Florensis Cyklamen

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Florensis Netherlands Office Address Hamer Bloemzaden BV Langeweg 79, 3342 LD H.I.Ambacht PB 32, 3330 AA Zwijndrecht

2011 January

Netherlands Office contact T 078 623 32 00 F 078 610 10 77 E sales@florensis.com

Belgium Office contact Florensis Belgium b.v.b.a. Boonhof 17, B-2890 Sint-Amands

Florensis Flower Seeds UK Ltd Remah House, Anderson Road Swavesey, CB24 4GG Co.Reg.No. 06948413 UK Office contact T 01954-207702 F 01954-207000 E info@florensis.co.uk Germany Office Address Florensis Deutschland GmbH Postfach 31 17 61 SolitudestraĂ&#x;e 99 D-70477 Stuttgart D-70499 Stuttgart Germany Office contact E info@florensis.de T 0711 / 86 00 9 0 F 0711 / 86 00 9 22


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Maureen Bollard Sycamore Channel Road, Rush, Co.Dublin tel. 01 8438 176 fax 01 8438 945 mob 087 659 2871 email maureen.bollard@goldcrop.ie

Agents On our website, www.florensis.com, you can find all the latest contact details of our agents. please visit our website on a regular basis were you can find the latest, news, information and updates of our products.

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Belgium Office contact T 052 34 18 58 F 052 34 39 60 E florensis@florensis.be


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Disclaimer The offered information in this catalogue has been carefully composed. However, opinions, circumstances and applications may very; if experiences miss we recommend a trial based application. Law and rules are not equal all over Europe. You must always follow the binding rules in your


own country. Florensis (Hamer c.s.) takes no responsibility for possible damage resulting from using the information published on this website.

1 INDEX Dear customer,

1 Introduction/Index

Over the last few years, the supply of Cyclamen varieties on the market


has changed significantly. New breeding products are introduced all the

time and the vast choice and required expert knowledge present us with new challenges on a daily basis. With our knowledge and experience, we are day in, day out involved in assisting you in making the right choices. This knowledge and experience also play a part when choosing our young plant varieties, in what sizes we supply and evidently form the basis for the production of high quality young plants.

Our product formats

3 Young Cyclamen plants Quality through experience


4 - 9 Large flowering,

Sales support

traditional larger habit

10 - 15 Large flowering


compact habit

In the enclosed young plant catalogue, we would like to present you with

16 - 19 Midi Cyclamen

our assortment of young Cyclamen plants, including the very best varie-

20 - 28 Mini Cyclamen

ties as bred by leading Cyclamen breeders. Apart from standard large-

flowered varieties, Midi and Mini Cyclamen, this catalogue also includes

32 Index

a large number of special varieties. Specialities that will provide you with good sales and marketing opportunities. Very promising new products for the 2011 season certainly include the new Fantasia mixes, the fringed Halios varieties, as well as the silver-leaved Super SerieÂŽs Picasso series.

We wish you the best of success for the coming season and are looking forward to working with you!

traysize recommended selling period potsize

12 - 22 cm

approx. crop time using 18-20 W

transplanted young plants of trays 84 and 128

approx. crop time using 15 - 17 W

young plants of the tray 288

New 2011



Our product formats

Young Cyclamen plants Quality through experience

All Cyclamen are delivered in reusable Florensis trays, which are part of an environmentally friendly recycling system and are taken back, cleaned and reused. Our Cyclamen are available in three different formats.

In the production of best quality young cyclamen

Pricked out and selected young plants

detailed knowledge regarding the requirements of the

plants, one simply cannot do without experience and various different series and varieties. The amount of

Our pricked out young Cyclamen plants are delivered in two different quantities, in an 84-cell tray and in a 128-cell tray. The small root balls of the Cyclamen seedlings are pricked out into the respective plugs of the trays as soon as they reach their optimum size, which depends on the variety in question. Depending on the variety, this takes place 7 to 8 weeks after sowing. During this pricking out process, the seedlings are sorted in order to produce starting material of the highest possible degree of uniformity. Weak plants are removed and thrown out. Towards the end of the cultivation period, the young plant trays are checked again. Empty cells or plants that have not developed sufficiently are replaced.

knowledge regarding Cyclamen constantly increases. A

84-cell tray

nurseries and see what goes on in every day practice,

team of highly qualified specialists is exclusively involved in cultivation of young Cyclamen plants and concentrates entirely on the quality of these young plants. Our team of specialized growers is regularly supported by external experts. Because our employees often visit they are able to apply any particular growers‘ require-

The 84-cell tray was especially developed for high quality young plants. Large-flowered varieties in particular are delivered in 84-cell trays, as well as a few Mini Cyclamen series. Using these plants, means a head start to you as far as cultivation is concerned because these plants will develop somewhat quicker into market-ready plants.

ments immediately to the young plants.

128-cell tray

treated seeds or untreated starting material in order to

Our 128-cell tray is used predominantly for Mini Cyclamen varieties. After germination and depending on the variety 7 to 8 weeks after sowing, these are also sorted and pricked out into the 128-cell plug tray.

based on thorough tests. The cultivation methods are

For the production of young plants, we use either preachieve the best possible germination results. All this geared to the special requirements of the varieties in question. Young plants of the highest possible quality

288-cell tray

are developed by means of specially adapted tempe-

This type of product is used for all Cyclamen sown immediately into the tray. In general, two to one week before delivery, the young plants are checked, possible empty cells are filled and plants that are too small or underdeveloped are sorted out manually. This way, we can guarantee you delivery of the highest quality starting material.

ratures during germination, by making sure they stay exactly the right amount of time in the climate chamber and through many other variety-specific measures during the cultivation period.

Cyclamen team

Sales support Material that serves for supporting the sale of your products is becoming increasingly more important. For the marketing of Cyclamen for planting outdoors, we have developed for example, POS material, which we can offer you together with our young plants. Please, do let us








know whether this would interest you!

SC288 20MM

Label for outdoor cyclamen Promotional tray sleeve



Large Flowering

HaliosÂŽ F1


12 - 22 cm

17-20 W

This well-known series of large-flowered Cyclamen is certainly market leader. HaliosÂŽ comes in an exceptionally large number of colours that include many special shades. These are very suitable for the production of attractive eye-catching plants that really stand out from the standard assortment.

- Suitable for growing larger plants - Uniform habit - Continuous flowering - Stable, well-centred flower stems - Robust series - High degree of resistance against c­ limate stress R16.664 Bright Scarlet (2015) R16.640 Bright Scarlet Compact (2018) R16.652 Deep Rose (2071) R18.019 Indian Rose (2075) R16.667 Lilac (2101) R16.656 Magenta (2105) R16.648 Purple (2096) R16.647 Rose with Eye (2062) R18.470 Salmon (2039) A major improvement in growth and habit. The plants remain somewhat more compact and develop many small leaves and more centrally positioned flowers. R16.641 Salmon Rose (2051) R16.659 Scarlet Red (2010) R18.472 Scarlet Salmon Impr. (2021) This novelty stands out because of its bright colour and sturdy flower stems. R16.637 Violet (2090) R16.673 Pure White Compact (2125) R16.649 Early White (2124) R16.671 White with Eye (2127) R16.674 Classic Mixed (2900) R18.452 Compact Mix (2940) R18.454 Winter Mix (2920) This mixture is suitable for the slightly later sales period from October until March.

HaliosÂŽ F1 Salmon (2039)

Salmon (2039)

MadeiraSalmon White Impr.(2021) Scarlet


Large flowering



Large flowering

Halios速 F1 continued 18-20 W

R16.634 R16.633 R16.646 R16.645

Bright Scarlet Com (2018)

Bright Scarlet (2015)

Deep Rose (2071)

Dhiva Dhiva Dhiva Dhiva

Dark Violet (2695) Pure White (2620) Rose/Eye (2065) Salmon (2035)

Indian Rose (2075)

12 - 22 cm

17-20 W

R18.020 Fantasia Fuchsia (2370) R16.636 Fantasia Magenta (2305) R18.050 Fantasia Mix (2960) NEW The varied mixture of Fantasia colours provides maximum choice and represents an optimal addition to the basic assortment. R18.021 Fantasia Red (2311) R16.644 Fantasia Violet (2395) R16.657 Magenta Flame (2150) R16.668 Violet Flame (2160)

Lilac (2101)

Salmon Rose (2051)

Early White (2124)

Magenta (2105)

Scarlet Red (2010)

White with Eye (2127)

Purple (2096)

Violet (2090)

Rose with Eye (2062)

Dhiva Dark Violet (2695)

Dhiva Pure White (2620)

Dhiva Rose/Eye (2065)

Dhiva Salmon (2035)

Fantasia Fuchsia (2370)

Fantasia Magenta (2305)

Fantasia Red (2311)

Fantasia Violet (2395)

Magenta Flame (2150)

Violet Flame (2160)

Pure White Comp. (2125)




Large flowering

17-20 W

R16.666 Flame Mix Decora (2290) R16.672 Flame Mixed (2910) R18.453 Blush Mix (2811) An exceptional mixture of two silver-leaved varieties with blooms that have a purple or magenta blush. The exact colour is subject to temperature. The plants show their best colours at temperatures between 16 and 20°C. R18.451 Fringed Mix Early (2580) A uniform selection of five especially early colours, which enable you to market flowering plants as soon as 19 to 21 weeks after potting up. R16.642 Fringed Mixed (2590) R16.651 Fringed Rose Mix (2570) R18.450 Fringed White (2525)

12 - 22 cm

Large flowering

HaliosÂŽ F1 continued 12 - 22 cm


Fringed Mix Early (2580)

17-20 W

R16.663 Victoria 50 (2700) R16.638 Victoria 50 Salmon (2730)

Victoria 50 Salmon (2730)

Victoria 50 (2700)

Fringed Rose Mix (2570)

Blush Mix (2811)

Flame Flame Mix Decora (2290)

Fringed White (2525) Flame Mixed (2910)



Large flowering

Latinia速 F1 10 -15 cm

14 - 16 W

The Latinia速 series is characterized by large flowers and a compact habit. The plants flower distinctly profusely and show a high degree of uniformity between the various colours. With its special colours, this very versatile series is suitable for the production of standard cyclamen in 10.5 cm pot as well as for cultivation of attractive and eye-catching specialties for the consumer.

- Compact plant habit - Large flowers - Very uniform series with regard to habit and flowers - Distinctly profuse flowering - Robust plants for easy cultivation R16.621 R16.630 R16.601 R16.603 R16.605 R16.614 R16.584 R16.604 R16.623 R16.607 R16.612 R16.606 R16.617 R16.618 R16.619 R16.620

Bright Fuchsia (1071)

Bright Fuchsia (1071) Bright Red (1011) Fuchsia (1079) Lilac (1109) Orchid (1118) Purple (1095) Rose impr. (1070) Rose with Eye (1060) Rose with Violet Eye (1063) Salmon (1039) Scarlet (1010) Wine Red (1111) White (1128) White with Eye (1126) Elite Mixed (1930) Mixed (1900)

Bright Red (1011)

Latinia速 F1 Fantasia Deep Magenta (1385) Orchid (1118)

Lilac (1109)



Large flowering



Large flowering

LatiniaÂŽ F1 continued 10 -15 cm

14 - 16 W

R18.026 Fantasia Deep Magenta (1385) R18.027 Fantasia Deep Rose (1371) This novelty amongst the Fantasia varieties has especially bright colours and a compact, well-balanced habit. R16.627 Fantasia Deep Violet (1395) R16.626 Fantasia Lilac (1309) R18.024 Fantasia Red (1310) R18.023 Fantasia Mix (1960) NEW The varied mixture of Fantasia colours provides maximum choice and represents an optimal addition to the basic assortment.

Purple (1095)

Rose Impr. (1070)

Rose with Eye (1060)

R18.029 Funflame Magenta (1850) A very attractive and strikingly beautiful Cyclamen! The flowers have a white eye and soft gradient colours towards the edge. The fine white edge of the blooms brings out the magenta colour of the flowers. Further assets of this novelty are its silver leaves and a closed well-balanced habit.

Funflame Magenta (1850)

Rose with Violet Eye (1063)

Salmon (1039)

Scarlet (1010)

Fantasia Deep Rose (1371)

Wine Red (1111)

White (1128)

White with Eye (1126)

Fantasia Lilac (1309)

Fantasia Deep Violet (1395)

Fantasia Red (1310)


Fantasia Deep Magenta (1385)


Large flowering



Latinia速 F1 continued 10 -15 cm

Large flowering Super Serie速s XL F1 11 -15 cm

14 - 16 W

16 - 18 W

This robust large-flowered series stands out because of its compact habit and round plant shape. Based on these qualities, as well as profuse flowering and sturdy flower stems, these varieties are very suitable for efficient production in 11 to 13 cm pots.

R16.624 Flame Mixed (1910) R18.028 Victoria 50 (1700)

Sierra Synchro Purple

Dark Violet

Dark Salmon Pink

- More compact, round habit - Large flowers - Sturdy flower stems - Profuse flowering R17.651 Dark Salmon Pink R17.652 Dark Violet R17.654 Light Salmon Pink R17.656 Light Violet R17.653 Neon Flamed R17.661 Neon Pink R17.664 Pure White R17.662 Red R17.657 Wine Red R17.666 Wine Red Flamed R17.670 Flame Mixed R17.650 Mixed

Sierra Synchro Rose

Neon Flamed

Light Salmon Pink

Latinia Victoria 50 (1700)

Sierra SynchroTM F1 Sierra Synchro Scarlet 11 -15 cm


16 - 18 W

Light Violet

Neon Pink

Pure White


Wine Red Flamed

Wine Red

The large-flowered and compact Sierra-SynchroTM series is an improvement of the known SierraTM Cyclamen. These large-flowered compact varieties are more uniform in growth habit and flower more evenly.

- Large-flowered early series - Suitable for early sales - Uniform in growth and flowering R17.300 Purple R17.140 Rose R17.200 Scarlet R17.360 White R17.405 Mix

Sierra Synchro White


Midi Cylamen


Super SerieÂŽs Allure F1 10 -12 cm

11 - 13 W

15 - 17 W

The Allure series includes 14 colours and with its medium-size flowers and compact habit it was especially developed for cultivation in smaller pot sizes and for earlier sales. Early profuse flowering combined with a high degree of uniformity within the varieties make this an ideal Midi series for sales from August until November.

- Compact growth habit - Medium-size early flowers - Sturdy flower stems - High productivity per surface area - Very suitable for early sales R18.134 BE Mixed

Allure BE Mixed

TianisÂŽ F1 9 -12 cm

11 - 13 W

15 - 17 W

TianisÂŽ has a distinctly compact habit in combination with a healthy and strong growth habit. These qualities enable easy and reliable cultivation. The varieties in this series are very uniform as far as habit and flowers are concerned and very floriferous. In addition to the standard varieties, this series includes several special colours and this means that TianisÂŽ is a very versatile product, also for the production of landscape Cyclamen.

- Medium-size, compact habit - Easy and reliable cultivation - High degree of uniformity of habit and flowers - High productivity per surface area - Very profuse flowering R18.256 Bright Red (3010) R18.044 Neon Rose (3077) R18.042 Pink with Dark Edge (3061) R18.015 Salmon with Eye (3040) R18.258 Pure White (3120) A top quality novelty with snow-white flowers and nicely contrasting dark green leaves. The plants have a pleasant round habit and flower very profusely.

Bright Red (3010)

Pink with Dark Edge (3061)

TianisÂŽ Pure White (3120) Pure White (3120)

Neon Rose (3077)

Salmon with Eye (3040)


Midi Cyclamen



Tianis® F1 continued 9 -12 cm

12 - 14 W

Super Serie®s Macro F1 16 - 18 W

12 -15 cm

R18.040 Fantasia Scarlet (3310) R18.017 Fantasia Deep Magenta (3385) R18.248 Fantasia Deep Rose (3371) R18.016 Fantasia Deep Violet (3395) R18.254 Fantasia Light Purple (3390) R18.106 Fantasia Mix (3960) NEW The varied mixture of Fantasia colours provides maximum choice and represents an optimal addition to the basic assortment. R18.270 Flame Mix (3910)

Tianis Fantasia Deep Magenta (3385)

- Medium-size flowers - Strong habit - Ideal for cultivation in poor light ­conditions - Very profuse flowering R17.560 Mixed. Available in tray 84 and 128. R18.758 Pure White R18.760 Red

12 -14 cm

Tianis Fantasia Light Purple (3390)

Premium Fuchsia Flame (5170)

- Extremely rich flowering - Small flowers - Medium-size habit

Premium Salmon Flame (5145)

Premium Salmon with Eye (5040)

Premium Scarlet (5010)

Premium White Compact (5125)

Tianis Fantasia Deep Violet (3395)

Premium F1 11 -14 cm

11 - 13 W

Premium, with its sturdy habit, is very suitable for the production of Midi Cyclamen of a little more volume as comparable varieties in the Tianis® or Allure series. Premium is characterized by a short cultivation period. Especially noteworthy are its exceptionally profuse flowering and sturdy character, which are both good qualities for the outdoor use of the series.

- Compact habit - Sturdy, vigorous plants - Distinctly profuse flowering R18.030 R16.602 R16.610 R18.018 R16.615 R16.616

Dark Flamed Mix (5910) Fuchsia Flame (5170) Salmon Flame (5145) Salmon with Eye (5040) Scarlet (5010) White Compact (5125)

Macro Pure White

12 - 14 W

The Super Series® Original series is characterized by its huge amount of small flowers that appear on medium-size plants. The plants flower abundantly with flowers that stand on strong, sturdy stems. These varieties are especially suitable for the cultivation of extraordinary profusely flowering pots as a welcome addition to the standard assortment. For the production of these varieties, one should plan a few more weeks because these plants are not ready for sale until they show clearly more flowers as compared to standard Cyclamen.

R17.502 Mixed

Tianis Fantasia Deep Rose (3371)


Super Serie®s Original F1

12 - 14 W

The Macro series is characterized by its medium-size flowers and strong habit. Because of these qualities, the varieties are particularly suitable for sales later in the year. These profusely flowering plants will show their true strength in poor light conditions, when cultivation without additional light is actually possible.

Tianis Fantasia Scarlet (3310)

Midi Cyclamen

Macro Red



Mini Cyclamen

MetisÂŽ F1 8 -12 cm

11 - 14 W

15 - 17 W

MetisÂŽ is surely one of the F1 series that can boast the widest range of colours. All colours are hardly susceptible to botrytis and stand out because they flower easily and for a prolonged period.

- Very extensive series - Versatile use - Marked botrytis tolerance - Well-balanced habit - Hardly sensitive to climate stress R18.003 Bright Fuchsia (4071) R18.002 Bright Red Compact (4012) R16.694 Deep Magenta (4107) R16.678 Fuchsia (4070) R16.688 Light Pink with Eye (4068) R18.102 Lilac Shades with Eye (4067) A novelty with delicate pastel lilac flowers with eye. This variety is compact and well balanced in habit and has nicely centrally positioned flowers. R16.698 Magenta Deco (4220) R18.005 Persian Rose (4085) R16.693 Purple (4097) R16.681 Rose with Eye (4060) R16.676 Salmon Pink (4050) R18.004 Scarlet Compact (4011) R18.008 Scarlet Salmon Compact (4021) R16.696 Violet (4090) R16.686 White (4120) R18.009 White with Eye (4126) R16.703 Caliente Mix 4920 This mixture consists of 9 varieties with a very compact habit. Available in tray 84 and 288. R16.690 Mixed (4900). Available in tray 84, 128, 288. R18.012 Victoria (4701) R16.670 Victoria Deco Mix (4790) Available in tray 84, 128 and 288. R18.014 Victoria Salmon-Rose (4740)

Lilac Shades with Eye (4067)

Bright Fuchsia (4071)

84-128 288

Super SerieÂŽs Verano Neon Flamed


Bright Red Compact (4012)


Deep Magenta (4107)

Fuchsia (4070)



Mini Cyclamen


Metis速 F1 continued 8 -12 cm

11 - 14 W

MiracleTM F1 9 -12 cm

15 - 17 W

R18.105 Silverleaf Mix (4950) NEW The new silver leaved mixture comprises six varieties in the colours magenta, deep pink, violet, salmon red and salmon pink, as well as a Victoria type. These varieties all have well-balanced habits and flowers, perform especially well in landscaping and are excellent choices for autumnal outdoor combinations. Available in tray 128 and 288. R16.691 Flamed Mixed (4910). Available in tray 84, 128 and 288.

Magenta Deco (4220)

Victoria Salmon-Rose (4740)


15 - 17 W

R16.750 Deep Rose R16.754 Deep Salmon R16.766 Flame Mixed R16.764 Mixed. Available in tray 128 and 288. R16.757 Purple Impr. R16.759 Rose R16.752 Salmon R16.756 Scarlet R16.760 White R16.762 White/Eye R16.763 Wine

Deep Rose

Purple (4097)

Persian Rose (4085)

84-128 288



11 - 13 W

The MiracleTM series is suitable for cultivation aiming at a sales period from July until November. The varieties stand out through early flowering and a high degree of uniformity of both habit and size.


Light Pink with Eye (4068)

Mini Cyclamen




Deep Salmon

Salmon Pink (4050)

Rose with Eye (4060)

84-128 288

Violet (4090)


White (4120)

Scarlet Salmon Compact (4021)

Scarlet Compact (4011)

White with Eye (4126)






Victoria (4701)

Purple Impr.




Mini Cyclamen


12 - 14 W

10 -12 cm

16 - 17 W

- Silver leaves - Nice contrast between leaves and 足flower colours - Ideal for landscape use - Eye-catching pot cyclamen R17.711 Purple R17.708 Purple Flame Mix Available in tray 128 and 288. R17.706 Rose R17.710 Scarlet R17.700 White

12 - 14 W

16 - 18 W

The plants of the well-known Super Serie速s Compact series show a very dense and closed round habit. Because of this dense habit and the connected risk of botrytis, these plants should not be produced for late sales periods. In relation with the exceptional number of flowers and the very prolonged flowering period, this series is especially suitable for the production of high-quality pot cyclamen.

SilveradoTM makes quite an impression because of its broad, silver leave edges. Because of their nicely patterned leaves, these plants are excellent in combinations in autumnal outdoor displays or for the production of eyecatching pot cyclamen. These plants grow a little larger as compared to other Mini Cyclamen.

Dark Violet

Light Salmon/Eye

Silverado Rose

- Round and dense habit - Very profuse flowering - Sturdy flower stems - Prolonged flowering period R17.616 Dark Violet R17.602 Flame Mix. Available in tray 128 and 288. R17.605 Light Salmon/Eye R17.550 Mixed. Available in tray 84, 128 and 288. R17.608 Neon Pink R17.612 Red R17.614 Spotted R17.618 White R17.604 White with Eye R17.620 Wine Red


Silver Heart F1 Neon Pink

The Silver Heart series has leaves with, as the name explains, a silver heart framed by a green leaf edge. The mixture includes five colours as well as flamed types.


R18.590 Mixed Available in tray 128 and 288.


Silverado Scarlet


Silverado Purple


Super Serie速s Compact F1

SilveradoTM F1 9 -12 cm

Mini Cyclamen

Silverado White



White with Eye

Wine Red



Mini Cyclamen

Super SerieÂŽs Da Vinci F1 10 -12 cm

12 - 14 W

- Round and dense habit - Attractive silver foliage - Very profuse flowering - Stable flower stems - Prolonged flowering period R18.340 Mixed

Super SerieÂŽs Micro F1

6 - 8 cm

9 - 11 cm

11 - 13 W

Mini Cyclamen

Super SerieÂŽs Mini Winter F1

16 - 18 W

The Da Vinci series fits in entirely with the Super SerieÂŽs Compact tradition. The plants have a round and dense growth habit and stand out because of their attractive silver foliage. The mixture comprises eight lovely colours.


Super SerieÂŽs Picasso F1 9 - 11 cm

15 - 17 W

The Mini Winter series was especially developed for later sales periods, when the risk of botrytis in the crop increases through dropping temperatures. The somewhat more open plant habit reduces the risk of infection and moreover, this makes Mini Winter into an excellent Cyclamen for outdoor use. The plants produce countless flowers with sturdy petals.


11 - 13 W

15 - 17 W

The silver-leaved Picasso series has a habit similar to the varieties in the Mini Winter series and is therefore also suitable for later sales periods and for landscape use.

- Somewhat flatter and more open plant shape - Reduced susceptibility to botrytis - Silver leaves - Profuse flowering - Good suitability for outdoor use

- Slightly open habit - reduced susceptibility to botrytis - Profuse flowering - Good suitability for outdoor use

R18.346 Cream White NEW R18.343 Dark Violet R18.342 Mixed R18.349 Pure White R18.345 Red R18.347 Wine Red

R17.638 Dark Violet R17.636 Light Salmon Pink R17.631 Neon Pink R17.635 Red R17.639 White R17.643 Wine Red R17.646 Wine Red Flame R17.630 Mixed. Available in tray 84, 128 and 288.

14 - 17 W

Based on their very fine leaf structure and genetically compact habit, the plants of the Super SerieÂŽs Micro series are especially suitable for the production of miniature pot plants in 6 to 8 cm pots. The short flower stems ensure a shapely habit. The mixture consists of 17 individual colours.

Picasso Wine Red



- Genetically compact growth - Finely structured leaves - Perfectly suited for production in miniature pots - Perfectly centrally positioned flowers R17.563YF Mixed

Da Vinci Mixed Mini Winter Red

Mini Winter Dark Violet

Mini Winter Neon Pink

Mini Winter Light Salmon Pink

Mini Winter Wine Red

Mini Winter White

Mini Winter Wine Red Flame

Picasso Dark Violet

Picasso Red

Picasso Pure White



Mini Cyclamen


Super SerieÂŽs Verano F1 128-288

9 - 11 cm

15 - 16 W

11 - 13 W

With is more flat spreading habit, this series was originally developed for production during the summer months. Higher temperatures do not result in delayed flowering of Verano varieties. The plants have a slightly more compact habit and are uniform as far as growth and flowers are concerned.

- Flat, round habit - Hardly susceptible to climate stress - High degree of uniformity of growth and flowers - Profuse flowering - Good suitability for programmed cultivation R18.315 Dark Salmon Pink R18.318 Dark Violet R18.316 Deep Dark Violet R18.314 Light Salmon Pink R18.300 Mixed. Available in tray 84, 128 and 288. R18.322 Neon Flame R18.308 Neon Pink R18.320 Pure White R18.310 Red R18.312 Salmon Red R18.305 Wine Red Flamed R18.313 Wine Red Impr.


Dark Violet




Light Salmon Pink

Deep Dark Violet


Pure White

Dark Salmon Pink



Neon Pink

Neon Flame


Salmon Red

Wine Red Flamed

Wine Red Impr.









H Halios®

4 -9

L Latinia®

10 - 14

M Metis® 21 - 22 TM Miracle 23 P Premium 18 S Sierra Synchro 14 SilveradoTM 24 Silver Heart 24 Super Serie®s Allure 17 Super Serie®s Compact 25 Super Serie®s Da Vinci 26 Super Serie®s Macro 19 Super Serie®s Micro 26 ® Super Serie s Mini Winter 26 Super Serie®s Original 19 Super Serie®s Picasso 27 Super Serie®s Verano 28 Super Serie®s XL 15 T Tianis®

16 - 18

Copyright Morel: Copyright of the photos used on pages 2, 7 and 16: CYCLAMENS MOREL/E. ULZEGA

Florensis Netherlands Office Address Hamer Bloemzaden BV Langeweg 79, 3342 LD H.I.Ambacht PB 32, 3330 AA Zwijndrecht

2011 January

Netherlands Office contact T 078 623 32 00 F 078 610 10 77 E sales@florensis.com

Belgium Office contact Florensis Belgium b.v.b.a. Boonhof 17, B-2890 Sint-Amands

Florensis Flower Seeds UK Ltd Remah House, Anderson Road Swavesey, CB24 4GG Co.Reg.No. 06948413 UK Office contact T 01954-207702 F 01954-207000 E info@florensis.co.uk Germany Office Address Florensis Deutschland GmbH Postfach 31 17 61 SolitudestraĂ&#x;e 99 D-70477 Stuttgart D-70499 Stuttgart Germany Office contact E info@florensis.de T 0711 / 86 00 9 0 F 0711 / 86 00 9 22


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Maureen Bollard Sycamore Channel Road, Rush, Co.Dublin tel. 01 8438 176 fax 01 8438 945 mob 087 659 2871 email maureen.bollard@goldcrop.ie

Agents On our website, www.florensis.com, you can find all the latest contact details of our agents. please visit our website on a regular basis were you can find the latest, news, information and updates of our products.

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Belgium Office contact T 052 34 18 58 F 052 34 39 60 E florensis@florensis.be


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Disclaimer The offered information in this catalogue has been carefully composed. However, opinions, circumstances and applications may very; if experiences miss we recommend a trial based application. Law and rules are not equal all over Europe. You must always follow the binding rules in your


own country. Florensis (Hamer c.s.) takes no responsibility for possible damage resulting from using the information published on this website.

© Florensis 09-10

Florensis Flower Seeds UK Ltd., Remah House, Anderson Road, Swavesey, Cambridgeshire, CB24 4GG, T 01954–207702 F 01954-207000 E info@florensis.co.uk

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