Florensis Perennials

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Florensis Netherlands Office Address Hamer Bloemzaden BV Langeweg 79, 3342 LD H.I.Ambacht PB 32, 3330 AA Zwijndrecht Netherlands Office contact T 078 623 32 00 F 078 610 10 77 E sales@florensis.com Belgium Office contact Florensis Belgium b.v.b.a. Boonhof 17, B-2890 Sint-Amands Belgium Office contact T 052 34 18 58 F 052 34 39 60 E florensis@florensis.be Florensis Flower Seeds UK Ltd Hamer Flower Seeds Ltd. Remah House, Anderson Road Swavesey CB24 4GG Co.Reg.No. 06948413 UK Office contact T 01954-207702 F 01954-207000 E info@florensis.co.uk Germany Office Address Florensis Deutschland GmbH Postfach 31 17 61 SolitudestraĂ&#x;e 99 D-70477 Stuttgart D-70499 Stuttgart Germany Office contact E info@florensis.de T 0711 / 86 00 9 0 F 0711 / 86 00 9 22

Agent for Eire Maureen Bollard Sycamore Channel Road, Rush, Co.Dublin tel. 01 8438 176 fax 01 8438 945 mob 087 659 2871 email maureen.bollard@goldcrop.ie

Agents On our website, www.florensis.com, you can find all the latest contact details of our agents. please visit our website on a regular basis were you can find the latest, news, information and updates of our products.




INDEX Dear Customer, Since the middle of the 90ies perennials are permanently gaining market shares in the plant market with considerable increases - and this very often contrary to general tendencies. At the same time growing methods and use of perennials changed and new market segments developed. For this reason it is time that Florensis dedicates a whole and closed catalogue to this plant group which comes up to the importance of these plants. This young-plant catalogue stays abreast of these developments in order to present the large perennial assortment and to make these varieties available to you. It gives you important information on varieties and possible market purposes. Many recommendations on suitable product forms are given to ease the sale on the market. The catalogue gives a good overview of our perennial assortment from seed- and cutting propagation – an assortment that will be the basis for your success. Beside standard varieties you will find a large number of interesting varieties which do not belong to the main crops, however offer – together with the necessary skill and horticultural experience - big and interesting possibilities for the product range selection and marketing.




About this catalogue

4 Experienced in ­perennials


Summer InspirationsÂŽ


Premium Inspirations


12 - 163

The Florensis Tray Perennials

164 -166 Notes 167 - 168


We are also pleased to present many top-quality novelties. We first have to mention our exclusive Echinacea PowWowTM Series in this connection which caused a sensation already before its introduction. The compact habit and the flower in the first year of cultivation offer perfectly new possibilities for the attractive Purple Cone Flower. A further highlight is Sedum Amber Red. This new cultivar from Florensis breeding with hanging shoots and opulent purple red flowers is ideal for the production of hanging baskets and containers with the special WOW factor! We wish you much success for the coming season and are looking forward to a good co-operation with you. Your Florensis Team

Penstemon Red Riding Hood

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Echinacea PowWow White

Sedum Black Beauty

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About this catalogue In this catalogue, we present you our extensive assortment of perennial young plants from seed and cuttings. This is however much more than just a normal young plants catalogue! It comprises of a lot of important, interesting information and advice, as well as experience regarding the cultivation, application and marketing of perennials. Apart from general information and a brief description regarding the origin of each genus and species, we have included any variety-specific characteristics that can be important for growers. Plenty of illustrations complete the picture. In addition, we have used a number of symbols that indicate how plants could be used, as well as specific qualities, such as the natural flowering period. We have also included detailed information on the best sales period for each product. Apart from the Legend, which explains the symbols in brief, you are given an explanation of the individual symbols which we have used: from cuttings propagated variety

from seed propagated variety

variety to be cultivated as a biennial, which is suitable for sale as a flowering product in early spring; depending on the weather this is roughly between early and mid March.

variety to be cultivated as a biennial, which is suitable for sale as a flowering product in spring; depending on the weather this is roughly between late March and late April.


summer flowering perennial that requires vernalization and are potted up in the previous year. They are suitable for sale as a flowering product in pot or container in summer, roughly between late May and late June.

varieties that can be made to flower in their first year of cultivation and are suitable for sale as a flowering perennial in pot or container in early summer, somewhere between mid to late June.

products that can be made to flower in their first year of cultivation and are suitable for sale as a flowering product in pot or container, roughly from early July. When these varieties are potted up at an earlier date, this will not result in an earlier flowering or sales period.

products that are suitable for autumn sale because of their flowers or their decorative foliage.

especially useful perennials that do not fit in with any of the other schemes, e.g. sales segment. These varieties need to be considered individually and require made-to-measure cultivation. The market provides very good opportunities regarding sales and profit.

All varieties that are marked with the additional Opportunity Symbol are known to provide good sales and profit opportunities as flowering products. These varieties are rarely on offer because they demand a little more experience and growers’ skills in their cultivation.

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varieties that are suitable for production of cut flowers in the field or under glass.

articles that based on their qualities can be used for green roofing purposes.

ground covering varieties

the format in which the young plants in question are on offer. You can find more detailed information on the individual young plants on a separate page at the front of the catalogue.

Award of Garden Merit. This variety is recommended by the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society), United Kingdom.Plants that are given this seal of approval have been tested in a trial garden and been judged by a committee. The All-American Selections-Award is given to new garden seed varieties which show superior garden performance judged in impartial trials in North America.

Fleuroselect Gold Medal. The Fleuroselect Gold Medal is awarded by an independent panel of expert judges to any new breeding products that are improvements as far as beauty and qualities are concerned in comparison with existing varieties. Fleuroselect Quality Mark. The Fleuroselect Quality mark is given to new breeding products that are improvements on existing types as far as qualities are concerned. Fleuroselect Novelty. The Fleuroselect Novelty Award is given to new and outstanding breeding products. Varieties with the Fleuroselect Industry Award show an outstanding presentation at the point of sale, create a buzz and have a “WOW!� impact on growers and consumers. They offer something unexpected and special and trigger sales.

new for 2011 Florensis own breeding Exclusive for Florensis


Denotes the numbers of the weeks, when the article in question is generally available




Registered trademark

Disclaimer: All owners of the photos used in this catalogue have been covered as far as possible. If despite of this you think to own the copyright of an item published on this website, we kindly request you to inform us of this.

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Experienced in perennials Florensis can draw upon over 20 years of experience and competence in the production of young perennial plants. This expertise is constantly being extended and is the basis for the quality and reliability of our young plant deliveries. Based on this professional proficiency, a multitude of special product formats were developed. Our young perennial plants will supply you with the perfect starting material, whether this concerns perennial plants in 9 cm pots or containers with firstyear flowering perennials or perhaps special products like winter-grown large perennials that offer plenty of opportunities.

High quality starting material When choosing the right starting material for our young plants from seed and cuttings, ultimately decides the quality of the young plants, only the very best quality cuttings are used to produce top quality healthy young plants. Our cuttings are supplied by our own parent plant companies in Ethiopia, Kenya and Portugal. All cuttings as supplied by the various parent plant companies are checked thoroughly, immediately after arriving at the young plant production site in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht (Netherlands).

Hardening off young perennial plants in the Venlo Cabriolet type greenhouse

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Quality through experience Depending on species and stage of development, our young plants receive the best possible growing conditions. This means that species with similar requirements are often grown together. During the production period, we closely monitor the germination and development of young plants. Towards the end of cultivation, the young plants will be hardened off in special Cabriolet greenhouses in order to accustom the plants to outdoor cultivation. A team of expert professionals is constantly in charge of the cultivation of the young perennial plants and fully concentrates on the quality, as well as on reliable deliverability of young plants.

The right treatment As far as seeds are concerned, Florensis cooperates with the most experienced companies in seed technology and treatment. Depending on the exact type of article, the following treatments take place in the group of perennial products: Seed pelleting/Coating

Improvement of sowability

(partly with fungicide treatment)

Prevention of damping off diseases

Calibration according to size/weight Improvement of sowability

Improvement of uniformity of the seedlings

Cleaned seed

Improvement of sowability

Pregermination treatment

Improvement/ acceleration of germination

Improvement of uniformity of the seedlings

Breaking seed dormancy

Improvement of germination, especially in cold germinators

Germination tests

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Seed cleaning

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6 速

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Summer Inspirations®


Summer Inspirations


The Summer Inspirations® concept has been successfully established in the market for many years and has created longterm opportunities for sales in the months from May until August. The concept consists of a balanced mixture of tried and tested first-year flowering perennial products from seed, both for cultivation in 12 to 13 cm pots, as well as for the production of large flowering perennials in containers, combining several young plants per pot. These products provide opportunities for sales following the bedding and balcony plant sales, as well as for the consecutive summer months. Cultivation takes place outdoors, where the plants grow into top quality products. Be inspired by Summer Inspirations®:

3 Broad range of attractive products 3 First class quality 3 Easy and foolproof cultivation, also under watering booms 3 Good ratio of number of plants per pot/container 3 Sales support material


Uniform label design


Themed poster

Assortment list ANTIRRHINUM Snapshot F1-Serie

GYPSOPHILA muralis Gypsy Deep Rose

ANTIRRHINUM Pirouette F1-Serie

HELENIUM amarum Dakota Gold

ANTIRRHINUM Annabel F1 Red-White

LAVANDULA angust. Lavance® Purple

ANTIRRHINUM Speedy Sonnet F1-Serie

LAVANDULA angust. Ellagance-Serie


LAVANDULA multifida Blue Wonder

ARENARIA montana

LOBELIA speciosa Fan F1-Serie

LEUCANTHEMUM max. Snow Lady F1

LOBELIA valida Delft Blue

CAMPANULA carp. Clips Blue

NEPETA nervosa Blue Moon

CAMPANULA carp. Clips White

PAPAVER miyabeanum Pacino

CAMPANULA cochlearifolia Baby-Serie

PENSTEMON barb. PinacoladaTM-Serie

CHAENORHINUM origan. Blue Dream

PENSTEMON Sunburst Ruby

CHRYSANTHEMUM paludosum Snow Land

PENSTEMON hartwegii Fantasy Mixed

COREOPSIS grandiflora Early Sunrise

PENSTEMON hartweggii Tubular Bells Red

COREOPSIS grandiflora Sunfire

PHLOX drummondii Dolly-Serie

COSMOS bip. Sonata-Serie

POLEMONIUM caeruleum Bambino Blue


RUDBECKIA hirta Toto Gold

DELPHINIUM Magic Fountain-Serie

RUDBECKIA hirta Toto Rustic

DELPHINIUM grand. Blue Ocean

SALVIA farinacea Midi

DIGITALIS grandiflora Carillon

SALVIA farinacea Strata

DIGITALIS purp. Dalmation F1-Serie

SALVIA patens Patio Dark Blue

GAZANIA rig. Kiss F1-Serie

SALVIA patens Patio Light Blue

GAZANIA rig. Daybreak F1 Bright Orange

SALVIA nemorosa New Dimension-Serie

GAILLARDIA aristata Arizona Red Shades

SCABIOSA japonica Blue Note

GAILLARDIA aristata Arizona Sun

SILENE alpestris Starry Dreams

GEUM coccineum Koi

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Premium Inspirations

Premium Inspirations In addition to our Summer Inspirations速 we now are able to offer our Premium Inspirations concept for specially high demands on the standards of quality. In contrast to our Summer Inspirations速 this concept is composed of a carefully assorted selection of perennials flowering in the first year of cultivation including a big part of articles from vegetative propagation. The Premium Inspirations concept stands out by its high homogeneity and its special quality. The selection is topped off by a range of perennials from seeds of an extraordinary high quality. Beside their high attractiveness during the sales maturity all articles of the Premium Inspirations concept are completely hardy - a further smashing argument for your customers. The plants are specially recommended for the cultivation in bigger pots, preferably in 2- to 5-litre-pots; they are suitable for subsequent sales following the balcony- and bedding-plant season and for the following summer months. The plants are cultivated outdoors where they grow up to high-quality products.

3 Composition for high standards of quality 3 Wide range of attractive articles 3 Flowering in the first year of cultivation 3 Hardy varieties 3 Pot/Container in good proportion to plant 3 Labels for sales promotion

Leucanthemum Lacrosse

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Premium Inspirations


Assortment list ALCEA ros. Spring Celebrities Carmine Rose ALCEA ros. Spring Celebrities Lemon ALCEA ros. Spring Celebrities Purple ALCEA ros. Spring Celebrities White CAMPANULA portenschlagiana Catharina CAMPANULA poscharskyana Hirsch Blue DELPHINIUM Dasante Blue ECHINACEA purpurea PowWowTM Wild Berry ECHINACEA purpurea PowWowTM White ERYSIMUM linifolium Variegatum Peach ERYSIMUM linifolium Variegatum Purple FUCHSIA Tom Thumb FUCHSIA Lady Thumb GAURA lindheimeri Grace GAURA lindheimeri Pink Dwarf LAVANDULA angustifolia Essence Purple LEUCANTHEMUM Lacrosse LEUCANTHEMUM Laspider LYTHRUM salicaria Robin PENSTEMON Picotee Red PENSTEMON Polaris Purple PENSTEMON Polaris Rose PENSTEMON Polaris Red PHLOX paniculata Junior™ Bouquet® PHLOX paniculata Junior™ Abundance® PHLOX paniculata Junior™ Dance® PHLOX paniculata Junior™ Dream® PHLOX paniculata Pixie Miracle SALVIA nem. Sensation Deep Blue Impr. SALVIA nem. Sensation Deep Rose Impr. SALVIA nem. Sensation Sky Blue SALVIA nem. Sensation Blue SALVIA nem. Sensation White

Penstemon Pictoee Red

Echinacea PowWowTM Wild Berry

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Alcea Spring CelebritiesTM Lemon

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10 The Florensis Tray Successful through innovativity Florensis has its own tray system. The young plants trays in their distinctive blue colour were developed from the existing hard plastic trays and have great dimensional stability. Therefore, the precision with which each tray fits into the prick out robot is very high. The trays are moulded using a total of 8 injection sites, which results in a high degree of stability and lifelong strategic fit. The trays are made according to the tried and tested Danish standard and have especially rounded feet that allow ease of movement both in a longitudinal as well as a transverse direction. Furthermore, the plants are easy to take out, even when processed manually.

Useful solutions The Florensis tray in its different young plant sizes offers feasible solutions for all sorts of applications. The total of five tray sizes comprises the following trays for young plants: 288, 180, 128 and 84. For seed propagated young plants, the ideal tray to be used for efficient and high quality horticultural production is 288. Several product sizes were developed in collaboration with the horticultural practice. In the production of perennial seedling for example, sowing the seeds for young plants widely across the surface of the cells in tray 84 helps save cultivation time and reduces the number of times one needs to transplant. The same goes for annual cuttings, as well as perennial cuttings for which the trays 180, 128 and 84, depending on the requirement for each variety, provide ample volume for the supply of strong, well-rooted starting material.

Environmentally aware using reusable trays


SC128 29MM






The trays will remain the property of Florensis and are taken back as soon as possible. Every young plant tray has a fixed two-dimensional code, which is together with a label, moulded into the tray. Using a connection with a modern ERP system, this code enables the exact tracing of a tray at any given time.

SC288 20MM



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Sedum Black Beauty

Echinacea PowWowTM Wild Berry

Our highlights! Alcea Spring CelebritiesTM Appleblossom

Penstemon Red Riding Hood

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Sedum Amber

Dianthus x interspecific Dynasty F1

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Acaena microphylla New Zealand Burr

Acaena is mainly native to the southern hemisphere, in particular New Zealand and Australia. Because of its spreading, fast growing and drought tolerant qualities, it is a good long-lasting ground covering plant. In spite of its name, this species develops soft, non-prickly floral carpets.


C02.046 Kupferteppich, Inconspicuous flowers. Uniformly coloured. DW: 22-36

Acanthus mollis Bear’s breeches

Acanthus mollis is a popular ornamental plant for large gardens. The up to 1 metre growing panicles are truly eye catching. Acanthus is part of the standard perennial assortment and very decorative, even half developed. Also suitable as a perennial cut flower.

Acanthus mollis

Cloth of Gold

M01.200 Acanthus mollis, White with maroon flag. DW: 18; 22; 26; 30; 32; 36

Achillea millefolium Yarrow

With its many varieties is one of the main medium high species in the perennial assortment. With its wide range of colours and robust qualities, Achillea millefolium is a staple plant in gardens and parks. Many varieties flower in the first year of cultivation but not before midsummer. Very attractive to butterflies and bees.

Achillea filipendulina Fern leaf yarrow

This species originates from the Caucasus and is one of the oldest cultivated perennials. In Northern Europe it is usually very hardy and is therefore often used for permanent planting in parks or garden borders. A.filipendulina is also well known because its yellow flowers last extraordinarily long in dried flower bouquets. M02.000 Cloth of Gold, Sulphur yellow. Perennial, perennial cut flower, scented plant. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

M02.080 Cerise Queen, Cerise. As cut flower and for containers M02.140 Summer Pastels F2, Mixture of many colours. As cut flower and for containers. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Cerise Queen

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Summer Pastels F2

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Achillea tomentosa Woolly yarrow

This small growing species belongs in rockeries and small gardens. The small yellow umbels appear on 5 to 10 cm long stems above silvery, woolly foliage. These new varieties flower the first year from seed. M02.300 Aurea, Buttercup yellow. Only as perennial in pot size 9 cm, does not flower in the first year. M02.310 Goldi, Buttercup yellow. Flowers the first year from seed in small to medium sized pots DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36



Blue Umbrella

White Umbrella

The Pearl

Achillea ptarmica Sneezewort

With its snow-white flowers above fresh green leaves, Achillea ptarmica really shines, even in shady positions. It grows up to 40 cm and flowers the first year from seed. It can also be used as a summer flowering pot perennials.

Agapanthus africanus African lily

African lilies are members of the Amaryllis family and originate from South Africa. A few species are also very hardy in Central Europe. The large, fairy-tale umbels sit on up to 1 metre high sturdy stems and are real eye catchers. Because the first flowers develop 1 to 2 years after planting, most plants are sold as green perennials.

M02.200 The Pearl, Pure white. Fully double flowers.

M06.650 Blue Umbrella, Bright pale blue. M06.652 White Umbrella, Pure white.

DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

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Agastache aurantiaca Hummingbird mint

Agastache aurantiaca originates from Mexico. It is a sunloving plant that adores the warmth and thrives in dry positions. The many individual flowers of this scented plant appear continuously from the first year of cultivation onwards. Agastache is suitable for medium sized and large pots. M07.182 Apricot Sprite™, Orange yellow. Very early pot perennial from June. M07.170 Sunset Yellow, sulphur yellow. Very uniform, compact habit. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

Apricot SpriteTM

Sunset Yellow



Agastache foeniculum Anise hyssop

This species originates from the North American prairies and flowers in the first year of growing with short, straight spikes. This scented plant smells of aniseed and fennel and is very attractive to butterflies and bees. M07.100 Pure white. A very stable garden plant. Only suitable for containers to a limited extent. M07.260 Caerulea, Mid blue. A very stable garden plant. Only suitable for containers to a limited extent. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36 M07.110 Golden Jubilee, Lavender blue. With permanent, bright, yellowish green foliage colour. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

Golden Jubilee

Ajuga reptans Bugle

Chocolate Chips

Evening Glow

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Burgundy Glow


With its beautiful foliage colours rich in contrast, Ajuga has become a staple in the autumn assortment, as part of plant arrangements and balcony boxes. Because of its hardiness, Ajuga will show off its attractive colourful leaves for a long time. Many new varieties have been added to the assortment. After overwintering, a multitude of short blue flower panicles appear in late April the year after planting. C02.200 Braunherz, Mid blue. Dark bronze green, reddish heart. C02.204 Burgundy Glow, Mid blue. Whitish-red-green variegated leaves. C02.205 Chocolate Chips, Mid blue. Small leaved with narrow, dark foliage C02.206 Evening Glow, Mid blue. White-green variegated leaves. DW: 7-36

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A Alcea rosea Hollyhock



Advice: During its juvenile growing phase, Alcea should be treated once, thoroughly, against hollyhock rust.

Because of their impressive appearance, a garden without hollyhocks is almost unimaginable. At the height of summer, „Alcea“ looks great with its magnificent densely covered colourful panicles. M08.290 Nigra, Purply black. Unique single flowered variety. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

Chater’s Double II With its round, fully double flowers on tall, straight spikes, the „Charter‘s“ series has proved its worth in many gardens. Usually grown in batches of 9cm pots. As a specimen perennial, this is best grown as a biennial with vernalization. M08.200 M08.210 M08.220 M08.234 M08.230 M08.260 M08.240


Chater’s Double Rose

Chater’s Double Salmon Pink

Chater’s Double Scarlet

Chater’s Double White

Chater’s Double Yellow

Mixed, Mixture. Purple, Violet-red. Rose, Deep pink. Salmon Pink, Salmon pink. Scarlet, Bright red. White, Pure white. Yellow, Bright yell.

Tray 288 DW: 6-17; 26; 30; 32; 36; 40 Tray 180 DW: 6-17; 26; 30; 32; 36; 40 Tray 84 DW: 5-12

Chater’s Double Purple

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Spring Celebrities™

This new breed of „Alcea rosea Celebrities“ flowers early during the first year of cultivation with panicles that reach no higher than 50 to 60 cm and is an ideal specimen plant for summer cultivation. This new series combines good garden qualities with the requirements of professional growers and traders.

M08.302 M08.303 M08.306 M08.307 M08.310 M08.304 M08.314

Appleblossom, Light pink. Apricot, Peach. Carmine Rose, Deep pink. Crimson, Cerise. Lemon, Bright light yellow. Purple, Violet-red. White, Pure white.


DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

Carmine Rose




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Alchemilla erytropoda Dwarf Lady’s mantle

Originally from the Caucasus, dwarf lady‘s mantle resembles A. mollis. However, this smaller variety is a good choice as a ground covering plant in smaller gardens and borders. The trade usually sells Alchemilla in the form of a 9 cm pot perennial. M08.530 Alma, Yellow green. Velvety, silvery, fine foliage DW: 6; 16; 22; 26; 30; 32; 36


Alchemilla mollis Lady’s Mantle II „Alchemilla mollis“ is well-known as a cut flower and popular ground covering plant. Alchemilla is also very suitable for the autumn assortment. Its fresh green leaves continue to look good, even when it freezes and forms a nice contrast with other plants with ornamental leaves in the autumn assortment. M08.600 Thriller®, Lemon yellow. Versatile plant. Tray 288 DW: 6; 10; 12; 16; 22; 26; 36 Tray 84 DW: 5-12


Alyssum montanum Mountain Alyssum


Because of its creeping, hanging growth habit with silvery green leaves, „Alyssum montanum“ is a versatile plant for the garden, on the balcony or the patio but also a very good structural plant for autumn and winter as well as a spring flowering perennial. The yellow flowers of “Alyssum montanum” provide a bright focal point in early spring. M11.820 Berggold, Bright yellow. Very good as a carpet forming structural plant in the autumn assortment. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 M11.826 Luna, Bright yellow. New varieties such as Luna, enable scheduled and uniform production in combination with an unrivaled, compact habit. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36; 38; 40; 42


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Aurinia saxatile Basket of Gold

Anacyclus depressus Mount Atlas Daisy

Also known as „Alyssum saxatile“ is an often-seen popular mat forming, very hardy perennial in the spring assortment. Its uniform, compact, spherical plant habit with bright yellow flowers make “Aurinia saxatile” one of the main heralds of spring.

Red buds open to reveal a multitude of white ray flowers above filigree, grey green foliage. Grown as a vernalized mat forming perennial, the plants flower from mid April onwards in 11-13 cm pots. A special detail is that the flowers close at dusk, showing their red underside. This often short-lived plant will survive several years in a welldraining (sandy) position.

M11.900 Gold Bullet, Bright yellow. Spring flowering late variety. M11.980 Sulphureum, Sulphur yellow. Excellent late garden variety, Historic variety. M32.700 Summit, Bright yellow. Earliest very uniform variety DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

Gold Bullet


M13.000 Anacyclus depressus, White and red. Phototropic flowers. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36; 38; 40; 42



Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly everlasting

Anacyclus depressus


Anchusa azurea Garden anchusa

This species of silvery, white everlasting flower is especially suitable for application in sunny positions but also as a cut flower. The flowers are excellent for dry flower arrangements.

This Mediterranean species grows up to 1.50 metres in height and often only lasts in well-drained sheltered positions. This perennial stands out in any garden through its unique, bright gentian blue flowers. Anchusa should only be sold as a perennial in 9 cm pot.

M13.500 Neuschnee, Silvery white. Vigorous type of the species. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

M14.160 Dropmore, Gentian blue. More stable selection of the species. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

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Anemone hupehensis Japanese Anemone, Japanese Windflower

Japanese anemones are long-lived perennials. Its delicate pink or white bowl-shaped flowers appear from August and form a valued addition to the garden over the second half of summer. Anemone hupehensis is very undemanding and forms excellent ground cover in large group plantings. M15.560 Anemone hupehensis, Hues of pink Flowers first year from seed, good container perennial. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Anemone hupehensis

Annabella White Annabella Deep Rose

Anemone multifida Pacific Anemone Stardust

This very small and elegant anemone species has proved its worth as a lasting, alpine perennial. It produces many small flowers above its deep green foliage in April and May.

Annabella Androsace septentrionalis Rock Jasmine

From a small rosette, many straight stems bearing umbels with star shaped flowers appear. A very attractive plant both in pot as well as in rockeries. M14.900 Stardust, White. White star like flowers. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

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The Annabella series is a further improvement of the species. The round plants develop a multitude of shortstemmed individual flowers. Because of the improved qualities, it is possible to grow as a biennial in 10 to 13 cm pots. M15.586 Deep Rose, Pink. Main colour as pot perennial. M15.588 White, Cream white. As a pot perennial approx. 1 week earlier than Deep Rose. DW: 6; 22; 24; 26; 30; 32

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Anemone sylvestris Snowdrop anemone

This species form Eastern Europe was once very common in the gardens of Northern Europe. However, this historic perennial has become rare. Although it really attracts attention from a distance with its many snow white, fragrant flowers, this quality is not necessarily used to its full potential on the market. M15.740 Anemone sylvestris, Snow-white. Pot perennial for biennial cultivation up to 13 cm pots.

Anemone sylvestris

DW: 6; 22; 24; 26; 30; 32


Advice: If cut back early, these perennials can be grown in the same position for many years. Antennaria dioica

Antennaria dioica Pussy Toes

Anthemis carpartica Snowy marguerite



This species is attractive because it forms silver grey solid carpets with unusual burgundy to white flower heads. In sunny positions and rock gardens. Antennaria is a good ground covering plant.

This Anthemis is a mat-forming and freely growing type of camomile. The snow-white flowers appear from May onwards above light green foliage and continue to flower all through summer.

M16.300 Antennaria dioica, Pink. Dark variety of the species.

M16.780 Karpartenschnee, Snow-white. Can be grown as biennial in 13 cm to 3 litre pots.

DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

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Anthemis tinctoria Golden Marguerite

Fragrant, yellow flowers appear in abundance from June onwards. This undemanding perennial flowers the first year from seed and is remontant. When cut back early, the consumer will be able to enjoy the plant longer. M16.800 Kelway, Golden yellow. Container perennial in additional assortment. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

A magical spring with columbines Advice: When grown correctly, Aquilegia can be forced relatively easily in the greenhouse.

The Alpine Columbine is a very variable species that reaches heights of 20 to 70 cm. It is a typical plant for enthusiasts. From June until August it flowers in varied shades of blue. M18.600 Aquilegia alpina, Navy blue. Only recommended as perennial in 9 cm pot. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32

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Aquilegia caerulea Colorado Blue Columbine

„Columbine“ is possibly one of the best known perennials but is surprisingly little grown by professional growers. More recent series have resulted in these popular perennials becoming more attractive for professional growers in the early bedding plant segment. This new series stands out because of their improved uniformity and the fact that the flowers last very well; this in combination with additions to the colour scheme.

Aquilegia alpina Alpine Columbine




M18.900 Biedermeier, Mixture of many colours. This variety has proved its worth, grown in containers of 3 young plants in the field. M19.040 Crimson Star, Red and white. Garden perennial, as perennial in 9 cm pot. M18.700 Mc. Kana Giants, Mixture of many colours. Garden perennial, as perennial in 9 cm pot. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32

Crimson Star

Mc. Kana Giants

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Spring Magic® F1

Aquilegia chrysantha Golden Columbine

A very compact, uniform and large-flowered „Columbine“ series in bright colours. Can be grown in the field as well as in the greenhouse. The flower buds appear depending on the temperature management from the start of April on approx. 20 to 30 cm high stems. M19.500 Blue & White, Blue and white. M19.504 Rose & White, Pink and white. M19.510 White, Pure white. M19.508 Yellow, Golden yellow. DW: 26; 30; 32

Spring Magic® F1 Blue & White

Spring Magic® F1 Rose & White

Very large flowered, upright growing species with very long spurs. This species has secured itself a place in the commercial assortment because of its beautiful bright yellow flowers. M20.000 Yellow Queen, Golden yellow. Very large flowered, garden perennial. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32

Spring Magic® F1 Yellow

Spring Magic® F1 White

Yellow Queen

Aquilegia flabellata Fan Columbine

Depending on the weather, the flowers appear from late February onwards on small, round, bushy plants. A very graceful Japanese type for rockeries, often called Miniature Columbine. This species lasts longest in sheltered positions in the garden.

Mini Star®

M19.940 Mini Star®, Blue and white. Main colour and practicality guaranteed in small pots. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32


Cameo is one of the leading series amongst the Miniature Columbines because of its uniform habit and large amount of flowers. Cold cultivation is recommended, the series is best marketed in bud. M19.850 Blue & White, Blue and white. M19.854 Pink & White, White and pink. 3 to 5 days earlier than the series. M19.858 Rose & White, Pink and white. 3 to 5 days earlier than the series. M19.862 White, Pure white. DW: 26; 30; 32 M19.864 Mixed, Formula mixture. Formula mixture of separate colours. DW: 26; 30; 32; 34

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Cameo Blue & White

Cameo Pink &White

Cameo Rose & White

Cameo White

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Aquilegia vulgaris Columbine Columbines or “Aquilegia vulgaris� have been planted in gardens since the Middle Ages. From this very robust species, many striking series were developed. Series with single or double blooms that flower upright or nodding.


This series stands out because of its fully double, spurless, nodding flowers. Nevertheless, it is a rogue amongst perennials. It self seeds freely wherever there is room to spread and especially in positions in the shade and semi shade. However, it never becomes invasive because the plant is short-lived. A reason for gardeners to keep planting it.

Black Barlow

Blue Barlow

Nora Barlow

Mixed Barlow

M20.254 Mixed, Mixture. M20.230 Black Barlow, Deep purple black. Double nodding flowers. M20.232 Blue Barlow, Dark blue violet. Double nodding flowers. M20.240 Nora Barlow, Pink and whitish green. Double nodding flowers. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32


The „Clementine“ series stands out because of its excellent pot qualities and short flower stems. It can be grown in the field as well as under cover, the bright colours of this series appear from late March onwards. M20.301 M20.302 M20.304 M20.306 M20.308 M20.310

ClemetineÂŽ Blue

Blue, Dark blue. Purple, Violet-red. Red, Cerise. Rose, Light pink. Salmon, Salmon pink. White, White.

DW: 26; 30; 32

ClemetineÂŽ Purple

ClemetineÂŽ Red

ClemetineÂŽ Rose

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ClemetineÂŽ Salmon

ClemetineÂŽ White

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Because of its upright facing flowers, „Winky“ looks interesting and different from other Columbines. When grown outdoors or in the greenhouse, Winky F1 flowers from the start of April on 20 to 25 cm long flower stems. Florensis sells this series in many colours and two forms, „Winky and Winky Double“ M20.270 Blue & White, Blue and white. M20.281 Double Blue & White, Double blue and white. M20.278 Double Red & White, Double red and white. M20.282 Double White & White, Double pure white. M20.272 Early Sky Blue, Light blue and white. New generation, early flowering. M20.276 Purple & White, Purple and white. M20.274 Red & White, Red and white. M20.279 Rose & Rose, Bright pink. M20.275 White & White, Pure white. DW: 26; 30; 32

M20.290 Mixed, Formula mixture. Formula mixture of separate Winky colours. DW: 5-12

Early Sky Blue

Double White & White

Blue & White

Double Blue & White

Double Red & White

Rose & Rose


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Purple & White

Red & White

White & White

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Arabis blepharophylla Rock Cress

Arabis ferdinandi-coburgii Alpine Wall Cress

A usually short-lived species, originating from California. In early March, many flowering spikes with bright individual flowers in deep shades of pink develop from a rosette-shaped plant.

This fine-leaved undemanding species develops evergreen, very tough carpets. In addition to the green leaved variety, Florensis also offers variegated variety. This enables all sorts of applications in autumn decoration or as ground cover.

M20.880 Frühlingszauber, Hues of deep pink. C02.380 Old Gold, Pearly white. Green-white-yellow leaves. C02.382 Variegata, Pearly white. Green-white-yellow leaves. DW: 18-38

DW: 6; 30; 32; 36; 38; 40; 42


Old Gold




Snow Ca p

Little TreasureTM Deep Rose

Little TreasureTM White

Arabis caucasica Wall Rock Cress, Snow on the Mountain

This vigorous, evergreen, cushion forming spherical perennial comes originally from South Eastern Europe and thrives in rock gardens or flower borders. From March onwards, the plant cushions are covered in flowers in all shades between white and deep pink. M20.940 Pinkie, Hues of pink. Tried and tested in the field. M20.800 Snow Cap, Snow-white. Reliable variety, also in the field. M20.810 Snowfix, Snow-white. Also flowers in summer. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36; 38; 40; 42

Little Treasure™

This optimized selection combines uniform cushions plants with early flowering, which makes “Little Treasure” into the ideal series when marketing flowering perennials in early spring. M20.850 Deep Rose, deep pink. Ideal for production next to pansies. M20.856 White, snow-white. Ideal for production next to pansies. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36; 38; 40; 42

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Arenaria montana Alpine Sandwort

Armeria pseudarmeria Estoril Thrift, Large Thrift, False Sea Thrift As the name already indicates this is a „Pseudo-Armeria“. It looks like the well-known Sea Thrift but is significantly different with its more robust character . This type thrives in dry, desert-like or saline soils.

A very easy to care for and fast growing cushion perennial. In May, the slender, dark green foliage is covered in many snow-white individual flowers. This very drought tolerant perennial is also suitable for production in 9 cm pot for planting material for growing on roofs.


M22.500 Arenaria montana, Snow-white. Pot perennial in 11 to 13 cm. M23.525 Purple Rose, Violet-red. For summer and spring production. M23.520 Red, Violet-pink. For summer and spring production. M23.521 White, Pure white. For summer and spring production DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

Tray 288 DW: 6; 30; 32; 36; 38; 40; 42 Tray 84 DW: 5-12

Arenaria montana

Ballerina Purple Rose

Ballerina Red

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Ballerina White

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Armeria maritima Sea Thrift

This robust perennial, which flowers during the early bedding plant season, is especially suitable for dry and sunny positions. After vernalization, Armeria flowers from April with pink and white spherical, striking and shiny flowers that appear on approx. 10 to 15 cm long stems. New selections can also be induced to flower the first year of cultivation. M23.660 Alba, Pure white. Spring perennial, roof perennial. M23.640 Splendens, Pink. Spring perennial, roof perennial.



Artemisia schmidtiana Mugwort

DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36


This series does not require vernalization and flowers in early summer with many spherical flower heads on very short flower stems. The uniformity of the plants has also been considerably improved, meaning that quality and start of flowering allow for a quick sale. Cultivation over the winter months results in early flowering.

A cushion forming rock garden perennial with finely cut, dense, silver-grey foliage. Very decorative and ornamental, especially when set against dark foliage plants in autumnal plantings. C02.414 Nana. Compact selection. C02.412 Nana Attraction, Inconspicuous. Silvery selection. DW: 10-36

M23.665 Deep Rose, Bright pink. For pot sizes between 10 and 16 cm. M23.671 White, Pearly white. For pot sizes between 10 and 16 cm. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32


ArmadaTM Deep Rose

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Nana Attraction

ArmadaTM White

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Aruncus dioicus Goat’s Beard

A Aruncus aethusifolius Dwarf Goat’s Beard II

This plant also resembles Astilbe; nevertheless, this Aruncus is a noble addition to any garden. The finishing touch on this up to 150 cm tall, dense plant are its beautiful white flowers. This Aruncus also flowers from June onwards when grown as a vernalized perennial.

A plant that resembles Astilbe with very fine foliage. The snow-white short inflorescences appear from May and grow up to no more than 30 cm. Only worth growing with vernalization, in up to 1 litre pots.

M25.760 Aruncus dioicus, Cream white. Only suitable for containers to a limited extent.

M25.702 Noble Spirit, Cream white. Beautiful pot perennial. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly Weed

This slow growing native North American perennial thrives in a sunny position. In dry and well-drained soils, it is fully hardy, even in Northern Europe. The flowers appear in the first year of cultivation and using several plants combined it is possible to produce very attractive specimen plants with many umbels.

Aruncus dioicus

Noble Spirit

M26.680 Orange, Bright Orange. M26.684 Yellow, Light yellow. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Asclepias tuberosa Yellow

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Asclepias tuberosa Orange

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A Advice:



Aster alpinus Alpine Aster

Never cut back before winter.


Asphodeline lutea Yellow Asphodel

Aster alpinus is an early flowering species of the Aster assortment. The small, attractive plants of the overwintered crop flower from late April onwards with many typical daisy-like flowers above compact plant cushions. Very hardy and easy for outdoor cultivation in pots up to 13 cm.

From the dense, steadily expanding, blue green, grass like foliage appear upright inflorescences densely covered in bright yellow star-like flowers. This very drought tolerant perennial does not show its full beauty until after 2 to 3 years in the same position. Therefore, production as a perennial in 9 cm pot or roof perennial is recommended.

M29.180 M28.800 M28.920 M28.980

Happy End, Light pink. Main colour. Light Blue, Light blue. Addition. Violet, Deep blue. Main colour. White, Pure white. Addition.

DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

M27.800 Asphodeline lutea, Bright yellow. Drought tolerant. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Asphodeline lutea


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Light Blue

Happy End


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Aster amellus Italian Aster, European Michaelmas Daisy

Aster tongolensis East Indies Aster, Michaelmas Daisy

Italian Asters add a lot of colour to the garden in late summer and autumn. The loose corymbs appear in groups from August. These very strong and drought tolerant plants are pure garden perennials.

This species originates from the West Indies and Southern China. Its bright light blue daisy-like flowers appear from May onwards above fresh shiny foliage. This type does not show its full flowering beauty until planted.

M29.360 Rudolf Goethe, Light blue. Only recommended as a perennial in 9 cm pot . DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

M29.600 Wartburgstern, Light blue and yellow. Only as a perennial in 9 cm pot. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Rudolf Goethe Wartburgstern

Astilboides tabularis

Astilboides tabularis Common Astilboides

This decorative structural leaf plant stands out because of its large, flat round leaves. The plants always sprout very late and need a shady position and many years to fully develop. M30.780 Astilboides tabularis, Cream white. Sell as a perennial in 9 cm pot. DW: 26; 30; 32; 36

Astilbe chinensis Chinese Astilbe

This species originates from South Russia and China. Although Astilbe usually only thrive in shady or constantly damp positions, Astilbe chinensis also tolerates full sun and temporary droughts. The flowers appear in July of its first year of cultivation. Together with its excellent ground covering qualities, this means it can be used in many situations. M30.740 Pumila, Violet pink. Summery pot perennial and ground covering plant. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Astilbe arendsii False Goat’s Beard, False Spiraea II The original species was bred by Georg Arends at the start of the 20th century (hence the name). Over the last few years, there are also seed propagated „Astilbes“ available in addition to the vegetatively propagated ones. These are fully hardy and just like the vegetative types suitable for use as long-lasting ornamental plants in parks and gardens.


M30.720 Showstar®, Mixture of many colours. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Astary® II The brightly coloured very short inflorescences of the Astary® series appear as early as the first summer of cultivation. Colour mixtures and unicoloured varieties when grown as annuals as well as biennials have stood the test in 10 to 11 cm pots. M30.730 Red, Hues of fuchsia. M30.732 Rose, Hues of light pink. M30.734 White, Cream white. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

Astary® Red

Astary® Rose

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Astary® White

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Aubrieta deltoidea Lilacbush

The „Lilacbush“ (Aubrieta deltoidea) is the original form of many varieties as available on the market today. These have all proven their worth through excellent garden qualities with regard to flowers and vigour. M32.220 Whitewell Gem, Violet blue. Unique large flowered variety DW: 6; 30; 32; 36; 38; 40; 42

Whitewell Gem

Cascade Blue

Cascade Purple

Cascade Red


The tried and tested Cascade series with its large, sometimes hanging cushions has been a staple in rock gardens and on walls because of its long-lasting flowering period. M32.000 Blue, Bright blue. M32.100 Purple, Violet blue. M32.200 Red, Violet-red. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36; 38; 40; 42

Advice: Treatment with growth regulators around the end of the growing season ensures a stable, round plant habit in plants produced from old seed propagated varieties.

Aubrieta gracilis Dwarf Rock Cressn This species is one of the major spring flowering plants. In addition to tried and tested types from seed, Aubrieta gracilis are known as being very compact varieties. From March onwards, the mostly deep violet blue flowers appear on the round cushion plants. These often continue to flower well into June.


Kitte® Blue

Kitte® Purple

Round, solid cushion plant covered in large flowers. The violet blue and pink blooms appear from early March. Kitte® is the ideal series for cultivation in 11 - 13 cm pots. C02.540 Blue, Purple blue. C02.472 Purple, Violet blue. Main variety, very large flowers. C02.474 Rose, Pink. C02.476 Rose Red, Magenta. DW: 20-45

Kitte Rose ®

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Kitte Rose Red ®

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Aubrieta hybrida Dwarf Rock Cress

„Aubrieta hybrida“ are hybrids including very compact plants with often larger flowers. These varieties are geared to the requirements of growers and traders and enable reliable production and marketing in spring.

Bressingham Red

Bubble Purple

Dr Mules Variegated

Hamburger Stadtpark


Schloss Eckberg

C02.496 Bressingham Red C02.478 Bubble Purple C02.514 Dr. Mules Variegated Late variety, also very decorative in autumn assortment. C02.494 Ida C02.524 Schloss Eckberg DW: 20-45

Audrey™ F1

The Audrey™ F1 series is a novelty in the seed assortment. The dense compact plants are from March onwards covered in numerous small, weatherproof flowers. Its compact habit and early flowering make the Audrey™ F1 series into an ideal series for the early spring sales in 10 to 11cm pot. M32.280 Blue Shades, Mid blue. M32.290 Red Purple Mix, Shades of violet and purple. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36; 38; 40; 42

AudreyTM F1 Blue Shades

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AudreyTM F1 Red Purple Mix

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Barbarea rupicola Winter cress

Bergenia cordifolia Heart Leaf Bergenia

This species is native in the mountains of Corsica but is also hardy in the moderate climates of Western Europe. Above bright green rosettes appear bright yellow cruciferous flowers these create a strong colour contrast. Barbarea fits in nicely with the already existing spring assortment and is ideal for production in approx. 11 cm pots.

Bergenia are modest, almost indestructible evergreen perennials. Its upright flower stems appear as early as March. The fresh gleaming leaves become shades of red or reddish brown in the autumn. All these qualities turn this perennial into a multipurpose plant for example, a spring flowering, ground covering plant or cut foliage.

M30.000 Sunnyola, Bright yellow.

M35.040 Rose, Light pink. Fresh green foliage. M35.000 Rotblum, Deep pink. Improved foliage selection. M35.010 Winterglow, tiefrosa. Intensive Herbstf채rbung.

DW: 6; 30; 32; 36; 38; 40; 42 Tray 288 DW: 6; 16; 22; 26; 30; 32; 36 Tray 84 DW: 5-12

Rose Sunnyola

Buphthalmum salicifolium

Advice: Do not cultivate wet or the plant will bloom underneath the leaves.

Buphthalmum salicifolium Yellow Ox-Eye


Very hardy, perpetual flowering plant from Southern Europe. It produces lots of golden yellow ray flowers in the first summer of cultivation on approx. 50 to 60 cm high flower stems. For production as a specimen plant, the use of growth regulators is advised. If the plant gets sufficient fertilizer, it produces new flowers all summer long. M35.500 Buphthalmum salicifolium, Golden yellow. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36


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Calamintha nepeta Lesser Calamint

Calceolaria biflora

This perennial with fragrant leaves also flowers in its first year of cultivation. It produces a mass of small light violet individual blooms that result in a sea of flowers. Just like Lavender, Calamintha is an ideal plant to combine with roses in a sunny position. Very suitable for small pots from 10 cm up to specimen plants in 3 litre containers.

Calceolaria biflora originates from Argentina and is vastly different from the more commonly sold Calceolarias. Buttercup yellow flowers that resemble a purse with a red pattern seem to float on wiry stems above dark green glossy, flat rosettes. Although the plants are hardy, only frost-free cultivation is advisable for producing flowering spring perennials. This is awarded with early flowers around Valentine‘s Day.

Lady’s purse, Pocketbook flower, Slipper flower

C04.200 ssp. nepeta, Light violet. Perpetual flowering plant, fragrant leaves.

M36.000 Calceolaria biflora, Bright yellow. Spring flowering for greenhouse production.

DW: 10-20; 30-36

DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Calceolaria biflora

ssp. nepeta

Calceolaria hybrida Lady’s purse, Pocketbook flower, Slipper flower Lady‘s purses have been grown for many years as houseplants and garden plants for summer sales. These native Mexican plants are continuously further improved by means of hybridization, resulting in first-class varieties that are used in production of pot plants as well as summer perennials.

Sunset F1 Sunset F1 Mixed

Sunset F1 Yellow

Calceolaria Sunset F1 is a series that is ideal for the production of summer perennials in medium-size and large containers. When planted in a sunny and well-drained position in mild climates, this series will maintain itself mostly through self-seeding.

M36.100 M36.040 M36.060 M36.080

Formular Mix, Mixture of many colours. Orange Bicolor, Orange and yellow. Red, Blazing red. Yellow Bicolor, Yellow and orange.

DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

Sunset F1 Red

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Sunset F1 Orange Bicolor

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Calocephalus brownii Cushion bush, Wire mesh plant

Because of its strange barbed wire look, „Calocephalus“ is a staple in the autumn perennial assortment. Its exotic look provides striking silver accents to containers and dishes. Summer cultivation in the field or under glass. C04.072 Challenge. With ‚Challenge‘, Florensis has further improved existing selections through better branching and compact habit. DW: 10-30

C Campanula cochlearifolia Fairies thimbles „Campanula cochleariifolia“ behave very similarly to „Campanula carpatica“ and can be used in exactly the same way. Many, small nodding bellflowers cover the entire plant when in bloom. Because of its short reaction time, it can be in the same way as Campanula carpatica in professional horticulture.

Baby The „Baby“ series is a very uniform selection produced especially for selling as a flowering pot perennial in 1 litre pots. This series also reacts to day length and can be controlled. Under natural conditions, this series is very early and even when grown in the field, ready to market from mid June.

M38.700 Blue, Light blue. M38.720 White, White. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32


Caltha palustris

Advice: Grow nutrient rich and keep an eye out for signs of powdery mildew.

Caltha palustris Kingcup, Marsh Marigold

Baby Blue

Caltha palustris can really only be found in wet areas, near brooks, ponds or similar places. Its single, golden yellow bowl shaped flowers appear in early spring above deep green, glossy leaves. When produced sufficiently wet and sheltered, Caltha palustris can be used perfectly well as an addition to the spring assortment. M36.700 Caltha palustris, Bright yellow. Spring flowering, somewhat variable. DW: 6; 30; 32

Baby White

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Campanula carpatica Carpathian Bellflower “Campanula carpatica” is used in many different markets. This means that Bellflowers can be sold almost all year round. If naturally grown, the large deep blue or white bellflowers appear abundantly in summer from the end of June. By means of long day treatment and by taking the appropriate cultivation measures, the plants can be made to bloom when required.

Clips® Clips® Blue

Clips® Dark Blue

The varieties of the Clips series have proved their practical value over many years through their uniform growth and identical flower reaction. Under natural conditions, this series is approx. 10 to 14 days later than Pearl. M38.480 Dark Blue, Deep blue. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

M38.400 Blue, Mid blue. M38.460 White, White. Tray 288 DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32 Tray 84 DW: 5-12

Pearl F1

Clips® White

The „Pearl“ series is a large-flowered breeding product, which needs considerably less day length and therefore flowers clearly earlier under natural conditions. The compact plant habit and uniform flowering enable growers to control this crop both when growing as annuals, as well as biennials. M38.340 Deep Blue, Deep blue. Main colour. M38.342 Light Blue, Light blue. Addition. M38.350 White, White.

Pearl F1 Deep Blue

DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

Pearl F1 Light Blue

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Pearl F1 White

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Campanula gargarnica Adriatic Bellflower

Campanula glomerata Clustered Bellflower

II This species was discovered in the 19th century in the Italian mountains and has since become a staple in the perennial assortment. In early June, the firm, round, only 5 cm high cushions are entirely covered in star shaped light blue flowers. When grown over the winter months, it is possible to produce attractive, flowering pot perennials for 11 to maximally 13 cm pots.

Medium high, upright growing perennial, originally from the Caucasus. Large round „floral clusters“ are composed of many individual flowers. As garden plants, Campanula glomerata stand out in the border but they are also good cut flowers. Shorter growing selections have proved their worth in the production of flowering pot perennials in biennial culture.

M38.800 Major, Light blue. Flowering pot perennial only for vernalized cultivation. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

M39.000 Acaulis, Deep blue. Short selection for 1 to 3 litre pots. M39.040 Alba, White. Medium high variety, also for containers. M39.080 Superba, Deep blue. Tall variety for cut flower purposes. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36




lactiflora Violet

Campanula lactiflora Milky Bellflower


glomerata Alba


lactiflora Violet

Campanula latifolia ssp.macrantha Giant Bellflower II

Tall, stately appearance in the garden, with wide branching flower stems and a mixture of colours from rosy-pink to violet. This species is suitable for the production of perennials in a 9 cm pot. Its full splendour is not revealed until 2 to 3 years after planting. M39.300 Violet, Hues of pinky violet. Garden perennial. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Because of its medium height and flowers of intensive deep blue colour, the Giant Bellflower is a valuable colourful addition to any garden in shade or semi shade. As a specimen plant, this Campanula only flowers after vernalization. M40.200 Blue, Deep blue. Medium high, biennial container perennial. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Campanula longistyla Lavender Bellflower

Campanula medium Canterbury Bellse

„Campanula longistyla“ is an excellent choice for the production of flowering pot perennials. A multitude of large, nodding, mid blue bell shaped flowers cover the round 10 to 15 cm high plants. Campanula Isabella requires long day treatment. Without any control, plants potted in March and April, will easily come into full bloom as early as June. When potted up later on, one needs to control cultivation because the plants easily induce too early.

Splendid Canterbury Bells is one of the traditional garden plants, which has been cultivated since the 16th century. Native to Southern Europe and a biennial plant that will grow up to 80 - 100 cm. More recent breeding products are grown for production as container or cut flower perennials. The original forms can be sold in a 9 cm pot.

M40.300 Isabella, Mid blue. Pot perennial. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

M37.000 Blue, Mid blue. As perennial in a 9 cm pot. M37.040 Deep Blue, Deep blue. As perennial in a 9 cm pot.


M37.160 White, White As perennial in a 9 cm pot. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36


medium Blue

Campanula persicifolia Peach leaved bellflower

medium Deep Blue

medium White

persicifolia Caerulea

persicifolia White

This plant easily enchants anyone in early summer with its lovely large blue or white bells. The long, upright panicles, densely covered in flowers appear in the second year after planting and can be used as cut flowers. In the garden, Campanula persicifolia prefers full sun and does not mind a dry position. M40.640 Caerulea, Mid blue. Sell as bedding plant. M40.600 White, White. Sell as bedding plant. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Takion™ F1 II

Takion™ F1 is a special breeding product for growing as a container perennial in 3 litre pots. It develops many short panicles, densely covered in flowers that after vernalization appear as early as end of May. This very hardy perennial can be grown outdoors in the field. M40.670 Blue, Mid blue. Container perennial with short flower panicles. M40.680 White, White. Container perennial with short flower panicles DW: 26; 30; 32; 36

TaikonTM Blue

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TakionTM White

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Campanula portenschlagiana Wall Harebell

Campanula poscharskyana Serbian Bellflower

This very versatile perennial can be used in many ways. The species is very drought tolerant and is also suitable for rock gardens, in pots or containers, on dry walls and roofs. The intensely violet blue funnel shaped flowers appear in July. Campanula portenschlagiana can be controlled with long day treatment. More recent varieties are excellent for cultivation in batches.

Campanula poscharskyana develops spherical cushions with long flower tendrils. This species also withstands dry conditions very well and is a good ground covering plant, also for roofs. The blue, wide-open, star shaped flowers appear from the end of June.

M40.780 Blue, Mid blue. As 9 cm perennials for garden use. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

M40.800 Blue, Mid blue. Ground covering plant, roof plant. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Hirsch Blue


C04.250 Catharina, Deep blue. With its intense blue flowers and good branching habit, Catharina is especially suitable for controlled and annual summer cultivation. DW: 42-50; 6-22

C04.230 Hirsch Blue, Mid blue. Hirsch especially stands out because of its many large flowers. Also for hanging baskets. DW: 42-50; 6-22

poscharskyana Blue

Hirsch Blue

Campanula pyramidalis Chimney Bellflower

portenschlaggiana Blue


Campanula punctata Spotted Bellflower

The Chimney Bellflower always attracts attention. It develops an impressive high, straight, up to 2 metres tall inflorescence from a rosette that sits on the ground. From late May onwards, hundreds of large sky blue flowers appear above glossy leaves. M40.900 Lavender Blue, Mid blue. Sell as bedding plant. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

II This very robust perennial is native to East Asia and after vernalization develops beautiful, large, hanging bellflowers. As a ground covering plant these dense plants cover large surfaces. With its approx. 30 cm high flower panicles, this type is also suitable as flowering container perennial. M40.702 Rubriflora, Deep pink with small red dots. Ground covering and container perennial DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36


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pyramidalis Lavender Blue

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C Carlina acaulis Stemless Carline Thistle, Weather clock



When Cupid’s arrow... Catananche caerulea Cupid’s dart

Large silver-white flowers on very short stems and only open on bright sunny days and close at night(hence its names). Because of its prickly foliage, it is recommended to grow this for sale as a perennial in a 9 cm pot. It is a rewarding long-living species in the garden. M51.000 Simplex, Silvery white. Bedding plants. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Native to South Western Europe. The many strawflower like ray flowers appear all through the summer. There are many stories connected with Catananche such as the fact that it is supposed to be an aphrodisiac. Unfortunately, this species can only be sold to a limited extent as a lowering plant. Therefore, we advise you to grow them as perennials in 9 cm pots. M51.270 Alba, Bluish white. As 9 cm perennials for landscape gardening. M51.260 Blue, Mid blue. As 9 cm perennials for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36


Catananche caerulea Alba

Centaurea macrocephala

Catananche caerulea Blue

Centaurea dealbata

Centaurea dealbata Persian Cornflower, Whitewash Cornflower

Centaurea macrocephala Giant Knapweed

From the Caucasus originating species with very decorative, fringy foliage. Almost all cornflowers look like wildflowers. The pinkish cornflowers appear from June after vernalization. Only recommended to a limited extent as a flowering specimen plant.

Large, stately leafy plant with stiff upright, yellow flower heads. Even in bud a real eye catcher. Good perennial cut flower.

M51.700 Deep pink and white. Bedding plants. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

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M51.900 Centaurea macrocephala, Bright yellow. As 9 cm perennials for landscape gardening Perennial cut flower. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

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Centaurea montana Mountain Knapweed

Centranthus ruber Red Valerian

With its compact, round habit and attractive blue flowers, this plant provides colourful accents to the garden in early summer. Growth habit, earliness and long flowering period from the first year of cultivation are all good qualities for the production of flowering perennial specimen plants.

This plant has been around in European gardens since the Middle Ages and it is still popular. The dense beautiful racemes appear in early summer from the first year of cultivation. Centranthus can be produced as specimen plants or in small pots as flowering planting material. It is important to cut back the plants once after they have rooted.

M52.000 Centaurea montana, Mid blue. Container perennial also as cut flower. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32.

M52.500 Albus, Pearly white. Perennial specimen plant, perennial cut flower. M52.560 Coccineus, Brownish red Perennial specimen plant, perennial cut flower. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

Centaurea montana

Centranthus ruber Alba

Centaurea tomentosum

Cerastium tomentosum Snow-in-summer

The silvery white foliage forms very dense cushions. This quality means that it is possible to cover large surfaces quickly and permanently. With its evergreen foliage, it is also a welcome decorative component in autumnal plantings. M53.660 Cerastium tomentosum, Snow-white. Ground covering plant and for autumnal displays. Flowers in May. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32;

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Centranthus ruber Coccineus

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Chaenorhinum origanifolium Dwarf Snapdragon

Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Dwarf plumbago

Cushion forming low growing perennial, up to 15 cm tall. For rock gardens or borders. Carpets of violet blue blooms cover the compact, elegant round leaves from June onwards. This species reliably flowers the first year of cultivation and has also proved to be a good summer flowering pot perennial in 11 - 13 cm pot.

The gentian blue flowers appear near the end of summer and in autumn. C04.280 Ceratostigma plumbaginoides, Gentian blue. Ground covering plant, autumnal displays. DW: 22-36

M53.800 Blue Dream, Violet blue. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

Blue Dream

Ceratostigma plumbaginoides

Chiastophyllum oppositifolium ‘Jim’s Pride’, Lamb’s Tail II Small, thick leaved and very drought tolerant, ground covering perennial, especially suitable for shady areas. With bright yellow single flowers that cover trailing panicles, this species is ideal as a flowering pot perennial in 13 cm pot. In biennial cultivation with vernalization, the flowers appear from mid May onwards. M54.700 Chiastophyllum oppositifolium, Golden yellow. Ground covering plant for shade, pot perennial. DW: 30; 32; 36

Chiastophyllum oppositifolium

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Coreopsis grandiflora Tickseed

Coreopsis lanceolata Lance Leaf Tickseed

„Coreopsis grandiflora“ is the most successful of all summer pot perennials. Many varieties flower from June onwards with bright yellow flowers sometimes with brown contrasting patterns. In the right position, they continue to flower until the end of their vegetation period. The efforts of breeder have resulted in many new varieties that meet the requirements of modern horticulture.

„Coreopsis lanceolata“ looks a lot like Coreopsis grandiflora. However, this species is native to North America and very long lasting. After vernalization, the plants flower from June until the first frost.

M58.640 Baby Gold, Golden with brown heart. Single flowers only after vernalization. M58.580 Sunray, Bright golden yellow. Large double flowers only after vernalization.

Coreopsis verticillata Moonbeam Corpeopsis

DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

E23.700 Early Sunrise, Bright golden yellow. Double flowering. Flowers first year from seed, Main variety. E23.730 Presto®, Bright golden yellow. Compact dwarf variety, flowers first year from seed, in 13 cm pots but also as container perennial. E23.720 Sunfire, Golden with brown heart. Main variety ... with compact, round habit and very uniform, yellow-brown flowers on very sturdy stems. DW: 4-20; 26; 30; 32; 36 5-12;

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Coreopsis verticillata and its cultivars bear needle-like leaves arranged in star shapes. The yellow ray flowers appear from June until August on stems that are branched at the top. This continuously flowering popular perennial is a very effective summer plant. C04.406 Zagreb, Bright yellow. Large flowering variety with very compact habit. Excellent as summer pot perennial in 1 and 3 litre pot. DW: 6-36


Baby Gold


M58.680 Sterntaler, Golden with brown heart. Single flowers only after vernalization. Very long lasting, at its final position 40 cm. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36


Early Sunrise



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Cyclamen hederifolium


Ivy-leaved Cyclamen, Hardy Cyclamen, Neapolitanum Cyclamen, Wild Cyclamen Fully hardy Cyclamen have long been rarities in the perennial assortment and were often sold as tubers. From seed propagated varieties often require 2 to 3 years until they flower in late summer. Because the foliage of “Cyclamen hederifolium� disappears in the summer, established plants flower without leaves. The ivy-like leaves appear towards the end of the flowering period but do remain on the plant over the winter months and are very decorative.

Ivy Ice

The „Ivy Ice“ series was further developed from the species. It flowers in its first year of cultivation. In the first year, the beautifully marbled foliage also remains on the plant. This allows for a uniform production and sale just like traditional Cyclamen. The natural look and winter hardiness also enable sale as a decorative autumn and winter plant.

Deep Rose

M61.220 Deep Rose, Hues of deep pink. Hardy pot cyclamen and ground covering plant. M61.230 Light Rose, Hues of light pink. Hardy pot cyclamen and ground covering plant. M61.240 Pure White, Pure white. Hardy pot cyclamen and ground covering plant, main variety. M61.250 Rose Shades, Mixture of pink hues. Hardy pot cyclamen and ground covering plant. DW: 22-24; 26; 30

Light Rose

Pure White

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Rose Shades

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A wide array of colours

In sandy and stony soils, Delosperma will thrive for many years.

Delphinium belladonna Larkspur

Delosperma cooperi Ice plant

This fast-growing succulent originates from South Africa and seems to be mainly known as a Mediterranean plant. This species is however also hardy in Northern Europe. Their violet pink flowers appear in the first year of cultivation and is grown best in medium-sized pots. M61.700 Table Mountain, Violet pink. Summer pot perennial; large, round ray flowers appear continuously all through the summer. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

This medium-high Delphinium belladonna was bred around 1900. Above fine-leaved, round plants it develops elegantly branched flower panicles with a striking flowering capacity from the first year of cultivation. This species is an excellent cut flower perennial. As a container perennial it does unfortunately suffer in transport because of its fragility. M61.800 Bellamosum, Navy blue. Very good cut flower and flowering specimen perennial, main colour. M62.000 Casa Blanca, Pure white. Cut flower and specimen perennial. M61.900 Cliveden Beauty, Light blue. Cut flower and specimen perennial. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

Casa Blanca

Cliveden Beauty

Advice: Table Mountain


Delosperma sutherlandii Hardy Ice plant

Provided that the plants, right from the start of cultivation are regularly given the correct amount of calcium, Delphiniums are practically immune against possible diseases. This also significantly improves their hardiness.

This species with fine foliage is similar to Delosperma cooperi and flowers easily. Pinkish violet-white flowers result in a lovely colour contrast. The hardy ice plant also flowers all summer long and can be used as a summer pot perennial. M61.704 Delosperma sutherlandii, Violet pink. Summer pot perennial for smaller pot sizes. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Delosperma sutherlandii

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Delphinium cultorum Delphinium Hybrids “Delphinium cultorum” is a seed propagated cultivar of the original Delphinium elatum species. This species produces upright flower panicles, growing up to 1.5 metres tall and flowering in blue, white or pink tints that result in a wonderful display of colours in any amateur garden.

Dasante F1

In developing „Delphinium Dasante“, the breeders have succeeded in combining the robustness and flowering qualities of an F1-Hybrid Delphinium with earliness and shorter flower stems. Delphinium Dasante F1 stands out because the plants are strong and healthy as well as uniform. Dasante clearly has the advantage because of early flowering and the height of the plants, which helps to produce high quality specimen perennials. M63.000 Blue, Violet blue and white. Main variety for container perennials. DW: 4-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

Guardian F1 Dasante F1 Blue

Guardian F1 is the latest generation of Delphiniums suitable for growing in containers. Because of their high degree of uniformity, the entire stock, as well as individual containers are clearly more uniform in comparison with previous types. The sturdy panicles densely covered with flowers appear as early as June in a great cut flower quality. Its vigorous growth has a positive effect on the health of the plants and quality of the flowers, also allowing cultivation in batches all through the summer. M64.950 Blue, Dark blue and white. M64.960 Lavender, Lavender and white. M64.970 White, Pure white. DW: 18; 22; 26; 30; 32; 36

Guardian F1 Blue

Guardian F1 Lavender

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Guardian F1 White

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Magic Fountain

The Magic Fountain series has proven to be a very successful, reliable and easy crop. Amongst summer flowering pot perennials, this series stands out because of its broad range of colours. Relatively short panicles that stand on sturdy stems are excellent qualities for transporting 3-litre containers in full bloom. M64.260 Dark Blue Black Bee, Dark blue and black. M64.280 Dark Blue White Bee, Dark blue and white. M64.320 Deep Rose White Bee, Deep pink and white. M64.300 Lavender White Bee, Lavender and white. M64.282 Mid Blue White Bee M64.370 Rose Blue White Bee, Light pink and white. M64.360 Sky Blue White Bee, Light blue and white. M64.340 White, Pure white. M64.380 White Dark Bee, White and black.

Dark Blue Black Bee

Deep Rose White Bee

M64.400 Mixed, Formula Mixture. Mixture of the individual colours. Tray 288 DW: 4-20; 26; 30; 32; 36 Tray 180 LW Tray 84 LW 5-12

Mid Blue White Bee

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Dark Blue White Bee

Lavender White Bee


Sky Blue White Bee

Rose Blue White Bee

White Dark Bee

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Pacific Giants

Varieties in the Pacific series are named after the „Heroes“ of the Arthurian legend. The spectacular colours of the long, lance shaped panicles are supposed to represent the various characters of these heroes. These tall varieties are always true eye-catchers in gardens of all sizes and have proved their worth over the years. Because of their size, these varieties are only sold as perennials in 9 cm pots. M63.400 M63.460 M63.520 M63.640 M63.700 M63.760 M63.820

Astolat, Deep pink and white. Black Knight, Dark blue and black. Blue Bird, Mid blue and white. Camelliard, Lavender and white. Galahad, Pure white. Guinevere, Light pink and white. King Arthur, Dark blue and white.

Tray 288 DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 Tray 84 DW: 5-12

Blue Bird

M63.940 Summer Skies, Light blue and white. Tray 288 DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36



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Black night



King Arthur

Summer Skies

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Delphinium grandiflorum Siberian Larkspur

„Delphinium grandiflorum“ is also known as ”Delphinium chinensis”. It has a dense, round and spherical plant habit with very fine, feathery, dark green leaves and has proved to be a good plant for cultivation as a container perennial. From June onwards, the delicate plants are adorned with round short-stemmed flowers. M64.740 Blue Ocean M64.760 Diamonds F1, Azure. This new F1 hybrid is much more resistant compared to well-known varieties. The F1 effect means that this variety is more vigorous and makes it into a real alternative.

Blue Ocean

Diamonds F1

Summer Blues

Summer Cloud

Summer Morning

Summer Nights

Summer Stars

Delphinium nudicaule

DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32


The „Summer“ series, with its compact and uniform habit is especially suitable for production in 13 cm pots as well as in 3-litre containers. In annual cultivation, the short, sturdy, maximally approx. 25 cm tall panicles appear from mid June and bear a multitude of spurred flowers. M64.722 M64.729 tion. M64.725 M64.724 M64.726

Blues, Light blue Main variety. Cloud, Mid blue and white New colour combinaMorning, Light pink. Not as strong as the series. Nights, Dark blue. Main colour. Stars, Pure white. Very elegant.

Tray 288 DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32 Tray 84 LW 5-12

Delphinium nudicaule Red Larkspur

The species originates in California with a nicely branched compact habit. The bright orange blooms appear in June in the first year of cultivation against a background of fresh green foliage. Regularly check on Colletotrichum (black spot). M64.800 Delphinium nudicaule, Hues of orange-red. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

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D Dianthus The extensive “Carnation” genus includes many varieties of which many have established themselves as tried and tested hardy perennials. Horticulture can use these plants in as many ways as there are different forms available.



Dianthus deltoides Maiden pink

This species is native to Europe‘s moorlands and forms fast growing carpets of plant cushions. Masses of bright individual blooms flower on dainty stems. Produced as perennial in 9 cm pots, this species is part of the standard assortment and is very suitable for use in rockeries, flowerbeds and as a green roof perennial.

Dianthus arenarius Sand pink

M68.900 Brilliant, Blazing red. Very large-flowered. M69.200 Leuchtfunk, Blazing red small-flowered. Intense colour. M69.080 White, Pearly white. A slender, fragrant pinks, usually bearing white flowers. This type of pink is very drought tolerant and is therefore suitable for rock gardens, dry stone walls and roofs.

DW: 6; 30; 32; 36; 38

M68.400 Dianthus arenarius, White and light pink. As perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Dianthus arenarius

Vienna Mixture



deltoides White

Allwoodii Alpinus

Dianthus caryophyllus Clove Pink, Divine Flower, Gilly Flower

Dianthus hybrida Allwood pink

Garden pinks or carnations embody everything that is associated with pinks and have been grown since antiquity. These are native to Southern Europe indeed but a few are also fully hardy in Northern Europe.

The varieties originating from a crossing of D. caryophyllus x D. plumosus are especially suitable for rock gardens because of their compact habit but are also good bedding plants. In pot sizes between 9 and 12 cm, most types will flower after a cool period in early spring. Some can be grown as annual summer flowering perennials.

M67.700 Vienna Mixture, Mixture of many colours. Dwarf form of the species that has proved itself in biennial outdoor pot cultivation DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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M68.300 Allwoodii Alpinus, Pink and two-tone shades. Single-flowering perennial pinks can also be grown as annuals. Somewhat variable habit and flower colour. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

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D Dianthus gratianopolitanus Cheddar pink

This species stands out because it forms evergreen, very robust cushions. Many single pink flowers give off the typically spicy fragrance of carnations. Dianthus gratianopolitanus is easy to integrate in any sort of garden design, such as pots, containers, flowerbeds or rockeries. M69.290 Flavora, Hues of light pink. As a perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32


Dianthus plumarius Garden pink

Garden pinks are well-known for their double flowers and strong fragrance. From June onwards, the flowers appear in different shades and patterns above bluish green, dense grassy leaf cushions. M70.000 Double Rose, Hues of light pink. As perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. M70.100 Double White, White. As perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

Dinetta Lilac

Dinetta Light Pink

Dianthus hybrida Dinetta

plumarius Double Rose

plumarius Double White

“Dinetta� is a vegetatively propagated Dianthus series with outstanding hardiness. Suitable for annual cultivation of summer flowering pot plants, bearing many double flowers from June onwards, contrasting nicely with silver grey foliage. These types can also be cultivated over the winter months to be optimally ready for sale from MarchApril when grown outdoors and from February when grown under glass. C05.152 Light Pink, Light pink. C05.153 Lilac, Lilac-pink. C05.151 Pink, Deep pink. DW: 6-20; 22;24;26;28;30;32;

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Dinetta Pink

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Dianthus x barbatus Sweet William

Sweet William is a biennial or a short-lived perennial plant, which originally only came into flower after a vernalization period. In addition to traditional medium-high and high Sweet William there are also shorter varieties especially bred for pot plant production. The latter also without vernalization.

Nana compacta Mixed

Barbarini F1 Mix

Barbarini F1 Lilac

Barbarini F1 Purple

Barbarini F1 Purple Bicolor

Barbarini F1 Purple Picotee

Barbarini F1 Red

Barbarini F1 Red Picotee

Barbarini F1 Rose

Barbarini F1 Salmon

M67.400 nana compacta Mixed, Mixture of many colours Very hardy uniform selection. With vernalization, this flowers in spring. Very good outdoors type. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36; 38

Barbarini F1 II The Barbarini F1 series was especially developed for the production of pot perennials from tried and tested cut flower variety Barbarella F1. It flowers without vernalization and can be grown in batches for flowering deadlines from May until September. M65.460 Formular Mix, Mixture of individual colours. M65.410 Lilac, Violet pink. M65.420 Purple, Violet. M65.422 Purple Bicolor,Violet. M65.424 Purple Picotee, Violet. M65.430 Red, Bright red. M65.432 Red Picotee, Bright red and white. M65.434 Red Rose Bicolor, Bright pink. M65.440 Rose, Pink. M65.444 Salmon, Salmon pink. M65.450 White, Pearly white. Tray 288 DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32 Tray 84 DW: 5-12

Barbarini F1 Red Rose Bicolor Barbarini F1 White

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Dianthus x barbatus Sweet William DiabundaTM F1

DiabundaTM is a series of Sweet William without the need of vernalization flowering all year through. With its well branched and uniform habit and the short stems it is very suitable for the year round and efficient production of pot perennials. In opposite to normal Sweet William varieties DiabundaTM produces continuously new flowers and is also at the consumer level of a real benefit.

M65.452 M65.455 M65.461 M65.462 M65.470 M65.472 M65.475

DiabundaTM F1 Pink Pearl

DiabundaTM F1 Purple

DiabundaTM F1 Purple Picotee

DiabundaTM F1 Red

DiabundaTM F1 Red Picotee

DiabundaTM F1 Rose

Dynasty F1 Orchid

Dynasty F1 Pink Magic

Dynasty F1 Purple

Dynasty F1 Red

Dynasty F1 Rose Lace

Dynasty F1 White Blush

Mixed Pink Pearl Purple Purple Picotee Red Red Picotee Rose

DW: 4-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

Dianthus x interspecific Pink Dianthus interspecific hybrids were bred by crossing various very different species. The positive link as far as qualities is concerned is the Dynasty series.

Dynasty F1

The „Dynasty“ F1 series combines winter hardiness and flowerage in a first-year flowering summer perennial. Double, slightly fragrant flowers as well as a high degree of uniformity within the series make the Dynasty series unique within the perennial assortment. When produced in the field, the strongly coloured flowers appear on stable, short stems from July onwards. M67.550 Orchid, Violet pink. M67.552 Hues of pink. Light and dark flowers on the same plant. M67.554 Purple, Violet-red. M67.556 Red, Cerise. M67.558 Rose Lace, Pink. M67.560 White Blush, White and pink. DW: 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

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D Dicentra eximia Wild or Fringed Bleeding-heart, Turkey-corn



Digitalis grandiflora Big-flowered foxglove

II This popular garden plant is named after its striking flowers that look like little bleeding hearts. This flat growing species easily covers whole areas in full shade and semi shade. From late April onwards, it flowers with attractive flowers against a background of soft green filigree leaves. When grown as an annual, the flowers appear from late June. M71.100 Dicentra eximia, Hues of light pink. Also flowers first year from seed.

Slender, soft yellow racemes develop on upright growing panicles above dark evergreen rosettes. Several selections of this very long-living species flower the first year from seed. M72.620 Dwarf Carillion, Pastel yellow. Very short-stemmed selection. Flowers the first year from seed. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32 5-12

DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Red Darkeximia Dicentra Fiolage

Summer King

Digitalis mertonensis Strawberry foxglove II Large-flowered hybrid in a very special strawberry pink colour; the colour of the flowers is unique. This regal and impressive garden perennial needs a vernalization period to produce flowers. M72.900 Summer King, Deep pink. Garden perennial, marketed in 9 cm pot. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

Dwarf Carillion

Digitalis purpurea Camelot™

The „Camelot“ series is an interesting further development that flowers in its first year of cultivation. The short production period results in the plants having a compact, rosette-like shape and many, relatively short flower stems. The large individual flowers have a wonderfully speckled throat. Also suitable for use as a cut flower. M73.410 Mixed, Formula mixture M73.404 Rose, Light pink Tray 288 DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36 Tray 84 DW: 5-12

CamelotTM Mixed

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CamelotTM Rose

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Digitalis purpurea Common foxglove, Purple foxglove, Lady’s Glove

The herbaceous plant known as „ Foxglove“ is not just known for its medicinal properties. In the garden, Digitalis purpurea also presents a spectacular figure because of its size and colours. The species is most commonly seen in shades of white, purple and cream. M73.280 Alba, Snow-white. M73.000 Excelsior Hybrids, Violet-red. Tall garden perennial. M73.260 Giant Spotted, Mixture of colours. Very largeflowered. M73.350 Pam‘s Split, White and red Striking laciniated flowers. M73.360 Suttons Apricot, pfirsichrosa. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36



Excelsior Hybrids


Giant Spotted

Pam’s Split

M73.120 Gloxinea, Mixture of many colours. DW: 6: 30: 32; 36

Dalmatian F1 Suttons Apricot


The „Dalmatian“ series carries on where previous developments left off. Both in annual as well as in vernalized cultivation, this series sets new standards regarding earliness. Dalmatian F1 convinces through its compact, rosette-shaped plant habit and many short stemmed panicles. M73.432 Purple, Violet-red. Earliest variety. M73.434 White, Pearly white. Early variety. Tray 288 DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32 Tray 84 DW: 5-12;

Dalmatian F1 White

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Dalmatian F1 Purple

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Doronicum orientale Leopard’s bane

„Doronicum“ with its bright yellow, daisy like flowers and a height of 25 cm really stands out amongst other spring flowering cushion forming perennials. No wonder, this species is well known and very popular in European gardens.

Little Leo


M75.270 Little Leo, Bright yellow. Profusely flowering with uniform, round flowers make ‘Little Leo’ very attractive for extensive production. M75.280 Magnificum, Bright yellow. Tall garden perennial. Tray 288 DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 Tray 84 DW: 5-12


Leonardo is a newly developed variety that flowers significantly earlier than the well-known varieties, even under natural conditions. This means that it fits in with the optimum sales window in early spring. A dense habit and numerous short stemmed blooms also ensure good sales. M75.265 Compact, Bright yellow. Compact variety from the Doronicum series. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36-39

LeonardoTM Compact

Draba aizoides

Duchesnea indica

Draba aizoides Yellow Whitlowgrass

In the first warm rays of the sun in spring, this evergreen rock plant starts flowering with many bright yellow blooms. These are the first to produce colour in the spring garden. The small but very sturdy plant grows in small dishes, pots and rockeries. M75.800 Draba aizoides, Light yellow. Flowering spring assortment but in small pot sizes. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Duchesnea indica Indian strawberry, Mock strawberry

A very fast growing, spreading ground covering plant. Large surfaces are rapidly covered in fresh green foliage. Its many white blooms and red fruits in summer provide an interesting change in colour from season to season. M76.500 Duchesnea indica, White and red. Ground covering plant, as perennial in 9 cm pot. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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PowWowTM Wild Berry

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Echinacea purpurea Purple Cone flower PowWow™

A series that sets new standards. Clearly improved qualities such as plant height and branching but mainly a success because the PowWow™ series flowers the first year from seed and thus can be sold as a profuse flowering specimen perennial. For the consumer, PowWow™ stands out because of its long flowering period. From late June until the first frosts many round flower heads appear on well-branched flower stems. M76.830 White, White with a yellow heart. M76.820 Wild Berry, Deep pink. Main colour. Tray 288 DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32 Tray 84 DW: 5-12;

PowWowTM White

Echinacea purpurea Roter Sonnenhut; Igelkopf

The genus Echinacea includes only nine species. All species are native to the endless prairies of East and Central North America. These perennials grow up to approx. 120 to 140 cm tall and when fully developed approx. 50 cm wide. Echinacea purpurea is called „purple cone flower“ because the original forms usually have pinkish-purple flowers. Over the last decades, many varieties with new colours and shapes were developed.

Echinacea purpurea



White Swan

M76.700 Echinacea purpurea, Violet pink. Large-flowered uniform garden variety. M76.710 Doubledecker, Violet pink. With propeller shaped flowers. M76.760 Magnus, Violet pink. Tried and tested garden variety. M76.780 White Swan, White with a yellow heart. White form of the species. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Echinops bannaticus Globe Thistle

This large globe thistle from Southern Europe is a robust perennial with an attractive garden presence. Grey blue to deep blue spherical flower balls seem to float on stiff upright stems. A magnet for butterflies. M76.900 Blue Globe, Steel blue. Cut flower and structural perennial. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Blue Globe

Echinops ritro

Echinops ritro Globe Thistlel

Echinops ritro looks a lot like other globe thistles but is a slightly shorter garden form. M77.000 Echinops ritro, Light blue. Garden perennial, as perennial in 9 cm pot . DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Erigeron compositus


Dwarf Mountain Fleabane; Cutleaf Daisy; Trifid Mountain Fleabane

A charming alpine perennial with a multitude of white and pinkish daisies - rock plant. M79.900 Rocky, White with a yellow heart. As perennial in 9 cm pot. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Erigeron speciosus Showy Fleabane


This species does resemble perennial asters but flowers in early summer in its first year of cultivation. A very often used component in herbaceous borders and landscape gardening. The following varieties have proved their worth through a good shelf life and splendid colours They are also good cut flowers. M80.500 Azure Beauty, Deep blue. Garden perennial, cut flower perennial. M80.700 Rose Jewel, Bright pink. Garden perennial, cut flower perennial. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Rose Jewel

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Erinus alpinus Fairy foxglove, Summer starwort

A small clump forming perennial from the high mountains of Europe. This very short-lived species only survives the winter in dry stony positions. In normal gardens it is often dependent on self seeding. Clump forming perennial Erinus is of very elegant appearance and grown as a biennial flowers from May onwards with soft pink or white blooms. M81.500 Erinus alpinus, Bright pink. Only suitable to a limited extent in 11 to 13 cm pots, or as perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Erinus alpinus

Erodium variabile Heron’s bill, Stork’s bill II This Erodium species is a dwarf perennial that develops into spreading cushions that flower for long periods. Constantly growing plants and renewed flowering mean that the plants can be grown in batches outdoors as well as under glass and marketed from early summer onwards, in small and medium-sized pots.

Bishop’s Form

C06.202 Bishop‘s Form, Bright pink . Perpetual flowering plant for 9 - 13 cm pots. DW: 10-42

Eryngium planum Sea holly Eryngium planum


Very beautiful thistle species with lovely shimmering blue flower heads. Stiff upright growing well-branched flowerstems with few leaves appear from June onwards from spreading leaf rosettes. Tall varieties have proved their value as cut flower perennials and dried flowers and very short varieties are ideal for the production of flowering pot perennials to be grown with vernalization. M83.100 Eryngium planum, Steel blue. Tried and tested cut flower and garden perennial. M83.110 Blue Hobbit, Steel blue. 25 cm tall. Ideal for 13 cm pots. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Blue Hobbit

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Eryngium variifolium Atlas Mountains sea holly, Moroccan sea holly

This short to medium-high species stands out because of its interesting patterned young leaves. This makes it also a good choice for autumnal decorations. As a garden perennial, the white patterns on the leaves form a nice contrast with the silvery white flowers. M83.180 Eryngium variifolium, Inconspicuous. Garden perennial, as perennial in 9 cm pot. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Erysimum allionii Siberian wallflower, Perennial wallflower

Erysimum linifolium Perennial wallflower, Alpine wallflower

A bushy, shrub like, evergreen perennial. Unfortunately, this species is only hardy in mild climates. Only in sheltered, well-drained positions survives the plant for more years. The often sterile plants stand out because they never cease to flower, the whole summer long. When grown as a biennial under cover, the plants flower from early April nonstop until the first frost. There are a few varieties with variegated leaves that can be included in the autumn assortment. C06.260 Bowles Mauve, Violet pink. Spring and summer flowering plant. C06.272 Variegatum Peach, Orange pink. Variegated foliage for spring and autumn assortment. C06.280 Variegatum Purple, Bright lilac. Variegated foliage for spring and autumn assortment. DW: 22-42

This very hardy, evergreen, historic species is one of the most popular perennial in cottage gardens and ornamental gardens because of the abundance and splendour of its flowers. In pervious, well draining soils, Erysimum allionii is perhaps one of the most lasting Erysimum species. M83.300 Orange Queen, Bright Orange. As perennial in 9 cm pot, also as spring flowering plant. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36; 38; 40; 42

Bowles Mauve

Eryngium variifolium

Variegatum Peach

Orange Queen

Variegatum Purple


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Eupatorium maculatum Joe Pye Weed

Eucalyptus gunnii Cider gum

Native, this large specimen perennial develops well in the garden in moist soils or on the edge of the pond, growing up to 200cm. If grown as a first year flowering plant in containers or large tubs it will stay more compact, only reaching heights of 60 to 80cm. As a specimen perennial when grown as an annual, the plants flower towards the end of summer in shades of deep pink.

The classic Eucalyptus is a fast growing tree from the subtropical regions of Australia. In its juvenile stage, Eucalyptus gunnii is relatively hardy. Eucalyptus is peculiar because of its silvery green foliage, which has a different shape in its juvenile stage, compared to its adult stage. Young plants develop sprays covered in bluish green leaves. This is very interesting as far as the production of summer perennials in containers is concerned but the shoots are also popular as cut foliage.

M83.940 Atropurpureum, Pink. Only to a limited extent as annual specimen perennial. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

M83.800 Silver Tropfen. Inconspicuous. Container perennial, cut foliage perennial. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Silver Tropfen


Erysimum Wallflower Eupatorium purpureum

Erysimum was one of the first perennials to be discovered for cultivation next to Primula and Pansies. Because they are quick and easy to produce, wallflowers have become part of the staple assortment of many nurseries. These nostalgic plants spread a lovely fragrance, which is also a good and additional sales argument.

Eupatorium purpureum Purple Joe Pye Weed

M83.604 Erysimum perofskianum Goldshot, Golden yellow. M83.620 Erysimum suffruticosom Goldstaub, Golden yellow. M83.500 Canariens™, Bright yellow. Further developed from existing species. The first buds are dark in colour. Can be easily grown outdoors. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36; 38; 40; 42

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This smaller native species grows up to approx. 170 cm and resembles Eupatorium purpureum. It flowers with large burgundy blooms on tall, strong stems and attracts many bees and butterflies in late summer. M84.000 Eupatorium purpureum, Burgundy. As perennial in 9 cm pot, also for medium and small gardens. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Ascott Rainbow

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E Euphorbia: All over the world, Euphorbia occurs as a native plant in many different often beautiful, and sometimes inconspicuous shapes and forms. Any Euphorbia provides its own special touch to any garden design.

Euphorbia amygdaloides Woodspurge



Euphorbia griffithii Griffith’s spurge

A strongly coloured species for moist positions rich in nutrients. A spectacular eye-catcher in the garden because of its bright orange red foliage and flowers. Also a very attractive addition to the autumn perennial assortment. C06.306 Fireglow, Orange red. Gorgeous autumn colours. DW: 22-42

„Euphorbia amygdaloides“ is one of the hardiest perennials, which adds colour to a dark, often very gloomy season. The foliage remains on the plant, even during hard frosts. With its burgundy foliage colour, it adds nice contrast to autumn plantings; whether it is in borders, containers, boxes or troughs. After the winter, Euphorbia amygdaloides surprises with creamy yellow flower bracts, which keep their appeal well into the summer. C06.320 Ascott Rainbow, Bright greenish yellow. A very well-branching variety with three coloured yellowred-white variegated leaves. C06.300 Purpurea, Bright greenish yellow. Reddish brown foliage provides a large contrast in any autumn display. C06.302 Robbiae. Evergreen vigorous variety. DW: 22-42

Euphorbia myrsinites

Euphorbia polychroma




Tiny Tim

Euphorbia polychroma Cushion spurge

Euphorbia myrsinites Myrtle spurge, Creeping spurge, Donkey tail

Spring flowering perennial with very thick fleshy, cylindrically sprawling stems. This evergreen species has many applications in rockeries, on stone walls and roof gardens but also looks good in autumn displays in plant tubs and troughs. M84.760 Euphorbia myrsinites, Lemon yellow. As perennial in 9 cm pot for roof gardens or autumn displays. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

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A very decorative, bushy specimen perennial for early spring. The golden yellow bracts seem to light up as early as the start of April on plants reaching around 20 cm in height. This species is very suitable for the production of specimen spring flowering plants, bearing the following two aspects in mind: 1. The plants need time to develop, so start in week 22 or 26 with young plants. 2. In winter, all remaining shoots need to be cut back to 1 cm above ground. M84.800 Euphorbia polychroma, Bright golden yellow. Large perennial for the flowering spring assortment. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Euphorbia x martinii Martins spurge

Filipendula vulgaris Fernleaf dropwort

Regal, wide spreading bushy spurge with greenish red foliage. Develops cream coloured bracts with a reddish centre. A special eye-catcher, also as a container plant.

Finely structured, dark green leaf rosettes with upright branched, cream flower clusters. A perennial that looks like a wildflower suited for natural landscape gardening.

C06.308 Euphorbia x martinii, Creamy yellow and red Garden perennial. DW: 22-42

M85.500 Filipendula vulgaris, Cream white. As perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Euphorbia x martinii Filipendula vulagris

Fragaria vesca Woodland strawberry, European strawberry

The European strawberry is clearly different from normal garden strawberries because of its small leaves and small but very aromatic fruits. Ideally, it is often used as a non invasive ground covering plant (no offshoots). M85.800 Alexandria, Red fruits. Ground covering garden perennial. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32


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G Gaillardia aristata Blanket flower



Summer sun and Gaillardia.

With beautifully coloured, large composite flowers, Blanket Flowers have been a staple ingredient of traditional cottage gardens for many centuries and are therefore well known. The summer flowering assortment for annual cultivation is constantly optimized through breeding. M86.300 Bremen, Golden yellow with red heart. Tall garden perennial. M86.400 Burgunder, Deep burgundy. Tall garden perennial. M86.600 Kobold (Goblin), Golden yellow with red heart. Tried and tested variety, flowers very late in first year of cultivation. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 In recent years, a whole range of clearly improved seed varieties has become available to the market. These stand out through improved uniformity and earliness. These come nowhere near the qualities of vegetatively propagated varieties but for summer perennial production they are good alternatives.




Advice: Make sure to check for downy mildew at an early stage!

M86.250 Arizona Sun, Golden yellow with red heart. Compact and early. M86.100 African Sunset, Hues of orange. Very compact and early. M86.240 Arizona Red Shades, Burgundy. Compact and early. When potting at an early date, a somewhat taller variety. Tray 288 DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32 Tray 84 DW: 5-12

African Sunset

Arizona Sun

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Arizona Red Shades

MessaTM Yellow

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Dark Bicolor

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New breeding products, such as the „Gallo“ series, provide the market with compact, nicely shaped, uniform and early flowering plants in a wide range of colours from early June onwards. The Gallo series is being constantly improved in response to the increasingly higher demands of growers and traders. C08.012 C08.020 C08.014 C08.022 C08.017 C08.018

Dark Bicolor, Yellow and dark red. Bright yellow with reddish brown heart. Fire, Orange and yellow. Orange red with yellow leaf edges. Peach, Yellow with orange ring. Bright yellow with a bright orange ring. Red, Burgundy. Solid dark burgundy. Yellow, yellow. Yellow Trumpet, yellow.

DW: 6-32





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Gaultheria procumbens Eastern Teaberry, Checkerberry, Boxberry

This dwarf shrub from North America produces attractive berries and is part of the family of Ericaceae. Especially in the heather segment, Gaultheria has become increasingly more important over the last years and has developed into a staple in the autumn market. Local conditions require a thorough analysis before cultivation is started because this shrub has a few special requirements. Soil reaction, water quality and a very high standard of hygiene in the business are imperative for a successful crop. With its variety called Very Berry and well matured young plants, Florensis provides the starting material for achieving an optimum crop. Gaultheria are marketed as early as late August until well into the winter. M87.300 Very BerryÂŽ, Red fruits. Most suitable for biennial cultivation. DW: 12-14; 26; 30; 32

Very BerryÂŽ

Gaura lindheimeri Lindheimer’s Beeblossom, Clockweed

Gaura is proud (Greek = gauros) to present its graceful flowers on upright, branched, long panicles that make Gaura lindheimeri an attractive appearance in the garden. This species is a native of the North American prairies and a true perpetual flowering plant that continues to flower from early summer until the frost. Gaura has no problem with the heat of summer but wetness often kills it prematurely. Gaura is a regular in the market, both as a bedding plant as well as a summer flowering perennial.

Gaura lindheimeri


Pink Dwarf

Whirling Butterflies

M87.800 Gaura lindheimeri, Snow-white. Seed propagated variety for production of summer flowering pot perennials. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

C08.130 Grace, Dark pink. C08.126 Pink Dwarf, Deep pink. Very compact variety with green-red foliage and deep pink flowers. C08.100 Whirling Butterflies, White pink. Radiant white, also in the bedding plant season. DW: 10-36

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Gentiana cruciata Cross gentian, Star gentian

After vernalization, Star gentians stand out because of their dark blue flowers from June onwards. The spreading plants with densely covered, approx. 20 cm high, upright flower spikes can be grown very easily in pot sizes up to 13 cm. M89.100 Gentiana cruciata, Dark gentian blue. Also as flowering plants, somewhat variable. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Gentiana cruciata

Gentiana septemfida Sommerenzian II After vernalization, Star gentians stand out because of their dark blue flowers from June onwards. The spreading plants with densely covered, approx. 20 cm high, upright flower spikes can be grown very easily in pot sizes up to 13 cm. M89.900 Gentiana septemfida, Dark gentian blue. Also as flowering plants, somewhat variable. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Gentiana septemfida

The most beautiful blue with gentians: All gentians should be cultivated at very low EC values <1. N is tolerated hardly or not at all. A fertilizer ratio of approx. 1-2-4

Geranium sanguineum Bloody Cranesbill Cranesbill is a popular, evergreen, perpetual flowering ground covering plant for dry positions in sun and semi shade. This very strong spreading species is sure to cover large surfaces without becoming invasive.


The Vision® series stands out because it doesn’t spread as widely and is therefore also suitable for small garden areas. When used as a flowering individual plant on the patio or in containers and tubs, these varieties have also proved their worth.

Visions® Pink

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Visions® Violet

M90.610 Pink, Light pink. Garden perennial and ground covering plant. M90.612 Violet, Deep pink. Garden perennial and ground covering plant. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Geum chiloense Chilean avens

Geum coccineum Avens

II Bright red or golden yellow spherical flowers dance on loosely moving flower stems. Chilean avens adjusts itself to any type of garden. This specimen perennial is often cultivated as impulse plant in 3-litre containers and flowers after vernalization in May. M91.200 Lady Stratheden (Goldball), Bright yellow. M91.100 Mrs. Bradshaw (Feuerball), Bright red.

„Geum coccineum“ flowers in early spring with airy sprays of individual flowers. Even the few flowers on young plants form a striking display with their bright orange colours. The shiny green, fresh, nicely shaped leaves also have considerable ornamental value. There is hardly any other plant that will provide consumers with such a bright display of flowers. M91.010 Koi, Bright Orange. The “Koi” variety is the first really useful Geum that can be grown as an annual as well and thus allows to be sold from May until July in maximum 13 cm pot.

Tray 288 DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 Tray 84 DW: 5-12

Tray 288 DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32 Tray 84 DW: 5-12

Geum rivale Water avens

The name „rivale“ stands for “on the water‘s edge“ and points out how this plant should be grown. The native species was grown as an alternative for cloves as early as the Middle Ages. These days, it is a popular cottage garden plant. „Geum rivale“ is mostly sold as perennial in a 9 cm pot. M91.600 Geum rivale, Brownish yellow. As perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Koi Lady Stratheden

Mrs. Bradshaw

Goniolimon tataricum German Statice, Tatarian Statice

The species known as „German statice“ is an excellent cut flower, also for dried flower arrangements. In gardens, “German statice” is also popular because of its peculiar growth habit that attracts attention. The flower colours vary from year to year between white and pale violet depending on moisture and temperature.

Geum rivale

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Goniolimon tataricum

D43.900 Goniolimon tataricum, Pure white. Garden and cut flower perennial. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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G Advice: Gypsophila (Greek= chalk loving) has to be planted in calcereous soil /compost.



Gypsophila fastigiata Soapwort II

Gypsophila cerastioides Baby’s Breath, Soap Wort

Very atypical Gypsophila species with striking large individual flowers with violet veins . Beautiful in the rock garden, on dry stone walls or in hanging baskets. This also annual flowering cushion perennial is an ideal addition to the existing assortment of summer flowering pot perennials in approx. 13 cm pot.

This species is native to Central Europe where it especially favours light positions without any competition from other plants. From loose, round, needle like tufts appear dense masses of white star shaped flowers. The „Silverstar“ variety flowers in its first year but in biennial cultivation it develops clearly denser plant cushions and can be produced as a very decorative pot perennial in approx. 13 cm pot. M94.470 Silverstar, Silvery white. Annual in small pot Perennial in 13 cm pots. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

M94.500 Pearly white. Also combined in hanging baskets DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Gypsophila cerastioides


Gypsophila paniculata Soap root


Gypsophila repens Alpine gypsophila, Creeping baby’s Breath

With its fine, branched, white flower panicles, well-known soap root is one of the basics in any garden. With only partially double flowers, this species is very suitable for use as a cut flower purposes in the home garden. At sunny, well-drained positions, this popular cut flower perennial thrives for many years.

Creeping Baby’s Breath is sufficiently robust when planted in well-draining position in full sun and covers the ground as a carpet. The well-branched panicles trail over dry stone walls, from hanging baskets and across roofs.


M94.800 Snowflake, Pure white. As perennial in 9 cm pot, for amateur cut flower purposes DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 The new Filou series stands out because of its improved habit and better uniformity. With a hundred percent flower reaction and clearly earlier start of the flowering period in its first year of cultivation, Filou sets new standards. This means that the market has gained yet another very decorative pot perennial that will also adorn hanging baskets.

Filou Rose

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Filou White

M94.920 Rose, Hues of pink. First year flowering perennial, also for combining in hanging baskets. M94.930 White, Pure white. First year flowering perennial, also for combining in hanging baskets DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Helenium hoopesii Owl’s claws, Hoopes sneezeweed

Helenium amarum Yellow dicks, Sneezeweed

A perennial herb that flowers in early summer with golden yellow daisies with finely-cut petals. This garden perennial tolerates full sun and drought and is also an eye-catcher when grown on roofs.

With its fresh green, filigree foliage, this Helenium grows up to about 40 cm and with bright yellow flowers it is a radiant natural beauty in the garden. This species is very easy to grow, flowers first year from seed and is suitable for the production of specimen perennials in 3-litre container. „Helenium amarum“ is not fully hardy and often only survives through self seeding.

M95.800 Helenium hoopesii, Dark yellow. As perennial in 9 cm pot. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

M95.580 Dakota Gold, Golden yellow. Specimen plant. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

Helenium hoopesii

Dakota Gold

Helenium autumnale Common Sneezeweed

Helena Gold

A very effective, tall garden perennial for late summer and autumn. From August onwards it flowers with numerous, bright flowers in all shades of yellow, brown and red. The stiff, upright, branched stems are very good, long lasting cut flowers.


The Helena series allows professional production of mono-bouquets. However, the production of flowering container perennials for late summer is also possible if this is started early. These will have to be pruned several times. M95.602 Gold, Bright yellow. Cut flower and specimen perennial. M95.604 Red Shades, Red to yellow shades. Cut flower and specimen perennial. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Helena Red Shades

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Helianthemum nummularium Common Rockrose II With its broad range of colours, this modest, evergreen subshrub is adorned with often single bowl-shaped flowers that densely cover the twigs in May. Rockroses love the sun, warmth and lots of light. If all these demands are met, they can also be grown as first year flowering perennials. In biennial cultivation, hard-pruning the plants will lead to improved hardiness and beautiful flowering perennials from May onwards. C09.100 Cerise Queen, Bright red. Single bowl-shaped flowers. C09.106 Golden Queen, Bright yellow. Single bowl-shaped flowers. C09.110 Lawrenson‘s, Bright pink. Single bowl-shaped flowers. C09.114 The Bride, Pure white. Single bowl-shaped flowers. DW: 14-20; 26-36

Cerise Queen

Golden Queen


The Bride

II M96.600 Mutabile, Hues of orange-red. Single bowlshaped flowers. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32

Helichrysum italicum Curry plant

With its narrow needle like silvery leaves, the well-known Curry Plant is a structural plant that is of interest for the autumn assortment. The small yellow flowers are not really wanted when used in this context. Fast growing species, also for cultivation under glass at higher summer temperatures. C09.192 Tall, Not flowering in autumn. For autumn displays. DW: 5-7; 10-12; 16-18; 22-32


Heliopsis helianthoides var.scabra Smooth oxeye, False sunflower

Regal perennial for borders and as a cut flower. Its dark green leaves contrast nicely with the bright golden yellow flowers. Garden perennial that is very faithful to its habitat. M97.300 Summer Sun, Golden yellow. As perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

Summer Sun

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Helleborus niger Christmas rose, Black Hellebore

H Helleborus orientalis Lenten rose; Lenten hellebore, Oriental Hellebore

Highly rated, evergreen, long lasting perennial for positions in semi shade. In professional cultivation, „Helleborus niger“ are grown as pot plants and cut flowers that cheer up the dark days leading up to Christmas with their pure white flowers.

Lenten roses provide effective colour accents in a period that most plants are still dormant. With their many colours from deep reddish black, purple and hues of pink to pure white, all shades are possible, also in speckled combinations.

M98.210 Advent Star, Pure white. Seed propagated variety „Advent Star“ enables the production of flowering pot plants, with 1 to 2 flowers in 10 to 10.5 cm pots the first year from seed. Start of cultivation from 288-cell tray in greenhouse in February. DW: 6-8

M98.250 Single Mix, Mixture of many colours. Balanced mixture of colours. A large majority of this variety flowers already after its first year of cultivation in 11 to 13 cm pots. Start of cultivation from 288 cell trays in February. DW: 6-8

Advent Star Single Mix

Hesperis matronalis Sweet rocket, Dame’s rocket, Damask violet

With their heavy, alluring perfume, Damask violets fill the garden air on a warm summer‘s evening. Its many single cruciferous flowers attract many types of butterfly. P01.000 Violet, Blueish - white. As perennial in 9 cm pot. P01.100 White, Pure white. As perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

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Hesperis matronalis Violet

Hesperis matronalis White

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Heuchera americana Alum root; Rock geranium

With beautifully tinted leaves, this species is interesting for the pot perennials assortment as well as the summer and autumn segment. With reddish brown, bright green and marbled leaves in several colours, these are useful in many areas and for addition to other plant combinations. Consumers are especially taken by „Heuchera americana“ as a ground covering plant, also in difficult, dry and shady positions. This assortment and the seed assortment are continually added to. P01.700 Dale‘s Strain, Cream white. Striking white patterns on the leaves make this green leaved variety very attractive. P01.850 Malachite, Cream white, inconspicuous. A green leaved version. P01.720 Marvelous Marble, Cream white. Reddish brown, white veins, with a broad, green leaf edge. P01.840 Melting Fire, Cream white, inconspicuous. Bright reddish brown, finely frilled foliage. P01.900 Palace Purple, Cream white, inconspicuous. Reddish brown, shiny, smooth foliage.

Dale’s Strain


Marvelous Marble

Palac Purple

Tray 288 DW: 6; 10-20; 26; 30; 32; 36 Tray 84 DW: 5-12

Leuchtkäfer Ruby Bells


Heuchera sanguinea Coral Bells

This species grows in many cottage gardens and flowers in late spring. Masses of small scarlet very bright bellflowers flower for long periods on approx. 20 cm long upright panicles. Between April and July, the flowers can be seen from a great distance. P02.100 Leuchtkäfer, Bright red. As perennial in 9 cm pot, ground covering plant and for green roofing. P02.106 Ruby Bells, Bright red. New products such as Ruby Bells are best suited to biennial cultivation in 10 - 13 cm pot. Good uniformity and extremely long flowering. Tray 288 DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 Tray 84 DW: 5-12

Melting Fire

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Hibiscus moscheutos Swamp rose mallow, Rose mallow This very hardy Hibiscus species especially thrives in warm humid swamp areas and in nature grows up to 2 metres in height. New cultivars have made this impressive species also interesting for professional growers.

Large – Larger - Luna. Hibiscus loves the sun, warmth and lots of water and can even be planted in shallow, warm ponds!

Luna F1

At a diameter of 25 cm, the wide open flowers are true eye-catchers in any garden. The „Luna“ series was especially developed for the high quality container plant market. Luna‘s uniformity enables an even and fast cultivation both in the field as well as under glass. The many extremely large, beautifully formed flowers appear at their earliest from mid July. We recommend the marketing of plants in bud. Tip: A closed decorative pot with sufficient water makes it easier for the trade to maintain a good shelf life. M99.900 M99.902 M99.904 M99.906 M99.910

Luna F1 Blush

Blush, Light pink. Pink Swirl, Bicolour pink and white. Red, Bright red. Rose, Deep pink. White, White with red heart.

Tray 180 DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32 Tray 84 DW: 5-20

Luna F1 Pink Swirl

Luna F1 Rose

Luna F1 Red

Luna F1 White

Hieracium aurantiacum Orange Hawkweed

A charming flowering perennial with dark green leaf rosettes and orange flowers. Orange hawkweed is very drought tolerant and easy to grow. As a green roof perennial very robust but in normal gardens sometimes tricky. P04.000 Hieracium aurantiacum, Hues of orange-red. As perennial in 9 cm pot, green roof perennial DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

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Hieracium aurantiacum

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H Hypericum calycinum

Rose of Sharon, Aaron’s Beard, Great St. John’s Wort, Jerusalem Star

A very reliable, evergreen ground covering plant. The shoots of trailing plants quickly cover even large surfaces without becoming invasive. Furthermore, the strong grip of the roots enables this plant to grow in steep positions. The large bright yellow flowers stand from June onwards above the pale green plant mats.



Hypericum androsaemum Tutsan For the last decades, “Hypericum androsaemum” has been known as an important cut flower. The long stems and good vase life of the colourful berries have ensured this plant a place in floristry. For the last few years, “Hypericum androsaemum” are also sold in containers sized between 2- and 4-litre (16 to 19 cm).


P07.400 Rose of Sharon, Bright yellow. Ground covering perennial. DW: 6; 12; 16; 22; 26; 30; 36 With the new Ignite™ variety, breeders have succeeded in combining and further developing the positive qualities of cut flower varieties and bred a form that is better suited to cultivation in pots. The lovely, appealing yellow flowers turn into warm red, long lasting berries. The fast transformation from the flowers into berries can be quite an event for interested consumers. C09.902 Red, Bright yellow. Red berries. DW: 14-24

Rose of Sharon

Advice: Hard pruning in spring results in development of fresh green shoots. IgniteTM Red

Hypericum polyphyllum Common Honesty

From June onwards in its second year of cultivation, this plant is covered in large, bright yellow bowl-shaped flowers above upright bluish-green foliage. The plants can only be grown as perennial pot plants in 9 cm pot. P07.800 Grandiflorum, Bright yellow. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36


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Iberis sempervirens Evergreen Candytuft, Perennial Candytuft

“Candytuft” is easily one of the best mat forming garden perennials. By the end of April, its evergreen, very hardy foliage is entirely covered in snow-white flowers. In welldraining dry positions, Iberis will last for a long time in the garden. C10.100 Appen-Etz, Snow-white. By far the earliest variety. Very compact and reliably early with medium-sized flowers. C10.102 Fischbeck, Snow-white. Premium quality early variety. Very good branching and many large flowers. C10.106 Snowflake, Snow-white. Late variety, very large-flowered. DW: 16-36


P09.400 Snowflake, Snow-white. The seed-propagated variety is suitable for sale in 9 cm pots with photo label. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 P09.390 Tahoe™, Pure white. Although the plants seem somewhat variable en masse, each plant develops into a round cushion in 10-11 cm pot and thus enables a full sell-out. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 34; 36



Advice: The young plants should be potted as early as summer to ensure sufficient development of plant mass during cultivation. In order to achieve a uniform plant habit, the plants should be pruned back no later than August. Beware: when cut back any later, this will result in non-flowering stock because the next year’s buds are formed in September! Fischbeck

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Incarvillea delavayi Hardy Gloxinia, Chinese Trumpetflower

Jasione laevis Shepherd’s Scabious

Originating from China, a tuber forming, very hardy perennial. The flower buds start to appear towards the end of spring. The developing foliage helps Incarvillea grow quickly into a medium-sized plant. The many large attractive trumpet-shaped flowers grow in up to 50 cm tall panicles, which make this species a highlight in any garden. Incarvillea is also suitable as a pot plant perennial. New shoots immediately reward us with new flowers and enable sale in 11 to 13 cm pot as well as 3-litre container.

Long flowering Shepherd‘s Scabious flowers profusely from June with light blue blooms. These seem to float almost due to their slender flower stems over mats of green leaves. The plants look fantastic in moorland gardens and rockeries and can also be used as cut flowers. Both rosette-like and clump forming, this variable growing perennial flowers in its second year of cultivation but can only be cultivated to a limited extent as a flowering pot perennial.

P10.100 Incarvillea delavayi, Deep pink. Pot and specimen perennial with large pink flowers from April onwards.

P13.700 Blue Light, Golden yellow. Summer pot perennial, rock gardens and green roofing perennial. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

DW: 6; 22-24; 26; 30; 32

Advice: It is important to use a very coarse and well-draining substrate. Too much wetness in winter will inevitably result in failure.

Blue Light

Incarvillea delavayi

Inula ensifolia Swordleaf Inula

A very compact and bushy perennial. It prefers warm, loose, calciferous soil in full sun. A multitude of golden yellow ray flowers appear from July in the first year of cultivation on plants that are then only approx. 15 cm tall. A very elegant summer pot perennial for 11 - 13 cm pots. P11.000 Inula ensifolia, Deep pink Pot and specimen perennial with large pink flowers from April onwards. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Inula ensifolia

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Knautia macedonica Knautia

A profusely and long flowering, undemanding wild perennial for sunny borders. Many striking purple red flowers on loose branched stems appear from June until October. Very decorative garden perennial. P14.310 Melton Pastels™, Hues of pink. Perennial in 9 cm pot. P14.306 Red Knight, Cerise. Perennial in 9 cm pot. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Melton PastelsTM

Red Knight



Kniphofia uvaria Tritoma, Torch Lily, Red Hot Poker Royal Castle The “Torch Lily” originally comes from South Africa and grows with upright evergreen grass-like grey green leaves. The striking colour combination of the flowers with deep orange and bright yellow gives the impression the flowers are on fire. Specimen perennials in containers should overwinter in a well-drained position that does not retain any wetness. In their second year of cultivation, these can be sold in bud as large perennials.


P14.550 Flamenco, Orange yellow. Very small variety, that also flowers the first year from seed. Several plants needed per 13 cm pot. P14.500 Royal Castle, Orange with yellow. 50 to 70 cm tall, many different colour shades. P14.560 Traffic Lights™, Orange with yellow. Tray 288 DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 Tray 84 DW: 5-12

Traffic LightsTM

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Moments in the South of France!

Lavandula angustifolia

Common Lavender, True Lavender, English Lavender “Lavandula angustifolia� is by far the biggest selling perennial in Europe. It does not just look good in the garden but this species is also attractive because of the many uses of its essential oil. With its lavender blue flowers that contrast nicely with silvery green, evergreen foliage, lavender is not just an ornamental perennial but also usable as a good ground covering plant in larger plantings. Its pleasant fragrance is a repellent for many insects in house and garden.


The „Ellagance“ series was especially developed for annual cultivation and shows its full flowering potential in the first year of cultivation from the end of June. This multicoloured series flowers very uniform with long panicles above fresh silvery green foliage. P16.170 Goliath, Lavender blue. Very vigorous variety, earlier than the other varieties in this series. P16.190 Ice, Ice blue. White flowers with a blue hue. P16.192 Purple, Lavender blue. Main variety. P16.194 Sky, Light blue. Strong clump forming plant with light blue flowers.


Tray 180, 288 DW: 4-20; 26; 30; 32; 36 Tray 84 DW: 5-12; 14-21


The best choice for following the very early flowering „Ellagance“ series is the „Lavance“ variety, aiming for a flowering period in July and August.

Ellagance Ice

Ellagance Purple

Ellagance Sky

LavanceÂŽ Purple

P16.150 Purple, Lavender blue. Late variety for midsummer. Very compact plants with elongated deep blue flowers. Tray 180, 288 DW: 4-20; 26; 30; 32; 36 Tray 84 DW: 5-12; 14-21

Advice: In order to thrive, lavender needs components such as calcium and nitrogen.

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Essence Purple

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A further series of new breeding products enriches the lavender assortment. Their individual qualities, all geared to the requirements of professional horticulture provide solutions for virtually every sales period and any possible application.

P16.080 Blue River, Lavender blue. This variety with very silvery foliage is especially suitable for biennial cultivation. The plants are robust and stand out because of their round, well-branched habit, evergreen foliage and early flowering reaction after the winter. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36 P16.090 Early Hidcote, Lavender blue. “Early Hidcote” is a further developed seed variety, which combines the qualities of the cuttings-propagated “Hidcote” variety with definite flowering in the first year of cultivation as well as a dark blue colour. Good uniformity and compact habit are further features of this variety. DW: 4-20; 26; 30; 32; 36 P16.110 Hidcote Compact, Lavender blue. Very hardy Lavender flowering the second year from seed. This variety has the same dark lavender flowers and silver-grey foliage of the original “Hidcote” variety but is more compact in habit. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32-36

C13.212 Essence Purple, Lavender blue. With its very good branching habit, “Essence Purple” flowers 10 days earlier compared to the “Hidcote” variety. In biennial cultivation, these plants stand out because of their many dark purple flowers. C13.190 Lavandula angustifolia, Blue Lance. Deep lavender blue. „Blue Lance“ is a vegetatively propagated. Breeding product that combines many of the positive qualities of existing varieties. It stands out because of its large flowers that appear the first year and continue to flower all through the summer. DW: 10-42 C13.180 Silver Mist, Light violet. Certainly the Lavender variety with the most intense silvery foliage. The flowers appear reluctantly from the second year after having been planted in the garden. This variety is mainly used in landscape gardening. DW: 10-40

Essence Purple

Early Hidcote

Hidcote Compact

Blue River

Blue Lance

Silver Mist

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There are also many tried and tested Lavender varieties that maintain their position in the market through their individual qualities regarding colour, shape and growth habit.

II P16.200 Munstead Strain, Lavender blue. “Munstead Strain“ is a variety from seed out of the vegetatively propagated Munstead variety. A very vigorous breed with mid blue flowers. DW: 6; 10-20; 26; 30; 32; 36 P16.100 Hidcote Blue Strain, Lavender blue “Hidcote Blue Strain” is a variety from seed from the vegetatively propagated “Hidcote” variety. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32-36

C13.198 Dwarf Blue, Deep lavender blue. “Dwarf Blue” does not stand out just because of its compact habit but also because of its large blue flowers that contrast with deep silvery white foliage. DW: 10-40 C13.200 Edelweiss, Pearly white. A white-flowering form of the Hidcote type. DW: 10-40 C13.201 Grappenhall, Light violet. “Grappenhall“ is especially appealing because of its silvery foliage. The flowers reluctantly appear the second year after planting. For that reason, this is a popular plant in landscape gardening. DW: 10-40 C13.204 Hidcote, Deep lavender blue. “Hidcote” is the original Lavender prototype and for many years it has been the standard in the Lavender assortment. DW: 10-42 C13.208 Munstead, Violet. Vigorous, fast-growing variety. DW: 10-42 C13.210 Rosea, Light pink. A pink-flowering form of the Hidcote variety. DW: 10-40


Munstead Strain



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Dwarf Blue

Hidcote Blue Strain







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Lavandula stoechas French Lavender, Topped Lavender

Topped Lavender really catches the eye being different from “normal” lavender because of its spectacularly shaped flowers that bear large dark flaglike bracts at the top. P16.500 Castilliano™, Deep violet. Seed propagated variety that flowers in its first year of cultivation and is fairly hardy. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Little Bee® CastillianoTM Over the last years, „Little Bee“ has set new standards in the market. This series, with its compact habit and broad range of colours flowers uniformly and provides both consumers and growers with a lot of joy C13.284 Deep Purple, Red violet with violet bracts. More vigorous than the other varieties. C13.294 Deep Rose, Pink with dark pink bracts. C13.286 Purple, Violet with violet bracts. DW: 8-40

Little Bee® Deep Rose

Little Bee® Deep Purple

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Little Bee® Purple

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Lavatera hybrida Tree mallow

Leontopodium alpinum Edelweiss

Tree mallows flower with graceful, often veined flowers in hues of pink from July until the first frosts. The impressive plants attract attention in any garden. In order to develop its full beauty, this perennial needs up to three years.

The famous Edelweiss! This mountain plant with starshaped flowers and grey green foliage thrives in sunny positions in rockeries or for planting up troughs and larger pots. P18.000 Leontopodium alpinum, Silvery white. Only to a limited extent as summer pot perennial.

C13.296 Baby Barnsley, Light pink. C13.302 Burgundy Wine, Purple red. DW: 7-40

DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Leontopodium alpinum Baby Barnsley

Burgundy Wine

Advice: Advice: In well-drained positions, these perennials are fully hardy and flower when grown as specimen perennials as early as the first year of cultivation at a height of 50 to 60 cm. It is recommended to cut back once or twice.

Only biennial cultivation in 13 cm pot max. is advisable. Full sun promotes development of radiant white blooms.

Leontopodium souliei Chinese Edelweiss II

Spreading, carpet-forming species from the highlands of the Himalayas. After vernalization when grown over the winter period, a multitude of small, white, short-stemmed, Edelweiss flowers appear from late May onwards above fresh green leaves. Ideal for vernalized pot cultivation in pots of up to 13 cm C13.390 Alpina White, Snow-white. Evergreen selection with many short-stemmed flowers. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Alpine White

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Leucanthemum maximum Shasta Daisy

„Leucanthemum“ are also well-known perennials. This very long-lasting perennial, often with snow-white flowers exists in many flower sizes and shapes.


Snow Lady F1

New breeding products in the Daisy assortment are appealing with new flower colours and shapes.


M56.000 Alaska, Snow-white with a yellow heart. Tall robust variety as perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 E18.800 Snow Lady F1, Snow-white with a yellow heart The compact “Snow Lady� variety is suitable for annual summer pot cultivation and has proved itself as a fast growing, very uniform and early flowering variety for the bulk segment. E18.802 Snow Lady F1 (4 Korn) DW: 4-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

Silver Princess

White Knight F1

M56.100 Silver Princess, Snow-white with a yellow heart. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. M55.982 White Knight F1, Snow-white with a yellow heart. Large, single, harmoniously round flowers. Partly flowers in first year of cultivation but is very convincing in biennial cultivation. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

C13.410 Lacrosse, Pure white. “Lacrosse� with its remarkable flower shape adds a delightful touch for both traders as well as consumers. The white flowers with spoon-shaped petals appear clearly earlier than those of other varieties. C13.414 Laspider, Pure white. This variety, with its very large, double and pure white, ray flowers with finely-cut petals sets new standards as regards garden daisies.


C13.400 Sunshine Peach, Light apricot. A very fine leaved Daisy with small apricot-coloured flowers. Very suitable for small to medium sized pots.

DW: 10-40

Sunshine Peach

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Leucanthemum vulgare Ox-eye daisy

L Lewisia cotyledon Lewisia II

Large and exceptionally profuse flowering garden form of the native grassland daisy. Early in summer, this species is the first of the daisies to flower. Cutting back after flowering induces a second flourish and prevents self-seeding. Only as a perennial in 9 cm pot is advisable. M55.980 May Queen, Snow-white with a yellow heart. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

An evergreen, rosette-forming perennial that adorns itself with countless, striking flowers in bright colours from April onwards. Lewisia has turned from a typical plant for garden enthusiasts into an important pot perennial for perennials sale before the bedding plant season. A true alternative for biennial, unheated production. P18.810 Regenbogen, Mixture of many colours. DW: 26; 30; 32; 34; 36 P18.820 Sunset Strain, Mixture of many colours. DW: 26; 30; 32; 36

Sunset Strain

May Queen


Liatris spicata Gay feathers II Strong border and cut flower perennial, from July to September long cylindrical flower spikes that consist of many individual flowers in shades of violet, pink or white (depending on the variety). Special detail: the individual flowers start to open from the top of the spike downwards.


Floristan Violet 速

P20.400 Kobold, Violet pink. Dwarf variety, also suitable as container. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36


Because of their height, the taller growing varieties of the Floristan series are useful varieties for landscape gardeners that have also proved to be good cut flowers for professional growers.

Floristan White 速

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P20.200 Violet, Violet pink. P20.300 White, Pure white. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Ligularia dentata Golden groundsel

Ligularia przewalskii Shavalski’s Ligularia

Ligularia dendata are impressive flowering perennials with striking large, wide spreading decorative leaves. The large bright orange ray-flowers appear from July until August. Dark foliage varieties are very attractive as ornamental foliage plants in specimen containers. However, they do not show their full beauty until they have been in the same position for a few years.

Deeply cut leaves and eye catching, small, upright, golden yellow flower spikes characterize this easy to grow and to care for species. Very decorative garden perennial. P21.200 Ligularia przewalskii, Golden yellow. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

P21.000 Dark Beauty, Golden yellow Fast growing variety with very dark foliage. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

Dark Beauty

Limonium latifolium

Limonium latifolium Sea Lavender

Sea Lavender has fragrant flowers and loves sunny positions in sandy soils. The beautiful leathery leaf rosettes are covered in frothy masses of tiny light violet flowers in July and August. The freshly cut flowers can be used in mixed bouquets and also in dry flower arrangements. Because of its heavy dome-shaped inflorescences, Limonium is only suitable to a limited extent for pot cultivation and transport. D43.700 Limonium latifolium, Pearly white. Cut flower perennial, as perennial in 9 cm pot. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Linaria alpina

Linaria alpina Alpine toadflax

Beautiful tuft-forming perennial with striking multicoloured violet-orange-yellow flowers. Linaria prefer positions in full sun in well-draining soil. If Linaria is cultivated as a pot perennial, the plants should never be kept too wet, besides this it is an easy to grow first-year summer flowering pot perennial for 11 to 13cm pots. P22.000 Linaria alpina, Blue and orange. Summer pot perennial. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Linaria cymbalaria Ivy-leaf Toadflax

Linum perenne Perennial flax

This flat creeping, ground covering and indigenous species can often be found on walls in shady positions. From early summer, this plant with its fresh green foliage is covered in individual blue flowers. An ideal ground covering plant for extreme, alternating wet positions.

Perennial flax enchants anyone with its sea of delicate, filigree, Delft blue flowers or flower of the whitest white. This species tolerates dry conditions very well and is suitable for borders and flowerbeds, but mainly for natural gardens and as a green roof perennial.


P22.100 Linaria cymbalaria, Light blue. Ground covering plant, perennial pot plant in 9 cm pot. Both the “Nanum Diamant” and “Nanum Saphir” variety are dwarf selections together forming a series that is very suitable for sale as summer pot perennials. If the plants are produced for flowering in the first year of cultivation, one should plant 3 to 5 young plants per pot in order to create sufficient mass.

DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

P24.300 Diamant, Pure white. P24.400 Saphir, Light blue. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Linaria cymbalaria



Canon J. Went

Heavenly Blue

Linaria purpurea Purple Toadflax

First year flowering summer pot perennial with upright pink flowering flower spikes. The plants continue to flower for long periods, also in very dry positions in the garden. In container production, growth regulator should be applied, otherwise the plants grow variable in height. P22.200 Canon J. Went, Deep pink. Summer flowering perennial. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Lithodora diffusa Lithodora II A pygmee shrub for sunny positions with acid soil reaction and flowering with incomparably lovely gentian blue blooms. In the right position, Lithodora is fully hardy and consumers will be able to enjoy it for many years. The plants flower after successful vernalization from late May onwards and often have a second flourish in July/August. Lithodora have proved to be successful as flowering pot perennials in sheltered biennial cultivation. Just in time for the bedding plant season, the flowers develop above the dark green leaves. C13.500 Heavenly Blue, Bright gentian blue. Pot perennial. DW: 10-40

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Lobelia fulgens Cardinal flower, Mexican Lobelia

P25.400 Queen Victoria, Bright red. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Queen Victoria

Delft Blue

Fan® F1 Blue

Fan® F1 Burgundy

Fan® F1 Deep Rose

Fan® F1 Salmon

Lobelia valida Lobelia, Galjoenblom

Gentian blue flowers are always something special. „Lobelia valida“ produces these in large numbers as early as the first year of cultivation. This species is fully hardy in well-drained positions but lignifies after a few years. P25.595 Delft Blue, Bright blue. “Delft Blue” is extremely suitable for cultivation in up to three litre pots and stands out in the summer perennial assortment through its intense colours. DW: 6; 14-20; 26; 30

Lobelia speciosa Cardinal flower, Indian Pink The “Lobelia speciosa” species was developed from the “Lobelia cardinalis”, “Lobelia siphilitica” and “Lobelia splendens” species and is these days one of the leading species in the perennial assortment. As opposed to common beliefs, this species is fully hardy in sandy bright positions. It only does not like to be too wet in winter.

Fan F1 ®

Over the last years, the “Fan F1” series has conquered the market and it currently is one of the most popular series in the perennial summer assortment. The partly red-leaved types flower with bright coloured blooms from July in the first year of cultivation. P25.516 Blue, Violet blue. “Fan F1 Blue” grows a little taller than the series. P25.518 Burgundy, Cerise. P25.544 Scarlet, Fiery red. Main variety. P25.530 Deep Rose, Deep pink. P25.542 Salmon, Light pink. Tray 288 DW: 6; 10-20; 26; 30 Tray 84 DW: 5-12; 14-21

Fan® F1 Scarlet

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Lupinus polyphyllus Bigleaf Lupin “Lupinus polyphyllus” originates from Western North America. “Bigleaf Lupins” were first introduced to the UK in 1826, were sold in Germany since 1837 and these days are amongst the most popular, most widely used garden plants. Just the feathery, fresh green glossy leaves make “Lupins” attractive garden plants. On top of that, there are the flowers, large, brightly coloured spikes in a wide range of colours.

Gallery® II At a height of just 50 cm, „Gallery“ is the shortest growing series and particularly suitable for production of specimen perennials. P28.600 P28.800 P28.640 P28.680 P28.720 P28.760

Blue Shades

Blue Shades, Shades of blue and violet. Mixed, Mixture of many colours. Red Shades, Shades of deep red. Rose Shades, Shades of fuchsia. White Shades, Shades of cream to white. Yellow Shades, Shades of bright yellow.

DW: 5-12

II P28.810 Special Mixed, Mixture of many colours. DW: 6; 10; 14-18; 32; 36; 38; 40; 42

Red Shades

Rose Shades

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White Shades

Yellow shades

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Lupinus polyphyllus Russell Hybrids II The „Russell“ series is more vigorous and very robust. With its many colours, it is a good alternative for large containers. P27.700 P27.600 P27.800 P28.200 P28.000 P28.100 P27.900

Chandelier, Shades of bright yellow. Mixed, Mixture of many colours. My Castle, Shades of deep red. Noble Maiden, Cream to white. The Chatelaine, Shades of fuchsia. The Governor, Shades of violet blue. The Page, Shades of red and orange.

DW: 6; 10; 14-18; 32; 36; 38; 40; 42


My Castle

The Chatelaine

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Noble Maiden

The Governor

The Page

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Lychnis alpina Alpine Catchfly

Lychnis coronaria Rose Campion

The Alpine Catchfly is a small dwarf perennial that is suitable for rock gardens, borders, flowerbeds and troughs. Against a background of fine, narrow leaves appears a mass of small flower balls in bright purple from April onwards.

Short-lived species with silvery, whitish felt-like hairy leaves that contrast nicely with the carmine flowers and add a splash of colour to any flowerbed. Maintains itself well through self-seeding, without becoming invasive. The plants flower after vernalization in June.

P29.500 Lychnis alpina, Violet pink. The pure species. Only as a perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36


P29.960 Alba, Snow-white. White form of the species. P29.920 Atrosanguinea, Violet pink. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

coronaria Alba


chalcedonica Red Splendens

Lychnis chalcedonica Jerusalem Cross, Maltese Cross

This very robust species originates from Russia and thrives in almost any position. In the old days, there was no cottage garden without the bright red flowers of the Maltese Cross as they combined so well with daisies, marigold and hollyhocks. Unfortunately, this species is not very stable in pots and can therefore only be sold to a limited extent as a flowering perennial in pot or container. P29.700 Lychnis chalcedonica Red, Fiery red. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Lychnis viscaria Sticky Catchfly

In May-June, a wealth of panicles with bright red flowers appear above the graceful, narrow leaves of the Sticky Catchfly. This perennial flowers after vernalization and is suitable for sale to a limited extent as flowering plant in approx 3-litre pot. P30.400 Splendens, Violet-red. Container perennial after vernalization period. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Lychnis x arkwrightii Campion

Lythrum salicaria Purple Loosestrife

A hybrid with red brown leaves and orange flowers that catch the eye from afar, create a real focal point in flowerbeds or borders. In well-drained positions, the plants will thrive for several years. When produced as a flowering pot perennial, it is recommended to produce these for a limited period aiming for potting up from early May.

An exceptionally beautiful wild perennial that thrives in wet positions and on the water‘s edge. The perpetually flowering plants are very attractive to butterflies and bumblebees. This species grows quite tall and is better suited to production of perennials in 9 cm pots than summer pot perennials.

P29.600 Vesuvius, Orange red. Summer pot perennial. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

P31.900 Rosy Gem, Violet-red. Pink selection of the wild form. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36 For the last few years, Florensis has started to offer new breeding products of Lythrum, which stand out through their dwarf habit, excellent uniformity and good earliness and thus very suitable for the production of container perennials.


Rosy Gem

C13.900 Robert, Pink. Dwarf but very vigorous variety. Ideal for the production of container perennials. DW: 10-40 C13.904 Robin, Purple red. Selection for 13 cm pots with fine foliageand intense flower colours. DW: 3-36


Robert Molton Lava

Lysimachia punctata

Lychnis x haageana Campion

Lysimachia punctata Garden Loosestrife II

Hybrid from “Lychnis fulgens” and “L. coronaria”. These short-lived species stands out because of its luminosity. The reddish brown foliage emphasizes the brightness of the deep red flowers. In cultivation as a summer pot perennial, it is recommended to produce these for a limited period aiming at potting up from early May. P30.240 Molton Lava, Deep red. Annual summer pot perennial. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

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This very adaptable robust perennial is native to Europe. “Lysimachia” is a classic cottage garden plant with good cut flower qualities and an attractive bee plant. The many individual bright yellow whorls of flowers are arranged in tiers on up to 80 cm tall upright panicles. In favourable positions, this species can sometimes become invasive. The species can also be grown as a specimen perennial. In that case, it requires vernalization. P31.200 Lysimachia punctata, Bright yellow. Specimen perennial needing vernalization. DW: 26; 30; 32; 36

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Malva moschata Mallow

Mimulus luteus Yellow Musk, Yellow Monkey Musk

This easy bushy and well-branched native species does not have any particular demands regarding soil and position. It is an old and often used plant in natural garden and cottage gardens. Steamed young marrow shoots were eaten as a gourmet vegetable in ancient Rome. Depending on variety, the mallow is covered in pretty pink or white fragrant flowers all through summer. “Malva moschata” can be grown very well as a first-year flowering large perennial. P32.700 Alba, Snow-white. Specimen perennial. P32.800 Rosea, Deep pink. Specimen perennial. DW: 6; 14-20; 26; 30

Especially suitable for sunny borders in all types of gardens, balcony boxes and containers but also for planting around ponds or brooks. They even thrive in the shallow end of water features. This plant prefers warm conditions and is not very hardy. In damp positions, it survives through self-seeding.

Highland Hybrids

This compact series flowers profusely with exotic looking speckled tubular flowers. Because of its short production period and fast development and flower reaction, the “Highlander” series is an excellent summer pot plant. The best period for sale is May until September. P34.300 P34.340 P34.360 P34.290

Orange, Bright Orange. Pink, Deep pink. Red, Bright red. Yellow, Light yellow.

DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36



Malva sylvestris Wilde Malve Highland Hybrids Red

Highland Hybrids Yellow

The deep red and dark-veined leaves of Common mallow add intense colours to any garden. It is true that these perennial do not live that long but in the right position they self-seed freely. The varieties on offer are very suitable for the production of annual summer perennials in pots and containers. P32.902 Mauritiana, Violet-red. P32.904 Zebrina, Pink with dark stripes. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

Highland Hybrids Orange


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Highland Hybrids Pink


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Macleaya cordata Plume Poppy

Monarda didyma Bergamot, Bee Balm

Originating from China this plant is also at home in Europe and North-America. This up to 250 cm tall growing perennial provides special accents in the garden with its bluish green, deeply cut fig-like leaves. This cut foliage plants needs some space for showing its full splendour. The white „Feathery flowers“ are rather inconspicuous and appear in the second year of cultivation.

This species with fragrant foliage originates from North America is also known as “Bee balm� or “Bergamot�. In midsummer, this tenacious perennial attracts many butterflies with its strong fragrance and colours.

P32.300 Macleaya cordata, Brownish red. Perennial in 9cm pot, ornamental foliage plant. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

P35.010 Red Shades, Red tufts. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36


With “Pink Lace� and “Cranberry Lace�, the market has been enriched with two very compact and mildew tolerant varieties. These are ideal for cultivation as flowering specimen perennials for sale from early July.

Red Shades

Macleaya cordata

C14.404 Cranberry Lace. C14.405 Pink Lace, Deep pink. DW: 10-36

Cats love Catmint.

Advice: When Nepeta x faassenii is cut back after its first flowering, it will please us with a long lasting second flourish.

Nepeta faassenii Catmint, Catnip Lace Cranberry

Lace Pink

Nepeta faassenii

Six Hills Giant

An easy to grow, very drought tolerant perennial that flowers for a very long period all through the summer. Its qualities make Nepeta ideal for use as a ground covering plant or green roof perennial and is usable as a first-year flowering pot perennial. (Common names Catmint and Catnip refer to the almost irresistible attraction of this plant to cats, caused by the plant‘s essential oils and many Nepeta plants do get crushed by cats licking the leaves.) P38.100 Nepeta faassenii, Light blue. First class ground covering plant and green roof perennial. DW: 6; 10; 12; 16; 22; 26; 30; 32; 36 C14.800 Six Hills Giant, Bright blue. As a vegetatively propagated variety most suitable for the production of early flowering container perennials with an extended flowering period. DW: 10-36

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Nepeta nervosa Kashmir Catmint, Catnip

A smaller but vigorous garden form of Catmint for sunny and dry positions. The relatively large panicles encrusted with flowers appear early in the first year of cultivation on well-branched uniformly built plants. Because of these qualities, Nepeta nervosa is one of the earliest flowering plant in the summer pot perennial assortment . Especially beautiful in 13 cm pot but also in 3-litre container. P38.200 Blue Moon, Deep blue. Main colour. P38.204 Pink Cat, Light pink.

Blue Moon

Pink cat

Oenothera macrocarpa


DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

Oenothera macrocarpa Missouri Evening Primrose, Ozark Sundrops

The “Missouri Evening Primrose� is a valuable perpetually flowering spreading plant. Originally from the South of North America, this plant gets its name from the fact that the flowers do not fully open until dusk. The large, up to 12 cm in diameter bright yellow blooms continue to flower well into the night. They have a long flowering period from June until September. Their habit and long shoots only allow cultivation in pots to a limited extent. However, when production is started late, the plants do remain more compact and it is possible to sell them late in summer.

Origanum vulgare Oregano

P39.100 Oenothera macrocarpa, Bright yellow. Perennial pot plant in 9 cm pot and as a late pot perennial. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Not only the mild aroma makes Origanum interesting, also the attractive summer flowering contributes this species to the optical enrichment in the herb beddings. C16.206 Origanum vulgare Gold

Papaver miyabeanum Japanese Poppy

DW: 5-7; 10 -12; 16-18; 22-32

A dwarf species that is especially suitable for use in small pots. In the garden, these plants will only thrive for a few years in dry, well-drained positions such as rockeries but it is worth the trouble because of their attractive light yellow cup-shaped flowers. These appear 10 to 12 weeks after potting up and turn the plants into an ideal summer flowering pot product. An easy culture, which is also possible in batches. P41.300 Pacino, Sulphur yellow. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

Origanum vulgare

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Papaver nudicaule Iceland Poppy II The “Iceland Poppy” is rather a short-lived species that prefers cool sunny positions. This species really thrives in these positions and produces many attractive flowers in strong, bright colours for long periods.



P41.400 Gartenzwerg, Mixture of many colours. “Gartenzwerg” with very short, stable flower stems is also very suitable for smaller pots. This very hardy variety flowers a little later but proves its worth in the field by flowering profusely from April onwards. Tray 288 DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36 Tray 84 DW: 5-12; 14; 15 P41.380 Partyfun, Mixture of many colours “Partyfun” bears handsome large flowers on short stems and is, because of its earliness, especially in demand as a container perennial towards the end of the bedding plant season.

Champagne Bubbles F1 Mixed

DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

Champagne Bubbles F1

A series that appeals due to its large cup-shaped flowers that appear as early as late autumn. In mild southern climes, flowering continues for very long periods and can last all the way through winter into spring. For the usual spring sales in the North, “Champagne Bubbles” should be grown in the field. However, it is important that the plants have established before winter sets in and that the foliage dies back. In this cultivation method, the very large flowers appear above the round plants from the end of March, weather depending.

Champagne Bubbles F1 Orange

P41.330 Mixed, Mixture of many colours. P41.320 Orange, Deep orange. P41.322 Pink, Deep pink. P41.324 Scarlet, Bright red. P41.328 White, Snow-white. P41.326 Yellow, Bright yellow. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Champagne Bubbles F1 Pink

Champagne Bubbles F1 Scarlet

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Champagne Bubbles F1 White

Champagne Bubbles F1 Yellow

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Spring Fever™ II The “Spring Fever” TM series is one of the new developments. The intensely bright individual colours of this series enable a very special design with pure, bright colours as well as cultivation of containers in single colours. Short flower stems with early flower reaction enable the production of early-flowering pot perennials. It is not recommended to grow batches later in summer. P41.530 P41.532 P41.533 P41.534 P41.536

Orange, Bright Orange. Red, Scarlet. Rose, Orange pink. White, Pure white. Yellow, Bright yellow.

DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

Spring FeverTM Orange


The compact, small-flowered „Sunny“ series copes best with the summer heat. This means that this is also suitable for cultivation as annual summer perennial for later sales periods. P41.200 Sunny Mixed, Mixture of many colours. DW: ; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

Spring FeverTM Red

Spring FeverTM White

Sunny Mixed

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Spring FeverTM Yellow

Spring FeverTM Rose

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Papaver orientale Oriental Poppy II This species originates from the East and adds impressive accents to the garden with its large, usually single flowers. This species does not like hot weather; when the soil temperature gets too high, the plants will start to wither prematurely. Papaver orientale should be grown as a biennial because only then it is possible to produce profusely flowering plants with fresh green foliage.


P41.788 Beauty of Livermere, Bright red. P42.000 Brillant, Orange red. P41.792 Checkersโ ข, Pearly white. P41.790 Kรถnigin Alexandra, Salmon pink. P42.200 Nana Allegro, Orange red. Is the shortest growing variety and therefore most suitable for production of container perennials. P41.880 Pizzicato, Fringed mixture. P41.800 Princess Victoria Louise, Salmon pink. P41.806 Royal Wedding, Pearly white. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36


Beauty of Livermere

Nana Allegro


Kรถnigin Alexandra

Princess Victoria Louise

Royal Wedding

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Fantastic Beardlips! Penstemon “Penstemon” is without a doubt one of the most attractive summer flowering perennials. Its extremely long flowering period is especially noteworthy; it can often last from June until October, as can the exceptional and elegant flowers. All Penstemon simply love the warmth. In case of early potting dates, you should grow the plants under cover because any damage caused by low temperatures cannot usually be remedied later on.

Penstemon barbatus Golden-beard Penstemon, Beardlip Penstemon, Scarlet Bugler Red Riding Hood Varieties of this Penstemon species exist in many shapes and forms that are not always easily classified as a species of P. barbatus. These perennials are suitable for sunny borders or rock gardens. They do not like prolonged wetness in winter but apart from that, this species is fully hardy in Central Europe. C17.234 Red Riding Hood, Orange red. Taller growing form of the species. Also suitable for summer pot and container. DW: 10-38


PinacoladaTM Blue Shades

PinacoladaTM Dark Rose

The “Pinacolada” series stands out because of its uniform plant habit and a fast flower reaction in the production of summer pot perennials. With many individual flowers and a more compact habit, this series is suitable for both small as well as medium-sized pots or also packs. P43.750 Blue Shades, Shades of mid blue. P43.754 Dark Rose, Shades of dark pink. P43.760 Light Rose, Shades of bright pink. P43.770 Rosy Red, Shades of pink. P43.774 Violet Shades, Shades of violet blue. P43.778 White, Pure white. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

PinacoladaTM White

PinacoladaTM Light Rose

Praecox PinacoladaTM Violet Shades Sub species „Praecox“ is a dwarf form of the „barbatus“ species. “Dwarf Penstemon” flower with many short upright panicles from June until September in their first year of cultivation and have proved to be easy to grow summer flowering pot perennials.

P43.800 Mixed, Mixture of many colours. Somewhat variable, 20 to 30 cm. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

PinacoladaTM Rosy Red

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Praecox Mixed

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Penstemon digitalis Foxglove beard Tongue

Husker Red

Fantasy Mixed

„Penstemon digitalis“ is a very sturdy, up to 1.5 m tall species. The flowers are white or pink with a blush and appear mostly in midsummer on long loose panicles. P43.840 Husker Red, Pure white. “Husker Red” has bronze to red foliage and pure white blooms. The very glossy foliage is especially beautiful for use in autumnal combinations. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

Picotee Red

Penstemon hartwegii Beard Tongue Polaris Purple This large-flowered perennial species develops mostly red panicles of up to 1 m that provide a spectacular colour accent to borders. The flowering period may last extremely long, from July until October. The flowers are also good cut flowers. In our part of the world, P. hartwegii is only partly hardy. In sheltered positions that are not too wet in winter, these perennials will continue to grow for many years. P44.210 Fantasy Mixed, Mixture of many colours. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

Polaris Red C17.208 Picotee Red, Deep red tinged white he scarlet flowers are a main colour in the summer assortment and complement the colours of the “Polaris” series. DW: 10-38


„Polaris“ was bred by Florensis and was developed as a well-branching, short-stemmed series for use as a firstyear early-flowering summer perennial. The short, stable flower stems are encrusted with blooms and appear from mid June. C17.230 Purple, Violet with white centre. C17.232 Red, Red with white centre. C17.236 Rose, Pink with white centre. DW: 10-38

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Polaris Rose

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Tubular Bells

This seed propagated series stands out because of a high degree of uniformity, even flower reaction and broad colour range. In annual cultivation however, the series flowers later than comparable vegetatively propagated varieties. However, Tubular Bells provides the opportunity to stretch the sales period for flowering Penstemon until the autumn. P44.230 Purple White Throat, Violet red with white throat. P44.232 Red, Deep red with light shades. P44.233 Rose, Deep pink. P44.244 Wine Red White Throat, Deep burgundy red with white throat.

Tubular Bells Purple White Throat

Tubular Bells Red

DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Tubular Bells Rose

Tubular Bells Red

Penstemon mexicale Mexican Beard Tongue

Although “Penstemon mexicale” with its many tubular flowers originates from Mexico, this “Beard Tongue” is fully hardy provided that it is planted in a well-draining position. Apart from its good hardiness, it stands out in the perennial summer assortment through profuse flowering and long flowering period. P43.820 Sunburst Ruby, Purple red. First year flowering summer pot perennial, well-branched and with trumpet shaped, nodding flowers. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

Suburst Ruby

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Petrohagia saxifraga Tunic Flower

The „Tunic Flower“ requires sandy or rocky soil and is suitable for use in rockeries, dry stone walls and for green roofing. In the right position, it will last many years and thrive. P85.000 Petrohagia saxifraga, Deep pink. Garden perennial, green roof perennial. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

Petrohagia saxifraga

Phlox amoena Hairy phlox

“Phlox amoena” is a medium tall carpet-forming phlox that grows up to about 20 cm tall. In warm, loose soils deficient in lime the carmine flowers appear from April onwards. C17.280 Variegata, Carmine red. A variation with yellowish green striped foliage. DW: 12-42


Tip: All Phlox species are more or less prone to nematode damage. Regular checks and appropriate measures are obligatory.

Phlox douglasii Douglas Moss Phlox “Phlox douglasii” develops very firm, compact cushions and is an excellent choice for cultivation in pots of up to 13 cm. Masses of small, round flowers in intense colour entirely cover the plants.


The two colours of the Admiral series supplement each other excellently as far as shape and colour are concerned. A little later to flower than Phlox subulata, these stretch the sales season in spring.

Admiral Red

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Admiral White

C17.350 Red, Magenta. C17.352 White, Pearly white. Due to mutation, some plants change to variants with red blooms. DW: 12-42

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Phlox paniculata Perennial Phlox, Garden Phlox II Tall “Phlox paniculata� is a summer flowering garden perennial with stunning flowers, which is bred in many variations. During the day its rich colour spectrum appears in many shades depending on the light. Phlox originates from areas in North America with lots of precipitation. The plants are strong, long-living and fully hardy, meaning that very cold winters do not present any problems. It is most suitable for perennial cultivation in 3 to 5 litre containers. When grown as annuals, one should plant several young plants per pot and cut these back once or twice.

Pixie Miracle

C17.470 Pixie Miracle, Lilac pink with white eye. DW: 12-40

Junior™ II The “Juniorâ€? series stands out because of its medium high growth habit and umbels with very large individual flowers. Phlox are distinctly hungry plants that need a lot of nutrition once they are established. In order to achieve an optimum plant habit, the plants should be cut back to 2 or 3 leaf pairs in the first year of cultivation. C17.448 Abundance, Light lavender with dark eye. C17.450 Bouquet, Dark pink. C17.452 Dance, Salmon pink. C17.454 Dream, violettrosa. DW: 12-40

JuniorTM Abundance

JuniorTM Bouquet

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JuniorTM Dance

JuniorTM Dream

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Phlox subulata Moss Phlox, Mountain Phlox, Moss Pink

Over recent years, “Moss Phlox” has become one of the best-sold spring perennials. During the flowering period, the perennial, fresh green, dense plant mats are entirely covered in blooms. The blaze of colour produced has also made Moss Pinks into very successful perennials, also in the very early bedding plant season. C17.330 Amazing Grace, White with red eye. C17.300 Atropurpurea, Pink. A little more loosely growing. C17.334 Bavaria, Bright violet with dark eye. C17.312 Emerald Cushion Blue, Light blue. Vigorous, solid cushions. C17.313 Kimono Pink-White, White with pink stripes. Improvement of the Candy Stripes variety. C17.314 MC Daniel‘s Cushion, Dark pink. Verge large-flowered variety. C17.320 Purple Beauty, Lilac with dark eye. C17.338 Samson, Violet pink with eye. C17.306 White Delight, Pure white. Solid, dense cushions. C17.328 Zwergenteppich, Deep pink with eye.

Amazing Grace



Emerald Cushion Blue

DW: 12-42

Kimono Pink-White

MC Daniel’s Cushion

Purple Beauty


White Delight


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Physalis alkekengi

Bladder Cherry, Chinese Lantern, Japanese Lantern, Winter Cherry

The Chinese Lantern is mainly known as a dried flower. Together with their stems, the orange red lantern shaped fruit coverings are often used in decorations. However, Physalis is also usable as a container perennial for late summer sales. The flowers are inconspicuous and white. Later on, the flower calyx develops into an involucre that starts out green and next changes colour to orange red and encloses an approx. 10 mm large yellow berry. In annual cultivation, the plants will grow up to maximally 40 cm in height. Until the end of cultivation, the plants should be fertilized amply, otherwise they will wither prematurely.


P47.500 Franchetii, Orange red fruits. Tall cut flower variety. P47.510 Gnome, Orange red fruits Dwarf variety for pots and containers. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32

Physostegia virginiana Alba

Physostegia virginiana Rose

Physostegia virginiana Obedient Plant, False Dragonheart

Very long lasting, easy to care for and sometimes vigorous labiate plant. The common name comes from the fact that the flowers can swivel and bend to the left or right making it look as if the plant obeys something or someone. The “Obedient Plant� is a pleasant garden or border plant that,depending on the variety, flowers with bright lilac or white spikes that are produced from midsummer until early autumn and are good cut flowers. A few new breeding products flower first year from seed and are suitable as container perennials for sale in late summer. P48.010 Crystal Peak White, Pure white. Short variety, annual flowering for containers. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36 P48.000 Alba, Pure white. Garden variety, cut flower perennial. P48.100 Rose, Violet pink. Garden perennial, cut flower perennial. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Crystal Peak

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Platycodon grandiflorus Balloon Flower

The genus Platycodon consists of only one species. It originates from East Asia and prefers a sunny but well-drained position. For overwintering, it develops small tubers that may quickly rot in case of a wet winter. The efforts of breeders have led to the development of many varieties, including many cut flower type varieties, which depending on variety can grow up to 60 cm tall. Balloon Flowers are also well-known pot plants that are for sale all year.


Miss TillyTM

P50.000 Mariesii, Violet blue. Pure garden variety, up to 50 cm. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 P50.580 Miss Tilly™, Violet blue, Pot perennial, more vigorous then „Astra“ DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

Astra F1

The Platycodon-Astra F1 series is the leading series for production as pot perennial. The branched plant habit with short internodes guarantees round, spherical profusely flowering plants. The star-shaped blooms appear in long-day and if necessary, can be controlled to appear when needed. Florensis offers two types of product. Single seed sown young plants for normal production of perennials (9 cm pot) as well as multiple sown (5 seeds) young plants for the production in batches of flowering pot perennials.

Astra F1 Blue Double

Astra F1 Blue

Astra F1 White

Astra F1 Rose

For Platycodon Astra Florensis offers young plants sown with different amount of seeds per plug: item code






delivery weeks

JP50.560 JP50.561 GP50.560

Astra F1 Astra F1 Astra F1

Blue Blue Blue

Violet blue Violet blue Violet blue

288 288 180

1 seed 4 seeds 4 seeds

6; 26; 30; 32; 36 4-20; 26; 30; 32; 36 4-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

JP50.568 JP50.569 GP50.568

Astra F1 Astra F1 Astra F1

White White White

Pure white Pure white Pure white

288 288 180

1 seed 4 seeds 4 seeds

6; 26; 30; 32; 36 4-20; 26; 30; 32; 36 4-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

JP50.564 JP50.565 GP50.564

Astra F1 Astra F1 Astra F1

Rose Rose Rose

Light pink Light pink Light pink

288 288 180

1 seed 4 seeds 4 seeds

6; 26; 30; 32; 36 4-20; 26; 30; 32; 36 4-20; 26; 30; 32; 36


Astra F1

Blue Double

Violet blue


1 seed

6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Polemonium caeruleum Jacob’s ladder, Greek Valerian

This native perennial is attractive even for just its feathery leaves. The plants form splendid clumps with upright, long, fragrant blue or white flower spikes. In addition to the garden varieties, some are also suitable for pot perennial production.

Polemonium caeruleum

Polemonium caeruleum Alba

P51.000 Polemonium caeruleum, Light blue. Garden variety for sale as perennial pot plant in 9 cm pot. P51.040 Alba, White. Garden variety for sale as perennial pot plant in 9 cm pot P51.048 Bambino Blue, Light blue. Short annual flowering variety with very decorative foliage, pot perennial. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Bambino Blue

Polemonium reptans Creeping Jacob’s Ladder, Abscess Foot, Sweatroot

North American species with creeping rhizomes and sky blue flowers. In the garden it combines well with flowers in shades of yellow and fits in nicely with Trollius and Doronicum. This decorative spring-flowering plant is yet little known but it can be cultivated parallel with other spring-flowering perennials.

Polemonium reptans

P51.300 Polemonium reptans, Light blueSpring-flowering. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

Potentilla atrosanguinea Cinquefoil

“Cinquefoil” catches the eye because of its strawberry-like foliage and flowers that are reminiscent of strawberries. The species vary in height, depending on variety between 15 and 40 cm. The usually single flowers appear from early June until August in shades of red, orange or yellow. Potentilla is fully hardy and also easy to grow and relatively undemanding. The plants are very suitable for natural types of garden but also good ground covering plants in herbaceous borders. P53.560 Potentilla atrosanguinea, Bright red. Ground covering plant. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Potentilla atrosanguinea

Potentilla aurea

Potentilla aurea Golden Cinquefoil

Small only 15 cm tall mat-forming species that quickly fills in small gaps when used as a ground covering plant or garden perennial. It gets its name from the shape of its leaves that are divided into five parts, like small hands. P53.620 Potentilla aurea, Golden yellow. Ground covering plant. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Potentilla megalantha Strawberry Cinquefoil, Woolly Cinquefoil

This undemanding species flowers especially profuse. In June and July, the numerous flowers cover the fresh green vigorous mounds. Its individual flowers have an attractive, dark pattern.

Miss Willmott

P53.680 Potentilla megalantha, Bright yellow. Garden perennial and ground covering plant. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Potentilla nepalensis Nepal Cinquefoil Potentilla megalantha

Ron Mc Beath

Taller species with a loose, clump-like growth habit and very long flowering period. The plants are suitable as pure garden perennials or ground covering plants but are also very attractive specimen plants. The flowers are attractively patterned. P53.800 Miss Willmott, Deep pink. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. P53.810 Ron Mc Beath, Deep red. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Potentilla neumanniana Spring Cinquefoil, Spotted Cinquefoil

Very spreading, fine and filigree species with small bright yellow flowers. A very good ground covering plant, also suitable for small gardens.

Potentilla neumanniana

P53.860 Potentilla neumanniana, Golden yellow. Ground covering plant, perennial in 9 cm pot DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Potentilla recta Sulphur Cinquefoil, Rough-fruited Cinquefoil

This species has filigree glossy leaves and canary yellow blooms and flowers in its first year of cultivation. In annual cultivation, the plants reach approx. 20 cm only and are therefore suitable for both 13 cm pots as well as 3-litre containers. P53.920 Warrenii, Bright yellow. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Potentilla recta

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Potentilla thurberi Scarlet Cinquefoil

Primula auricula Auricula, Bear’s Ear

This species is native to Mexico and fully hardy over here. From June it is adorned with bright flowers against the background of its „five-fingered“ glossy leaves. Beautiful garden perennial and ground covering plant.

This species is native to the Alps and forms dense fleshy rosettes, from which it develops its typical tubular flowers in March. The flowers develop very slowly and are therefore only suitable to a limited extent for the spring assortment. Nevertheless, when produced with an extra dose of calcium and a fertilizer that is very low in minerals, this product can be a nice addition to the assortment.

P53.986 Monarchs Velvet, Velvet pink with red centre. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

P56.200 Primula auricula, Sulphur yellow. Spring flowering plant (additional assortment) DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Monarchs Velvet

Primula auricala Primula bulleyana

Noverna® Deep Blue

Primula bulleyana Candelabra Primula

Primula capitata Capitata Primrose

II A summer flowering primrose that only flowers after overwintering. From June onwards, this decorative wild species shows its yellow whorls of flowers in tiers on approx. 40 cm tall stems. When using several plants in 3-litre container, it is possible to grow these Primulas outdoors until they start flowering.

This primrose species is native to the Himalayas and flowers with attractive blue violet blooms. The flower heads appear in the first year of cultivation on about 10 cm tall stems. “Capitata Primroses” like company and should be planted together in tight groups. When the plants are grown in tuff in 11 to 13 cm pots in full sun and not too wet, these are ideal for later sales.

P56.500 Primula bulleyana, Bright yellow. Biennial as summer flowering pot perennial.

P56.510 Noverna® Deep Blue, Deep blue. Flowers early July first year from seed.

DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Primula cortusoides Siberian Primrose

The plant habit and flower shape of this primrose is reminiscent of Primula malacoides. When produced next to other spring flowering plants, the lilac pink flowers appear only from late march but continue to be produced until early July. With their luminosity they create nice accents in any garden. P56.590 Primadiente™, Lilac pink. Spring flowering perennial. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

Primula denticulata Drumstick Primrose

The characteristic spherical flower heads are composed of many individual flowers. The plants are excellent for inclusion in wild herbaceous borders but also for flowerbeds. Next to Primula acaulis, Primula denticulata have since long been a staple in the spring assortment. When grown in the field in spring, the plants can be forced into flowering in January or left to flower the natural way and marketed.


P56.600 Alba, Snow-white. P56.640 Lilac, Shades of violet blue. P56.680 Rubin, Shades of cerise. DW: 6; 22-24; 26; 30; 32

Primula florindae Giant Cowslip

denticulata Alba

denticulata Lilac

Primula florindae


II This Primrose native to Tibet is extremely hardy. The nodding, funnel-shaped flowers have a strong fragrance and sit on very tall stems. Making this summer flowering species into a true eye catcher in any garden. The plants prefer cooler positions in semi shade. P56.900 Primula florindae, Bright yellow. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Primula japonica Japanese Primrose

Cool and very damp positions in semi shade are preferred by the “Japanese Primrose”. In damp positions they also tolerate sun. In June and July, the plants are adorned with whorls composed of many large, individual flowers. P57.400 Miller‘s Crimson, Pink. Large-flowered, also as container vernalization.



Miller’s Crimson

DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Primula rosea Himalayan Meadow primrose

“Primula rosea” develops its deep bright pink flowers as early as March, even before its first leaves have appeared. The luminosity of its flowers turns “Primula rosea” into a real stunner. This partly explains why these plants are part of the staple perennial spring assortment. Starting cultivation in the field on time, as well making sure that the water does not contain too much potash are conditions for success.


P57.600 Grandiflora, Day-glow pink. Spring perennial for approx. 9 cm pots. DW: 6; 22-24; 26; 30; 32

Primula veris Cowslip

Native “Cowslips” have not always been a staple ingredient of our gardens. But after they started to become part of the assortment of nurseries and garden centres again, they are increasingly used in plantings. These plants are popular spring perennials because of their natural ‘wild’ look and it is easy to combine them with traditional Primroses, although it is better to pot them up with Pansies. P57.760 Primula veris, Light yellow. Spring perennial. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36; 38; 40; 42

Primula veris

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P Primula vulgaris Native primrose



Primula x bullesiana Candelabra primrose II

“Primula vulgaris” is the native primrose as can be found in the wild in many areas in the UK. However, the wild form only nears sulphur yellow flowers and is therefore more seen as a plant for garden enthusiasts. In the garden these last for many years and are extremely hardy. P57.780 Primula vulgaris, Sulphur yellow. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening.

This species is the result of a cross between “P. bullesiana” and “P. beesiana”. It comes in a wide variety of colours and is one of the loveliest summer primroses for planting in borders and flowerbeds. P56.400 Primula x bullesiana, Mixture of many colours. Also as a summer pot perennial that needs vernalization. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

Primula x bullesiana

Primula vulgaris

Primula vialii Chinese Pagoda Primrose

This striking primrose species originates from the wet meadows in Southern China. Its scarlet inflorescences open from the bottom upwards and reveal countless, small, individual lilac blooms. When grown in 11 to 13 cm pots, this Primrose species will flower early July in the first year of cultivation and is a true curiosity in the summer flowering perennial assortment. P57.800 Primula vialii DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Primula vialii

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Bella Rose

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Pritzelago alpina Chamois Cress

Small mat-forming evergreen rock perennial. In early spring, the evergreen filigree foliage is covered in small snow-white flowers. This spring flowering perennial used be known as “Hutschinsia� has lately developed from a virtually unknown species into an important and often used plant in the assortment. P06.600 Crystal Carpet, Snow-white. Spring perennial. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36; 38

Prunella grandiflora Large Self-heal

A spreading and shade tolerant ground covering plant, which is also useful for planting under taller plants. After the main flourish in June, it continues to produce flowers until autumn.

Crystal Carpet

P58.500 Alba, Pure white. Perennial pot plant in 9 cm pot. P58.580 Violet, Shades of violet blue. Perennial pot plant in 9 cm pot. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36


The Bella series has created varieties from seed that already flower profusely in the first year. These are excellent for supplementing the existing summer flowering pot assortment.

P58.540 Blue, Violet blue. Somewhat variable variety. P58.550 Rose, Shades of pink. Main variety. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

Bella Blue

Prunella grandiflora Alba

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Prunella grandiflora Violet

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Pulsatilla vulgaris

Pasque Flower, Common Pasque Flower, Dane’s Blood

This harbinger of spring originates from Central Europe and bears very elegant, bell-shaped flowers with luminous yellow stamens. It appears as soon as the temperatures rise. The flowers are the first to appear, the fine foliage follows later. However, Pulsatilla do not show their full splendour until they have reached their final destination in the garden where they last for many years and also show their enchanting, hairy, feathery seed-heads that remain on the plant for a while. Pre-cultivation in the field and the addtion of calcium will ensure that the plants flower. However, Pulsatilla can also be easily forced from January. P59.110 Papageno, Fringed mixtur. Only as a perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. P58.920 Rubra, Hues of cerise. Perennial in 9 cm pot and spring flowering pot perennial. P59.000 Violet, Hues of violet blue. Perennial in 9 cm pot and spring flowering pot perennial. P59.100 White Swan, Pearly white. Perennial in 9 cm pot and spring flowering pot perennial. DW: 6; 22-24; 26; 30; 32



Pulsatilla vulgaris Violet

Rodgersia pinnata Featherleaf Rodgersia

White Swan

A decorative, foliage perennial with leaves that change colour over the seasons. In spring, the palmate leaves do sprout in various shades of bronze, after which they turn green over summer and dark again in autumn. To be used exclusively as a garden perennial. P62.600 Rodgersia pinnata, Pearly white. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Rodgersia pinnata

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Rodgersia aesculifolia Rodgersia

Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary

Large persistent forest plant. The chestnut-like palmate leaves are just as attractive as the majestic pearly white flower panicles. These slow growing plants will not show their full beauty until planted at their final destination in the garden. Rodgersia are suitable purely as perennial pot plants in 9 cm pots for landscape gardening.

The traditional species below has been tried and tested as a perennial field-grown herb . All our young plants are grown in accordance with the vegetable growing guidelines. C18.204 Blue Rain. Blue Rain. Spreading to trailing habit. DW: 5-7;10-12;16-18;22-32

P62.500 Rodgersia aesculifolia, Pearly white. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Rodgersia aesculifolia


Rudbeckia fulgida Coneflower

Originating from the Midwest of North America it is a very long-lasting perennial. At the height of summer, wellknown Coneflowers produce large golden yellow ray flowers. In the first year of cultivation, the plants produce only few flowers but after vernalization, the dark-leaved plant will show off their bright luminous flowers profusely. P63.500 Goldsturm, Golden yellow. Container perennial for biennial cultivation. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Blue Rain

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Rudbeckia occidentalis Western Coneflower

Salvia argentea Silver Sage

In every respect, an unusual plant with flowers that have no visible petals, only sepals and show their inconspicuous cone. Nevertheless, this perennial is very attractive to bees and butterflies. The species has all the qualities of an excellent cut flower.

This beautiful silvery white foliage perennial is a popular choice for autumn displays when combined with greenand dark-leaved or flowering plants. However, it is also a very decorative houseplant with its fine, hairy, soft leaves. In its second year of cultivation, it forms impressive up to 1-metre tall spikes that appear from leaf rosettes that die soon afterwards.

P63.562 Green Wizard, Dark without petals. Cut flower perennial or as perennial in 9 cm pot. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

P65.000 Artemis, Light blue-white. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Rumex sanguineus Red-veined Dock Red-veined Dock is mainly attractive for its leaves that are fresh bright green with red veins. The young plants are a beautiful addition to autumn decorations and arrangements.


T42.100 ssp.sanguineus, Brownish red. Young plants for autumn displays. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36


Green Wizard


Sagina subulata Heath Pearlwort

A mat-forming perennial that develops into a moss-like lawn. Excellent for filling up gaps in stone surfaces and along garden paths. When cultivated as a first year flowering perennial, Sagina impresses with countless white flowers. For Easter, pots planted up with Sagina can be used for displays with individual decorations. P64.510 Supreme, Pure white. Versatile plant. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36


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Salvia lyrata Lyreleaf Sage, Cancerweed

Salvia lyrata is mainly interesting because of its red brown foliage. The purply blue flowers contrast nicely with the foliage. This quite short-lived perennial is nicest when used as a young ornamental foliage plant in summer borders or autumn displays. P65.350 Purple Knockout, Blue violet. Perennial in 9 cm pot. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Purple Knockout

Marcus Blaukönigin

Salvia nemorosa Woodland Sage

Woodland sage is native in many parts of Northern Europe. However, only the well-known cultivars that have been planted in many gardens and parks for centuries are of interest. The plants do last long and with their many short straight upright flower spikes and are excellent for the production of summer flowering pot perennials. After cutting back, this perpetual flowering species will surprise us with up to three flushes of flowers. P65.400 Blaukönigin, Violet blue. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. P65.500 Rose Queen, Deep pink. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening.


DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

C19.230 Marcus, Mid blue. Very compact robust variety. Good choice for small pots. C19.200 Ostfriesland, Deep violet blue. Branches nicely from the base and grows straight upright, ideal for 1 to 3 litre pots. C19.210 Schneehügel, Pure white. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 7-39

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Rose Queen

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Deep Blue Improved

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„Sensation“ is a new breeding product from Florensis. Thanks to its basal branching the varieties all have a round, uniform and compact habit with many short flower spikes. Very suitable for individual cultivation in 1 to 2 litre pots. C19.216 Blue, Violet blue. C19.217 Deep Blue Improved, Deep violet blue. C19.226 Deep Rose Improved, Deep pink. C19.227 Sky Blue, Light blue. C19.240 White, Pearly white. A little more vigorous than the other varieties. DW: 7-40


Deep Blue Improved

Deep Rose Improved

Skly Blue


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Salvia officinalis Garden Sage, Common Sage “Common Sage” is mainly known as a herb for medicinal and cooking purposes but it is also a staple in the bedding plant assortment. Especially varieties with variegated leaves are popular in autumn combinations. Based on its many possibilities, “Common Sage” is for sale almost your-round. All our “Salvia officinalis” young plants are produced in accordance with vegetable growing guidelines.

Salvia officinalis Bicolor C19.309 C19.307 C19.312 C19.314

Bicolor, Light blue. White variegated leaves. Icterina, Light blue. Yellow variegated leaves. Purple Beauty Tricolor, Light blue. White-red variegated leaves.

DW: 6-8;10-12;16-18;22-32

Salvia officinalis Purple



Salvia patens Gentian Sage Like most types of sage, “Salvia patens” is a true sun lover and needs to be fed well. When these requirements are met, it produces many upright loose flower stems that bear deep blue luminous blooms. Unfortunately, the plants do not last very long and usually maintain themselves in acceptable positions through self-seeding.

Patio Dark Blue


Well-branched inflorescences and a compact habit characterize this uniform series. Its large flowers add colour to any garden design. P65.110 Dark Blue, Deep blue. Main colour. P65.112 Light Blue, Light blue. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Patio Light Blue

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Salvia roemeriana Cedar Sage, Roemer’s Sage

This species originates from the South of North America and was introduced to Europe already in 1852. Because it only survives in moderate climates it was for a long time only sold rarely. However, since a few years this species has seen a revival and is thanks to its attractive, bright red flowers often grown as part of the summer perennial assortment. P65.250 Hot Trumpets, Fiery red. Very uniform, well-branching variety.

Hot Trumpets


DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

Salvia sylvestris

Balkan clary, Wood sage, Steppe sage, Ornamental Meadow Sage II „Balkan clary „ is a traditional garden perennial. Because of its origins in continental climes, this species has become very strong and persistent. It develops very dark, almost black looking, loosely branched upright flower spikes that stand above fresh green foliage. C19.206 Mainacht, Deep blue. In the field, “Mainacht� flowers as early as the start of May and is one of the earliest Sage varieties on the market. DW: 7-39

New Dimension Blue

Salvia x superba Perennial Sage, Ornamental Sage, Hybrid Sage “Salvia x superba� is the result of breeders having succeeded in combining the positive qualities of robust “Salvia nemorosa� and fast-growing “Salvia sylvestris�. With its many varieties, “Salvia x superba� has also proved to be a good option for the production of summer flowering pot perennials.

New Dimension

The „New Dimension“ series is the latest development in this seed assortment. Pink and blue varieties together form a harmonious series with similar plant qualities. The improved uniformity in plant habit and flower reaction also set new standards. P68.650 Blue, Dark blue. P68.660 Rose, Deep pink. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

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New Dimension Rose

12-8-10 16:03




Santolina chamaecyparissus Cotton lavender

Saponaria hybrida Soapwort

Santolina is really happy in sunny sandy moorland gardens. In these conditions, its striking silvery evergreen pinnate foliage develops best. Santolina is also suitable for very dry positions. In horticultural practice, the especially silvery coloured varieties of Santolina have become a staple in the autumn assortment. The strongly aromatic leaves are popular for use in potpourri. The yellow flowers serve less of a purpose.

A summer flowering ground-hugging mat forming perennial with deep pink flowers. The species is somewhat reminiscent of Moss Pink. These plants look really good in rock gardens or plant dishes. Very suitable for production in approx. 11 cm pots for the summer flowering perennial segment.

C19.360 Santolina chamaecyparissus. Intense silvery selection. DW: 10-36

Santolina chamaecyparissus

C19.380 Bressingham, Deep pink. Summer flowering mat forming perennial. DW: 10-36


Saponaria ocymoides Rose

Indian Mint

Saponaria ocymoides Soapwort

Satureja douglasii Yerba Buena, Indian Mint

Rock garden plant with spreading mat forming habit and abundant flowers in the second year in situ after vernalization. As perennial pot plant in 9 cm pots very suitable for hanging baskets, troughs and sunny garden areas. Prefers a sunny and warm position in well-draining soil.

This species stands out because of it long trailing young shoots. These plants are welcome addition to the summer assortment because of their mint-like fragrance. The plants are suitable for inclusion in hanging baskets. All our young plants are grown in accordance with the vegetable growing guidelines.

P66.700 Rose, Bright pink. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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C19.460 Indian Mint DW: 5-8;10-12;16-18

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Saxifraga x arendsii Mossy Saxifrage

With Aubrieta and Arabis, this species is one of the main spring flowering cushion-forming perennials. In spring, its vigorous, evergreen luscious cushions produce many flowers on stems that each bear several blooms. In addition to tried and tested types from seed, many vegetatively propagated types have been introduced to the market in response to growers‘demand. C19.514 Elf Rose, Deep pink. Dark pink colour in addition to “Peter Pan� in the late segment. C19.510 Peter Pan, Scarlet. Vegetative, traditional late variety with short flower stems. C19.516 White Star, Pearly white. Just like “Peter Pan� and “Elf� part of the later segment.

Elf Rose

Peter Pan

White Star

Carpet Pink

Carpet Purple Robe

Carpet White

Pixie Rose

Pixie White

DW: 20-41


Tried and tested series that is most suitable for the production of cushion forming perennials for sale with photo labels. P67.500 Pink, Shades of pink. Vigorous variety in shades of pink. P67.600 Purple Robe, Shades of cerise. Vigorous and uniform in shades of dark red. P67.700 White, Cream to white. Very vigorous variety. DW: 6; 30; 32; 34; 36; 38


An early, very compact series. It flowers with huge numbers of blooms as early as late March.

C19.507 Rose, Dark pink. C19.506 White, Pearly white. DW: 20-42


This variety especially targets very early sales. The buds on very short stems appear from February and the first buds open from March onwards. C19.530 Red, Deep pink. Verge large-flowered variety. DW: 20-42

Saxony Red

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Scabiosa caucasica Small Scabious, Pincushion Flower The large flowers develop at the end of long wiry stems that make Scabiosa into excellent cut flowers. These very hardy plants do need vernalization and impress with 15-25 flower stems per plant from the first year of cultivation. In the garden, these plants also produce new flowers in abundance. When regularly deadheaded, the plants continue to form new flowers until late autumn.

Scabiosa columbaria Pigeon Scabious


This in Japan and East Asia native species is an excellent choice for annual summer production in pots. The plants are very effective and flower for very long periods. When regularly deadheaded, new flowers will be formed until the onset of winter.

P69.200 Perfecta, Lavender blue. Cut flower perennial, perennial in 9 cm pot. P69.300 Alba, Pure white. Cut flower perennial, perennial in 9 cm pot.

C19.090 Barocca, burgunderrot. Burgundy White stamens form a nice contrast with the burgundy of the flowers. This variety is not very long living and only hardy in sheltered positions. C19.000 Butterfly Blue, Bright pale blue. Medium tall and perpetually flowering. C19.010 Pink Mist, Light violet-pink. Rosy flowering addition to Butterfly Blue.

DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

DW: 7-40



Butterfly Blue

Pink Mist

Blue Diamonds

Blue Note

Pink Diamonds

Perfecta Alba

Scabiosa japonica Alpine Scabious

Native in Japan and East Asia this small species is an excellent choice for annual summer production in pots of between 11 and 13 cm. Short, profusely and long flowering plant for rockeries with decorative, finely chiselled leaves. P69.400 Blue Diamonds, Mid blue. Perennial in 9 cm pot. P69.320 Blue Note, Lavender blue. “Blue Note” catches the eye because of its uniform compact as well as vigorous character. It has an even and profuse flower formation, is very floriferous and incessantly flowering, which certainly helps sales and convinces consumers. P69.404 Pink Diamonds, Lilac pink. Purply pink flowering addition to “Blue Note”. Somewhat less suitable for pots as the “Blue Note” variety. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

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12-8-10 16:04




Where nothing else grows‌ Sedum will thrive Sedum Sedum is a plant genus with many different species. All these species are leaf succulents that are true artists as far as water retaining qualities are concerned. In this way Sedum takes up a special position and can be used in many different ways. Apart from extremely dry positions in the garden, many species are also extremely suitable as green roof perennials. Many first year flowering Sedums can also be used to get through the very difficult warm summer months, when there is not much else that is saleable. The assortment below is divided into three groups. 1 Large-leaved, flowering varieties for specimen pots 2 Medium-size leaf sedums for sale as flowering pot perennials in 9 to 13 cm pots or combined in packs 3 fine-leaved varieties for small flowering individual pots or packs.

1 Large-leaved, flowering varieties for specimen pots item code series




delivery weeks

P70.100 aizoon Gold-yellow Summer flowering in 13 to 19 cm pots, specimen perennial, green roof

6; 26; 30; 32; 36

C19.608 hybridum Autumn Joy Light pink pot and container perennial, also bloeiende vaste plant in pot en container, as cut flower perennial C19.639 hybridum Black Beauty Cream white Cream white New breeding from Florensis Compact, stable pot variety. Dark foliage C19.610 hybridum Matrona Cream white Large upright variety with dark foliage and pink-white flowers C19.620 hybridum Purple Emperor Light pink Dark leaved, straight upright with smaller leaves and pink flowers C19.712 hybridum Amber Red Red Amber is a new breeding of Florensis. With its long arching stems and the medium sized oval leaves this variety can ideally be used for the production of flowering hanging baskets up to 25 cm diameter. From July on the plants are very attractive as ornamental foliage plants and will not suffer even in dry summers at consumer level. From September on the deep pink flowers cover the whole plant and last until October. For hanging baskets one should use 3 young plants per pot.




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Light pink


Large coloured flowers

12-32 12-32 12-32 12-32 12-32



12-8-10 16:04

Black Beauty

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12-8-10 16:04

S Sedum aizoon Aizoon Stonecrop



Advice: Depending on the particular species, all upright types should be cultivated individually. This will produce the best possible results.

Upright growing variety with large leaves on its shoots. These bear bright yellow inflorescences from early July onwards and flower the first year from seed. The flowers are clearly smaller than those of other large stonecrops such as for example �Herbstfreude�. To gain good stability prune once.

Sedum hybridum Hybrid Stonecrop

“Sedum hybridum� is usually the name used for largeleaved Sedum in the Hylotelephium group. The best known variety in this group is „Herbstfreude“, which is internationally sold as „Autumn Joy“. This upright growing variety is suitable as a pot perennial in 13 to 19 cm pot. Of course, these are just like many other Sedum species suitable for green roofing and for almost any normal garden.

Sedum spectabile Ice Plant

Purple Emperor

This species is also part of the Hylotelephium group. This upright growing variety is suitable as a flowering pot perennial in 13 to 19 cm pot. Sedum spectabile stands out because of its spectacularly large flat flower heads.

Autumn Joy

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2 Medium-size leaf sedums for sale as flowering pot perennials in 9 to 13 cm pots or combined in packs item code series



C19.762 ewersii Medium Light pink


delivery weeks

Summer flowering in 11 to 13 cm pots, 18;20;22;24;26 ground covering, green roof and in packs

C19.764 forsterianum Elegans Cream white Ground covering, green roof and in packs P70.150 forsterianum Oracle Cream white Ground covering, green roof and in packs 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 Somewhat variable P70.125


Czar’s Gold

Gold-yellow 9 cm pot, ground covering and green roof 12-32

C19.770 kamtschaticum ImmergrĂźn Gold-yellow Summer flowering in 11 to 13 cm pots, 18;20;22;24;26 ground covering, green roof and in packs C19.774 kamtschaticum Variegatum Gold-yellow Dainty summer flowering perennial 18;20;22;24;26 in 9 to 13 cm pots Ground covering, green roof and in packs C19.776 makinoi Cream white Ideal for autumn plantings, Ground covering and green roof

6; 26; 30; 32; 36

P70.200 reflexum Gold-yellow Seed variant for sale in 9 cm pot C19.780 reflexum Angelina Gold-yellow Variety with the most beautiful autumn colours in yellow orange C19.782 reflexum Silver Gold-yellow Compact silvery selection

6; 26; 30; 32; 36 18;20;22;24;26



Kent Belle


Gold-yellow Great foliage for autumnal arrangements 18;20;22;24;26

P70.300 selskianum Gold-yellow Summer flowering in 11 to 13 cm pots, 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 ground covering, green roof and in packs C19.652 sieboldii Light pink C19.654 sieboldii Mediovariegatum Light pink

Grey blue form with red edges to 18;20;22;24;26 to the leaves Yellow variegated very decorative variety 18;20;22;24;26

P70.400 spurium Coccineum Light C19.792 spurium Purpur Winter Light P70.405 spurium Summer Glory Light C19.794 spurium Variegatum Light

Variable seed variety in 9 cm pot, 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 ground covering and green roof Spectacular variety with dark red foliage 18;20;22;24;26 Much appreciated autumn perennial, which can also be used in spring Dark-leaved seed variety in 9 cm pot, 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 ground covering and green roof White variegated variety, 18;20;22;24;26 good for the autumn assortment

pink pink

pink pink

makinoi ewersii

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forsterianum Elegans

12-8-10 16:04




Sedum ewersii Pink Sedum, Stonecrop

This summer flowering Sedum with medium-sized leaves forms round clump forming plant cushions with decorative purple red star-shaped flowers. Excellent summer pot perennial but also a good ground covering plant and green roof perennial. On top of that it can be cultivated in 6-packs. This species is very robust but withers in winter.

Sedum forsterianum Rock Stonecrop, Welsh Stonecrop

forsterianum Oracle

kamtschaticum Immergr端n

A bluish green Wallpepper with a reddish hue. This species forms relatively quickly dense and striking cushions. It develops small white flowers from decorative buds with a soft pink blush. Very good ground covering plant and ideal in packs.

Sedum kamtschaticum Kamtschatka Stonecrop kamtschaticum Variegatum This Sedum is excellent for the production of late summer flowering perennials. With very uniform flower reaction, bright yellow flowers will cover the medium-sized foliage. This variety can also be used for green roofing, in borders and for packs.

Sedum makinoi Stonecrop

Evergreen very robust, mat-forming Sedum with a trailing habit. As compared to other Sedum species with similar qualities, this species stands out particularly because of its hardy foliage. This in combination with its trailing habit makes this species an important component in autumnal arrangements and permanent plantings..

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reflexum Angelina

reflexum Silver

12-8-10 16:05




Sedum sediforme Pale Stonecrop, Mediterranean Stonecrop Very fast growing species with lemon yellow foliage. The cushions quickly spread and rapidly fill pots and dishes. Bright yellow flowers appear in midsummer. This species is not very hardy and the plants often suffer in winter. The plants do overcome any damage in spring though. These are not suitable for damp or wet positions from which they will soon disappear.

sediforme Kent



sieboldii Mediovariegatum

spurium Coccineum

spurium Purper Winter

spurium Summer Glory

spurium Variegatum

Sedum selskianum Amur Stonecrop

This well-known fast-growing species with its round cushions and bright yellow flowers can be used in many ways. It has proved its worth both as an annual flowering summer pot perennial in 11 to 13 cm pot, as well as for other purposes.

Sedum sieboldii Siebold’s Stonecrop

This succulent with its bluish green arching stems is very decorative throughout the year. The plants are cultivated as annuals for the autumn segment or after overwintering just as attractive. The variation with yellow spotted leaves is especially striking and even suitable for indoor use. This species becomes even more attractive in autumn when it flowers with pink blooms before withering under short-day conditions.

Sedum spurium Two-Row Stonecrop

This Stonecrop is a fast growing, long-lasting ground covering plant that can grow in full sun as well as semi shade. From June until July/August it is adorned with countless star-shaped blooms in small umbels that are very attractive to bees. The plants are often used in the autumn and sometimes also in the spring segment.

Sedum sexangulare tasteless Stonecrop

Mat and cushion forming, native species, which resembles Sedum acre but remains attractive for a longer period. For wall copings and green roofing.

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3 fine-leaved varieties for small flowering individual pots or packs. item code series



P70.000 acre Gold-yellow C19.750 acre Aurea Gold-yellow P70.120 album Cream C19.752 album Athorum Cream C19.753 album Coral Carpet Cream C19.754 album Niger Cream


delivery weeks

Fine-leaved variety, ground covering, green roof and in packs Yellow leaved, fine-leaved variety, ground covering, green roof and in packs

6; 26; 30; 32; 36

white Green foliage form of the fine-leaved species. Ideal for green roofing and in packs white Thick fleshy fine-leaved species. Leaf plant in 11 to 13 cm. ground covering, green roof and in packs white Dark foliage form of the fine-leaved species This species is green in summer and will turn coppery, dark red colours in autumn and when conditions are extremely dry Ideal for green roofing and in packs white Dark foliage form of the fine-leaved species. Ideal for green roofing and in packs


6; 26; 30; 32; 36 18;20;22;24;26



C19.756 cauticola Lidakense Light pink

Early summer flowering in 11 to 13 cm pots 18;20;22;24;26 ground covering, green roof and in packs

C19.760 dasyphyllum Light pink

Early summer flowering in 9 to 13 cm pots green roof perennial and in packs


P70.130 floriferum Gold-yellow

Ground covering perennial for roofs or in packs



glaucophyllum Lizard


kamtschaticum Middendorfianum Gold-yellow var.

Early summer flowering in 9 to 13 cm pots ground covering, green roof and in packs





Planting combinations and packs

6; 26; 30; 32; 36



Light pink

Summer flowering plant with blooms that resemble crosses or starfish

6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

Sea Star

Cream white Very nice summer flowering pot perennial, also for green roofing

6; 26; 30; 32; 36

P70.310 sexangulare Gold-yellow C19.790 sexangulare Gold-yellow

The vegetatively propagated species stands 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 out because of its firm uniform evergreen cushions and is most suitable for pots and packs This more variable form from seed is ideal 18;20;22;24;26 for the production of perennials in 9 cm pots or for green roofing

C19.700 C19.702

Distinctive, silver-leaved variety Red-leaved variety

spathulifolium Cape Blanco spathulifolium Purpureum

Gold-yellow Gold-yellow

12-32;36 12-32;36

Advice: Many different Sedum species can be combined in series with similar growing qualities and habit. A group of species and types with very fine leaves is listed above. These types are suitable for parallel cultivation.


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Acre Aurea

13-8-10 13:59




Sedum acre

Biting Stonecrop, Common Stonecrop, Wallpepper

One of its common names was inspired by the peppery flavour of its leaves. This native species with small cylindrical leaves and bright yellow star-shaped flowers is suitable for growing on rocks, walls or sandy positions in poor soils in full sun.


Album Athoum

Album Coral Carped

Album Niger

cauticola Lidakense



glaucophyllum Lizard

Kamtschaticum var. Middendorfianum


Sedum album White Stonecrop

This fine-leaved succulent species tolerates extremely sunny positions as well as stony poor soils and is a reliable ground covering plant. In summer, it develops a sea of white starry flower umbels that contrast nicely with the small green/red green leaves.

Sedum cauticola Stonecrop

Round, cushion forming species with fine, silvery grey foliage. The bright pink flowers will become a darker intense red, appear as early as late July. This species is suitable for sale as a summer flowering pot perennial in 9 to 13 cm pot as well as for green roofing purposes and packs.

Sedum dasyphyllum Corsican Stonecrop

Very fine-leaved spreading mat-forming small species with silvery grey foliage. In summer, the entire plants are covered in masses of white to soft pink flowers. This species is also suitable for sale as summer flowering pot perennial in 9 to 13 cm pots or in packs. However, this elegant species is not as robust as some of the other ones. Excess watering may damage the cushions.

Sedum floriferum Russian Stonecrop

This species develops dense foliage carpets of medium sized deep green leaves and upright star-shaped golden yellow flowers. This highly recommendable ground covering plant with lovely foliage and lavish blooms is also suitable for green roofing. Also withstands dampness.

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Sedum glaucophyllum Cliff Stonecrop

Sedum spathulifolium

This very fine-leaved bluish green species is most suitable as a summer flowering pot perennial. In June, it is uniformly adorned with small white blooms. This species is not fully hardy but will maintain itself through self-seeding without spreading.

Very compact species that forms firm round cushions. This evergreen species with its silver ‚frosted‘ fine leaves is excellent for mixed packs and also as an autumnal pot perennial in 9 to 11 cm pots.

Pacific Stonecrop, Broadleaf Stonecrop, Yellow Stonecrop

Sedum kamtschaticum var. Kamtschatka Stonecrop

A very dainty type of Sedum. Intense golden yellow flowers contrast beautifully with filigree dark green foliage.

Sedum oreganum Oregon Stonecrop, Green Stonecrop pulchellum Sea Star


sexangulare forsterianum Oracle

spathulifolium Cape Blanco

Very special red-leaved species. This evergreen Sedum species with its intense foliage colour is a welcome addition to autumnal arrangements, permanent plantings and packs. The golden yellow flowers appear somewhat irregularly and are of less importance.

Sedum pulchellum Pink Stonecrop, Widowscross Stonecrop

This very fine-leaved light green species is also most suitable as a summer flowering pot perennial. The pink flowers have cross shaped flat laying flower heads and appear from mid June. Ideal for production of annual flowering pot perennials.

Sedum sexangulare tasteless Stonecrop

Mat and cushion forming, native species, which resembles Sedum acre but remains attractive for a longer period. For wall copings and green roofing.

kamtschaticumPurpureum Variegatum spathulifolium

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Starry Dreams

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Sempervivum hybridum Houseleek

Silene maritima Campion

“Sempervivum” also belongs to the succulent perennials and is traded in many different shapes and forms and thousands of individual cultivated varieties, mostly by enthusiasts. The variety from seed as described here is a beautiful mixture of larger and smaller types for 9 cm pots. The plants start by growing a large rosette, which in the next spring develops several additional rosettes. The best substrate addition has proved to be Perlite. A position in full sun ensures maximum colour development in the very variable types. There is no need for watering, any amount of rain suffices.

A well-known perennial with grey-green foliage for position in full sun . The black stamens contrast nicely with the pure white flowers. Silene maritima flowers after only a brief cultivation period in its first year in situ and has proved its worth in the summer pot perennial assortment. Because it is very drought tolerant, it is an excellent green roof perennial. P73.800 Silene maritima, Pure white. Summer flowering perennial in 11 to 13 cm pots and green roof perennial. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

P71.000 Mixed, Light pink. Perennial plant in 9 cm pot for rockeries and wall copings as well as excellent green roof perennials. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Sidalcea hybrida Checkerbloom, Prairy Mallow

Originates from the North American prairies and is most comfortable in solitary positions in full sun. Above glossy foliage, it develops very attractive, upright flower panicles in shades between deep pink and white in the summer of its first year of cultivation.

Sempervivum hybridum Mixed

Silene martima


Silene schafta

P72.400 Partygirl, Deep pink First year flowering perennial but late from July DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Silene alpestris Campion, Catchfly II An alpine species, which is native to the high mountains of Europe. A multitude of snow-white flowers appear early in its first year of cultivation above round, compact plants with fresh green foliage. Silene alpestris is reminiscent of very compact Gypsophila.

Silene schafta Campion II This graceful undemanding perennial from the Caucasus is one of the few plants for rockeries that are still flowering later in the year. From June until September, the spreading plant cushions are covered in small, bright pink blooms. In pot cultivation, “Silene schafta” flowers after overwintering from June onwards.

P73.710 Starry Dreams, Snow-white. The „Starry Dreams“ variety is a further development of the species, ideal for 11-13 cm pots.

P74.000 Silene schafta, Deep pink Pot perennial up to 13 cm, ground covering plant, green roof perennial.

DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Sisyrinchium bellum Blue-eyed Grass

Sisyrinchium californicum

Blue-eyed Grass catches the eye in the garden because of its dense, grass like shape and countless small, starshaped burgeoning flowers. It prefers a moist soil in a sunny position.

Elegant “Golden-eyed Grass” is a perennial with iris-like leaves. It prefers a moist soil in a sunny position. For natural gardens as well as pond edges.

Yellow-eyed Grass, Golden-eyed Grass

P75.080 Yellow Stone, Golden yellow. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening.

P75.000 Sisyrinchium bellum, Light blue. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Sisyrinchium bellum

Yellow Stone

Goldkind Stachys byzantina

Solidago canadensis Golden Rod

“Golden Rod” is a plant that virtually everybody knows. Its wild form often grows fallow land because it is a pioneer species. Cultivars are not as vigorous and enable the use of “Golden Rod” in smaller gardens as well. Also as a perennial cut flower “Solidago” has become indispensable to the trade. “Solidago” flowers late in summer in its first year of cultivation. P76.500 Goldkind, Bright yellow. Dwarf variety „Goldkind“ is suitable as late summer flowering container perennial in 3-litre containers. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Stachys byzantina Lamb’s Ears

A very rustic traditional perennial found in many parks and cottage gardens. In the garden, the silvery white inflorescences with violet red flowers always attract attention. The silvery woolly foliage also makes this an interesting foliage perennial that is often used in decorative autumnal plantings. P77.000 Stachys byzantina, Violet-red. Perennial pot plant in 9 cm pot also for autumnal decorations. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Stokesia laevis Stokes Aster

Symphyandra pendula Ring Bellflower

Stokesia is fairly unknown but will convince anybody with its up to 10 cm large flowers. Unfortunately, these do not appear until the second or third year in situ, which is the reason why Stokesia is often sold as a perennial in 9 cm pot with photo label. Originally from North America, this 30 cm tall species loves a warm, sunny position. It flowers in late summer from July-October and is fully hardy in well-drained positions. It does not like stagnant water.

Just like “Bellflowers”, the “Ring Bellflower” is a nice plant for flowerbeds, cottage gardens, rockeries and natural gardens. This species develops creamy white blooms that flower for long periods, well into the summer. P78.560 Symphyandra pendula, Cream white. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

P77.500 Blue Star, Violet blue. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Symphyandra pendula

Tellima grandiflora

Tellima grandiflora Fringecups

“Fringecups” are modest, drought tolerant perennials for shady positions from the forests of North America. In the garden these are excellent ground covering plants that even thrive in difficult positions under trees.

Blue Star

Tanacetum coccineum

P80.000 Tellima grandiflora, Pearly white. Ground covering plant. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Painted Daisy “Tanacetum” is a colourful equivalent for the widely used white Daisies. With its brilliantly coloured blooms on long stems, this species is one of the most popular border perennials. They are also cut flowers with a good vase life. The plants are difficult to get into shape in containers and for that reason recommended for the production of perennial plants in 9 cm pot.


P59.760 Red, Bright red. P59.840 Rose, Bright pink. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Robinson’s Red

Robinson’s Rose

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Teucrium chamaedrys Wall Germander

Thalictrum aquilegifolium

Truly bushy, vigorous, evergreen subshrub with aromatic foliage and purple flowers. Evergreen “Wall Germander” is easy to clip and therefore a good low hedge for framing groups of other plants. It can be used just like box. In well-drained positions, “Germander” will easily survive wet winters. It only does not like stagnant water.

Native, natural looking species with columbine-like foliage and flowers on soft, feathery panicles. As a perennial in 9 cm pot equally suitable for natural planting, flowerbeds and wooded banks.

Meadow Rue, French- or Columbine Meadow Rue

P81.200 Thalictrum aquilegifolium, Soft pink shades. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

P80.500 Teucrium chamaedrys, Violet pink. Perennial plant in 9 cm pot, also to substitute box. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Thalictrum delavayi Lavender Mist Meadow Rue

Thalictrum aquilegifolium

Originating from China and Tibet, “Meadow Rue” is very vigorous with filigree flower panicles and dainty, bright green „Columbine leaves“. The airy panicles with their purple pink flowers appear also in semi to full shade. P81.000 Thalictrum delavayi, Lilac pink. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Teucrium chamaedrys

Thalictrum delavayi


Doone Valley

Lemon Variegata

Silver Queen

Thymus citriodorus Lemon Thyme

Originating from the South of France, this is a sun loving Thyme. Smelling of Thyme and lemons, “Lemon Thyme” exists in many foliage colours, which make these into popular perennials for autumn planting. The very hardy plants will contain their structure and form for a long time in pots and tubs. Several varieties also prove to be good ground covering plants in gaps between stepping stones and steps. C20.404 Aureus, White. Ornamental foliage for autumnal decorations. C20.406 Doone Valley, Bright lilac. Ornamental foliage for autumnal decorations and ground cover. C20.410 Lemon Variegata, Bright lilac Ornamental foliage for autumnal decorations. C20.402 Silver Queen, White. Ornamental foliage for autumnal decorations. DW: 5-7;10-12;16-18;22-32

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T Thymus praecox Creeping Thyme



Thymus pulegioides

Broad-leaved Thyme, Wild Thyme, Doone Valley Lemon Thyme, Greater Wild Thyme

II Very fine-leaved, first year flowering species . Can be used both in summer as a flowering pot perennial as well as for autumnal decorations. C20.416 Albiflorus, Pure white. White-flowering variation C20.418 Red Carpet, leuchtendrosa. Sommertopfstaude, Bright pink. Summer pot perennial, ground covering plant ornamental foliage for autumnal decorations. DW: 12-36

“Broad-leaved or Lemon-scented Thyme” is a widespread native wild plant. It tastes a lot like Garden thyme (Thymus vulgaris). However, “Broad-leaved Thyme” is significantly hardier, hardly lignifies and grows like a creeping perennial. An excellent ground covering plant, which can be used as fragrant lawn. C20.409 Foxley, Light pink. A vegetatively propagated, selected garden form of the species that has proved its worth as first-year flowering pot perennial and as ground covering plant. DW: 5-7;10-12;16-18;22-32



Red Carpet

Thymus serpyllum Creeping Thyme

Native species with a creeping habit. Very strong and hardy and sold in many popular varieties. Dark green, flat spreading dense carpets, covered in flowers from June. Rockery plant and good ground covering plant. P82.300 Thymus serpyllum, Pink. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening and ground covering plant. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Thymus serpyllum

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Tiarella wherryi Foamflower

Trollius chinensis European Globeflower II

“Foamflowers” are excellent non-invasive ground covering perennials for positions in semi and full shade. The cream flowers resemble foam, hence the name, and stand above fresh green, veined, glossy leaves. This species can be grown as an excellent ground covering plant but also as a first-year flowering pot perennial for the summer segment. In this segment, it is appealing through its earliness and long-lasting flowers.

Flowering in late spring, a tall growing perennial with spherical or bowl-shaped flowers in different shades of yellow. Trollius thrives in nutrient-rich, moist soils in sunny positions and is a good choice for planting on the edge of garden ponds. P84.100 Golden Queen, Golden yellow. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32

P82.800 Tiarella wherryi, Pure white. Summer pot perennial and ground covering plant. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Golden Queen

Tiarella wherryi

Trollius europaeus

Trollius europaeus Globeflower II The European Globeflower is unmistakable because of its spherical, almost closed, bright yellow flowers. The wellloved garden perennial is a protected species that flowers from mid April until May. At just 40 cm tall, “Trollius europeaus” is very suitable for production of large, flowering perennials. Place plants immediately outdoors from May/June in order to build sufficient plant mass. After vernalization , the plant will sprout in April but will still fill the pot with leaves and flowers rapidly. P84.400 Trollius europaeus, Bright yellow. Container perennial grown as a biennial. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32

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Verbascum bombyciferum

Verbascum bombyciferum Mullein

These fascinating “Mullein” have silvery felt like, upright growing racemes covered in flowers growing from silverywhite leaf rosettes. Their large, magnificent appearance attracts everybody‘s attention. Because of their taproots the plants do not last very long in pots and they can only be recommended as perennial in 9 cm pot! P87.000 Verbascum bombyciferum, Bright yellow. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

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Verbascum olympicum Greek Mullein, Candlewick plant

Verbascum phoeniceum Purple Mullein

Impressive plant with grey-green felt-like foliage and wellbranched, beautiful striking yellow racemes. However, these do not appear until the second or third year. Only advisable for larger areas, where it will enchant anyone with its majestic appearance.

Originating from Eastern Europe these steppe plants thrive in dry, well-draining positions. In moist and wet positions, these perennials will quickly die. This beautiful perennial looks at its best in natural gardens and in open spaces. The multicoloured well-branched decorative racemes appear above beautifully formed leaf rosettes.

P87.240 Verbascum olympicum, Bright yellow. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

P87.300 Mixed, Mixture of many colours. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. P87.320 White, Pearly white. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 30; 32; 36

Verbascum olympicum

Verbascum phoeniceum Mixed

Verbascum phoeniceum White

Venosa Verbena bonariensis

Verbena bonariensis

Purpletop Vervain, Tall Verbena, Clustertop Vervain, Pretty Verbena

„Verbena bonariensis“ is a welcome addition for landscape gardening. Densely filled spherical flower heads that seem to hover on very long, branched, almost leafless stems, add some airiness to any herbaceous border. With its very long flowering period, this is an impressive eyecatching plant. Only advisable as a perennial plant in 9 cm pot. P87.800 Verbena bonariensis, violettblau. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Verbena rigida

Tuber Vervain, Slender Vervain, Rigid Verbena

„Verbena rigida“ is one of very few perennial verbenas. It is however not very long-living. In very cold, snowless winters it freezes. These verbenas add striking accents to consumers‘ gardens with their brightly coloured blooms and long flowering period. All varieties are first-year flowering and suitable for 13 cm pots to 3-litre containers. P87.900 Venosa, Lavender violet. Main colour among the summer flowering perennial assortment. DW: 6; 10; 14-20; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Veronica austriaca Austrian Speedwell. Hungarian Speedwell

In many parts of Europe this is a native species. This robust “Speedwell” thrives in both dry as well as wet positions. With its intense royal blue colours, “Veronica austriaca” appeals in any garden. Unfortunately, this species needs some extra attention until it flowers because of its loose habit. They are often sold as perennial plants in 9 cm pot.

Veronica longifolia Beach Speedwell

P88.260 Blue, Deep blue. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

P88.560 Royal Blue, Gentian blue. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Royal Blue

Veronica longifoia

Veronica gentianoides

Veronica gentianoides Gentian-Speedwell II Only the leaves of this species are reminiscent of Gentian, not the flowers. Nevertheless, this sturdy perennial attracts attention because of its upright flower clusters, growing up to 20 cm tall, that appear in May and June. In the herbaceous border and in larger rockeries, they prefer a sunny but moist position. This species can be produced as a biennial in 13 cm pot. Seedlings are variable. P88.700 Veronica gentianoides, Light blue. To a limited extent as flowering pot perennial or perennial plant in 9 cm pot. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Georgia Blue

Veronica peduncularis Creeping Speedwell, Creeping Veronica II With its mat forming, trailing habit and bright gentian blue flowers, this small “Creeping Speedwell” is known as an especially beautiful variety. In cultivation over the winter months, this species has proved to be most successful in 13 cm pot. C22.290 Georgia Blue, Gentian blue. Very intensely coloured selection. DW: 12-38

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Veronica prostrata Prostrate Speedwell, Rock Speedwell II This mat forming very small dwarf species develops upright, short flower spikes. The appropriate varieties for cultivation are very compact and mainly enable production that is in line with the market requirements. C22.292 Christy, Light blue. Vegetatively propagated variety „Christy“ stands out because of its solid habit and many short, upright spikes from late May. DW: 12-38 P88.300 Nestor, Light blue flowers appear in early summer after vernalization. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36


Veronica repens

Veronica repens Corsican Speedwell II This species develops very flat growing, intense light green cushions. These are covered in a multitude of small, light blue individual blooms. Very beautiful in 11 to 13 cm pot. The pH should be low, around 5. P88.320 Veronica repens, Light blue. Biennial flowering pot perennial. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36


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Veronica spicata



Nana Blauteppich

Rose Zwerg


Blue Bouquet

Ulster Dwarf Blue

Veronica spicata Spiked Speedwell

„Veronica spicata“ is the best known amongst the numerous Veronica species. With its spherical cushions and short upright spikes, this species is suitable for cultivation in 11 to 13 cm pots. P88.440 Veronica spicata, Deep blue. Up to 50 cm tall, only as a perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. P88.380 Alba, Pure white Up to 50 cm tall, only as a perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. P88.200 Incana, Violet blue. Violet blue flowers above silver grey foliage, perennial plant in 9 cm pot. P88.550 Nana Blauteppich, Dark blue. Somewhat variable but compact plant cushions with deep blue flowers in May, also suitable for 13 cm pots. P58.690 Rose Zwerg, Bright pink. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. P88.500 Rosea, Hues of deep pink. Up to 50 cm tall, only as a perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36 P88.540 Blue Bouquet, Deep blue. „Blue Bouquet“ is in annual cultivation very late flowering, especially for the late summer season it is possible to achieve excellent results in medium pot sizes. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

C22.293 Ulster Dwarf Blue, Gentian blue. This vegetatively propagated selection stands out through its high degree of uniformity and early flowering in first year of cultivation. DW: 16-42

Inspire Blue


In the „Inspire“ series, we present you a new breeding product that promises to achieve first class growing results because of its excellent plant quality and outstanding floriferousness. Young plants that are potted up in August and put outdoors will flower after overwintering from mid May with numerous deep blue and pink spikes. C22.310 Blue, Deep blue. C22.314 Rose, Light pink. DW: 16-42

Inspre Rose

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V Veronicastrum virginianum Black Root, Culver’s Root, Physic Root

This species, with its tight habit and alternately arranged leaves is one of the largest Speedwells. Its attractive flower spikes of which the tops are often prone to fasciation (flattened flower spikes) make this a very decorative speedwell. P88.620 Veronicastrum virginianum, Hues of pink. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32



Vinca major Greater Periwinkle

The large upright growing evergreen “Greater Periwinkle” is only suitable as a good ground covering plant for large surface areas. In summer, the plants produce long, creeping runners that root and become new clumps. C22.408 Vinca major, Light blue. Ground covering plant. DW: 14-38

Vinca major Veronicastrum virginianum

Vinca minor

Vinca minor Smaller Periwinkle



Viola wittrockiana Garden Pansy

Vinca is one of the very best ground covering plants. No matter what needs to be covered, native “Periwinkle” does it for you. It tolerates sun as well as shade, root pressure or being mowed by the lawn mower. In spring, it flowers with many flowers that appear above the leaves.

A few Pansies have found their way into the pot perennial segment. With their compact habit they flower all through the warm summer months and show off their bright colours.

C22.414 Vinca minor, Deep blue. Perennial in 9 cm pots and ground covering plant. DW: 14-40

C22.588 Etain, Light yellow with a blue edge. C22.600 Rebecca, White with a blue edge. DW: 12-41

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Herbs In addition to many flowering perennials, hardy kitchen herbs are also a staple in the perennial assortment. Below, we list a selection of well-known perennial kitchen herbs for outdoor cultivation, which have proved to be successful in herb and ornamental gardens. These perennials with attractive foliage are especially good for sale as perennial plants in 9 cm pot. All young plants on offer are grown in strict accordance with vegetable growing guidelines.

Allium schoenoprasum Chives

Artemisia dracunculus Tarragon, Dragon’s Wort

Perennial Chives should be included in every herb garden. It can be harvested all through the year. The supplied young plants require an overwintered cultivation in order to produce ready to harvest plants. The flowers of these wonderfully aromatic plants are also very attractive.

No salad should be without Tarragon. The different types of Tarragon all have their own uses in the kitchen. It is one of the most important kitchen herbs! Even though many herb specialists favour so-called French tarragon, one should certainly try the almost unknown „native“ Tarragon in the kitchen. These are not suitable for drying.

T04.000 Light lilac DW: 6; 10; 12; 18; 30; 32; 36

T10.000 Artemisia dracunculus. Russian tarragon C02.400 French Dragon. French tarragon DW: 6; 10; 12; 18; 30; 32; 36

Artemisia dracunculus

Foeniculum vulgare


French Daragon

Foeniculum vulgare Fennel

After overwintering, fennel grows 2 to 3 metres tall and should be planted accordingly. As perennial plant in 9 cm pot it stands out through its fine, attractive foliage. T43.000 Foeniculum vulgare, Lemon yellow. DW: 6; 10; 12; 18; 30; 32; 36

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Hyssopus officinalis

Hyssopus officinalis Hyssop

Hyssop is a low growing branched, woody perennial herb. Apart from its uses in the kitchen, it develops appealing bright blue flowers in its first summer of cultivation. The plants should be cut back once every spring. T12.000 Hyssopus officinalis, Navy blue. DW: 6; 10; 12; 18; 30; 32; 36

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Levisticum officinale Lovage

Melissa officinalis Lemon Balm

Lovage comes originally from Persia and was early to arrive in Europe with many other spicy herbs. It is very strong and fully hardy. As a perennial in 9 cm it stands out because of its fresh green deeply cut leaves that taste of strong soup stock.

Although Lemon Balm originates from Crete, it is fully hardy in Central Europe as well. The plants give off their lovely, lemony aroma at the slightest touch of the leaves.

T20.000 Levisticum officinale, Inconspicous.

DW: 6; 10; 12; 18; 30; 32; 36

T08.000 Melissa officinalis.

DW: 6; 10; 12; 18; 30; 32; 36

Levisticum officinale

Melissa officinalis

Mentha piperita

Mentha spicata

Mentha piperita Peppermint

Mentha spicata Spear Mint

This tall upright growing perennial releases its wellknown fragrance at the slightest touch. This and other high-rated qualities make it a welcome addition to the herbal plot.

Spear Mint is not just a herb for use in the kitchen but is also an ingredient for mint marmalade and mint jelly.

T28.000 Mentha piperita DW: 6; 10; 12; 18; 30; 32; 36

DW: 5-7; 10-12; 16-18; 22-32

C14.206 Mentha spicata

Origanum vulgare Oregano, Wild Marjoram

Origanum is not just interesting because of its mild taste; this species is also very visually attractive because of it’s lovely flowers in summer. T24.000 Origanum vulgare, Deep pink. C16.290 Compactum, Deep pink. Aromatic selection of the species. DW: 6; 10; 12; 18; 30; 32; 36

Origanum vulgare

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Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary

Rumex acetosa Common Sorrel, Narrow-leaved Dock

Rosemary is fully hardy in sunny well-drained positions. It only does not like heavy, wet soils. Apart from its pleasant fragrance, Rosemary stands out because of its light blue flowers in spring and autumn.

Common sorrel has large, fleshy leaves. The acid taste of the leaves adds flavour to many dishes. Young leaves from plants in 9 cm pots are a sour adventure for the consumer.

C18.200 Rosmarinus officinalis, Light blue.

T42.000 Rumex acetosa, Brownish red.

DW: 5-7; 10-12; 16-18; 22-32

DW: 6; 10; 12; 18; 30; 32; 36

Rumex acetosa

Ruta graveolens

Ruta graveolens Rue

Rosmarinus officinalis

A perennial that becomes somewhat woody and has very decorative foliage. Cutting back in the autumn results in a more bushy habit and new leaves the following spring. The coconut flavour is popular for making liqueurs. Cannot be traded freely in all EU countries. T41.000 Ruta graveolens, Lemon yellow.

Salvia officinalis Garden Sage, Common Sage

DW: 6; 10; 12; 18; 30; 32; 36

Common Sage is mainly known as a herb for medicinal and cooking purposes but it is also a staple in the bedding plant segment. A few varieties can be used as ornamental foliage for the autumn decorations. All these qualities make this species into a true all-rounder. Therefore, it is sold almost year-round for different purposes. T33.000 Salvia officinalis, Purple, light blue. Reddish-grey leaves. DW: 6-30; 30; 32; 36

Salvia officinalis

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Sanguisorba minor Burnet, Salad Burnet

Satureja montana Winter Savory

EOne of the very few herbs native to Central Europe. Even as plants in 9 cm pots, these are attractive because of their deeply divided leaves with a nutty gherkin-like flavour. However, it only develops its full flavour when planted in moist positions or after ample watering. In dry positions, the leaves lack flavour.

Straight upright growing perennial with pink-white flowers. The leaves and tops of the young shoots of this wellknown herb have a wonderful flavour. T06.000 Satureja montana, Pink-white. DW: 6; 10; 12; 18; 30; 32; 36

T31.000 Sanguisorba minor DW: 6; 10; 12; 18; 30; 32; 36

Thymus citriodorus Lemon-Thyme

Originating from the South of France this is a sun loving Thyme. The smell of lemons and the variety in foliage colours have made Lemon Thyme one of the most popular perennials in autumnal plantings. The very hardy plants keep their structure very long when grown in pots and tubs. Several varieties also prove to be good ground covering plants in gaps between stepping-stones and steps.

Sanguisorba minor

Satureja montana

Thymus vulgaris


C20.400 Lemon, Light lilac. Ornamental foliage for autumnal decorations and as perennial kitchen herb. DW: 5-7; 10-12; 16-18; 22-32

Thymus vulgaris Common Thyme Lemon


Valeriana officinalis Cat’s Valerian, Common Valerian

A charming, upright growing, well-branched Thyme with tiny, light flowers and grey-green narrow leaves. The leaves of this long-lasting species have been used since ancient times because of their strong flavour. P82.400 Thymus vulgaris, Pure white. Seed form of the species, as perennial in 9 cm pots for garden and herbal plot. DW: 6; 10; 12; 18; 30; 32; 36

This species is also one of the few herbs native to Central Europe. In wet positions, the roots develop their aromatic calming essence. A very large perennial with attractive leaves for sale during the planting season. T38.500 Valeriana officinalis, Snow white. DW: 6; 10; 12; 18; 30; 32; 36

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C20.420 Compactus, Pure white. This vegetative compact form is suitable for cultivation in pots because of its high degree of uniformity and even flower reaction. DW: 12-38

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Grasses The beauty of many grasses does not always reveal itself immediately; nevertheless, ornamental grasses are becoming increasingly popular. Many grasses are useful for adding structure to mixed perennial plantings, as colourful addition to annual summer flowering bedding plants and in the autumn assortment. The species that we offer are easy to grow and will appeal to the consumer because of their very good shelf life and because they cost little or nothing to maintain.

Ammophila arenaria

Bouteloua gracilis Bleu Grama, Mosquito Grass

A very tall tuft forming grass with bluish green overhanging leaves. Beach grass grows in sandy, well-draining soils, where they grow few runners. The creamy yellow flower spikes appear from September. On the coast, on islands or in sandy areas, this species is often used for binding dunes and other sands. (See also Leymus)

Low growing, tuft forming grass with brownish green, hairy leaves. The interesting dark flower spikes are combshaped and held at right angles. A field of these plants gives the impression of a swarm of mosquitoes hovering above grass. Hence the name mosquito grass.

European Marram Grass, European Beach grass, Dune grass

G80.500 Bouteloua gracilis, Brown-black spikes. Rock garden.

G80.100 Ammophila arenaria. Perennial in pot for renaturalization. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Ammophila arenaria

DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Bouteloua gracilis

Amazon MistTM

Red RoosterTM

Carex albula Curly sedge

Carex buchananii New Zealand Leatherleaf Sedge

Low growing, tuft-forming grass with silver green glossy leaves. Easy to cultivate with constant growth. An important grass for the autumn assortment.

Year-round reddish brown grass with wiry, straight upright leaves. Very popular for use as a medium sized, structural element in autumnal plantings. Cultivation in full sun in always moist pots will prevent the top shoots drying out.

G82.994 Amazon Mist™. Main variety for use in autumnal decorations. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

G82.996 Red Rooster™. Main variety for use in autumnal decorations. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Carex comans New Zealand Sedge

Carex flagellifera Weeping Brown Sedge

From New Zealand originating all year round reddish brown, finely structured grass. This truly low growing plant with its reddish brown, overhanging leaves is often used in smaller autumn arrangements.

Medium sized, year-round light reddish brown grass with spreading, trailing blades. This species is also one of the main varieties for autumn decorations.

G82.998 Bronco™. Low growing, reddish brown grass for autumn. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

G83.050 Bronzita™. Autumn uses. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36



Phoenix GreenTM

Carex pendula

Carex howardii Sedge

Carex pendula Weeping Sedge, Pendulous Sedge

Medium sized, straight upright growing up to 30 cm tall grass. With its glossy orange yellow leaves, this grass has a special place amongst perennials for use in autumn.

Very large evergreen grass with broad pendent leaves. In the garden, this species stands out because of its many decorative flower spikes. Fast growing in its juvenile stage.

G83.004 Phoenix Green™. Main variety for use in autumnal decorations.

D99.010 Carex pendula. Coppery brown, long spikes. Very tall grass for landscaping

DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Carex testacea Orange New Zealand Sedge

Corynephorus canescens Grey Hair Grass

Straight upright growing grass. In late summer and autumn, this copper-coloured grass provides shiny colour accents in hues of orange and green.

A fine, silvery blue, short but very fast growing grass. This elegant plant is native to Central Europe and only grows in very dry or well-draining areas. This plant really does not like moisture. In wet, not properly draining positions this species is not hardy. Especially beautiful in rockeries, on roofs but also as plant in 9 cm pot for autumnal arrangements.

G83.152 Prairie Fire™. Main variety for use in autumnal decorations. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

G84.110 Spiky Blue™. Perennial in 9 cm pots for roofs or landscaping. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Prairie FireTM

Spiky BlueTM

Cyperus glaber

Cortaderia selloana Pampas grass

Cyperus glaber Umbrella Sedge, Hardy Papyrus

Tall very well-known grass, originating from South America (Pampa) . Seedlings grow very fast and are very suitable for production of perennials in 9 cm pots. In their final position, they produce large feathery flowers from September in the second or third year.

This species is native to Africa and also fully hardy over here. This very tall grass prefers wet and sunny positions and is also at home on the edge of the pond. Easy to cultivate, both as a perennial in 9 cm pot as well as specimen perennial.

G84.100 Rose Plume, Creamy white with a pink hue. G84.000 White Plume, Creamy white. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

G84.200 Cyperus glaber. Garden perennial, also for ponds. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Rose Plume

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White Plume

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Deschampsia caespitosa Tufted Hair Grass

Eragrostis elliotii Blue Love Grass

Easy to grow, native grass. Its many up to 80 cm tall, golden yellow flower spikes enjoy swaying in the summer wind. This species looks its best when used as a specimen plant. The spikes appear in the second year in the garden after overwintering.

This tall grass, originally from the American prairies looks stunning because of its graceful appearance with dense bluish green leaves. The airy light flower spikes appear in July, turn brown in August and in autumn straw yellow. Used as a specimen grass in the garden, it remains decorative all through winter.

G84.300 Deschampsia cespitosa, Whitish green spikes. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

G84.750 Wind Dancer. Perennial in 9 cm pot for landscape gardening. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Festuca amethystina Large Blue Fescue

Evergreen grass with fine, arching foliage. The leaves of Fescue change colour from bluish green in spring to bluish grey with coppery accents in late summer. Fescue is produced year-round. G84.990 Festuca amethystina, Reddisch spikes. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Deschampsia cespitosa

Wind Dancer

Festuca amethystina


Festuca cinerea Blue Fescue

With its deep blue tones and fine, soft blades this grass is perhaps the most well-known and has established itself as a main variety in many areas. It is for sale year-round, especially around Easter and in autumn for decoration. G85.000 Festina™, Bluish spikes. Year-round as perennial in 9 cm pots or for green roofing. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Festuca ovina Sheep’s fescue

One of the dwarf varieties in the blue green Festuca assortment. With silvery blue foliage a good species for autumnal decorations. G85.300 Festuca ovina, Whitish green spikes. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Festuca ovina

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Festuca punctoria Hedgehog Fescue

Koeleria glauca Glaucous Hair Grass

The greyish blue Festuca punctoria is clearly more solid with short, upright, spinose blades. This very strong species is especially suitable for rockeries and roof greening.

With its many shimmering inflorescences, Koeleria adds lovely accents to flowerbeds, pots and tubs. This tuft forming greyish blue species is grown easily and reliably and can be sold all year round.

G85.330 Festuca punctoria, Bluish spikes. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

G86.900 Coolio™. Golden brown spikes. Perennial in 9 cm pot all year round. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Festuca punctoria

Festuca valesiaca Wallis Fescue

This Festuca species is one of the most intense silver of all fescues. The colouring and quality of this type are close to those of many vegetatively propagated varieties. G85.320 Glaucantha, Bluish spikes. Perennial in 9 cm pot for use in autumn. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36


Leymus arenarius Lyme Grass

A very tall grass with bluish green overhanging leaves. This Lyme grass is a well-known often-used dune grass. The plants produce long offshoots and thrive in sandy and very well-draining positions. The creamy yellow inflorescences appear from September. (See also Ammophila) P19.500 Leymus arenarius. For large-scale plantings, produces offshoots. DW: 6; 26; 30; 32; 36

Leymus arenarius

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L Luzula nivea Snowy Woodrush



Luzula sylvatica Greater Woodrush

II Dark green tuft forming grass with very attractive inflorescences. This grass flowers only after vernalization. Because of its straight upright inflorescences with large stamens it looks like the plants are covered in snow. Especially eye catching when used as a specimen plant. G87.800 Lucius, Silvery white spikes. Specimen perennial and perennial in 9 cm pots for landscaping. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

This species with broad fresh green leaves is a very good ground covering plant for shady areas. It quickly and efficiently covers small surfaces with its short shoots. Once established, Luzula is very strong and persistent. G87.840 Starmaker™, Brownish black panicles. Ground covering plant. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

StarmakerTM Lucius

Juncus effusus Soft Rush

Soft Rush is found all over the world, especially in the Northern hemisphere. It grows everywhere in moist to wet positions. A few varieties are suitable for use as decorative pot plants, also for indoors.The dark inflorescences contrast nicely with the green leaves. G86.810 Starhead™, Black brown inflorescences. Especially short-stemmed selection. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36


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Miscanthus sinensis Chinese Silver Grass, Zebra Grass

Miscanthus is one of the very tall grasses that are especially suitable as a specimen plant. The type from seed as offered here is somewhat variable but stands out because of its habit with very fine blades. In early autumn, it flowers with early reddish brown spikes. G88.000 Miscanthus sinensis, Reddish brown spikes. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32

Miscanthus sinensis

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Pennisetum alopecuroides Chinese Fountain Grass

The flowers of this species are especially attractive. The tall, long-lasting, brush-shaped plumes appear from September in the first year of cultivation above dark green leaves. Beautiful specimen plant. D99.030 Pennisetum alopecuroides, Light plumes. This variety from seed is larger than many of the more commonly sold vegetative types. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Pennisetum alopecuroides

Stipa arundinacea Pheasant’s Tail Grass

With its fantastic range of colours in coppery orange and hues of pink, this species really stands out over the warm summer months. As a structural plant, it is a valuable addition to borders or mixed plantings. G93.790 Sirocco. Perennial in 9 cm pot, specimen plant and for autumnal arrangements. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Purple Baron F1

Purple Majesty F1

Pennisetum glaucum Pearl Millet

This dark-leaved first-year flowering ornamental grass fits in nicely with large summer plantings and introduces some lightness to flowerbeds and borders. The large inflorescences are also very effective in flower arrangements. G88.920 Purple Baron F1, Black brown plumes. Smaller variety with bronze leaves and very dark plumes. Up to 75 cm. G88.900 Purple Majesty F1, Black brown plumes. Effective bronze foliage with very tall dark spikes. Up to 1.2 m. DW: 6; 10-20; 26


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Stipa lessingiana Feather Grass

Stipa tenuissima Mexican Feather Grass

A fresh green summery grass with a fine, soft structure. At approx. 30 cm high a very good specimen grass in medium sized pots or up to 3-litre containers, easy to cultivate.

This Feather grass bears light brown seed heads that stand out clearly from the foliage. The filigree blades, arranged in tufts, move with every breeze. Used individually or in groups, the dense grey green clumps look great in rockeries as well as flowerbeds. Annual cultivation for autumnal decorations.

G93.980 Capriccio DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

G94.008 Pony Tails™, Light brown spikes. DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

Pony TailsTM


Uniola latifolia Sea Oats, Flat Oats, Wood Oats

This species is somewhat reminiscent of bamboo but this dense large wood perennial that is green in summer only really feels at home in light shade. It is a very attractive species with filigree flower spikes. In the first year of cultivation, the plants remain small and are therefore easy to grow in pots. It does not grow to its full size until it has reached its final destination. D99.060 Uniola latifolia DW: 6; 18; 26; 30; 32; 36

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Uniola latifolia

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Index A Acaena microphylla Acanthus mollis Achillea filipendulina Achillea millefolium Achillea ptarmica Achillea tomentosa Agapanthus africanus Agastache aurantiaca Agastache foeniculum Ajuga reptans Alcea rosea Alchemilla erytropoda Alchemilla mollis Alyssum montanum Allium schoenoprasum Ammophila arenaria Anacyclus depressus Anaphalis margaritacea Anchusa azurea Androsace septentrionalis Anemone hupehensis Anemone multifida Anemone sylvestris Antennaria dioica Anthemis carpartica Anthemis tinctoria Aquilegia alpina Aquilegia caerulea Aquilegia chrysantha Aquilegia flabellata Aquilegia vulgaris Arabis blepharophylla Arabis caucasica Arabis ferdinandi-coburgii Arenaria montana Armeria maritima Armeria pseudoameria Artemisia dracunculus Artemisia schmidtiana Aruncus aethusifolius Aruncus dioicus Asclepias tuberosa Asphodeline lutea Aster alpinus Aster amellus Aster tongolensis Astilbe arendsii Astilbe chinensis Astilboides tabularis Aubrieta deltoidea Aubrieta gracilis Aubrieta hybrida Aurinia saxatile

12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15-16 17 17 17 152 156 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21-22 22 22 23-24 25 25 25 26 27 26 152 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 30 30 32 32 33 18

B Barbarea rupicola Bergenia cordifolia Bouteloua gracilis Buphthalmum salicifolium

34 34 156 34

C Calamintha nepeta Calceolaria biflora Calceolaria hybrida Calocephalus brownii Caltha palustris Campanula carpatica Campanula cochleariifolia Campanula gargarnica Campanula glomerata

DUI_NED_ENG_p164-168.indd 167

35 35 35 36 36 37 36 38 38

Campanula lactiflora 38 Campanula latifolia ssp.macrantha 38 Campanula longistyla 39 39 Campanula medium 39 Campanula persicifolia Campanula portenschlagiana 40 Campanula poscharskyana 40 Campanula punctata 40 40 Campanula pyramidalis 156 Carex abulata Carex buchananii 156 Carex comans 157 Carex flagellifera 157 157 Carex howardii 157 Carex pendula Carex testacea 158 Carlina acaulis 41 Catananche caerulea 41 41 Centaurea dealbata 41 Centaurea macrocephala Centaurea montana 42 Centranthus ruber 42 Cerastium tomentosum 42 43 Ceratostigma plumbaginoides 43 Chaenorhinum origanifolium Chiastophyllum oppositifolium 43 Coreopsis grandiflora 44 Coreopsis lanceolata 44 44 Coreopsis verticillata 158 Cornephorus canescens Cortaderia selloana 158 45 Cyclamen hederifolium Cyperus glaber 158 D Delosperma cooperi Delosperma sutherlandii Delphinium belladonna Delphinium cultorum Delphinium grandiflorum Delphinium nudicaule Deschampsia cespitosa Dianthus arenarius Dianthus caryophyllus Dianthus deltoides Dianthus gratianopolitanus Dianthus hybrida Dianthus plumarius Dianthus x barbatus Dianthus x interspecific Dicentra eximia Digitalis grandiflora Digitalis mertonensis Digitalis purpurea Doronicum orientale Draba aizoides Duchesnea indica

46 46 46 47-49 50 50 159 51 51 51 52 51-52 52 53-54 54 55 55 55 55-56 57 57 57

E Echinacea purpurea Echinops bannaticus Echinops ritro Eragrostis eliotii Erigeron compositus Erigeron speciosus Erinus alpinus Erodium variabile Eryngium planum Eryngium variifolium Erysimum allionii Erysimum hybrida Erysimum linifolium

59 60 60 159 60 60 61 61 61 62 62 63 62

Erysimum suffruticosum Eucalyptus gunnii Eupatorium maculatum Eupatorium purpureum Euphorbia amygdaloides Euphorbia griffithii Euphorbia myrsinites Euphorbia polychroma Euphorbia x martinii

63 63 63 63 65 65 65 65 66

F Festuca amethystina Festuca cinerea Festuca ovina Festuca punctoria Festuca valesiaca Filipendula vulgaris Foeniculum vulgare Fragaria vesca

159 159 159 160 160 66 152 66

G Gaillardia aristata Gaultheria procumbens Gaura lindheimeri Gentiana cruciata Gentiana septemfida Geranium sanguineum Geum chiloense Geum coccineum Geum rivale Goniolimon tataricum Gypsophila cerastioides Gypsophila fastigiata Gypsophila paniculata Gypsophila repens

67-69 70 70 71 71 71 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73

H Helenium amarum Helenium autumnale Helenium hoopesii Helianthemum nummularium Helichrysum italicum Heliopsis helianthoides Helleborus niger Helleborus orientalis Hesperis matronalis Heuchera americana Heuchera sanguinea Hibiscus moscheutos Hieracium aurantiacum Hypericum androsaemum Hypericum calycinum Hypericum polyphyllum Hyssopus officinalis

74 74 74 75 75 75 76 76 76 77 77 78 78 79 79 79 152

I Iberis sempervirens Incarvillea delavayi Inula ensifolia

80 81 81

J Jasione laevis Juncus effusus

81 161

K Knautia macedonica Kniphofia uvaria Koeleria glauca

82 82 160

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L Lavandula angustifolia Lavandula stoechas Lavatera hybrida Leontopodium alpinum Leontopodium souliei Leucanthemum maximum Leucanthemum vulgare Levisticum officinale Lewisia cotyledon Leymus arenarius Liatris spicata Ligularia dendata Ligularia przewalskii Limonium latifolium Linaria alpina Linaria cymbalaria Linaria purpurea Linum perenne Lithodora diffusa Lobelia fulgens Lobelia speciosa Lobelia valida Lupinus polyphyllus Luzula nivea Luzula sylvatica Lychnis alpina Lychnis chalcedonica Lychnis coronaria Lychnis viscaria Lychnis x arkwrightii Lychnis x haageana Lysimachia punctata Lythrum salicaria

83-86 87 88 88 88 89 90 153 90 160 90 91 91 91 91 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 94-95 161 161 96 96 96 96 97 97 97 97

M Macleaya cordata Malva moschata Malva sylvestris Melissa officinalis Mentha piperita Mentha spicata Mimulus luteus Miscanthus sinensis Monarda didyma

99 98 98 153 153 153 98 161 99

N Nepeta faassenii Nepeta nervosa

99 100

O Oenothera macrocarpa Origanum vulgare

100 100, 153

P Papaver miyabeanum Papaver nudicaule Papaver orientale Pennisetum alopecuroides Pennisetum glaucum Penstemon barbatus Penstemon digitalis Penstemon hartwegii Penstemon mexicale Petrohagia saxifraga Phlox amoena Phlox douglasii Phlox paniculata Phlox subulata

DUI_NED_ENG_p164-168.indd 168

100 101-102 103 162 162 104 105 105-106 106 107 107 107 108 109

Physalis alkekengi Physostegia virginiana Platycodon grandiflorus Polemonium caeruleum Polemonium reptans Potentilla atrosanguinea Potentilla aurea Potentilla megalantha Potentilla nepalensis Potentilla neumanniana Potentilla recta Potentilla thurberi Primula auricula Primula bulleyana Primula capitata Primula cortusoides Primula denticulata Primula florindae Primula japonica Primula rosea Primula veris Primula vialii Primula vulgaris Primula x bullesiana Pritzelago alpina Prunella grandiflora Pulsatilla vulgaris

110 110 111 112 112 112 112 113 113 113 113 114 114 114 114 115 115 115 116 116 116 117 117 117 119 119 120

R Rodgersia aesculifolia Rodgersia pinnata Rosmarinus officinalis Rudbeckia fulgida Rudbeckia occidentalis Rumex acetosa Rumex sanguineus Ruta graveolens

121 120 121, 154 121 122 154 122 154

S Sagina subulata 122 Salvia argentea 122 Salvia lyrata 123 Salvia nemorosa 123-125 Salvia officinalis 126, 154 Salvia patens 126 Salvia roemeriana 127 Salvia sylvestris 127 Salvia x superba 127 Sanguisorba minor 155 Santolina chamaecyparissus 128 Saponaria hybrida 128 Saponaria ocymoides 128 Satureja douglasii 128 Satureja montana 155 Saxifraga x arendsii 129 Scabiosa caucasica 130 Scabiosa columbaria 130 Scabiosa japonica 130 Sedum acre 138 Sedum aizoon 133 Sedum album 138 Sedum cauticola 138 Sedum dasyphyllum 138 Sedum ewersii 135 Sedum floriferum 138 Sedum forsterianum 135 Sedum glaucophyllum 139 Sedum hybridum 133 Sedum kamtschaticum 135 Sedum kamtschaticum var. 139 135 Sedum makinoi Sedum oreganum 139

Sedum pulchellum Sedum reflexum Sedum sediforme Sedum selskianum Sedum sexangulare Sedum sieboldii Sedum spathulifolium Sedum spectabile Sedum spurium Sempervivum hybridum Sidalcea hybrida Silene alpestris Silene maritima Silene schafta Sisyrinchium bellum Sisyrinchium californicum Solidago canadensis Stachys byzantina Stipa arundinacea Stipa lessingiana Stipa tenacissima Stokesia laevis Symphyandra pendula

139 135 136 136 136, 139 136 139 133 136 141 141 141 141 141 142 142 142 142 162 163 163 143 143

T Tanacetum coccineum Tellima grandiflora Teucrium chamaedrys Thalictrum aquilegifolium Thalictrum delavayi Thymus citriodorus Thymus praecox Thymus pulegioides Thymus serpyllum Thymus vulgaris Tiarella wherryi Trollius chinensis Trollius europaeus

143 143 144 144 144 144, 155 145 145 145 155 146 146 146

U Uniola latifolia


V Valeriana officinalis Verbascum bombyciferum Verbascum olympicum Verbascum phoeniceum Verbena bonariensis Verbena rigida Veronica austriaca Veronica gentianoides Veronica longifolia Veronica peduncularis Veronica prostrata Veronica repens Veronica spicata Veronicastrum virginianum Vinca major Vinca minor Viola wittrockiana

155 146 147 147 147 147 148 148 148 148 149 149 150 151 151 151 151

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2011 January


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May June

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May June

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wk 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 37 38 39

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1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 1 5 12 19 26 2 6 13 20 27 3 7 14 21 28 4

October November wk 39 40 41 42 43 44 44 45 46 47 48

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December 48 49 50 51 52

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October wk 40 41 42 43 44


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Disclaimer The offered information in this catalogue has been carefully composed. However, opinions, circumstances and applications may very; if experiences miss we recommend a trial based application. Law and rules are not equal all over Europe. You must always follow the binding rules in your own country. Florensis (Hamer c.s.) takes no responsibility for possible damage resulting from using the information published on this website.

Š Florensis 08-10


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