#37 November 1992

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The Diocese of Oxford Reporter: Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire

Number 37

'We' re side by side'

Photos: Frank Blackwell


he small ecumenical Church of St Francis, Highlands - on a hillside overlooking Banbury made history at its dedication on Sunday, October 4. Not only is it the Diocese's newest church, it is also the first in the three counties, and possibly in the whole country, to bring together a Brethren church as well as more mainstream Anglican, Methodist, Roman Catholic and United Reformed churches, in a shared building project. The dedication took place, fittingly, on the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, when the church, which serves the Hardwick and Ruscote estates, overflowed with Christians from the five denominations it represents. The service was jointly led by the Right Revd Anthony Russell, Anglican Bishop of Dorchester, the Right Revd Terence Brain, the Roman Catholic Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham, the Revd Ian Duffy, the Methodist District Ecumenical Officer, the Revd Nelson Bainbridge, the United

'You are charged with the tremendous responsibility of making known God's love to the people of this community' Reformed Moderator of Wessex Province, and Mr Gordon Morgan, an Elder of Southam Road Evangelical Church (Brethren). The opening of the new church was the culmination of many dreams and much hard work, the Revd Nelson Bainbridge told the congregation in his address. "You are charged with the tremendous responsibility of making known God's love to the people of this community" he said.

Shared building Until now the area has been without a church. However, in 1987 during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, David Thomson, a Team Vicar of Banbury, suggested that there should be a series of ecumenical Sunday evening prayer meetings in the estates' community centre. In May, 1989, representatives from the five Churches signed a covenant "not to do separately what can be done together", and plans to build a shared church were developed. Work on the new church began early this year. Designed by Rathbone and Taylor, it cost only £150,000 and provides not only a worship area but also space for community activites such as a weekly mothers and toddlers group. The three crosses on top

of the church were made by Douglas Hall, an apprentice at the nearby Alcan factory, and were presented as a gift to the church. From the beginning, the URC members, Methodists and Anglicans will share a Sunday service. The Roman Catholic congregation will have a separate Mass, and the Brethren will continue to use their own church . However, there will be joint services each quarter and also at Christmas and in Lent and combined Bible study, prayer groups and pilgrimages. Even so, this is just a beginning, says the Revd Thea Jones, the URC Minister. Individual Chris tians in the town had been praying for a new church for many years, she said.

Example of unity A new 'Song for St Francis, Highlands', specially written for the occasion by Malcolm Bromhall, included the words "We're side by side, no more to stand alone". For John Willis, a member of the Roman Catholic congregation, they have a special significance. A convert from Anglicanism, he now feels he has the best of both worlds: "In these times where there is so much religious strife, I believe we must set an example of unity on our home ground - or how can we preach it elsewhere?"

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Above: gathering outside the new church. Below: clergy from the new church -Father Ted O'Malley, the Revd Thea Jones and the Revd Phillip Tovey

November 1992

Diocese adds voice to coal outcry As news broke of the massive threat to employment in Britain's coal industry, The Revd Bob Nind, Acting Industrial Chaplain, led the Diocese's response to the proposed shock closure of 31 pits by asking a series of questions of Michael Heseltine, the President of the Board of Trade (also an MP in this Diocese) and other Government members. 1.Does the Government subsidise the nuclear power industry to the equivalent of a ton of coal and is this not intervention in the market? 2. Do not National Power and PowerGen have to compete with this subsidy through the national grid? 3. With imported coal heavily subsidised by foreign governments and a hidden subsidy from this government to the nuclear industry, how can British Coal hope to compete on equal terms? 4. Is not British Coal produced more cheaply than in any other European country, when foreign subsidies are removed from the equation? 5. Will the price of foreign coal automatically rise when British coal is no longer available to compete with it? 6 Is it not true that it will cost the equivalent of £15 a ton to sustain the miners and their families in unemployment? It is hard to see any moral justification in closing the pits in the middle of a serious recession," said Bob Nind.

Now, for some really Good News turn to our feature for Bible Sunday on page 10.

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