#41 April 1993

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Number 41

April 1993

The Diocese of Oxford Reporter: Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire

New, faces of mission T


Atlantic mystery tour An American teacher will fly the Atlantic especially to take part in the Long Crendon Mystery Plays for the second time. Dan Wallace, who will take the part of Jesus in all five plays, is a school teacher in a Maine secondary school. "It was my singing which brought me to the Mystery Plays," says Dan. While studying at Cuddeson in 1981 he happened to attend Long Crendon Church, near Thame in Oxfordshire, with his wife Marilyn. "Although most English hymn tunes are not familiar to an Episcopalian, the man next to me pounced on me after the service, explaining that he was producing one of the forthcoming Mystery Plays and that my voice was exactly right for one of the parts." Despite college exams, the prospect was too exciting to resist, and Dan took part. Now, 12 years later, with the cooperation of a sympathetic headmaster, he is flying over to take part again. "The Mystery Plays are a staggering manifestation of the vitality of the people of Long Crendon, Chearsley and Nether Winchendon. I can only hope that, by accepting God's gift of this opportunity to be together for Him, we may further His purpose and enrich both our community and our lives." Dan Wallace said. This year's Mystery Plays will be performed at St Mary's Church. Long Crendon on April 28, 29, 30 and May 1. Box Office: Long Crendon 208654.

Easter Greetings to alt DOOR

readers Inside the DOOR this month

Photo: Frank Blackwell

he Anglican Commun- who had spent her working life as ion came to Dorchester a missionary in India. Abbey on Sunday, The Hutchinsons are going to March 14. Students from all over work with the Church in Venethe world studying at USPG's zuela. Ian, formerly curate at St College of the Ascension in BirMary- the-Virgin Church, Iffley, mingham mingled with parish- has been appointed priest-inioners from around the Oxford charge of the church in Ciudad Diocese, tO witness the commisGuayana, a large city in the north sioning of four new USPG miseast of the country. He will also sionaries by the Bishop of Ox- be setting up a theological trainford. ing programme. Raffaella will be It is the first time in USPG' s developing the diocesan social recent history that a Diocese has programme there, and will work commissioned missionaries. among the city' s street children. Also unusual was the fact that For Ian, going to Venezuela feels the wives were also commislike 'going home', as he has lived sioned, alongside their husbands. in many Latin American counThe service had been planned tries. Raffaella is Italian, and has by the four missionaries, the worked with a Roman Catholic Revd Ian and Mrs Raffaella missionary order amongst the Hutchinson homeless in and the Revd Turin, and in Report Nicola Cume Dr James and Zaire. The two Mrs Judith met while 'RafGardom, who also led the interfy' was finishing her degree in cessionary prayers. One of the Oxford. parishes supporting them is St The Gardoms also have strong Mary's, Chaigrove, and their Diocesan links. They met while choir in bright yellow sweat shirts studying theology and philososang at the service along with an phy at Oxford University. international choir from the ColReturning from their first postlege of the Ascension complete ing in Zimbabwe, James trained with African drums. for ordination at Ripon College, A challenging sermon on con- Cuddesdon and served his curacy temporary mission was given by in Witney. the Revd Philip Wetherell, Head They are returning to Zimbaof USPG Mission Personnel, bwe with their two young chilwho emphasised that mission dren, Clare and Joseph, to take up today is as much about receiving posts at the new national Theofrom the worldwide Church as logical College in Harare. James about giving to it. has been appointed Dean of StudMore than 350 people filled ies, and Judith will be teaching. the Abbey. They included friends Both couples take up their new of USPG and people from par- appointments at Easter time. TheDOOR will bringmore news ishes who are supporting the projects. "Our parish feels as of the Hutchinsons and the Garthough we are sending the mis- doms once they have settled into sionaries," said one parishioner. their new ministries. Meanwhile "They never gave us a send-off our love and prayers go with like this! " said an elderly lady them.

Pictured at the Abbey (Itor): James and Judith Gardom with children Clare and Joseph, and Ian and Raffaella Hutchinson

Budget impact is 'outrageous' The Church Commissioners have produced some early figures which show the effect of the budget on individual clergy and churches. Clearly, the biggest factor in this budget is the VAT on domestic fuel. VAT at 8% in 1994 could cost the Church an extra £3 million, and at the full rate of 17.5% in 1995 some £7 million. The average clergyman will pay about £354 extra tax in 1994, including the increase in national insurance, the restriction of married couple's relief and VAT on fuel at 8%. Church groups have welcomed the lowering of the minimum gift aid from £400 to £250, and the increase in the give-as-you-earn maximum from £600 to £900.

However, the greatest concern of Churches is for those on low wages. Church Action on Poverty, the ecumenical group concerned with poverty issues, has described the Chancellor's imposition of VAT on domestic fuel as 'outrageous'. Paul Goggins, National Coordinator of CAP said: "What the Government is proposing is a tax on warmth and light. This is just the latest example of how switching taxes from incomes to spending takes money from those least able to pay". CAP point out that households in the bottom fifth of the income range spend proportionally twice as much on fuel than those on higher incomes, and that those who rely on Income Support already

only receive about two-thirds of what they need to meet their basic requirements. The Revd Paul Nicholson, group vicar in the Hambleden Valley, strongly condemned the move. He said: "We are told that an amount will be added to Income Support to cover the addition of VAT but there is no way of knowing whether the amounts already allowed are sufficient to cover basic need." However, the environmentalist group, Friends of the Earth, have welcomed the move. "By spending about £500 on energy efficiency measures over the next two years, the average household should be able to guarantee avoiding this tax burden."

• Is your vicar's wife an artist, a research scientist or a lecturer in theology who also keeps Jacob sheep? Possibly not, but our middle page feature (pages 12 and 13) reveals that she is bound to be much more than 'just the vicar's wife'. *-Whether you are a Christian or not, coming to terms with disability is never easy. Pages 6 to 8 look at how some disabled people have triumphed over their problems. One is the Revd Richard Woodward, pictured below.

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