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Operating Budget Funding Sources
62% Property Taxes
Property tax bills are divided between the City of Owen Sound, the County of Grey and the local school boards. Owen Sound uses its portion to pay for City programs and services. including fire and emergency services, parks and trails, recycle collection, snow removal, and capital repairs and investments to roads and facilities.
Total Proposed 2023 Tax Levy: $33,135,964
24% User Fees & Other Revenue
User fees and other revenue contribute to the operating budget to help maintain the services provided by the City that are only used by a portion of residents, visitors and developers.
Grants 8%
The City of Owen Sound benefits from almost $3 million in grant funding for the 2023 Operating Budget. City Staff work hard to use grants from the government and other organizations to extend the investment of each tax payer’s dollar in City services.
OMPF Funding
Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) is the Province’s main general assistance grant to municipalities. The program primarily supports northern and rural municipalities across the province with limited property assessment.
Non-tax Revenue Streams
The City of Owen Sound implements user fees and service charges to help offset the required tax levy for core services provided. These other sources of revenue contribute to the Operating Budget and help enhance the quality of services offered. Examples of fees and charges and the revenue they earned in 2022 include:
Garbage Bag Tags: $490,000
Marriage & Other Licences: $115,000
Parking Revenue (passes & tickets): $130,000
Campground Rentals: $370,000
Bus Tickets & Passes: $250,000
Facility Bookings: $950,000
Council Strategic Priorities: Percentage of Tax Bill*
Supporting inclusivity, diversity, and accessibility in our community and recognizing the importance of a safe and secure community.
25% $14,229,309 Facilitating sustainable transportation options and create community connectivity.
1% $674,161
Achieving the population target for Owen Sound as set out in the Grey County Growth Management Plan.
10% $5,155,150
9% $4,830,181
Planning community amenities that create great places and spaces for community living.
Cultivating a vibrant and diverse arts, culture, and heritage environment throughout the city.
3% $1,234,063
Enhancing the City’s resiliency and capacity for mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change. Supporting and promoting healthy lifestyles.
Corporate Priorities
2% $789,452
<1% $467,920
Working toward a positive business environment and support initiatives that increase our competitive economic advantages.
County: 19% Education: 8% Capital & Debt: 16% City Operations: 57% Total Tax Bill Distribution
6% $3,566,566
CLEAR DIRECTION SERVICE EXCELLENCE Maintaining and improving relationships through engagement.
Cultivating an environment to support a common understanding of where the organization is going in the future and ensuring a solid financial foundation and capacity for delivery.
Being a modern and efficient municipal government that makes citizens’ lives better every day.
* percentages are for illustrative purposes; for full budget details, see Appendix B