Number 32
The Diocese of Oxford Reporter: Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
May 1992
ALL FOR RACIAL JUSTICE wo and a half million peole cannot walk our streets without the risk of insult or attack because of the colour of their skin, said Robin Richardson, Director of the Runnymede Trust. He was speaking on the theme of 'Christianity and Racial Justice: rebuilding and restoring' at the conference of Evangelical Christians for Racial Justice in Aylesbury on April 4. "Oi, Paid, wotcha doin'. in our Conference Report country? Go back to where you belong," taunted a group of boys roles were often interchangeaas they harassed a teenage Asian ble. Instead, he said we needed a girl on the streets of a British city theology and a prayer life about last year. Afterwards she turned making space for others her experience into a poem, us"about the unheroic and ordiing these opening lines, which nary tasks of maintaining social was quoted by Robin Richardfabrics of fairness and courtesy son. in good repair"." But incidents like this were only It is no accident, he said, that the tip of the iceberg, he said. the young writer of the poem Besides direct violence there was was a Muslim, because anti-Isthe 'structural oppression' of lamic feeling was a virulent and overcrowding, inadequate health growing form of racism. "There care and the division of families, is a project in current which disproportionately affectnarrow down the concept of Brited black and Asian communiishness to imply white people ties. only. A sinister aspect of this Unless we were prepared to project is to narrow Britishness challenge certain prevalent noalso to Christianity." tions of what it is to be British, He ended with a quote from the not much could be done about Archbishop of Canterbury's letdismantling oppressive structer declining to become patron tures and restoring justice. of the Church's Ministry among So it is important for Christians Jews: "The Church of England to be involved in political work is called in our day to work for which leads to justice and the good and harmonious commuending of oppression, and to nity relations. There is potential question the government on isfor much trouble here in our sues of race equality and cultural country if we ignore the need to diversity. But action and prayer nurture trust across boundaries needed to go together, said Robof faith communities." in Richardson. The Runnymede Trust is an Liberation theology had more organisation set up to improve to teach us than "the pieties of race relations in Britain and to the mainstream churches", but combat racial prej udice. Robin the trouble was that it divided Richardson is a member of St . people into the oppressed and Mary Magdalene, Woodstock the oppressors, whereas these
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It is a long long way from Jamaica to a garden in an English village. Yet Beverley Ruddock (pictured) has not only completed the journey but done it with great success and much good humour. Arriving as anl8-year-old to train as a nurse, she went on to become a teacher and eventually an educational pyschologist. She ik also a committed Christian, and the knowledge that God is with her has has kept her going where others might well have given up. Being black, she says, is not always easy, but she was warmly welcomed in her village church and has adjusted to her new way of life. A Methodist by upbringing, she decided last year to be Confirmed into the Church of England alongside her youngest son. You can read more about what God means in Beverley's life, on page 2. She is one of a several members of the Diocesan Race
Group who have contributed to this issue of The DOOR to celebrate our rainbow-coloured Church. Anna Thompson-Betts gives her view of racial issues (page 3), Okon Ironbar is the guest reporter for a Parish Profile of St Matthew's, Reading (page 19) and Moussa Conteh writes an article for Christian Aid Week (page 5). And did you know that in Oxford there is a Chinese Church, a group of Asian Christians and a Pakistani Bishop who is also a poet. Read all about them and the Diocese's new Black priest on pages 10-11. Not, however, before you have turned to Bishop Patrick Kalilombe's gentle reminder on page 9 that God is giving us a second chance to redeem our history. There is also the Earth Summit, a new Archbishop in Zaire, and a new black priest and a new Archdeacon in the Diocese. All inside The DOOR.
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