#25 September 1991

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i Number 25

The Diocese of Oxford Reporter: Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire

Prayer ears.'

EIGHT thousand Readers, more than one hundred of them from the Oxford Diocese, assembled in the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, on Saturday, June 22, to celebrate 125 years of Reader ministry. The preacher at the Eucharist was the Archbishop of Canterbury, who said that Readers had a particularly important part to play as teachers during the Decade of Evangelism. The chairman of the Readers' Association, the Bishop of Chester, welcomed the congregation. It was a mark of the importance of Reader ministry that both the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and so many diocesan and area bishops were there, he said. In his message, the Duke of Edinburgh, Patron of the Readers' Association, said that the change in the distribution of the population of this country in the last fifty years, and the restructuring of theparish system, had given the office of Reader a new meaning and responsibility. Geoffrey Wheeler, a Reader and a well-known broadcaster, portrayed the historical development of the Reader movement. Brian Redhead of Radio 4's = "Today" programme, interviewed a number of Readers . about their role in the world today, and there was a discussion on the future of the Reader ministry before' each diocesan group rose in t sequence, in a giant Mexican wave.

plastic pots supplied by courtesy of "Mr Sainsbury". There was, of course, a serious purpose to it all. Prayers and Bears was organised to bring together members of mid-week pram services from all over the Diocese. These are often run or supported by Mothers' Union members, but can sometimes become isolated from the Sunday congregations. During a special service of songs, stories and prayers the Bishop said that pram services were an important feature of the life of the Diocese. "The greatest gift you can give your child is your own growing and developing faith. If it's real, it will somehow find its way into the life of your child," he said. Felicity Randall is always pleased to advise parishes who would like to start a pram service. She can be contacted on Didcot (0235) 812114.

Of women priests and motherhood It promised to be the debate of the decade when the Diocesan Synod met on June 29. The motion proposed by the Revd Martin Peirce, Director of Ordinands was that members should approve the ordination of women priests. It was to be opposed by the Revd Edwin Barnes, Principal of St Stephen's Theological college. Would the debate be a bitter one? Would some members walk out, even abandon the Church of England there and then? In the event, it proved to be so gentle and considerate a discussion that it was almost an anticlimax. While the occasion has been far more divisive in some other dioceses, our Synod members did us proud and managed to produce a debate that was both thoughtful and good tempered. By saying "yes" to women priests we could "pioneer the way for the whole church," said the Bishop of Oxford, but stressed his par-


Readers celebrate 125 :YeaIS;

Inside The DOOR ticular responsibility to safe- was passed. guard the unity of the So there it was - the Dioceses. The Revd Susan ayes won the day. But there Cole-King, already a priest were no untoward displays in the USA, spoke of 2,000 of either jubilation or sorwomen priests in nine prov- row. Perhaps it was the inces in the Anglican Com- response to the call from munion. Two Oxford priests the agenda committee for expressed their anguished restraint. Perhaps it was an intention to leave the Church awareness of the seriousness of England if the legislation of the occasion. Perhaps it

really was the work of the Holy Spirit of Peace. (See reports on page 2, and the Bishop of Oxford writes on page 8). The popular image of The Mothers' Union is one of banners and cucumber sandwiches far from the cut and thrust of synodical debate. However, The DOOR reveals that this worldwide movement is firmly in touch with social concerns like the effects of the media on family life, AIDS, and homelessness. Rosemary Peirce tells how she developed from a nervous, newly-married curate's wife into the MU Diocesan President (page 6), and MU member Mary Kent describes her errand of mercy to Albania. There is a last look at the RAF's own parish church (pictured) before the lights go out at Abingdon air base (page 19), and a plea from Anne Kerr that we put ecumenism at the top of the agenda (page 7). All this and more inside The DOOR.

Sharing the Good News in the Decade of Evangelism


SEVEN hundred children, more than 500 adults and at least a thousand teddy bears of every shape and colour converged on Child Beale Park. near Reading, on June 27. They were arriving for Prayers and Bears, a bumper open-air service and picnic organised by The Mothers' Union for under-fives, their parents and carers from all over the Diocese. The day had dawned grey and chilly, with the promise of rain to come. But undoubtedly all those bear prayers worked wonders, and miraculously a warm sun had broken through by the time the Bishop of Oxford arrived resplendent in cope and mitre and accompanied by a particularly distinguished blue bear. The event was masterminded by Felicity Randall, Chairman of The Mothers' Union Young Families Department, who somehow co-ordinated the production of 1,000 teddy bears' picnics with minute strawberry, honey or Marmite sandwiches in miniature

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