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Xantura Ltd

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made my experience even more valuable and lots of my knowledge alongside Geography

makes me really stand out to employers (or that's at least what my boss said). I feel that I have

gained so much from my two months with WSP, not just for my career but in life experience.

University I feel is very much like adulting with the training wheels, it protects me from the

harshest aspects while I develop my confidence whereas being in London very much does not,

flat hunting was not fun, but I got through it and now I know better for next time.

In terms of my career ambitions the internship has only strengthened my desires to work in

sustainability, and while I don't know what specific aspect of this broad field I will end up in not

only has the internship increased my knowledge that it is the right course, but it has made it

more likely that whatever I aspire for I can get.

BA Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, Final Year Undergraduate, remote


Work Projects

I am a Research Analyst, and so part of my job has

been working to build up research behind the value

cases my company deals with. I've written a report

and blogs on falling in the older population, and created some internal resources to help

present the issue to clients and raise awareness. I've also written a white paper on current debt

collection processes, explaining why and how they need to change. I've conducted a smaller

piece of research into market costs for the technology that the company uses. I've also been

working more closely with people on the consulting side of things, doing research to build up a

specific project in the special educational needs and disabilities area, and particularly in working

out visualisations for different pieces of data.

Xantura has been very accommodating, tailoring the internship to my preferences and giving

me support whenever I need it. I am included in meetings that aren't directly related to the

work I am doing so I have a more general picture of the organisation, and can upskill outside of

my specific areas. I also have weekly calls to check up on my general progress.

Daily Life

I worked remotely for the full extent of my internship,

except a day in the office at the beginning, and possibly a

day at the end, though I still have 2 weeks left. Working

from home has been much easier than I thought it would,

largely due to the amount I enjoy the work I have been

doing. It is also made easier by a bit of variation in the day

- mixing some meetings and more collaborative work in with longer projects that I have been

set to work on by myself. Making sure that you have plans in the evening to relax and switch off

helps too, and so does having someone outside of work to keep you accountable so that you

don't overwork. My hours are also pretty flexible, so I can take breaks if I really need them to

boost my productivity, and make up the time a bit later in the day. I think working from home

has made my experience fit in with my life a lot easier, but has made it harder to find my place

within the organisation and make connections.

Lasting Impressions

I've really loved my time with Xantura. Everyone at the company has been so accommodating

and helpful, and I love the work that they do helping vulnerable people. It's confirmed that

working in this sector is exactly what I want to be doing in my career, so has been really

affirming. It's given me a lot of drive and a conviction that I've found the role for me. It's also

eased any anxiety I had about career work, as I have enjoyed it so much that I'm just excited to

see what I'll do. I've upskilled in lots of areas both inside and outside of my role, and have

become even more inspired to improve my data analytics skills further. I'm also much more

confident in the work I can produce. It's been great!

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