#33 June 1992

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The Diocese of Oxford Reporter: Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire

Number 33

June 1992


How we were encouraged aid Bishop Ed Salmon of South Carolina, one of the main speakers at the 1992 Oxford Diocesan Clergy Conference: "If you asked me what we did at Swanwick, I would say we encouraged people". The conference, which is held every three years, took place at Swanwick in South Derbyshire from May 5-8. The 374 delegates included some three dozen parish deacons, a handful of nonstipendiary ministers a cross-section of Diocesan Officers and 320 parish clergy. It was the largest conference the Diocese has ever held. The Bishop of Oxford greeted allcorners from a sunny spot on top of a litter bin by the registration hall. Inside, in scenes reminiscent ofwartime evacuations at London's principal railway stations, clergy and suitcases jumbled to find who was sharing what with whom. The theme of 'Re-imagining the parish in the Decade of Evangelism' had brought the clergy together to examine the priorities both for theirministries and for their own response to the calls of the Church for a period of heightened awareness towards evangelism and potential growth. To this end there were workshops on subjects ranging from all-age worship and non-eucharistic worship, to drama and story telling; from sex and gender as issues of power, to the concerns of the worldwide Church. The two main conference speakers were Elaine Storkey, who surveyed the sociology of he Church in Britain today.

against which all our own individual ministries are played out, and Bishop Salmon, who with 76 parishes in his diocese, has worked closely alongside his

ble study based on the first 15 chapters of Acts, led by Bishop John Taylor, the former Bishop of Winchester, who now lives in Oxford. Wearing his scholarship

Photos by Nicholas Cranfield


by Nicholas Cranfield

Bishop Richard takes up his welcoming position at the Swanwick Clergy Conference (see story) clergy to build them into a diocesan team. At Swanwick his chief concern was to encourage our ministries, and to recognise the valid amount of love and work which already surrounds many parishes. There was a daily Bi-

lightly, he led us into the growth and development of the early Church which then opens out again to the fulness of covering the world. The message behind both Bishops' talks was that growth in the life of the Church

is not a goal, but a fruit to be cherished and nurtured but which may never appear in our own lifetime. Many found that the auxiliary parts of the timetable provided the richest resources. In particular, the base groups allowed members of the Conference to reflect together in deanery gatherings at the end of each day, and to compare the day's expectations with the needs of their own parishes. In some cases these groups have already re-vitalised the work of some deanery chapters, and this will have long-term consequences. The final Eucharist on the Friday morning was a truly Diocesan family occasion. All our bishops took part, and after lunch sent home some with renewed vision for their parishes, and others with alonging for the wide open spaces of South Carolina. But almost all left with a sense of new hope. Perhaps Richard Thomas, the Diocesan Communications Officer, summed it up for everyone when he said after the conference: "The high level of morale amongst the clergy struck me most—generally, the high level of confidence in the Christian Gospel and in the Diocese's faithfulness to it. Perhaps this shouldn't have surprised me, but it did. It was very encouraging." • The Revd Dr Nicholas Cranfield is currently Principal ofthe Berkshire Christian Training Scheme, but leaves the Diocese in September to take up a new appointment as Chaplain of Selwyn College, Cambridge.

Inside The DOOR God in the life of Tenniel Evans, actor and priest More impressions of Swanwick Martin Peirce, Director of Ordinands, asks do we value our ordained ministers Find out if you are being called? Fly a kite for Pentecost YOUNG DOOR goes to South Africa

'Stimulating and refreshing' I arrived at Swanwick with some misgivings. As a lay industrial chaplain would I find a clergy conference on 'Re- imagining the Parish' altogether too clerical and too parochial? In reality it proved a stimulating and refreshing experience. Bishop Ed Salmon was such a stimulating and gifted communicator that his sessions were a delight. He stressed the ecclesial mission model of the Church with shared ministry, a community of stewards, existing for others. He also spoke of 'mind set' - that way of thinking which overrides others - and repeatedly the mind set he exposed was of the parish as church building and congregation. This was not

Bishop Ed Salmon chats to a delegate at Swanwick disputed by his audience. Is this how we seethe parish? If it includes all who live within its geographical boundaries it is more than this. My local parish surrounds the trading estate where I work- this did not seem to fit Bishop Ed's model. In one workshop on communicating the Gospel we explored our language and to talk about our faith in words which would be understood by our neighbour in the pub. As someone whose work is mainly among unchurched people I wondered how many parish priests really get to know people who are not in some way connected to the Church. Mrs Jo Saunders, GFS Industrial Chaplain, Slough (More impressions of Swanwick on Page 5)

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Deacon Sandy Hayter officiates at a wedding. Her experience of 'being called' is on page 10

haring the Good News in the Decade of Evangelism

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