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These are habits and principles which are difficult to develop unless you have done so via
experience and Coolwater gave me the opportunity to have this and improve myself beyond
the parameters of the projects I worked on. Learning about venture capital has made me keen
to work in dynamic industries and the exposure to a multitude of start-ups trying to solve many
of the most pressing issues the world is facing today has also given me hope for the future!
Matthew Campbell, Brasenose College, BA Economics and Management,
Brasenose College, First Year Undergraduate, remote working
Work Projects
As part of the project, my main task was to promote the
flagship youth program running a college essay writing
summer camp, primarily using social media. Beginning
with basic market research, I had to write draft
messaging, conduct market research, produce and
schedule a variety of content, and analyse its performance and impact. I managed to increase
core social media traffic across all platforms by 3 times, and the engagement rate by 41%. I had
daily meetings with my mentor Sam, who was very helpful and guided me through my tasks and
Daily Life
With it being online, I was able to plan my day myself. This meant I could start at 9, have a midday break to go the gym, and then get back to work and finish around 6:30/7. I'd begin by
analysing previous post performance, then consult this week's to do list and continue going
through it. This would normally involve planning and producing content, taking learning points
from social media performance, and doing research to explore how to better reach the desired
audiences. Every day would end with a 30 minutes (ish) meeting with my supervisor where
we'd go over my work for the day and make a plan for the next.