1 minute read
Shamsa Derrick, Lady Margaret Hall, Masters-level student, MSc Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, Remote working
Work Projects
I conducted a literature review of over 20
low-income settlements in and around
Santiago, Chile. My work involved reading
many academic papers and other publications
and summarizing them in a database that logs
each source. The goal was to create a spreadsheet that codifies all of the published research
on these settlements. The organization will eventually publish its report on the settlements.
While this was year two of a four-year project, I was able to do some of the key leg work to
ensure that it goes smoothly in the future. I received a lot of support from my supervisor
who is leading the project. He included me in all of the team meetings and met with me one
on one to make sure that I was up to speed and understood my tasks. He made himself
available for questions via email and WhatsApp.
Daily Life
Since my internship was remote, I tried to designate a certain area of my house as my
workspace so that I could focus. Each day I set a goal for how much work I was going to get
done. It was helpful to take a walk after work after sitting for so many hours. It was also
important to make sure that I actually took a lunch break! I made sure to make time go see
friends and family too.
Lasting Impressions
I was surprised by how much this project related to the research I had done for my
undergraduate thesis. It was fascinating to learn about the politics of urban poverty in a
different region. I also gained a lot of practice analyzing academic papers. Reading and
writing in Spanish and attending group meetings in Spanish definitely improved my language
skills. It was a great experience! Thank you CEDEUS!