Sharing the Good News in the Decade of Evangelism
rE D Issue Number 46
The Diocese of Oxford Reporter: Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
For alithe sai nts!
October 1993
Inside the DOOR FAMILY MATTERS page 5 onwards 1994 is the UN Year of the Family. But family life has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. How are Christians coping with the changes? What are they doing to support the family? The Mothers' Union in the Year of the Family (page 5), stories from family life (page 10 -11), and the reflections of a Christian Relate counsellor (page 13) are just some of the family matters we touch on in this issue.
JOURNEY TO ORDINATION page 6 The extraordinary journey of one woman's journey to ordination is the subject-of our God in the Life of feature.
First new Church Aided School in the Diocese forfifty years It really was back to school with a smile for 70 Didcot primary children on September 7 when All Saints, the first new Church Aided School in the Diocese for more than 50 years opened its doors. The school will build up to a role of 300 children over three years. It includes a nursery class with 56 part - time places. The building have been designed by Michael Gotch of Woodstock so that part of it can be used by the community out of school hours. One school hall for instance, will be used on Sundays as an ecumenical worship centre for a new Church of England / Baptist congregation. The new school on Didcot's rapidly expanding Ladygrove estate was orginally scheduled to open in 1988. However, the governors were concerned that the original site, beneath a major power cable, might affect the children's health so a new site was found. The recession slowed down the development of the area causing further delays. Michael Walker, the new chairman of the Governors has been involved with the school's progress for eight years as a temporary governor. "The day those children walked up to the new school I could hardly believe it. But this is not just for the children of Didcot but for the whole community", he said. All Saints School cost £1,500,000 to build. Funding came from four sources: the Oxford Diocese from school closures, the Department of Education, Oxfordshire County Council and South Oxfordshire District Council. "The Diocese welcomed this opportunity in expanding Didcot in order to ensure that Church schools continue for the future" ,said the Revd Tony Williamson, Diocesan Director ofducation (Schools) The school has a staff of five teachers and five non-teaching staff. Its headteacher, M/s Sue Mantell ,formerly head of Stockwell School, Wantage, was appointed in June 1992 so that she could supervise the completion of the building, the puchase of equipment and the'planning of the curriculum. Philip Dalloway, Priest in Charge of All Saints Church, Didcot is delighted at the 'tremendous challenge' both the new school and the new Ladygrove worship centre provide. The Revd Joan Impey,
Curate of All Saint's will be in charge of the worship centre together with her Baptist colleague, the Revd Keith Nichol. On October 21 the Bishop of Reading for the Anglicans and the Southern Area Superintendent for the Baptists will jointly conduct a dedication service there. The Bishop will also spend the afternoon meeting children, parents and staff and blessing the new school.
And at Didcot's Northbourne School... Not to be left out, Didcot's Northborne CE Primary School has also some changes to report. They have a new head, Mrs Kathleen Cook who replaced Di Steel who was so tragically killed last year in a gliding accident. They also have some new buildings which replace old terrapin huts. For the children, there was another unexpected cause for celebration. When the old buildings were demolished, the new ones failed to arrive on time so the three classes affected had to add another week to their holiday!
one village
Between High Street & Oriel Square Oxford Also Woodstock and Cheltenham
"We're all new together" said Head teacher, Sue Mantell outside All Saints School. With her (left to right) are: Natalie Brome, Charlotte Kirsty Jarvis, O'Donnell, Jamie Betteridge, Richard Hilton and Martin Davenport. They were photographed by Frank Blackwell.
HALLOWEEN page 15 It's time to face the truth about Halloween, writes Richard Miller. Plus: more photos from the Bishop's Pilgrimage toTaizé,something for children to make for a church bazaar and books about womens' role in Christian history(page 14) are all in this DOOR.
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