?
28 1
2 3 4
Score Category Explanation
Operational Performance
3.00 Aesthetic Value
64% Roads
Of the $7.25 million dollars in funding in the 2023 budget for roads, more than 70% is allocated towards projects related to Asset Management.
8% Parks
Almost $1 million in funding for Parks and Open Spaces includes 27 projects , 61% of which are related to asset management.
Capital Budget Breakdown
Invest - Renew 8%
Maintaining our technology, fleet, and equipment and conducting studies ensures our staff are able to work efficiently and get the most out of the City’s assets.
Total Capital Budget: $11,400,000
Facilities 20%
The $2.3 Million budgeted in 2023 for facility repairs and upgrades includes 50 projects at facilities across the City. Of these projects, 94% are related to asset management.
Budget Breakdown Roads and Road Resurfacing
The City of Owen Sound’s road network connects our community. It helps you get where you need to go, and allows us to move people and goods through the City and beyond.
See Appendix A: Roads Capital Detail Sheets on page 73 for more information on upcoming projects.
$7,251,000 64%
31 Write SubTitle Here $71,386 Project Name Ranking Priority Score Total Budget Annual Roads Rehabilitation Program 1 81.3 $700,000 Alpha Street Reconstruction - 6th Ave W to 9th Ave W 2 70.5 $3,000,000 Replace River District Streetlights 3 70.3 100,000 9th Ave E - Superior St to 10th St E Watermain Replacement 4 67.5 $1,000,000 Downtown River Precinct Phase 3 6 66.5 $180,000 Replace/Install New Streetlights - Conventional 10 59.8 $32,000 Master Stormwater Management Plan and Drainage Study 11 58.3 $100,000 Telfer Creek Subdivision Capital Contribution 15 54.6 $510,000 15th Street 'B' East Sidewalk - 15th St 'A' E to Keeling Condo 39 45.1 $260,000 8th Street East (RW-22 to RW-25) - 700 Block - North Side 47 43.4 $20,000 25th St 'A' E Storm Sewer Upgrading-Diversion 62 36 $120,000 4th Ave W - Traffic Control/School Crossing 63 34.8 $35,000 22nd Avenue East Construction - Heritage Grove Servicing Agreement 66 34.5 $1,000,000 Sensys Installation (wireless traffic sensors) or Equivalent 74 32.6 $26,000 New Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) 75 32.6 $26,000 Update Slope Study - Business Case 79 29.9 $10,000 Prior Year Maintenance n/a n/a $132,000 Total Budget $7,251,000 Budget Breakdown Roads and Road Resurfacing
Budget Breakdown Facilities
Public facilities shape our community by providing opportunities to come together, engage, and participate in activities and events that enrich our lives. They are welcoming, inclusive places that support social wellbeing.
See Appendix B: Facility Capital Detail Sheets on page 131 for more information on upcoming projects.
$2,332,000 21%
Budget Breakdown Facilities
Lighting Retrofit N/A N/A $50,000
Owen Sound Police Service Building Various 36.6-56.6 $472,000 Fire Station Various 27.9-43.5 $340,000
Library Various 46 $150,000
Billy Bishop Museum Various 34.6-36.6 $95,000
Score Total
Ranking Priority
Shell and Tube Chiller
16 53.8 $165,000 Condenser Replacement 22 50.8 $130,000 Bayshore Dehumidifier Replacement 23 50.8
Bayshore Ice Resurfacer Replacement 25 49.9
Animal Control Facility Upgrades 29 47.6
Arena Lighting Upgrade 30 47.3
Bayshore Window and Door Replacement 36 45.6
Floor Scrubber Replacement 51 41.6 $15,000 McQuay Tannery Roof Replacement 52 41.1
Concession Washroom Sink, Toilet, Counter Replacement 57 38.5
Compressor 3 Replacement 61 36.1
North Hall Rubber Floor Install 67 34.4
Concession Washroom Floor Replacement 71 33.6
General Facilities Magnetic Lock Installation 77 31.6
Christie Hare Room Wallpaper Replacement 78 31 $15,000 Bayshore Unit Heaters Replacement 82 29.1 $10,000 General Facilities Bottle Fill Stations 89 23.2 $10,000
City Hall and Public Works Various 20.6-29.6
Tom Thomson Art Gallery Various 33.6-45.6 $50,000
Total $2,332,000
Budget Breakdown Parks and Open Spaces
There are 45 parks, 22 playgrounds, 11 ball diamonds and 9 soccer fields in the City of Owen Sound for residents and visitors to enjoy. Parks support healthy lifestyles, and provide beauty and recreation opportunities to enhance the community.
See Appendix C: Parks Capital Detail Sheets on page 293 for more information on upcoming projects.
$908,000 8%
Project Name
Budget Breakdown Parks and Open Spaces
Ranking Priority Score Total Budget
Tree Inventory Renewal 8 61.8 $50,000
Timber McArthur Trail 17 53.5 $100,000
Tom Williams Washroom Building Replacement 19 52.5 $100,000
Harrison Park Master Plan 20 51.3 $20,000
Soccer Complex Drainage 24 50.5 $20,000
Harrison Park Campground Laundry Roof Replacement 26 49.6 $35,000
Harrison Park Campground Ponderosa Roof Replacement 27 49.6 $25,000
Harrison Park Pool Change House Shower Tiles Replacement 32 47 $10,000
Reconciliation Garden Flag Pole 34 45.7 $8,000
Commemorative Forest Central Monument 35 45.7 $20,000
Harrison Park Washroom 3 Roof Replacement 42 44.6 $15,000
Harrison Park Inn Sewer Upgrade 45 43.6 $75,000
St George's Portable Washroom 49 42 $55,000
Write SubTitle Here $71,386
Kelso Shade Sails 58 37.1 $115,000
Kinsmen Field House Upgrades 64 34.6 $20,000
Kelso Main Stage Pavilion 68 33.9 $57,500
Harrison Park Workshop Overhead Door Replacement 69 33.6 $20,000
Mausoleum Re-pointing 70 33.6 $25,000
Harrison Park Seniors' Centre Sump Pump Installation 73 33 $15,000
Tom Williams - Waste and Recycling 76 32.1 $10,000
Kiwanis Soccer Complex Bleachers 85 27.9 $10,000
Duncan McLellan Equipment Shed (+ Bleacher Repayment) 86 27.3 $22,500
Cemetery - Waste and Recycling 87 24 $10,000
Waste and Recycling 88 23.6 $50,000
Harrison Park Bandstand Interior Enhancements 90 22.6 $10,000
Harrison Park Seniors' Centre Exterior Repairs and Painting 91 21 $10,000
Total Budget $908,000
Budget Breakdown Invest - Renew - Manage
Maintaining our technology, fleet, and equipment, as well as conducting studies ensures our staff are able to work efficiently and get the most out of the City’s assets.
See Appendix D: Invest - Renew - Manage Capital Detail Sheets on page 371 for more information on upcoming projects.
$912,400 8%
Strategic plans and studies help guide City decisionmaking through research and public consultation. Plans and studies are essential to align goals, reduce risk, and deliver the best possible services.
Transit, Fleet & Equipment 3% | $335,000
Software & Technology 4% | $422,400
Plans & Studies 1% | $155,000
The City uses a wide variety of fleet vehicles and equipment to deliver services to the community. Whether it’s trucks, tools or transit, maintaining our fleet and equipment reduces service disruptions and downtime.
In an increasingly digital world, technology is essential to working efficiently. This funding supports the software and hardware needs of the organization, and enhances our ability to provide digital services to the community. Strategic
38 Rank Project Name Priority Score Total Budget 1 Annual Roads Rehabilitation Program 81.3 $700,000 2 Alpha Street Reconstruction - 6th Ave W to 9th Ave W 70.5 $3,000,000 3 Replace River District Streetlights 70.3 100,000 4 9th Ave E - Superior St to 10th St E Watermain Replacement 67.5 $1,000,000 5 Bunker Gear Replacement 66.9 $28,000 6 Downtown River Precinct Phase 3 66.5 $180,000 7 Development Charges Update 62.2 $30,000 8 Tree Inventory Renewal 61.8 $50,000 9 Software Transformation 61.6 $250,000 10 Replace/Install New Streetlights - Conventional 59.8 $32,000 11 Master SWM Plan and Drainage Study 58.3 $100,000 12 IT Strategic Review 57.6 $35,000 13 OSPS Sections 4, 5 and 6 Roof Replacement 56.6 $65,000 14 Strategic Plan 2050 56.4 $100,000 15 Telfer Creek Subdivision Capital Contribution 54.6 $510,000 16 Shell and Tube Chiller Replacement (In Progress) 53.8 $165,000 17 Timber McArthur Trail 53.5 $100,000 18 Thermal Imaging Cameras 53 $13,000 19 Tom Williams Washroom Building Replacement 52.5 $100,000 20 Harrison Park Master Plan 51.3 $20,000 2022 Capital Plan Project Summary
39 Rank Project Name Priority Score Total Budget 21 Technology Hardware Replacement 50.8 $23,400 22 Condenser Replacement (In Progress) 50.8 $130,000 23 Bayshore Dehumidifier Replacement 50.8 $300,000 24 Kiwanis Soccer Complex Drainage 50.5 $20,000 25 Bayshore Ice Resurfacer Replacement 49.9 $120,000 26 Harrison Park Campground Laundry Roof Replacement 49.6 $35,000 27 Harrison Park Campground Ponderosa Roof Replacement 49.6 $25,000 28 OSPS Electrical Main Switchboard Replacement 49.6 $75,000 29 Animal Control Faciltiy Upgrades 47.6 $54,000 30 Arena Lighting Upgrade 47.3 $115,000 31 Virtual Services Software 47 $50,000 32 Harrison Park Pool Change House Shower Tiles Replacement 47 $10,000 33 Library Entrance Door and Glass Replacement 46 $50,000 34 Reconciliation Garden Flag Pole 45.7 $8,000 35 Commemorative Forest Central Monument 45.7 $20,000 36 Bayshore Window and Door Replacement 45.6 $30,000 37 OSPS Window and Door Replacement 45.6 $25,000 38 TTAG BAS Expansion 45.6 $15,000 39 15th Street 'B' East Sidewalk - 15th St 'A' E to Keeling Condo 45.1 $260,000 40 OSPS Exterior Masonry Repairs or Solution 45 $100,000 2022 Capital Plan Project Summary
40 Rank Project Name Priority Score Total budget 41 Public Works Asphalt Trailer 44.7 $50,000 42 Harrison Park Washroom 3 Roof Replacement 44.6 $15,000 43 OSPS Exhaust Fan Replacement 44.6 $10,000 44 Employee Development and Performance 43.8 $25,000 45 Harrison Park Inn Sewer Upgrade 43.6 $75,000 46 Overhead Door Replacement (x3 doors at rear of station) 43.5 $45,000 47 8th Street East (RW-22 to RW-25) - 700 Block - North Side 43.4 $20,000 48 Pay Equity and Market Review 42.6 $25,000 49 St George's Portable Washroom 42 $55,000 50 Firehall Needs Assessment 41.6 $15,000 51 Floor Scrubber Replacement 41.6 $15,000 52 McQuay Tannery Roof Replacement 41.1 $65,000 53 Apparatus Bay Concrete Floor Repair and Epoxy Coating 40.6 $55,000 54 Business Planning Tool 40.3 $25,000 55 OSPS Overhead Door Replacement 39.6 $7,000 56 Network Infrastructure 38.6 $14,000 57 Concession Washroom Sink, Toilet, Counter Replacement 38.5 $10,000 58 Kelso Shade Sails 37.1 $115,000 59 OSPS Boiler System Flush and Clean 36.6 $20,000 60 Billy Bishop Front Steps, Verandah, Railing and Facia Repairs 36.6 $80,000 2022 Capital Plan Project Summary
41 Rank Project Name Priority Score Total Budget 61 Compressor 3 Replacement 36.1 $30,000 62 25th St 'A' E Storm Sewer Upgrading-Diversion 36 $120,000 63 4th Ave W - Traffic Control/School Crossing 34.8 $35,000 64 Kinsmen Field House Upgrades 34.6 $20,000 65 Billy Bishop Interior Rehabilitation 34.6 $15,000 66 22nd Avenue East Construction - Heritage Grove Servicing 34.5 $1,000,000 67 North Hall Rubber Floor Install 34.4 $15,000 68 Kelso Main Stage Pavilion 33.9 $57,500 69 Harrison Park Workshop Overhead Door Replacement 33.6 $20,000 70 Mausoleum Re-pointing 33.6 $25,000 71 Concession Washroom Floor Replacement 33.6 $10,000 72 TTAG Overhead Door Replacement 33.6 $10,000 73 Harrison Park Seniors' Centre Sump Pump Installation 33 $15,000 74 Sensys Installation (wireless traffic sensors) or Equivalent 32.6 $26,000 75 New Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) 32.6 $26,000 76 Tom Williams - Waste and Recycling 32.1 $10,000 77 General Facilities Magnetic Lock Installation 31.6 $8,000 78 Christie Hare Room Wallpaper Replacement 31 $10,000 79 Update Trow Report - Business Case 29.9 $40,000 80 City Hall Flag Pole Replacement 29.6 $10,000
Capital Plan Project Summary
42 Rank Project Name Priority Score Total budget 81 Flooring Repair and Replacement 29.4 $7,500 82 Bayshore Unit Heaters Replacement 29.1 $10,000 83 Fire Station Window and Door Replacement 27.9 $150,000 84 Fire Station Steel Siding Replacement 27.9 $50,000 85 Kiwanis Soccer Complex Bleachers 27.9 $10,000 86 Duncan McLellan Equipment Shed 27.3 $10,000 87 Cemetery - Waste and Recycling 24 $10,000 88 Sportsfield Waste and Recycling 23.6 $50,000 89 General Facilities Bottle Fill Stations 23.2 $10,000 90 Harrison Park Bandstand Interior Enhancements 22.6 $10,000 91 Harrison Park Seniors' Centre Exterior Repairs and Painting 21 $10,000 92 City Hall Access Control System Software Upgrade/Replacement 20.6 $15,000 93 Bunker Gear Washing Machine N/A $8,000 94 Police Station Service Counter Updates (AODA) N/A $20,000 95 Tom Thomson Ventilation Improvements N/A $25,000 96 Library Glass Walls and Roof at Stairwell N/A $100,000 97 Prior Year Maintenance N/A $294,000 98 Police Capital N/A $150,000 99 Lighting Retrofit Program N/A $50,000 2022 Capital Plan Project Summary
Five-Year Capital Program
This 5-year program is an educated projection of the City’s capital needs over the next five years. Multi-Year capital budgets allow for robust long-term financial planning practices. This helps the City be proactive and take advantage of funding opportunities. It is a key tool in ensuring sound financial management.
Five Year Capital Program
Budget Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Roads and Sidewalks
$6,914,000 $11,568,000 $6,744,500 $18,565,500 $12,393,000
Downtown and River Precinct $337,000 $1,985,000 $388,000 $2,138,000 $ 140,000
Parks and Open Spaces $873,000 $1,032,500 $957,500 $874,500 $3,697,500
General Government $718,400 $1,196,500 $657,400 $487,400 $547,600
Protection Services $915,000 $598,000 $5,065,000 $1,663,000 $394,000
Recreation Facilities $965,000 $2,515,000 $1,602,000 $398,000 $260,000
Cultural Facilities $360,000 $567,000 $352,000 $20,627,000 $265,000
Greenwood Cemetery $35,000 - $55,000 $160,000 $170,000
Environmental Services - $385,000 $575,000 $300,000 $4,135,000
Fleet $285,500 $195,500 $802,000 $519,700 $1,275,500
Total Capital Program $11,402,900 $20,042,500 $17,198,400 $45,733,100 $23,277,600
Five Year Capital Program
Looking Forward: Alpha Street Reconstruction
This Multi-year project involves reconstructing Alpha Street from 6th Avenue to 9th Avenue West. It includes reconstructing the road and replacing all underground infrastructure, curbs/gutters, sidewalks, and possibly streetlights.
Budget: $9,330,000
2023 Funding Source: 50% funded through debenture, and 50% funded through utility rates
Strategic Plan Priority: A City that Moves
2022: Engineering
In 2022, the City issued an RFP and retain an engineering consultant to produce a detailed design for the entire multi-phase project, with construction anticipated to start in 2023.
Timeline: Multi-year project, ending in 2025.
Phase 1
Construction will begin on Phase 1 of the project, which includes the reconstruction and replacement of underground infrastructure on Alpha Street from 6th Avenue West to 8th Avenue West - 260 metres.
2024: Phase include and replacement underground on Alpha Avenue West
2024: Phase 2
Phase 2 of the project will include the reconstruction replacement of underground infrastructure Alpha Street from 8th Avenue West to 11th Street West - 325 metres.
2025: Phase 3
Phase 3 of the project will include reconstruction and replacement of underground infrastructure on Alpha Street from 11th Street West to 9th Avenue West - 190 metres.
Completion and Maintenance
The full project will be completed, and the road will be maintained as per the City’s Asset Management Plan.
Five-Year Capital: Roads and Sidewalks
Project Name 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Asphalt Resurfacing and Associated Roadside
$700,000 $700,000 $700,000 $700,000 $700,000
6th Ave W - 2100 Block - Culvert Replacement $10,000 $10,000 - - -
20th Street East Culverts - $15,000 $100,000 $3,000 -
28th Avenue East Culverts (OS-17) - north of 20th St E - - - $15,000 $100,000
8th Street East (RW-22 to RW-25) - 700 Block - North Side $20,000 $90,000 $2,500 $2,500 -
5th Avenue East (RW-4) - 700 block - east side - - $50,000 $300,000 $10,000
10th St W - Upper North Side - RW-3B (Connectling Link) - - - - $75,000
16th St E - Phase 2 - 16th Ave E to 18th Ave E $15,000 $15,000 - - -
9th Ave E - Superior St to 10th St E Watermain Replacement
$1,000,000 $3,000,000 $30,000 $30,000 -
9th Ave E - 15th St E to 16th St E & Watermain Replacement - - - $100,000 $1,250,000
9th Ave E - 20th to 23rd St E - - $100,000 $100,000 -
9th Ave E - 20th to 23rd St E - Engineering -Construction - - - - $3,800,000
Alpha Street Reconstruction - 6th Ave W to 9th Ave W $3,000,000 - - - -
Alpha Street Reconstruction - Phase 16th Ave W to 8th Ave W - $20,000 $20,000 - -
Alpha Street Reconstruction - Phase 28th Ave W to 11th St W - $3,600,000 $30,000 $30,000 -
Alpha Street Reconstruction - Phase 311th St W to 9th Ave W - - $2,100,000 $15,000 $15,000
Five-Year Capital: Roads and Sidewalks
Project Name 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
4th Ave W - 15th St W to 17th St W (incl. 16th St W - 400 block and 17th St W - - $400,000 $2,500,000 $18,000
4th Ave W - 17th St W to 20th St WReconstruction - - - - $1,500,000
Moores Hill Road and Retaining WallsReconstruction - - - - $220,000
East Bayshore Road/GR 15 - 3rd Ave E Northerly to EBS SPS
$50,000 $50,000 - -
3rd Ave E/GR 15 - 10th St E to 12th St EPhase 1 - - - - $220,000
8th St E/GR 5 - From end of curb (600 m east of 8th St E) to 20th Ave E - - - $40,000 $400,000
2nd Ave W/GR 1 - 10th St W to 14th St W (675 m) - - - - $50,000
4th Ave W - Traffic Control/School Crossing $35,000 - - - -
School Crossing - 10th St W at 6th Ave W - $50,000 - - -
Pedestrian Crossover - 2nd Ave E - 700 midblock - - $30,000 -Pedestrian/School Crossing Construction9th Ave E at 15th St "A" E - - - - $50,000
Future Pedestrian/School Crossings - - - $30,000 -
15th Street 'B' East Sidewalk - 15th St 'A' E to Keeling Condo $260,000 - - - -
11th Avenue East - 8th St E to 10th St E - $175,000 - - -
6th Avenue West - 5th St W to 7th St W - - $175,000 - -
5th Street West - 4th Ave W to 6th Ave W - - - $ 145,000 -
Five-Year Capital: Roads and Sidewalks
Budget Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Master Stormwater Plan and Drainage Study $100,000 $200,000 - - -
27th St W - 4th Ave W to Outfall - $60,000 $600,000 - -
Brooke Basin A3 Capital Items - $60,000 $600,000 $600,000 -
26th St W - 5th Ave W to 7th Ave W - - $30,000 $300,000 -
17th St E Storm Outfall Channel & SWQ Pond Construction - - $150,000 $1,800,000 $15,000
25th St 'A' E Storm Sewer UpgradingDiversion $120,000 $10,000 $10,000 - -
Kenny Drain - SWM Pond 3 to 23rd St E Channel - $150,000 $5,000 $5,000 -
Kenny Drain - 23rd St E to 26th St E Channel - - $60,000 $550,000 $10,000
Kenny Drain Pond 4 Clean out - - - - $1,100,000
Update Slope Study Report - Business Case $10,000 - - - -
Trow Report Update (if Business Case is approved) - $250,000 - - -
2nd Street West Ravine - Trail, Slope and SWM - $200,000 $1,000,000 - -
Garafraxa Ravine - Slope Stability and SWM -- $200,000 $1,000,000
9 Bends Ravine - Trail Slope Stability and SWM - - $350,000 $2,000,000
Telfer Creek Subdivision Capital Contribution $510,000 - - - -
22nd Avenue East ConstructionHeritage Grove Servicing Agreement $1,000,000 - - - -
10th St E - 18th Ave E to 20th Ave ESmart REIT Servicing Agreement - $2,800,000 - - -
32nd St E Reconstruction - East Bayshore Road to 9th Ave E - - - $2,400,000 -
9th Ave E Construction and Reconstruction - "Beta" Street to 32nd St E - - - $3,400,000 -
"Beta" Street Construction - 28th St E to 9th Avenue East - - - - $1,500,000 -
28th St E Reconstruction - East Bayshore Road to "Beta" Street - - - $1,200,000 -
16th St E & 20th Ave E Intersection Upgrading - Install Traffic Signals - - - - $300,000
16th St E Widening - south side - Heritage Grove Centre Road - - - - $950,000 Replace/Install New StreetlightsConventional $32,000 $35,000 $38,000 $40,000 $40,000 Sensys
Project Name 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
New Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) $26,000 $26,000
Traffic Controller Replacement - $26,000 $28,000
Upgrading - 10th St W/8th Avenue West
$80,000 $470,000
Total $6,914,000 $11,568,000 $6,744,500 $18,565,500 $12,393,000 Five-Year Capital: Roads and Sidewalks
Installation (wireless traffic sensors) or Equivalent $26,000 $26,000 $28,000 $30,000 $30,000
$28,000 $30,000 $30,000
$30,000 430,000 Intersection
- -
Looking Forward: 9th Ave. East Superior Street Watermain
This project involves replacing or constructing new City infrastructure, along with rehabilitating the 9th Ave E (Highway 6/10) road. The primary focus of the project is to improve municipal water security of supply to part of the East Hill and all of the East Hill Reduced Pressure Zones by constructing a new “looping” watermain first, followed by replacing the existing watermain on 9th Avenue East.
Project Scope
• Construct a new looping watermain from 8th Street East to Superior Street.
• Replace the existing municipal watermain from just south of 10th Street East to Superior Street.
• Construct a new sidewalk on the west side of 9th Avenue East from 6th Street East to 8th Street East.
• Replace approximately 138m of deficient sanitary sewer on 9th Avenue East.
• Rehabilitate the road on 9th Avenue East and repair or replace any storm water infrastructure
53 Strategic Plan Priority: A City That Moves Budget: $3,260,000 2023 Funding Sources: 100% Funded through utility rates. Timeline: Completion in 2024 2023 Budget $1,000,000 2024 Budget $2,060,000 2022 Budget $270,000 Total Project Cost: $3,260,000 Consulting engineering services to design and inspect the project. Road rehabilitation/ reconstruction, sidewalk construction, and storm water works to rehailitate 9th Avenue East. Constructing a new East Hill Pressure Zone “looping” watermain to improve municipal water security of supply to part of the East Hill. Street. Street Street deficient 53
Five-Year Capital: General Government
Project Name 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
IT Computer Capital $23,400 $36,400 $127,400 $21,400 $94,400
IT Network Infrastructure $14,000 $262,100 - $81,000 $8,200
IT Software Capital $300,000 $280,000 $280,000 $300,000 $300,000
Data Resources and Business Continuity 35,000 - - - -
Strategic Initiatives $205,000 $50,000 $100,000 - $50,000
Urban Design Guidelines - $35,000 - - -
Digital Historic Walking Tours App. - - $25,000 - -
City Hall Facility Capital $23,000 $350,000 - - -
Public Works Facility Capital $50,000 $125,000 $65,000 $35,000 $35,000
Corporate Facility Capital $68,000 $58,000 $60,000 $50,000 $60,000
Total General Government $718,400 $1,196,500 $657,400 $487,400 $547,600
55 Five-Year Capital: Downtown and River Precinct Project Name 2023 2024
2027 Replace/Install New Streetlights $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Downtown River Precinct "DRP" Phases $195,000 $1,815,000 $218,000 $2,018,000 $20,000 River District Waste Recepticles $12,000 - -Wayfinding Signage Implementation $50,000 $50,000River District Tree Grates $10,000 - -Benches/Street Furniture $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Total Downtown and River Precinct $337,000 $1,985,000 $388,000 $2,138,000 $ 140,000
2025 2026
Looking Forward: Downtown River Precinct
Owen Sound’s downtown core along the harbour is one of our most attractive community features. The goal of the Downtown River Precinct project is to improve the area’s character, making it an inviting and inclusive public space that embraces the natural environment of the Sydenham River.
The 2021 Citizen Satisfaction Survey shows that 52% of residents are happy with recent downtown revitalization, and that it has a high impact on overall community satisfaction.
The Downtown River Precinct area wraps around both sides of the Sydenham River along 1st Avenue West and 1st Avenue East, from just south of 8th Street to 10th Street.
Strategic Plan Priority: Prosperous City Phase 3 Budget: $2,016,000
Phase 3 Funding Source: 70% funded through grants, with $36,000 in funding from taxation.
Timeline: Completion of Phase 3 by Q4 of 2024.
01 02 03
Phase 1: Complete Phase 2: Monitoring Phase 3: 2023-2024
The first phase was the realignment of the 800 block of 1st Avenue East, including converting 1st Avenue East to oneway and completing upgrades to the Farmer’s Market building.
This phase focuses on the 900 block of 1st Avenue East. The tender for this work has been issued, including road repaving, sidewalk, drainage, and lighting enhancements.
Moving to the West side, this phase will focus on rehabilitating 1st Avenue West on the 900 block, including plans for trees, benches, concessions and canoe/kayak rack and rentals.
Phase 4: 2025-2026
The final phase of this project, it will include road rehabilitation and streetscaping on the 800 block of 1st Avenue West, with plans including public art installations and a mini-amphitheatre.
For more information on Phase 3 of the Downtown River Precinct, see page 82.
Five-Year Capital: Parks and Open Spaces
Project Name 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Tree Inventory Renewal $50,000 - - - -
Commemorative Forest Central Monument $20,000 - - - -
Harrison Park
Harrison Park Master Plan $20,000 - - -
Harrison Park Asphalt and Sidewalks - - - - $2,000,000
Pool Entrance and Exit Roads- Re-route - $200,000 - - -
Replacement Decorative Light Poles and Fixtures - $50,000 - - -
Harrison Park Bridges Maintenance - - - - $45,000
Campground Playground Replacement - - - - $150,000
Community Hall Parking - $35,000 - - -
Community Hall Masonry Repointing - - $30,000 - -
Seniors' Centre Accessibility Improvements - $30,000 - - -
Seniors' Centre Basement Renovations - - $80,000 - -
Harrison Park Seniors' Centre Exterior Repairs and Painting $10,000 - - - -
Seniors' Centre HWH Replacement - - - $5,000 -
Harrison Park Seniors' Centre Sump Pump Installation $15,000 - - - -
Five-Year Capital: Parks and Open Spaces
Project Name 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Harrison Park Inn Roof Replacement - $15,000 - - -
Harrison Park Inn Sewer Upgrade $75,000 - - - -
North Patio - Main entrance to takeout window - - - - $15,000
Ball Field Washroom Masonry Repointing and Repairs - - $20,000 - -
Kitchen Masonry Repointing - - $15,000 -Laundry Ceiling Repairs - $10,000 - -Laundry Masonry Repointing - - - $15,000 -
Harrison Park Campground Laundry Roof Replacement (includes Fascia and Sofitt) $35,000 - - - -
Laundry Window and Door Replacement - - $15,000 - -
Harrison Park Campground Ponderosa Roof Replacement $25,000 - - -Ponderosa Siding and Screen Replacement - $10,000 - - -
Washroom 3 Exterior Repointing and Painting - - $10,000 - -
Harrison Park Washroom 3 Roof Replacement $15,000 - - - -
Pool Boiler Room Stairs/Ladder Replacement - $10,000 - - -
Pool Change House Level 2 & Chemical Room Roof Replacement - - $10,000 - -
Harrison Park Pool Change House Shower Tiles Replacement $10,000 - - - -
Five-Year Capital: Parks and Open Spaces
Project Name
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Sliding Door Replacement - - - - $10,000
Harrison Part Workshop Overhead Door Replacement $20,000 - - - -
Workshop Storage Bay Roof Replacement - - - $20,000 -
Workshop Storage Bay Siding Replacement - - - - $20,000
Workshop Window and Door Replacement - $30,000 - - -
Bandstand Ceiling, Facia and Soffit - - $20,000 - -
Harrison Park Bandstand Interior Enhancements $10,000 - - - -
Bandstand Window and Door Replacement - $10,000 - - -
Island Washroom Masonry Repointing and Painting - - - $15,000 -
Island Washroom Windows and Screens Replacement - $10,000 - - -
Kelso Beach
Main Entrance and Fence - $50,000 - - -
Kelso Shade Sails $115,000 - - - -
Kelso Beach Playground Replacement - - - $200,000 -
Kelso Beach Solar Trail Lighting - - - - $300,000
Reconciliation Garden Flag Pole $8,000 - - - -
61 Project Name 2023 2024 2025 2026 Kelso Main Stage Pavilion $57,500 $150,000 Kelso Beach Washroom Building Replacement $25,000 $100,000 Camp Hut Demolition $15,000 Victoria Park and St. George’s Master Plan Update $20,000 Skate Park Surface renewal and concrete features - $500,000 St George's Portable Washroom $55,000 St. George's Utility Facility Upgrades $50,000 Neighbourhood Parks, Harbour & Boat Launch Westside Shop Roof Replacement $7,000 Canteen Roof Replacement $10,000 Timber McArthur Trail $100,000 Maitland Park Playground $45,000 Comme-R-ette Playground $75,000 Bill Inglis Park Structure $25,000 Owen Heights Playground $45,000 Five-Year Capital: Parks and Open Spaces
Five-Year Capital: Parks and Open Spaces
Project Name
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Parkview Playground - - - $65,000 -
Sports Fields
Duncan McLellan Bleacher Repayment $12,500 $12,500 $12,500 $12,500 $12,500
Duncan Mc ellan Major Field Reno - - - $150,000 -
Dugouts - - - $60,000Waste and Recycling $10,000 - - - -
Duncan McLellan South Field Reno - - $250,000 - -
Dugouts - - $60,000 - -
Waste and Recycling $10,000 - - - -
Duncan McLellan North Field Reno - $170,000 - - -
Waste and Recycling $10,000 - - - -
Duncan McLellan Equipment Shed $10,000 - - - -
Tom Williams - Waste and Recycling $10,000 - - - -
Kinsmen Park Ball Diamond - - - $40,000 -
Tom Williams Washroom Building Replacement $100,000 - - - -
Kiwanis Soccer Complex Bleachers $10,000 - - - -
Soccer Complex Drainage $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 - -
Player Bench Structures - - - - $60,000
Shade Structure and Concrete Picnic Pad - - - $75,000 -
Kiwanis Waste and Recycling - $60,000 - - -
Kinsmen Waste and Recycling - $20,000 - -Kinsmen Field House Upgrades $20,000 - - - -
Harrison Field Waste and Recycling - - $20,000 - -
St. Julien Waste and Recycling - - - $10,000Victoria Park Waste and Recycling $20,000 - - -Trails
Waterfront Trail West - Family Health Team to Boat Launch - $100,000 - - -
North-South City Spine completionMarina to Kelso Beach - - - $150,000North-South City Spine completion -Kelso Playground to Bridge - - - - $300,000
Project Name 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
$873,000 $1,032,500 $957,500 $874,500 $3,697,500
Waterfront Trail East - Harbour to Health Unit - - $250,000 -Total Parks and Open Spaces
Five-Year Capital: Parks and Open Spaces
Budget Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Mausoleum Re-pointing $25,000 - - -Cemetery - Waste and Recycling $10,000 - - -GIS Plots and Monuments - - $25,000 -Survey Underutilized Areas- (Master Plan Implementation) - - $15,000 -Haritage Fence Maintenance Recoating - - - $10,000Columbarium Installation - - - - $120,000 Spoil Area Management - - - - $50,000 Office Window and Door Replacements - - $15,000 -Greenwood Office Abatement & Repainting - - - $150,000Total Greenwood Cemetery $35,000 - $55,000 $160,000 $170,000 Five-Year Capital: Greenwood Cemetery
Capital: Recreation Facilities
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
40,000 93,000 5350,000
Top Units
Replace Roof
$40,000 140,000 $105,000
Unit Heaters $10,000 $5,000 $5,000
and Door Replacement
30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000
Safety Netting 20,000
Boards & Supports - Replacement 500,000
Concrete Slab
Lighting Upgrade 115,000
Room Kitchen Upgrades
Bay and Sound
Pump Replacement
Washroom Replacements
Room Floor Replacement
Room Wallpaper Replacement
Sound System
- - - 20,000 -
Dressing Room Bench
- - $12,000 -Floor Scrubber
- - - $15,000Generator - $250,000 - - -
Category 2023 2024 2025
Bayshore Dehumidifier Replacement $300,000 - - -Rutherford Hall Washroom Replacements - $20,000 - -Thermostat Replacement - - - - $15,000
Regional Recreation Centre
Capital: Recreation Facilities
Bayshore Ice Resurfacer Replacement $120,000 - - -Ice Resurfacer Floor Replacement - - - - $30,000 North Hall Rubber Floor Install $15,000 - - -North Parking Lot Paving - - $1,000,000 -Julie McArthur
Roof Replacement - $600,000 $230,000 -Compressor
$30,000 $30,000 - $30,000Floor Scrubber Replacement $15,000 - - -Generator Transfer Switch - - $35,000 -Generator - - $250,000 -Five-Year
67 Five-Year Capital: Recreation Facilities Project Name 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Ice Resurfacer - - - - $130,000 Natural Gas Refueler - - - - $50,000 Plate and Frame Regasket - - - $20,000White Netting South End 2 Rinks - - $15,000 -Total Recreation Facilities $965,000 $2,515,000 $1,602,000 $398,000 $260,000
Budget Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Billy Bishop Museum $95,000 $65,000 $45,000 $65,000 -
CN Station - $50,000 $5,000 $7,000 -
Farmer’s Market - $20,000 $15,000 $15,000 -
McQuay Tannery
$65,000 $17,000 $12,000 - $15,000
Library $150,000 $280,000 $130,000 $45,000 $125,000
Air Handling Unit System Replacement - - $80,000 $40,000 $80,000
TTAG BAS Expansion $15,000 - - - -
Facility Expansion (dependant) - - - $500,000 -
Facility Expansion Consultation - - - $20,000,000 -
HWH Replacement - $5,000 - - -
Masonry Repointing - $25,000 $25,000 - $25,000
TTAG Overhead Door Replacement $10,000 - - - -
Rice House Demolition - $25,000 - - -
Storage Room Humidity Control - $80,000 - - -
Ventilation Improvements $25,000 - - - -
Five-Year Capital: Cultural Facilities
Tom Thomson Art Gallery
69 Budget Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 LED lighting retrofit - - $40,000 -Window and Door Replacement - - - - $20,000 Total Cultural Facilities $360,000 $567,000 $352,000 $20,672,000 $265,000 Five-Year Capital: Cultural Facilities
Five-Year Capital: Protection Services
Project Name 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Police Protection Services - Tax Funded Capital
$150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000
Police Services Facility $322,000 $190,000 $244,000 $1,350,000 $115,000
Fire Services Facility $340,000 $225,000 $4,307,000 $31,000 $40,000
Fire Services Fleet & Equipment 49,000 25,000 287,000 82,000 74,000
Animal Control Facility $54,000 $8,000 $77,000 $50,000 $15,000
Total Protection Services $915,000 $598,000 $5,065,000 $1,663,000 $394,000
Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Section 2 Replacement
and Door Replacement
Accessibility Improvements
Fuel Busses
Data Collection Software
Bus Chargers
and Camera work Genoe
SSO Compost Containers -
SSO Distribution and Advertising -
Complete MCEA/ESR for Environmental Processing Facility (EPF) - $200,000 $200,000
Engineering Approvals, Design & Tender for EPF - - - $300,000EPF Construction - - - - $2,000,000 Total Environmental Services $385,000 $575,000 $300,000 $4,135,000 Five-Year Capital: Environmental Services
- - $60,000 -Window
- $25,000 - - $25,000 Transit
- $100,000 $100,000 -Alternative
- - - - $2,100,000 Transit
- $60,000 - -E
- - - - $10,000 Flush
- - $15,000 - -
- $150,000 - -
- $50,000 - -
- -
Roads Capital Detail Sheets 73
Appendix A:
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 74
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 76
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 78
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 80
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 82
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 84
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 86
Justification / Rationale for Rating
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CostsIncurred to YearEnd ImpactonOperatingBudg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 2022 98
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CostsIncurred to YearEnd ImpactonOperatingBudg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 2022 105
Meters 444 222 0 © County of Grey 444 THIS MAP ISNOT TOBEUSED FOR NAVIGATION WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Printed:May 9,2022 106
Justification / Rationale for Rating
Thisprojectinvolvesprotectingthe2ndStreetWestravinefromerosionand floodingbyconstructingadrainagesystemthatwillmanagerun-offand prevent/reduceoverlandfloodingneartheinvert(bottom)andoutletofthisravine. Overtheyearsduringwetweatherevents,floodingdamagehasoccurredon publicandprivatepropertyduetorun-offfromthetablelands,slopesandground waterdischargeasaresultofthenatural"collective"natureforrun-offandthe normalactionofanyravine.Theravine'srun-offwouldbecontrolled,managed anddirectedtoasafeoutletwiththeconstructionofastormwatermanagement system.Inordertoprovideongoingmaintenanceaccesstothesystemafter construction,anaccess"roadway"mayhavetobeconstructedtosupport vehiclesandequipment.Thismaybeanopportunitytoreconstructthetrailthat wasclosedseveralyearsagothatwouldprovidebeneficialrecreationaland activetransportationopportunities.Thiswouldbesimilartothefacilitythatwas constructedintheParkviewRavinein2000.Engineeringwouldbecompletedin 2024tohavetheprojecttenderreadyfor2025.
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2ndStreetWestRavine-Trail,SlopeandSWM 62.40 50 No NewAsset High PublicWorksandEngineering ChrisWebb $5,000 $195,000 $200,000 $0 $0 $0 $200,000 03/25/2024 12/31/2024 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $0 $0
Justification / Rationale for Rating 2ndStreetWestRavine-Trail,SlopeandSWM 62.40 2 Thisprojectwillhavelittledirectimpactonresidents 4 Injurieshaveoccurredfrompreviousflooding 4 Thisprojectisrequiredtocontinuetobecompliant 4 Thisassethasahighprobabilityoffailurewithmoderateconsequencesdueto sedimentloadingandpropertydamage. 4 Financialsavingscanbeachievedduetothisenhancementduetoreducing floodinganddamagetoproperties. 0 Nofundingopportunitiesarecurrentlyanticipatedwiththisproject 4 Thisprojectwillhaveasignificantimprovementtotheenvironmentand mitigatingclimatechange 0 Thisprojectwillhavenodirectimpactonpublicusers. 4 Thisprojectwouldhelpachieveakeyresult 0 Thishasnotbeenidentifiedbythepublic
Thisprojectistheconstructionofnewroadandserviceson10thStreet Eastfrom18thAvenueEastto20thAvenueEast.Itwillinvolvethefull constructionofroad,sidewalks,streetlightsandunderground(water, wastewaterandstorm)services.TheCity'sOPidentifiesafuture10th StEroadthatprovidesanessentialroadnetworklinkthroughtheSmart REITpropertysouthofWal-martandTheHomeDepot.Theroadand serviceswouldbeconstructedatthedeveloper'sexpensewhenthey developthepropertyunderaServicingAgreementwiththeCity.The roadwouldbeassumedbytheCityattheendofatwo-year maintenanceperiod.Astheroadandserviceswouldprovideabenefit tootherdevelopmentinthearea/City,thisprojectwillbeincludedinthe nextDevelopmentChargesStudyUpdatewiththeexpectationthatupto 10%oftheestimatedconstructioncostwouldbeeligibleforrecovery fromDCscollectedbytheCity. The"Grant"portionindicatedinthefundingsourcessectionisthe developer'scontributiontowardsthecostofconstruction. Theanticipatedyearofsitedevelopmentandroadconstructionis2024 atthistime.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 10thStEConstruction-18thAveEto20thAveE-SmartREITServicingAgreement 29.90 NewAsset
Yes PublicWorksandEngineering 100 2024 2025 2026
$0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $2,800,000 01/01/2024 12/30/2024 TaxLevy DevelopmentCharges $ 280,000 Grant $ 2,520,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $2,800,000 $2,800,000 $0 AttachImages:
© OpenStreetMap contributors 229.3 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Meters 229.3 Notes Legend This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. 114.66 0 1:4,514 10th Street East - 18th Ave E to 20th Ave E PARCELS Air Photo 2020 Red: Band_1 Green: Band_2 Blue: Band_3
Justification / Rationale for Rating 10thStEConstruction-18thAveEto20thAveE-SmartREITServicingAgreement 29.90 2 Manyresidentialpropertieswillbeincludedwiththisslopesandravineupdate 2 Dependingontheslopeandfutureremediationinjuriesordamagesmayresult 1 Thereisnoknowlegislativerequirementsforthisupdatedreport 4 Dependingontheslopeandifitweretofailmoderatetohighconsequencescould occur 1 Therewillbelittletonoeffectonoperationalperformance 1 Thisprojectmaybeeligibleforfutureenvironmentalgrants 4 Thisprojectwillidentifyslopesatriskandwhatremediationworkshouldbe implementedtopreventfurtherenvironmentalimpact 0 Thisprojectwillhavenodirectimpactonpublicusers 1 Thisprojecthasnoaestheticvalue 0 Thisprojectisnotdirectlyalignedtothethestrategicplan 1 Thisprojecthasbeenidentifiedinunsolicitedfeedback
202 202 202 + Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 20thStreetEastCulverts(OS-10)-Westof28thAveE 24P.5 53.80 80 No Replacement High PublicWorksandEngineering ChrisWebb $3,000 $3,000 $0 $0 $118,000 03/25/2025 11/30/2025 TaxLevy $ 15,000 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $2,000 $13,000 $100,000 $15,000 $100,000 Thisdualculvertunder20thStreetEhasreachedtheendofitsuseful servicelife. TheEngineeringdesignwillbecompletedin2024forconstruction plannedin2025estimatedat$100,000.
Rating 20thStreetEastCulverts(OS-10)-Westof28thAveE 53.80 1 Thisprojectwillimpactasmallnumberofresidents 4 Thisculvertisinpoorconditionandisinneedofreplacement. 4 TheCityhasminimummaintenancestandardsitisrequiredtomeet.Structure iscriticallydeficient.Itmustbereplaced(closing/removalnotpractical). 4 CulvertreplacementisidentifiedinourAssetManagementPlanthisproject hashighprobabilityoffailurewithmoderateconsequences. 4 Thisprojectwillhavelittletonoimpactonoperationalperformance 0 Taxrevenuewouldbefindingthisproject 3 Theculvertisundersizedandthismaycauseincreasedflooding.Theproject willpreventfurtherdetrimentduetoclimatechange. 4 Thisprojectwillmaintainanexistingpublicspace. 0 Thisprojectdoesnothelpmeetakeyresultinthestrategicplan. 0 Thisprojecthasnotbeenidentifiedthroughpublicfeedback 24P.5
/ Rationale for
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 11thAvenueEastSidewalkConstruction-8thStEto10thStE 24P.10 34.10 50 Partial NewAsset Moderate PublicWorksandEngineering ChrisWebb $8,000 $167,000 $175,000 $0 $0 $0 $175,000 06/01/2024 11/30/2024 TaxLevy $ 175,000 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $0 $0 Thisprojectinvolvesconstructionofanewsidewalkonthewestsideof 11thAvenueEastfrom8thStEto10thStE.
/ Rationale for Rating 11thAvenueEastSidewalkConstruction-8thStEto10thStE 34.10 3 Thisprojectwillimpactpedestriantrafficinthearea 2 Moderateriskshavebeenidentifiedduetothelackofasafepedestrianpath oftravelintheareaalong15thSt'B'E 3 ProjectcompletionensurestheCityisincompliancewithlegislation. 0 Thisimprovementisnotidentifiedintheassetmanagementplan 1 Minorimprovementstooperationalperformancewillbeimplementeddueto thisproject. 0 Nofundingopportunitiesareanticipatedwiththisproject 2 Thisprojectmayreducemotorvehicleuse. 3 Thisprojectwillincreaseasafewalkingareaforallresidents 3 Thissupportsanobjectiveoutlinedinthestrategicplan.Citythatmoves 1 Thisareahasbeenmentionedthroughunsolicitedpublicengagement. 24P.10
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List School/PedestrianCrossing-10thStreetWestat6thAvenueWest 24P.11 53.40 20 No Enhancement High PublicWorksandEngineering ChrisWebb $3,000 $47,000 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 07/01/2024 08/31/2024 TaxLevy $ 50,000 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $0 $0 Thisprojectistoimplementanimprovedschool/pedestriancrossingfor 10thStreetWestat6thAvenueWesttoimprovedriverawarenessand pedestriansafetyatthissupervisedschoolandpedestriancrossing. Theimprovementswillincludetheinstallationofflashingsignals, upgradedroadmarkingsandareducedspeedzoneduringschool crossinghours.
Justification / Rationale for Rating School/PedestrianCrossing-10thStreetWestat6thAvenueWest 53.40 5 Thisprojectwillimpactpedestriantrafficinthearea 5 Seriousinjuryordeathmayoccurduetopoorpedestriancrossingconditions 4 Thisprojectwillensureweremaincompliant 4 ThissectionofroadandcrossingwasidentifiedinourAssetManagement Planwithmoderateconsequences 1 Minorimprovementstooperationalperformancewillbeimplementeddueto thisproject. 0 Nofundingopportunitiesareanticipatedwiththisproject 1 Thisprojectwillnotaddressneedsimpactedbyclimatechange 2 Thisprojectwillmaintainanexistingpublicspace 1 Thisprojectsupportscoreservicedelivery 2 Thisprojecthasbeenidentifiedthroughpublicengagement. 24P.11
Thisprojectistoreplaceapproximately270moffailingstormwater infrastructure.Multipleemergencyrepairshaveshownthatthatthissection ofstormsewer(corrugatedsteelpipe)hasdeterioratedprematurelyandis inneedofreplacement.Thesectionofpipeunder3rdAvenueWestisat eventualriskofcollapseandwouldcauseasignificantfailureoftheroad.
Duetothelogisticsandtrafficcoordinationrequiredforthisbusyroad crossing,thepreliminaryestimatedconstructioncostat$600,000ishigher thanwhatwouldnormallybeexpected.Thebudgetamountindicatedin 2024isforengineeringdesignbasedon15%oftheconstructioncostof $400,000,notincludingasubstantialcontingencyamountof$200,000for trafficreroutingvia26thStreetWest,2ndAvenueWestand27thStreet Westthatmayrequireupgradingand/orthereconstructionof27thStreet Westandthereplacementofthestormoutfalltothebay.
202 202 202 + Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List StormWaterInfrastructure27thStW-4thAveWtoOutfall 24P.20 41.60 100 No Replacement Moderate PublicWorksandEngineering ChrisWebb $0 $0 $0 $660,000 03/25/2025 12/31/2025 TaxLevy $ 60,000 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $2,000 $58,000 $400,000 $200,000 $60,000 $600,000
/ Rationale for Rating StormWaterInfrastructure27thStW-4thAveWtoOutfall 41.60 2 Thisprojectwillaffectvehiculartrafficandcouldalsoaffectfloodinginthearea ifitdoesnotproceed. 3 Injuriesmayresultifthestorminfrastructurecompletelyfails 4 Thisprojectisrequiredtocontinuetobecompliant 4 Thisassethasahighprobabilityoffailurewithmoderateconsequences. 1 Minorimprovementstooperationalperformancewillbeimplementeddueto thisproject. 0 Nofundingopportunitiesareanticipatedwiththisproject 1 Thisprojectwillmoderatelyimprovethenaturalenvironmentduetoimproved pipeconditions. 0 Thisprojectwillhavenodirectimpactonpublicusers. 2 Thisprojectisidentifiedinthestrategicplan 0 Thishasnotbeenidentifiedbythepublic 24P.20
ThisprojectincludesEngineeringdesignandapprovalsforthefirst priorityprojecttobeaddressedintheBrookeBasinA3MasterPlanthat willbecompletedin2022.
Theprojecthasnotbeenidentifiedatthetimeofpreparationofthis detailsheetbecausetheBrookeBasinA3MasterPlanhasnotbeen completed.Itisanticipated,however,thatthefirstprojectconstruction costwouldbeinthe$300,000to$500,000rangeand$60,000 represents15%ofthemidrangecostwhichisatypicalpercentageof theconstructioncostthatwouldberequiredfortheengineeringdesign andapprovalsbudget.
202 202 202 + Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List BrookeBasinA3CapitalItems 24P.21 51.40 30 No Enhancement High PublicWorksandEngineering ChrisWebb $600,000 $600,000 $0 $0 $1,260,000 03/25/2025 12/31/2025 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $2,000 $58,000 $600,000 $60,000
/ Rationale for Rating BrookeBasinA3CapitalItems 51.40 1 Thisprojectwillhavelittledirectimpactonresidents 1 Minorriskstohealthandsafetywouldbeanticipatedifthisprojectdoesnot proceed. 4 Thisprojectisrequiredtocontinuetobecompliant 4 Thisassethasahighprobabilityoffailurewithmoderateconsequencesdueto sedimentloading. 4 Financialsavingscanbeachievedduetothisenhancementduetoreducing sedimentloadingwhichimpactsthewatertreatmentplant. 0 Nofundingopportunitiesareanticipatedwiththisproject 4 Thisprojectwillhaveasignificantimprovementtotheenvironmentand mitigatingclimatechange 0 Thisprojectwillhavenodirectimpactonpublicusers. 4 Thisprojectwouldhelpachieveakeyresult 0 Thishasnotbeenidentifiedbythepublic 24P.21
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Trow Report Update and Capital Plan 24P.25 59.00 50 Partial Study High PublicWorksandEngineering ChrisWebb $240,000 $10,000 $250,000 $0 $0 $250,000 04/01/2024 10/31/2024 TaxLevy $ 250,000 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $0 $0 TheprojectinvolvesretainingaconsultanttoupdatetheTrowslopes andravinesreportin2024,subjecttothebusinessplanapproavlbyCity Councilin2023.Thisreportwillreviewslopesandravineswithinthe City,assesstheliabilityassociatedwiththeseslopesandprovidea capitalplantoaddressidentifiedneeds.
Rating TrowReportUpdateandCapitalPlan 59.00 3 ThiswillidentifyanyliabilityforpropertiesintheCity.Itisestimatedthat1,000 residentialproperties/homesor3,000personsareaffected. 5 Moderatetohighriskispresentduetothepossibilityofslopefailuresaffecting privateproperty.Seriousinjuriesordeathcouldresult. 4 Thisprojectwillmovemovetheorganizationtomeetlegislation 5 ThisenhancementisnotidentifiedinourassetmanagementplanbutCity assetswouldbeprotectedinsomecases.Highconsequenceswouldoccur 3 Operationalperformanceimprovementswillberealizedifthisprojectproceeds duetoimprovedstorminfrastructureperformance.Akeypartofslopestability protectionisthecontrolandmanagementofstormandgroundwaterdrainage. 0 Noeligiblefundingisanticipated 3 Thisprojectwillimprovethenaturalenvironmentintheareaandprevent furtherdetriment 2 Thisprojectwouldhelpmaintainexistingpublicspaces 0 Thisprojectisnotidentifiedinthestrategicplan 3 Thisprojecthasbeenidentifiedthroughunsolicitedpublicengagement. 24P.25
TocreateanEnvironmentalProcessingFacilitythatwouldencompass CityofOwenSoundoperationsincludingexcesssoilmanagement,leaf andyardwastecomposting,sourceseparatedorganicsprocessingand hazardousandspecialproductsprocessing.
Inpreparationforconstruction,aMunicipalClassEnvironmental Assessment,includinganEnvironmentalStudyandReportwouldhave tobecompletedforthisproject.Thisinformationwouldcomefromthe designandengineeringworkthatwouldbecompletedinpreparationfor thisproject.
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List EnvironmentalProcessingFacility-DesignandEngineering 60.00 25 years Yes NewAsset High PublicWorksandEngineering RickChappell $300,000 $300,000 $ 0 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 04/03/2023 12/31/2026 Reserves $ 200,000 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $200,000 $0 $200,000
Justification / Rationale for Rating
EnvironmentalProcessingFacility-DesignandEngineering 60.00 5 ThisfacilityservicestheneedsofallresidentsoftheCity 1 Littleornorisktohealthandsafety. 3 Wastemanagementisalegislativerequirement.Designandengineering wouldhavetobecompletedpriortothefacilitybeingbuilt. 1 ThisprojectwasnotincludedintheCity'sAssetManagementPlan. 4 Designandengineeringworkwouldhavetobecompletedpriortothefacility beingbuilt. 2 TheCountyofGreymaybeinterestedindevelopingaenvironmental processingfacilityonaCountywidebasis. 3 Moreefficientprocessingofenvironmentaloperations. 4 Allowsforbetteraccessofresidentstoprocesshazardousandspecial productsaswellasleafandyardwaste. 5 EnvironmentisapillaroftheStrategicPlan. 3 Publicinputwouldbeacomponentofthedesignandengineeringworktobe completed.
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Asphalt&ConcreteReplacement 23P.1 81.30 40 No Maintenance Very High PublicWorksandEngineering ChrisWebb $45,000 $1,815,000 $240,000 $2,100,000 $0 $0 $3,500,000 02/01/2022 11/01/2022 FederalGasTax $ 700,000 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $15,000 $15,000 $605,000 $605,000 $80,000 $80,000 $700,000 $700,000 Annualprogramtorejuvenatehotmixasphaltsurfacesandmaintainthe expectedservicelifeofroadsthroughouttheCity.Theprojectalso includesthereplacementorrehabilitationofconcretestructures associatedwithasphaltresurfacingincludingcatchbasins,maintenance structures,curb,gutterandsidewalks.
Rating Asphalt&ConcreteReplacement 81.30 5 Roadsbeingresurfacedwillimprovelocalandcommutertrafficthroughoutthe CityandgenerallybenefitsallroadusersintheCity. 4 Injuriesmayresultifroadsarenotresurfacedfromdriversorcyclistsavoiding potholesorotherdeficienciesintheroad 4 TheCityhasminimummaintenancestandardsitisrequiredtomeet. 5 ThisisincludedintheAssetManagementPlan.Failuretosealroadwayscan impactinfrastructureundertheroaddecreasingthelifeofmultipleassets 3 Roadresurfacingwillreduceoperationcostsassociatedwiththeroad maintenanceeg(repairingpotholes). 5 ThisisfundedbyFederalGasTax 2 Minorpositiveimpactwillberealizedfromthisprojectduetoimproved drainage. 4 Somesidewalkreplacementandimprovedcycling(activetransportation enhancements). 4 Thisprojectisidentifiedinthestrategicplantoimproveroadconditions 4 Roadresurfacinghasbeenrequestedmultipletimesthroughpublic engagement 23P.1
/ Rationale for
Thisisanannualbudgetintendedtoreplaceorupgradetrafficsignalcontrollers. TheCitypresentlyhas24fulltrafficsignalsystems,3flashingsignalsandthree pedestriancrossoversignalatintersectionswitheachhavinganexpectedservice lifeof25years.Withdevelopmentandincreasingtrafficvolumes,thenumberof signalisedintersectionsisexpectedtoincrease.Theaveragecosttoreplacea fulltrafficsignalcontrollerandcabinetis$25,000whileapedestriancrossover controllercosts$10,000.Basedonthis,theCityshouldbereplacingone controllereveryyear.
Itshouldbenotedthatthereisnobudgetrequiredforthisreplacementin2024 becausethereisafullintersectionupgradingplannedfor10thStreetWestand 8thAvenueWestin2024thatincludesthiscostasrequired.
Wherenewintersectionsarebeingdevelopedingreenfieldareas,consideration willbegiventoconstructroundaboutsinsteadofconventionalintersectionswith trafficsignals.
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List TrafficControllerReplacement 24Q.4 32.60 20 No Enhancement Moderate PublicWorksandEngineering ChrisWebb $1,000 $25,000 $26,000 $0 $0 $0 $26,000 03/25/2024 12/31/2024 TaxLevy $ 26,000 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $0 $0
Justification / Rationale for Rating TrafficControllerReplacement 32.60 4 Thisprojectwillhavesignificantimprovementstovehiculartraffic 0 noimpactsonhealthandsafetyareexpectedduetothisproject 4 Thisprojectisrequiredtocontinuetobecompliant 3 moderateprobabilityoffailurewithlowconsequencesareanticipateddueto agingequipment. 1 littleornoeffectareanticipatedoncurrentoperations 0 Nofundingopportunitiesarecurrentlyanticipatedwiththisproject 1 Thisprojectwillhavenoimpactonenvironmentasaresult 0 Thisprojectwillhavenodirectimpactonpublicusers. 1 Thisprojectsupportscoreservicedelivery 0 Thishasnotbeenidentifiedbythepublic 24Q.4
2023-2024 Appendix B: Facility Capital Detail Sheets 131
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Justification / Rationale for Rating
Thispriceofequipmentisprimarilyrequiredtomoreeffectivelyrepair potholesandroadsurfaceimperfections.Heatingtheroadpatching compoundpriortoapplicationresultsinamuchmoreeffective,longer lastingpotholerepair.Thisresultsinmaterialcostsavingsand deployingstaffforotherduties.Inshorttheuseofacoldmixasphalt patchingmaterial,especiallyinthewintermonthsisarepetitive, ineffectivemeansofpotholerepair. Asecondaryuseisfortheregularasphaltpatchingprogram.This maintenanceprogramisforutilitycuts,curbandsidewalkrepairs,and othersmallerroadsurfaceimperfections.Thedevicewillbeusedto keepasphaltwarmoveranextendedperiodoftimetoeffectanumber thesesmallroadwayrepairs.Thiswillresultinamoreefficientdelivery anduseofasphaltfromthesupplier,abetterrepairquality,andthe resultingmaterialandlabourcostsavingsfromabetterrepair.
Rentingaunitfortherequiredperiodisapproximately$14,500peryear versustheoutrightpurchaseof$48,300fortheunitwecurrentlyhaveon arental.Expectedannualmaterialsavingsareexpectedtobe$3,000. Theexpectedlifeoftheassetisprojectedtobe12years.
Thisissuebecameofprimaryimportanceinthewinterof2021-2022due tocomplaintsfromCouncilandthegeneralpublicregardingpotholes.A PotHoleHotLinewascreatedandanassociatedmediaadvisory.
2022-03-09-MediaAdvisory-PotholeSeason hasBegun,andCityStaffareReady.pdf; AsphaltHotBox_20220630.jpg
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2023 PurchaseofAsphaltHotBox 23M.10 44.70 NewAsset Moderate No PublicWorksandEngineering 12 2023 2024 2025
2022 $0
-$3,000 -$3,000 -$3,000 $48,300 09/30/2022 Reserves $ 14,500 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 33,800 $48,300 $48,300 $0 AttachImages:
/ Rationale for Rating PurchaseofAsphaltHotBox 44.70 2
fleetaddition. 3 Lesstimespentonrepeatrepairs,repeatpurchaseofmaterial,andfewercomplaints
1 Lesscostsspentonmaterialduetotherepairslastinglonger 2 Longerlastingrepairsresultinginlessvehicle/equipmenttimeandhydrocarbonbased materialused 0 1 Improvedroadwaycondtions 1 ImproveRoadwaycondtion 2 23M.10 Complaintsinlatewinter2022regardingpotholesandresultingdiscussionat CommitteeandCouncil.
Lesstimeintheroadwayrepairingpotholes.Roadwayworkwhilephysicallyinthe roadwaycanbedeemedahigherrisksafetyevolution.
EffectivepotholerepairsarerequiredbyO.Reg239,MinimumMaintenance Standards.Section6identifiesrepairrequirementsandtimelinestorepair.
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Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 160
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Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 185
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Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 187
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Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 189
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Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 193
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CostsIncurred to YearEnd ImpactonOperatingBudg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 2022 197
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2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule:
Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 200
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CostsIncurred to YearEnd ImpactonOperatingBudg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 2022 202
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2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 210
Justification / Rationale for Rating
TheHarrisonParkSeniors'centrewasconstructedin1949,andtodayit playshosttoactivitiesandgamesforseniorsinOwenSound.The interiorofthebuildingrequiresimprovementstomeetAODA.Facilities inHarrisonParkaredesignatedontheheritageregistry.AHeritage permitmayberequired.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 Seniors'CentreAccessibilityImprovements 32.60 Enhancement Moderate No CorporateServices 25 years 2024 2025 2026 Larry Gill 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $30,000 06/01/2024 07/01/2024 TaxLevy $ 30,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $30,000 $30,000 $0 AttachImages: Seniors.docx
Justification / Rationale for Rating Seniors'CentreAccessibilityImprovements 32.60 1 <1000 2 Minorinjurymayresult 4 AODArequirement 0 Notcurrentlypartofassetmanagement 1 Littleeffectoncurrentoperation. 2 Potentiallycouldseekpartnershipwiththeusergroup? 0 Noimpact 4 Increasesimpactonminority/agingpopulation. 1 lowaestheticvalue 1 Coreservicedelivery 0 Nottomyknowledge.
TheHarrisonParkInnisapopulareateryforguestsvisitingthepark.Its traditionalhome-stylemealsareapopularattractionforbothyoungand old.Theshingleroofisagingoutandrequiresreplacement.Aheritage permitwillbetakenifnecessarytocompletethework.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 HarrisonParkInnRoofReplacement 24D.8 33.30 Replacement Moderate No CorporateServices 15 years 2024 2025 2026 Larry 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $15,000 05/01/2024 05/15/2024 TaxLevy $ 15,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $15,000 $15,000 $0 AttachImages: HPInn.docx
Potentialroofleakscouldleadtomoldsporesandcreateahealthandsafetyconcern forstaffandpatrons.
HarrisonParkInnRoofReplacement 33.30 5
Justification / Rationale for Rating
Thecampgroundlaundryfacilityisaheavilyusedbuildingduringthe busycampingseason.Thecoin-operatedmachinesgeneraterevenue. Thefacilityalsodoublesasasafespaceforcampingpatronsinthe eventofasignificantstormevent.Structuraltimbersarebeginningto rotandneedreplacement.Theinterioralsorequirespainting.A heritagepermitwillberequired.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 HarrisonParkCampLaundryCeilingRepairs 24D.12 30.50 Replacement Moderate No CorporateServices 20 years 2024 2025 2026 Larry Gill 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $10,000 10/01/2024 10/25/2024 Reserves $ 10,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $10,000 $10,000 $0 AttachImages: HPLaundry.docx
Justification / Rationale for Rating HarrisonParkCampLaundryCeilingRepairs 30.50 4 >1000 2 Structuralintegrityiskeytoprovidingasafefacility. 0 No 0 Notcurrentlypartofassetmanagement 2 Staffefficiencyincleaningandmaintenancewillbeakeyresult. 2 Fundedfromreserves 1 Lowimpact 1 Lowdegree 3 Willimprovetheoveralllookandcleanlinessofthebuildingsinterior. 1 Supportservicedelivery 0 24D.12 None
ThePonderosaisthemainwashroomfortheHarrisonPark Campground.Thefacilityisfullyaccessible,withbathroomsand showersforourcampingpatrons.Theexteriorismainlybrickwithwood claddingonthegableends.Thiscladdingisremovableinthesummer monthstoimproveairflowthroughoutthebuilding.Thewoodisrotten, andthescreensaredamagedandallowinsectsintothebuilding.A heritagepermitwillbetakenoutforthiswork.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 HPPonderosaSidingandScreenReplacement 24D.13 20.00 Replacement Moderate No CorporateServices 25 years 2024 2025 2026 Larry 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $10,000 04/15/2024 05/15/2024 Reserves $ 10,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $10,000 $10,000 $0 AttachImages: Ponderosa.docx
/ Rationale
Rating HPPonderosaSidingandScreenReplacement 20.00 2 >1000 1
0 No 0
0 Noopportunity 2
1 Supportscoreservicedelivery 0 24D.13 No
Sealingupthesidingandinstallingnewscreenswilleliminaterodentsandinsects fromenteringthefacility.Thiswillincreasetheefficiencyofcleaningstaff.
TheHarrisonParkBandStandisapopularspotformanyusergroups rangingfromexerciseclassestomusicalbands.TheHeritagebuilding standsproudlybehindtheHarrisonParkInn.Consultationwiththe heritagegroupwillbenecessarytoperformthework.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 HarrisonParkBandstandWindowandDoorReplacement 24D.16 21.90 Replacement Moderate No CorporateServices 25 years 2024 2025 2026 Larry Gill 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $10,000 TaxLevy $ 10,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $10,000 $10,000 $0 AttachImages: HPBandStand.docx
Justification / Rationale for Rating HarrisonParkBandstandWindowandDoorReplacement 21.90 2 <1000annually 2 Injuriesoperatingthedoorscouldresultinminorinjury 0 Noimpact 0 NotcurrentlycoveredinAssetManagement 2 Lowoperationalimpactonperformance. 0
1 Littleornoimpactatthistime. 1 Currentlylittleimpacttopublicusers. 4 Willgreatlyimprovetheaestheticvalueofthebuilding. 1 projectsupportscoreservicedelivery. 0 24D.16
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 HarrisonParkIslandWashroomWindowsandScreens 24D.17 29.40 Replacement Moderate No CorporateServices 25 years 2024 2025 2026 Larry Gill 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $10,000 04/15/2024 04/30/2024 TaxLevy $ 10,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $10,000 $10,000 $0 AttachImages: HPIslandWashroom.docx
TheHPIslandwashroomisaheavilyusedfacilityinthesummer seasonduetoitscentrallocationontheisland,closetothepicnic shelter,puttandpaddle,andmanykids’playspaces.Thewindowsand screensarebeyondtheirlifecycleandhaveoperationalissues.
Justification / Rationale for Rating HarrisonParkIslandWashroomWindowsandScreens 29.40 5 >5000 2 Lowimpacttopublicandstaff 0 NoLegislation 0 NoAssetManagement 2 Lowimpacttooperationalperformance. 0 NoPartnerships 0 Doesnotimpactclimatechange 2 Relativelylow 3 Wouldimprovetheoveralllookofthebuildingcontinuetomaintainthefacility. 2 Projectsupportscoredelivery 0 24D.17 Nopublicinput
HarrisonParkWorkshophasthreeexteriordoorsandmultiplewindows ofdifferentsizesandshapes.Thebuildinghousesmostofthepark's staffandthepark’ssupervisor.Facilitieswithinparksareontheheritage registry.Consultationwiththisdivisionwillberequiredtoperformthis work.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 HarrisonParkWorkshopWindowandDoorReplacement 24D.18 32.60 Replacement Moderate No CorporateServices 25 years 2024 2025 2026 Larry Gill 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $30,000 TaxLevy $ 30,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $30,000 $30,000 $0 AttachImages: HPDoor.docx;HPWindow.docx
Justification / Rationale for Rating
HarrisonParkWorkshopWindowandDoorReplacement 32.60 1
2 injuriesrequiringmedicalattentionmayresult. 3 Projectwillmoveorganizationclosertomeetinglegislation. 2 notcurrentlyonassetmanagementbutdoorsarepastusefullifeandfailing.Rodents
0 Noopportunityforpartnershiporgrantfunding. 2 Energyefficientwindowsanddoorswillgreatlyreduceheatingandcoolingcosts. 0 noimpact 2 Willimprovetheoverallappearanceofthebuilding. 1 Supportscoreservicedelivery. 1 24D.18 Havereceivedacouplecommentsabouttakingbettercareoftheassetfrompatrons
In2022staffarerequestingfundsforthedemolitionoftheexisting washroombuildingatKelsoBeach.AnupdateoftheKelsoBeach MasterPlanwillbetakingplacein2022.Thisreportwillidentifythe needsandlocationofanewwashroomfacilityatKelsoBeachPark.The CitypartneredwiththeScenicCityOrderofGoodCheerin2016to constructanaccessiblewashroomlocatedbythesplashpadinKelso BeachPark.Itisanticipatedthatthenewwashroomwillbelocatedin thenorthendofthepark,butawayfromthewaterandinamore suitablelocationforevents.
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List KelsoBeachWashroomBuildingReplacement 24D.23 46.50 30 No Replacement Moderate CorporateServices KristanShrider $125,000 $125,000 $0 $0 $125,000 Donations $ 25,000 PleaseSelect $ 100,000 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $0 $0
/ Rationale for Rating KelsoBeachWashroomBuildingReplacement 46.50 2 1,000to2,499. 2 Injuriesrequiringmedicalattentionmayresult. 3 Projectwillmoveorganizationclosertomeetinglegislation. 4 Highprobabilityoffailure;moderateconsequence. 2 Slightimpactonoperationalefficiencyandeffectiveness. 3 Confirmedpartnershiporgrantfunding50%. 1 Littleornoimpactonenvironmentasaresultoftheproject. 2 Maintainsanexistingpublicspace. 1 Projectsupportscoreservicedelivery. 1 Hasbeenmentionedinunsolicitedfeedback. 24D.23
The Bayshoreroofhasfivesectionsincludedinourassetmanagement plan.Sections2,4&5RequireRepairandRestoration.Tasksinclude: Powerwashandcleanareaalongfastenerlinesandallrooftop penetrations.
Replaceanymissingfastenersandtightenbacked-outfastenerswhere needed.
Applyone12"widecoatingofMetalRoofCoatingalongallfastener linesandpenetrations(approx.1200
linearfeet)atarateof2gallons/100linearfeetandallowtocure. Embedpolyesterfabricwithan80%bleed-outrate. Applyone12"widecoatingofMetalRoofCoatingalongallfastener linesandpenetrations(approx.1200 linearfeet)atarateof3gallons/100linearfeetandallowtocure. Applyonecoatofnon-fiberedreflectivealuminumcoatingtoprotect againstUValongallfastenerlinesand penetrations(approx.1200linearfeet).
BayshoreRoof#2RoofSection2,4,5.docx; BayshoreRoofSection2,4,5.docx
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 BayshoreCommunityCentreRoofRepairandRestoration 24H.6 54.60 Replacement High No CorporateServices 15 years 2024 2025 2026 Larry Gill 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $40,000 Reserves $ 40,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $40,000
BayshoreCommunityCentreRoofRepairandRestoration 54.60 5
0 24H.6
Justification / Rationale for Rating
Theroofsectionsaredueforreplacement.Potentialforleakinganddamagetothe assetispossible.Theroofisacriticalcomponentofthebuilding.
Thousandsofusersandvisitorsayear.Buildingsupportsdiversityandinclusion initiatives.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 OwenSoundPoliceBASExpansionandUpgrades 24J.1 25.60 Replacement Moderate No CorporateServices 20 years 2024 2025 2026 Larry Gill 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $35,000 TaxLevy $ 35,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $35,000 $35,000 $0 AttachImages: BAS.docx
TheOwenSoundPoliceStationrequiresupgradesandexpansionofits BASSystem.Thebuildingautomationsystem(BAS)islimited,anduser privilegesarepoor.Thedevelopmentwillseeanimprovedandmore balancedtemperaturecontrolsystemforstaffandisthefirststepin upgradingtheagingHVACforthisfacility.
Justification / Rationale for Rating
1 <1000.
Lowhealthandsafetyrisks.Someroomsarecoolerorhotterthanotherswhichcan haveminorhealthconcerns.
Theprojectimprovesthefacilityandsupportsitstenants. 2 Willimproveoperationalperformanceofthesystemwhichcouldseeloweroperating costs.
OwenSoundPoliceBASExpansionandUpgrades 25.60
Noknownpartnerships. 1 Littleimpacttoenvironment.Possibilityoflowerenergyusagewithamorebalanced
2 Maintainsanexistingspace. 0 Noaestheticvaluetotheasset. 1 Projectsupportspoliceservices. 2 24J.1
TheOwenSoundPoliceServicesbuildingwasinitiallybuiltinthe 1970s.Itfunctionedformanyyearsasanofficebuildingbeforebeing purchasedbytheCityandconvertedintoaPoliceStation.TheVariable AirVolume(VAV)systemcontrolterminalsarepastservicelife,with somesectionscurrentlynonoperational.TheVAVoperateswithalow voltageactuatingmotortodrivethedampersandcontroltheheatingor coolingofroomsthroughoutthebuilding.Thesefundswillbeginthe processofrebuilding/replacingtheseunits.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 OSPSFacilityVAVReplacement 24J.2 27.60 Replacement Moderate No CorporateServices 20 years 2024 2025 2026 Larry Gill 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $5,000 TaxLevy $ 5,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $5,000 $5,000 $0 AttachImages: VAVOSPS.docx
Justification / Rationale for Rating OSPSFacilityVAVReplacement 27.60 1 <1000 1 Littlehealthandsafetyconcerns 0 Nolegislativerequirement 2 Maintainsacityasset. 4 ReplacementoftheseunitswillgreatlyimproveoperationperformanceoftheHVAC system. 0 NoPartnerships 1
0 Nodirectimpact 1 littleaestheticvalue 1 Projectsupportscoreservicedelivery. 0 24J.2 Nopublicinput.
CouncilhaspreviouslyapprovedfundingforupgradesattheAnimal Shelter.Theprojecthaspreviouslybeendeferred,andthefundsare currentlyheldinreserve.Staffrecommendworkingwiththeoperatorof theAnimalShelterandClerksDepartmentstafftodevelopaplanfor facilityupgrades,includingbutnotlimitedto:storage,servicecounter, HVACimprovements,generalrepairsandmaintenance.Staffwill prioritizeupgradestobecompleted.Additionalfundswillberequested throughfuturecapitalbudgetdeliberationsifrequired.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 AnimalControlFacilityUpgrades 24K.1 42.70 Enhancement Moderate No CorporateServices 25Years 2024 2025 2026 Larry Gill 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $85,000 TaxLevy $ 25,000 Reserves $ 60,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $85,000 $85,000 $0 AttachImages: AnimalShelter1.docx;AnimalShelter 2.docx
/ Rationale
Rating AnimalControlFacilityUpgrades 42.70 1 <1000 1 Minorinjuriesnotrequiringmedicalattentionmayresult. 3 Projectwillmoveorganizationclosertomeetingtheassetmanagementplan 2 Moderateprobabilityoffailure;lowconsequence. 3 Operationalperformancewillimproveandbemoreeffective. 3 Fundedthroughreserves. 1 LittleimpactonEnvironment. 2 Maintainsexistingspace. 4 Therewouldbegreataestheticvaluetotheinteriorofthefacility.Properentrance, reception,andstorageareaswouldbesomeofthemajorimprovements. 1 Coreservicedelivery.Providingsafefacilitiesandspacesforactivities. 1 24K.1
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 AnimalControlUnitHeaterReplacement 24K.5 33.10 Replacement Moderate No PleaseSelect 20Years 2024 2025 2026 2023 $0
heaterisattheendofitsservicelife.Staffwillretainaqualified contractortoprovideandinstallanew,moreenergyefficientunit. $0 $0 $0 $8,000 TaxLevy $ 8,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $8,000 $8,000 $0 AttachImages: AnimalShelter1.docx;AnimalShelter 2.docx
Justification / Rationale for Rating
AnimalControlUnitHeaterReplacement 33.10 1 <1000. 2 ThereismoreofanimpacttoanimalHealthandSafetythanhuman. 1 NoknownLegislation. 2 Moderateprobabilityoffailure;lowconsequence. 3 Ifheaterfails,operationalperformanceandeffectivenesswillsuffer.
24K.5 Unsolicitedfeedbackfromthetenantsofthebuilding.
TheCNStationhasrecentlyhadanabatementprojecttoremovemold inthebasement.Aspartoftheproject,drainagerepairswere completedtocleanoutpluggeddrainagepipes.TheBoilerinthe basementispastitsservicelifeandrequiresreplacement.AnewHeat RecoveryVentilator(HRV)willbepartoftheproject,circulatingcleanair throughthebuilding.Thiswillimproveairqualityandsignificantly reducetheriskofmoldsporesgrowing.(Thephotoattachedisofwhat anewunitlookslike.)
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 CNStationBoilerReplacement 24M.15 39.50 Replacement Moderate No CorporateServices 25Years 2024 2025 2026 Larry Gill 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $25,000 TaxLevy $ 25,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $25,000 $25,000 $0 AttachImages: Boiler.jpg
Justification / Rationale for Rating
24M.15 Noknownpublicengagement.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 FarmersMarketHotWaterHeaterReplacement 24M.20 36.20 Replacement Moderate No CorporateServices 20 years 2024 2025 2026 Larry Gill 2023 $0 TheFarmer’sMarketisadesignatedheritagepropertyownedbythe City.ThemarketoperateseverySaturdaymorningandishometomany specialeventslocatedintheheartoftheRiverDistrict.AnewHotWater Heatingunitwillimproveenergyefficiency. $0 $0 $0 $5,000 TaxLevy $ 5,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $5,000 $5,000 $0 AttachImages: MarketHWHeater.docx
Justification / Rationale for Rating
FarmersMarketHotWaterHeaterReplacement 36.20 1
0 24M.20
TheFarmersMarketisadesignatedheritagepropertyownedbythe City.ThemarketoperateseverySaturdaymorningandhometomany specialeventslocatedintheheartoftheRiverDistrict.ShingleRoof section#1hasleaked.Itwaspatchedbuthasleakedagain.Aheritage permitwillbeobtainedpriortoworkcommencing.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 FarmersMarketRoofSection1Replacement 24M.22 18.40 Replacement Low No CorporateServices 20 years 2024 2025 2026 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $15,000 TaxLevy $ 15,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $15,000 $15,000 $0 AttachImages: Market.docx
Justification / Rationale for Rating
FarmersMarketRoofSection1Replacement 18.40 1
<1,000. 0 Noimpactonhealthandsafety. 1 Noknownlegislative/regulatorycompliancerequirement. 1 Currentlylowprobabilityoffailure. 2 Relativelylowoperationalperformanceatthistime.
ThefacilityisthehomeoftheActiveLifeStylesCentreGreyBruce.The heatingfurnaceisattheendofitsservicelifeandrequiresreplacement. TheMcQuayTanneryislistedontheheritageregistry.Therewillbe consultationwiththeHeritagegrouptoseeifapermitisrequiredforthe furnacereplacement.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 McQuayTanneryFurnaceReplacement 24M.25 31.80 Replacement Moderate No CorporateServices 25Years 2024 2025 2026 Larry Gill 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $17,000 TaxLevy $ 17,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $17,000 $17,000 $0 AttachImages:
Justification / Rationale for Rating
31.80 1
Lowrisktopublicandstaff. 1 Nolegislation 2 MaintainsacityAsset. 3 Higherefficiencyunitwillreduceoperationcosts.
24M.25 Nopublicimpact.
TheMurrayMcDonaldPublicWorksBuildingwasconstructedin1990. Renovationswerecompletedin2010and2021.TheRoofTopHVAC unitispastitsservicelifeandrequiresreplacement.Thisunitiskeyto thebuilding’sHeating,VentilationandAirConditioning.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 PublicWorksRoofTopHVACUnit(RTU) 47.10 Replacement Moderate No CorporateServices 25 2024 2025 2026 Larry Gill 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $60,000 TaxLevy $ 30,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 AttachImages: PWRTU.docx
PublicWorksRoofTopHVACUnit(RTU) 47.10 2
1 Riskofhealthandsafetyconcernlow 1 Noknownlegislation 4
0 Nopartnershipavailable. 1 Littleenvironmentalimpact 1 Lowimpact 1 Littlevalue 4
0 None
Justification / Rationale for Rating
<1000.HavingsaidthatthisisakeyfacilityforourPWandMechanicshop operations.
IftheRTUfails,Operationalimpactswouldbesignificant,especiallywithwintercontrol operations.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 WaterDepartmentOverheadDoorReplacement 40.70 Replacement Moderate No CorporateServices 20 2024 2025 2026 Larry Gill 2023 $40,000 $40,000 ThePWWaterDepartmentOverheadShopDoorsareattheendof servicelifeandrequirereplacementforenergyandrepaircostsavings. Thesedoorswillbereplacedoverthefollowingyears,beginningwith Door#1. $0 $0 $0 $80,000 WaterRates $ 20,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 AttachImages: WaterDeptDoors.docx
Justification / Rationale for Rating
Doorsthatfailtooperatecauseoperationalslowdowns.Adoorthatwon'topeninan emergencycouldbecostly.
WaterDepartmentOverheadDoorReplacement 40.70 2
TheMurrayMcDonaldPublicWorksBuildingwasconstructedin1990. Renovationswerecompletedin2010.Someexteriorwindowsand doorsareoriginalfromthe1990construction.Thisisyearoneofathree yearreplacementprogram.Theexteriorwindowsanddoorsareinpoor condition,compromisingthesecurityofthebuildinganddoesnot provideanefficientbuildingenvelope.Upgradingaccessible componentswillbeincluded.
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List PublicWorksShopWindowandDoorReplacement 24M.62 36.60 25 No Replacement Moderate CorporateServices KristanShrider $75,000 $75,000 $0 $0 $75,000 TaxLevy $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 75,000 $ 0 $0 $0 $0
Rating PublicWorksShopWindowandDoorReplacement 36.60 1 <1,000. 3 Multipleinjuriesmayresult. 3 Projectwillmoveorganizationclosertomeetinglegislation. 3 Moderateprobabilityoffailure;lowconsequence. 2 Slightimpactonoperationalefficiencyandeffectiveness. 0 Noopportunityforpartnershiporgrantfunding. 1 Littleornoimpactonenvironmentasaresultoftheproject. 0 Projectwillhavenodirectimpactonpublicusers. 1 Projectsupportscoreservicedelivery. 0 Hasnotbeenidentifiedbythepublic. 24M.62
/ Rationale for
TheTerminalwasconstructedin1986.ThefacilitysupportsOwen SoundTransitandtheGuelphOwenSoundTransit(GOST)service. Thewindowsanddoorsarebelievedtobeoriginalandweneedto beginthereplacementprocess.Thereisanother$25,000.00slatedin 2027forfurtherwindowanddoorwork.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 TransitTerminalWindowandDoorReplacement 24R.1 30.70 Replacement Moderate No CorporateServices 30 years 2024 2025 2026 Larry Gill 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $25,000 ProvincialGasTax $ 25,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $25,000 $25,000 $0 AttachImages:
Justification / Rationale for Rating TransitTerminalWindowandDoorReplacement 30.70 3 >1500 2 Minimalimpacttostaffandpublic 0 Notcurrentlyrequired 1 Notahighpriority 2 Currentlylittleimpacttooperationalperformance. 0 Nopartnershipopportunities 2 Energyefficientwindowanddoorchoiceswouldreduceenergycosts. 3 Buildingsupportsandmaintainsapublicspace. 2 Wouldimproveoverallappearanceofthebuilding. 3 Projectsupportscoreservicedelivery. 0 24R.1 Hasnotbeenidentifiedbythepublic.
TheLibraryisadesignatedheritagepropertyownedbytheCity. Improvementshavebeenmadeoverthelastfewyears,including interiorpainting,flooring,roofreplacement,HVACreplacementand windowrepairs.TheAdultLearningCentre(ALC)entrancedoorsand framesarepastservicelifeandrequirerepairs/replacement.Aheritage permitwillbeobtainedbeforeworkcommences.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 PublicLibraryAdultLearningCentreEntrance 24V.1 42.20 Replacement Moderate No CorporateServices 25 years 2024 2025 2026 Larry Gill 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $50,000 TaxLevy PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $0 AttachImages: IMG_3934[1].jpg
PublicLibraryAdultLearningCentreEntrance 42.20 3
1 24V.1
Justification / Rationale for Rating
Frameofdoorsarefailingcreatingpotentialtriphazard.Medicalattentioncouldbe requiredifsomeonetrips.
Gapsalongthebottomofthedoorframeareallowingwatertopenetrateintothe foundationofthebuilding.
ThisprojectwouldseethereplacementofUnitHeater5attheBayshore CommunityCentre.Thisunitwasinstalledin1983,andiswellpastits expectedusefullife.ThisunitcurrentlyprovidesheattotheNorth dressingroomshallway.Anewermoreefficientunitwillbeinstalledin itsplace.Thisprojectwillresultinenergysavings.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 BayshoreUnitHeater5Replacement 24H.1 29.50 Replacement Moderate No CommunityServices 20 2024 2025 2026 RyanGowan 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $5,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0 AttachImages: UnitHeater.jpg
BayshoreUnitHeater5Replacement 29.50
Justification / Rationale for Rating 5
Thisprojectwillimpact10thousandpluspeople,asitheatsamainhallwaywithinthe facility.
Thisunithasamoderatepossibilityoffailure,andwouldhavealowconsequenceifit did.
Thisprojectwouldseethereplacementoftheexistingcupboardsand counterintheBayRoomkitchenreplacedwithstainlesssteelshelving. Thecurrentcupboarddoorsarebadlydamagedandtheweightofthe platesisdamagingthecupboardbottoms.
Stainlesssteelshelveswillholdupmuchbettertotheweightandbe muchmoresanitaryandeasiertoclean.TheSoundRoomkitchen upgradeswillseetheexistingcabinetsrefurbished,wallsrepainted,and replacementofceilingtiles.Withupdatedkitchenstheremaybean opportunitytoincreasetheuserfeesforeventsandrecoupsomeofthe upgradecosts.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 BayandSoundRoomKitchenUpgrades 24H.5 30.40 Replacement Moderate No CommunityServices 30 2024 2025 2026 RyanGowan 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $40,000 TaxLevy $ 40,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $40,000 $40,000 $0 AttachImages: BayRoomKitchen.jpg;BayRoomKitchen 2.jpg;BayRoomKitchen3.jpg
Justification / Rationale for Rating
Thousandsofusersgothroughthehallonanannualbasis.Thiskitchenisusedfor weddingandeventsthatwouldimpactthousandsofusers.
Therewillbesomeoperationalefficienciesachievedbycompletingthisproject.Staff timewillbecutdownfromcleaningandsanitizingthespaceasstainlesssteelismuch easiertoclean.Staffwillnothavetospendtimerepairingdoorsandbottomsof cupboardsastheydonow.
Thisprojectwouldsupportcoreservicedelivery,asthiskitchenisanecessarypartof rentingtheBayroomtousers.
BayandSoundRoomKitchenUpgrades 30.40
Thisprojectwouldseethereplacementofthefloorsinthemensand womenswashroomsoftheRutherfordHallattheBayshoreCommunity Centre.Thesefloorshavehadrepairsdoneinthepast,butaremostly originaltothefacility.
Theywouldbereplacedwithadurableepoxyfloorthatwouldrequire muchlessmaintenancethanthecurrentfloors.Thisprojectwouldalso bedoneinconjunctionwiththereplacementofthetoilets,counters,and sinksandwouldrefreshthelookofthesedatedwashroomfacilities.The upgradewouldalsofocusonaccessibility.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 RutherfordHallWashroomFloorReplacement 24H.8 34.40 Replacement Moderate No CommunityServices 2024 2025 2026
2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $10,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $0 AttachImages: RutherfordFloor.jpg
Justification / Rationale for Rating
Thousandsofpeoplewouldbeimpactedbythisproject,asseveralthousandsusethe facilityannually.
Stafftimeandmaintenancewouldbereduced,astheepoxyfloorswouldnotneedto bestripped,waxed,orbuffed.
RutherfordHallWashroomFloorReplacement 34.40 5
Thisprojectwouldseethereplacementoftheoriginalwashroom urinals,toilets,countersandsinkswithnewmoreaccessiblefixtures ThecurrentfixturesaredatedanddonotcurrentlymeetA.O.D.A. standards.Forafacilitywithadiversegroupofusersitwouldbeagreat benefittoincreasetheaccessibilitywithinthefacility.Thisprojectwould beinconjunctionwithreplacingthefloors,andwouldmodernizethese existingdatedwashrooms.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 RutherfordHallWashroomSink,Toilet,andCounterReplacement 24H.9 39.30 Replacement Moderate No CommunityServices 20 2024 2025 2026 RyanGowan 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $10,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $0 AttachImages: RutherfordCounters.jpg
Justification / Rationale for Rating
Thesefixturesareoriginaltothefacilityandshouldbehighprioritytomeet accessibilityneeds.
Stafftimewouldbereducedastherewouldbelessplumbingmaintenanceandrepairs tothedatedfixtures.
RutherfordHallWashroomSink,Toilet,andCounterReplacement 39.30 5
Thisprojectwouldseethereplacementofcompressor1.These compressorstypicallybegintofailat35,000runhours.Thiscompressor iscurrentlyat32,219runhoursandmayexperiencefailureifnot replaced.Itwouldbedifficulttomaintain2icesheetswithonly2 compressorsifthisequipmentisdownforanextendedperiodoftime. Replacingthisequipmentbeforefailurewouldensurenointerruptionto servicedelivery.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 JMRRCCompressor1Replacement 24I.1 36.10 Replacement Moderate No CommunityServices 2024 2025 2026
2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $30,000 04/01/2024 06/01/2024 Reserves $ 30,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $30,000 $30,000 $0 AttachImages: Compressor1.jpg
Justification / Rationale for Rating
Thispieceofequipmenthasahighlikelihoodoffailure,andwouldbeahigh consequenceifitdid.
Thisassethasnoaestheticvalueasitsinamechanicalroomandnotvisibletothe public.
JMRRCCompressor1Replacement 36.10 4
ThecurrentFireStationopeneditsdoorsonNovember17th,1974. Sincethen,significantimprovements,enhancementsorrenovationsthat havebeencompletedincludeanadditionofatruckbayonthe Northsidein1996andreplacingtheroofin2020.
Mostbuildingfeaturesandserviceequipmentareoriginalandhavenot beenupdated.ThefirestationremainsinalocationthatservestheCit wellandallowsforadesirableresponsetimetoallareasserved.
Updatestothelayoutoftheexistingareaswillpermitfuturediversity opportunitiesforourstaff.Additionalspacewillallowforindustrybest practicesinPPEstorageandthedecontaminationofequipmentand personnel.
TheproposedrenovationandadditionwillenhanceFirefighterWellness initiatives,includingCanceravoidanceandphysicalfitnessprograms.
Theproposedadditionofapproximately25,000ft2attheRear(North)of theexistingbuilding.$225,000wasusedtoupdateWhitelineArchitects Inc.’sdesigncompletedin2019.
FireStation1.jpg;FireStation2.jpg;FireStation Structure.jpg;FireStationrear.jpg;FireStation front.jpg;FirehallSiding.jpg
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 FireStationRenovationandAddition-50yearUpdate 59.10 Addition High Partial Fire 50 2024 2025 2026 PhilEagleson/Larry Gill 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $4,225,000 02/01/2024 11/18/2024 Reserves $ 225,000 Debenture $ 3,000,000 DevelopmentCharges $ 1,000,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect -$ 4,000,000 $225,000 $4,000,000 $225,000 $4,000,000
FireStationRenovationandAddition-50yearUpdate 59.10 1
1 Notidentified 3
2 FundedthroughReserves 2
5 Theexistingdesignofthefirestationdoesnotaccommodateagenderdiversityof
5 CreateacomprehensivecorporateEquity,DiversityandInclusionStrategyby December2022 1
/ Rationale for Rating
32employeesworkfromtheFireStation.TheFireDepartmentservesapopulationof morethan20,000residents
Identifieddeficienciesoftheexistingbuildingwillneedtoberectified.Riskisthestaff workinginthestation.Littleornorisktothepublic. Manyoftherequiredupgradesarerelatedtocanceravoidanceinstaff.
Section21legislation-PPE,SCBAorotherfirefightingequipmentthathasbeen contaminated-mustbecleanedandpersonalclothingmustbewashed.
Buildingdesignwillpermitproperstorageofassetsanddecontaminationofequipment andpersonnel.
staff.Arenovation/additionoftheFireStationwillpermitdiversityandinclusion opportunitiesinaworkplacethathistoricallyhasnotbeendiverse.
PreservationofFireDepartmentHistoryandartifactshasbeenidentifiedasapriority. RecentworkbyGreyRootsMuseumhasbeencompletedtodocumentFDHistory.
2023-2024 Appendix C: Parks Capital Detail Sheets 293
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 294
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule:
Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 296
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule:
Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 298
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule:
Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 300
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 302
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 304
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 306
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule:
Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 308
Justification / Rationale for Rating
CostsIncurred to YearEnd ImpactonOperatingBudg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 2022 310
Justification / Rationale for Rating
CostsIncurred to YearEnd ImpactonOperatingBudg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 2022 312
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 314
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 316
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 318
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 320
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 322
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 324
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 326
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 328
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule:
Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 330
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule:
Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 332
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 334
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule:
from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 336
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 338
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule:
Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 340
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 342
Justification / Rationale for Rating
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule:
Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List SelectfromList 344
Justification / Rationale for Rating
TheroadatHarrisonparkcurrentlyusedtoaccesstheHarrisonPark poolhasdeterioratedandrequiressignificantcapitaltoreplace.The locationoftheexistingpoolentranceroadisproblematicforsignificant constructionduetothepresenceofactivespringsfromtheescarpment thatcauseinstabilityinthenativesoilbelowtheasphalt.
Withfullreconstructionrequired,staffrecommendrelocatingthe entranceroadtoalignasecondlanewiththecurrentpoolexitroad.
Theexistingpoolentranceroadwillbedowngradedtoastonedusttrail forpedestrianuseonly.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 PoolEntranceRoad 24D.1 39.10 Rehabilitation Moderate No PleaseSelect 25 2024 2025 2026 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $200,000 05/13/2024 06/07/2024 FederalGasTax $ 200,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect -$ 200,000 $20,000 $180,000 $0 $200,000
/ Rationale for Rating PoolEntranceRoad 39.10 5 >10,000 2 Aroadfailurehasthepotentialtoresultinalowspeedmotorvehicleaccidentorinjury topedestrians. 0 0 Parksassetsarenotincludedinthecurrentassetmanagementplan 2 slightimpactonoperationalefficiency. 5 100%FederalGasTax 3 Relocatingtheexitroadwillreducetheimpactonnaturalwatercoursesproximateto theexistingroadthatisfailing. 0 4 Theexistingroadistobeimprovedfromfailedasphaltanderodedchannelingtoa stonedustpedestriantrail.Anewentranceroadalignmentwiththeexistingexitroad providesamorescenicapproachtotheHarrisonParkPoolandWeaversCreekTrail 0 CoreService 0 24D.1
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 HPReplacementDecorativeLightPolesandFixtures 24D.2 43.50 Replacement Moderate No CommunityServices 20 2024 2025 2026 AdamParsons 2023 $0 7LightpolesinthecentralareaofHarrisonParkrequirerefurbishment orreplacement. DecorativepolesproximatetotheHarrisonParkInnandGoodCheer
$0 $0 $0 $50,000 04/11/2022 04/29/2022 FederalGasTax PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $0 AttachImages: lightpole.jpg
SkatingRinkneedtobestripped,coatedandnewdarkskycompliant LEDLuminariesinstalled. 4greensteellightpoleswithinthetrafficcirculationareaofthepark havedeterioratedandrequirereplacementwithnewunitsmatchingthe entranceroadpolesreplacedin2017.
Justification / Rationale for Rating HPReplacementDecorativeLightPolesandFixtures 43.50 5 >10,000 2 Injuriesrequiringmedicalattentionmayresult. 4 OccupiersLiabilityAct 0 ParksAssetsarenotcurrentlycapturedbytheCity'sAssetManagementPlan 1 Littleornoeffectonoperationalperformance 1 Maybeeligibleforarebaterelatedtoenergyconsumptiondemandmanagement 3 ByusingDarkSkycompliantluminaries,improveshabitatandmigrationconditionsfor nocturnalanimals,supportingahealthyecosystem. 4 Projectwillbefreetoaccessforallusers 4 Projectaddressesafailingaestheticvalueandprovidesforanimprovement. Mis-Matchedpolecoloursonthepoolentranceroad,andmismatchedluminariesin thecentralareaoftheparkondecorativepolesareafailingaesthetic. 2 HarrisonParkMasterPlan 1 24D.2 Hasbeenmentionedinunsolicitedfeedback.
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List CommunityHallParking 24D.5 37.10 25 No Rehabilitation Moderate CommunityServices AdamParsons $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,000 04/03/2023 05/31/2023 TaxLevy $ 35,000 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $35,000 $0 $35,000 In2021theHarrisonParkHallreceivedaninteriorrenovationfocused
onaccessibleimprovements.Thiscapitalwouldbeusedtoimprovethe parkinglotandaccessjunctionforthebuildingbyrepairingfailed asphaltattheparkingareaentranceandaddingpavedaccessible parkingspacesproximatetothefacility.
Justification / Rationale for Rating CommunityHallParking 37.10 3 2,500to4,999 2 Injuriesrequiringmedicalattentionmayresult 3 Projectwillmoveorganizationclosertomeetinglegislation. 3 moderateprobabilityoffailure;lowconsequence 1 Littleornoeffectoncurrentoperations 1 Maybeeligibleforrebate 1 Littleornoimpactonenvironmentasaresultoftheproject 2 Maintainsanexistingpublicspace 1 Projectsupportscoreservicedelivery 0 Hasnotbeenidentifiedbythepublic 24D.5
TheMainentranceatKelsoBeachatNawashParkisinneedofa renewaltoensurethepropertyreflectsitsstatusasaCityParkandasa focalpointoflocalindigenousheritageandreconciliation,andasa venueforhostingsignificantarts,culturalandathleticevents.
Pendingtheoutcomeofthe2022KelsoBeachatNawashParkMaster Plan,Thiscapitalwouldbeusedtoprocurelandscapedesignforthe mainentrancethatincludesnewsignage,removaloflegacychainlink fencethatseparatedtheparkfromaformerCNrailline,treeplanting andlandscapingtoelevatetheentranceareatoaligntheappearanceof themainentrancewiththestatusofthepark.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 KelsoBeachatNawashParkEntranceRenewal 24D.20 32.90 Rehabilitation Moderate No CommunityServices 50 2024 2025 2026
2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $50,000 05/16/2022 06/24/2022 FederalGasTax PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 50,000 $5,000 $45,000 $50,000 $0 AttachImages:
Justification / Rationale for Rating KelsoBeachatNawashParkEntranceRenewal 32.90 5 >10,000AlthoughvisitornumbershavenotbeentrackedatKelsoBeachatNawash
inferredthereforethatmorethan10,000peoplevisitKelsoBeachatNawashParkannl 1 NoImpactonHealthandSafety 0 NoKnownLegislation 2 ParksassetsarenotcapturedbytheCity'scurrentAssetManagementPlan 1 Littleornoimpactoncurrentoperations 1 Maybeeligibleforrebate 1 littleornoimpactontheenvironmentasaresultoftheproject 4 projectwillbefreetoaccessforallusers 5 projectwoulddramaticallyimprovetheaestheticvalueoftheasset 2 KelsoBeachMaserPlan 3 24D.20 DocumentedMultiplesupportsthroughunsolicitedfeedback.
In2022thewashroombuildingservicingthesouthportionofKelsobeach atNawashParkwasdemolishedasapartoftheCity'sapprovedcapital budgetforthatyear.
The2012KelsoatNawashParkmasterplannotesthatitisimportantto providewashroomsatboththenorthandsouthportionsofthepark.The 2012planrecommendsamultiusefacilitytoservicethesouthendofthe propertytosupporttheuseofthesportsfield,balldiamond,improved beachareaandtoincreasecapacityduringspecialevents.
AnewMasterPlanforKelsoBeachatNawashParkisunderway,tobe deliveredinQ42022.Thenewmasterplanwillcontemplatethelocation foranewmulti-usefacilitythatincludesbarrierfreewashroomsand flexiblespacetoattractaconcessionorbeachrentaloperatortoan increasinglypopularlocationforsummerrecreation.Throughthe2022 masterplanprocessitisimportanttounderstand4seasonuseatKelsoat NawashPark.Therehasbeenanotableincreaseinwintertrailuseand otherwinterrecreationactivitiesatKelsoatNawashPark.Throughthe 2022materplanprocessandfacilitydesignprocess,optionsfora4 seasonbuildingshouldbeconsidered.
Pendingtheoutcomeofthe2022masterplan,thiscapitalwouldbeused fordesignofanewfacilityforconstructioninafutureyear.Thedesign processwouldbeconsideredbyCommunityServiceCommitteeand AccessibilityAdvisorycommitteeinadvanceofatenderforconstruction.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 KelsoBeachatNawashParkMultiUsefacilityDesign 24.90 Replacement Moderate No CommunityServices 50 2024 2025 2026 AdamParsons 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $125,000 03/04/2024 09/27/2024 FederalGasTax PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 25,000 $25,000 $100,000 $25,000 $100,000
Justification / Rationale for Rating KelsoBeachatNawashParkMultiUsefacilityDesign 24.90 5 >10,000 0 noimpactonhealthandsafety 1 noknownlegislativerequirement 0 parksassetsarenotcurrentlyincludedintheassetmanagementplan 0 projectwillrequireadditionaloperationalresourcesintheformofutilityservicesand theadditionof1washroomtotheParksandOpenSpacewashroomsanitation program. 1 Theremaybeanopportunityforgrantfundingtoconstructanaccessiblefacilityand/or toimproveservicesrelatedtothefunctionofthesiteasavenueforartsandculture events. 1 littleornoimpactontheenvironment 4 projectwillbefreetoaccessforallusers 4 projectaddressesafailingaestheticvalueandprovidesforanimprovement 2 projectisidentifiedasastrategicpriorityoutsideofthestrategicplan-KelsoatNawash ParkMasterPlan(2012) 3 documentedmultiplesupportsthroughunsolicitedfeedback
TheVictoriaParkMasterPlanwaslastupdatedin2011.Inorderto alignCapitalplanningandoperationalneedswithcurrenttrends,best practicesandCommunityinputfortheCitypark,anewplanis recommended.TheplanwouldbeinitiatedinQ42024tobecompleted inQ22025.
TheCity'sRecreation,ParksandFacilitiesMasterPlan,completedin 2018says:
VictoriaParkislocatedontheeastendofOwenSound,on10thStreet Eastandhasanaturalescarpmentbandthatgoesthroughthepark, providingkeyviewsofthedowntown,harbourandGeorgianBay.In October2010.Despitethestudybeingconductedjustbeforethe completionoftheJulieMcArthurRegionalRecreationCentre,the MasterPlanprovidedfortheRegionalRecreationCentreandidentifies itasthecentralelementofVictoriaPark.ThePlanidentifiesthe RecreationCentreasahubforthecommunitywhichprovidesfacilities andopportunitiestoencourageahealthy,activelifestyleforpeopleofall ages.
Manyoftheactionsidentifiedinthe2011planhavebeencompleted anditistimetoensuretheplanisupdated.
Thiscapitalwouldbeusedtoengageaconsultanttosupportpublic engagementandlandscapedesignelementsoftheproject.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 VictoriaParkMasterPlan 27.20 Replacement Moderate No PleaseSelect 2024 2025 2026 2023 $20,000 $0
$0 $0 $0 $20,000 11/07/2022 03/30/2023 FederalGasTax PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 20,000 $20,000 $0 AttachImages:
/ Rationale for Rating VictoriaParkMasterPlan 27.20 5 >10,000 0 NoImpactonHealthandSafety 0 0 ParksAssetsarenotcurrentlyincludedintheCity'sAssetManagementPlan 2 Itcanbereasonablyanticipatedthatamasterplanupdatewillprovideforoperational improvementsfortheproperty. 0 3 Moderateimprovementtotheenvironmentcanbereasonablyanticipatedpending approvedrecommendationsoftheplan. 2 Maintainsandexistingpublicspace 4 Itcanbereasonablyanticipatedthattherecommendationsoftheplanwilladdressa failingaestheticatVictoriaParkpendingapproval. 2 VictoriaParkMasterPlan 2 Hasbeenmentionedinformallythroughpublicengagement
LifecycleReplacementofthePlaygroundStructureatComm-R-Ette Parkisrequired.Theagingplaystructureisdeterioratingandhas surpasseditsprojectedlifecycle.Newequipmentwillrefreshthepark andcreateaplayspacethatmeetscurrentCSAplaystructurecode requirements.Thereplacementofthisstructureissupportedbythe ParksRecreationandFacilitiesmasterplanobjectivetoprovideaplay structurewithin500mofeveryresidence. TheprojectdesignwillbereviewedbyAAC.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 Comme-R-ettePlayground 24D.45 41.20 Replacement Moderate No CommunityServices 25 years 2024 2025 2026 AdamParsons 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $75,000 06/06/2022 06/30/2022 FederalGasTax PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $0 AttachImages:
Justification / Rationale for Rating Comme-R-ettePlayground 41.20 1 <1000 3 MultipleInjuriesMayResult 4 CSAZ614-20StandardsforChildren'sPlayspaces 0 NoParksassetscapturedbuttheCity'sCurrentAssetManagementPlan 2 SlightimpactonOperationalPerformancebyreducingstafftimetoperformrepairsand maintenanceonthisstructure. 1 Theprojectmaybeeligibleforarebatescopedforplaygroundinstallations. 1 Littleornoimpacttotheenvironment 3 Thenewplaygroundwouldbedesignedtobefullyaccessibleforuserswithhearing, vision,mobilityandemotionalsupportneeds.Theexistingplaygroundisnot accessibleunderannexHofCSAZ614-20. 4 Theexistingplaygroundhashadfeaturesremovedaftervandalism,andlife-cycle agingcontributestoafailingaesthetic. 2 TheprojectisidentifiedasastrategicprioritybytheCity'sRecreationParksand FacilitiesMasterPlan 3 24D.45 DocumentedMultiplesupportsthroughunsolicitedfeedback.
Life-cycleReplacementofthePlaygroundStructureatBillInglisParkis required.Theagingplaystructureisdeterioratingandhassurpassed itsprojectedlife-cycle.Newequipmentwillrefreshtheparkandcreatea playspacethatmeetscurrentCSAplaystructurecoderequirements. ThereplacementofthisstructureissupportedbytheParksRecreation andFacilitiesmasterplanobjectivetoprovideaplaystructurewithin 500mofeveryresidence.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 BillInglisPlayground 24D.46 41.20 Replacement Moderate No CommunityServices 25 years 2024 2025 2026 AdamParsons 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $25,000 06/06/2022 06/30/2022 FederalGasTax PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $0 AttachImages:
Justification / Rationale for Rating BillInglisPlayground 41.20 1 <1000 3 MultipleInjuriesMayResult 4 CSAZ614-20StandardsforChildren'sPlayspaces 0 NoParksassetscapturedbuttheCity'sCurrentAssetManagementPlan 2 SlightimpactonOperationalPerformancebyreducingstafftimetoperformrepairsand maintenanceonthisstructure. 1 Theprojectmaybeeligibleforarebatescopedforplaygroundinstallations. 1 Littleornoimpacttotheenvironment 3 Thenewplaygroundwouldbedesignedtobefullyaccessibleforuserswithhearing, vision,mobilityandemotionalsupportneeds.Theexistingplaygroundisnot accessibleunderannexHofCSAZ614-20. 4 Theexistingplaygroundhashadfeaturesremovedaftervandalism,andlife-cycle agingcontributestoafailingaesthetic. 2 TheprojectisidentifiedasastrategicprioritybytheCity'sRecreationParksand FacilitiesMasterPlan 3 24D.46 DocumentedMultiplesupportsthroughunsolicitedfeedback.
Life-cycleReplacementofthePlaygroundStructureatOwenHeights Parkisrequired.Theagingplaystructureisdeterioratingandhas surpasseditsprojectedlife-cycle.Newequipmentwillrefreshthepark andcreateaplayspacethatmeetscurrentCSAplaystructurecode requirements.Thereplacementofthisstructureissupportedbythe ParksRecreationandFacilitiesmasterplanobjectivetoprovideaplay structurewithin500mofeveryresidence. ThedesignwillbereviewedbyAAC.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 OwenHeightsPlayground 24D.47 41.20 Replacement Moderate No CommunityServices 25 years 2024 2025 2026 AdamParsons 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $25,000 06/06/2022 06/30/2022 FederalGasTax PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $0 AttachImages:
Justification / Rationale for Rating OwenHeightsPlayground 41.20 1 <1000 3 MultipleInjuriesMayResult 4 CSAZ614-20StandardsforChildren'sPlayspaces 0 NoParksassetscapturedbuttheCity'sCurrentAssetManagementPlan 2 SlightimpactonOperationalPerformancebyreducingstafftimetoperformrepairsand maintenanceonthisstructure. 1 Theprojectmaybeeligibleforarebatescopedforplaygroundinstallations. 1 Littleornoimpacttotheenvironment 3 Thenewplaygroundwouldbedesignedtobefullyaccessibleforuserswithhearing, vision,mobilityandemotionalsupportneeds.Theexistingplaygroundisnot accessibleunderannexHofCSAZ614-20. 4 Theexistingplaygroundhashadfeaturesremovedaftervandalism,andlife-cycle agingcontributestoafailingaesthetic. 2 TheprojectisidentifiedasastrategicprioritybytheCity'sRecreationParksand FacilitiesMasterPlan 3 24D.47 DocumentedMultiplesupportsthroughunsolicitedfeedback.
Wasteandrecyclingreceptaclesinparkshavetraditionallybeenpainted steeldrumswithoutlids.
Inordertoimprovetheaestheticandlittermanagementinparks properties,newwastecollectioncontainersarerequired.Thiscapital wouldbeusedtopurchaseandinstall5newdurablewasteand recyclingpairreceptacleswithlidsandanaestheticaboveground design.
ThedesignandotherdetailswillensureconsistencywiththeWaste ManagementStudy(2022).
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 KinsmenWasteAndRecycling 24D.50 56.70 Enhancement High No CommunityServices 20 2024 2025 2026 AdamParsons 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $20,000 03/04/2024 05/13/2024 FederalGasTax Donations PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $0 AttachImages:
/ Rationale
Rating KinsmenWasteAndRecycling 56.70 5 >10,000.Anestimated15,000usersvisitthesoccercomplexannually. 1 MinorInjuriesnotrequiringmedicalattentionmayresult 4 COSpropertystandardsbylaw 0 ParksassetsarenotincludedintheCity'scurrentassetmanagementplan 3 Bothstafftimeandcostsavingswillbeacheivedbyreducingmanuallitterpickingat
3 Capitalimprovementsatthesoccercomplexare50%fundedbytheCity,and50%
3 Thisprojectwillmoderatelyimprovethenaturalenvironmentbyreducingtheamount oflooselitterthatblowsoutofun-lidedcansontothegroundoradjacent watercourses. 4 Projectwillbefreetoaccessforallusers 4 projectaddressesafailingaestheticandprovidesanimprovement. 3 Projectsupportsanobjectiveofthestrategicplan 3 24D.50 Documentedsupportsthroughinformalpublicengagement
thelargeproperty.separatingrecyclableswillreducethevolumeofwastegenerated atthispropertythereforereducingthewastemanagementcostburdenofthesoccer complexnominally.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 KiwanisWasteAndRecycling 24D.50 56.70 Enhancement High No CommunityServices 2024 2025 2026
2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $60,000 03/04/2024 05/13/2024 FederalGasTax Donations $ 30,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 30,000 $60,000 $60,000 $0 AttachImages:
TheCityandOwenSoundMinorSocceroperatetheKiwanisSoccer Complexviaapartnershipagreement.Capitalimprovementstothe propertyarefunded50%bytheCityand50%byOwenSoundMinor soccerthroughtheagreement. Thiscapitalwouldbeusedtopurchaseandinstall6newdurablewaste receptaclesandrecyclingpairbinswithlidsandanaestheticabove grounddesign. ThedesignwillbeconsistentwithanyrecommendationsfromtheWaste ManagementStudy(2022).
/ Rationale
Rating KiwanisWasteAndRecycling 56.70 5 >10,000.Anestimated36,000usersvisitthesoccercomplexannually. 1 MinorInjuriesnotrequiringmedicalattentionmayresult 4 COSpropertystandardsbylaw 0 ParksassetsarenotincludedintheCity'scurrentassetmanagementplan 3 Bothstafftimeandcostsavingswillbeacheivedbyreducingmanuallitterpickingat
3 Capitalimprovementsatthesoccercomplexare50%fundedbytheCity,and50%
3 Thisprojectwillmoderatelyimprovethenaturalenvironmentbyreducingtheamount oflooselitterthatblowsoutofun-lidedcansontothegroundoradjacent watercourses. 4 Projectwillbefreetoaccessforallusers 4 projectaddressesafailingaestheticandprovidesanimprovement. 3 Projectsupportsanobjectiveofhtestrategicplan 3 24D.50 Documentedsupportsthroughinformalpublicengagement
thelargeproperty.separatingrecyclableswillreducethevolumeofwastegenerated atthispropertythereforereducingthewastemanagementcostburdenofthesoccer complexnominally.
DuncanMcLellanParkistheCity'smarqueeballparkwith3classA diamonds.
Theexistingballdiamondswereconstructedover30yearsagoona knowlandfillsite.Overtimegradechangesandundulationinthe outfieldhasoccurred,andturf-grasshasdifficultyestablishingin portionsoftheNorthdiamondoutfield.
Infieldmateril,traditionallysandmixhasmixedWashingtonclayballmix withthesandinanattempttomanagedustmigrationtoneighboring properties.
Thiscapitalwouldbeusedtohirecontractorsto: -Re-Gradetheoutfieldtoalevelplayingsurface -Importtopsoiltocreateimprovedsoilconditionsforturfgrass establishmentincliudingperennailRyegrassandKentuckyBluegrass -removeexistinginfield"skin"layerofmixedmaterial -gradeandassestheconditoinoftheinfieldbaselayermaterialand drainange
-importappropriategranitebasedsandinfieldmaterialandgrade -replaceexisitngincadencentlightfixtureswithLEDrepalcementson theexistingconctetepoles.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 DuncanMcClellanNorthRenewal 24D.51 36.40 Rehabilitation Moderate No CommunityServices 25 2024 2025 2026
2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $170,000 05/16/2024 12/31/2024 FederalGasTax PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 170,000 $170,000 $170,000 $0
Justification / Rationale for Rating DuncanMcClellanNorthRenewal 36.40 4 Itisestimatedapproximately6,000usersenjoythenorthDiamondatDuncan McLellanParkannually 3 MultipleInjuriesMayresult 1 noknownlegislativerequirement 0 ParksAssetsarenotcapturedbytheCity'sAssetManagementPlan 3 Improvedinfieldandoutfieldconditionswillresultinlowermaintenancecostsand reduceovertime. 0 Noknownopportunityforpartnershiporgrant 1 Littleornoenvironmentalimpact 2 Maintainsanexistingpublicspace 3 Addingdugoutstoanimprovedplayingfieldwillimprovetheaestheticvalueofthe space 1 an improvedplayingfieldwillimprovetheaestheticvalueofthespace 2 24D.51 Hasbeenmentionedinformallythroughpublicengagements.
2023-2024 Appendix D: Invest - RenewManage Capital Detail Sheets 371
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2023 BunkerGearReplacement 23U.1 66.90 Replacement High No Fire 10 2023 2024 2025 PhilEagleson 2022 $29,000 $29,000 NFPA1971-StandardonProtectiveEnsemblesforStructuralFire FightingrequiresthereplacementofPPEassetseverytenyearsoras required. 2023Assetsrequiringreplacementinclude: 5xbunkergearreplacements 11xreplacementfireboots 25year-PPEreplacementschedulehasrecentlybeencreated.This documentwillforecastfuturereplacementneeds. Multi-yearproject-Everyyear $0 $0 $0 $82,000 Reserves $ 28,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $28,000 $25,000 $28,000 $25,000 AttachImages: PPE.jpg
Justification / Rationale for Rating BunkerGearReplacement 66.90 1 26SuppressionFirefighters&5supportpersonnel 5 TheutmosthighestpriorityisthatweprovideadequateandappropriatePPEtoprotect ourFirefighters. 5 NFPA1971-StandardonProtectiveEnsemblesforStructuralFireFighting. 5 FailureofAssetcanresultincriticalinjury. 4 Replacementoftheassetincreasesreliabilityofoperations. 2 FundfromFireBunkerGearReserve 1 MinimalimpacttotheEnvironment 5 ScheduledreplacementofthepooledassetincludesfundingforfuturePPE replacementofdiversityrecruitmentopportunities. 2 Projectsupportsimprovingpositivecommunityimage 1 SupportsCoreservicedelivery. 0 23U.1 Nopublicengagementfortheproject.
DevelopmentChargesareone-timefeeschargedbymunicipalitiesonnewresidentialand nonresidentialpropertiestohelppayforalloraportionofgrowthrelatedcapitalcosts. Withoutdevelopmentchargesinplaceorwhereinsufficientdevelopmentchargesare collected,thecostofgrowthrelatedcapitalmustberaisedthroughtaxationand/orwater, wastewaterorstormwaterrates.
TheDevelopmentChargesActrequiresthattheCityreviewtheDevelopmentCharges By-laweveryfiveyearsthroughthepreparationorupdateofabackgroundstudy.
TheCityofOwenSoundlastcompletedabackgroundstudyonOctober7,2019,andthe by-lawwaspassedonSeptember28,2020.Newinthe2020by-lawwastheinclusionofan exemptionfromDevelopmentChargesforRentalHousingDevelopmentsoftenreferredtoas PurposeBuiltRental.Inordertoqualifyasarentaldevelopment,apropertymustbeadding morethanfournewunits.TheadditionofasinglenewunitisexemptunderDevelopment Chargeslegislation.
AtthespecialmeetingheldonNovember12,2021thefollowingresolutionwascarried: S-211112-002
"THATinconsiderationofthedraft2022CapitalBudget,CityCouncildirectsstafftobring forwardareportonDevelopmentChargesthatincludesrecommendationsonpotential changestoaddresslostrevenuestemmingfromDevelopmentChargeexemptions."
InresponsestaffhavereviewedtheexistingbylawwithHemsonConsultantsaswellaslegal Council.Thecurrentrecommendationistoupdatethebackgroundstudyoneyearearlyin ordertore-evaluatethefinancialimpactsofexclusionsandreconfirmCouncil'spositionon howDevelopmentChargesareappliedtofuturedevelopments.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2023 DevelopmentChargesByLawUpdate 23B.5 62.20 Study
Yes CorporateServices 5 years 2023 2024 2025
2022 $30,000 $0
$0 $0 $0 $30,000 03/31/2023 DevelopmentCharges $ 30,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $30,000 $0 AttachImages:
Justification / Rationale for Rating
DevelopmentChargesByLawUpdate 62.20 5
4 Projectsidentifiedasgrowthrelatedcapitalmustbeaddedtotheassetmanagement
1 Completingthebackgroundstudydoesnothaveanenvironmentalimpact 1 Completingthebackgroundstudydoesnotimpactservicedelivery 2 Completingthebackgroundstudymayallowfortheinclusionoffutureenhancements
3 23B.5
DevelopmentChargesprovideafundingsourceforgrowthrelatedcapitalandassuch eligibleprojectsarenotfundedbythetaxlevy.Everytaxpayerisimpactedbythe availabiltyofDevelopmentCharges
DevelopmentChargesaregovernedbytheDevelopmentChargesAct.Undertheact abackgroundstudymustbecompletedevery4years.
CompletingthebackgroundstudyhasnoimpactonOperationalPerformancealthough theworkdonetoidentifycapitalprojectscanbeleveragedinfuturebudget development.
Inordertosupportalligningtheannualcapitallevyincreaseat1%prioryear'slevy, Developmentchargesprovideanalternativefundingsourceforgrowthrelatedcapital.
PublicEngagementisasignificantrequirementundertheDevelopmentChargesActin thepassingofanewbylaw.
In2022theCityundertookanITNeedsAssessment,basedonstrategic andlegislativerequirements,whichfacilitatedanextensivereviewofthe City’scoresystems.Thegoalsoftheprojectweretoidentifywhich systemsmeetcurrentandfutureneedsaswellastoenhancetheCity’s abilitytodelivercriticalservices,improveservicedelivery,enhance efficiencies,andprovideahigherlevelofintegrationbetweenplatforms. Aspartofthefinalreport,along-termsolutionarchitecturefortheCity wasdevelopedprioritizingwhichsystemsneedtobereplacedinwhich order.
Basedontheassessmentrecommendations,theCitywillbelookingat movingaheadwithprocuringanassetmanagementsolutionstartingin 2023,followedbythereplacementorenhancementofanumberofother systemsoverthenext5years.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2023 Software Transformation 23A.6 61.60 Replacement High No CorporateServices 7-10Years 2023 2024 2025 MarkGiberson 2022 $880,000 $880,000
$0 $0 $0 $1,410,000 Reserves PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 250,000 $250,000 $280,000 $250,000 $280,000 AttachImages:
Justification / Rationale for Rating Software Transformation 23A.6 61.60 5 AffectsdeliveryofallitservicestostaffandCitizens.>10,000 0 NoImpactonHealthanSafety 5 Completionwillgainfulllegislative/regulatorycompliance 5 Highconsequence 5 BothStafftimeandcostsavingswillbeachievedasaresultoftheproject 0 Noopportunityforpartnershiporgrantfunding 1 Littleornoimpactonenvironment 0 Projectwillhavenodirectimpactonpublic 0 Noimpact 3 ServiceExcellence-KR3SupportsanobjectiveoftheStrategicPlan 0 Hasnotbeenidentifiedbythepublic
The2022coresystemsreviewidentifiednotonlytheneedtoimplementsystemschangesandacquirenew software,butalsotheneedtoimproveITmaturitywithintheCitymovingitfrombeingreactivetoproactive. TheITDivisionhasoperatedinthesamewaysincetheearly2000'swithnoreviewoftitcoreservices, technologystack,orstaffingskillsetstosupportoperatinginthecurrentenvironmentthatweworktoday.
TheStrategicReviewwilllookatcurrentstateofhardwareandsoftwaremanagement,vendormanagement, staffing,servicelevelsandsecurityandprovideaframeworkwithmeasurabletargets.Thisframeworkwith focusontheshorttomediumtermandassistITinbetteraligningitselftoorganization'sbusinessneeds.
AStrategicReviewwilloutlinetheprioritizationofshort,mediumITrequirements.Coveringallaspectsof technologymanagementwithintheCity,includinghardwareandsoftwaremanagement,vendor management,staffingandsecurity,ItwillprovidedirectionandfocustoallowtheITDepartmenttowork towardsadefinedtechnologyroad-mapwithspecificmeasurabletargetstoenabletheCity departments/divisionstoachievetheirgoals.IdentifywhatandhowthoseITservicesareprovidedandthe staffingskillsetsneededtodeliverthoseservices.
1.ReviewservicessuchasHelpDesk,Patchmanagementandmakerecommendationonimprovingthat service.
2.Reviewthecurrenttechnologystack(Server,Desktops,Virtualization,SaaS)validandandmake recommendations.
3.ReviewhowcurrentprojectsthatasITcentricareapproved,budgetedandmanagedandmake recommendationonimprovingthatprocess.
4.ReviewwilllookathowsupportisprovidedbyVendors,ITroleandtheroleofotherdivisionsinthat support.
5.LookatthecurrentITstaffingskillsetanddetermineifitistherightfitmovingforwardinaproactiveIT divisionandmakerecommendationonhowtoimprovethoseskillsets.
Costs Incurred to Year End
Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule:
Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2023 IT Strategic Review 23A.20 57.60 Consulting
5-7Years 2023 2024 2025 MarkGiberson 2022 $0
Funding Sources:
$0 $0 $0 $35,000 Reserves PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $0 AttachImages: IT.jpg
Justification / Rationale for Rating IT Strategic Review 23A.20 57.60 3 Affectsdeliveryofallitservicestostaff 0 NoImpactonHealthanSafety 5 Completionwillgainfulllegislative/regulatorycompliance 5 Highconsequence 5 BothStafftimeandcostsavingswillbeachievedasaresultoftheproject 0 Noopportunityforpartnershiporgrantfunding 1 Littleornoimpactonenvironment 0 Projectwillhavenodirectimpactonpublic 0 Noimpact 3 ServiceExcellence-KR3SupportsanobjectiveoftheStrategicPlan 0 Hasnotbeenidentifiedbythepublic
ThecurrentStrategicPlanwasa"bridge"from2021-2023tobetteralignthelong termvisionoftheorganizationwithtermsofCouncil.
Thisworkundertakesthedevelopmentofalongterm2050vision-informedbythe viewpointsofCityCouncil,community,stakeholders,andstaff.
Theprocessofcreatingalong-termStrategicPlanispartofabroader transformationplanninginitiative.Wearebuildingacitywherepeoplewanttolive, raisefamilies,invest,workandenjoytourismandrecreationalopportunities.
Fosteringasharedvisionandprioritieswillenableserviceexcellencethroughout theorganization.
Onceapproved,the2050Visionwillenablethedevelopmentof“TermofCouncil Priorities”aftereachelection.
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List StrategicPlan-2050Vision 23B.3 56.40 No Consulting High City Manager Michelle Palmer $0 $0 $0 $100,000 01/04/2022 05/01/2023 Grant $ 50,000 Reserves $ 50,000 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $100,000 $0 $100,000
Justification / Rationale for Rating StrategicPlan-2050Vision 56.40 5 Greaterthan10,000citizens,willimpactentire 0 Noimpact 3 Notcompliant 1 LookingatexistingCityassets. 3 Strategicplanprovidescleardirectionofthelongtermvisionofthecommunity andidentifydirectionforcontinuoustermsofcounciltoensureaconsistent progresstowardsthatlongtermvision 3 Opportunityformodernizationgrantfunding(Fall2021intake) 3 Theoutcomeofthisprojectwillsupportclimatechangeinitiatives 5 Theoutcomeofthisprojectwillsupportdiversityandinclusioninitiatives 5 ACitythatGrowsKeyResult-UndertakeanOwenSound2050Vision 4 StrategicPlanhadcommunityengagementthroughcommittees 23B.3
ThermalImagingCameras(TIC)areanintegralpieceoffirefighting technology.TheuseofTICincreasesfirefightereffectivenessand safety.NFPA1801isthestandardforTICuse.ReplacementofTIC unitsisrecommendednotgreaterthan12yearsofservicelife.
Thecurrentassetis17yearsoldandnolongersupportedbythe manufacturer.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2023 ThermalImagingCameras 23U.4 53.00 Replacement High No Fire 10 years 2023 2024 2025 PhilEagleson 2022 $0
$0 $0 $0 $13,000 TaxLevy $ 13,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $13,000 $13,000 $0 AttachImages: TIC.jpg
53.00 1 FirefightersaretheenduseroftheAsset. 5 Failureoftheassetwouldbedirectlydetrimentaltothesafetyofstaff. 4 NFPA1801-10yearreplacement 5 Highconsequenceoffailure. 2 Reductioninoperationaleffectiveness. 2 FireEquipmentReserve 1 N/A 0 N/A 1 N/A 1 Supportscoreservicedelivery 0
Justification / Rationale for Rating ThermalImagingCameras
Forthepastcoupleyears,theCityhasbeenmovingtoastandardized replacementcycletoensureStaffabilitytodeliverserviceseffectively, andprovideamorepredicablemodelforequipmentreplacement.This includesrecognizingtheCovid-19impactonhowweconductbusiness. Replacementofexistingend-of-lifeequipmentonastandardized replacementcycle.
Allequipmentisoutofwarranty,withanaverageagebetween5and10 yearsold.Mostequipmenthasalifeexpectancyof4to5years.
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List ComputerCapital 23A.1 50.80 5-7 No Replacement High CorporateServices MarkGiberson $0 $0 $0 $23,400 01/30/2023 03/30/2023 Reserves (Specify) $ 23,400 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $23,400 $0 $23,400
Justification / Rationale for Rating ComputerCapital 50.80 3 AffectsallStaff,Councilandtheabilitytodeliverservicestothepublic. 1 Someequipmenthavedefectivebatteriesthatmaycauseafirehazard. 1 Noknownlegislation/regulatorycompliancerequirement 3 EquipmentisusedtosupportCity'sassetmanagementplan 5 Currentequipmentispastoperationlifeexpectancywithhigher maintenancecosts.CurrentequipmentreducestheabilityofStaffto work,duetoequipmentnotworkingandneedingrepairs.New equipmentallowsStafftodelivereffectiveservices. 2 Financedthroughreserve 3 Newequipmentisenergystarrated. 0 Projectwillhavenodirectimpactonusers 3 ServiceExcellence-KR3SupportsanobjectiveoftheStrategicPlan 0 Hasnotbeenidentifiedbythepublic 23A.1
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List VirtualSevices-Internet 23A.5 47.00 20 Partial Enhancement Balanced CorporateServices MarkGiberson $0 $0 $0 $50,000 02/01/2023 12/30/2023 WaterRates $ 4,167 WasteWaterRates $ 4,167 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 41,667 $ 0 $50,000 $0 $50,000 ImplementationofenhancedVirtualServicesasidentifiedinthe immediateneedsassessmentreport.Virtualserviceswillallowpublic andotherStakeholdertoconductbusinessvirtuallywiththeCity outsidenormalbusinesshoursandwithoutstaffinteraction,improving servicedelivery,customersatisfactionandreducingstafftime.
Justification / Rationale for Rating VirtualSevices-Internet 47.00 5 Affectsdeliveryofallit'sservicestoStaffandCitizens. 0 NoimpactonHealthandSafety 1 NoknownLegislative/regulatorycompliancerequirement 1 Enhancementtoexistingasset 5 Bothstafftimeandcostssavingswillbeachievedasaresultofthe project 2 FinancedthroughITReserve 1 Little ornoimpactontheenvironment 0 Projectwillhavenodirectimpactonpublic 3 ServiceExcellence-KR3SupportsanobjectiveoftheStrategicPlan 1 Hasbeenmentionedinunsolicitedfeedback 23A.5
EmployeeDevelopmentandPerformanceManagementisthe continuousprocessofimprovingemployeesperformancebysetting individualandteamgoalswhicharealignedtothestrategicgoalsofthe organization,planningperformancetoachievethegoals,reviewingand assessingprocessing,anddevelopingtheknowledgeskills,andabilities ofemployees.Akeypoint,isthatperformancemanagementand developmentisacontinuousprocess-notaonceayearactivity. Byhavingatoolthatallowsseniorleaders,managers,supervisorsand employeestocollaborateandsetsmartgoalsandobjectives,identify learningopportunities,andcontinuouslymonitorprogresswillensure thatthisisanongoingconversation.
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List EmployeeDevelopmentandPerformanceTool 23B.11 43.80 5 No Enhancement Moderate CorporateServices MelissaClancy $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,000 Reserves $ 25,000 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $0 $25,000
/ Rationale for Rating EmployeeDevelopmentandPerformanceTool 43.80 5 Ensureemployeeperformanceanddevelopmentinitiativesoccur 0 Noimpactonhealthandsafety 0 Projectisnotcompliantwithexistinglegislation 0 Projectisnotincludedinanassetmanagementplan. 4 EnsurestaffaredevelopedtocontinuetogrowwiththeCity,andtransition intoalternateroleswithintheCity. 2 Fundedthroughreserves 0 N/A 4 Ensuringdiversity,equityandinclusionforperformancemanagementand developmentofstaffthroughouttheCity. 5 KR3-PartoftheoverallHRStrategyfortheCity. 2 CommunicatedwithinStrategicPlanRefresh. 23B.11
Byensuringemployeesarepaidequitably,theCitycanincreaseefficiency, creativityandproductivelybyhelpingtoattractthebestemployees,reduce turnoverandincreasecommitmenttotheoverallCity.Athoroughcompensation analysisprovidesthedataandinsightsfordecisionsasitrelatestosalariesand totalbenefitsforemployees.
PartofthisstudywillbetocreateapaypolicyfortheCity,whichwilldefinethe frequencythatamarket/payequitystudyiscompleted.Thelastmarketreview wascompletedin2017/2018,anditisabestpracticetocompletesuchan exerciseevery3-5yearsascompensationiscontinuallychangingand progressingbothinternallyandexternally.
Acompensationanalysisusesinternalandexternaldatatodeterminewhetheran employerisrewardingemployeesfairlyornotfortheworktheyaredoing,and althoughsalaryisimportant,itisimportanttoalsolookatbenefitsincluding health,dental,pension,andallowances.
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List PayEquityandMarketReview 22B.4 42.60 5 No Study Moderate CorporateServices MelissaClancy $0 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,000 05/01/2023 03/31/2024 TaxLevy $ 0 WaterRates $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 TaxLevy $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 25,000 $ 0 $0 $25,000
42.60 5 Ensurepaywithinmarketvalues,andpayequityrequirementsmet. 0 Noimpactonhealthandsafety. 4 PayEquityAct 0 Notincludedinanassetmanagementplan. 2 Potentialforincreasedturnover,recruitmentandonboarding.Lossof knowledgeandskillsfromlackofstaffretention. 0 Noopportunityforpartnershiporgrantfunding. 0 N/A 2 Ensuringdiversity,equityandinclusionforpayratesofpositionsattheCity. 5 KR3-DevelopaHumanResourcesStrategy. 4 Employeesimpacted,andsharedwithinStrategicPlanRefresh. 22B.4
/ Rationale for Rating PayEquityandMarketReview
WiththerefreshedStrategicPlanintheSpringof2021,objectivesandkeyresults(OKRs)were introducedattheCityofOwenSound.Withtherightperformancemetrics,organizationscan createinnovativeresults-drivensolutionsandmakeinformedmanagementdecisions.Asa result,aligningactivitiestodesiredobjectivesandthebudgetprovidesasolidframeworkfor organizationalsuccess.
Keycomponentsofbusinessplanninginclude:thereviewandanalysisofdependenciesand linkageswithintheorganizationtoidentifyopportunitiesforcollaboration,greateralignmentand simplification;thedevelopmentandmanagementofameasurementframeworktomeasure, analyze,monitorandreportonkeyresults;and,theestablishmentofagovernanceframework fortheregularmonitoring,reviewingandreportingonprogresstoplan,identifyingthe successfulachievementofmilestonesandtargetsandreportingtotheSeniorLeadershipTeam onareaswheretheachievementofgoalsmaybeatrisksothatcorrectiveactioncanbe identifiedandactiontakenearly.Withagoalofimprovingcollaborationandefficiencytomake themostinformeddecisions,theimplementationofatoolwhichautomatesthetrackingand reportingprocesswillreducetheeffortrequiredtoinputdataandwillincreasetimeavailableto analyzeandcontinuouslyimproveinordertoachievethedesiredobjectives.
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List BusinessPlanningTool 23B.2 40.30 N/A No NewAsset Moderate CityManager MichellePalmer $0 $15,000 $15,000 $25,000 01/03/2023 06/30/2023 TaxLevy $ 25,000 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $25,000 $0 $25,000
Justification / Rationale for Rating BusinessPlanningTool 40.30 5 Greaterthan10,000 0 Noimpactonhealthandsafety 1 Noknownlegislative/regulatorycompliancerequirement 0 Notincludedinanassetmanagementplan 4 Currentmanualprocesswillbeeliminatedonmanagingprojectstatus andreportingwhichwillresultinStafftimesavingsandenhance reportingto 1 Potentialtoapplyformunicipalmodernizationgrantfunding(Fall2021 stream) 0 NoImpact 0 Noimpact 4 ObjectiveClearDirection,butnotaspecificKeyResult 2 GatheredthroughfeedbackatCommittee 23B.2
2022 2023 2024+ Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Firewalls 23A.2 38.60 10 No Enhancement Balanced CorporateServices MarkGiberson $0 $0 $0 $14,000 01/30/2023 04/30/2023 Reserves (Specify) $ 14,000 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $14,000 $0 $14,000 Enhancementstocurrentnetworkfirewallsandcybersecurityprotocols BothCityauditorsandInsurancecarrierhaverecommendedstandards toreducepotentialfordatalostandmaliciousattacks.Increaseuseof Cloudbasedservicesrequireenhancementstoensureaccesstodatain protectedandmonitored.
Justification / Rationale for Rating Firewalls 38.60 5 >10,000 0 NoimpactonHealthandSafety 1 Noknownlegislative/regulatorycompliancerequirement 1 Enhancementtoexistingasset 4 Improvedsecurityagainhacking,spamandnetworksecurity.Failureto dosomaycauselostofstafftime. 2 Fundedthroughreserve 1 Littleornoimpactonenvironment 0 NodirectimpactonPublic 1 Supportscoreservicedelivery 0 Hasnotbeenidentifiedbythepublic 23A.2
ThecurrentFireStationopeneditsdoorsonNovember17th,1974. Sincethen,significantimprovements,enhancementsorrenovationsthat havebeencompletedincludeanadditionofatruckbayonthe Northsidein1996andreplacingtheroofin2020.
Mostbuildingfeaturesandserviceequipmentareoriginalandhavenot beenupdated.ThefirestationremainsinalocationthatservestheCity wellandallowsforadesirableresponsetimetoallareasserved.
Updatestothelayoutoftheexistingareaswillincreasefunctionalityand accessibilitywhileprovidingamoreinclusiveenvironmentforstaffand visitors.AdditionalspacewillallowforindustrybestpracticesinPPE storageandthedecontaminationofequipmentandpersonnel.
TheproposedrenovationandadditionwillenhanceFirefighterWellness initiatives,includingCanceravoidanceandphysicalfitnessprograms. Thedesignwillsupportdiversityofstaffinamodernizedfirestation layout.
ProposedadditionatRear(North)oftheexistingbuilding.$225,000 wouldupdateWhitelineArchitectsInc.’sdesigncompletedin2019.
FireStation1.jpg;FireStation2.jpg;FireStation Structure.jpg;FireStationrear.jpg;FireStation front.jpg;FirehallSiding.jpg
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2023 FireStationRenovationandAddition-50yearUpdate 23U.10 63.10 Addition High Partial Fire 50 2023 2024 2025 PhilEagleson/Larry Gill 2022
$0 $0 $0 $4,225,000 02/01/2024 11/18/2024 Reserves $ 225,000 Debenture $ 3,000,000 DevelopmentCharges $ 1,000,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect -$ 4,225,000 $225,000 $0 $225,000
Justification / Rationale for Rating
FireStationRenovationandAddition-50yearUpdate 63.10 1
2 FundedthroughReserves 2
5 Theexistingdesignofthefirestationdoesnotaccommodateagenderdiversityof
5 CreateacomprehensivecorporateEquity,DiversityandInclusionStrategyby
1 23U.10
32employeesworkfromtheFireStation.TheFireDepartmentservesapopulationof morethan20,000residents
Identifieddeficienciesoftheexistingbuildingwillneedtoberectified.Riskisthestaff workinginthestation.Littleornorisktothepublic. Manyoftherequiredupgradesarerelatedtocanceravoidanceinstaff.
Section21legislation-PPE,SCBAorotherfirefightingequipmentthathasbeen contaminated-mustbecleanedandpersonalclothingmustbewashed.
Buildingdesignwillpermitproperstorageofassetsanddecontaminationofequipment andpersonnel.
staff.Arenovation/additionoftheFireStationwillpermitdiversityandinclusion opportunitiesinaworkplacethathistoricallyhasnotbeendiverse.
PreservationofFireDepartmentHistoryandartifactshasbeenidentifiedasapriority. RecentworkbyGreyRootsMuseumhasbeencompletedtodocumentFDHistory.
Researchshowsincreasingemployeeengagementleadstoimproved servicetothepublicandincreasescitizens’trustandconfidencein government.Highlyengagedemployeesnotonlyprovidebetterservice tocustomersbuttheirgeneralperformancewasbetterthanothers,had betterattendanceandwerelesslikelytoleave.Theinitialsurveywas completedin2021andprovidedabaselineofemployeeengagement andidentifyspecificdriversofemployeeengagementattheCityof OwenSound.Throughtheflexibilityforthereportingofresultsthrough multipleteamlenses,thisfollow-upsurveywillidentifyprogressand gapstoenableactionableresultsandsupportingtoolstofosteran environmentthatempowersleadersandemployeestoberesponsive andengagedinresultstobuildaplacewherewewanttowork.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 EmployeeEngagementSurvey2024 24B.1 50.20 Consulting High No CityManager 3 years 2024 2025 2026 MichellePalmer 2023 $25,000 $0
$0 $0 $0 $25,000 09/30/2024 TaxLevy PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 25,000 $25,000 $0 AttachImages: EmployeeEngagementSurvey.png
Justification / Rationale for Rating EmployeeEngagementSurvey2024 50.20 1 Employeeengagementleadstoimprovedservicetothepublicandincreasescitizens’ trustandconfidenceingovernment 3 Lackofemployeeengagementleadstodecreasedattendanceandmayleadtostaff mentalhealth 3 Employersarerequiredtoprovideasafeworkplace 0 Notapplicable 2 Highlyengagedemployeesnotonlyprovidebetterservicetocustomers,buttheir generalperformancewasbetterthanothers 5 ThisprojectisrecommendedtobefundedentirelyfromtheProvince'smodernization grantwhichisintendedtoaddressservicedeliveryandefficiency. 0 Projecthasaneutralimpactontheenvironment 5 InformationgatheredsupportsthedevelopmentofaHumanResourcesstrategywhich supportsdiversityandinclusionKR3-ClearDirection 1 Notapplicable 4 InformationgatheredsupportsthedevelopmentofaHumanResourcesstrategyKR3ClearDirection 0 24B.1 Hasnotbeenidentifiedbythepublic
TheCityvaluesthefeedbackandopinionsofit'sresidents.Public engagementthroughstatisticallysignificantsurveysandfocusgroups offersanopportunitytohearfromcitizensandstakeholdersabouttheir top-of-mindissuesofconcernandsatisfactionwithCityservicesand buildsstrongerrelationshipswiththepublic.
Conductingcitizensatisfactionsurveysisalsoaneffectivewayto examinetheCity’sperformanceincomparisontothenationalnormand seehowOwenSound’sserviceofferingsanddeliverymeasuresupto othermunicipalities.
TheinitialstatisticallyrelevantsurveywascompletedintheSummerof 2021.Byre-surveyingin2024,itwillenabletheCitytoassesschanges insatisfactionwithservicesandimportanceofservices.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 CitizenSatisfactionSurvey2024 24B.2 49.40 Consulting High No CityManager 3 2024 2025 2026 MichellePalmer 2023 $25,000 $0
$0 $0 $0 $25,000 08/31/2023 Grant PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 25,000 $25,000 $0 AttachImages: CitizenSatisfactionSurvey.jpg
Justification / Rationale for Rating
Surveysareanimportantsourceofstatisticallyvalid,reliableandrelevantfeedback fromcitizens.Tobestatisticallyrelevantrequires400respondents/individuals.
ConductingcitizensatisfactionsurveysisalsoaneffectivewaytoexaminetheCity’s performanceincomparisontothenationalnormandseehowOwenSound’sservice offeringsanddeliverymeasuresuptoothermunicipalities.Publicinputisakeydriver fordecision-making,andinformspolicydecisions,budgetaryspendingandcontinuous improvement.
ThisprojectisrecommendedtobefundedentirelyfromtheProvince'smodernization grantwhichisintendedtoaddressservicedeliveryandefficiency.
IdentifiedactionforKR2-ServiceExcellence-enhanceourinformation,technology anddigitalcapabilitiestoallowresidents,business,andvisitorstointeractwiththeCity where,whenandhowtheychoose
TheCityengageswithcitizensinavarietyofmethodsonvariousprojects,and undertookastatisticallyreliablecitizensatisfactionsurveyin2021.
CitizenSatisfactionSurvey2024 49.40 5
Theprojectensuresthatvoicesofengagementareinclusiveasitisastatistically relevantsurveyrepresentativeofCitydemographics
In 2020, Council approved the installation of 26 wayfinding signs, produced and installed in accordance with the RTO7 Wayfinding Signage Standard and Specifications for Bruce, Grey, and Simcoe Counties.
In 2021, Council approved a Wayfinding Signage Strategy, a high priority item in the River District Action Plan. Staff is currently working with Fathom Studios, a highly regarded Wayfinding Signage consultant, to complete the Wayfinding Signage Strategy.
Wayfinding signage is an important tool for pedestrian and vehicular traffic that contributes to a sense of place, well-being, safety, and security in a community. A professionally developed wayfinding signage strategy consistent with RTO7 Standards will assist the City and the River District Board of Management in developing signage and information systems for both pedestrians and motorists, who each have unique needs navigating streets, parking, sidewalks, and trail systems.
The next steps is the implementation of the Wayfinding Signage Strategy recommendations, which will be forthcoming this fall. The City will continue to leverage RT07 partnership funding as well as possible partnerships with the River District Board of Management to carry out the recommendations within the Wayfinding Signage Strategy.
202 202 202 + Costs Incurred to 2021 Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Wayfinding Signage 24C.1 38.90 20 No Replacement Moderate Community Services Brent Fisher $50,000 $50,000 $0 $0 $100,000 08/01/2024 12/31/2025 Grant $ 50,000 Tax Levy $ 37,500 Donations $ 12,500 PleaseSelect $ 0 PleaseSelect $ 0 $ 0 $50,000 $0
Signage 38.90 5 >10,000. 1 Noimpactonhealthandsafety. 3 Projectwillmoveorganizationclosertomeetinglegislation. 2 Moderateprobabilityoffailure;lowconsequence. 0 Slightimpactonoperationalefficiencyandeffectiveness. 3 Noopportunityforpartnershiporgrantfunding. 1 Littleornoimpactonenvironmentasaresultoftheproject. 4 Maintainsanexistingpublicspace. 1 Projectsupportscoreservicedelivery. 2 Hasnotbeenidentifiedbythepublic. 24C.1
/ Rationale for Rating Wayfinding
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 SmallEquipment,ToolsandSupplies-PooledAssets 45.80 Replacement Moderate No Fire 1 year (Supplies) upto15 years (Equipment) 2024 2025 2026 PhilEagleson 2023 $0 Ongoingmulti-yearproject. Pooledcapitalassetsoftools,equipment,suppliesandconsumables. Example:Medicalsupplies.(Oneuse-Disposable) Note: Considerreallocatingprojectfundingtotheoperatingbudgetonan annualbasis. $0 $0 $0 $5,100 TaxLevy $ 5,100 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $5,100 $5,100 $0 AttachImages: Equipment.JPG
Justification / Rationale for Rating SmallEquipment,ToolsandSupplies-PooledAssets 45.80 1 4 MedicalSuppliesandEquipment 3 1 5 0 0 0 1 1 SupportsCoreServiceDelivery 0
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 BunkerGearReplacement U.1 62.70 Replacement High No Fire 10 2024 2025 2026 PhilEagleson 2023 $0 NFPA1971-StandardonProtectiveEnsemblesforStructuralFire FightingrequiresreplacingPPEassetseverytenyearsorasneeded. 2024-Assetsrequiringreplacementinclude: 4xbunkergearreplacements 1xnewrecruit 3xreplacementboots 25year-PPEreplacementschedulehasrecentlybeencreated.This documentwillforecastfuturereplacementneeds. Multi-yearproject. Fundingisfromfirebunkergearreserve. $0 $0 $0 $25,000 Reserves $ 25,000 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $25,000 $25,000 $0 AttachImages: PPE.jpg
/ Rationale for Rating BunkerGearReplacement 62.70 1 26SuppressionFirefighters&5supportpersonnel 5 TheutmosthighestpriorityisthatweprovideadequateandappropriatePPEtoprotect ourFirefighters. 5 NFPA1971-StandardonProtectiveEnsemblesforStructuralFireFighting. 5 FailureofAssetcanresultincriticalinjury. 4 Replacementoftheassetincreasesreliabilityofoperations. 0 1 5 ScheduledreplacementofthepooledassetincludesfundingforfuturePPE replacementofdiversityrecruitmentopportunities. 4 1 SupportsCoreservicedelivery. 0 U.1
Forthepastcoupleyears,theCityhasbeenmovingtoastandardized replacementcycletoensureStaffabilitytodeliverserviceseffectively, andprovideamorepredicablemodelforequipmentreplacement.This includesrecognizingtheCovid-19impactonhowweconductbusiness. Replacementofexistingend-of-lifeequipmentonastandardized replacementcycle.
Allequipmentisoutofwarranty,withanaverageagebetween5and10 yearsold.Mostequipmenthasalifeexpectancyof4to5years.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 Computer Capital 24A.1 50.40 Replacement High No CorporateServices 5-7Years 2024 2025 2026 MarkGiberson 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $36,400 Reserves $ 36,400 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $36,400 $36,400 $0 AttachImages: LP-1040MF_34_tcm75-134072.png
/ Rationale for Rating Computer Capital 24A.1 50.40 3 AffectsallStaff,Councilandtheabilitytodeliverservicestothepublic. 1 Equipmentusedtofieldcommunicationtostaffworkingalone. 1 Noknownlegislation/regulatorycompliancerequirement 3 EquipmentisusedtosupportCity'sassetmanagementplan 5 Currentequipmentispastoperationlifeexpectancywithhighermaintenancecosts.
2 Financedthroughreserve 3 Newequipmentisenergystarrated. 0 Noimpact 0 NoImpact 3 ServiceExcellence-KR3SupportsanobjectiveoftheStrategicPlan 0 Hasnotbeenidentifiedbythepublic
CurrentequipmentreducestheabilityofStafftowork,duetoequipmentnotworking andneedingrepairs.NewequipmentallowsStafftodelivereffectiveservices.
Forthepastcoupleyears,theCityhasbeenmovingtoastandardized replacementcycletoensureStaffabilitytodeliverserviceseffectively, andprovideamorepredicablemodelforequipmentreplacement.This includesrecognizingtheCovid-19impactonhowweconductbusiness. Replacementofexistingend-of-lifeequipmentonastandardized replacementcycle.In2024,serversandstorageformaincity applicationswillbereplaced.
Allequipmentisoutofwarranty,withanaverageagebetween5and10 yearsold.Mostequipmenthasalifeexpectancyof4to5years.
Costs Incurred to Year End Impact on Operating Budg Total Project Budget: Schedule: Funding Sources: Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List Select from List 2024 ServerandStorageReplacement 24.A.2 43.50 Replacement Moderate No CorporateServices 5-7 2024 2025 2026 MarkGiberson 2023 $0
$0 $0 $0 $262,100 Reserves $ 262,100 PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect PleaseSelect $ 0 $262,100 $262,100 $0 AttachImages:
Justification / Rationale for Rating ServerandStorageReplacement 43.50 5 AffectsdeliveryofserverstoallCitizen'sofOwenSound. 0 1 Noknownlegislative/regulatorycompliance 3 moderateprobabilityoffailure;lowconsequence 3 Operationalefficiencieswillbeachieved 2 Fundedthroughreserves 1 Littleornoimpactonenvironmentasaresultoftheproject 1 TheProjectdoesnoteliminateanexistingpublic 1 Assethasnoaestheticvalue(i.e.isunderground,isnotvisible) 3 ProjectsupportsanobjectiveoftheStrategicPlan 0 24.A.2 Hasnotbeenidentifiedbythepublic
808 2nd Avenue East Owen Sound, ON N4K 2H4 P. 519-376-1440 E. kallan@owensound.ca www.owensound.ca/budget 422